Local Girl Cooks Me Nepal's Spiciest Noodles🇳🇵

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come on boys my mother is saying that you are too tall too  kidnap with the Nepali girl really it's true   good morning guys I am in barang which is a  small village just an hour away from Pokhara   in the middle of the countryside of Nepal  today we are doing a fun video we're going   to be making some local homemade Roxy which is  The Nepalese moonshine the local maid kind of   like tastes tastes like vodka but it's very strong  alcohol and as you can see this is the commute to   the lady's house we've got our man cabi who  is the guy who's been showing me around the   village he lives here and his family live here  so yeah it's really awesome community that they   have here they share everything and it's been an  incredible few days living here with the family   in the family's house so navigate through this  rice field or is it rice no sorry barley yeah   wait okay and uh we're gonna say  hi to the goats super breyani goats it's like uh every day I get  woken up at around 6 a.m by uh   by the people moving around shouting and  so if you're not a morning person in this   Village then good luck because you need to  be a morning person see you hear that cocoa oh we have the boys Namaste die super biryani pizza at the shop we're going to make some Roxy you  want some Roxy we're going to make it okay such a interesting like it's  just all on a huge elevation as you can see I've got my offering already um  Cubby's mum gave me it all the goats every it's   amazing how every single family in this Village  has a buffalo and a goat pretty much Namaste died rifles okay Namaste die super Biryani good good   anybody with me very very friendly people the  friendliest people in the in the village here namaste good nice to meet you you are the rock sea lady okay okay so um yeah this is yeah what  was her name again sorry Timor Namco so we're gonna need cabbie for a little translating  but we're going to be making the Roxy from scratch   I have no idea how to make it and there's  going to be about 30. I'm with the boys   Namaste bye San Jose good again you at school today what time nine oh very  good English boys okay you've got about two   hours till till school so um oh there's  a bird go and play your Xbox PlayStation   whoa is there a [ __ ] in there Cockrell ah oh territory Hindi you speak Hindi oh okay  oh my God the birds are in here whoa not sure if you guys saw that  but yeah they they came inside   and they were flying around everywhere so you know there's something over here okay and  today is the days they can take it out yeah 12 to 15 days later this will get ready  what's the plan Bali I know from the Millet   Millet you can smell the oh yeah yeah  the alcohol smell almost like a vinegar so this is like uh she's making this uh  so it was it was like this ah okay okay ah there he is good morning super breyani friendly can I pick him up oh this is gonna bite you really you can catch can you pick him up can you pick the chicken up okay let's go inside okay we're going to the  kitchen this is the kitchen wow yeah they cook big   ovens okay oh my God what was that somebody tried  to catch for you oh really yeah oh can I see it   again oh I missed it okay so now she's grabbing  some water to boil the water in this huge pot again doesn't have to be a balance between  the water and the fire okay foreign oh yeah there's no um there's no chimney  in here ah Namaste bye kitsa oh wow   what's the name the name timra Nam he's like a statue he's not he's like Frozen wow I've never seen a [ __ ]  like that with the long   long bed and a nice haircut wow thank you  very much wow that is the is a very good with   the chickens I was gonna say very good with the  [ __ ] but that sounds a bit sounds a bit wrong and let's do a little tour of the  of the Place whilst we're all right   so we got a little baby baby cow over  here baby buffalo we've got the goats   Messi Ronaldo and Bape down  here hello boys they have names [Music] okay I'm gonna name them Ronaldo Messi  and then we have the boys all the girls sorry namaste how are you good she doesn't like my hand and  chickens oh wow you got lots of lots of Buffalo   yeah very good which one's your favorite you have  favorite Buffalo Yo which one this one or that one   ah really namaste whoa oh my God I fell down friendly  doesn't look friendly Namaste whoa I keep falling down on the uh what's this [Music]  falling down into the compost anyway we'll leave   the Buffalo and they're obviously not happy to see  me they need to have to they need to have a coffee   and we'll carry on with the uh the Roxy making so we're just leaving this to boil you see this is  a really unique fire and uh let's just have a look   inside okay can we open this yeah there we go it's  the water's on the top here and then they've got   the fire burning it they push the logs in to keep  the fire going and uh very cool it's all about   the distillation process uh-huh I'm intrigued  I have absolutely no idea how to make alcohols okay ah okay so the way the  the cloth is like closing   the Gap yeah so there's no Vapor coming out okay all right and then this is the Roxy comes in  here so this is the distal distillation wow