Logan Paul Fires Co-Host, Loses Millions On NFTs (Shocking) - IMPAULSIVE EP. 326

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you're the nicest human being you are really good thank you except for last night when you tried to assault me on the roof yeah i say i say one i mean george i got to call you out yeah but everybody crumbles well it's just you know i threw a steel chair at logan uh mike flew the entire crew out here for absolutely no reason there goes our entire month's budget for impulsive he said guys the hard rock's doing an opening we'll make sure to get our podcast for the boys only and get a guest who's the guest mike the there was a little bit of issue with the guest with the guest episode but i want to say this i was prioritizing and mostly focused on the boys only episode because as everyone knows it's been quite some time since we've had a official boys only episode and those are the favorites of the audience also i will say this the majority of the crew was flown out here once again by the hard rock because they're incredible the hotel is beautiful it's in a great location the rooms are stunning the rooms are stunning amazing amazing hotel shout out to the hard rock new york city if you come to new york state the hard rock oh i uh so i got a new place that kind of parlays into this the embarrassing story that i have for you guys and i've waited for the for impulse because i you guys are going to roast the [ __ ] out of me i got a new place in arizona i want to be close to my mom and dad i want to move back to the city still having my place in l.a just going back and forth uh i'm excited this place that i have has a rooftop that is unbelievable so i'm walking around i'm super happy asking people hey do you like living here they're like oh look at this place and another person like yeah and then i went up to this guy laying down holding his phone like this like staring at me uncomfortably and i was like oh maybe he's sad i didn't ask him so i walked up to him and i said sir how do you like living here and he he goes he goes and i thought he's deaf okay so i go like a normal human being i signed to him hello my name is george janko and he goes dude i'm on the phone what the [ __ ] do you want i was like oh my god and he's like yo what the [ __ ] is wrong with me and then my whole family's right there and they look at me they go did you just sign to a guy that's on his phone with airpods on it's like you're a dumbass georgie but no you're not because you know sign language also do you know sign language i did so i was in a resource class growing up and the kid next to me i would talk to everybody and he was deaf and i felt like he felt left out so i learned how to sign so i could talk to him too you're you're the nicest human being you are really good thank you except for last night when you tried to assault me on the roof yeah i say i say one i mean george i'm going to call you out the [ __ ] out but everybody crumbles well it's just you know i threw a steel chair at logan we have a different relationship [ __ ] we have a different relationship you steal [ __ ] chairs bro if you hit mike you're out i go what the [ __ ] i did this guy stabbed you in the back i'm [ __ ] i didn't know we were mama's basement but i can't smack somebody what kind of [ __ ] boxer i'll tell you why because i'll tell you i'll say it again cause you told me you said i'm gonna smack the [ __ ] out of the mic i said i said if you incite violence towards anyone on this team you're out yeah no no you get this you do that you're out i go i'm so replaceable no and he can't and that's what and that's the story he came to me came to my room when we talked he was like man he's like he's like i don't like this idea that that i can just be taken off i go george we can't have another co-host drama with a third co-host i don't think the audience would do that again bro we've already bullied six co-hosts off the show we can't do it again so you're stuck bro i don't give a [ __ ] if you hit me with a hammer you're on the show so what i thought that's why i thought it was okay to slap you no because because you totally said it it was pre-meditated yes it was pre-meditated to give my opponent a fair opportunity [ __ ] that will smith all day will smith all that's a crime of passion brother smack the [ __ ] off you can get away with that that's why that's why he can throw a chair at me he didn't know he was going to do it he just did it imagine if i said yo logan i hate to say it but i'm about to throw a chair at you i steal one chair you never was like yo mike you're out a steel chair and i was like yeah shut up i'ma smack you and he's like yo yo yo you in sight violence you're out buddy because you're out cause we don't do the violence here your brother's a professional boxer you got he fought your dad he literally fought your father and i say i'm gonna smack some i want everybody here to know they hate assyrian boys this is ann raymond and women already off the start of the show now listen i do my absolute best and you know george didn't get the room that he wanted not about the room bro stop pulling dude we just got into it as boys and i just i said something that was wrong and i bought pizza and made up for it and what was the end part of it i said if you have an issue always come directly to me and i'll solve it yeah that's what i said never come to logan by the way never completely it's got a lot of time i love you bro this is serious can i talk to you dude i got a supermodel yes he has a lot of [ __ ] it's a lot of [ __ ] going i literally go bro please i just want to talk to you leave me on the roof i got out of the room almost fought mike you gotta go bro i gotta say can we talk what i want got a supermodel dude right now just who's the ceo who's writing this book meet me just come to me just that's why i said just come to me bro i manage all of this [ __ ] so that he can do his dude i almost assaulted you right i didn't know you're right you can't i would have sucked up to you if i knew you were writing this [ __ ] listen no no he's right you're right we need we need someone who knows what they're doing dude you know that's me no no no no no no dude mike where's the [ __ ] ghost mike the only thing you're running just sits at the ground mike we have just come off a 10-day bender of the most epic proportions f1 miami straight here it's been wild we're all very tired we're running on fumes the jet set it is the same people in every [ __ ] city yeah every event i go to i'm like wondering who we'll meet at this one i know who i'm going to meet at this one purple miami matt chandelle jeffries and it's they just go from one spot to the other and an assaulter there's all these one parts from the salter family everywhere i go yeah they're everywhere no and it's not there everywhere now it's we we we've become a part of it oh no you guys are club rats are we yes hold on if you guys didn't know that you guys are like the hoes of like the men like if if there was like a description of the la hoes you and that's not a bad i have never i have no are you calling me a fuckman you are you are a [ __ ] and by the way very cheap [ __ ] like you can like you could just roll the dice whatever it lands on that's actually that's not you know that's not true you know that's not true okay you fall in love with terrible women and you fall in love with every woman all right like he's out of control you already have to i fell in love mia i love her this is the best girl in the world next day dude i don't know what's wrong with her brother did you know she has a family and then this guy bro like this girl might have like a kid and she's a man no you have to stop george you have to stop what there's a lot of this is alpha you gotta call now that i know i can't get cut well no it's not no no i'm always impressed with the girls mike mike gets i don't know how he does it he had a funny story back in l.a at the beginning of this bender the girl the completion girl well i i had a plan to get it okay so the other day someone dm me on instagram and they said you guys have a very unique opportunity to recreate the impul the uh entourage show from hbo they said you you guys are there is no more capable squad than this one to recreate that show because of the scenarios