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this one this one's mine over here now babe that one's for the red boy I forgot what his name was oh yeah Roxy wait what the red boy Roxy no this one's for me build his shoes no babe you're not building with him oh my gosh you're so rude bro whoa look at that one it's so big this is where I'm gonna build up no no no that's where the green boy what the green boy who are you talking about this one's mine wait what oh my gosh well where am I gonna build them you can build in this little square right here babe next to me why are you serious right now this is literally a one block hole how am I supposed to build a lake house in here this is not funny at all crystal wait wow whose is this babes this is mine duh this is unfair why do you have such a big area well you can build with me and you can make a lake house together wait a minute Crystal was this your plan all along giving me a small space so we could build together yeah it was babe yeah where am I gonna build you can build with the red guy I know you like him whoa I do not like Roxy what oh my gosh Lily you totally have a crush on Roxy leave me alone oh my gosh Lily totally has a crush on him he has Lily's building with me let's go let's go oh my God Steakhouse Crystal do I really have to build with you yeah we're gonna find babe and kiss while kissing and bonding oh my gosh well I guess that is better than building in a one by one hole that I can't do anything in yes let's do it oh my gosh at least you have a girlfriend to build with oh look she's not my girlfriend she's just my friend not even friend Crystal are we even friends no we're a couple oh my gosh this is unfair I need a girlfriend too oh my gosh sorry about that Luke I'm gonna build the fun you'll see oh my gosh but Crystal how do we even build a lake house together what color should we make it out of no no no it's not our color that is my is mustole blue no I did it come on let's build oh my gosh but this is a do the duty lake house a crystal we need to make the lake house look awesome and I know exactly how how babe I'll do anything you say all right all right don't be weird don't be weird well a lake house is normally made out of wood but we could use blue wood check this out okay anything you like oh my gosh why are you so weird just be normal and first we have to make it like stilts on it like this so it could be coming out of the water well I get it babe Crystal you're being weird again but check it out the floor base of the lake house is now complete wow now use the magic wand to fill it in oh my gosh how do you know that I always use the magic wand for all of my builds up babes I Spy what that is oh my gosh you're actually weird for spying on me you got to stop doing that but Boom the base of the house is sad how do we get all the way up here oh gosh yeah you're right because this is where the house is at we have to cross a bunch of water I know what we could do we can make a bridge spotted from down over here and then make a staircase pop up what babe you really know how to do that ah duh I know how to do that I'm like a professional at doing things check it out first what we have to do is clear up The Path over here like this then we're gonna need to grab some sticky pistons and Redstone repeaters gosh I can't work with you try you try to kiss me because you're so handsome and smart oh I actually like that yeah I am very handsome and smart hey Lily oh my gosh ignore Lily ignore Lily that is weird I could not see you and Lily being friends but check it out we have a row of sticky pistons on the bottom now we can make the bridge out of some warped planks just like this boom now what nothing nothing Well white crystal you have to give me a second I have to connect some Redstone to it on the side duh you would know that if you're like a real stalker wow dude you should have not be really proud of that that's kind of weird but now we gotta put Redstone down but wait a minute we're under water oh no it's making all the red zone repeaters Go away You're gonna have to fix it do it well actually yeah you're right I do know how to fix that I could just do slash slash drain and then we can block off all the water just like this check it out we fixed it oh you're so smart babe oh my gosh stop stop stop stop stop stop I like it when you call me smart but don't say the last word what word are you talking about baby oh my gosh you're being weird Crystal boom boom just let me just let me build just let me build no I'm right here yeah oh my gosh you're seriously weird but we set up all the Redstone now we can make it go up a staircase over here like this and since we're about to add back the water we have to block it off so it doesn't hit everything and we could fill it back up all with sand right over here like this oh so now the watermelon exactly right crystal wait how do you actually know what I'm doing oh my gosh I forgot you're weird but boom now we can break all the blocks and the water won't flow now let's test it out if we grab a lever and put it up here boom a bridge spawns it isn't this awesome how do we get up to the platform babes oh gosh all right right now we just fall into the water we need a way to get up and wait I know a super simple way is it some sort of redstone mechanism no it's just a ladder we could just like jump up like that oh really smart take out let's go we made a working bridge this is awesome but where's our house where are we gonna kiss what we're not kissing and you're right we don't have a house but we can make one and I want to make it super awesome I want it to be hanging off the platform wouldn't that be super duper cool yeah anything you think is cool is cool whop out thank you Crystal I like it when you say that I'm just a burst out of everything let's go and now we can set the second position up over here and boom I can make a ginormous house babes this is just the diamond well if you were a real stalker you know what I'm gonna do next wait I know I know in the inside wait how did you actually oh my gosh you're weird you're weird how do you know everything I do baby we have over this I know everything about you oh my gosh that is really weird but over here we have to make a door and I have a great idea we can make it like a super duper awesome looking door yes let's do it and I would say we can make up both of our colors but your color is literally my color too yes I know you love it I mean yeah it is pretty awesome but since you are the same color as me I'm gonna use diamonds for you and light blue wool for me okay oh my gosh and we can make it a three by three door right over here so once we enter a cool animation's gonna happen with the blocks well what are you gonna do I'm gonna make it so the blocks open up in layers so it's gonna make the top layer disappear then the middle then the bottom cool do it all right I'm doing open it and what's up we got mailbox oh yeah you're