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uh guys where am I right now hey that must be the guy that put us here get him wait TV man and TV wait what are you guys talking about you're the one that put us on this chunk aren't you wait what you think I'm the one who put us here I've got no clue where we are and whoa wait it looks like we're on one chunk yeah obviously and you put us here um guys I think we have bigger problems wait what the hell what the is that I finally woke up [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh did you see that demon has our son what do we do yeah we should probably go to this human he's probably working with the G-Man what are you talking about you think I'm working with the Jeep why would I be working with that guy I don't know you're a human I don't know what you guys do but you're probably working with them what are you talking about no guys I'm not working with him I don't know where I am or why I'm here but I just want to get out of here so we should probably do as that G-Man guy said and start digging down yeah you probably love doing what he tells you to do hey he seems trustworthy enough met him well I just want to get her some back yeah so we should probably hurry up yeah and I just want to go home so uh I guess let's start digging Don maybe there's a way out of here at the bottom oh my gosh guys what do I do I'm stuck on this one chunk with like the TV family I have no idea what's going on I just gotta get out of here and oh but you guys crafted a crafting table perfect here we go you can't use my crafting table we have limited resources we might as well share yeah TV man come on we've only got like two trees here we have to share if we want to like actually survive this thing I'm fine but I'm not gonna trust you that easily all right well anyways let me just go ahead and craft myself a pickaxe as well and let's just go ahead and start digging down and uh wait a minute is that obsidian yeah I think it is we're gonna be here for a while oh my gosh I can't believe the first layer is Obsidian all right well I guess let's each Target I'll block and just start breaking it here we go I got rid of my blog I did too and oh perfect same here and guys look the next layer is Stone let's go we can go ahead and grab ourselves some stone tools now all right well let's get as much note as we get it what is this yo gross get that thing out of here that is disgusting why does he have so much health ew it's probably one of g-man's workers just like you oh my gosh TV man I'm not one of g-man's workers I don't even know that guy and oh my gosh there's so many to share yeah I'm going up there's so many oh my gosh be careful we're getting of a run and oh wait a minute guys the silverfish are adding up really quickly there's a lot of them in here we should get out yep I'm getting out oh my gosh they're stealing so much damage why is there so many of them oh gosh wait I'm gonna die and oh wait I just died we have to be really careful with all this silverfish yeah what the heck even is this it's like it's infested with solar pressure or something but wait guys I got seven Stone from that uh how much did you guys get I only got one I didn't even get it oh my gosh all right well that's eight stone in total um what could we craft wait a minute guys what if we just craft weapons and then we can take out the silverfish yeah we can craft two pickaxes and then a sword all right perfect I'll go ahead and do that for us now let me just go ahead and craft us two pickaxes just like that and then we can also craft one sword let's go all right perfect we'll be able to get some more Stone now all right but yeah first let's just go ahead and Camp up here for a little bit and let's just get rid of all these silverfish because they are so annoying I can't believe I died to them oh boy there's so many oh my gosh yeah I don't even know where they're coming from there's just way too many of them but come on guys if we all just fight them with our swords and pickaxes at once we should be able to get rid of them and actually I have second thoughts about that I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to win I'm getting out of here and oh I just died again um guys I have an idea what if we go around instead oh yeah that's a great idea oh wait yeah that's probably a better idea instead of just going through this one a hole with all the solo fish all right well yeah I guess let's go ahead and collect a little bit of dirt so we can like build a bridge then I'll just go around and like Place some blocks over here perfect let's go now we can actually collect some stuff let's go and oh gosh watch out though there's still a lot of solar fish here we'll be careful to knock you off and oh gosh yeah we have to be extra careful now that we're like right next to the void all right well anyways I guess let's just go ahead and keep mining some Cobblestone and wait how much of this stuff do we even need as much as we can get good we're limited on this stuff because of the silverfish wait guys look at the time it's getting super dark oh wait you're right what the heck oh no guys what are we gonna do when it gets dark because uh you know when it gets dark the mobs are gonna be spotted we have to make a shelter to keep us safe oh my gosh yeah you're right butt up wait what are we gonna