we find ourselves in on a daily basis we got vinnie chase we got probably e i know people want me to be drama but i'm the guy that advises and the business manager jeff is is already gold obviously and then we got turtle like it's all it's a turtle turtle's a lot one of the most loved characters on the show he's [ __ ] amazing anyways ari gold actually we got we got lloyd we got dylan lloyd right there hey guys all right so anyways i'm at this house party the other day beverly hills and uh i'm talking this girl i met her in vegas and uh it was the end of the night things were getting pretty crazy it was like 4 a.m and she was like i have to go to the bathroom and i saw that as like an invitation i was like all right dope like i'll go with you and it was a very packed house party but we made our way to the bathroom and we got in without anyone really seeing us get in so we're in the bathroom and you know she's doing her thing and i'm you know fixing my hair or whatever like hanging out and i don't have any hair but but before you know it you know one thing led to another and uh the classic bathroom party hookup bathroom head in the bathroom you know yeah and by the way i've never hooked up with a girl in the bathroom what no if i if a girl can hook up with me in the bathroom that's not the girl i want to be that's that that's the perfect girl for mike hold on a second i'm not we're not talking about marriage here georgie talking about a little party fun entourage style oh sorry okay so i'm in such a relationship [ __ ] mode sorry dude so what did this girl do at the bathroom so dude could you show some respect i'm sorry i gotta cancel the rest for tonight she forgot it was her friend's birthday oh already getting smoked damn damn damn looks like somebody's the baby how does it feel to meet hook up and get rejected in the same outfit damn bro that's crazy i was not wearing this outfit when that happened all right it's the middle one i'm in the bathroom and i i i'm not really big on the public hookups anymore i have anxiety that i don't really love the idea of people being outside the door knocking hey i gotta get in i gotta [ __ ] like it's just too much going on you know what i'm saying yeah but this night this specific girl bro i i met her in vegas when she had a man and i was super into her and she was like showing a lot of love back like she had a man so i was like whatever this guy this girl's super hot so i was really really into it and she's on her [ __ ] knees going crazy in the bathroom people are knocking oh god oh [ __ ] let me in the door whatever right so i finished the act and immediately posting up clarity immediately holy [ __ ] i'm in the bathroom there's a line of people outside the door this girl's sitting here she's seen better days from a facial standpoint like she's a [ __ ] mess and i'm standing there with my dick in my hand like [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] just so so so i so i'm like [ __ ] now she turns around to go into the mirror to like clean up and i i panic and just bolt out the door you finish and left yes so i run past this line of people and they're like looking at me like why is he running past this because i closed my door the door right so i go back into the party and i immediately like try to be that guy that just reintegrates into the party what's everybody doing out here having a good time you know like i go right back to my friends like what were you doing i was like nothing like nothing just hanging out dude right so this girl comes out of the bathroom in like belligerent mode bro and she goes up to one of my homies i hear this story the next day i didn't even see it happen but she goes up to one of my boys and she goes i just sucked some guy's dick in the bathroom dude completion and he just ran out and the k and like imagine a girl coming up to you and saying that yeah the first thing you would you would say is who's the guy who wants it can you imagine for a second in a larry david entourage style moment she goes that guy right there she points at me like what is your reaction and that like do you fall on the ground like do you just fall out and start dying laughing i would i don't i don't even i can't even picture i don't know was everybody looking at you when she did that no it was not like it was a loud party there was a lot going on but so anyways so i get this story the next day from this kid and i do [ __ ] with this girl i like she's a cool girl and uh she hits me up the next day and she goes that was [ __ ] up you just left me there in the bathroom and bro immediately my manipulative chess playing mind went to work and i said listen i didn't know if you had like a guy that you were talking to at the party or like or if you were the type of the girl that wanted to be seen coming out of the bathroom with a guy like out of respect for you like i just wanted to make sure that we left the bathroom separately and i'm this is me i'm like this and she goes she did three bubbles she goes she goes i'm so sorry i don't know what i was thinking i i guess i was just being dramatic and i was like it's complete i was like it's completely uh what if she watches this podcast she's going to by the way by the way great great top top three head like [ __ ] fantastic this episode is sponsored by ridge wallet oh there's no look at this thing it's great that's awesome it is it holds up to 12 cards plus room for cash no reason have a traditional wallet anymore because slim is in get yourself a ridge wallet click the link in the description to use the code impulsive for 10 off your order the rich team is so confident that you'll like it they'll let you test drive it for 45 days you can send it back for a full refund if you don't love it that's code impulsive for 10 off your order thank you ridge wallet now back to the show fanta definitely watch us call her daddy 100 george and i were just talking about this a little bit i think uh i think i think maybe girls uh in this generation are becoming a little bit more sexually forward i think they're really and and and maybe maybe it's partially because of the um the increase in uh body sentiment and body comfortability that we're seeing uh maybe it's because we're having more open conversations about sexuality and sex in general and i'd like to believe that the caller daddy podcast is leading a generation of young women who are really good at giving ahead yeah yeah it's [ __ ] for sure whoa this girl goes like oh that's sexist she goes so you guys could just go [ __ ] around no no that's pretty gross too it's [ __ ] up that's gross but you can't just like like negate that it's [ __ ] like if i was sitting there at my wedding day and they're like dude we just heard a story by your wife and she was at a bathroom and she sucked that dude i know some pretty raunchy sex stories about you you think your wife would call me marijuana me and my girl do stuff together but we're in a relationship i think the sex could get wild and it's not talking about sex stories that don't involve your current girlfriend i was a terrible person once yeah so what i'm saying is do you think she should break up with you because you had sex in that parking lot outside the cop station for the first time a key that could don't even try it don't even try it if you want i'm not all right a key that can open every lock is a master key you you you [ __ ] that up yeah no here's the real reason uh get a good look at a t-bone by sticking your head up a butcher's ass no i i don't think i don't think it's different i don't think it's different also like i wasn't a lunatic when i was single i wasn't just [ __ ] everything i laid my eyes on i had a very high selection in fact i wouldn't actually have sex with a girl unless that if i accidentally got her pregnant up i could bear those kids i swear to god that was a thing of mine really yep if i asked because i would always buckle up no matter if it was just a one-night stand or whatever if i accidentally got her pregnant i'm [ __ ] locked in i'm gonna make sure that kid's okay i'm i'm i'm not really super willing to have sex if it requires a condom i had a relationship for a year and i never not wore a condom but you always work on them that was the only girl that i ever not wore a condom with yeah wow because