really good at though thank you Crystal that's very nice of you to say now we gotta put some Redstone next to it and then we gotta put a layer of command blocks hidden underneath the floor [Music] oh my gosh how did you know I was gonna do that I knew it let's get let's go to command wow oh my gosh you are so weird that is actually weird Crystal no it's not I'm just really smart like it oh my gosh yeah I guess so but now we have to make redstone leading to a repeater into the command blocks and this First Command Block is gonna make the bottom row air you have to get the coordinates right now what oh my gosh I don't like how you know what I'm about to do how how are you this smart okay watch you every single time oh my gosh that's weird but now we have to make it turn into air and we have to put a delay on the first one now we gotta put the next command block here and the one after right here and we could type out the same command but just move it one block up don't forget to put the repeaters thank you Crystal that is very true we got to put the repeaters at maximum delay just like this then we could set down the last command block making it turn into air and it should work now wow all righty hit it Crystal and whoa did you see that see that that was so awesome yeah but how does how does it close oh wait yeah I did not think about that we need to do the same command blocks but putting the blocks which is super duper easy all we have to do is go all around to this side of the command block and once the Redstone circuit reaches all the way to this side it needs to activate a redstone torch really smart baby oh my gosh you're weird but now we gotta just make it do the same thing in Reverse so we just gotta put a layer of three command blocks here going from a redstone repeater than one here too here the last one here and then throwing on all the repeaters now let's put in the command for the first layer which was light blue wool right yes and what's the second one diamond oh yeah you're right and I gotta make sure it goes up one block just like this perfect and then the last one was light blue wool right yes and it was will tell oh yeah you're right okay let me set it and then make it light blue and then whoa boom it's sad let's try it all right I'm gonna test it out you ready so let's test it out if I hit the pressure sure play it opens and it should automatically close let's go that is so cool I know right the animation is awesome and it even animates bad back our lake house has the coolest door ever but babes what kind of lake house is this there's nothing inside of here well yeah you're right but I know exactly what we could do we have to have a chilling area right here yes grab some seats all right I'm grabbing it and I need to grab some light blue for us of course then I need some green for Luke wow why are we putting seats for low guys what do you mean why are we putting seats for Luke we're also grabbing some for Roxy and we need some for Lily too why it could just be for us now now Crystal see that's not what we're gonna do you're not taking me away from my friends I need to make a seat for all of us so these are for me and you then this is for looky Pookie then this is for Roxy and finally these are for Lily check it out I guess this is fine but you have to kiss me oh my gosh Crystal no I'm not kissing you but we gotta make a wall right over here exactly and I have the perfect show to put odd it's gonna be Lily Sheldon know what show I'm talking about yeah you always put it on I don't like it why not look it's no not that one no not that one no not that one no not that one no not that one no not that one which one is it where is it keep going I'm going and there it is it's Lily oh my gosh she looks awesome no I don't have a crush on Lily she is my friend and I'm pretty sure let's hear something wait um oh my gosh Lily heard me um anyways anyways anyways this TV is awesome I don't see no legs yeah um neither do I and I have a really great idea we can make a little deck outside and whoa this view is awesome yes so my babe I'm gonna break up the color by adding some normal planks because there's just way too much Blues so let's make a ginormous dock where me and all of my friends can chillax in what about me babe your girlfriend you're not my girlfriend and I just said where all of my friends could hang out with and I'm pretty sure like you're my friend right you know I'm your girlfriend and you're my boyfriend don't you remember no no no oh my gosh Crystal you're so weird but whoa look at this stock it's awesome but let's not forget all the fences because we can literally just slip off and fall into the water we gotta grab some fences and put it all around over here for maximum safety really smart give me a smooth stop and now we need to add some beds so we could chillax and look at the beautiful views so I'm gonna grab a red bed for Roxy a blue bed for me and I'm gonna give you a dark blue bed because you're not copying me even more than you already do I like light blue well too bad you have to use dark blue oh man it's okay I'll just use your bag oh my gosh you're weird so let me put Lily's chilling area here and Roxy's next to her then me you and Luke Boomer well I love this bed me too this is going to be the coolest chilling area ever and wait Crystal I have a really good idea what if we made a secret underwater Lake area I know right and we can make it from right over here we can make it like a secret entrance and then we fall down and go inside the lake yes but how would we do that hmm that's gonna be kind of hard because first we need to clear out all of the water down here you can just use command blocks right oh yeah you're totally right and since I do want to make it a secret we have to make it some sort of hidden way to activate it what can we do how about an oak button oh yeah check that out it's almost invisible so only people who know about it can activate it yes really good job Crystal yay thank you babe oh my gosh stop calling me that but now we could add a redstone dust underneath over here and we gotta connect our redstone torch to where the Piston is and then put some Redstone to underneath the button so now let's hit the button and guess it pulls it back oh my gosh check this out Crystal we hit it and then boom the secret room is exposed babe down there is filled with water oh gosh yeah you're right all of this has a bunch of water we need a way to clear it all out any ideas make a glass room over Heritage ran out the water oh yeah that's actually a really smart idea we could have a glass room in between the real room to drain all the water out so let's set some glass down like this and make it go all around this is awesome so it's gonna dry us all up this is gonna work so well but um wait a minute Crystal we have a really big problem right now it's filled up with water what do we do do they come in you did before oh yeah you're right I could just type