Logan Paul & Team Maverick Interview Sadhguru

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Praud moment for India

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alright I did not think it was ever possible but Logan Paul is finally interviewing someone even more messed in the head than him.

Does he want to have a chat with Jaggi make himself sound intellectually superior.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What's shit guru upto ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fun_egg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world that's the statistical fact i know what you're thinking logan you're not on your typical impulsive set and you're absolutely right the backdrop behind me is probably not fooling you there's a good reason for that we have a very very special guest today one of the biggest crowds we've had as well like there's got to be what's 700 to 1000 people closer to the latter standing behind the cameras right now hit that subscribe button guys uh i'm going to say before this episode starts take out a notepad honestly this could be one of the most impactful impulsive episodes we've ever had with one of the most special guests we've ever had and it's actually why we're sitting outside i got the opportunity for my dear friend and ex-roommate andre to have this guest on our podcast and he said the only way the only way he'll do it is if you if we were able to do it outside obviously with a studio in my garage that doesn't count i said you know what we'll move it outside for this guy because i really do i believe in him and i was able to attend an event that you guys had the other day and i i just learned how how badass and how full of wisdom this sky sitting across from you so ladies and gentlemen without further ado we have in our presence one of the most prominent most viewed spiritual gurus in the world on the premises ladies and gentlemen sod guru my maid maria found out you were coming i saw her standing behind the van and shooting me she she was sweating i said maria why are you sweating she said i love this guy i follow all of this stuff and she says i think she's here somewhere she's right over there she's so excited for you to be here and uh when i was at andre's you know we're all waiting for you to show up and i don't know what to expect right but you come cruising in on a motorcycle took off your helmet and it's like a divine light just like was shining down on you and then you took your seat sang a hymn and gave these nuggets of wisdom that made so much sense to me and you caught my attention when you began speaking by saying you were the one that was skeptical of everything i'm like you see it to believe the type of guy you're trying i'm trying so that's why i started growing on my beard because yours is obviously so long plentiful bountiful and full of wisdom but uh you caught my attention because the things you were saying seem so grounded in reality they seem so so so uh believable and practical utilitarian and applicable to life and they made sense to me so just happy to have you here uh andre again thank you for making this happen you know uh a lot about him and i i want to turn to you to give us some talking points on on where to start because one thing i i learned in just listening uh to the event you held the other day was the man knows everything he's got the answers to everything no you know you do you have the answers to everything we're going we got some we got some you know relationship problems we want to ask because none of us know what is everything so it's okay fantastic fantastic so uh yeah brother just appreciate you um how you doing thanks for joining us today uh just wrote a little uh for an hour from outside of l.a whoa the tarmac is burning hot yeah this is nice out yeah it's here today so you've just been traveling the past month over all across america on your motorcycle correct yeah and activating the conversation of spirituality and you know getting to witness the beauty that the spiritual people here have and with the indigenous people and native americans and so what has been the most fascinating thing that you've been revealed and seen through your travels well uh there are too many things you'll need many days to listen to that so let me tell you the most prominent thing that stuck in my mind is uh mato tipila which is unfortunately today being referred to as the devil's tower it is a phenomena that all of you young people must experience it is so incredibly powerful and so rare i don't think that form of energy which we refer to in the human body can i elaborate a bit or this is just an introduction so uh in the human body we recognize that for us to be so complex as you know we are the most complex creatures on this planet which a whole lot of human beings are suffering unfortunately but the complexity is what makes our life rich to make this life so complex there are many our energies of finding expression in many different ways we identify 114 different ways in which it's finding expression of this it is categorized as seven so seven categories which i think in california you would have heard of seven chakras and stuff like that in this there is one particular chakra which is referred to as the vishuddhi a region which is in the throat region this is uh normally in i would say 99 of the human beings it remains uh in its seed form throughout their life it never blossoms this one aspect because if this blossoms there is such power to that human being that he can touch beyond his physical reach literally touch i'm saying physically you can touch life which is beyond your physical reach you can see things beyond your visual capabilities so this is one of the most rarest aspects of human development which happens only with a very few people who are concertedly focused on that but here there is a natural structure exuding that dimension in such a powerful way in many ways as i've been looking at the native american culture their spirituality and how they express themselves when i see uh in many many ways the fundamental is this energy source because if anybody wants to propagate or transmit spiritual process trans transmit mystical dimensions it's very important that there's a solid energy source i was always wondering where is their energy source because we always create one before we transmit we create an energy source which is always like a backup without that you will dissipate yourself but here there's a natural formation which is standing uh over 800 feet phenomenally reverberating it's a must for all of you young people you must experience this i uh i wanna i wanna get into how you started this spiritual journey i found that fascinating um when i listened to you speak at andres you were 25 years old mm-hmm it's too lame it's still like i could tell multiple successful businesses and uh you were praising the town as as being a man of success a man who had made it and i probably should let you tell the story about your life again well i asked i'm sure you've told this story so many times but you know our audience hasn't heard it or some of them may have some of them may have not and i know when i first heard it i found it fascinating so maybe just a brief uh introduction to how you got started into knowing everything in the universe i'm serious he has all the answers wait till he starts from so uh see i this happened to me when i was just about four and a half years of age suddenly one day i realized actually i don't know a thing do nothing means just don't know anything if somebody gives me a glass of water i would be staring at this glass of water for hours because i don't know what is what i know how to use it even now you know how to use water but do you know what it is really two hydrogen molecules in one oxygen really that's textbook nonsense but what are molecules but what are atoms like that right now two thirds of the planet is water covered with water covered by water rather it is available in all the three states it's liquid solid air gaseous everything wherever if we want to search for life we search for a drop of water somebody finds a drop of water trace of water in mars and now we think life is possible so this is the very basis of our life but do we know what it is actually with all the scientific exploration we do not know a single atom we know how to use it we in the even the invisible atom we know how to break it how to fuse it how to make a bomb out of it how to kill everybody from it but we don't know what it is we don't know what it is so if i find a leaf i'm staring at it for four hours five hours if i sit up in the night i'm just staring at darkness for hours my father being a physician he started thinking that i need psychiatric evaluation [Laughter] doctors you know [Laughter] yeah maybe so see oh it's him i thought so in this condition they sent me to school my mother said you must pay attention to the teachers you're always at something else so i went and paid attention to the teachers the kind of attention that they had never imagined anybody would pay to them nobody had ever paid that kind of attention i sit there and i know their past present and future staring at them staring at them staring at them sometimes somebody said don't stare at me like this i'm just a little boy four or five-year-old boy but they're kind of uncomfortable the way i'm staring at them so i went to school and initially they started saying things and i sort of understood what they're trying to say and then i realized teacher after teacher coming and making actually sounds and sounds and sounds see right now i'm making sounds because both of us think we know english language you are making meaning out of this suppose i start speaking in any one of the indian languages there will be