i was like oh if i get her pregnant sick dude i won like but yeah i mean you got to do your checks both sides yeah yeah that's just very very safe and be safe which i'm not i wore a condom pulled out ran to the bathroom yeah the the the pull out thing it's a little tricky yeah you're right it's a little tricky i don't know how far we take this you guys don't i'm gonna hold on is that is that too prerogative i said it wrong yeah there's no way you [ __ ] damn it bro i can't let this one go that one was bad i'm sorry all right go ahead i think provocative yep is the word were you talking about pierogies this one's too prerogative oh it's been a long week uh uh uh i'm a pullout surgeon dog really expert master level master level why guys have a lot of trouble with this it is it is very very hard for lack of a better word to do it uh here okay one thing i've learned about life and we all know this is that habit is is tough to break and and but when you make it it kind of sticks with you if you really hold it for a long time and i started pulling out about 40 years ago when i was 15. and i never stopped bro like dude like even my my ex like would beg me like to to not and i always would it's it's it's like she was trying to get knocked up as proven by her brand new baby great baby by the way but um but but i don't know it's like a it's like a uh what's the word like flex reflex now an instinct like two two pre two pumps three i'm out wow and i'm doing some some [ __ ] oh you're sorry one of them wild from the other one the one i told you about it's way too graphic for the show then why i even mention it i don't know i probably could talk about it please don't yeah you're not gonna mention it then mention that you can't talk about it i do that all the time and the audience hates it they get so mad they're like wow that's what i'm saying why are you even mentioning it because i was hoping maybe you pushed me to say it all right brock lee the frog no you can't say that it was a frog leap like mike the next morning he comes in the car he goes i gotta tell you boys i was hitting some angles last night he goes i was feeling like i was in my mid-20s again it was a great night it's all about the chemistry with you and your partner yeah that's what it is like dude the right partner could could bring you out of your your your old age you know what i'm saying and make you bring and make you feel like a kid again make you feel like you got your like yeah you spunk back yeah like you got your spunk back as if the testosterone that i'm shooting into my asses well many many in this generation are running low on tests naturally really yeah yeah totally yeah um everyone because of social media and fast food no it's not it's it's it's it's the food it has to be yeah it's a bunch of [ __ ] you know it's there's a there's a lot of preservatives in tomatoes also uh i love this podcast most people do also uh i forgot i like this feel this are you on mushrooms right now it just feels good man that does feel good can can i can i talk about the elephant in the room that isn't [ __ ] related everyone that we know everyone we've ever had contact with every person we've met in the jet set every family member we have is now poor there's zero net worth absolutely nothing including us we have nothing not me because i didn't invest in crypto the crypto market wait wait no this is not george i swear to god i will launch the entire haha stupid heads remember when you were like nfgs luna on this motherboard i've been waiting months for this because i see you guys making so much money and i'm like [ __ ] maybe i [ __ ] up well it's not i don't know when to hold them it's not it's not money it's uh well it used to be money well no it's not well they're blackjack chips right so like the crypto market has collapsed this is what i was trying to say ethereum is in the toilet bitcoin is in the toilet and more importantly stable coins have become unpegged from their stability completely unstable stable coins they're supposed to be pegged to the dollar the us dollar one in particular called uh tether uh tara tara taro it's not tether no oh ust yeah not usdt terrorist that just sounds terrible so just don't i'm done with your puns you're on timeout 30 seconds part of the interruption for 45 seconds we are seeing a a dramatic collapse now we've seen resets we've seen uh dips as they call them this one has felt dramatically different because there were a couple big losses um including the the the d-peg the tara d-peg again a stable coin that's supposed to be always worth a dollar cannot be worth 60 cents which it was i think it was even lower at one point luna in particular i don't know the luna story but it's it is wild tragic it deserves its own document i've seen some of the most insane side stories off this but luna itself a a coin that has was heavily invested and heavily liquid a month ago billions of dollars of liquidity is now worthless yeah actually worthless less than a cent like fractions less than a cent told you so [Laughter] that was good you know it's just a funny thing because the same hype that could drive up the crypto market is the hype that can destroy it yeah crazy because none of none of crypto like normal stock or real estate is is is backed by any kind of tangible good it's it's all just ip and and you know proprietary potential yeah it's not even proprietary you know uh uh uh property it's prop proprietary potential which is which is yo this is what is go this is going to be able to do and and so the same hype that could drive it up when people start going nuts flooding on twitter that [ __ ] can go in the toilet and and that has far-reaching effects on both nfts on on projects that you and i are either investing or launching yeah yeah yeah no it's it's it's a bad it's not a great time to be fully involved in crypto especially if you were involved in luna ksi my business partner in prime um lost three million dollars r.i.p gone i i personally have lost over half a million thus far um i just bought an ape for 716 000 at the height yeah i will say though i will say though if you believe in the tech and you believe in the function of cryptocurrency and you zoom out and go super macro this is nothing it's just another bump in the road but that's really hard for a lot of people a lot of people fomo buy and then panic sell you have to remove your emotions from this situation and if you play the long game you're gonna win well more importantly than that even is just people not playing by the most important [ __ ] rule which is only invest what you're willing to lose because because a lot of these people got into situations where they were over leveraged where their their mortgage payments were based on their ability to liquidate small levels of crypto and like dude like this is gonna this is getting ugly quick because you're looking at a mass liquidation event you're looking at inflation fears you're looking at war you're looking at by the way the crypto market has generally always in some way followed the regular markets and the regular markets are [ __ ] the [ __ ] bed right now too so even if you're a regular stockholder you're still in a [ __ ] up spot it's a it's a little financially scary at times and that's why i launched one of the most important projects in my life during the worst bear market we've ever seen in our lives what the [ __ ] was i thinking i'm just kidding originals is doing fantastic it's doing fantastic the market is absolute [ __ ] but we launched originals 99 originals the project i mentioned in the project that i've been working on for nine months traveled the world took a bunch of polaroids meant to them as nfts the buyer gets the original one-on-one polaroid forming the originals dao uh it's gonna be a community with a community treasury that can vote what to do with the funds and um it's been amazing the first one sold for i think 60k the next one is 100k basically we've sold four the dow has uh roughly 130 000 to play with and it's doing a remarkable i actually can't believe how against the grain uh uh to the market that it is and i think it's because people believe in the project i'm getting a lot of text from like notable people who are who are realizing quickly i think truly how much work i put into this both mental