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wait a minute where am I right now and wait TV woman wait Dash you're here as well hey guys what have you done to TV man well I've been here just so I can eat them and if you want them back you're gonna have to go through me what what save him yeah wait this is like super messed up we have to go save TV man but wait a minute where even are we right now and wait is this a Lucky Block wait I think we need to open up this Lucky Block so we can get some material well there could be good lucky blocks and bad lucky blocks and I made sure to give you guys all the bad ones what the heck he said he gave us all the bad ones but I guess we don't have any other choice should we just go ahead and open it yeah come on all right let's see what we get oh wait this is actually really good we can start expanding our Island all right perfect let's go and uh wait a minute wait did we just get diamonds wait where'd we get those from I know my lucky block and use diamonds I think I'm too lucky what the heck wait she give us Diamonds oh I mean I guess that's kind of cool we can craft armor and stuff with this now let's go perfect so I'll just open one more and uh wait whoa wait is that a bow whoa look I Got A Hero's Bow wait a Heroes bro what does this have and whoa wait this so many cool a chance okay yeah this is definitely gonna be useful in the saving TV man well I guess let's go ahead and open up more and wait it's not a Lucky Block anymore what maybe you can just break it again uh all right I guess that's a good idea and wait we got a cow and whoa wait what the heck is that is that a green Lucky Block whoa maybe this one is even better yeah but first of all let's get this cow out of here this guy's kind of annoying so I'm just gonna go ahead and toss him off and uh yeah sure all right let's go ahead and open this and wait we got a villager his name is the battle strategist well he trades super op loose let me see let me see I definitely need those yeah we should definitely protect this guy we cannot have him falling into the void or something so I guess let's go ahead and open up the next one now and oh wait we got a bunch of potions oh are those useful well some of them are useful and wait a minute I got a potion of poison oh my gosh we can throw this at the toilet and uh wait a minute it looks like he's making progress oh no probably getting some Opie stuff oh gosh yeah you're right all right well I guess do you want to go ahead and open up the next Lucky Block I think these green ones are definitely a lot better right here oh wait because we just wait a minute what in the world is this is that a blue Lucky Block oh my gosh I guess there's different types yeah I guess so well anyways I guess let me go ahead and open this one and oh wait wait it didn't explode okay well I guess we can use this for later man I really thought that one was gonna explode okay let me open up this one uh wait a minute what the heck is this it looks like a wishing well yeah and wait there's a pressure plate at the bottom I'm pretty sure we have to like toss something inside of it maybe if we toss in a diamond we'll get Super Lucky oh yeah good idea try it out all right and uh wait it just gave us a bunch of potatoes uh I mean I guess that's not bad now we have food let's go let's go well anyways I guess let's go ahead and keep breaking this block over here and oh wait we got another one of these blue Lucky Blocks all right let's see what we get and wait an emerald block oh nice but we don't have a pickaxe to mine oh yeah you're right and wait a minute the emerald block is covering up the lucky block oh gosh uh I guess let's go ahead and break one of these Cobblestone around it so that you know we can get access to it again all right come on any second now and oh wait we just broke the next one and oh wait look it gave us diamond armor let's go it's super good yeah here I'm gonna go ahead and put this on there's gonna be super op and uh I guess let's just go ahead and keep breaking this and oh wait look we got a birch log I guess we can use that for wood and now we can craft a crafting table let's go we keep getting first of all the diamonds that we have oh yeah right let's go okay hopefully we got a lot more wood from this because uh we really need that all right and wait a minute this Lucky Block just dropped another Lucky Block except this time it's called lucky question mark block should we open it well that seems kind of suspicious lightning on everyone what it was the kid did this and uh wait a minute TV One Look our village into a win oh no there goes our Opie tree oh my gosh that is actually so bad well you know I guess we don't need this guy anymore so he can get out of here and I guess all we can do now is just keep breaking lucky blocks and wait why is it nighttime what happened oh no I can't see anything why is it night time and oh wait it looks like the toilet is getting some unlucky stuff which made at night time so uh I guess that's good whoa in our lucky block drop this wait it did whoa wait what in the world is this a Lucky Sword wait this thing is so OB it's got sharpness three Smite two oh my gosh okay yeah we're definitely gonna use this wait look it's daytime now oh wait that's pretty cool all right well I guess here's a sword back wait a minute I still got this one item called the lucky question mark block I guess we should probably open this one next right okay just be careful all right yeah it could be dangerous so I guess let's just go ahead and break it and oh wait that actually wasn't too bad it just