and what's inside here she's stopping  all the stop all the vapor okay yeah um oh so she's boiling water at the same time um yeah I'm messing with  kitchen should I blow foreign yeah there we go that's better so um what's inside this uh what's inside here  okay the things that we said at the beginning   yeah yeah okay and she boils the minute cold water  yeah okay so take it so the millet's inside here   in like a solid kind of texture the cold water is  here and how does it distill like what because of   the heat it becomes like a vapor the cold water  because with the help of the cold water the pepper   will come down is a rakshi over here yeah straight  into uh dies train to die his mouth over there and it's very warm over here  and does she sell any of it um and call it the famous the famous uh what's  the name of this Village again yes DD Roxy yeah   I think that would sell quite well let me know  if you guys want to want to try this famous Roxy this is the normal way to drink there's no cup   there's no holder no I'm joking I'm  used to this hope you will survive okay Ginger inside oh nice yeah I love a ginger  chai cheer keep calling it chai but it's Chia foreign they've been fishing by the by the lake  yesterday they put the net oh wow good   catch well look at this one oh my God it's a  big one wow should we feed it to the cocoa oh   no no no I'm joking you eat you eat you sell  oh wow well done boys great work where's the   lake is down there this way oh this way oh  awesome wow very uh ingeniously how old are   you 14 and you're the best fisherman in this in  the village wow great work this is the net are   you gonna do this the same again today every day  every day how much will they even make for that so how much you're gonna sell it that's good that's very good well nice   wow they could also eat some of them  themselves yeah they do some time her daughter uh sorry her son this  one oh nice one wow oh good work guys this is the net 14 years old boy this is like  a homemade net with the uh they tie it up and   then they just put it on the the bed of the lake  and grab it what do they use as bait like worm is checking the darker approves oh yeah nice good work guys so like yeah everyone  in this Village has a way of you know either   providing for themselves through the livestock  or making money and these guys are underage 14   making money for their parents because uh it's  just a really hard life out here it's like I   don't know if I've really explained to you guys  how hard it is out here but it's really really   tough no help from the government they don't  buy anything apart from the the cow undergo   and they can't even kill the cow because  it's sacred um so it's like uh the odds   are against them but they they find a way of  surviving okay let's see how it's getting on   I mean there's not much to show you guys but  it's boiling a nice little temperature we've   got the cold water up here no steam is coming out  no no Vapor sorry and then the Roxy is filling up it feels very empty yeah maybe 10 minutes or so  and then we'll it will start to fill up I'm gonna   give it a little longer and then we'll  come and try it so it'll be warm Roxy   okay well one rock see it is hard rocks yeah you see the the boy is making the fishing  line ready for Roxy die oh but hold mixo   metal Roxy oh good very tasty Roxy I'm saying  we've got by making the fishing nets yes oh   here we go are you repairing repairing the  net oh nice and then you have school at nine   you going to school yes nice wow so he goes  it wakes up at seven or maybe six actually   probably it goes down to the river connects  the Nets brings it up Goes to School comes back   um he sells the fish for around 800 rupees  which is under around five dollars then comes   back gives his parents some of the money maybe  all the money I'm not too sure and then after   school he goes down to the river sets up the  fishing net comes back and no Xbox just chills   and uh also what cabbie was telling me was that  actually the lady who is making the Roxy her   husband is not around anymore he died so she's on  her own trying to provide for three kids it's like   really hard and she's also not just making the  Roxy she's farming every day it's not it's not   a job you can just take days off so she's making  the rugsy in the morning that's why we're here so   early and then in the afternoon she'll be farming  like everyone else and she's got her father-in-law   there which you guys have met and obviously you  know he's getting old now so you can't help around   too much so she's literally on her own providing  for three kids that's why they need to do the   fishing it's not like child labor or anything he  says they have to otherwise they won't survive you   can see over here barley has very smart this  is [Music] ah okay this is so beautiful and   we're just walking along through the fields and we  noticed Cubby's dad Bubba is about 10 meters up a   tree 70 years old and he's cutting down the leaves  for this is for the Buffalo be careful Bubba oh my God that's absolutely crazy he's actually standing on a branch  that could fall at any minute   it's a good thing he's like and if he falls  down there's no one to no one to help him   Zone I'll see him in the heaven