and physical work and and energy that is spread out by a team of [ __ ] people and i'm so proud of our dev team i'm so glad we got to launch um and and and kevin i mean you know how long we've been working on this journey like nine ten months of just like blood sweat and tears and we launched and i couldn't be happier man and we couldn't run out every day thanks bro congrats originals.com you guys are bored you want to see some uh some cool art go to originals.com the people in the audience they don't none of them they don't get but but it will be clipped and put somewhere where they they don't want to hear about it yeah yeah yeah yeah they hate us it's in the comments every time we hate you and i'm not even we hate the nft content because of the nft content we hate you as people like we actually dislike yes yeah i get it so that was a good quick little segment yeah crypto market's down ft market's down originals is up a lot of people are down bad very few of them down as bad as ghana and young [ __ ] what happened to gun and young thug well i'm happy that you asked that george gone on young thug two of the world's largest rap superstars right now we're arrested on rico charges as part of their involvement with ysl young stoner life if you're unfamiliar with what rico charges are it's basically the worst thing that could ever [ __ ] happen if you do anything related to anything it means racketeering influence and corrupt organizations act where they're looking to basically prove that you are a part of a mob or gang or mafia it is the largest fear of any organized crime unit in the world well sorry in the united states if you get hit with rico act it's over buddy curtin get hit with the racketeering no his his people did the people that that he was involved with oh my gosh but it's it's basically like the the the that like what's that japanese is it a japanese like finishing blow where they cut the person's head off as they're like bowed over oh is it really like is it is it it's not coup de gras is it i think that's a dish yeah that might be like or like yeah that maybe anyways no it's couscous i think it's frog it that's neither here we're not talking about duck fat today we're not talking about fatty livers of geese uh but basically uh the the indictment states that uh young thug and gunna were involved with this ysl street gang that was responsible for multiple murders carjackings armed robberies narcotics possessions and i mean the gamut gambit all of it and the story quickly as it usually does has become how much should lyrics and that's fine how much how much no no i understand what i'm saying is this what i'm saying is this i have all day and the audience loves longer episodes finish your finish your task so wait hold on so do they rat themselves out no there's one it's there's one bottle in my uh suitcase so i'm like we launched a new flavor of prime i'd love to hear about these these thugs who are going to prison for the rest of their life but i'm more interested in uh ice pop our new flavor of pride it's the best flavor by the way really it is it is hands down the best flavor by far forgot to bring the bottle we drank all of them makes me feel like i'm chasing the ice cream truck as a kid again i could drink that literally every minute of the day really yeah it's my favorite one it blows the other ones so far out of the water for me everyone's saying that it's it's it's top three for me though it's not my favorite no no it's not possible and i don't trust your opinion on anything if you disagree i mean i love that i love it i just i i'm a green guy i'm a blue guy nice pop nice pop's number one yeah the hundred percent okay yeah everyone else is saying it um anyway sorry so young gunner thug guy and i don't even know why so they were racketeering and lyrics you were talking about lyrics and how they shouldn't okay thank you yes it goes back to this question of should lyrics or let's bring it back up to an even higher macros uh perspective should the person's art be used against them in a court of law if it has to do with murder i think so hey guys check out this canvas it's made out of this guy's blood but if you look his bones are the skeleton and that's really correct so the opponent so the opponents of it like and this is that like twitter free guna and young thug crowd that just say that no matter [Laughter] can i pick up my [ __ ] phone for one second without you making a big deal out of it no one would even know no because i got it no because i got to say this this has been an elevated threat over the past seven days you've become a disgusting human you just sit on that [ __ ] thing it's all day it's all bro do you understand how much [ __ ] time and effort i put into this trip to watch you be a [ __ ] android what do you do doug yes be a globally renowned super celebrity and enjoy your ex don't you have a [ __ ] infrastructure to send [ __ ] creative out no no that's back to what we were saying at the beginning of the podcast we have no one running our [ __ ] facts we need a co stop saying that by the way if you ever want to get something done with logan you get this during a breakup or a business meeting shake my hand brother it's done he doesn't yesterday he says that no matter what bro like dude there's nobody running it i talked to jeff he says talk to dylan dylan says talk to mike mike says dude i've got these [ __ ] falling for okay i'm doing this and that and i go who's [ __ ] he goes okay more people on it shake my hand brother it's done i go you did this in texas and in miami okay and nothing has been done about it but this time it's done and i'll tell you what my hand brother it's done what was it what was it i told him i told him we're going to get him uh not uh in the rooms with caleb [ __ ] with caleb [ __ ] rooms man please nobody listen to these [ __ ] i'm not a diva i share my room with reed by the way i don't even have my own room so please you get manicures pedicures and it's good it's very good it's very good it is it is really good i got to get better r r i got to get better being off my phone the issue is there's a lot going on you're very busy and especially with originals dude [ __ ] idea all i ask is while we're on the podcast this is this is this is the holy land for us for all of us all right stop texting [ __ ] chicks about dinner reservations for five seconds and deliver quality programming to your life i'm trying i'm really setting me up that's right well i'm reading my notes well how many seconds is taking the conversation that we were already having that i worked all morning to prepare for please i haven't i have notes i have material too fine do you think people's artwork should be used against them in the court because okay like like y w mellie this was funny he got he made that one song got i wake up i got murderer on my mind and then he [ __ ] killed his own but that's what i'm trying to say i came up with this this is that's not funny this is right it's nothing about it well it's it's it's crazy how in the courtroom i can imagine they're like what did you mean by this there's a key uh uh skit about this oh there is there's a legit skit where they're like so what did you mean by that and then i played the thing okay so it maybe it is it's in that context it's funny the murder is not [ __ ] funny but it's so so ice pop these rappers can't win they can't so investigators brought up the following um in court uh there was a murder on 49th street in atlanta 49th street atlanta where someone was shot by a nine millimeter out the window of a sentra here's a lyric from young thug we caught that boy on 49th here's some [ __ ] that happened really out the window of the center hitmans with the nine million oh my god first of all great lyrics okay i'm gonna be honest with you i made that whole story up no yes i did i really went but hypothetically dude but hypothetically that's such an athletically if that could happen but that's basically what we're looking at i literally thought that's what he wrote we caught that boy on 49th here's some [ __ ] that happened really out the window of the censure hit the men's with the nine million like that's basically what's happening so yo if you say you murdered someone in a very specific manner and they're able to tie that back to a person that