gave us armor and like half the armor fell into the board here you can have this all right well anyways let's keep breaking our block and whoa wait whoa who we got diamonds whoa and with this wood we can make diamond tools oh yeah you're right I totally forgot so first let's go ahead and make some steaks and then we can use this to craft two diamond pickaxes and now we can go all the way up there and grab that other Diamond let's go well we're getting super good stuff yeah we're making such good progress well anyways I guess let's go ahead and open up the next one and wait another witch what the heck is this get out of here all right let's break another one and wait we just got a bunch of redstone stuff oh my gosh this is gonna be so useful and look I'm pretty sure there are some TNT in there as well we can set a trap for the toilet oh gosh yeah you're right and wait a minute did you just build like a prison cage for TV man what the heck the cage is done I can't wait to eat this guy what the heck oh gosh I think he's gonna eat TV man soon this isn't good oh no come on we have to break more blocks yeah you're right we still need to get like some better armor and stuff because there's no way we can just go and fight that guy like without any armor I've only got pants right now me too come on uh wait what was that oh another emerald block uh I guess that's kind of cool all right all right let's break the next one and oh another diamond block we're actually getting pretty good stuff now soon enough we'll be able to make armor for the both of us yeah let's go all right well anyways let's keep breaking this okay we got a little bit more wood we don't need that right now come on come on just give us more lucky blocks and wait another wishing well oh wait there's something in all right all right here we go hopefully this one's good and wait your wish came true oh we got a bunch of diamonds and stuff let's go whoa I have a bunch of emeralds oh wait let's go there's even more stuff on the roof here let's go ahead and grab this wait shooting uh you guys can't run forever come on come on quick we gotta finish building this wall he won't be able to shoot us then here we go and okay I think we should be safe in here oh wait my head is still sticking out I'm really tall yeah you're right uh it's quick quick we need to build up the walls a little bit higher come on come on and okay I think this should be good oh that was really close you guys always ruin all the fun oh my gosh I don't know what that toilet is on about well anyways I guess let's go ahead and keep getting more stuff here we go and wait what did that just give us wait did we get more armor yeah I just got a bunch of gold and golden leggings oh I guess that's kind of cool I guess that's better than the chain leggings you had before well anyways let's keep breaking them let's go and uh wait we got more potions and Whoa We got some more chain armor let's go let's go all right all right and wait what the heck is that is that an upside down dog well I've never seen that before yeah this guy's kind of weird but I guess we can keep it maybe he can help fight or something so I guess let's go ahead and keep breaking more now all right all right well anyways let's go ahead and break the next lucky block and oh wait it just gave us a bunch of dogs but out like half of them fell off hey at least we got two of them over here yeah maybe we can use them to fight yeah definitely these guys are gonna help a lot well anyways I guess let's go ahead and keep breaking now yeah let's do it whoa wait what the heck is this it's a huge temple with a bunch of Lucky Blocks oh wait yeah there's so many lucky blocks in here and oh wait I think all of the dogs died but it's fine though we got more Lucky Blocks uh I guess let's go ahead and open all of these oh wait look how much gold we got whoa there's so many blocks yeah let's go we can use those across like golden apples or something later but I guess let's go ahead and open all of these Lucky Blocks now so uh here we go oh gosh what the heck is that it's a flying skeleton oh gosh yeah shoot him down with their boat oh ah when he hit me oh where did you go don't worry I'm coming back and oh I died all right well hopefully the next one is good all right let's see what we eat yeah wait whoa wait what is this stuff what are those potions wait wait hold on let me clear my inventory a little bit and let's see what this is and wait we got lucky potions and wait I got a Lucky Sword wait what let's go and wait what are these are these lucky potions as well and wait these are unlucky potions they say they have negative 100 lives wait can we throw this yeah wait we can use these to throw them on the toilet but I guess first let me toss one over here let's see what it actually does so I guess let's go and hide over here and let me just toss and uh wait you might want to get out of the way all right all right here we go let me toss one over here and uh whoa wait did you see that I just shot a bunch of Swords everywhere oh man that must have done a lot of damage to throw someone there yeah we can use it to fight the toilet yeah let's go and I also got three of these lucky potions with plus 100 Lux so I guess let's just go ahead and watch all of these right now and whoa wait look at all this cool stuff we got whoa uh wait TV woman wait where did you go am I invisible you just look like a set of diamond pants Oh wait yeah this looks pretty funny and wait I have no idea where you are it looks like I made us completely invisible there there's a bunch of bunnies everywhere oh yeah I