out slash slash drain and wait that way I have to do slash brain then five and boom now all the water is gone but babes how are we gonna get inside this glass oh yeah you're right and if we break it water flows in oh my gosh what we need to happen is the glass opens then it closes then it clears out the water and to do that is actually kind of simple first what we have to do is we need to make the glass disappear so we could just add some command blocks leading from this Redstone over here with some delay just like this then put the command block down and then set all this glass on the top layer to air so let's grab the two coordinates like this copy the command over and put it in the command block then make it turn into air Let's test it out all right let's do it so if I go over here and hit the button whoa opens up the glass awesome but um now water got in you have to close up the glass now oh yeah you're totally right so we have to add another command block right over here paste the coordinates and then fill it all up with some glass now after we've Fallen it should fill back up so let's stand in the hole and hit the button and check it out all the water just got automatically drained wait it works like an elevator too wait what oh yeah it does wait I need to test the elevator function out let me go back up over here and let's try out the elevator feature if I stand in the middle and I hit it it should okay wait oh it works perfectly it just elevated me down to the bottom whoa nice I'm coming nice and we can make it right over here wait a minute oh gosh there's sand up here oh no it's all falling on us what do we do we should make the roof out of glass so replace all the stand with glass oh that's actually really smart so let me type out slash slash replace near 15 blocks that are made out of sand into glass and oh that actually works out really good and we can see our secret room right down over here so let's go down into it over here and now we gotta expand it and oh my gosh it is so messy use the magic wand oh yeah nice imma make the first position right over here then fly all the way over and oh my gosh this is actually crazy it's so much glass I'm never gonna have the coolest secret room right and now we can set that wait wait that's too high no no no no we gotta set the second position right over here and then set it on to Air and oh gosh oh gosh we have some floods I'm trying oh gosh oh gosh and boom all the floods are clear and this room is Mega big but wait why is it leaking here with the block missing so I put it back oh nice job Crystal and wait we gotta clear up all these stone blocks because I want this room to be all made out of awesome glass let's use the magic wand oh yeah great thinking so if I set all of these blocks into some glass boom we could just break some over here for the entrance let's go wow this room is awesome it's like we're in the ocean I know right and wait a minute I have a really good idea let's also make the floor out of glass and then underneath it we can make it out of water yes we can be like fast and wait I know a really easy way to do it we could just replace all the stone next to us into water yeah do it so let's type out the command slash slash replace near 15 Stone into water and oh gosh I'm Crystal what did I just do well it kind of worked yeah it did awesome now we're literally inside the ocean wall look up I can see the lighthouse that's so awesome I know right away I can see Luke's build from underneath super duper cool at Icy Roxy oh God she heard me um you don't know where I am Roxy where are you oh my gosh she has no idea we're in a secret room what now oh my gosh this is a perfect place for us to kiss why oh my gosh Crystal you ruined it we were having like a really cool moment and of course you ruined it but this room is kind of trash what type of secret room is boring let that video game what video games I love video games yes let's do it we could add a ginormous plasma screen TV right here yes do it so let's grab the wall and of course we're gonna need to grab a painting at a way oh my gosh oh my God this is gonna look so cool wow we could watch movies underwater we're just like fishes yes baby you're so smart let's go and boom wow it's Kung Fu ohms no it's kumbu Krista right here no that is not crystalline oh my gosh we're getting a bunch of dookie wooky things let me get something good no no I don't want that why do I keep hitting this I mean at least it's in parkour wow oh my gosh that's trash parkour and oh my gosh are we just gonna be playing Skeleton on a piece of bread no just put the parkour thing back on all right and boom it's there nice now we gotta add some seats and since this is our secret area we can make it all out of light blue seats wow check that out isn't this awesome yes and we can kiss right here now Crystal you're being weird but this is going to be the coolest secret hangout spot but um Crystal what type of heading out spot has no food what are we gonna eat I'm really really hungry Robbie what raw beef oh my gosh I did not know you liked raw beef that is my favorite oh yeah great idea so it's right next to where we watch TV and play video games and we're gonna need a grab a fridge as the first thing for our little snack area so let's add two fridges right over here and what should we put inside oh yes great choice and let's fill it all up with some raw beef up wait a minute what if Luke Lilly and Roxy want to come maybe Lily some of her cakes oh yeah Lily's really good at baking cake she owns her own Bakery so let's Go Wrap our red oven to make us the best tasting cakes ever so let's put two right over here and we could grab a bunch of cakes and put them inside the oven yes that's gonna be delicious I know right and wait we can even see the Kings inside the oven that's super cool there's so many cakes this is about to be delicious all right now right now we need to grab some cabinets so we could put some up over here and watch it go inside cabinets snacks oh yeah I'm gonna grab a bunch of cookies and Lily loves fish because she's like a cat so let's grab her a bunch of salmon and I want some more cakes and we could even have some enchanted golden apples oh my gosh that's gonna make us so strong and wait why you already filled up all of them yeah I got the cookies done and I got all the raw salmon done and I'll put some enchanted golden apples here add some cake in here and you know what why not more Robbie's in here yes we're gonna have so much Robbie oh I know right this is awesome but wait we need a sink so we can like clean our plates and stuff so let's put a sink right over here so we can wash up and this looks kind of weird that the cabinets are floating so we can put some diamond blocks underneath and whoa the kitchen is awesome now let's add a table so let's grab some blue slabs and we're gonna make the Four Corners right over here like this and boom check it out we have a ginormous table