just sounds for you isn't it we're just making sounds this language is a conspiracy between two people i make this sound you make that meaning i thought i make that sound you make that meaning you know this is the whole thing so i stopped making meanings and just started listening to the sounds and every 45 minutes a new teacher will come and make sounds and sounds and sounds it became very amusing and a big smile spread on my face but they were not amused at all so i saw that there was no point and i went to school only when it was absolutely necessary the rest of the time i kind of i was and more interesting explorations in the world so one day it happened i mean now about 11 years ago this school where i studied almost 45 years ago or more they came to invite me for their 125th anniversary school anniversary i said si please why me i was not just a bad student i was not even a student i only came in it was absolutely necessary why me they said see our school has produced ministers in the cabinet our school has produced sports stars our school has produced cinema stars but you are the only mystic so you must come i said okay and i went i went there and stood up in the quarter angle to speak i looked around same oppressive buildings and then i looked at this particular room and then i remember i was around 12 years of age one afternoon because at that time i'm in this condition i don't know anything if i pay attention to something i can't take my eyes off it i'm just looking at it still trying to figure it out what is it so they can't get my attention so he asked me a question something i just look at him i don't even hear the question okay i hear sounds i don't make meanings out of it something everybody's blabbering something all the time so i just look at him and he tries to get an answer from me for about 35-40 minutes he tries hard to get make me say something when i don't know anything what is there to say so i was in that condition at that time for many days i wouldn't speak because there's nothing to say what is there to say i don't know a thing so i was looking at him after 35-40 minutes of frustration he got so mad he came and held me by the shoulder shook me violently like that and said you must either be the divine or the devil i think you're the later well i was not insulted or abused by this my problem is what is this what is that what is that what is that one thing was clear this is me this guy confused me about this also i look like this what is this is this divine or devil what the hell is this suddenly i didn't know what is this till now i was okay i did not know what anything about anything but i knew this is me suddenly this guy confused me so that is when i started sitting with my eyes closed trying to see what is this well it took a few years another 12 13 years before i realized what is this and what was that huh what was that see right now what you call as myself is largely the boundaries of your body we can do an experiment actually can you sure let's do it so uh you hold both your hands together and with your eyes closed what you do is you intensely rub it like this for about 30 seconds as intensely as possible it's gonna get hot i don't like this i really don't know where my skin is burning now hold your uh palms about four inches away from each other something happening between them some kind of sensation happening between them yeah hands not about hands being hot between the two palms is there something happening i don't know please try it again not not not with pressure but with speed yeah it feels like there's like a magnet between yeah so there is a sensation what i am trying to tell you is how did you fix the boundaries of your body see right now do one thing take your right hand and touch your left hand is that you is that you yes that's the chair on which you're sitting is it you no how do you know this because i can get off of it and walk away in the chair oh this uh whole lot of people have walked away from their body haven't they what about all the dead people don't they come back on halloween i think i think uh the most important notion here is to understand that human experience is 100 self-contained would you talk about no no no that's not what i'm saying see right now you're fixing the boundaries of who you are only from the boundaries of sensation where there is sensation it's you where there is no sensation it's not you isn't it can i just ask a question i don't want to get too far ahead but i want to bring this back for the impulsive audience who may not be aligned with this way of thinking or know who you are exactly or your or your approach i have uh have always been one to have a tough time with with all of this me and andre have had many conversations about i'm open-minded to it but at the end of the day i always have a verizon bill to pay i have uh health insurance you go to the phone bills no no if you don't use the phone there are no bills actually okay great but great i love that but i've got i've got bills no no no let's let's come to the verizon later right now first of all how do you define who you are and what you are essentially whatever is within the boundaries of your sensation is you whatever is outside the boundaries of your sensation is something else isn't it so right now this water in this vessel the is this you no before paying the verizon you need to drink water all right yes is this you no it's not it's not it's not no let's see like i said yes get on your level to answer the question is the water in the glass meet you no i've been taught that the water in the glass is not me yes but if you drop it if you drink it will it become you that's why i don't i don't know no no right now two thirds two thirds of your body is water it is you but then is it still you in the toilet after you pee it out as well uh that's up to you to decide okay then you will get what are you gonna decide well if i feel like it's more kind of goes through you know i mean like no it doesn't go through please hello it's not like gas i know it's not like gas or engine oil here your body is a certain composition of food that you eat in water that you drank and the air that you breathe yes or no yes so right now we're just using water as an example if it's here in this vessel it's definitely not you 100 clear but the moment you drink it it goes and integrates itself into this body in some level a part of it may go out that's a different matter but the rest of it stays all right so now that it is here this water which is in this body are you not experiencing this as myself hmm yes yes sir no yes but i asked a question and then no like this is a legit question i'm very new to this no you're not new to life i'm only asking you simple question i don't know sometimes i wake up and i'm like okay i'm here today uh my question is this uh if the water is me and i drink the water no no i didn't say it to you i just asked you a question so is it or is it it wasn't well he's in the middle of a spiel bro he's not done yet so maybe let me put a pin in your question no no the simple thing is this is it true your body is an accumulation of food water air and whatever else you consumed correct yes so similarly the water is here it's not you you know that but the moment it's inside you experience this as myself isn't it why because it's within the boundaries of your sensation so your idea of who you are is only because of the boundaries of your sensation if you touch this you know this is not me if you touch this you know this is me because they're here there are sensations here there are no sensations but boundaries of your sensation can be stretched simply if you did this you will feel sensations between your arms with you between your palms well you have heard somebody had a whatever an unfortunate incident and they chopped off somebody's leg and still the experience of leg is still there though the physical leg is not there because there is a sensory body as there is a physical body there is a sensory body this sensory body how large it is depends on how intense your life energies are if your life energies are very effervescent and intense your sensory body becomes larger than your physical body why everybody is rubbing each other all the time is because they want to experience somebody else as a part of themselves if your sensory body became as large as the space you would experience everybody here as myself this is what you're thinking is love this is what you're thinking is sexuality all that's happening is your sensory body because of a certain moment of exuberance has expanded because it's expanded somebody feels like they're just a part of you at that moment so now what yoga means is you make your life energy so exuberant it takes some work you make it so exuberant if you sit here the entire universe is a part of you because your sensory body is stretched like that so your whole experience of life as to what is you and what is not you is determined by where there are sensations it's you where there are no sensations it's not you isn't it correct i'm on board everybody is you have no choice where i was going with that question and i'm trying to phrase it the right way jesus changed the phone company forget the phone that phone company doesn't work right got it i where i was going with it is just that i think to a lot of people that listen to this conversation this is a uh the conversation itself and the entire thought process is is viewed by by many people as a luxury a luxury that many people don't have the time the ability to to sit in and to understand where does my life force end i have four kids we live in a one-bedroom you know apartment you shouldn't have made four kids if you have only one bedroom right okay simple thing all right i get it but what i'm saying