Loctite Spray Foam DIY Pumpkin

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[Music] it's YouTube Wednesday Loctite foam pumpkins the last pumpkin that I made was out of great stuff that was me making a desperate grab to see if I could find a good valuable use for Great Stuff Loctite I feel as far as superior but the Great Stuff pumpkin came out pretty good I just want to prove to my heart of hearts that Loctite foam will be better at this I also got one good recommendation of lining the bowl with plastic wrap so it would be easier to come out later a lot of people were saying that I should have used like Pam cooking spray or something inside the bowl that would make it a nightmare to paint down the road but this might no I'm not doing that either that's hard that's just going to be a pain in the butt just be take that out of the edit water why water because the foam needs the water to cure so if I wanted to make a nice skin on that side I've got to make sure that there's water there once again I'm going to do spirals around the bowl cuz I want it to support itself I could go up and down but then I'd have a weird seam anyway should I try to do up and down it's real hard to bring this back to the center I think the spiral way would use a little less foam and that should be going up and down like a pumpkin but I realized on this side I can spiral until I get to the up and down part we'll call this the bottom I am full tilt I'm squeeze down hard on the trigger this has a marshmallow fluff texture it doesn't have like a silky smooth texture like old lock type foam does I checked the date on this can it was made in 2022 the 2021 can seemed a little older got this from Home Depo for $7 and I am slowing down and I will call this this can dead after this just want to bring that all the way up that can is pretty empty I just set a timer for 5 minutes I'm applying water if you touch this and it sticks to your finger then it's not ready don't mess with it it should not stick to your fingers at all so both of these are now touchable this one's a little stickier I did it after this one what I'm doing is I'm just pressing all of this down so that uh it sticks together all I'm doing is I'm pulling it off of the side I'm using gentle pressure see it's coming off the side there I don't want it really to break if I could keep it for breaking that'd be great it's coming it's not easiest thing in the world but nor is it extremely difficult again I didn't use any kind of a release except for water and that's okay anywhere I feel like it's being sticky I just add some water this is the magic [Music] juice [Music] all right so because it's locktite I feel I can get a little bit bigger pumpkin out of it by stretching it and this guy was kind of a pain it was sticking to the bowl a little bit I let it sit longer and now I'm peeling it out it's like cooking fish if it sticks to the grill then it's not done so let it get done and now it just came right out and right now I'm going to start shaping this bad boy so this pumpkin is already smoother like I don't I don't need a second coat just to make it smoother there are times when all you need is half a pumpkin to imply that there's a whole pumpkin there like if you had some leaves or something or some leafy bushes you could just imply a whole pumpkin by having a half like this are these going to be perfect and line up probably not I haven't done anything to make that happen aside from roughly putting them in a spot that I like marrying these two together I think is going to be the harder part the great stuff was self-supporting faster than this was I think now I'm self-supporting this is out I need to start a second can is there enough in this I'm going to guess no okay so if I had to make a bunch of these what I would do is I'd make all my halves first and then I'd use one can to seal like 10 of them up and do 10 stems I can almost do this with one can right now it's a pumpkin with a waste countdown 4 minutes let's do this one as true to the last one as I can get it [Music] it's up to you if you go clockwise or Witter shins I want to do [Music] both which I should now be able to flatten out this seam and sort of seal that up so this does have a seam down the middle of it a little bit not terrible this one does not look as good as the great stuff does it it's uh it's [Music] different that's better it's better let me set this off to the side now why did that work less fighting now just kind of peeling off the sides as I go I'm being gentle cuz I'm moving a Elane bag of marshmallow fluff I don't want to break the bag I'm going to say great stuff is probably better for this because it bounces back and it keeps re-inflating itself which is annoying if you're trying to sculpt but if you're just want to puff up a pumpkin that's a pretty good feature see if this gets a wrinkle in it it stays if the other one gets a wrinkle in it then it would Puff back up this one is set like a good 6 7even minutes look at how it comes out patience is your friend so I'm going to outside the bowl once again this is a second one that I messed with less and it is not as flat but I'm flattening it cuz I want to make it denser Countdown 2 minutes yeah this stuff you have to work a little bit to make it stick to itself whereas the great stuff just if it touches it sticks