we're gonna have the best food ever I know right the snacks are gonna be awesome now we have to add seeds for everyone and since this is our secret room we're just gonna make them all light blue seats let's go now let's grab some item frames for plates so we could put our food on top of and boom we should serve some enchanted golden apples for today that's gonna be delicious and a cake for dessert where's the bathroom I'm finding a poop oh yeah you're right so let's go back up all the way to the normal lake house at the worst of the bathroom is right here's a good spot yeah yeah we can make a ginormous bathroom and we have to use bathroom blocks so how about some iron and let's make it ginormous we can make this entire area of the bathroom whoa it's huge we have to make some walls oh yeah I don't want people looking at me as I'm doing my business that is super rude and super duper gross right can I see wow oh my gosh Crystal you are weird but we gotta add a door right over here and it can't be a door with holes in it because people can't look so let's grab a birch door and boom this is the bathroom first things first we need a toilet let's make a big diamond toilet yes that's gonna look awesome Crystal let's make it super duper shmooper pooper ginormous wait you got it I said pooper ginormous yes that joke is so funny yes finally someone that laughs at my poop jokes I knew they were fighting it's not really that funny I just want to make you feel good oh my gosh are you serious right now but Boom the toilet is done and it is ginormous but um Crystal we have a problem if we poop it doesn't go anywhere it just stays exactly we need to make a drainage system so first we gotta grab some water and put it right over here now we gotta make the drainage system happen so we need these blocks to pull back but um how do we do that use sticky fist since that you always do it oh yeah you're right we could add sticky pistons on the side over here to pull back all the diamond blocks so let's break these blocks here and grab some sticky pistons and put it all on this side then we could do the same over here we could put a sticky piston this way and then two more here now we gotta make them all activate at the same time and to do that um oh gosh that's kind of hard right no you can do anything babes oh my gosh thank you that was actually very nice other than the baby's fire button I really appreciate that but check it out we can just add some Redstone torches down here then underneath we got how to add some more Redstone torches like this perfect and then we just need to connect them all just do it with somewhere what that's literally what I was about to do oh my gosh Crystal you're actually kind of smart At Redstone yeah I watch you all the time when you do it like that's weird oh my gosh why did you have to be weird that was like almost like a normal conversation with you Crystal why can't you just be normal sorry I'm just trying to fix that oh my gosh all right crystal that's fine but now all we have to do is just hook up all the Redstone together and it should work right now yeah just bring it up to the Thailand all right let me hook it all up like this and then we gotta connect it up to where the toilet is and we can make the lever right over here on this block so let's make a little staircase going down over here like that and then connected to all the Redstone Dust now let's test it out so if we go inside and grab a lever and flick it up wait why do only summon the blocks work the Redstone doesn't reach baby after we're out of redstone repeater oh yeah you're right we need to put a redstone repeater right over here and just so they activate at the same time we'll add another one here so so now when we flick the lever it works perfectly oh my gosh but where will the poop go oh my gosh wait yeah you're right oh my gosh wait wait wait wait we gotta make like a sewer because right now the poop is gonna fall into our Waters we don't want that because if we go swimming we're literally gonna be swimming in poop I have a really good idea for a break we can make a lead over to Roxy's side he's not gonna see this coming and I think Roxy's side is that way yeah Roxy and Lily's gonna have no idea why are you listening into my conversation right now I see your name tag wait what oh gosh um uh what are you doing over here Roxy why are you on my side what now he Roxy move no no I'm not doing anything and wait a minute why is there blocks on my side all right I won't look at your stuff if you don't look at mine deal [Music] no no it's not weird I promise just um don't look at my side and oh my gosh Roxy almost just caught us hey baby this is gonna be such a funny prank all right now right so let's keep on going down and oh gosh I see Roxy's name tag right over there we gotta go underneath and whoa we're down in the lake what are you doing oh wait what Roxy um nothing what are you doing what are you doing are you doing what no no no I asked first what are you doing I asked first what do you do you do oh wait yeah wait he did ask me first oh I don't want to see them out of here wait why oh my gosh nice thinking Crystal you made him go away by pretending to kiss me well I'm not pretending I actually did it wow oh my gosh you're weird Crystal but come on we gotta keep going down over here and we have to add a tunnel so let's build up over here like this and then we gotta go to the side at that build over here like that boom perfect now we gotta get rid of all of this water and oh my gosh there is so much get out of here water we don't want you here you're so gross and I think that this tunnel is almost complete we just gotta lead it all the way to Roxy's side over here like that that block off the water and then put it back down and boom it's completely clear of water let's go we did it now we have to lead into Roxy's area and hmm where does this even lead to what is this over here at oh my gosh this leads exactly into this house this is awesome yes we can make all the poop come up here that's gonna be hilarious all right so let's fly all the way back to our side where the toilet is here and then we can make the water pushed down all the way to this side then we gotta grab a side and a water bucket put the sign right over here and then boom the water right next to it then the sign again then the water again then the side then the water then the sign over here and finally the water here oh gosh there's a little bit of a zigzag now we need it to pop up over here how do we do that babe super easy all we need is some Soul Sand and we could put it at the bottom then we have to make a little tunnel going up over here and then fill it all up with some water blocks so now it pushes us up look at this I'm not even swimming it I'm getting launched so now when we put our items in here it's gonna shoot us and oh gosh I can't escape hey let me back in hey leave me alone okay if I made it back let's test it out and see