INVINCIBLE Season 2 Episode 6 FULL Breakdown, Omni-Man Easter Eggs and Ending Explained

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You conquered hundreds of planets brought glory to the empire you were one of our greatest warriors Welcome back everyone It's Charlie This will be my four Invincible Season 2 Episode 6 video There's a whole bunch of Easter Eggs and references. We'll have a couple more episodes before the finale, too. So if you're brand new to the channel, be sure to subscribe to get all the episodes. We also learned a little bit about Season three to we'll start at the beginning of the episode, going through, shot by shot, talking about Easter eggs, WTF moments, starting with the episode title. It's not that simple, which is a reference to all the different storylines. The dissolution basically of Mark and Ambers relationship Invincible and his girlfriend Atom Eve. Thinking about becoming a superhero again on a permanent basis. Because these will Stedman wants are on the Guardians of the Globe to make up for all the people that just died couple of holes in their roster right now. Ian, what's going on with Oliver within trying to raise him at their home in a loving environment instead of turning it into a glorified pincushion and test baby for Cecil you could also say it's a bit of a reference to the end of the episode with Omni-Man, there's a bit of an end credits scene tag where they reveal him inside the military prison with General Kregg interrogating him, trying to get him to reveal why he turns soft. Like why did you turn against the Viltrumite empire in the light is that it's not meant to be that simple. Like he didn't just decide to turn against the build to my empire because he'd been serving them for so long. but over time, he actually did fall in love with Debbie, and he obviously loved his son Invincible. That's why he left Earth in the first place. So they inspired him to slowly become a good person. Like we're teasing the redemption of Omni-Man here. but the actual opening scene just opens directly after the ending of episode five with King Lizard actually shooting Rex Blood in the head. They want you to think that he's dead in the moment here, but obviously he does wind up surviving the head wound. even if you're not a medical expert, the thing about this is that regular humans in real life can survive head wounds like this. Miraculously, like you hear crazy stories like this all the time, like people getting spikes, driven through their head and being able to walk away. But for some strange reason, their personality makes them big change because their brain has fundamentally been altered, like they're missing a portion of their brain. one of the benefits, though, is that in the invincible universities or Steadman, the Global Defense Agency, has a lot of medical technology, this way more advanced than normal medical technology. So, like they could regrow some of his limbs, they can help heal his brain. But while he's busy bleeding out here, back on the Martian ship, they're still fighting off the squids trying to save Atom Eve, robot engineers and area of effect weapon to disable them at the same time shapes. Smith kind of redeems himself a little bit, holding them at bay in time for him to finish the device. And you start to see Invincible taking charge here, like actually being a superhero. Like, No, no, no. I'm the strongest person here. I'm the fastest, the most durable. I should be the one to bum rush all the Segways and try to set this off they pull one of the many awkward twists in the episode. They kind of did this in last week's episode to where their overconfidence kind of gets the best of them, where they think that they've won, they've saved the day. But then all of a sudden they revealed they haven't The device fails because the squids have taken control of Atom Eve Robot, even them controlling Atom Eve would be enough because she is so powerful. remember, she's typically operating with a huge handicap. She's way more powerful than she lets on. she can change biological matter. So like with a snap of her fingers, she could turn all the guardians of the globe instantaneously into lumps of flesh. Theoretically, the squid's taking control of her mind could override this mental block that's been put on her when she was a child. they're able to get in a double tap, though, bringing them both together, her and robot using the device again, which works temporarily enough for them to leave the ship and trap them all without a host because they can't take control of the Martians. like the SEC was need some other alien being this not a martian to do this. effectively the squids or stranded there Now. back on earth. Rex upload is able to surprise and then kill king lizard basically turning his head into mush. they gave him a version of the invincible title trope. They did this all the time with Invincible during season one, where he would joke about being invincible and almost see the title just as he was getting his ass kicked. so kind of the same context here with Rex Blow just on the edge of death. Like, I'm basically invincible as the title shows. end, like they've been doing all season so far and each new episode, every time they show the title, it takes a little more damage with more of the black and red breaking off in falling, revealing the black and blue title underneath this is meant to be a reference to Invincible, eventually getting his black and blue suit from the comics because his old suit takes so much damage and because he's gone through so much emotionally and so many adventures and he's had so much growth since he originally got that first suit. metaphorically and literally. He's just ready for another new suit, like a fresh new start. but the way they play this in the episode, they're probably going to wait till like the very end of the season to roll that out. Like, we probably won't actually see him in the blue suit until the beginning of season three. they go back to explode as he kills over and they take him back to the hospital. also revealing the shrinking rays survived and finishes pushing her way out of Komodo dragons, opening where his head used to be. there were so many people that were convinced about who lived and who died after last week's episode just because of the way that comics play out. But this is a good