yeah there's no  other way exactly this is your tree how much of   this land is yours okay how do you uh agree  who's this who's it's from the generation   okay sister okay can you like invade someone's not  anymore invade someone's field maybe 200 years ago yeah exactly well he's doing a good  job how did he even get up there   that's so impressive he's 70 years old 72 72. oh  my God this Village is just absolutely staggering you can see houses just go around like  that 80 houses across different levels   there's another Village over there that's  far away there's another Village on this side   and then the main would you call that a town down  there or is that still The Village small town yeah   that's Daenerys kind of like is there like a  hospital in that town no no [ __ ] okay but   there's the school there's a few that is one of  the school oh that's the primary school oh no   so very close okay guys fast forward a little  bit and we are doing another strange activity   for today it is honey we're gonna be farming for  honey now obviously you may know that honey comes   from the famous bees we have The Beekeeper here  Namaste die kids uh can you talk I'm painting Tick   Tock so you are the B man okay yeah is he trained  professional trained professional Yeah Yeah from   the village so every village has a beekeeper  every village has has a man that does the job   and here we go oh my God and there's the queen in  there okay I see Queen oh okay yeah we don't get   one of them oh here he is okay we're off so this  isn't the mad honey that Nepal is famous for this   is just normal I really don't want to get stung  either so this is going to be interesting mmm uh-oh oh then he just grabs the knife I gotta go as   close as possible for the  filming but I don't wanna oh oh my God that looks so tasty wow can you eat the solid part  oh it looks amazing organic honey oh wow do you sell this or just consume nice and he just does he get paid for this  or is he just doing it as a favor   oh nice he's a boy oh my God look at that wow there's thousands of bees in there   uh sorry they're wasps aren't they  are the bees they're small small bits Mel they're all male the big black one little honey party in there  there's a wasp online there's a B on my camera   it's okay wow oh imagine just punching that we yeah yeah yeah okay oh gosh yeah yeah yeah okay well we have  to get closer oh my God oh my God okay yeah yeah I met the queen she's a nice lady Queen  Elizabeth we're gonna call her yeah yeah yeah but   we have the king now yes uh King Phillips in there  there's also King dilip the the taxi driver you've   met him that's better better than the Philip  yeah yeah yeah oh dear lord very heavy delicious   looks very heavy a kilo maybe really yeah just for  that yeah you can hold it oh my God look at that   oozing down Taste time the testing time definitely  yes please not just the bee as well oh no no oh my God look at this okay let's give it a go   let's just check there's no beers  on there I don't want to eat a b oh oh oh that's rich that's the best  honey I've ever had very rich very strong   different taste to like the  supermarket honey that I got um hard on the outside soft on the inside wow  but hold Mitchell lady don't miss all bye   you want some okay um okay how is it good do you have this a lot but how'd you stall how do you stole the solid  I've only ever seen it with liquid that   you need to squirted um well it's quite  chewy the the hard bit is quite chewy yeah says that if somebody has a problem with their  back and the bones there is a therapy called   um B biting therapy so you're gonna  buy let's say you have a problem on   your back or you're gonna you know take  the beat stay specialist and to be gonna   bite no way I have a problem  with my back can you do it okay thank you bye-bye we had a little break  it's probably been an hour over an hour   namaste everything tick tock we're  back after about an hour two hours   um to see the Roxy and here we  go oh we've got quite a lot in   there it's like maybe two-thirds full  the cold water is now hot oh finish is hot now we're gonna take the hot water out I'm still  gonna put again the cold water okay I'm here for   testing and I work for the uh I work for the Roxy  testing agency and we're here to test the Roxy   it's purely for scientific purposes  only okay not too good no no no no   we're also going to give some to the  to the goats they will be very tested so the kids have gone to school now um thank you you told me that um to have a  really good test uh so you need to change   the water for four times really so this  is the second time second time about you okay okay so basically she is now pouring all the  hot water and replacing it with the cold water   because she needs to replace it um otherwise to  make it taste the best it's uh she has to replace   it with the cold water so it's very very labor  intensive does she want any help can we help uh   usually I'm more of a hindrance than  help okay I just do it wrong okay   here we go oh yeah oh warm very warm okay he can try you know I'll call what's she saying  it's strong yeah it can be really yeah because   so this is basically Dave like I was telling  you earlier they need to swap the water you   need to do