if the poop goes all the way all right let's do it so let's fly all the way back to our side here and this is where the toilet is so once we poop something down it's going down the water stream come on come on you can make it go go go oh go ahead oh my gosh wait what it literally works first try did you see that Crystal yes the poops is in the living room oh my gosh we have an awesome sewer system this is great wait a minute what is that that's way it's Roxy oh gosh I have to cover up the DCB oh my gosh yes he saw the poop with no explanation I'm flying back let's go that's such a funny prank oh gosh oh gosh as we come to our side Crystal yeah wait wow he's outside of the door oh gosh um what do you want Roxy why are you here um what are you talking about I don't see any poop I just see you in netherite armor explain this wait what what is that in her hand um I've never seen that poop before that totally did not come out of my butt [Music] Roxy hey this is cheating you're not allowed to look at my house until we rate it oh my gosh that was a close one but rules our rule saw Roxy can't look inside oh my gosh yes it was us wow what did you just say out loud Crystal what did I say babe you said gouache that's my thing I say oh my gosh that's only ohms what are you talking about oh my gosh what now you're just like saying it oh that didn't even make sense oh my gosh stop saying oh my gosh that's my thing oh my gosh oh my gosh I said wait why do I keep saying it I say that a lot wow I don't really realize it you also say are you Series right now I never say are you serious right now are you serious right now you just did and yes I'm serious right now oh my gosh all right all right show with all the words stealing but over here we need to sing for the bathroom does so let's add some blocks then I'll water in the middle then we could grab some glass panes for a mirror and bound the bathroom is complete this is awesome where are we gonna shower oh well we're gonna shower over here in the toilet no that's where the poop goes up well it's gonna be funny oh yeah you're right oh gosh yeah okay I don't think it's actually very smart to shower in here get out get out get out Let's cross the house come over here follow me ah okay wait what are you doing why are you bringing this area what are we doing here blocks Court blocks um okay why are we doing this hmm what can we be using quartz blocks for us okay Crystal I'm a little bit confused but I trust you on the one super duper cool and awesome but wait a minute your crystal is it something weird no just use the magic wand all right all right all right here let me just set it all like that and boom it's now set now what do we need now we need little stage for each other wait what uh stage oh okay let me grab some quartz stairs and we can make the stage like right over here is this what you mean yeah a little okay like this is this better yeah that's a great height alrighty now I could put some stairs going up to this side and Hmm this kind of reminds you of like the stage that people get married on oh yeah because we're getting married here what do you mean we're getting married here yes I can't wait for our wedding wow we are not getting married Crystal oh my gosh no no no no we're not making this a wedding area we're gonna make this a gazebo wow what is that gazebo it's like a place in Parks like where you hang out in it's like a giant bench and then it has like a little rooftop to hide from the rain it's really awesome how have you ever heard of a gazebo no this seems funner no funner this is Rouser this is a wedding that's disgusting but a gazebo is awesome so first we have to make four fences going super duper high up like this um we're not getting married no oh my gosh Crystal that is super duper pooper gross I'm not getting married I'm still like super young so what getting married young is better what no I was not now oh my gosh you're so weird but Boom the fences are all set and we have to change all these Court blocks into grass so let's grab the magical one and we can set it all with some grass blocks oh yeah an outdoor wedding would be nice oh my gosh Crystal stop being weird we're not doing an outdoor wedding we're building a gazebo now check this out we have to put some wood all around just like this oh this is actually starting to look nice I know right so we gotta put it on each corner like this and one block high should be good enough nice that looks great now let's grab some Oak stairs and we have to make it so we could sit around it just like this whoa this is awesome and I have a really good idea we can add a campfire in the middle so we can all eat s'mores with each other that sounds awesome I know right boom for campfires well we're gonna have so much fun now we have to make the roof so let's grab some slabs and we have to make the outlining all out of slabs just like this so let's go all around this way with slabs boom perfect then for the second layer we're gonna have to make it at a normal block so let's break this fence and then check that out look at the design it like has some depth do you see the depth Crystal yeah it looks awesome thank you Crystal I appreciate it you're always very nice with your words and boom it has the outlining now now all we have to do is grab the magical wand and then set the two positions and that boom set it all with Oak blinks and wow this is awesome yes but where's the snacks we need the sweets oh yeah you're right here let me grab a chest and we can put it right over here and we could grab some cakes and some cookies and oh my gosh we can melt the cookies in the fire that would be so good they're cushy cookies yes I love it when my cookies are hot me too so I'll have to put a bunch of cookies in here and a bunch of Cakes as well this is going to be delicious yes this is awesome I know right and wait a minute we have a gazebo outside and it should lead right over here to a path so let's grab some special type of dirt we're gonna grab some podzel oh yeah that looks so good as a pet I know right check it out we can make the path go down this way over here like this add that into the lake water but um do we want to swim in the lane the fish is poop Crystal oh my gosh but yeah you're right that is where all the fishes poop so let's set the first position here and what if we made a glass swimming pool so it could feel like we're really in the water yes that would be awesome I know right and wait it's gonna be way above where our secret room is so we can see everybody swimming so silly all right so let's set the second position there then we gotta fly all the way down here and boom set it all with glass then let's go up over here and do the same and then the final position right down all the way here and boom the swimming pool is now all set wow we have a glass bowl oh yeah you're right because we have a swimming pool but no dog so just to switch it up let's grab some Birch labs and we can