build it out of all we have is like dirt Cobblestone and granite wait look at the next layer it's bone blocks bone blocks what are we gonna do with those we can use them to grow the saplings oh we forgot about that all right well I guess I'll just go ahead and grab a bunch of these and yeah we can make a lot of bone meal with this guys we should probably hurry up it's getting really done oh gosh yeah you're right all right I'm heading back up to the surface we gotta start building as soon as possible and oh wait this first tree actually came out pretty big uh here let me go ahead and craft an ax so that we can mine it quickly all right I'm gonna grow another one all right perfect sounds good I'll start mining down this one and I'll start building the walls of the house all right perfect sounds good and man this tree has so much wood in it it's gonna be a pain to get all of this guys we have to be yes the mobs we'll start we'll start a second now and oh gosh yeah you're right it's like extremely dark okay here I'm just gonna go ahead and start mining this tree and there we go the house is finished oh perfect all right I'll just mind this tree tomorrow here let's all go inside of the house and sleep for tonight what do you mean we you're not in this house it's only me and TV woman wait what do you mean I helped build it though oh you did it I built this all well yeah but I got the wood for it no I mined all the wood you still have all your wood in your inventory hey we have to work together if we want to get our sun back yeah we me and you not this Prescott human he's probably working for the G-Man oh my gosh TV man why do you still think I'm working with that G-Man guy I've literally never seen that guy in my entire life yeah yeah whatever you say but I'm not letting you in my house I'm here Lee is helping us fine I'll let him stay here under one condition wait what's that well I was looking over the edge and a few layers down I noticed some cobwebs but you notice some cobwebs uh okay and what are we gonna do with those well we can turn the cobwebs into wolf or beds and if you go down there by yourself and get them for us you'll learn a little bit of my trust what you want me to go all the way down there alone just to get some cobwebs for beds are you serious TV man you can't send them all the way down there by himself it would be much safer if we all went together and wait yeah she's right why don't we all just go well if you weren't working for the G-Man you'd go down there with no problem um but wait we don't even know what's down there what there could be like some sort of mobs or something well that's not my problem that's your problem oh my gosh fine well what other choice do I have I gotta sleep somewhere well if you're gonna go down there make sure to be really careful and oh gosh yeah all right how many layers down is it okay it's not too far off I kind of see them uh here all right I guess I'll just start mining down all right you better have enough for three beds when you get back all right yeah I'll try my hardest how many is that 32 string 36 string oh gosh all right I'm gonna have to be down here for a while and uh wait a minute guys there's lucky blocks down here oh we should check those out tomorrow in the morning oh yeah 100 these could have some really good stuff in them you know yeah just hurry and get those cobwebs okay okay I'm going down and perfect I actually see the cobwebs right over there and oh wait there's also some cake over here hey stop getting distracted get the cobwebs hey I was just eating a little snack okay I needed to like be fed up and stuff if I want to like go down and get the combos but anyways I see them right over here and uh wait how many did I need to get again 36. yeah 36 should be enough oh my gosh I'm waiting I have to mine through these Gold Blocks with a stone pickaxe it's gonna take so long oh that's the job and if you don't do it you're not gonna be able to sleep in our house oh my gosh all right fine I'm doing it just hopefully there's no mobs or anything here that would be very bad all right and uh wait a minute what's that sound wait it sounds like spiders what the oh my gosh get that thing out of here there's another one there's so many of them up wait guys I'm not sure if I want to do this anymore there's a bunch of spiders everywhere ah well you better get bib string that's your job I'm literally at half a horse how am I gonna take out this spider and guys I don't think there's the only one there's a bunch more in there just hit the spider and be careful yeah but if I hit he's gonna come down here we'll try and hit him before he hits you oh my gosh okay this is really bad well let me just try jumping up over here and maybe I can hit him off let's go and wait did he fall off he didn't even fall off let's hit him off I can do this all right all right let me just go ahead and sneak up on him and let's go get out of here spider yes awesome you're doing great yeah buddy you have enough string yet uh not quite I've only got 18 and I need 36 oh gosh but there's a spider right over there uh okay let me try going around it maybe maybe he won't see me oh my gosh yeah I'm the TV man I'm not going in there there's so many spiders if I go in there they'll definitely see me well you have to go in there if you want to sleep tonight oh my gosh all right