is people find themselves in circumstances whether they plan to be there or not and life has a way of dictating how much energy we can we can devote to this type of extracurricular some would call it paranormal some would call it you know theoretically you should not use it for one second you should not put labels on things that you don't understand you just say right now i don't have time i don't have energy to do that i will come to that okay okay but don't put names on this that is extracurricular it's not extracurricular it is most fundamental to life if you want to live a sensible life it's important that you know at least what is the nature of your existence without knowing the nature of your existence if you try to handle this you will make a fool of yourself with the world right so now that we know that got it and you ran us through that now that we know the nature of our existence no no we don't no that's not how it works i'm the water that i drank no no you don't come to a conclusion like that it is opening up one possibility this is for you to wonder what is the nature of my existence which he thinks is a luxury i'm saying it's like this you want to handle something let's say you want to handle this camera you know nothing about it and you handle it what will you produce i'm asking there's probably probably some horseshit yes that's what life is for most people that's what he's saying in one room they had five children why there's one room you should know what to do i i i'm with you my q i guess my question is if i go to the grocery store right and i get to the register i'm buying my lettuce and all of my organic vegetables i get to the register and they say you know that'll be 62.50 no no organic vegetable lenol is too extra curricular just buy it in walmart okay so i'm at the walmart counter and they asked me for 60 dollars and i say but i have found out the fundamental principles of life and i have a life force that exists in between my hands when i rub them together what i'm getting at is how do you how do you enthrall and ignite the masses to take part in this conversation about what life means that's where i was trying to get to with this whole question that's what i was taking along i want you to understand you're dismissing a whole lot of human beings as masses there are no masses there are individual human beings everywhere if you if you have the patience if you have the compassion if you have the involvement even if you go into the slum there also there are individual human beings there is no slum dwellers there hello yes or no yes this massive people there's no such people there are individual human beings every one of them is concerned about his or her life every one of them want to live well i'm saying if you want to use the camera well the first thing is to read at least the instruction manual even if you don't go for a training isn't it hello isn't it so cool so i'm just talking about the instruction manual for such a complex machine that's been given to you the most sophisticated technology on the planet is this one the human mechanism without knowing a thing about it if you think you can handle it well you cannot if i can just introduce real quick i think that for me when it comes to spiritual seeking it boils down to the question of who am i right what is the nature of my existence and the pointing right is to understand who i am i have to first understand who i am not and so i feel like he was um touching on like under most people are so identified with their mind and their body processes and they think that is them so i think what he was trying to do is give a distinction as to the separation of who you are and what your mind and body are so that is one aspect first of all i'm saying if you want to conduct anything well will you conduct it well if you know everything about it or will you conduct it well if you know nothing about it that's all you talk you want to stand in the grocery line if you are smart you will never stand in the grocery line i have not stood in a grocery line for years all right and for decades why because you grow your own vegetables you have a green thumb it doesn't matter but somehow you will not end up doing basic things for the rest of your life you'll get to do something better because every human being is wanting to do something better wanting to do something bigger wanting to live bigger yes or no yes but i don't think many human beings are willing to activate on their desires i say this all the time everyone wants bigger better yes yes that's the whole thing more expensive more valuable they're only complaining like this right but aren't willing to do those who are willing to understand what is the nature of their life and act upon it so so the so the curiosity that would lead to the answer to that question and it also it sounds like what originally drove you to meditate on that mountain because i know again at 25 years old there you had like a spiritual awakening where you said every cell in your body was some sort of ecstasy you had no sense of time and you kept having these revelations and and one time you sat outside for 13 days and you opened your eyes you thought it had been what i think you said 25 minutes so did that sense of curiosity is that what led you to to go down the path you went maybe you must understand it is intrinsic to human intelligence to want to know something more than what is there if you leave your dog out here he's just sniffing out everything even he's curious he wants to know everything that's there in this garden what's wrong with the human beings the only thing that's wrong is they've they've arrived at too many conclusions either because of religious beliefs or philosophical beliefs or ideologies or some nonsense that they've concluded and they've lost the sense of the intrinsic nature of your intelligences once to expand wants to know this is not somebody has to teach it to you this is natural you leave a child it wants to look at everything isn't it so where did you lose it because you made up your philosophies of socialism i uh if i can just refine that just for a second for for me when i was growing up a lot of my friends called me like they gave me the title of truth seeker and it was because i asked so many questions reluctancy and try to poke holes in and what a lot of people would say and i really unplugged huh [Laughter] you could do it i believe in you and so you speak about how creating conclusions and beliefs about the world when if you really scope out and take a macro view of like we really don't know what's going on here within humanity we scope out and we see that we're a blue marble purely around a gasifier at incredible speeds it's like take yourself back and realize that the beliefs that i made about you know just dogmas and religions and politics and everything that you hold so close is hindering us from being able to look at things for what they actually are and so if you could just speak on how creating beliefs and conclusions about everything destroy our ability to seek i think it would be very valuable see when you say i believe something what does it mean i will ask you a simple question can i sure extracurricular question how many of you believe in god just raise one hand okay how many of you believe you have two hands just raise one hand do you believe you have two hands well of course one or the ones so i'm asking you do you believe you have two hands or do you know that you have two hands oh really yeah i was both if you know you have two hands where is the need to believe you have two hands one follows the other no why not if you know something why do you have to believe it if i know something why do i have to believe it yeah you annoying i believe one follows the other no no i believe the truth have two hands that's the truth i believe it see the word believe means the word believe essentially means you do not know something but you believe it is so sure but you could believe it no see i believe you are a good guy what does it mean you don't know that i don't know and that's what i'm saying i don't know i don't know what you are but i believe you're a good guy i believed he's nice and i went to him and he was terrible so you're saying forget about the belief no i'm not saying no but first understand the distinction between knowing something and believing something so whatever we do not know it is most wonderful of you and human of you to see i do not know because i do not know is a tremendous possibility tremendous possibility the moment you destroy i do not know your entire learning and expansion process processes come to a cease and this is what you're doing with your belief that you believe this you believe that all these days people were saying i believe god now they're saying in california i believe in myself i don't know what that means i believe in god and i do know that there's a god so you're saying to sacrifice my belief i am not asking you to do anything i am asking you to look at the distinction between knowing something and not knowing something but do you feel like this would be tricky for christians saying that i don't want to get into a religious debate here all i'm saying is not religion there is no no i'm talking about belief i didn't even talk about religious belief other religions and nonsense when like right before you got into this i think was that the term yeah i promise i could replay it you can't even say that i didn't say it i'll check it but yeah i promise no he didn't he goes yeah but yeah i promise you believe that i said it we knew this was going to happen today we're not experts just bear with us let me i'm going to stand by my co-host here he's going to eat [ __ ] on that one okay what is the what is the metric for with for which