Loki attacks Earth - revenge for Thor's death

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[Music] go get him boss you would do best to kneel before a god you're gonna take that i'm in the middle of something here damn it fury pick up hey i'm telling you it's safer for everyone if i fend for myself [Music] i'm a little busy here widow lady trouble well what exactly is it that brought you here mr loki vengeance director fury you failed to comprehend the enormity of the situation what's in the box such insolence will not be tolerated and your planet will be taken as retribution [Music] declaring war on this planet will not bring your prince back sweet he's not wrong we are not allies then let me help you what a fascinating choice of words but i shall require the entire corpse very well you have until the next rise of midgard sun to deliver my brother's assassin or i will reduce this planet to ash and ice [Music] you
Channel: MovieManiac
Views: 1,338,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What if, What if?, Marvel's what if?, Loki, Movie maniac
Id: twgc3yWI7AA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 41sec (101 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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