was murdered in a specific manner yeah man i think your your lyrics should probably be able to be used against you in a court of law maybe don't do that they talk about this in the rap community all the time don't self snitch don't self snitch by the way i don't know if gun or young thug even did this but let's they are starting to bring the their lyrics into the um doc the court documents and starting to use it against so we'll see what happens but a lot of entertaining stuff in court the johnny depp amber heard trial wild is remarkable what's your favorite moment of that trial i i'm pretty sure i saw her do cocaine no that's dude that was in court dude that was so crazy is that what she was doing i mean i i'm never gonna place that judgment as if i'm all-knowing but if you're gonna hold a napkin here and they did actually a cut there's a video on youtube where they show the napkin and she's like never moved or something it never moved uh and you see her pull it out of her like right here where she like ties it and then also when she blows oh she's like she stuck it up and then and by the way she wasn't sniffing or playing with their nose before that moment so like they caught her what a dog but my favorite moment wasn't the attorney not being present amber is attorney i don't know where she probably got him off of a groupon or something i don't know what happened but my favorite moment out of this whole entire court is this girl's like talking and she's really a dude she farts it goes upside down that was [ __ ] fake i saw that video it was not true that was true that was true no she didn't [ __ ] say that that wasn't amber that far did it it was the girl and they added the sound effect into a line before she said sorry that was me oh that was me sorry it was it was yeah it was on camera bro watch this it's on camera george just farted did you fart it was on camera did you fart george we're on camera did you just fly don't tell me my favorite moment was faith it was fake it was fake but the moments that are also in the courtroom are good hold on when he objects to himself objection you're honestly the only thing you bring to the table nowadays is that you're logan paul that's it like you are a useless waste of existence like if it wasn't if this wasn't called impulsive i would roll you off the roof right to a final [ __ ] ending because you are you are useless you are [ __ ] useless and you have nothing you have no one to blame i'm in the same rooms as you as late as you are every night and you i don't know what it is like a [ __ ] lump of clay bro just unmold it i don't know what it is this age thing dude like i just don't handle the hangovers dude you're in your 20s what the [ __ ] are you saying you know you did stop taking all your doctor prescribed stuff it's just so much it's just such a regimen [ __ ] dude what's the price of health you know you pay a lot of money for health and it ain't working because i'm not on my regimen i i'm i'm i'm a little unhealthy now like you look healthy well we were saying something um oh the courtroom uh so amber here's here's my genuine question yeah amber heard i don't i don't actually know the uh details of the trial and the domestic violence aside how do you come back from the whole world knowing that you [ __ ] on johnny depp's bed it's tough because she's hot i don't even know she is hot i wonder if he got painted she ain't that it's yo it's weird that she did her makeup in the court she didn't wear makeup probably could probably because she wanted to play or she wanted to appear as non-threatening as possible not uh distressed oh you think that's what it is she like purposely bloated herself and made herself look pale like yeah i mean she still looks beautiful i don't think she looks ugly i here's the thing bro like every relationship has issues there's their issues was on on a whole different level i i i just am proud of how johnny handled it and i think we need to talk about that a little bit more guys do get abused mentally and physically and we get laughter when you kind of talk about it the way he had his whole career removed from him bro the way that his exes stood up for him his co-host dude his exes were like bro he wouldn't raise his voice at me let alone his therapist was like she wouldn't let him talk like this man was being beat up mentally and she removed his life from him and all he did is take it to court that is the most manly thing i've ever seen in my life i gotta say this i think the biggest like uh learning from this more than anything else is be aware of the liability that your potential partner is as soon as possible if you start to see red flags like yo i really [ __ ] with this girl or guy but they are a raving psychopath that is going to do you know what i'm saying like that is gonna try that potentially could ruin my life down like brothers oh with you something why don't you take your own advice listen and i'm gonna try to be a dick but every single uh uh woman you've brought to me and god bless her i pray for all of them they will never ever uh bring you up to a higher life of living they always will they're anchors well hold on a second every single one of them my last ex-girlfriend got me two plus million new subscribers on youtube okay and so shut your god forsaken ya i did need her and i will add to this she also raised my stock value it is true in a heavy [ __ ] way it is true because now that you're broke what have you learned no i'm not talking about financial stock george and also sorry the the subscriber count was running in tandem so we can't really be sure which one well it doesn't matter to incrementally increase at a higher rate well i don't i don't care because i introduced you to 100 percent you gave me uh 100 percent 100 percent but but more so but more so this is the blockchain brother the transaction's there it's a history i just want a girl that's going to make you love yourself so that way you could develop as a better man than you are because there's moments where i catch you and i'm like whoa that version of mike could [ __ ] slay a country by himself you're intelligent you're smart you're confident but there's some women that put you on a pedestal that isn't rotating in the direction that your life should be going why should i still be rotating at all first of all i heard that analogy or were you too busy texting people if you are standing in a mall and there's some sort of thing on display in the center in that way i could see why a pedestal would be rotated yeah yeah also car pedestals you know like the car pedestals they like rotate also here's another thing [ __ ] both of you guys that was a great announcement i don't know you just he just you just you just said a girl puts me on a pedestal that's rotating in a certain direction i know what you're [ __ ] trying to say george you pick terrible women george these are beautiful they are beautiful george but beauty can only go a certain way and this is why i talk to young women and i say yo beauty doesn't last forever your brain does right so like if you're gonna live a long healthy life and you're investing in a stock that's going to end at a certain age and then that time is gonna you put all your value into it and now it's nothing and for the rest of your life you're left with nothing you're being very critical critical so i'd like to critical and i just want to say this i'd like to know what you think of my pics of women i i've told you i loved your picture woman oh i have text messages where i say every single girl you i don't want to list them because you're a [ __ ] but there's a lot of women that you've brought around and i've loved every single one of them wow recently you left this is a lot where bell was like i think that one he [ __ ] up on and he choose a good one but this is a learning lesson also you need to learn kind of to love your friends first before you start loving women around you well she was a superhero you did this i told you this last night yeah you like to speak in heavy absolutes but it is an absolute give me one girl give me one girl you brought around us and i'm like okay yeah you're right george let me speak i don't bring girls around i i do one nights that's it you've never met a girl from me besides my ex that i've ever said you have