something goes from belief to knowledge is is the right knowledge we're talking about knowing right so let me just make a distinction between knowledge and knowing okay knowledge is an accumulated information i know this this and that by knowledge means i have accumulated information today everybody is knowledgeable about everything this doesn't mean to say they know it they know it through the phone screen everything in the universe but they don't know it by experience of anything so knowing is by experience i have two hands is my knowing i know it is there all right even if i close my eyes it's there if you argue with me it's there it's there anyway so belief is something else right now i know something i do not know something these are two facts of life if you live in truth you will know some things you will not know some things what you do not know naturally your intelligence will want to know you don't have to seek it consciously the moment you see i do not know your intelligence will start working the in-between thing is what you do not know you want to believe and make yourself feel like you know it and that's caused tremendous trouble to human beings assuming things that they do not know i think that's uh one of the biggest problems we're facing right now in our country i don't know how long you've been here but um i think it's safe to say america is probably the most divided it's ever been especially with the pandemic going on well you had a civil war this is better than that yeah but i wonder how close we are to something like that happening no like like truth truthfully sometimes everybody gets hot it's okay um i wanted to build off of his his knowing versus believing uh i don't remember which school of thought if it was plato or aristotle but um do you believe that all knowledge comes from what is gathered by one of the sensory parts of life by one of the senses is that your belief you see something you believe you smell something believe it or is there a or is there room for faith is there room for metaphysical understanding of certain things do you leave that open or do you have to experience it through one of the senses so yeah if you go over your sensory perception right now i touch this and i say it's no i don't know what this is only because it's cooler than my body i'm saying it's cool if somebody else who is much cooler than me that is this they'll say this is warm yes or no yeah so i am saying your experience of senses is a very relative experience it's good enough for survival not good enough for knowing the nature of what it is for survival process you are hearing smelling tasting touching which is what you're saying to go to the grocery store all this is good enough but if you want to know what it is you cannot know through your senses how do you know i want to get into that how do you find out what it really is beyond your senses what's the what's the practice that gets you there it's not about our practice first of all see if you want to cross a border first you must get to the border isn't it right now you want to go to mexico you can't go from here you must at least get to the border first so if you want to know this is why i started with the border but you went into something else i said the border of your experiences sensations if something comes and touches it's a sensation if you see something it's a certain kind of sensation if you smell something it's a certain kind of sensation everything in your experience is sensation it may not be sensational but it is sensation that is why we are calling them as sense organs they create sensations in the system these sensations are vital if you want to live in this world if you want to survive in this world otherwise you wouldn't know anything suppose you had no ears eyes knows nothing would you know what is here nothing isn't it total blank you fall asleep what is happening your heart is beating your liver is functioning kidneys are functioning everything functioning now they're telling you even your brains are functioning but you don't know a thing simply because all the five gates of sensations have closed down isn't it so your experience of life is right now limited to sensory perception and that is the reason all this confusion because the nature of sensei sensory perception is such if you see this part of my hand you cannot see this part of my hand isn't it so you always perceive everything in parts now with these parts you are trying to make a hole it doesn't work like that right now people's understanding of what creation is what existence is he's it's a trillion piece jigsaw but they find three pieces put it together and they form something and say this is it this is it i believe this is what it is you can believe whatever you want if we work hard enough on you from your childhood we can make you believe any damn thing in the universe just know this right i agree with that is that a shortcoming of humanity is that is that is that because our brains have not developed to a point where we we are no longer limited by what we see feel touch smell here or is there a way to break that boundary and have you done it see uh human brain there's nothing deficient about it the deficiencies people are trying to operate without using the user's manual they don't know them thing about their brains that is their problem because they have lots of beliefs they have lots of beliefs and beliefs and beliefs so they can't use their brains but the moment you see i do not know something do you see your brain starts working in a certain way i think saying i don't know is one of the most powerful statements it starts exploring immediately it's through exploration you have come to america i'm saying isn't it people came to america because of exploration not because they believed nobody believed there was a land here they thought they were going to india yesterday somebody asked me what is what is your experience of uh you know that columbus landed in america and called the people here indians what do you think about it how do you feel i said i'm glad he didn't land in india but i'm sorry he landed here you talk about this necessity for curiosity and and this uh i don't know or questioning so don't use the word curiosity okay curiosity is a very surface thing okay but when you realize i do not know there is a pain of not knowing right and it leads and it leads to that to that questioning right one of one of the things that uh some people use that aren't as uh you know that don't sit on a meditation uh system to get to that place of curio sorry to get to that place of questioning and not knowing and being open to looking at things in new york supply some vocabulary what's that seeking seeking thank you so much like i said brand new to this one thing some of these people use is uh mind-altering drugs ayahuasca psilocybin surgic acid what are your thoughts on on getting to this uh to this place of understanding through alternate needs see uh it's like you can jinx the brain to create all kinds of experiences just by strongly dreaming about it you can do it actually people do it you can hypnotize somebody and make them go through all kinds of things if you're only hunting for experiences it's fine but what i'm talking is not about hunting for experiences a genuine exploration if you put on a vr and sit here you may go to mars right now but you've not gone to mars that's all i'm saying so by making some chemical changes forcefully by introducing something whether it's of natural origin origin or it came from the backstraight of something it doesn't matter where it came from you stimulate something chemically and an experience happened if you if you did it just one time and use you use this as a way to understand that i am capable of these exit experiences you know yesterday i was just doing the daily quote today morning the quote was something like this if i can repeat that uh it is like whatever was the most wonderful and the peak level of emotion or experience you had make that your baseline in your life because you're capable of that all right you're capable of that what you're capable of must happen what you're not capable of will not happen that's a different matter what is what you're capable if your level if you're capable of a certain level of joy that must be your baseline now you will explore what's beyond now most people think these peak experiences happen only when somebody loves me only when i pop this pill only when i smoke this stuff this is the wrong way to do it if you used it just once to understand that my body and my you know experience is capable of reaching such a peak and then you start living there that's great but every time you have to pop something and tomorrow you're sick what's the point of that inside your peace and happiness i know i've asked you all what do you truly want right we're like what do you really want in this life and we in the 3d material world are chasing a lot of things because of the feeling that it's going to give us right and so peace and happiness seems to be the answer amongst a lot of people that i ask and i hear you talk about how peace should be the fundamental baseline foundation in which you live not the highest aspiration so if you speak for people that don't have that piece currently within their life and want that to be the basis for their whole life how can they do that so yeah this is the most unfortunate thing in the world that most human beings just do not know how to be at ease they're not even at ease forget about joy forget about blissfulness there is no ease they're all in this jungle state and now they say this is how human beings are doctors say because that's their business for a pharmaceutical company say that's their business see for example united states we're here in usa so