guess that's kind of cool maybe I can test on my lucky sword on them let's go and okay yeah the Lucky Sword it's pretty decent and wait did it just set them on fire okay yeah this thing is pretty nice maybe the Lucky Sword is a bit too powerful we should save it for the fight yeah you're probably right but wait a minute I've got an idea since we're both invisible right now why don't we try bridging over to the toilet that way he might not even see us that's a great idea hopefully we have enough to make it there and there we go that was my last block uh do you have any TV woman yeah no worries all right perfect then let's go we are super close wait why is there a bridge coming to my side wait are they invisible and why is there a pair of floating pads wait TV one I think we should run back and go go go us again oh gosh wait hide oh he's hitting me oh gosh oh gosh this isn't good here I'm gonna quickly build a little water some TNT and okay to hide behind this we should be saved all right that's it you guys made me mad I'm using my flying powers now this guy can fly what the we on our Bridge yeah I am that's what you guys get no he pull up our Bridge what wait we just lost our invisibility oh gosh okay this isn't good uh well let me quickly pick up this TNT I was using for the wall but what do we do now he knows we're trying to get to him we should get more stuff from the lucky blocks okay yeah you're probably right that's probably our best bet well I guess let's open up this one first and okay that was kind of garbage um all right let's keep opening more come on come on and oh my gosh we keep getting more garbage we need to get like cool weapons or something all right let me try and uh wait did not just drop nothing what the heck okay well here let me open up the next one and wait we got another villager the hero villager whoa look at the potions it trades and wait hold on let me see oh wait what the heck he's got the heroes potion and wait what's this other one the evil potion oh my gosh this thing is insane that's exactly what we need to defeat him yeah you're right and wait a minute it only costs nine diamonds I've got 13 right now I can buy one of those all right all right here I'll go ahead and grab one and let's go we've got the evil potion this is gonna be our secret weapon to take out that Twilight perfect but now we just need a way to get over there without him spotting yeah that's gonna be tough uh does this villager have any like invisibility potion trades or anything and no he's got a few weapons but they're not that good uh I don't know I guess let's just keep breaking this Lucky Block hopefully this has something good and oh gosh it's just another ax we don't need more weapons wait maybe we should head over to the island over there it could have more resources to help us oh wait yeah you're right I barely even noticed that thing uh I guess let's go ahead and head over but uh do you have blocks you're gonna have to bridge oh yeah don't worry I'm a master bedroom oh wait watch out I think the toilet just shot more arrows hey Twilight what are you doing arrows what does it look like oh wait no toilet man stop that we're trying to do something okay can we like uh cooperate for a second uh yeah after I do this no no no no wait are you trying to kill oh gosh I'm at half a heart and let's run to the end of the bridge where he won't be able to reach us ah come here you guys are too far away and let's go let's go okay it looks like we're out of range of his Arrow so quick let's just head over to the island all right we're almost there all right perfect yeah as soon as we get over to that little water spout over there we can just like go inside of it and climb up so we don't have to like build all the way up there okay sounds like a plan all right and here we are let's go all right while uh all we have to do now is just hop into the water spout so let's go all right I'll meet you at the top all right and here we go we are almost there and perfect we made it on the island let's go awesome let's look around all right yeah let's look around and oh first of all we got some trees here so I guess that's gonna be like free wood for us let's go all right let's go now we have unlimited wood for tools yeah let's go well anyways I mean I guess the wood was kind of cool but uh let's keep looking around the island surely there's gotta be more to it than that I'm looking around for stuff all right and it looks like there's another tree over here but that's kind of a point unless we already got one and wait what the heck is this and oh wait TV woman I think I found something what is this whoa is that a laser wait I think it is oh gosh watch out there's like a little parkour jump over here but look there's a chest at the end maybe that has some OPI loot inside It wait yeah I think you're right but uh looks like we have to go through all of this stuff first but wait a minute I've got blocks I can literally just go ahead and like build us a little Bridge Okay that was no problem yeah okay but be really careful with the lasers and oh gosh yeah you're right these lasers look super scary uh wait how do we get across these we can't go over them I think we just have to jump over them up do you want to go first alrighty here goes whoa it was really scary oh okay all right all right my turn now all I gotta do is just time my jump and let's go oh my gosh yeah that was pretty scary okay yeah that looks like I heard a lot uh here let me just try hopping over it come on and ow ow wait it kind of hit me but I'm fine uh your turn now oh I don't know how to make this