$5 Momo and Raksi in Kathmandu🇳🇵

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace because you are working hard and waiting  for me all day welcome to Commando guys   today I'm traveling to one of the best  places to visit here in Kathmandu hello   Buddhism in Nepal is very famous here although  only 10 of Nepal is uh Buddhist however it has a   huge concentration of Buddhist temples and it is  known that the Buddha was born in Nepal however   that is contested by the Indians but anyway  we're going to be traveling to the monkey temple   which is also a Buddhist temple with my friends  what's your name again I know he's taking me three   dollars to the monkey temple um and we're gonna  explore around and then after I'm going to visit   um maybe try and find some local alcohol some  moonshine I think they call it Janu or Jam I'm   gonna find out you're from Kathmandu yeah you're  a very expert driver you are whizzing through the   traffic what's this you are Hindu or you're a  Buddhist ah that's very fitting for my video Buddha is from Nepal yeah yeah   here's my fact checker can you possibly uh wait  uh okay Temple and I pay so don't know about you've been busy today or  not so busy little bit busy you are busy okay very good very good wow  it's very thin streets look at this oh my God   very thin look at these buildings you  have family yes you have wife yeah   children very good very  good wow look at this Temple you're giving me a tour of Nepal wow the thing about Nepal and Kathmandu is just  like the history here it's just absolutely   incredible like even just these houses and  these random shops the wooden architecture   of it is absolutely insane but they only  downside to this is because they're so old   um they aren't built very well so therefore when  an earthquake comes like in 2015 they just get   absolutely destroyed but look at these look  at these houses look at the wires we're just   going on a crazy adventure I arrived in  Nepal two days ago two days yeah yeah so   I just see double square and now I go to  monkey monkey temple the Buddhist temple you you uh you're always lived in Kathmandu  you like you like it here yeah okay oh really yeah the gurkas I don't mean any oh  wow be careful I can see the Army here scary oh they have the Gurkha knife on  the gates we've got some dodges   you like what's your favorite  uh Nepalese food you like Momos   you're a Momos guy I can tell he loves Momos you  like chow mein which is better Charmaine or Momos both okay everything all of it what  anything else what else what's up okay I'll add it to the list I've not  heard of it we've got a military museum   you're taking me on a tour aren't you oh no I  don't like the monkeys oh they they're everywhere   okay you you wait till you go you leave I'm not  here sorry uh how how long does it take to go up   are you just go up 15 minutes 40 minutes to  walk in what oh oh okay okay up to you I can   pay you today or if you want to go you can go  then for Momos yeah Momos and Roxy yeah yeah   you can take me you don't know [Music]   diving no no no for me okay okay okay okay  okay 40 minutes okay so the time is 4 30.   I'm back by 5 10. okay okay don't know what oops  is it working oh there we go okay see you later you wait over there okay perfect thank you so  much I call you okay see you later but I can't go   okay we've arrived at the monkey forest and you  can tell straight away because they're everywhere   so I gotta keep my uh my pockets I'm just gonna  talk about today's sponsor which is Squarespace   so Squarespace is a way you can create an online  presence through either a website or an online   store I've been using Squarespace for like roughly  six months and I created a website and I'm super   happy with it my favorite thing about it is that  it's so easy to use you can literally use one of   their templates to create your website in a few  hours you can also connect to your social media   accounts which obviously is helpful for me as a  Creator so I can display all my social media posts   on my website and you can present your work using  squarespace's professional portfolio designs and   also one of my favorite features is that you can  monetize your website you can create a member area   which can unlock a new Revenue stream for you and  free up time in your schedule by selling access   to gated content like online courses check out  squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're   ready to launch go to squarespace.com harryjyguard  to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or   it's very interesting this is the start  Namaste oh God the monkey's everywhere I don't know I think I'm going to  keep my phone in my pocket because   that's why I don't want to lose I'm  looking I'm looking very good oh wow very nice [Music] no I said amazing amazing good  luck and