let's take this as an example this is the most affluent country on the planet right now why does an individual person or a society or a nation seek affluence in the first stage of affluence it's a choice of nourishment i can eat what i want if i'm hungry i'm thinking of money why because if i have money i can eat whatever i want in the second level of affluence it's the lifestyle i can live the way i want i can do things that i want to do so now in the most affluent country where there is a choice of nourishment and a choice of lifestyles like nowhere else why are you spending 3.25 trillion dollars as your healthcare something must be wrong with you hello when you have a choice of nourishment and choice of lifestyle why are you sick i'm asking 3.25 trillion dollars is more than india's budget all right annual budget for 1.2 billion people so where do we go wrong that's what we're looking at now it's not about greed the problem is without understanding if you do not know how this camera functions and you use it i'll assure you this is going to break down in three days yes or no one who knows it they may use it for a lifetime one who does not know it will break it in three days yes or no that's all you're doing no no it's not about them you are in charge of your life you don't know think about this because you think by fixing the outside world everything will be okay because roads are done bridges are done airplanes are flying you think everything is done no a human ex-human experience essentially happens from within you outside conducive atmospheres we want to create that is there see it's like this if if you look at it he articulated this in one way essentially what is it that you want you want pleasantness of the body if body becomes pleasant we call it health do you want it so badly yes if it becomes very if it becomes very pleasant we call it pleasure if mind becomes pleasant we call this peace if it becomes very pleasant we call this joy if your emotions become pleasant we call this love if it becomes very pleasant we call it compassion if your very life energies become pleasant we call this blissfulness if it becomes very pleasant we call it ecstasy if your surroundings become pleasant we call it success only to create your surroundings in a pleasant manner you need the cooperation of all these people but for pleasantness of body pleasantness of mind pleasantness of emotion and energy it is 100 your business yes or no so only to create pleasantness around us we need because there are many forces involved we need help from them we need cooperation from them otherwise anybody can make it nasty right now but what happens in your body what happens in your mind in your emotion and your energy is absolutely your business if you take charge of this creating pleasantness in the atmosphere you're at least competent to do it otherwise you're always at somebody else's mercy why everybody wants to meet the most wonderful person why i'm asking you why the hell are you not that wonderful person why are you looking for that wonderful person to mess them up [Laughter] andre andre brought up something uh which is is near and dear to me and this is uh this fight or quest for inner peace and and i i i speak about this a little bit and you speak about um people's inability to understand and and and to not ask the right questions or to not seek properly what are your thoughts on underlying mental health conditions as a uh as a combatant to people's ability to find that inner peace do you believe in true mental health as scientifically diagnosed are you not a believer in it i am not a believer or a disbeliever of anything i am willing to look at every aspect of life as it is is that okay everything okay who am i saying it's not okay no no because you're continuously coming back to believe believe do you believe this do you believe that i don't believe a damn thing nor do i disbelieve anything what happens when you die why are you making me die why don't you ask that question what happens when i die some some things you know best only by experience sure you want me to die right here right now because you're wondering experience you'll get a lot of views and i won't do it uh but seriously dude so you based on what you just said technically you don't have a belief on what happens when you die but surely you think i have just this year in the month of february i published a book called death which is on a top salary of selling lists for the last 10 months continuously the book is titled as death an inside story it's only for those who shall die maybe not me but like there's one go to heaven well which heaven you want to go because every religion has their own heaven this is where it gets tricky now now i'll tell you because you do not know what is in the heaven let me describe it to you uh in the hindu heaven food is very good if you're a foodie that's where you must go in the other heaven there are you know long uh white gown ladies floating in the sky you like that means you go there that was nice i like shoes in another place in another place you will encounter virgin problems if that's what you're looking for you go there but what do you have to do to go there you got to die first that's an important thing when you die depending on your culture we will either bury you burn you cut you and throw you to the birds do something with your body because this body is a piece of this planet when your job is done you must put it back if you've not done anything eco-friendly at least this much you must do put the damn body back some people are talking about going to mars with it all right you must put it back that is one sensible thing to do i am telling everybody in the united states i know i will become very unpopular why are you wasting cutting a tree when a man dies at least plant a tree here because you make good manure have you seen those uh have you seen those sacks have you seen this area yeah trees there's these sacks you can place your body in and a tree will grow i know you don't need a sack also in india we just wrap them in a cloth with salt and everything and we put them there and plant a tree all right i gotta ask you is mars out of play like in in the way of that you seek why how can i ask this question properly like if i get buried on mars your body material unless you want to be exported to another planet you're this material you picked up from this planet when your job is done it's best to give it back because it's just a loan no no mother earth gave you this body thinking that you will use it for your well-being and put it back when your job is done you want to steal it and run away somewhere well some girl whole foods once told me that i was just made of stardust she was very convincing of it she said we're all just stardust all right [Laughter] [Music] i guess she's wrong wait i i guess what i'm getting at is this like no let's let's finish this okay so uh these are all different offerings in the heavens but the this thing is you must die first when you die we put your body here no matter what in which form we put it we put it somewhere either in a sack or a box or whatever we put it here so you went to heaven and you don't have a body now what do you do with good food and virgins i'm asking oh if you have no body how could you take advantage of the good food and the virgins not just like it's like spirit food well well here's why this is tricky because say say you died at a very young age seriously this is where i get confused what goes to heaven your soul great is your soul is it ritual right or left the left sole on my shoe is it the soul set unfortunate something unfortunate happens a five-year-old dies is the fi does the soul of the five-year-old goes to heaven or hell as a five as a five-year-old that's why all this confusion right now you do not know the nature of your existence but you're talking about a soul because somebody told you so i'm not questioning whether it's true or not all i'm saying is you do not know hello somebody maybe something may be true but you do not know that's the important thing because unless it comes into your experience it's not there isn't it see right now if i close my eyes and sit here and goes off all these people don't exist because they're not in my experience isn't it so it's only what is in your experience which is true for you rest you're just assuming if you concretize your assumptions that's called belief so you say chase experiences are you afraid of dying like that it looks like you're a person who loves life uh see life is not my decision life has happened to me okay if we were able to cause life that's different we didn't cause it something much bigger than us caused life for us now it's your business to see that it happens at the highest point because you've been given an intelligence you've been given a capability you must see it happens at the highest point when i say highest point not in a social context but within you you must be at your peak otherwise you're a wasted life can i uh you have concerns that you have to pay your verizon's bill so you go with the long face in the street no the the thing is just this right now the only and only and only thing that you have is life rest is all your assumption can i take a second to uh get sort of personal and um andre you did someone brought it up at your event the story of your wife was it's not a story the the reality of your wife and i don't know how to fathom what occurred but it kind of goes along what you were just talking about about living at the peak and on saturday i heard you speak or sunday i heard you speak and you talked about her having the desire to go at what she felt was her peak and in meditation correctly from wrong in meditation she made the conscious decision to leave this