that she needs to do it four times  for it to taste well we're gonna test it okay   oh you want some we're gonna test it oh wow okay it's good oh yeah I'm gonna test it it's like  uh very strong like vodka but like really yeah   yeah yeah very strong yeah yeah you can really  feel it in the whole part of your throat and uh   whoa I reckon if we finish this off we'll  be dancing with the cows sorry Buffalo where's die um oh he's digging the potato over  there oh should we give him some   oh not now you need to work all  day I just want to give him a sip no she's just telling me that because the  monkey is giving problem to them because   the monkey came over there and they take  the potato oh my God so now they are doing   the potatoes it's just absolutely Wildlife  I just can't imagine anything like monkeys   taking your potatoes yeah you gotta make  Roxy every day Grandpa's making the potatoes   and then these cows and goats you've got  to look after them every day feed them it's an amazing life so why is bai not a school   oh definitely tomorrow I'm drinking it like  it's water but it's not uh it's very it's   good it knows it's like tastes like the one we  had the other night yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Ramesh Ramesh nice oh it's good very good so it's good yeah like uh tastes very stream  similar to vodka just like a stronger version   of vodka and uh yeah very interesting I thought I  thought it would be a lot uh uh longer than that   but I guess she Farms the Millet and then makes  it into that mixture puts it in here and then   um what's the process called distills it distills  it and then uh changes the water four times and   then we're done so now if I have the products I  could probably give it a go myself I'm just trying   to learn so I can make one at home well thank  you so much it's been very drunk yeah exactly what's the name of her Roxy  does she have like a brand name you could say Didi is Roxy I'm just going to  give you some money to support Roxy business   maybe you can make a big Factory and then call it  DD's Roxy so thank you so much nice to meet you another one tell her I want to buy more of her  Roxy all right we found him he's carefully tending   to the potatoes and they have a nice little uh  shed here actually is the potatoes Namaste die I come have Roxy just a little bit for you  to try taste the Roxy you want to try oh okay you don't want no foreign he's like no I'm I'm doing the potatoes  oh there we go takes a nice little bit   more [Music] yeah okay good okay thank you  he approves and uh this is all the potatoes   here wow he's already collected so many  oh yeah this goes all the way down there   and uh this looks like it's nearly ready  yeah it's just like fields and Fields looks like he's left a bit more for us to  finish okay we've got some more farming here namaste potatoes oh wow oh yeah wow there's no there's no  retirement age here they just keep working you came here to learn a Nepali  Language ah yes yes I'm learning red potatoes yeah we don't usually see these  types of potatoes today's the day the potato day [Music] okay thank you bye-bye nice to meet you guys  have a good day hope you find many potatoes   the next uh activity that people do here  is we have come to see how they plow the   corn now this is the old-fashioned way there's no  machines here so they use the Buffalo oh [Music] oh here we go oh my God  they're four by four donkeys I've called it the wrong animal twice now   hope they can't hear me and this is  the flower here and this is die Tim I'm gonna show you huh they're listening to you oh there we go what up oh wow you're a natural bro so you can see how this fertile land is  just like really easy to plow through they're listening to you the one you  understand Napoleon ah [Music] is that good   nice and I whip it Phil first of all hold it hold it you have to hold it hold on who's a good boy put it down oh there we go come on boys Follow The Line the one  I started this one yeah come on Lala oh to stop for the ah for the ox good girl yeah you  can turn around now how do I do that first of all   take this one yeah at the front yeah definitely  even more impossible it will be more easier for   them they're not gonna kick me no no they are nice  well yeah I like to think so this way yeah okay   hold it hold it hold it from another another hand  with another hand yeah Swiss the sticks yeah okay huh we've got a bit of obstruction  jump jump yeah Follow The Line we're making a new line they're controlling me I'm not controlling them there we go I think I've ruined his field  okay that's okay try it again all right okay oh he's not sure very good how many times it's not a rocket science though okay so when they when they have a small piece of  land like this obviously these big guys can't be   getting up here so we have to do it manually we've  got a nice little uh Digger here very unique tool there we go there's a lot of stone in here it's quite labor intensive quite  tight and the woman does this she said there we go it's quite fun  actually it's quite satisfying   but yeah for five minutes  it's fun for five minutes yeah there we go I think we're gonna live in here  for a whole day yeah you guys go you guys you   guys can go home as well