this is good eyes it's very cheap small price I don't mind  I will think about it good luck mom father   sister brother good for yoga massage just to  try by hand no problem it's okay it's okay okay a little bit pushy but nothing but uh nothing  that I'm not used to Namaste I know you you   know me yeah I know you you don't know me but I  know maybe I Know video and I see Malaysia also   don't know about India also Delhi yes and um  many place thank you I looked the mobiles for   you already know thank you for supporting  me you are from Kathmandu nice nice place thank you very much it's very kind I  want to learn more Nepalese I'm trying   to learn nepalese's hard language though like  uh hello is Namaste Namaste yes thank you sir [Music] World normal American out about like one of  Chinese um Chinese look at the Chinese and   the Australian guy Luke demand and yeah oh yeah  World Network yeah I see that this kind of four   or five peoples oh here not for here but oh  just on YouTube like Australian guy and the   American guy he come here nice he checked  up for like you yeah so I know thank you   so much it's good up there it's good to go yeah  nice oh good good I'm excited I'm very excited oh you selling what are you selling  which is yours oh this um there we go   well I will come back on the way down because you  are a subscriber so uh no problem you know they   are a really good video for you and you check  how about like that thank you nice I want to go   up whilst it's still light because it's getting  darker so I come back they're the 24 hours open   but these temples yeah but I don't want to be  when it's dark too dark on you I cannot see   anything and my camera is bad you don't like to  see anything no no I I like your I like your items   you're selling there but maybe I'll come back  on the way on the way down you want to listen   you want to listen listen no it's okay I I like  the Rings but I'll come back on the way down no   problem I will come to your shop not anyone's shop  you know one thing you just trust the people you   know so if you people do for good for people  they like it if you do people that cheat for   next time never people find the like no scams  Are you standing or you know if you ask for   Malaysia you buy like shoes something like  a t-shirt something yeah maybe negotiating okay I'll come back on the way down  okay okay nice to meet you what was   your name Timber Namco Sanji for you  sanjiv Harry nice to meet you bye   okay very nice oh wow oh beautiful very  beautiful you're very talented artist namaste so lots of uh little tourist shops on  the way up that are hard to get past   and I still haven't forgotten namaste I  still haven't forgotten about you guys I honestly don't know which I'd rather I don't  want them to take my camera I don't want them to   take my phone either so I gotta keep one hand  in my pocket and one hand firmly on my camera   this is beautiful though they've got  lots of little mini stupas on the way up   lots of Buddhas statues and we're about  halfway up oh sundara not everywhere scary it looks like they don't really  hustle people but I'm not sure about that   if we just walk with confidence namaste   oh can I get can I get one of these can  I just jump on your back the final boss on camera they don't look  scary because they look small   but uh there we have the entrance Namaste bye Atari I'm not fit how much is it  boss 200 200 more Nepal butter   Namaste Namaste how many of you  okay sir just one just one tourism yeah okay thank you water oh yeah oh yeah water if  you're from London you say water do you ever get any monkeys in the office you get  monkeys coming in the office yeah if we have food   inside yeah sometimes they are hungry and we  are eating and this oh my God jump and take   it from here yeah scary they are not scary  unless and until you have food in your hand   otherwise uh if you this monkey have a tendency  that if you look into the eyes of the monkeys   it means you are just aggressive aggressive  you are just saying them that I would kind of   tendency no looking in the eyes why you don't look  at the eyes okay perfect and especially don't go   with the baby monkeys yeah yeah because that's it  they are just playing and try to come to you as   they are small and they don't know the environment  while you go near and take a picture getting close   suddenly a mother monkey comes and you attack  it oh we've got a nice explanation from the   uh from the guy here he just wanted to tell  me he didn't want to give me any tour guys   he just wanted to tell me which is really nice  and we're up and we're just in time for sunset   it's windy and it's beautiful oh it's  also busy and of course we have lots of   uh products and items to be sold and lots  of people here because it's a Sunday bye let's have a look at the view  