example in this episode of how they changed the comics, basically they scrambled, who lived and who died from the comics. So R.I.P. to duplicate. while they're busy dealing with that WTA the Guardians of the Globe in Invincible get stopped by the Martians who want to put shapes myth to death for letting the squids escape the planet in the first place because it is his fault this all happened. they pull another one of those cut to jokes, calling an audible, revealing that they just bum rush the Martians to get to the ship and escape while they try to shoot them down. Barely making it This time the real Russ is with them. None the worse for wear. The funny thing they do here, too, with Invincible is sending him out to the vacuum of space to destroy their ships. Because he's so powerful, though He's able to destroy their ships so easily that it just makes it look super casual. And he apologizes to each of the Martians when he's doing it. Like he doesn't want to kill them. He just wants to disable their ships. he and Atom Eve have kind of a moment when he returns. They're kind of teasing the development of their relationship. His relationship with Amber still has to die before that happens, But you kind of see that play out over the course of this episode, like the natural dissolution of their relationship. Just to show you why they should not be together. this is a bit of a change from the comics because in the comics he broke up with Amber a long time ago. So they've kind of prolonged this storyline through this season. I think just because they want to push his relationship with Atom Eve to like season three and beyond. the funny thing about his relationship with Amber this season two is that even though technically they still been boyfriend and girlfriend, he's been off planet so much. they've been apart so much, she's kind of turned into more of like a friend with benefits at this point, even the immortal congratulating Invincible, seeming like he's slowly coming around like everyone except Cecil is coming around on him. He's finally starting to prove to everyone that he's not going to turn out like omni-man try and take over the planet. Even though technically General Kregg in the Viltrumites gave him that secret mission to basically do just that. Like now you have to take over the planet in your father's place or will come and kill everybody. robot in Monster Girl. Also have a little bit of a moment. She's kind of into him, but because she's so much older in reality is sort of like going out with a child just because his emotional skills, his interpersonal skills are that of a child. Essentially. You can feel her frustration with him. like he has absolutely zero social skills, but this whole adventure with him was more about learning to deal with his fear, because now he's actually in the action physically, whereas previously it was always a remote kind of thing for him, where he was off safe inside his tank. back at home, Cecil continues to try and get Debbie to turn Oliver over into his custody at the GDF. She pretty much warmed up to him by not like all of her, treating him like any other member of the family and is already way, way bigger in talking now. will probably see his powers manifest by the end of the season. they also use this argument to remind you that the whole reason why Invincible became a superhero in the first place instead of turning evil like all the other invincibles in the other universes, is because of the positive influence of his mother raising him the right way. So now they basically want to replicate that with Oliver. Like Oliver will turn out good as long as we give him a loving family to grow up with And this is pretty much right out of the comics. Like this is pretty much the way things go. they have another joke about the Guardians crash landing the Martian ship in the lawn of the Pentagon because they didn't know how to actually land it properly. And they run into Donald in the waiting room here, who's having his own long, dark night of the soul moment because of everything that just happened with his storyline, learning that he's a cyborg clone of the original Donald They confirmed that duplicate did wind up dying. A lot of people were confused about this. I assume that she died after last week's episode. But in the comics it's a little bit different. so you think that's what was throwing people for a loop. They were expecting it to be exactly like the comics This is a good example of how they are changing some things like they're adding things that were not in the comics for some characters and they're just flat out changing things outright. but generally, most of the storylines are meant to be from the comics, like it is pretty close to the comics. this is shrinking gray slowly recovering in a hospital bed. It seems like it's going to take the rest of the season for her to get better prior to season three. They do manage to stabilize Rex Blow. They give him this special headgear that's going to help him heal his brain. Invincible finally reunites with Amber back in college, telling her everything that happened. when he goes back home to reunite with Oliver and his mother, they reveal that his mother is the person that gave him the Oliver. Her name from the comics Meant to be named for Debbie's father, Invincibles. A grandfather on his mother's side. his grandfather on his built right side. Omni-Man father is kind of a comic book spoiler at this point, So we'll have to wait to talk about Omni-Man secret history within the ultra termites because it's a big, big story plot point. But they probably won't get to that till much, much later on the show. maybe they'll reveal it in the next couple of seasons. If you have read ahead in the comics, please don't post that spoiler in the comments. But the comics are all out there like they finished the comic book a long time ago, so you can actually read ahead anytime you want. they're the funeral for duplicate. An immortal references her back story when he mentions her powers came from a family curse that reminds you she also has a brother that we saw at the beginning of season two with all of his duplicates in that supervillain prison He's got the exact same powers like they both got their powers from that same family curse, except he became a super villain, unlike Duplicate, who became a superhero. Maybe he'll