tell them you were  all really thought I'm enjoying this good arm   workout okay but um yeah so this is what  we do for the for the small pieces of the   pieces of land and now we've come to a natural  waterfall and a little pool that we can jump in   it's gonna be freezing cold but that's good my  dad obviously loves these kind of things and I   like it as well but it's gonna be cold jumping  in but you can see the the water see through the   rocks are huge we've got some guys Nepalese guys  chilling I can't see let's go in let's jump in oh my god wow that is exhilarating I feel  like my whole body has gone like into shock   it's freezing cold Himalayan water completely  see-through my dad absolutely loves doing the   cold water swims so he's he's gonna be in there  for a while me and me and cabbie had to come out   how often do you do this not  that often yeah I mean it's like   would be amazing but it was like a 15 minute  walk so you wouldn't want to come here every   day if you were like farming and stuff but  for a special treat it's just this is a one   in nature doesn't get much better than this guys  this is this is what life is about being in nature   not in the city not in doing work going to work  it's about coming out and guess what this is   all free no entrance fee for this place doing  the entrance fee is you just have to be happy I made that up but all good paddy good  right okay guys we have this local spicy   noodles which susmita is going to help  me cook oh it's gonna be extra spicy   Torah tourist place oh my God okay okay  all right let's go we're gonna do it in   the kitchen okay perfect we have the Nepalese  Gordon Ramsay and I'm the English Gordon Ramsay so apparently copy was telling me that  um noodles is like the most popular thing   in Nepal apparently they have the most  noodles out of any country in the world   I think or second most but anyway there it is  it kind of reminds me of Maggie which is very   famous in India but we're going to be trying  this extra spicy 2x hot and spicy oh my God   wow very interesting so boil  water yeah add this and then   there's also powder in here yeah and you just  add the powder okay easy I've done this before in   England we have super noodle oh yeah it's the same  thing but not spicy mama you want some noodles you're trying to get an arranged marriage  mama what do you like she's scheming I'll stick to I'll stick  to cooking noodles for now your mom has a arranged marriage ah well  so it's very normal here okay here we go   we're starting it how often do you eat  this how often do you have these noodles   every every week yeah really sometimes we  want oh really oh this is the spice head   here we go seasoning and chili paste yeah okay  so this is the exact same as super noodles you   see the dry noodles but without super noodles  is without this so it's just seasoning powder   I think it's gonna be way too spicy this is on yeah is this a lighter yeah lighter oh wow how was school good boring  sometimes I'm sure it was   now we just wait yeah we just wait you're not  going to cook it on the uh fire outside yeah   you're doing it the modern  way this is Japanese yeah oh it smells good what's this we ate this now oh yeah all right bring  it to the boil yeah yeah there we go wow   you're gonna be getting a Michelin star  anytime soon what's in here I don't know um this neighbor me please name is Jammu Jammu  yeah this is found in the mountain oh strong yeah   it's like for delivery woman for what um you added you put it in the tea no no   like uh spinach I don't know  never I was pregnant women yeah the Alaska there's an English name for it I okay  we'll find out we'll find out salt bubble tea   interesting okay come here come into the boil  so you live with your you live with your arms she's your mom yeah but Gabby calls you your  sister yeah I'm cousin's sister ah okay okay   okay you're not his actual sister so yeah they  uh they've I've had dial bats I've been here   for this is my second day staying here for more  day they've had I've had dalbot for lunch and   dinner every day so this is different  although we are actually having   thought about later but this is just a  little snack because it's quite small here he is ready oh a third one your mom's been trying to get it arranged  marriage she said we're the same Heights um yeah you're too too old for that I know I wouldn't dream of it oh  no no I'm I'm just making noodles yeah yeah she's been teaching me she's been get  she's going to get a Michelin star soon she's such   a good Chef this is what you get when you're like  the best chef oh okay okay ready yeah look at this very good um I'll tell you after okay I'm gonna  tell you about we actually have very similar   in the UK but it's just without that it's just  the seasoning there's no there's no chili paste   and it's been a while can we give it a stir should  we add some Jammu no that's for the doll okay and like uh everyone in the pool will have  tried this before you think nowadays everyone   yeah you know this kind of noodle because  we had a white white type of noodles that   I talked about yeah you know it's been a long  long time but this kind of Windows which is   very very spicy it's very recent probably five  years now oh really the rhyming