well I'm literally only a half a heart how am I gonna do this maybe if I can just like go over here and hit him from behind come on come on come on come on let me just get rid of this spider over here and oh wait he's running oh wait let's go how much string do you have so far uh I'm actually doing pretty good I've actually got 30 right now I just need to go ahead and collect six more come on come on oh gosh wait my it's broke I can't collect any more hang on I'll craft you a new one oh perfect thank you so much wait a minute it on this block over here uh here let me just break it and come on let me catch it and oh perfect I caught it all right let me just go ahead and grab a few more string and let's go I got 36 all right I'm coming back up come on hurry it's dangerous all right all right I'm coming I'm almost up and let's go guys I got all the strings huh I actually wasn't expecting you to actually do it but hurry up drop it to me okay okay there you go quick craft the beds I don't want to stay here any longer I don't want to see any more mob spawning and there we go perfect I have all the bets mainly put mine down and TV woman's and then let me put yours down human uh okay yeah sure this works all right everyone quick get in we gotta close the doors and uh good night everyone good morning and oh wait guys look it looks like we survived the first night let's go yeah but we're gonna have so much more if we don't hurry because did you see how many blocks there was in this one challenge oh gosh yeah you're right this one truck is pretty big and uh wait a minute we have a problem there's a creeper get back in the house close that door and oh wait guys he's right over here in front of the doors what do we do I don't know is it like one of your friends because you know even working for the G-Man oh my and you still think I work for the G-Man I literally got us all of that string and you still hate me yeah of course I've never met you and you're a human guys come on we have bigger problems to deal with there's a creeper right outside yeah TV man we have bigger problems to deal with engine no he's not one of my friends I've never seen this creeper in my life uh but yeah how do we get rid of him uh should we just go out and fight him that seems like the best option all right well I guess on the count of three let's just all jump out and uh hopefully he doesn't blow up you guys ready yeah I'm ready Ready's a lover B all right well in that case let's go get him in three two one go and wait where'd he go oh he's right over here everyone quick take him out oh no wrong hey you let him blow up right on TV woman what's wrong with you no I do you think I did that on purpose I was trying to take him out yeah I think I think you've done it on purpose because you're scheming guys guys it was clearly an accident it's fine you call that an accident that definitely looked like it was on purpose oh my gosh what come on TV man I want definitely wasn't on purpose and look there was like no harm done we're also alive which is good yeah but now I've got to repair my beautiful house oh my gosh well instead of focusing on the house maybe we should go ahead and like start going down a few more layers like we still have a long ways to go until we get to the bottom of this Channel and guys we should go check out those Lucky Blocks oh right I forgot about those all right well yeah here everyone let's just go down over here and look they're right over here they weren't even that far from our like starting layer all right just go down there all right and anyways there's a lot of Lucky Blocks here should we just get to Breaking uh yeah I think so all right let's go and wait a minute guys I just got a lucky fishing rod from this one I just got a bunch of horse armor I got some Eyes of Ender and oh wait you did that's pretty cool yeah but this stuff is not gonna help us in getting our son back in wait look there's blue Lucky Blocks oh wait there's a blue one whoa that one must be super oh people why don't you go ahead and try opening it all right I'm gonna open it and wait there's two lucky bucks now and wait there's a sign it says one is lucky and one is not wait I think you have to open one of those oh I got a fishing rod that one's probably The Unlucky One so this was the lucky one oh wait I don't think I was lucky look there's a bunch of evil bunnies everywhere now oh gosh we gotta make sure they don't see us yeah we gotta be super careful oh wait there's even green ones oh wait there's I didn't even notice all right well I guess you want to open that one all right here goes and oh wait I picked it up and wait a minute TV one look this thing is op it's called The Darkness blade because it's wither 3 on his is super powerful oh yeah that thing looks insane okay definitely save that for when we get to the bottom we definitely can take out G-Man with that yeah well we need to hurry and open up more of these Lucky Blocks all right yeah you're right here I guess I'll go ahead and open up the next one let's break this and uh wait guys what the heck is this I don't know it's like some sort of pyramid oh but yeah it looks like it's fun in some sort of Temple and oh wait give us even more lucky blocks up do you guys want to go ahead and open these up let's just speed open these and whoa I got diamonds oh we're getting silver here