interest in this girl ever it's never happened true okay so let me just say this oh so you don't want a relationship george what beautiful helpful woman that instills the love of christ is looking for family will teach me from scholarly and learnings and morality standpoint stop sorry do you think that this sick deranged [ __ ] deserves i am around wild [ __ ] and i am the wildest george i promise you i get it they will come when i fix myself at least one percent stop i am not [ __ ] dutch the last girl i dated was very helpful was very and these fire alarms are fitting for this because i almost got picked up by an ambulance multiple times and this relay stop was very nice was very uplifting on my bad days told me that things were going to be better pushed me gave me confidence instilled that stuff in me unfortunately there was a little amber herd situation going on there brother so things happen yeah i know that but when i'm trying to do one girl and you name it no but you but you brought it from no because she's not a bad girl she's not a bad girl but she dude we can't even talk about the things that she did to you so what the [ __ ] are we gonna do here you're giving me a double-edged sword that i can't use we could use the evidence if you'd like but here's what i want to get to this one i want to get to one i'm not trying to disrespect you i'm trying to let you know that you're settling you're living this life that you want and it's high rewards for now but i'm telling you there's going to be a day and you're going to you're going to laugh at me now and everybody in the comments section below [ __ ] this guy switch your [ __ ] you go have fun no they're not they're the audience loves you so but here's what i want to say there's moments where we're having that's off camera inside entertainment you're a [ __ ] solid dude and any girl is lucky to have you in their life but if you don't show those qualities the good women that have great qualities are not going to come to you bro because all you do is project oh he's in the bathroom he finished me the completion like dude how was the girl gonna go home read john chapter eight and be like you know what i really want that guy i have content to create i don't have time for your [ __ ] you have a show to run that is not based on john 3 16. [ __ ] it is based on bathroom blow jobs okay so take your moral high ground or something [ __ ] ass okay well i love you and i'm here for you but you're right but you're right okay and i don't know where the [ __ ] road leads for me but i hope that there's many more subscribers views and dollars attached to it yeah or happy health no [ __ ] that [ __ ] i'm just kidding i'm kidding george yes you're right about all of that i need therapy i need more god i need a lot of things in my life but right now this show my show my homies building drink companies 99s i got to facilitate this and that i just don't have time for bible i love the bible and i love jesus i don't have time for like the whole thing maybe i never will have time george maybe you'll see me 55 at the club with a sign that comes out that says mike's aging that's what the signs who knows george i don't write the script here it's brought upon me by god almighty five second little thing before we move on why are we moving out where we going oh yeah that's what make sure i thought you guys are getting tired of me no no no so here's the thing i thought the same way bro i really did i thought if i get a relationship that everything's gonna slow down that happens when you have the wrong woman when you have the right woman bro go look at my life and how it shot up when belle entered you know why because i loved her so much and i go okay i gotta start [ __ ] getting [ __ ] done so that this life could be great together and you know what she did she added to it but you're mentally physically spiritually when the right person let me tell you something a good woman is the spine of a family do you hear what you just said a good one a woman is a spine of a family do you know what i was doing at 16 years old heroin like what do you you you i have this conversation with people all the time when they're like oh i was trying to explain it to her and she came back with this and i say the following stop trying to apply logic to an illogical situation thank you for your morality advice and for you and once again you're right you are 100 right george but guess what the entourage show was not written about a family in oklahoma with three kids who went to bible study on sundays but it was i love the bible and i love jesus i never even brought up the bible i know what you're thinking tuscaloosa is not made for us all right wait that was is that okay yeah tuscaloosa we love it why don't you get a wild girl that's like you but also would just be for you and build you there's a wild girl out there that's like i found one i'm in love with it i love bathroom sex and blow jobs and i really yes she does the one i'm in love with right now does just not with me i can't tell those jokes with a family [ __ ] get pant his face pants in his face no no no no clean it pantsy's face panties how did you spit on yourself and land on your own face bro it's a beard george try getting one i came out the womb what are you [ __ ] talking about my mother had to narrow my face in the third grade because i was too young to use a [ __ ] [ __ ] are you serious i swear on everything i love i came home and i go mom i'm tired of them calling me pablo because i just had a mustache and she goes son she goes they're just jealous because you're a real man i go but i'm in the second grade and then she's like okay so we went home we passed the shavers i was like mom and she's like no you're gonna need this and we put [ __ ] nair on and it worked the first time second time i tried to do it myself i [ __ ] burned oh so i just look like pablo who shaved and had like a tan line here for like three weeks bro and by the way on [ __ ] picture day and i have that picture i'll show it to you guys can i tell you something i get curious sometimes how many because of our absolute mental [ __ ] nature moronic nature of our brains how many stories get retold on this show he i promise you he told that exact same story and everyone in the audience was just cracking up like it was i've heard that i'll find the [ __ ] clip i think i told you in person i think i was just like venting to you all right listen this is why this show is great three completely opposing viewpoints polar opposites on all sides george i love you you are necessary and as long as you don't assault a team member you will be on the show guys guys the island boys try to fight me on the podcast i would never touch them let alone you i just said that because you guessed you guys get rowdy and you throw stable chairs at each other so i was like i'll i'll say some reckless things to be part of you wanna hear someone reckless a stranger stuck her entire finger in my [ __ ] the other day what a part that that was [ __ ] amazing mike got his first colonoscopy prostate exam that's what that's where i meant oh so this wasn't sex based i i thought it might have been and i went and i got an scd check completely clear by the way more than happy to can we get the results on the screen caleb is that cool that's pretty [ __ ] right here is my gunnery and chlamydia results i actually got tested twice we'll get both on the screen at the same time completely negative non-detection uh so i went and she was like well you're clean i mean and because i've been having this pain in my nuts and i thought it might be related to the test i thought it might be who knows right she goes let me have you ever had a prostate exam before and i was like not in a doctor's office yeah exactly but but but uh i i'm here for it she was like i want to check out your prostate cause i think you might have a uh an infection like a bacterial infection in your butthole while on your prostate oh did you so she's like so she's like what what basically what i need to do is i need to i need i need to milk your prostate that's what they call it oh bro hold up i can't i can't i can't do the story bro wait what do you mean that's just what it's called how do you do it you just a finger no i'll just give you forget the terminology so so she