Namaste Namaste oh wow look at this   they even got Phillips  speakers whoa sundara sundara [Laughter] I guess people  are here on their uh day off   foreign let's do a little circle around this  is really cool so this is the Buddhist stupa a temple like this just to have a lot of  respect for how much effort and resources   it took to just build this on top of a  hill we've got uh like offerings here   and lots of people taking photographs oh my God  views like incredible views of kamandu Valley   oh we've got some food here one thing I'm uh I'm  not used to seeing is not being hassled by Tour   by tour guides wow this is Derby Square over  there and um my man at a reception was like a   huge family of monkeys there it must be like  20 monkeys um but my friend at reception was   telling me that this whole valley used to be a  submerged like a lake which is very similar to   Mexico City it used to be a lake and then it  got drained and now it's suitable or perfect   actually for uh living here it just goes all the  way around it's a huge City 1.5 million people got something burning over here  we've got lots of people taking   photos I guess maybe you can pay to  get a photo what's this over here oh coconuts oh Namaste okay sir thank you uh you're selling  coconut yes almost this I've already had a lassie today let's have  a one coconut egg how much for one 150 150.   it's like one dollar okay let's do it this  is a good one yeah oh yeah only one yeah is it from uh he's from Nepal  no no from India from India slicing it up it's a very sharp knife you transport these up every day  it's very it's very hard you got   to carry these up all the all  the way up the mountain right   oh that was very quick thank you so  much I'll I'll drink and then yeah whereabouts in India is this from [Music] so much liquid in there it must have had  like 30 of them you can see the finished ones over   there these are the fresh ones so whoever's got  to carry them up or maybe actually you could maybe   you can drive up here and we're nearly finished  there must be like half a liter of liquid in there   the empty one I put down here thank you do you carry these up or you uh in a  car we're getting by car you have I   have a quarter oh you have a porter yeah  oh wow what's going on over here [Music]   this is amazing very good what  are these instruments we've got   the drums we've got the [Music]  this looks like a like a piano and they're singing it's beautiful sounds amazing  and he's dancing shall I go over and dance no photos this is obviously  a shrine where you can praise oh wow look at these Namaste bye  sundara Sundar ramroo this one oh yeah wow he's spending a bikini with soap and  water also it's made it's painted yeah who who painted my brother your brother  interesting interesting maybe you can look inside okay if you say so oh wow you have loads wow but there's so many  so he must have spent years to make these yeah   you look nice color it's very nice they're mounted  but different angles yeah very nice very nice   I like this one yeah it's a really nice one  how much is this one give me the Buy price that's uh nine dollars ten dollars every salsa I'm just wondering if  it's actually oh it is painted yes this typical house is like you know ah this  is the Tibetan house like a typical house   the Nepali definitely house same Morgan but  it's different angle it's like fishtail yeah   at this one different angle like this but  this is really nice currency how much for   this one sorry I'll give you 1500 okay you can  do um one thousand for me even watercolor 100 but this you can clean it with soap in water  also this one has a stain on it no no problem it's nice it's beautiful it's very vibrant yes no   problem already oh wow be careful no  problem it's never going Colorado yeah oh yeah oh wow it's gone like that yeah  but but the paint hasn't gone no no no   that's right otherwise like this yeah yeah  can you give me a little bit more discount   just a small discount because uh  one thousand four hundred you happy   we uh 1 300 and we shake 100 300 yeah  okay good luck thank you this one yeah obviously it's art so you can't really put a price  on it but uh if it's real then I think it's very   good uh value for money um yes please if you if  you want to see every salsa no it's okay yeah ticket hockey which is better for you  are you from Kathmandu yeah nice   and your brother painted all of this yes  wow look at this one how much is this one 27 000. it's a yak here yes yeah yeah everything  is this is uh stupa oh nice you are Buddhist mix so I got this nice little package very cool  okay here we go thank you nice to meet you   hello down boy we've got lots of pictures  opportunities I should probably also take   a picture myself you know so go like this I  think this is like a version of a blessing   I believe we've