make the dock right over here and this is where everyone is gonna chillax out so let's make it super duper super big just like that then over here on this side we gotta place it one block down so we could play stuff on it because if we place it on the slabs it looks weird so let's set a bunch of slabs over here too and we can make it go back all the way this way this is where we're gonna all be chilling because we can actually place blocks here so let me set all of this down perfect now let's grab a different color of the labs because we have to make some beach chairs so let's set it just like that check out these beach chairs I'm gonna make five of them just for all of us yay that's gonna be so much fun and I want the one next to you oh my gosh Crystal these aren't colored actually wait that's a really good idea we should make them colored so let's break all the back blocks of that and we could set them with color so let's grab some red wolf for Roxy then let's grab some pink wool for Lily then we're gonna need to grab some green for Luke and then of course my favorite colors some light blue and I'll get you normal blue yeah I get to be next to you wow wow I mean I didn't say that but sure yeah you can be next to me and boom this is going to be the coolest chilling area ever let's go but where's the diving board oh wait you're right we need a super duper Mega diving board so let's grab some blocks and how many diving boards should we put three oh yeah nice thinking we should put three we should make one super easy one medium and one only for pros like me you're a new I'm the problem oh my gosh Crystal you're so goofy but this this first one is going to be the new one so it's only a couple of blocks high then next we're gonna make the medium and I'm gonna make a super duper super super high just like that and the diving boards up here then we're gonna make the pro which is going to be literally a billion blocks tall and oh my gosh we are super duper high already I could see the whole universe from over here wait what you can see my house yeah I could see my house it's right over there in the distance oh my gosh yeah this is a good height right over a year and boom this is where the diving board's gonna be what if we made us some super high oh wait that's actually a super cool idea we could put a command block right over here then grab a pressure plate and put it on top and we can make it so it gives us jump boost so let's type out slash effect give then make it the nearest player and we're gonna make it jump boost and we can give it four five seconds and we're gonna give them jump boost 15. all right let's go whoa that makes us jump so high about weight let's make it even crazier let's make it 50. oh wow that's gonna be insane I know right let's try it oh my gosh I'm going down and I don't wait that was so much fun this pool is awesome oh my gosh wait let me catch you Crystal don't fall oh God I need to catch you and I have no wow I missed you it was so much fun I don't ride these diving boards are awesome but um wait a minute Crystal we don't have ladders we don't have a way to get up there all right let's let's do it I'm a Spam placing ladders down and whoa I'm not even missing a single one let's go on are you serious I just missed one and I missed another now and I missed the third and a fourth oh man I almost got all of them I'm doing the middle one all right well Crystal you're not even doing the middle one you're just climbing up mine you can do the middle one wow oh my gosh I have to do everything I'm spear placing the ladders down and the middle is complete now let's do the noob one I'm gonna do this one oh my gosh you're so goofy Crystal but the pool is awesome out we need to add some palm trees like those just so we can make the vibe more tropical so let's grab some grass over here and we can make it like a little mini Island yes the tree's gonna look awesome I know right so now we need to grab some wood and let's grab some jungle wood because jungle wood looks awesome and we could use jungle leaves now let's build a tree just like this and make it super duper super big like that then we gotta set the leaves on top over here and how do we make this look tropical I got spikes oh yeah so I'll put a spike there then I'll put another one down over here then another Spike going down this way like that then one more going down this way and um crystal is this tropical Vibes up silly but I like it oh thank you Crystal I kind of like it too I think it's a silly little tree and this could be our group tree let's go and we could sign all our names on it so let me grab aside and I'm gonna put o for ohms and then I'm gonna put C for you then we're gonna put an R for Roxy then an L for Luke and another L for Lily yeah this is awesome friendship tree friendship tree I can't wait for the rest to see it this is amazing but we have to add some fun activities Oh yeah you're right there's not really any fun activities and what if we added boat racing that would be awesome yes we're next to water that would be so fun oh my gosh oh my gosh yes yes so let's grab some light blue wool and we'll make two race so the blue is going to be one side and the red is gonna be another this is gonna be so much fun so you do the red path and I'm gonna do the blue path I'm gonna make it so we gotta go and turn this way first I'm gonna make it go this way too then I'm gonna make it turn over here this way like that now I gotta grab this other side and we gotta make a connect over here perfect oh my gosh this race is going to be so awesome blue is definitely gonna win because blue is the best now let's turn it in over here this way and then we can add a little straight path like that and then we can add another turn this way and we could do a little zigzag that'll be fine so let's make it zigzag down here and then we can make it zigzag down here and then zigzag down here now we gotta bring the other wall like this make it zigzag down then we could zigzag this way then we could zigzag this way and then boom the Finish Line could be right over here on the last zigzag like this boom perfect it's not enough and how is yours going Crystal I'm having some trouble can you help me out yeah I got you one oh my gosh oh you made it so skinny here we gotta make it a little bit thicker so let's expand it out this way over here and let's follow the path you already made and then you can make it have a cool turn over here this way and then connect the other side to it like this and then we can make it go next to mine oh my gosh so we're gonna beat up with each other and wait it's kind of like even with mine that's really cool yeah it looks awesome now we could also add a zigzag on yours so let's make it go this way then zigzag that way then we can make it go zigzag back in and then we can make it reach the finish line now let's do the same on this side over here so we can make it zigzag like that then make it go down over