I'll take that a gig if anyone's hungry oh let's go although there's like a layer down there with like a bunch of cakes on them I was eating some of them earlier they tasted pretty good yeah well we still have to open up more of these Lucky Blocks we need some op gear and actually I think the green ones are really op so I'm gonna open one of these what in the world is that a lightsaber yeah he does 25 attack damage I can use this to defeat the G-Man oh my gosh that thing is so powerful okay yeah I guess TV one you want to open up your next block all right I'll guess I'll open up this blue one whoa I got a ruby lucky bow oh Ruby lucky but that thing looks insane wait do you have any arrows oh I have 26 arrows oh perfect try shooting into the wall let's see what it does oh it shoots up cobwebs oh my gosh wait that thing is so opiate man I wish we had this before I went all the way down to that cobweb layer yeah I'm pretty sure it does more than just cobwebs though oh wait it does uh try shooting it again I guess oh alrighty then let's see wait did it just strike lightning what the this will be we could definitely use this to get our sun bags oh my gosh yeah that is awesome all right well I guess I'll just keep opening some more Lucky Blocks we gotta get some more Opie stuff so here we go and wait guys I just got a sword and it's called The Lucky Sword oh my gosh is that like the bow wait I'm pretty sure this one is like the bow I think it'll do like cool abilities and stuff but uh wait how do we test it uh I guess we're gonna have to wait to get mobs to test it oh yeah all right all right well I'm gonna open up more of these green ones and whoa what is this wait is that an emerald chest plate wait what was that yeah I got an emerald chest plate and emerald leggings and they're so big they're way better than diamond oh my gosh all right hopefully we all get some of those that thing sounds awesome come on let's open up more all right and wait is that TNT oh that could be useful yeah I can't wait to blow up G-Man with this all right well uh guys I think we're going pretty slow with the block breaking so far so why don't we just like go ahead and open a bunch as like fast as we can yeah I'm gonna try and look for those green ones because I think they're the best all right I guess I'll open the blue ones then oh my gosh I got an OPI pickaxe I can mine through everything uh wait I got an iron golem named Superman and oh it looks like he's dying well uh the rest in peace Superman oh I got a diamond block oh wait let's go okay that is gonna be pretty helpful uh let's get back to Breaking yeah let's bring some more all right all right and wait a minute what in the world is this wait guys I just got an Infinity hoe it has sharpness fine oh my gosh that sounds so open wait a minute here let me test it out on this sheep over here let me just take him out and wait I just one shot at him okay yeah this hoe is gonna be a pretty useful weapon wait I just got a well and what in the world does this do oh well oh wait I'm pretty sure you have to like jump into them or something uh try hopping in and see what happens there's nothing here it's just a beacon all right well let's just go ahead and keep on breaking all right sounds good and oh my gosh why do I keep getting so many of these Iron Golems I don't want them they're so useless well that's because you're breaking the not Opie Lucky Blocks oh yeah you're probably right um sure all right I guess let's all go ahead and break like the blue and green ones I think those are definitely the best oh I just got a lucky potion look how many effects it has a lucky potion hold on let me check this thing out and oh my gosh what the heck this thing is insane we can definitely use that against G-Man yeah for sure but I gotta lucky well and let me see and whoa I got a bunch of like diamonds and emeralds oh let's go that's gonna be super helpful but uh anyways guys do you guys think we should move down to the next layer cause uh there's still a long ways to go till we get to the bottom yeah that sounds like a good idea there's a long way to go all right well what are we waiting for let's start digging down oh okay sounds good wait a minute there's some armor over here that I didn't even notice uh here let me just go ahead and grab this stuff really quick wait this armor is actually so op I think the Iron Golem dropped this oh my gosh you have a full set of enchanted diamond armor yeah I do and wait he even dropped this sword and oh my gosh guys this sword is insane check it out oh my gosh what does this sword give you and whoa that sword is so Opie we're definitely gonna be able to beat the G-Man with that yeah 100 but yeah let's go ahead and start digging down wait look there's wood we can use this and oh perfect I guess now we don't have to plant any more trees and oh perfect guys this is not cake clear that I was talking about these cakes are so good yeah I'm much more of a pie kind of guy well with this good that was really really all right well anyways I guess let's just keep digging down wait I was on over careful we could probably sneak past this layer all right yeah you're right sounds good uh let's just be super careful we don't want to be spotted by any of the spiders and let's just go a few layers down and okay we should be good down here and whoa guys watch out the