come back at some point later this season. They also use the immortal speech to remind you of all the people that he loved and lost. Like this has happened to him many, many times over the years because he just continues to live. And it'll happen to Invincible eventually, to all the human people that he loves. They have a really awkward moment with Invincible and Amber where they try to reunite, but it feels kind of like a first day for the two of them. They get really relationship in this episode. But just to show you the slow dissolution of their relationship, Generally, I think people saw this coming a mile away at the beginning of the season, like it was only a matter of time, but they were just going to show it play out over the course of the season. They revealed the GDF has healed Rick from season one who had been turned into a reanimated Donald brings him back also starts implying that he still has a lot of his own trauma that he's dealing with. I think they're using Rick's storyline here with William to kind of tease that everybody in college generally is kind of pairing off with their own people or like slowly drifting away from Invincible because they're busy with other things. And Invincible himself is sort of drifting away because he's doing more and more superhero stuff. So pretty much all of his old friends like Amber and William, they're all just kind of drifting apart slowly. He goes to see Rex blowed, who seems like he's trying to turn over a new leaf. Like he's having his own long, dark night of the soul. Like, Wow, I was such a butthole. I should be nicer to people now. I don't think it'll be a total 180 for him. But he will slowly try to redeem himself for as long as possible. merrily. Theory right now is that he will also be down for the count like he'll be out of commission until season three. They also reveal his guilty pleasure is reading coming home decorating magazines. But because he's never had a real home. So he kind of longs for what he's never had. there a couple of funny moments here, too. When Debbie is interviewing nannies, like Helga here is meant to be a parody of Mary Poppins, who she thinks is working for Cecil, who actually is like, she's an actual normal nanny. But then she winds up meeting someone who is working for seasonal. the April Howson character is from the comics, she works for the GDF, and everything that she tells to Debbie is the truth. There's no long con here, like she's not hiding anything. Like she basically tells her, No, no, no, you're my boss. I don't work for Cecil, even though technically I work for the GDF Generally, she's meant to be a positive person who wants to help her, who just has experience in raising superhero children, tutoring superhero children. fun fact, too. She's voiced by Calista Flockhart, who's super famous. I'm not sure how Robert Kirkman got her to do the show. Like, I'm not sure what their connection is. Maybe they're just friends in real life outside of this. There are a lot there are a lot of famous people playing voice actors on the show, For instance. We found out that Shantel Vansanten is going to be voicing Agnes Mosley. You might remember her from the boys or from the Flash TV show. Cecil, then comes the talk to Atom Eve and try and get her to join the Guardians of the Globe to make up for the loss of duplicate in the temporary sidelining of Rex blood and shrieking break. They have a big hole in their roster right now. When he references the place that he grew up, they might get into his backstory more in the future. They've hinted at it briefly in the past. he's got his own very tragic origin story. Just look at his messed up face. then they get super relationships with Amber coming to talk to Atom Eve about Invincible and Invincible going to see Art to talk about Amber. I wasn't really a big fan of this part of the episode, but you kind of see why they're doing this. They just want to show them slowly drifting apart Like this is the reason why we should not be going out anymore. it's also an excuse for them to bring Mark Hamill back on the show because Mark Hamill does the voice of art. they kind of tease him, also making his new blue and black suit. But that's not going to happen to like the very end of the season. Like I said They also use this conversation to give him Nolan's sci fi books like these are all your father's books that he gave to me a long time ago. I never read them, but maybe there's something interesting here, and it has all the secrets of the weapons and the powerful people that he wanted him to learn about. Basically, everybody inside the books, all these places, all these creatures are powerful enough to help fight the build from ice. Invincible starts actually reading on the man's books. The Man with the Invincible Gun is all about space racer. He's meant to be a parody of Lobo in Thor combined with a gun that he calls the Infinity Ray in. The stories are being narrated by Omni-Man to help set up his return later in the episode. Like, by the way, he's back. They also use these sort of cartoons as he's reading the stories to show you how everything works. Like this is how the gun works, destroying a bunch of aliens. Then the blast is so powerful that just continues and destroys a planet in his path to Savage Planet Savage Beast is all about the ragnarr's They're a lizard like race of super powerful monsters because they evolved on a planet with incredibly high gravity. the whole idea is that when Omni-Man first came to Earth to start his mission initially, like when he met Deb for the first time, he needed to have some sort of cover story like a day job to pretend like he was a real person. As part of this persona, he created and part of that was being a sci fi writer. So he wrote these books, but they were all based on the adventures that he had earlier when he was just part of the regular Viltrumite army going around trying to take care of threats to their empire. basically they would just send people around the universe looking for things that could potentially threaten them and get rid of them. these were all meant to be examples of races, beings, weapons that they found that were too powerful for them to deal with. than a mortal continues to have a very bad like clearly not doing well mentally, not in a good space, refuses to go on a vacation. And then after Alan, the