always take that blob off the end it'll CA problems if you don't youever tried to line up two floppy circles just as fun as you think oh no I can't touch the edges oh this is a terrible idea whose idea was this countdown 3 minutes set a 3 Minute Timer so I could push all this back together and make it stick to [Music] itself I don't think this pumpkin will inflate because it's hard but remember this one I'm going to do just like the other one I'm going to go up and down on it remember this is the second can which is almost gone but this is all one can so I'll still be two cans if I do another can for this and I will have to do another can for this this can is going to waste my time pull the pin can is life this pumpkin I have higher hopes for giving it 6 minutes so it's good and skinned then I can go in and set up my real pumpkin shapes and uh do some forting first thing I want to do is I want to address the big bumps that just stick out give them a little bit of a pat I'm going to use this as the stem up top I don't have to go get a stick for this one cuz this stuff sculpts so well my trick will be not pressing it down too much and I want to look at it I want to find some natural good spots to put in in my pumpkin stuff and down here needs to come in that always sorts sort of spreads out that gets the bottom a little more rounded this is a blemish I'm going to go right through that blemish to make my pumpkin this this one is going to have character as they say but I also think it's going to be a goodlook pumpkin I'm just shaping I'm looking at what's here I want to overc crush trying to feel it out I want those raised areas and lowered areas if I go Crush Crazy that I'm not going to have any left because when you crush Loctite it stays crushed great stuff will always reinflated again a little bit for some things that's good for some that's not as good tell you I'm kind of loving how the top of this is looking I got to make 3/4 of this outside look decent really only half of it why is that because the ugliest part I'll carve the face out of that'll take one quarter of the pumpkin and then the other side's going to be on the back so that doesn't doesn't have to be beautiful either I think my original plan of how I made that first pumpkin is the way to make this pumpkin also it's coming along it's so light it's always weird to pick it up and see how light it is again I don't know if that's going to win any beauty contests but I know it's a pumpkin I'm happy with that time for paint that's a pumpkin I left the room I came back that's a [Music] pumpkin [Music] we'll let this sit for 15 20 minutes I feel orange so many people suggest that I do a black wash on the pumpkin cuz they want a spooky pumpkin I was kind of going for regular pumpkin I'll do a black wash on this one cuz I hate hearing people be sad water grab some paint it's a 1 in chip brush blue shop towels I have water black acrylic paint stuff from Walmart would be fine and I want to check it bring that camera over here I want to see if it has legs what I mean by legs that's the term from wine then when it goes up on the side of the glass what stays that's what I'm going to have on the uh pumpkin this is foam how much of that will get absorbed I don't know will I have to repaint the pumpkin I don't know I don't normally do a wash on foam we'll do it together we'll figure it out okay it's definitely staining it it's not too bad I won't have to repaint the whole thing maybe all those people were right who like you should give it a black wash if we want spooky pumpkin in a haunted house yes I'm going to say you guys were correct so what you're doing when you're doing this by the way is you're really just adding contrast you're adding contrast so that in low light it reads the same as it would in bright light normally the longer you leave a a wash on like the darker it gets the it's a testament to how good of a skin Loctite forms that it's not just soaking in I'm going to go ahead and hit these big splits again to go all the way around with that for my homies [Music] just to brighten up a little bit some of the spots that's pumpkin that look like a spooky craft pumpkin over in that this is where the seam is the worst I think so that's where I'm going to put his face and I'm going to make him like a diseased pumpkin someone else commented that they had a minor panic attack because I never gave my pumpkin a nose so Allan the guy who messes with people really wants to not give this one a nose either but I'm going to give it a nose just so that user or that viewer doesn't uh have a contion that Center where it's doubled up is tough think I'm going to add a little bit from the can that I have some left in and make some brows I want it to stick so right now I'm not using any water and I'm doing this I think it'll look cool but I also think that it'll hide a little bit of that seam I'm getting real close to the end of this can countdown 5 [Music] minutes this one is less dense like this layer is dense the inside layer is dense but the outside layer is not dense this is a Kershaw I believe knife sharpener I'll have my link to my Amazon store will be up you buy one of those sharpeners for razor knives I find them to be very very helpful timer went off didn't it layers you got to work in layers [Music] ohyah guess I'll get him