Great Stuff Spray Foam DIY Pumpkin

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it's YouTube Wednesday it's a great stuff pumpkin [Music] great stuff big gap filler this is not the cheapest of the great stuffs it's less expensive than Loctite normally you guys see stuff I do all the time not today today I'm winging it because I think this will work I know it would work with Loctite I don't know if it'll work with great stuff give it a good Shake I have big plastic bowls from the dollar store these were a buck 25 because now it's Buck 25 store water mist I'm not being stingy with the water because I don't want the great stuff to stick to the Bowl I'm controlling myself here we'll take a peek in here at how I'm doing this [Music] I think this is important to the success of this project I'm just leaving this straw on the edge of the bowl all right it's one here's two I don't want big fat beads I'm trying to keep this bead a little bit narrow I don't want to build up too much of a thickness if I fall off I just get right back on water Mist both of these biggest bowl Dollar Tree had a couple other plastic bowls that would work just has to be a smooth inside of the bowl I gotta wait a couple minutes I'm not going to touch it I'm not going to look at it count down four minutes [Music] never done anything with it Alexa stop okay so this one was done first so it's it should be a little more set and I can touch it it has a skin what it isn't is it's not like malleable because it pops right back up after you touch it and that's okay because I don't need it for this project I'm just going to go around and kind of make sure that's not sticking too bad to the Bowl that's what I want to make sure because I want to be able to get this out of the bowl I'm going to start peeling it off of the edge of the bowl and because it's already sprayed out it's going to keep its shape somewhat remember that tendency to bounce back is also a tendency to go right back to the edge of the bowl it's not going to collapse on itself and I'm just going to run my fingers around this outside edge and it's you know stretching there more than I wanted to a little stuck but I can use all the areas that aren't stuck and peel it back as much as I can not afraid of water water is not a problem the water is the least expensive ingredient that I've got mostly I'm trying this because of how many people want to do great stuff projects because great stuff is just cheaper I get it a little bit of water is allowing me to work that edge better and now I can see how free I am around the outside of that bowl I'm just running my fingers I don't want it to stick to the Bowl want to be able to free it just make sure have a little bit of water down in there hitting that bottom it's out this piece is out I just want to make sure that it doesn't stick to the bowl and now I know that it won't so I've got all my sides Clear Toe tutorial I made a foam bowl all right so now this one it's got a good skin on it I can push that don't have to be as gingerly I waited a little bit longer I'm just able to run my hands around that one's out that's great okay I'm putting it back it's not sticky anymore so I'm not worried about it sticking to the Bowl but I want to keep that shape as much as I can this will also allow it to rise up a little bit as opposed to just in I don't want to fill it I want to leave it pretty Hollow I've got to give this like 10 minutes yeah pumpkin I want to let this stiffen up I'm going to give it that full 10 minutes but now I trust it to hold its own shape and if it wobbles out a little bit I'm okay with that because to Pumpkin I have a lazy Susan got it from Amazon do you need it I don't think you need it but it makes life a little bit easier and I'm all for having an easy life and I have a piece of wood that goes on top of that just so my pumpkin isn't hanging off of the edges I have the same can right now of great stuff I don't know if I can make it work or if I can make it last but we gonna try [Music] think it's more prudent to go not in a line because I think I would have a tendency to kind of lean One Direction if I'm spinning and going around it I did not spray the pumpkin I did spray the wood going up is easier than going down and again I want an easy life so I'm just gonna go up I'm on that same can of foam if I could do a pumpkin this size with one can I'd be very happy I can't okay [Music] going to another can of foam [Music] nothing but net wood is a lot more absorbent than plastic so I'm just making sure I use more water down there I don't want to take forever doing this because I actually it'll kick at different times you know now you could just carve your pumpkin out of the spheres you got from the two bowls once it fully cured that's a possibility I was going to try and go for you know that full effect from here all right I think that's good that might even be too many countdown four minutes I'm gonna do a little bit of training here with a very wet tongue depressor get this stuff out of the way I don't want any of that too much again some parts are ready and some parts are not I don't want to get this on my fingers which is what happens with great stuff at this point I know I could put thin plastic over this and I could shape it through the plastic and then peel that plastic off I know I could do that I want to try and free-form it because I want it to be as low maintenance as possible for everybody else can you tell like don't trust Great Stuff foam miraculously it's ready it's you have to wait that right amount of time and I'm really pushing down here on this bottom to keep that rounded shape like I don't hate this man this is uh pretty good so I've got some areas here where I've got in between the two I don't have anything and I'm spreading that out so those merge together it sticks to itself but everything puffs up so I know that's going to just puff up but I can still coax it to do what I want and not have those weird ridgeways that that looks pretty pumpkiny these aren't smooth Pumpkins I'm not going to win a beauty contest but it's Hollow foam and it's carvable so I will be turning this into a Jack-o-Lantern now I have a popsicle stick tongue depressor it's from Hobby Lobby it's a I think they call it a popsicle stick I'm gonna just really how much can I change I'm not breaking it like up here is where it really needs it and I think at this point I'm going to do and one of my other ideas I'm going to take some string and divide this guy up to do that I've got to be able to get it off of this board and I can and I'm going to grab some string I'm going to go around this guy with some string this is still expanding and I am pulling down on that changing direction underneath what I want these sections to rise a bit all right now I'm confined in some areas while this is still expanding it should expand up a little bit more in these areas and not expand where they're string I'm gonna let this sit 10 15 more minutes okay we're hard enough I think it's done growing did the string help I think it helped I'm going to paint it so this takes a lot more babying you have to sit with it longer you have to mess with it more I'm going to say this worked if I saw this from like 10 feet away I would say that's a pumpkin is it the most beautiful pumpkin around no it's not that's its beauty side like right there gonna let that dry someone's going to say it needs a stem somebody's going to say it it looks 80 percent more like a pumpkin now well it's too sticky I gotta wait I'm not gonna wait remember everybody I would have much better results if I waited for this paint to dry but that's not who I am as a person my second pumpkin I'll wait for the paint to dry right now I'm not having it now the gray stuff inside is already hard I know that not worried about that at all really should wait for that paint to dry I'll just paint it again just orange not like it's hard hole in the bottom or hole in the top like a regular pumpkin holding the top okay foreign here I am exposing my bottom hole on the internet I'm just getting rid of some of the excess thickness it's a little too thick which I think with some practice I could fix and not have it be that thick this is my first one cut me some slack because Robert was impatient after repaint the outside so I don't hate that it looks better in this light than it does even on camera sometimes Robert says stuff like that looks really good on camera which is Robert saying ah looks better in the camera that doesn't first so this week it's a great stuff uh pumpkin project um last video that we did was a Loctite foam werewolf mask this is all Loctite foam and I just want to remind people that this is going to be given away to one of our subscribers on patreon September 15th we'll pick who it is so you have up until September 15th to join patreon and then you could win the werewolf mask foreign now it's a mask [Laughter] go make stuff [Music] this is the part of the video where I always give a shout out to patreon subscribers and I want to do that too but what I want to do right now is I want to say a big thank you to all of our new patreon subscribers who have a chance to win that werewolf mask and if you don't know what I'm talking about then well there's a werewolf mask that you could win if you join patreon by September 15th so go make stuff and thanks
Channel: StiltbeastStudios
Views: 444,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Allen, Hopps, Halloween, Haunted house, prop, DIY, scary, stiltbeast, haunted attraction, Halloween Mask
Id: RVcF1snzmfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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