last jump oh gosh yeah well I guess just keep jumping over it from over there it should be all right oh but oh wait a minute there's two of them oh gosh we have to Sprint for this all right yeah just run and jump as far as you can and it should be possible all right here goes okay but I made it oh my gosh let's go oh man yeah you went through a lot of the lasers that look very painful I guess it's my turn now all right all right here we go I just gotta line it up perfectly and let's let's oh my gosh I made it just the chest yeah all right it better be something good because we didn't come all this way for nothing and wait what the heck is all of this well obsidian armor flamethrower and a photon emitter what the heck well those sounds super powerful yeah wait I think these are weapons or something I don't know who left these here but I guess let's go ahead and grab some of this stuff whoa wait what type of armor should we grab whoa the glass armor gives you invisibility wait it does whoa wait it says it does oh my gosh wait do you know what that means we can sneak over to toilets Island and finally save TV man go all right well anyways I guess let's go ahead and grab some of this glass armor and it looks like there's like two sets of it inside of here so that's gonna be perfect that's one for each of us awesome but cool who gets the obsidian yeah right we still have another set of armor well let's see the TNT armor says it's explosive and wait what does the obsidian one state wait it says it's a movable flame resistance and it gives Health boost what I totally want the obsidian armor wait what no I want the obsidian armor it looks so much cooler hey well I made it here first so I should have it I know that's not how it works we made it at like the same time pretty much all right well if you get them see the armor then I get the photon emitter wait what no wait that's not fair I want the photometer okay you know what fine I'll get the TNT armor but uh you have to take the flamethrower fine all right let's go here I'll go ahead and grab the TNT armor and you know what the TNT armor doesn't even look that bad I'm sure it's not gonna blow me up or anything like I'm sure it's better than that all right we'll see about that all right yeah yeah trust me it's not gonna blow me up but anyways now we have to get back through these lasers oh gosh I'm not looking forward to this all right well why don't you lead the way and oh gosh all right here let me just time it perfectly and jump it out that did a lot of damage but yeah all right let's just get back oh this obsidian armor makes everything so much easier just walk through that last letter oh gosh okay yeah I should probably put on my armor as well let me just get rid of this diamond armor I don't need this and now let me go ahead and put on the TNT armor and whoa wait this stuff looks awesome you're so powerful now we can definitely take on the toilet yeah but uh wait a minute I kind of feel weird uh wait what's going on ah what the heck oh what was that for I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it on purpose and oh gosh good thing we didn't fall down that hole but I I think my TNT armor exploded hold on that could actually be a super useful ability here uh let me just try going up here and uh how do I explode it up do I just like shift a bunch of times uh wait no it doesn't look like it's working how do I get to use this thing you have to learn to controller before we fight toilet yeah you're right is gonna be such a good advantage for fighting him but all right here let me see how do I do it uh maybe I have to like shift and then jump and no that's not working how the heck does this thing work I'm thinking really hard about it maybe it'll work that way uh okay that's kind of weird but let me just try thinking really hard about the armor blowing up come on come on please work and wait it just worked let's go whoa it caused a huge explosion oh my gosh yeah that explosion was ginormous I don't think that was like a normal TNT that was much bigger this will definitely help with fighting toilets yeah wait here let me try it again whoa that is awesome hey that's enough all right I'm still here oh oh right I forgot all right voila anyways I guess let's just go back and remember we still have this glass armor so that's gonna make us invisible this is gonna be perfect for sneaking over to Twilight's Island okay well then let's head back yeah let's oh look oh look at that Captain I've already seasoned up the TV man and I'm ready to cook a medium rare what the heck gosh we have to do something he's gonna cook a medium rare oh gosh oh gosh he's not joking there's salt pepper on your powder garlic butter and paprika all over me I'm gonna be eating good at night oh my gosh all right TV one quick we gotta put on that glass armor let's see if it actually makes us invisible all right I'm putting it on come on come on wait oh I can barely see you you're all made out of glass oh wait okay that is actually pretty good but uh wait I'm like kind of visible he can still kind of see me although I kind of do just look like glass you're like completely invisible though yeah I got really lucky but before we go over there let's test out our weapons yeah you're right good idea uh all right well uh you want to use your flamethrower first all right here goes oh yeah okay that thing looks awesome here let me try out this Photon emitter thingy and whoa wait what the heck okay yeah this thing is very Opie yeah but let's make this a stealth Mission we'll only use these if we get caught yeah okay sounds good well