here like this then zigzag down this way and to the Finish Line nice but we have to make a Finish Line oh yeah you're right so let's grab some white and black wool and we have to make a ginormous Finish Line so let's first just set it all down with some white wool just like this all the way here then let's just connect the red wool to it over here like that and we gotta use a magical wand to set down all white walls how about don't worry I'll show you what we're gonna do in a second first let's just set down all the white wool like this and now with the black well we could just make the pattern just like that check it out Crystal I know right since the white is already there it makes it so much quicker we could just only put down black let's go this is going by so fast I know right this is amazing and oh my gosh I'm messing up sometimes this is really really really really really easy and I did it let's go and finish my side that was mine oh nice job here let me help you out with these like that and boom the finish line is done do you want to race yeah let's do it all right I got that blue side anyway we gotta add a chest with some boats so let's add a double chest on this side and we could add a double chest on that side and Crystal fill up your chest with a bunch of boats okay okay and I'm doing the same I'm putting a bajillion boats in here and now are you ready to rumble crystals let's do it all right I'm in my bow are you ready for the countdown yeah I'm in two three that's why I gotta turn here oh gosh it's harder ain't no right though guys wait oh you're in the lead right now no no no I can't let you win I gotta turn this way and hi Crystal let's go and wait I think you made it too skinny break a block break a block okay now I can go and oh nice job Crystal I gotta do the zigzags over here let me do a spin move then another spin movement oh gosh I'm going out of control and no no no no no wait wow oh my gosh great job Crystal wait a minute Roxy what are you doing over here yeah we're doing our bout race and Crystal I think that our lake house is complete we literally have the best lake house ever the best I know right no me and Louise is way better what all right let's go check out you and Lilies let's go check it out oh this place looks awesome you guys have an amazing game yeah this is nice so no one could just climb over the fences you have spikes on top super duper cool ing oh nice job Lily and wow you have a bridge over a lake this is super cool yeah this is had to use a magic wand and clear some blocks oh yeah I know you're still new at using the magic wand right Roxy you went so hard but no this is really really good nice job Roxy high five years stop that we're just punching each other but whoa another gate why is there so many gates oh I get it and whoa what is this room this is just a hangout room oh all right are you serious another Bridge how many bridges do you have why is there so many bridges my real castle oh all right and ow my gosh wait Crystal do you see that look it's the poop hole we made from before don't say anything about that babe oh my gosh I have no idea wait a minute Roxy what's this let's cover it up yeah just stop cover it up it's totally nothing it must be a leak from The Wider underneath because we're on a lake house oh yeah that makes sense oh my gosh I have no idea but whoa oh you have a ginormous awesome couch yeah wait what a bathroom and oh my gosh what is this that's a toilet oh I got it it's a little toilet what is this well where do we shower uh destroying the toilet oh my gosh that is gross and I love how all the couches have our colors this is for me this is for Crystal this is for looking Pookie this is for Lily and this is for Roxy yeah but um did you realize this is covered up wait why is this covered up how do we get inside remember that oh yeah the one that was going to my side at wait a minute does it start from here oh I get it and oh my gosh this is crazy parkour let's do it I'm a speed running don't worry Roxy I'm like a professional oh yeah that whoa look where it looks like I don't want to look at it yeah no peeking dude oh my gosh don't worry Luke I'm not peeking but this parkour is super duper shmooper I failed don't laugh at me Roxy I can do this with these oh gosh are you serious I failed again oh my gosh now Roxy this is light work let's go don't look at the Friendship tree yet Roxy leave it alone don't look don't look in I just feel the one black jump hey don't laugh at me it's really hard Roxy but don't worry I'm up oh my gosh I'm a noob guys don't look at my tidy Square I have a big Square now here before hey but watch this Roxy um parkour and super duper duper shmooper oh gosh easy and whoa where am I now yeah but this is an easy job let's go I did it are you serious hey oh my gosh Roxy stop laughing at me I made oh we have access to that backyard and what is this this is a backyard this is awesome you have a ginormous table and oh so many snacks in the fridge yeah I bake these oh my gosh so delicious and you even have an oven with enchanted golden apples delicious pancakes I'm cooking oh my gosh awesome man you have another sink nice yeah I don't have a red table oh really good touch about what's this over here [Applause] oh my gosh of course and whoa where are you right now ah stop and it's in a pattern it's pink red green blue pink red green blue yeah I put this one for crystals oh yeah yeah you put two different Blues Crystal your blue is officially dark blue oh thanks babe I love it oh bro stop kissing what we're not kissing oh my gosh you're weird but look there's a ladder out of here let's get up and oh we're back at the Gazebo yeah now let's go out all right and what is that um that's just my super duper super tall diving board what diving board oh my gosh you totally stole this idea from me and it goes up super duper super high wait does it just go on forever well you stop at some point but it's gonna be a long time wow oh my gosh I see it and whoa I am so high up right now I can see the whole world and it's still going Roxy how is anyone supposed to climb up these ladders they would slip on that I don't even see the world anymore you're too hot I'm sorry wow oh my gosh that whoa we finally made it to the tippity top who wants to go first oh my gosh all these crazy rocks here next oh my gosh you ready Crystal yeah I'm gonna stay up here with love oh my gosh Crystal oh my gosh that was crazy fun I love it yeah but um there's more more hours are more look at this wow ginormous campfire and this is my outdoor again kitchen what a double outdoor kitchen and there's even cookies in here [Music] super duper good smelling I got them all from here and another outdoor table are you serious right now yeah yeah oh my gosh this is awesome and is this it for your build yeah pretty much it oh my gosh Crystal what are we learning this thing 10 of 10. definitely this is a 10 out of 10 perfect score but now it's time