wanted me so she told me to lay sideways on the bed and put my knee my knees to my elbow oh my god oh my god sideways like this and she was like she was like listen there's a good chance that you'll pass out from from this shut up that's what she said i said lady listen i am made of iron oh [ __ ] she she she had done it so many times that she knew to just [ __ ] do it oh my god and i'm talking like and i'm talking like not to get graphic but like to the back wall like all the way like he called me after he goes dude i can't believe how far they go like like what if she's a doctor with long fingers and it's not big fingers one and it's not slow whole finger they go like this they go pow so why i don't like butt stuff at a store that i may have told on this podcast before i had this done to me when i was 12. i got a skull fracture seven millimeter skull fracture yeah i have a plate in my head now because of it yeah and while i was at the doctor's office um i don't know why what tests they needed to do that involved like fingering my [ __ ] 12 year old you got a pediatrician are you going i don't know comes out of the room and they go did anyone just see that random man who snuck into the hospital we got a code for him i'm sitting there unconscious you know i just broke my [ __ ] skull concussions out the wazoo on like three sides of my head just a tragedy and all of a sudden i feel this pain in my butt and i lunge across the bed like fully like back from the dead i'm like oh what the [ __ ] was that and my papa flipped on this doctor so i have ptsd in general i think from that it's why i'm not like cool with all the butt play stuff but my dad flipped on the stock you could imagine greg hey [ __ ] how would you like it if i stuck my finger up your ass right now because i went like at you know like like cleveland it's a medical thing well he didn't tell me or anyone and also why why no but that is the other time no because they used the right never figure out why i i think it had it had to be some sort of internal bleeding but um just not not with all that you know my mom my mom told me that the anus is an exit and not an entrance and that's just something a mother should be telling her son not these days well that's what i'm a little hypocritical yeah my mother traumatized me when i was a kid she goes remember oh man i was gonna get mad bob don't listen to this part my mom looked at me and i was growing up and being like an adult i was talking about my girlfriend and she just bro [ __ ] ruined my life by turning to people holding the bible and she goes remember georgie the mouth is only made for worshipping that i was just like why would you do that damn boring as hell yeah but yeah but also no no she's just trying to well i hope so or [ __ ] my dad has a boring life yeah that's my mother what's wrong with you brother nobody's [ __ ] up yeah i'm really [ __ ] up i need a therapist i might get one and then send them to me no but she is right you can borrow mine you don't talk to yours she is right though by the way it's just some of these girls will really stop it stop it okay uh worshiping something dude yep um it's so bad bro sometimes twice a night and twice in the morning i hate famous functions that's an inside joke or was it it wasn't an inside joke i i don't like famous functions i realized i've been realizing more and more lately you that is the most cap no no no no malach does not like famous functions explain why you don't like burgers either you don't like porn stars you don't like heroin let me just explain further let me let me put a little bit more specifics on it i don't like the ones that where there's like a red carpet a suit like people are in suits and it's like very like you know the person like that they have the trays with like a little um meatball on a toothpick and you like oh yeah yeah what do they call the suarez galas right like that kind of stuff i just don't like them yeah because because now you you're very good at them and you walk around and you you like hobnob and it's like you know there's only so long i could stand with this crowd and watch billionaire after billionaire come up to and be like saw the fight with tyron woodley really enjoyable before i'm just like why are we [ __ ] here we don't need these [ __ ] and this isn't jake paul how long do we have to but you always you always like find like oh that girl over there she's a supermod i'm like yeah she's seven feet six bro go enjoy go talk about peta and [ __ ] unicef for the rest of the night i'm going to the [ __ ] club with tov and keefa to a basement to dwell in a basement with my train spotting t-shirt have fun [ __ ] i'm out which is what happened last night he'll just hobnob this kid could hobnob it's because he's got the clothes for it he's gotta have i'm not i'm not i'm not kidding i'm not kidding i put on this shirt and i went oh i'm on i knew it i knew it dude you wear the right outfit and it gets your confidence up oh super super up swear to god this shirt is so sweet it's just no matter how high his confidence goes it's always offset when someone comes up to him like that time we're on the boat talking about the [ __ ] ben askren fight man like that was great yeah this guy this guy came up to me he goes yeah you know i'm a good friend you're on my boat like yo dawg i don't [ __ ] know you it's always weird when somebody else tells you that they're good friends dude we're good friends it's confusing to me if you so obviously was jake on his boat but if you spent the whole day with my brother on your boat the guy that's tatted up and has a beard down to here it looks like that thing in the basement of the goonies sloth you [ __ ] know that wasn't me baby he does not look like that well he's on his way he keeps up his boxing career horizontally expanding you went like this for his boxing career and it's going pretty well he's won every fight he's done and he made like 40 million dollars last year doesn't matter he put it all in crypto [Laughter] there will be no more prime bottles by the time dude no i'm so proud of jake he's he's crushing it useless i mean it's like there's one brother and then there's the polar opposite one absolutely winning at everything the other is just a blivet of a human just a [ __ ] bloated [ __ ] just put him out of his misery get it over with dude let the one brother excel everybody thinks you're him anyways just let him [ __ ] go just let him go just [ __ ] give up brother it's over it's a wrap you are luna you are luna it's over hey man are you good [Music] and by the way this sound guy is fantastic yeah you're so good i noticed you're so good can you zoom to him every time every time we scream he he turns the levels down and i we haven't peaked one can you pan to him yo hire this guy and by the way great [ __ ] beard not to mention he also had gum when i asked who had gum and out of everybody here there's 30 people here he had [ __ ] gone i actually enjoyed it we had a pizza together and i enjoyed our conversation we really liked you man i was gonna i was gonna whisper new york we got good people yeah the best people in the world i was gonna i was gonna whisper i was gonna whisper and make a zack alpha joke because he kind of looks like him but but i forgot he's a sound i don't have headphones what's your problem what's going on i realize i am a problem i am no you're the greatest thing that ever happened you know we have a hate relationship with our sound guys so this feels weird we we i've we've almost killed every single guy we've ever worked with there is something about new york that just breeds professionality and and and [ __ ] just the people here are built different i met jeff's family's little kids yeah like three and [ __ ] four and i watched siblings no they were like brothers i met his family's little kids yeah yeah they're like his brothers it was jeff's brother he had kids that are brothers right little like little kids that are related in some way and i went up to him and i was like dude listen they were looking at me like this they were just kids bro and they were like jeff's like you got to meet him and i went up to him and i was like listen never discount the luxury that is being from this tri-state i said you're going to meet a lot of [ __ ] in your [ __ ] life if you leave