next player is made out of magma block so just make sure to be shifting or else you'll take a bunch of damage yeah or we could just break it like that yeah that probably also works all right well let's keep digging down and uh wait a minute what the heck is this glass I think it is yeah well the next we got diamonds let's go now we can all get full diamond armor and uh wait guys it's night again wait how are we supposed to get the diamonds I don't have an iron pickaxe oh wait yeah you're right and oh my actually I found 12 iron ingots on me I don't know where I got these from but uh does anyone have a crafting table oh yeah I have a crafting table oh perfect all right well let me just go ahead and craft an iron pickaxe and perfect now we can mine all the diamonds all right well just hand me over the pickaxe so I can start getting my armor all right there you go and uh here at TV one I've actually got some extra iron I'll craft them for you as well oh thank you there you go awesome now I can get some diamonds as well yeah let's go now we're all gonna have a full set of diamond armor and wait a minute speaking about armor why don't we try making some slime armor as well my armor is not a thing what are you talking about wait no TV man I'm actually pretty sure it is uh let me just quickly grab some slime real quick and uh watch this all I gotta do is go ahead and put it in the crafting table and look I just got a slime chest plate ew that looks so gross why would you want slime armor yeah you're right it is pretty gross but look it actually kind of looks cool doesn't it well if you want to keep your slimy arm you can but I'm just gonna stick to Diamond all right perfect I'm gonna craft my armor now and perfect there we go now we all have two of the former what's what's a full set of armor I guess let's just go ahead and keep mining down and oh gosh guys there's still a lot more layers but we've actually made pretty good progress so far yeah but we still have so much further to go so come on let's hurry all right all right let's go whoa is that ancient debris wait I think you're right this does look like ancient debris guys we can get another right out of this let's go I have a diamond pickaxe so I guess I'll start mining it all right sounds good and wait a minute I'm pretty sure we also need some gold to turn the ancient debris into another right uh does anyone have any no I don't have any yeah I don't either oh gosh well we need some to turn this ancient debris into another right I'm pretty sure there actually was some a few layers above us and oh wait perfect yeah there was uh I guess I'll go ahead and grab that and wait I'm a lucky block lawyer I remember getting some gold from like a pyramid so you could go and get that oh wait yeah you're right okay yeah that'll be much faster so I guess let me just go up there all right well anyways let me just quickly go all the way up to the lucky block clear and I think it's just right above here right and oh perfect here it is and let's go there is so much gold over here I'm gonna go ahead and grab all of this all right and here we go there's just two more blocks over here let me me grab that and that ain't perfect I've got four Gold Blocks I think that should be enough all right guys I'm coming back down I got all of the gold that we need like how are you mining this so just so fast I thought it was like hard to mine Nation debris yeah man I get this Golden Pig accident sufficiency level 20 look at how fast foreign that's kind of strange I just need more it's fine all right I've got enough I'm pretty sure now we just have to like smelt it or something so let me craft a crafting table and a furnace really quick and perfect we can put all of the ancient debris in here well I'm gonna craft two furnaces because I have a lot more than just one stack uh okay wait how much did you get wait what the heck you was like oh my God okay yeah that is a lot of ancient debris that should be more than enough yeah this pickaxe is so op all right well here I'll go ahead and craft one of those smithing table things that we need to turn the diamond armor into another right and perfect and there we go the Nether rights done on here you can take four and you could take four perfect now we can go ahead enough more diamond stuff into Nazareth but uh first I need to throw some stuff away I've got a lot of garbage on me man perfect let's go and we've all gone full another right this looks awesome yeah I wish I could see it oh yeah two bottles doesn't show up for you guys yeah and I only have half nether right I have the emerald armor from earlier oh right yeah you've got the emerald armor that armor sounds very op well anyways guys what are we waiting for let's keep digging down yeah you're right all right all right let's go and okay it looks like there's just a bunch of random stuff over here and oh there's some iron I'm not sure why we would need that but I guess we have that now we're mining through this so fast yeah we are actually making such good progress wait a minute are these Hoppers man this is the most random chunk I've ever seen yeah I think they are and we're actually just flying through this oh my gosh we'll be at the bottom in no time yeah we are actually going so incredibly fast let's go yeah this big X is helping me mine so much faster I'm just blazing through