for lose I really want to see what he made what's good yo welcome to the crib wow this place is lit and why is there so many boats because I'll just be boating and stuff wow Bowen and stuff oh my gosh this is mad goofy you can even ride it on the wood bows that right on wood that's lit wait I'm hopping in with you oh my gosh this is awesome Luke you're very creative I would never have thought of a boat that goes on wood I know right about wait a minute is this a ginormous gazebo yeah it is did you steal my idea to Luke yes sirsky my boy oh my gosh of course you did Luke and whoa is this uh infinite looping roller coaster yeah something like that whoa awesome Crystal give me a roller coaster please okay here you go let's go I'm going super mega fast and it Loops forever oh my gosh are you serious Crystal you just hit me we're bopping into each other what's going on Roxy you're the one putting them down placing more down oh my gosh what is going on Lou can you fix this I'm gonna put more with Roxy what now guys okay wait wait wait what did you just do crystal are you okay what is going on in this wild card it's bugging out for real oh my gosh okay all right guys I don't know what just happened where did they just go well look what just happened we broke the game what the heck and Luke what are you like flying right now what's going on you're in a submarine oh my gosh wait a minute what happened this oh my gosh Luke we're literally submarine diving Roxy hop in this oh my gosh all right the submarine's been ruined Luke what the heck happened I don't know but that was litty sauce super hoodie so I said oh my gosh Crystal what are you doing um oh my gosh all right guys all right we're about to break the game again oh gosh it's about to happen oh no oh no what's going on I know this is lit they break the game wait oh my gosh oh my gosh there's like a billion Minecraft we gotta fix this let me break in oh gosh low glow you need the submarine again what happened guys hop in the submarine and wait what Luke you're just drowning no it's over there wait wow where is it oh my gosh how does this work nice look that was so much fun but it's kind of small no think about the experience all right yeah that was pretty fun I'll give it a 9.7 out of that it's an awesome build though yeeho let's go I've never heard that I'm a cowboy oh my gosh look but guys it is now time for me and Crystal's build come pull up check it out bloody Nation I don't understand these words but this is our crib hello this place I know right and the league would you do the honors I'm the love the lever and Bowman instant Bridge Bonds in awesome and now viewing the pressure plate the door automatically opens and wait wow did it break hey stop laughing someone broke the repeater no one laugh at me no one laughed at me was this you Roxy Baby you troller oh my gosh you pranked me but check it out it's automatically opening it has like a little animation isn't that awesome wow this is so cool I know right and now check it out we even have a bathroom with a little special surprise Crystal should we show Roxy yeah let's do it all right check it out if we poop in the toilet and then we flick the lever look at where the poop goes where does it go well first it goes down over here and then it flows that way let's follow it it's going down the sewer system that leads up over here whoa where does this lead to doesn't this look familiar Roxy wait is this my bill no maybe and the poop ends up in your house right over there let's go you guys thought it was just a little mistake but it was the sewers yeah and you touch my poop let's go back over here I gotta show you more guys like inside we have a ginormous TV and guess who's playing Lily yes you're a movie star go Queen you're so amazing and awesome um say slay Roxy what does slay mean it's a girl term I don't I don't know wait Crystal what does slay mean that means something's awesome oh slay Lily go You Queen yeah check it out guys we have a backyard gazebo with a fireplace and now that I'm thinking about this this is probably a fire hazard we could start a fire like this oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh all right Roxy okay wait hey Roxy stop by putting you over here oh my gosh are you serious right now stop the firing all right the Gazebo is just destroyed oh man but check it out we have cookies in here and cakes eat up guys yeah these are Lily's Cakes because um we stole them from your bakery no that's gross oh my gosh yeah I baked them up not as good as you are banging Lily I'm gonna go to your bakery Billy yeah oh no and check this out we even have a chilling area with all of our colors and we have a diving board and Roxy mines has a special feature it may not be as big as yours but check it out there's a command block on top with a pressure plate you two into the airway and then we could land into our glass pool we made it oh that's so much fun and Roxy as you can see there's a little secret room underneath us what how do we get down there we have to go to the dock over here and stand in this secret block and if we hit the hidden button wee we've fallen and shook it out we're in the secret room whoa this looks so cool I know right this is super lit I know there's a ginormous TV some couches for us and a bunch of junk food like raw beef and cakes everywhere and even salmon for you Lily I know that's why we put it but yeah that's a secret romance oh gosh wait we did make a way to get out of here um just fly out don't think about it too hard just flatty or just fly out no no no no no no need to minus points cause look you're about to add a bunch more who wants to race me in boat race okay okay okay all right put your bow down and Let's Race you ready Roxy what this is not a couple's race let's go oh my gosh go go go go we got him going oh gosh Roxy is smoking us right now we gotta catch up I'm trying my best I'm going in wait wait zigzags I'm hitting it and I made it wait Roxy did you make it already laughing you cheated oh my god did you just fly over yeah he flew that's oh my gosh they're so goofy Roxy but yeah that's about it for our lake house but wait wait wait one more thing I almost forgot that's the most important it's our friendship tree it says L for Luke L for Lily Roxy for R and then o for ohms and C for Crystal this is the cutest part no right yeah that's our belt give it our rating out of 10. I give it all one million billion trillion out of banana let's go that was so much fun and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye [Music]
Channel: Omz
Views: 1,619,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Kory, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, noobs vs pro vs hacker, noob vs pro vs hacker vs god, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, LOCKED on ONE RAFT With CRAZY FAN GIRL!
Id: aOAeIciOsp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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