this tri-state you will win you will annihilate everyone undeniably because you are from here that's what you told the five years no they were like three bro they were looking at me like their head was gonna explode i was like you wanna win i go get out of here go to california they move in slow motion buddy i go you'll win on levels you can never believe simply because of where you're from he's like he's looking at you like this okay so i just want a grilled cheese you know i told him what i said because he got that new cousin jeff had his baby live i go yo you got a brand new baby cousin live he's like yeah and i go she's kind of a [ __ ] huh she's like one yeah whoa bro she doesn't like jeff puts her on facetime and she's like kind of like sour towards me sometimes what does she say she goes logan and she also says this one's funny she goes jump on the top rope she goes jump off sounds like she's a fan it's weird to hear you you know shaming her like i would be where did you guys talk to children like this i was being facetious it's it's very funny to me to talk to children exactly like you talked yeah 100 i agree i agree what is happening i love it by the way when i gave that advice the dad looked at me he was like you're [ __ ] a hey [ __ ] right man yeah yeah yeah you're a hundred percent right brother a [ __ ] right um we talk a lot just some real value are where what are we on time don't why do you do that how are we on time you shook your head like it was the shittiest thing i ever [ __ ] asked you he goes like how are we going to like who gives a [ __ ] just end it no one cares this is [ __ ] he like made me feel like such a piece of [ __ ] like i asked you like some [ __ ] up question hey he's not lying because even i was like i might not like this podcast i didn't get that vibe really this podcast is incredible he was just like oh the vibe from him no okay so so i want to add a little bit of value for the people that are still around i was thinking about this today we talk about a lot of big projects on the show most mostly because of you you're useless on the show but outside of this show you're incredible prime boxing 99 originals you do a lot of liquid marketplaces look at marketing places you do a lot of big [ __ ] and i think that the audience watching this and a lot of the the younger guys watch it and they think to themselves i'm so far away from what he's doing or from what mike's doing from what george is doing and that that can be demotivating and i was thinking about this today and i was like the base that we built silently and the time that we spent building that base is what allows us to make the plays that we make now that daily grind that vlogging that vining that building of your brand that at points was silent or unliked or or you know not respected as much as it could have been was what allowed you to do everything that you do now and so i just thought of this message for the audience of people doing something that they don't exactly want to be doing right now or or aren't fulfilling their passion or their exact desire to stay the course because when you build a base or what i like to consider a fortress from which you can fight from and where you have room to retreat both financially and and by way of feeling accomplished and proud of yourself that's a very good feeling and that is what allows you to do the things that you dream of doing yeah yeah and it takes a while too it takes it takes a long time any real success unless you win the lottery takes like count on it planning or taking a decade we were just at daniel r sham studio the artist right before we came here it was nice enough to invite us to a studio finally got to meet him and the guy's one of the most talented artists i think alive right now he's he's absolutely incredible and and he's showing us around the studio and you know 15 employees that are there he's got a bunch working remotely just and and these sculptures and art that are so beautiful and you know he he's in fashion and he's the creative director for the cleveland cavaliers he's making sick business plays and uh going to art shows and i asked him i'm like dude like how your infrastructure is absurd like what is the team just you know picking his brain and he goes dude you have to remember i've had i've been in the studio for 10 years he goes i've been doing this for a long time and even for me it was a wake-up call because i was asking about again full circle putting some actual real infrastructure around this team we are way too skinny and it just takes a long time to to build the right team the right people and then accomplish the thing that you want to do if you're not already great at it like sometimes that takes a lot of time too like you got to work towards your craft dude i've i've been a um a little stale on camera like for a majority of my life look at look at the one interview of me um going to the wrestling state premieres like logan paul goes to wrestling like watch watch me on camera like i was not comfortable on camera but then i just started doing it over and over and over again now it's been a decade plus and like this [ __ ] is breezy to me automatically but it took forever that's a great that's a great note because how many people you come across especially in this day and age where the ability to create digital content is like kind of table stakes to get into the space and even in even in business situations or or or whatever it is that you do for a living the ability to create content around that is such an important aspect of just like being successful and every person you talk to or 98 of them it always comes back to i remember the first time i made a video and i was so uncomfortable and i felt like that for the first three years of making videos but now it's like second nature to me yeah you know what i'm saying and that's such an important learning lesson because people don't want to see themselves on camera people watching the show right now dread the idea of hearing their voice back do you remember hearing any voice i'm not even talking about like any craft dude like unless you're like a prodigy or like inherently good at a thing plan on it taking three to five to ten years before you feel comfortable yeah just comfortable yeah that's all i got dude look back to our first podcast in the house so yeah even no no joke look back at her all of us he i ran out you stayed in there but like we were all feeling it at first you know what i'm saying like how do we do this how do we do this and now look at us the number one podcast in the world just acquired by spotify wait what no i'm just kidding [ __ ] oh my god i thought that's how you dropped the news on me i was like really no no that's [ __ ] up no problem negotiation did they pass did they pass like that a test yeah did they pass on us no george we're the number one [ __ ] podcast in the world i sat at the wwe the executive chair office with vince mcmahon and co the other day looked at him straight in the [ __ ] eyes and said i am the host of the number one podcast in the world vince what did he say nothing all right it's just weird that that's still but i lied to vince mcmahon no we are the number one we are we are we really are i really that's why i'm saying it that's what i'm saying it by sentiment by sentiment you know i just we are dude joe rogan's great caller daddy's great milk boys are great we're the number one podcast in the world thank you guys for listening to this episode of impulsive number one podcast in the world we love you hit that subscribe button hopefully next time i see y'all be in better shape all right maybe i'll see you at a bathroom at a party or something are we done
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, logan paul, new york city, new york, george janko, impaulsive hosts, prostate, cryptocurrency, crypto crash, logan paul 99 originals, amber heard, Johnny Depp, logan paul girlfriend, mike majlak girlfriend, lana rhoades, baby, addicted to phone, gunna and young thug, rico charges, jake paul and logan paul, boxing, success, advice for kids, bad investments, nft, george fights mike
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 38sec (4058 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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