planet is it a question or it's a statement i'm trying to phrase coming from someone again who's just gotten immersed in this world having that level of whether you want to call it enlightenment connectedness knowingness seems unfathomable to me see uh you're living in a culture where the only dream is to survive better than somebody else in the last 200 years that's been the only dream how to be better than everybody else survive a little better have little more than everybody else but you're also right now you and me are sitting on a land where for people the distinction between life and death was very thin in their understanding and experience of life the native american people lived like this i was amazed to see that only recently i discovered that they are talking about a doorway in on top of the head they're saying there is a doorway they call it by something of their own language i what okay kapavi which is a doorway that you can open up and leave it is through that life came and it through that you can exit this is a well-established science in india and there are any number of yogis who left their body like this sitting among people announcing to everybody today i will leave and just live like taking off a pair of clothes huh like taking off a pair of clothes yes of course because you put this on you put on the body isn't it slowly over a period of time if what you accumulate if you can't put it down are you stuck or no suppose you picked up this vessel and you cannot put it down it stuck to your hand is it a good thing so similarly you put on this body it stuck to you you don't know how to keep it down that's a terrible thing that's what people are suffering right now being stuck in their bodies they don't know what to do so what maha samadhi means is it's not that they left and went to another planet or something they just dissolved as a person there is no persona anymore so it's a different dimension of life i think this is too light and uncommitted atmosphere to debate or discuss such a thing if you're interested i will talk to you in a different kind of atmosphere where there would be better understanding and above all uh i don't want to casually discuss my wife with a whole bunch of people who don't understand what it is who don't understand what it is that's totally fair yeah absolutely for sure again i feel like that um can go over a lot of people's head anyway this question came up the other day also it seems to be bothering all of you let me put it this way uh the other day also somebody asked a question i don't remember who and they said uh like this it happened uh will you not marry again so i'm saying i don't come from that kind of background uh one person falls off pick up another one tomorrow morning i don't come from that kind of thing because life's melded in a certain way and that person evolved to a point where i did not imagine that that person would evolve like that beyond my imagination beyond my expectation something was done something that is considered so phenomenal and sacred in the entire culture and in the yogic culture it is always considered that way so when the atmosphere is like that i don't want to sit and discuss my wife with all the people all right i totally get it and i'm sorry if i overstepped any boundaries i just the whole thing is fascinating to me yeah i think um you know from from religion to responsibility from solace to solution i hear um in these conversations and i'm really curious with the privilege that we have right now in this gathering and with logan's influence and the influence of many people that are watching this they don't know where to begin it seems like a lot um and it goes over their head and so now it's very easy to make it very clear where to begin uh unless you hop in with in between things like this right now standing in the grocery queue is not even on his mind all right he's just throwing it because he thinks that is a philosophy which will counter everything i want to tell you i read my mencamp when i was 11 12. i become a strong activist when i'm just 12 13 and at 14 15 i'm thinking of joining a joining armed struggle so it's not new to me that kind of logic that kind of rhetoric as if it's a solution for everything yes intellectually it looks like socialism communism seems to be the ultimate solution please try it to enforce it and see what a it becomes go and see in other parts of the world where it's become an absolute mess all right so this is not because this is not because i like something you dislike something it's not about that ultimately when it comes to life what really works for maximum number of people that is the important thing isn't it regardless of the success rate of communism or socialism or the grocery line way of thinking right that i'm stuck in or have not thought my way out of uh it is the way of things in this world right now in many places maybe not so much in other places um what is the reason for that is it the teaching of the parents is it the education system is it mostly religion who is the main perpetrator when it comes to set belief systems and as opposed to giving us a starting point for creating new belief systems how do you create a desire for the teachers of the next generation to lookouts think outside the box see uh for a long time in the name of religion in the name of philosophy in the name of ideologies of variety of kind all sorts of things have been promised and all the promises are elsewhere not here i'm saying because you're all continuously talking about belief if you believe there is a better place than where we are right now up there why are you not gone i'm asking doesn't make sense to me if you genuinely believe there's up there a better place than this you should be gone isn't it hello well based on the religions that people utilize to believe in this better place we don't get to choose the day the days show you can choose the day you can choose the day it's very simple well i think it just speaks into what we were talking about earlier right if we really knew that there was something outside after we died there was a heaven that we really knew if we actually knew then yeah i would want to go right now yeah but because it's because it's a belief uh that becomes a difficulty i'd like to hear george that's that's wrong uh so like you said life was given to us so we're not allowed to take it for example i can't take my own life and i can't take mike's life to redeem the reward that the lord has given to me at the end of my time when he has chosen my time not me because i haven't gone through what i need me to gone through go through i i agree with you have no you or anybody has no right to take life yourself somebody else's that is a given all right but i'm saying why is it that the idea of a better place than this has come is because right now people are suffering within themselves all right why are they suffering i want you to understand this whether it's joy or suffering essentially both of them are happening from within you is that so if it's happening from within you what happens from within you at least what happens from within you must happen your way isn't it if it happens your way would you be blissful or miserable i wake up every single day first of all tell me if you had a choice would you make it pleasant or unpleasant for yourself yes if you were feeling very pleasant would you be always thinking of going to another place which is more pleasant no right now the entire human this thing is set up on a better place somewhere else um so before like there's a lot of you if i say this people are going to comment down below okay sure you feel that your place is great but coming from a 2015 like five george where i'm working at a nine to five every single day and i do have a boss to answer to and i do have bills to pay and i do have responsibilities i do not want to take part of i still found those days just as joyful as the situation i have now because i've i invited the lord into my life so you're saying why don't you just go there now i'm saying i know i'm not saying you should go there now no but you're saying no i'm not saying you're saying but i'm saying if that was the i'll uh the idea of like if okay if there's a better place and haven't wanted they just go now um my my combat was why don't you just bring heaven here with you i think that's what he's saying you're actually ironically you're both on the same that's what i'm saying so that's great but i don't i am still looking forward to something greater but i'm also bringing it here so i feel like religion can do that and i feel like see i i've never said a word i don't know from where you're getting this i have never said the word this is it or that is it all i'm saying is instead of simply saying what i do not know as i do not know you're making up things in your mind now is it true that major religions on the planet unfortunately are on a collision course all the time sure sure why because i believe one thing you believe another thing after all it's just belief why don't we change it the way it works because belief means you made it up i i think just the the respect of you have your beliefs i have my beliefs we could still be on the same but it's not worked right i mean millions and millions hundreds of millions of people have died in the last 500 years yes because of my religion versus your religion is that a fact true yes and i want you to believe i want you to know this that all these people genuinely believe that they're doing the right thing when they kill the other people they believed hundred percent right now that man who goes and explodes himself somewhere he believes see anybody who's who takes his life for something you can't question his integrity isn't it i'm willing to throw my life for