these yeah that efficiency 20 pickaxe sounds very op all right wait a minute guys I think there's more Silverfish on this layer oh gosh oh my gosh I'm gonna use my lightsaber all right yeah quick everyone take them up remember what happened last time with the silverfish it wasn't good don't stand in front of me I'm sorry I'm sorry they pushed me down come on don't let them swarmas oh all right all right and oh gosh guys there's too many of them quick we got on mine now yeah just try and build up TNT so they can't get to me and uh wait a minute guys we're like super close to the bottom all right there we go they should all be gone wait how do you guys get rid of them so fast using our TV powers obviously oh wait what I can't believe forgot that you guys have like fancy TV powers and stuff but wait a minute guys we're like super close at the bottom we just have a few more layers to go yeah what are we waiting for let's hurry and go all right all right go go go and wait this wire is diamond oh wow okay that's kind of useful although we don't really need them anymore and wait this star is netherrite blocks oh my gosh let me see how fast I mine through it with this golden pickaxe look at this whoa yeah that is pretty quick man it takes like 10 years for me to break it with my iron pickaxe well anyways let's just keep going and look I think we're almost at the bottom guys come on come on we're super cool guys I think we're here watch out there's mobs I'll kill them let's go let's go take them all out and perfect and uh wait a minute is this like actually the bottom hold on let me check and perfect guys we're at the very bottom but uh wait do you guys see G-Man anywhere here I don't see him no but there's a portal Pokey probably escape to the end before Sun oh my gosh he's in the end right now okay well what do we do wait what in the world how are we supposed to get all the ender eyes oh wait guys remember from the lucky blocks I got a bunch oh wait you did right I for I forgot about that well uh did you get enough to fill up the portal yeah oh my gosh let's go oh my gosh let's go we're gonna save my sign let's go and I'm finally gonna be able to escape this place hopefully all right this is let's go all right well what are we waiting for let's go in let's go now we just have to defeat that dragon and look for the G-Man um guys I think the Ender Dragon is the demon wait what what the heck is that thing oh you guys finally made it I wasn't expecting you Hey where's our sign we need again I have your sign but you're gonna have to go through me first what in the world up wait guys I guess let's go and fight that G-Man guy I need to fight him to get out of here as well now let's go three parents save me please gosh what the heck even is this but uh anyways guys I think we need to take out those Towers first it looks like he's healing from them yeah let's Bridge them to the towers oh wait guys I can shoot them with my Ruby bow and oh but yeah that's a great idea I think I have a bow as well oh perfect I do and I've got 20 arrows all right everyone let's shoot them yeah come on let's go this is so much faster than climbing up all right all right come on I just gotta take out this last one and I'm gonna go to his resting area and he's resting right now hurry attack him perfect everyone all right perfect then as soon as he comes on we just gotta take him out yeah I'm gonna use my OB lightsaber against him all right and uh guys one time you shot a fireball run run run guys what the heck we have to save our son and look he's back in a smashing spot attack yeah go go go and perfect guys he's so low come on just a little bit more come on come on let's go he is super low we got this how are you guys hurting me you know what that said I'm going to full power real quick guys is it just me or did he become three times bigger you guys don't stand a chance now that I'm in my final four oh my gosh all right everyone quick get back to back to the spot we need to camp this until he comes back yeah this is our final shot we've gotta attack him now I'll try to shoot him with my bow while he's coming down and oh my gosh there is so much poison stuff everywhere be careful he's got a few more Good Hits and it looks like he's coming back down we just gotta keep attacking him and oh gosh I'm only at one heart I really hope I don't die in here and come on he's down go go go attack him in there [Applause] let's go you guys did it yeah let's go we save our sign let's go my son wait who's this human oh don't worry son he was helping us all right well come on son let's go wait did you just pick him up what the heck yeah he does that sometimes and wait guys we made it back to the normal world let's go let's go we going do you need any problem to me if you guys enjoyed that video and watch watch the next one and click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash
Views: 294,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, mrwillsion, mr willsion, dash and mr willsion, dash minecraft, minecraft, minecraft build challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, cash, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, sunny, sunny and melon, omz, LOCKED on ONE CHUNK With TITAN TV FAMILY!
Id: 0dniKQTjCK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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