got a monkey there  okay that was very interesting we   gotta head down because we're driving  now oh very good sundara Sandara bro I wonder if we can slide down I would love to  if only they made these straight okay oh it's   so steep I was thinking about running down but I  don't think I can say about goodbye to our brother brother thank you nice to meet you I have to  go sir I'd like you to guess that uh it's not a   monkey temple people call it monkey temple yeah no  no it is a temple but it's not a it's a Buddhist   Shrine okay so people find in the late the 60s  or 70s when people come come over here mostly   because it were a hub for other people to smoke  cannabis really late 1960s and 70s in the new oh   the hippies yeah the hippies used to came and they  saw the monkey and the temple so they named it   monkey Depot but otherwise it's called Buddhist  it's a Buddhist friend so it's a suai okay many people uh put the sorry   uh what a line uh the content in the line  the right uh to the monkey yeah yeah foreign people find it hard to say in Nepal and during  the live lockdown I saw one meme where two of   the Gods talking in the heaven saying it's not  a Nepal it's a Nepal as you can see the Mount   Everest they are like nipples so it's nipples okay  exactly I say I say Nepal oh yeah Nepal it's Nepal   Nepal okay the only country with the how and not  monkey temple yeah okay so Buddhist right okay   thank you very much nice to meet you yeah thank  you so much hello [Music] how are you thank you good good how was monkey oh no I can't  I just got in monkey temple how is the   temple good good good good I  just uh already ruined the uh   it's just uh what's up uh just my name Harry  jagad it's me subscribe and hit the hit the Bell   y but welcome nice to meet you nice to meet  you bye-bye have a good day okay I'm very   late and uh that was a good uh explanation  by a man at the tour guide because he said   um not to call it monkey temple so that's very  good for me to learn that and also that it's Nepal   not Nepal which I've been saying wrong the whole  time and I apologize for that it's just the way   that I pronounce things we're just coming to  the end saying goodbye to my Indian friends   goodbye okay thank you so much nice to meet you  guys and we were uh what's the time now 5 15.   our driver is waiting and we're gonna go on  another little bit of an adventure with my man   um this is gonna be fun so let's find him had  a great time I would recommend to come to the   Buddhist temple um if you are here because it's  uh really good views and um really beautiful here   I'm back with my mansanjeep and I said I'd  come back I'm a man of my word so we'll buy   something quickly even though I'm very struck  for time so what is your best item you've got   the Rings I like the I like these though this is  a Hindi or this is a Punjabi student a Punjabi ah   okay so I have to wonder people there do I have  to be Indian to have this yeah okay well I'm not   Indian so I can't have it this is Mantra one  Mantra this is good luck this God keep long   life oh okay mashallah and this is a tiger yep I  like the Bangles but there's not really any that   um would be my size what about this  one yeah this one will fit actually   put it on this one and I've got the uh it's  a bit too big no they make it small oh yeah oh you just push it now it's smaller oh nice okay   how much for this one this I do  Nepali price 450 450s two dollars   uh okay totally expensive but I didn't say if I I  know for your looking in videos so that way okay   that's very nice of you okay 450 deal my friend  four five that's it are you sure well that's   very kind of you money is not everything but okay  well if anyone comes to the Buddhist temple they   know where to find you okay okay thank you so much  nice to meet you bro have a good day okay bye-bye   there we go very nice end to the temple and  actually I really like it so now I've got one   from England one from Tanzania one from Nepal  hello brother I didn't say I'd come back this   anything a small team just looking just  looking I'm I'm looking but I have to go   it's very beautiful it's very sundara  you see he's you're very good at your   job like this you're excused oh it's very  good it's very good I'm okay thank you he's very good at his job I have to admit like  he is very good at making you stop usually I'm   I'm I'll just keep walking but he's good Namaste  Pizza Goodbye Oh it's beautiful sundara I I have   to go I have to go my taxi driver is waiting  it's actually a very good excuse I have okay hello how are you I'm uh uh thank you bro thanks for supporting all  right oh no let's find him boy oh bye hello oh onu has he gone I've come down and my taxi  driver's not here I mean he may have left me   but I haven't paid for the trip so we'll find  out it's not like I