orange real [Music] quick [Music] getting some bigger [Music] guns this is how I stab myself in the crotch either way it's going on YouTube making sure these Corners are clean doing that second layer of foam on the outside like that seam is gone from the outside on this one let's go ahead and uh spray paint this [Music] sucker I don't want to get any on the outside of the pumpkin so I'm sticking my brush all the way in and then I'm pulling out to get the paint off and that way I'm not going to get too much on the outside cuz the edge of the pumpkin is containing most of my bristles but I'm also not worried about it depending upon the weather and the humidity and stuff where you're at a great stuffed foam pumpkin might shrink on you it might shrivel up but a locktite foam pumpkin will not I've not really had any shrivel issues with Loctite for a guy my age no shrivel issues is a good thing I'm picking up just enough black from the table so that this yellow Blends in with the orange pretty good I like that happy accident or did I plan it the whole time painting should kind of be an organic process don't get caught up in technical stuff we're cooking we're not baking sculpting is baking your distances have to be right your proportions have to be right once you're painting mess with it put on the wrong color who cares just paint over it all right that is painted enough for me it's a fun that turned out better than the Great Stuff pumpkin that's a better pumpkin but I'm not going to put it on my head cuz I want it to just be a jack Lantern so it's just to uh give this guy a black wash now no point in getting a whole another rag dirty if you can just use the same one I was able to get the edges of these by spray painting from the inside out so that's nice I don't like my orange black ratio on this so I'm going to bump up my centers and I'm going to hit black real quick too that's just that black acrylic going to use my same paint brush that I used for the spray paint earlier I don't know how this is going to look or how harsh this will be so I'm going to start on the back and where there's not a line I'm just Faking It add a little bit of shading let's just pretend this is regular acrylic this happens to be latex mask paint I have a bunch of latex mask paint so that's that's why I'm using it but acrylic from Walmart is just as good that's kind of what that is just hitting some highlights with this lighter color going to bring everything back a little bit with a little bit of orange spray paint again this orange is nice and translucent it's a fluorescent orange right back fear not because I like many haunters have six cans of the exact same color all like 1/ fifth of the way full I shouldn't have that but I do yeah just orange that up a little more like this is the pumpkin that if it was at the agency no one would adopt it that's not a good looking pumpkin but I know it's a pumpkin uh let me get a stick for his stem I have indoor sticks today I don't know why we have indoor sticks but we do stopped asking questions all right you have lights so let's make a note here guys they've been selling foam pumpkins for years you don't put a real candle in a foam pumpkin I've gotten several questions about that and that scares me there's no type of foam that isn't really flammable so this is electric lights only electric tea candles are fine and now Robert's going to Kill the Lights okay that's kind of fun so I did this video again with Loctite foam I think this is a more attractive pumpkin this is the exact exact same way that we did the Great Stuff foam pumpkin except uh I sculpted the stem out of Loctite instead of using a stick two layers of Loctite this is one layer of Loctite this is one can it's not as pretty uh I put some facial features on it I did use a stick for the stem I love this pumpkin I'm okay with this pumpkin it's kind of ugly but if I practiced more then I would probably get better and I would like it more these are good like I'm happy with these two cans of foam at $7 a can is $14 spray paint is about six seven bucks a can now but you're only using a third of a can you're at another three bucks or so for paint this is a $16 pumpkin and this is a $10 pumpkin I'll take that all day if you want to support the channel then you can subscribe uh hit the like button leave a comment or even join us on patreon or buy something from our Amazon affiliate store uh all those links should be down in the first comments as well as video description go make stuff first of all happy Halloween to everyone and thank you all so much for supporting our Channel now it's time for some patreon shoutouts Natalie buyers n renar Alex Joe Dudley Rebecca bwell mandla deskins Allison piery graveyard track Cynthia trunic and Austin rambi and a huge thank you to all our new subscribers remember to keep watching we will continue to have new and exciting holiday related projects as always go make stuff
Channel: StiltbeastStudios
Views: 15,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allen, Hopps, Halloween, Haunted house, prop, DIY, scary, stiltbeast, haunted attraction, Halloween Mask, halloween decor, halloween props 2023 diy, diy pumpkin, halloween diy, diy jack o lantern
Id: VHb77-Ddqys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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