something i thank you question it depends what you're doing it for yeah i'm doing it for my god who's different than your god do you hear do you see what he's saying yeah but true but if your god interferes with my life then so that you so what you just described is life exactly that's what i'm saying i want you to understand every religion starts off with this if you worship the false gods you must what terrible things should happen to you so that has been the basis unfortunately what you think is right is abs this is absolutism that you think this is absolute everything else is not okay i'm saying the thing is the most fundamental thing is if you're truthful if you're sincere about your life what you know you know what i do not know i do not know if you really look at it you hardly know anything about anything that's a fact and just when you're walking on the street if you do not know how you walk on the street if you think you know how you walk on the street is there a difference you're a bulldozer when you think you know what everything when you don't know you are a humble nice wonderful guy isn't it so depending on what arena you work in being the humble nice guy may not always be the winning tactic how do you how do you bring that humility into the sales world into the stock world or should those worlds cease to exist you're talking to me like i'm living in some himalayan cave and i've just i want you to understand i'm running i'm running an organization with over 11 million volunteers with variety of activity across the world all right with various active projects which are every day have to be done and businesses that have to be run and the people on my hands all the time so i'm not coming from a cave where i have no responsibilities i have no nothing i have nothing to manage i'm sitting here and talking lala land to you come on so so i yeah what you're saying is uh these exercises these practices this seeking is something that could be layered into the lives of just about anyone please tell me this i'll do my best it doesn't matter what kind of job you're doing even if you're a soldier fighting a war would it help to be very balanced sane joyful and then you will do even if you have to kill you'll only do it to the extent you have to nothing more nothing less right now people are taking pleasure and doing what they're doing isn't it something has to be done sometimes unfortunately if the situations force you to do it but you will do it only to the extent it's necessary but if you are not in that state if there is a certain level of angst there is a certain level of anger and hatred in you you will do things beyond the limits of what should be done this has happened all over the world in the name of nationhood in the name of religion in the name of race in the name of caste creed ray every kind of thing in gender every kind of thing people have done horrendous things why because they believe this is it that is it absolutism if you see i do not know you will walk gently absolutism is the devil can i say that accurately you're getting religious once again absolutism no good the worst i have a question never taken a sip of alcohol right you ever taken a sip of alcohol i don't need to because i'm always drunk everyone ever smoke weed i've always told you you've not seen my eyes yet i know that i know that so so so straight edge but i'm wondering as a as a fellow uh person who's curious about life to the highest degree or as you would say seeking how have you not had the desire to try see you're living in los angeles you think that is where life is no sir i don't i'm from ohio okay why also i heard a lot of overdoses last two months yeah so see you're living in a citizen society you think this is the only way to explore i came up in a place where i made sure i am not influenced by anything either whatever the religion around me the family around me the community around me the polar politics around me i made sure none of those things influence me if nothing influences you it's it's a i keep telling people see i i'm absolutely uneducated they think uneducation means not going to school or college no uneducated means you did not pick up any ways of anybody's you're simply the way the life is because your life everything else is assumed if you have experienced the nature of life that you are and the source of life which is also throbbing within you why would you try picking up leaves and weeds sound aren't you curious i know what what you know through the weed i know a million eggs over that within myself so why will i be curious about something like that do you play with the teddy bear every day today no yes he does why i don't know are you not curious how it feels the child loves it so much i went through the phase i experienced it that's what when you were a child it happened right right so i'm saying i grew up when i was four and a half years of age but even like even like the nature of psychedelics and the mind opening experiences see right now these 11 million volunteers have gathered and nearly a billion people are in one way or the other touch with us see i'm not selling tickets to heaven i am not offering uh miracles pulling out gold chains from the sky or something like that no miracle no tickets to heaven know anything why do you think they're gathering because i'm giving them dope no no no don't stop it there because it'll be dangerous i'm giving them dope that no drug dealer can give them if they close their eyes they are gone i know you're big on semantics huh so what is semantics you do not cementing well you're saying dope and it's not actually no it's not weed so what is it that you're that you're selling okay like what is our mission well there is a lot of scientific research which says there are millions of cannabis receptors in your brain you think they're waiting for you to smoke weed i don't know but they are there that's a fact so obviously the system must have something to provide that possibility within the system it is not that you have to go and pick something somewhere it is here because this is the greatest chemical factory if you knew how to manage this you wouldn't be in the back streets you would make it happen here getting high off life huh getting high off life i understand i'm just saying like i'm also a fellow curious person and i had the thought process that i cannot die on this planet not knowing what a psychedelic does to my brain i i've refused that's something i i wanted to try before i died and i did and i'm just wondering from a fellow person who um is seeking how how that doesn't uh titillate you in some way see the thing is this right now we're all sitting in the same place breathing the same air probably we eat similar food at this moment what is happening within me how i am i will not exchange this for anything in the universe you give me the world i will not change it that's how big it is if that's happening within you you won't go pick wheat that's all i'm saying ah so so so okay so i'm lacking so i'm curious because i'm lacking you know if uh weed or whatever else gave you a little experience you must understand weed cannot experience it's you who experiences weed might have stimulated some experience within you whether it is stimulated from outside or inside is the only question right if it is from outside it always has a flip side of negativity to it if it happens from within when they suppose there were see people are drinking alcohol if there was no hangovers if there was no liver burning up whatever they would be drunk all the time if you could be too fully drunk and fully alert all the time would you do it everybody i would advise them drink alcohol okay right now that's all i'm telling you there is a way where you can be fully stoned and fully conscious at the same time i believe you um you're also much wiser you don't have to believe me you just have to check out my life how i live but i'm saying surely you are in your early 20s and i know like you grew up in the 60s so when you before you had the spiritual enlightenment there wasn't a part of you that you know he said he aged at four so you're saying that us intoxicated we're at a level here but you sober are here and you're teaching people that from your past conversation you're saying that if you want to try it once to tell your body you could be here that's fine but if you're going to consistently take it here that's wrong you shouldn't be using a substance to get you to happiness see the the choice is this suppose let us say the compound wall of this house is uh 25 feet tall you've not seen anything outside of this you always lived here it was quite okay but one day you went on a trampoline and jumped up and you saw there's a whole wide world out there but for a moment and you came down you again want to leap this is addiction you want to leap leap leap and have a little glimpse little gimps so what we do is we don't put you on a trampoline because we know you will fall back we teach you how to build a ladder nothing romantic about it nothing exciting about it building a ladder you build a ladder climb across the wall the job is done there no be no wall what if i told you that acid knock that wall down into a pile of rubble that you never had to climb a ladder over ever again uh that's not true my question is why why build the ladder if you never experienced the trampoline see the thing is that's what i said it is not because somebody tasted a drug or somebody has got some teaching somebody believes in a scripture or in a religion that they're looking it is intrinsic to human intelligence to be wanting to be something more that's something more if it finds very physical expression we call it sexuality if it finds emotional expression we call it love if it finds uh you know mental