can spot him because there's   hundreds of taxis there anyway we'll figure  it out Namaste okay sir what are you doing   what is this you're selling these yeah is it a  Buddhist yeah you give uh offering yeah very good 10 Rupees and where'd you put it  where'd you put the candle for some wish   okay I'm looking for Momos yeah where  can I find Momos I'm from Nepal butter I'm from England yeah England England UK  which country are you from all of you yeah   yeah very good very good okay you  know where I can find uh Momos this one oh oh that close really okay I'm looking   for my taxi driver and then I will find  it okay nice to meet you have a good day we're gonna find him I think he was waiting somewhere over here so  we'll we'll figure it out but maybe he's maybe   he's just gone I've gone to the new racing  area I can I can see him he's hiding from me   also we have the uh The Nepalese flag here which  is ironically not ironically it is interestingly   fly in my face the only flag in the world  that has not that's not a rectangular it's   very unique shape of a flag anyway oh no there  you are okay I found you let's go in the Bugatti thank you for waiting on you I thought you'd  gone I was crying should I try here okay   okay you sure you don't want Momos I cut you  come in I pay for you he doesn't want to come   I tried what have we got in here oh what  is this Sushi cheese Momo she is Momo which way is it which one is  it this one or this one asuri hello Namaste namaste oh very good Momos whoa this is  like uh everything's made of bamboo nice nice can I uh oh you're playing  live music yeah but this is well Friday   Saturday okay okay I'll just have  some Momos uh do you have what do   you have what type base moments this  has come to the brand of the moments   oh wow can I get some cheese Momos oh  you have cheese sorry this time okay oh paneer okay okay can I have that one please uh  one of those and anything else you recommend yes   maybe I'll also available though maybe Nepali food  and also Japanese food okay yeah okay I'll sit   down okay thank you thank you oh there we go that  would that would have been a lot easier thank you   I love a seats I'm from England okay where  are you from Kathmandu yes this is my place   oh this is this you own this place oh  very nice it's a very nice restaurant   they call my eye oh she have a  mixture of Momos and westerns oh soup yeah can I get the Miso soup as well so uh the the  paneer Momos and the Miso soup thank you so much   you have any like Roxy as well Roxy you  want some Roxy just a shot of rocks yeah   okay thank you you can have uh this mixed  Roxy with I don't actually know what Roxy   is I just got told to have it is it Whiskey  it's alcohol like whiskey shrimp is very   like 40 percent you get there 40 I think so KTM  tranquilizer that's with the Roxy tranquilizer   yeah okay if you want to try this yes please  okay yeah yeah okay why not just a shot just   a shot not a whole bottle no no this is mixed  mixed drink oh it's like a it's like a cocktail   okay okay sure see itself is very strong so  I don't recommend you to have okay mixture   perfect if you're not happy with that you can  have chocolate was it affected uncovered Nepal   tourism two months two years really closed down  for two years everything everything's closed on   which means wow yeah that's horrible yeah this  place was almost like Like a Jungle Book like   two years yeah yeah yeah oh glasses and it has  a sense that he has tourism is like increasing   slowly yeah yeah yeah the next year I think  French people German people they helped a lot uh even this year we had many Germans really  yes wow interesting they love to hike I   guess yeah they like to hike and also yeah  after you know earthquake in Nepal 2015 yeah   that time lots of French people a lot of French  people they came here to help oh really yeah 20 years back we have a lot of Japanese really  tourists but I think now Japanese economy is going   down I don't think they travel a lot in Nepal  yeah and so I saw some Korean people there as   well so yeah we have Korean and Japanese but yeah  convert to 20 years back because 20 years back we   have like Western and Japanese like all 50 50  . yeah yeah wow yeah but now Japanese we don't   we rarely see Japanese a few Japanese yeah  there's a Japanese uh restaurants yeah yeah yeah I love it I love Japanese it's good yeah you do  uh shisha as well yeah nice yeah it's very popular   here yeah here we go oh look at this Roxy wow  this is miso soup this is Mr soup what is this uh   is this Japanese or it's Japanese oh okay  nice I'm very into my soup at the moment   and this is lemongrass this lemongrass oh nice  so it's going to be very strong it's not really   strong because it's mixed now I'm English so we're  alcoholics in England so I can be I'm used to it   in