so your mom's   never had like of course they had it but like  it's getting popular even more and more but   it's a recenter you know five years is not that  long time okay they also write like two spices this is like the vegetables yeah it's good for  the picture not over here yeah yeah Miss marketing produced in Nepal the noodles yeah it's a very  local brand and let's see where they produce manufactured by City vinayak  snacks and noodles product Limited so it's expanded and then we got we've  got a lot in there looks very good oh you have to try the real spice  here all right all right wow [Music] I remember the presentation remember  the presentation is also important oh here he is the sous chef is now taking  over okay remember the presentation is just   as important okay nice a presentation  is very important yeah good technique okay nice it looks nice a nice big  portion yeah I feel like I'm okay   I feel like I'm in a five-star hotel  oh wow that's all oh interesting no   no no no I'm saying this is luxury  you know who got Nice metal plates um we add the seasoning in here okay you can do  that too oh okay you can do that too half of it   sure no he has to try button so make  ready um two things a little bit of   butter a little bit of sugar it's gonna be  very spicy so I don't want you to die okay I can smell the chili yeah if you want to go outside to try sure yep and  have a bottle of water ready no we're gonna put   um and the butter oh is that for they  are the killer of the spices really yeah we're gonna kill it in a minute wow okay that's  helpful to know I wish I knew that when I was   traveling around Sri Lanka so let's go  Okay jump jump do you guys want to jump   um should I wait for you yes yeah okay oh wait  outside okay guys we have the final product here   looking very spicy we also have you guys are gonna  have some as well they told me we've all got equal   amount of spice is that correct so there's no  cheating involved and uh we also have some sugar   here for if uh probably me if I'm too if it's too  spicy and some cookery rum for tonight for tonight noodles no you're having the honey they're having the honey we  had that earlier okay okay let's give it a go okay go on this is [Music] whatever you want that's okay before no no I'm good you're good  yeah okay here is gonna help you and it's not   like crazy it's just like my whole mouth is  on fire right now and my throat is on fire   it's not bad I'm sweating now but I just don't  understand why anyone would enjoy that it's not   enjoyable it's like the noodles are nice but the  spice is just like so overpowering how can you   enjoy it do you actually like this really yeah  yeah like I like it but it's just so so hot whoo oh my God meat sweats I feel like  I've got but like I'm sweating actually after like 10 seconds it calms down  I don't I haven't had the sugar which is good   you like it yeah [Music] you don't need the sugar no cut it okay if they're gonna finish it I've got to  finish it I can't be the only one not eating do your your parents must not have much spicy  food before they tried this of course they   don't have it no they do they do Nepal we eat  a lot of spicy but I haven't had it with your   parents yeah because I told them not to  make it if you want we can try it tonight   no no no no no this is as spiciest I can do  okay interesting so even in the mountains in   the Himalayas they they eat spicy yeah okay  and we have some freshly grown strawberries so we have the dinner sorry the  dessert after and these are like   caught they're literally  picked just down down there I still haven't had the sugar  yet I'll have it at the end you're gonna give me a little bit more [Music] okay okay okay oh my God see  how much my sister can survive the girls they like the spices really  yeah she doesn't look like she likes it our nose is running ah Sterling's gone around you oh my God that's too much you're killing me I can oh I can  feel it in my whole body now okay I'm I'm caving   how do I do it just eat it yeah it is oh my God it looks so strong pure sugar and butter wow  I hope so wow I never knew that that's that's   changed my life now I'm just gonna bring  sugar around everywhere with me when I'm in   India in Sri Lanka Bangladesh Bangladesh I didn't  experience that much okay but it really depends   on where you eat in the country okay let's try  strawberry as well look at that fresh strawberry oh my God that's one of the best strawberries I've  ever had you one more no I have to finish it first   you look like you're struggling yeah you need  the sugar bro no nothing sugar no chicken survive okay well I better finish it sorry is it gonna be   the winner Yep they're going  to win the prize thank you foreign good job guys okay okay does she drink do you drink no today  tonight off camera I'll turn the camera off [Laughter] all right guys I'm gonna turn the camera   off and we're gonna open this  bottle up and enjoy the night
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 1,200,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nepal, kathmandu, pokhara, himalayas, nepal travel vlog, nepal vlog, nepali
Id: K34PSoBKiVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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