expression we call it uh what conquest or shopping or whatever if it finds conscious expression we call it yoga this is not decided by you this is the nature of life it wants to be something more how you choose if you know only money you're thinking more money if you know only these kind of experiences you thinking of more experiences if you know love you thinking of more love if you know knowledge you're thinking of more knowledge whatever you know you're trying to hit the peak with that right how do you know you found the one one founder i'm the one part of the one the right partner in life oh anyway this is not the united states nor is it 2020 this is a 1990 and this is india where things don't happen like how it happens here yeah but that's all i just looked at her and in three days we were married so you're saying when you know you know so when they reached before when i went home uh my said uh because i everybody thought i'd never marry because that was the contention because i was living wild all the time i'm camping in the mountains here there and i have no interest in such things one day i went and said i'm marrying this girl what who is she i knew her pet name you know like what she's called i didn't know her full name then they asked what's the father's name i said i don't know he said what you don't know father's name what's their caste i said i don't know then you don't know father's name they you don't know what the family is how will you marry this girl i said i intend to marry only the girl not the father but did you know i didn't know you didn't know what did you know she was the one absolutely you know you're like man i picked the wrong one like this girl really is acting up we don't do those things because because uh we are not say i i want you to understand this i know this culture is just built up now if you're looking how to extract life from somebody anybody whatever kind of wonderful person you pick they will disappoint you because you can't pick life joy or pleasure from somebody else if you're seeing that your life is an expression of your joy and you're seeing always how to do the best for the other person it never will happen to you that oh did i pick the wrong one did i do this did i do that so tomorrow suddenly you think this is the wrong tree and cut it off and put some other tree stupid we look i feel like we left burn our culture and it's just saying like find my other half right which in a sense is saying that we're incomplete by ourselves right and we're looking for joy in another being and i think that's the really the key is just finding that if we can have two holes come together right and so i'm not we're coming in in union and relationship to not extract joy from one another but to share joy within one another how'd those guys become wise are we on time i mean i i could probably sit here and ask questions all day well he's probably got places i need i need some answers have you seen the matrix which pill would you take which pill did you take or did you not take a pill have you seen the matrix let's start the matrix the movie well i am the matrix huh you are the beatrix he's like he's the architect he's the architect do you watch movies i want could we can we humanize the others take you away from this handoff second and humanize you doing seriously what do you mean guru please tell well i'd like me motorcycle you'll see that's cool yeah what kind of what kind of motorcycle well i have a 1600 gt it's a bmw my dad has that motorcycle he loves it he loves it it's he said he's he sold a pickup truck that i bought him to buy the motorcycle he didn't tell me he sold the pickup truck and used the money to buy it something else that i didn't give him so i understand the love for the motorcycle what'd you have for breakfast this morning uh today no i just had brunch in the morning not breakfast because i i normally get to eat only one meal a day so would you have it's an indian food what's your favorite american movie favorite american movie maybe roman holiday i nodded my head like i how do you stay cool with so much clothing on because i'm cool okay what's your favorite spot you've been to in the united states i don't go by favorites but in the last few days what i've ridden through like the arch national park with the bryce canyon and the zion valley oh these are most amazing places as nature goes uter and most incredible have you ever had a near-death experience all the time how many too many to recount always uh people people always uh said uh if there's no danger satguru cannot exist so always he's creating dangerous situations for himself me too i punched the window yesterday i got nice stitches in my arm i find out a pokemon card mistake do you know about pokemon i've heard i don't know what that is it's a good investment it's good i think i think we have time i think we have time for one more question uh just through this huge time again i can't just like the the privilege that we have here with this platform with with logan's audience um and the millions and millions of followers and people that will watch this is there something that you know advice or something that you see in logan that you think would be most beneficial that would impact people in the most positive way i know there are many things well compared to a lot of people he is very alive if he analyzes that well the good possibilities but in the mode that you guys have taken i don't know whether you guys will generalize now or much later in your lives because life is a combination of two things a certain amount of time and certain amount of energy time is rolling away you do something you don't do something you're happy you're unhappy tick tick tick tick it's going away for all of us it doesn't stop for any of us we cannot say today i didn't use it let me roll it back there's no such thing time is just rolling away so the only thing that we can manage is our energy our energies we can manage in such a way either it is you know very makes your life very profound these are two aspects when it comes to life one thing is to make your experience of life very profound another thing is your activity must be impactful i think you guys are overly focusing on your activity being impactful not invested on making your life profound because right now you think acid will make you profound smoke will make you profound well it gives you a facade i don't say that i asked you i asked the question all right so i'm saying it doesn't make your life profound in fact it makes you frivolous and it is also possible i'm telling you during my time i'm saying when i was in university i 13 of my friends over a period of 7 8 years 13 of my friends died some to drugs overdosing some riding motorcycles too wild you know not knowing where the limit is trying to ride like somebody else all right you can ride to your limit you can't do what somebody does somebody else may be doing something else you must ride to your limit you must know where is your limit and you stay on that edge and see how to push that edge but you don't try to do what somebody else is doing right now so like this 13 of my friends in seven eight years time about four of them two drugs remaining uh nine of them to motorcycles they lost their lives they're all wonderful riders they rode with me for many years they're all it's not like in united states okay this is like sitting on a micro microwave riding in united states there is nothing just put it on the cruise and you sit it's not like that in india you're riding an elephant can be on the road all right and you need to be super alert and intuitive to ride at a certain speed these are good guys very good at what they're doing but somebody drinks and drives you know rides somebody thinks he can smoke and then ride smoke up and then ride like these kind of things or somebody at any cost he wants to go ahead of somebody whatever essentially not calibrating your energies right those who died died many others they became accountants they became lawyers they became something else they're all my age now when i look at them they're all they're all successful people they got money they got wife they got kids all this but no life in them so this guy has got some life let's see how he handles and manages his energy because time will run anyway whether you like it or you don't like it today gets over tomorrow happens tomorrow gets over it's happening to all of us so these are the only two ingredients you have time and energy what you make out of your energy is the profoundness of your life and also the impact of your work please all of you make that happen for yourself first and foremost thing is life should become profound in your experience then how you impact people you don't have to worry whichever way you do it it'll be for the best but if you live in the surface and try to impact people sometimes you will do good things sometimes you will do terrible things to people maybe with good intention because most horrible things on this planet are done with best of intentions not with bad intention mr guru thank you for blessing us with your wisdom today can get around [Music]
Channel: Sadhguru
Views: 813,635
Rating: 4.8715873 out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru, sadhguru 2020, wisdom, sadhguru interview, sadhguru quotes, sadhguru meditation, sadguru speech in english, sadhguru latest, sadhguru videos, sadhguru jaggi vasudev, sadguru, sadguru speeches, satguru, sadhguru english, #sadhguru, guru, spiritual master, indian yogi, #SadhguruExclusive, Sadhguru Exclusive, Logan Paul & Team Maverick Interview Sadhguru
Id: oINxyuIUYU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 12sec (5472 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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