alien shows up looking for invincible. They have a bit of a fight until Invincible actually does show up to get them to kill, I wouldn't say it's much of a fight, though, because Alan is so powerful now. He would have been able to defeat Immortal pretty easily. they have a couple of funny moments. Like the tone here of their awkward meeting is meant to be like his first meeting with Invincible, where he tried to explain them like, No, no, no, I'm not here to fight. Alan also seems weirdly obsessed with douchebags. but the whole idea is that he's here to get invincible. Help with that is his grand plan Like he tells them about their plan to fight the Viltrumites, the war that they're getting ready to actually start. also the fact that Thaedus is himself a Viltrumite invincible explains to him what happened to his father Omni-Man, how he snuck in the Viltrumite prison in this sort of set up his eventual prison break, like, he's not going to prison. I hear the Viltrumite have a prison. Maybe we can do something about that. notice while they're talking. Also, they have the science dog poster in the background reminding you of that episode, the first half of season two. Basically, something similar happened where an alien showed up to try and get him to leave the planet on a mission with him. also inside the invincible universe. Science Dog is basically meant to be a doctor. Strange parody that even though Invincible refuses to leave because he's just left planet twice as a consolation, he gives Alan the information in all of his books, which Alan already knows about. Like he already understands the secret of the books. Space racer. Yeah. There's a legend about him. Nobody actually knows where he is. We think that he's a myth. implying that it's going to be Alan, the alien who will just go around the universe trying to collect all these weapons and these people to help them fight when Invincible tells them to call him for help, when the actual war against the ultralight starts, like when the fighting starts, I will help. that is true to the comics. But the actual war against the Viltrumites doesn't really happen until much, much later in the story. there's so much stuff that happens before that into dovetail with that storyline. They show you the actual build to my prison with General Craig interrogating and explaining how they'll try executions work, basically waiting until they're fully healed to kill them because of their rituals and customs. Also, he's trying to win him back to their side. Like, you know, we don't have to kill you if you want to turn back to our side again. they also use this scene to do a quick tour around the prison, showing you some of the other aliens who are there. Not everyone like there are a couple surprises in that prison. The wait till the end of the season to reveal couple really big characters coming back into the story. then, back on Earth. The real version of Russ goes back to his apartments are cleaning up the mess the shape Smith Let just completely trashed the place. It makes it seem like a squid somehow made it back there and takes over his body again. But here's the thing. I think this is a misdirect. I think this is meant to be him hallucinating the squid, just because he has so much PTSD. When they brought him back to earth like the SEC was never let me sleep. Please just let me go home to sleep. he is probably out of his mind right now. So he's probably just hallucinating. What's happening here the during the post-credits scene, they have a lot of post-credits scenes in Invincible Angstrom Levy in another reality gets a new suit made saying that he's about to come back to the main universe for Invincible to have their final battle, even though technically it's not really their final battle. here's the thing, though. A couple of Easter eggs here, like he walks through a couple of different realities with the suit. They're different versions of Earth, like he's walking through other Earths. Well, this is happening. If it wasn't clear, this version of Earth is still in a prehistoric state. this is meant to be an earth where everyone is turned into zombies. I think it's meant to be a walking dead Easter egg because Robert Kirkman created both the invincible comics and The Walking Dead. This is a universe where the Earth is trapped in an ice age. In this last one is Invincibles Main universe. Also Angstrom Levy's original universe. That's why he says it's good to be home again And they kind of make it seem like, based on the pacing here, that they're going to turn the last two episodes into like a two part finale with their battle just stretching out over both of the episodes there are a bunch, though, a bunch of storylines they have to wrap up. We haven't even seen Anissa yet. She's supposed to show up. I'm guessing she might not appear to like the very end of the finale. Like after his battle with Angstrom Levy. Just based on all the season two trailer footage. You can let me know when you think that she's supposed to show up. She is going to wreck him. Like if you felt like this episode, Episode six was kind of a chill downer kind of episode, things are probably going to be super crazy for the last two episodes, There were a whole bunch of Easter eggs. So if there are any of these spotted in the episode that I didn't talk about in the video, just write them below in the comments in my full Episode seven video will post next week after they release that big reminder that we've also started X-Men episodes over on the Marvel side of things everybody click here for my X-Men Episode one video in episode two video Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 214,342
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Keywords: Emergency Awesome, Invincible Season 2 Episode 6, Invincible, Trailer, trailer, Invincible Season 2 Episode 7 Trailer, Spider-Man 4 trailer, Invincible Season 2 Trailer, Deadpool and Wolverine Trailer, Invincible Season 2 Part 2 Trailer, deadpool and wolverine trailer, deadpool and wolverine, Wolverine, wolverine trailer, Deadpool 3 Wolverine, Invincible Anissa, Deadpool Wolverine Trailer, Marvel, Movies, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, 2024, Deadpool, invincible, Spider-Man, Omni Man
Id: cOBGIhy2hJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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