anyways uh do you want to lead the way all right I hope we don't get caught again this time oh man I have so many lucky blocks left to open I'm getting so obvious okay yeah to you one I think we should be fine it looks like he's distracted with his lucky blocks and oh look there's a TV man right there all right perfect I'm gonna start heading over to him oh is that you guys you've come to save me let's go of course we're here come on I'll break you out wait wait wait wait wait if you bring me on that toilet's just gonna eat all of us you have to take care of him first wait what wouldn't it be better if we like break you out and then you can help us fight him well I don't have anything I would just be captured again oh gosh yeah that makes sense that could help us if he has some allergies because there's so many like seasonings on me oh gosh yeah I guess your right TV meant that makes sense Up Wait TV one I guess it's just me and you we have to take out that toilet ourselves yeah but let's get a little bit closer wait you still have that evil pushing right wait the evil potion oh yes yes of course I still have it okay yeah we definitely have to use this on the toilet this will probably like one shot him all right well let's sneak up on him all right sounds good and I gotta be super careful because oh wait I'm still visible but I think he sees me hold on let me just act like normal glass wait what's that over there yeah it looks like normal glass wait did you sniffy what the heck he doesn't he doesn't have a glass okay this is very weird let me go over here now oh wait the glass moved hold on wait let me let me go oh my that's not my boss that's weird hey what Errol is this toilet door she keeps sniffing me oh gosh TV woman what do we do I don't know but oh look he got a temple maybe we can just toss it and run oh yeah good idea we can just toss the potion and then get out of here uh he won't even know what's up all right here let me go ahead and grab some blocks let me just blow a little staircase over here all right and quick let me just go over here and toss the potion let's go and uh wait TV woman I think we did it it just said he the way that potion was so powerful let's go we actually did it well I guess let's take off the armor now so that we can actually see each other I'll just put on the TNT armor for now and let's go that was a mission success oh I can't believe that we did it let's go save TV man let's go wait you guys killed the toilet that quick how did you do it so fast oh well we had this thing called an evil potion and I just threw it at him and it just insta killed him it was insane oh let's go you saved me baby man you're finally back yes let's go but wait what do we do next I kind of want to go home uh yeah sure we kind of live on that island for now I guess let's just head back until like we found a way to get back to our normal home all right let's go I'm gonna try and take a shower because I'm covered in seasoning oh yeah that's probably a good idea well there's some water over there if you want so uh you could probably just go like take us rinse in that guess what what I can't believe that we saved TV man yeah let's go but uh wait what the heck is that you thought it was over that easily no now I'm gonna eat you now what the heck is any damage to our weapons yeah and now it's time for you to die what the heck oh gosh wait here do I have any potions oh gosh let me drink this regeneration potion to the tower right here we go all right perfect I'm here and oh hi TV man you guys finally made it and what the heck is that up hurry I have something pretty cool wait what is it really important day I've been fighting God back to pretty apart because it's the way up on the way out yeah it's right here wait what wait there's a portal here but wait this kind of just like a normal another portal yeah but look it's just a skateboard I hope it does we should go through like now wait but if we go through the portal then that means we'll be taking the toilet back to our world and oh gosh yeah you're right what do we do about that and uh guys he's right there we go I haven't had it you're literally wearing TNT can we use that oh wait you're right but wait that's gonna blow me up as well I don't want to do that but wait a minute I've got some TNT on me right now and I've also got a button for lighting it off yeah you should use that up we should go to the portal and whenever you go through the portal make sure to light it so it destroys the portal all right all right sounds good um you guys go through first here I'll place all the TNT down all right dash good luck all right thank you all right and let me just play some backup button over here and oh gosh he's right there oh and it looks like your friends left you I'm only getting breakfast today oh yeah we'll see about that let's go all right quick quick I gotta go through the portal before it explode and wait did it work you made it back yeah you made it let's go let's go and I even blew up the TNT so there's no way the Twilight can get back we did it if you guys want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash
Views: 47,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, mrwillsion, mr willsion, dash and mr willsion, dash minecraft, minecraft, minecraft build challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, cash, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, sunny, sunny and melon, omz, LOCKED on ONE LUCKY BLOCK With TITAN TV FAMILY!
Id: NsmnNaA0aQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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