nawara we call it Ayla for the reality yeah  yeah I mean yeah yeah it's made of rice so if   I'm asking people around what's the best what  if Captain you can call it is or you can say   John Roxy is like a very um informal okay okay  you can call it medicine and in the Oracle   what's up what's up means medicine so we call it  medicine I need some medicine and what about that   daru daru is from India okay okay thank you but  people people understand oh I know it's got some   vegetables in it this mixture oh it's got some oh  it's got some paneer in it I think it's the cheese I don't think I actually had miso soup  before so this is the first time trying [Music]   it's good it's very liquidy   um yeah it's like a different to a Western suit  where it's a lot more solid it's got the cheese in that that juice so tasty so much flavor in that okay more importantly   let's try this we finally found the Roxy  it took us like an hour but we found it oh strong very good got some nice  super super strong but very nice drum roll thank you so much the like I finished  that that was so literally like the the best   soup ever thank you so much very good and we got  the uh I've been slacking with this to be honest   another shot be easy to have with them almost as I keep getting the uh lemongrass in it   okay let's go for the Momos what's  this sauce tomato sauce tomato sauce okay spicy no normal spices this is good this is good thank you  so much let's give this a whirl we got   a load of different Momos there I can't  count them pen name almost with this   sauce see if it's spicy they're  like perfectly shaped surround in there as well it's a little bit of spice  but that's very different texture to the   chicken or the um Buffalo it's delicious  it's so delicious I love it I love it favorite meal although I haven't been  very diverse yet I haven't tried so   the traditional noiri food so that  is on the list but just for the first   few days I'm gonna be trying it was  much Momos and chow mein as I like ah so good all right   last one my mouth is on fire but that's good  means over the spicy meal and I've enjoyed it [Music] so easy and delicious to eat bananas to blow my nose because it's running and  we're gonna finish this I haven't really   had too much but we will finish it don't you  worry all right well we've been uh given a   little bit more Isla and let me tell you  this is 40 percent so yeah it's strong I   mean actually I think I'd prefer to just do it in  the shop so we'll just get over and done with it oh cleanses the palette wow that's like fire  [Music] I can feel it all down my uh throat   it's very good though oh God that's gonna leave  it aftertaste okay guys so for that meal I'm   surprised we come to like a really nice restaurant  Western food they sell so it's expecting it to be   quite a lot but it's 700 which is maybe a lot from  the poor standards but it's still five dollars   five US Dollars and I had you know two courses  an alcoholic drink as well as they gave me a free   shot so extremely good Hospitality here very good  service and I'll uh I'll give him a little bit of   a tip as well okay nice to meet you nice to meet  you thank you very much have a good night bye-bye   all right [Music] pretty cool place made  of bamboo and hopefully our taxi drivers   are still waiting what a Legends we've got  to give him a nice reward oh no thank you   so much for waiting I can't believe you  waited you should have had the Momos bro the Momos was great and they had Roxy  very good Roxy I approve okay so we're   heading back to the hotel now yes how  how long on it not so far 15 minutes   are you know your way he's a he's a human  Sat Nav you're very talented at driving wow he's such a nice guy okay it's  very interesting Nepal at night   we're kind of at night it kind of reminds  me of India because it's just like shops busy roads it's really interesting whoa our  new has been an absolute Legend   been driving me around all day waiting for me  thank you so much Anu 10 000 for you because   you are working hard and waiting for me all day  okay okay thank you very much okay I text you   if I need you and have a good night go home  after this go see your family okay bye-bye   hello I paid 75 to him because he was a really  really nice guy like off camera just very kind   gentle man and um so I thought he deserved  it I'm actually lost in my own hotel hello   I'm completely lost do you know how I  get to the reception of the hotel um this way okay don't know what completely  lost yeah sorry I've dragged this video   on longer than it needs to be thank you  very much for watching and I'll see you foreign [Music]
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 238,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nepal, kathmandu, pokhara, himalayas, nepal travel vlog, nepal vlog, weird food in nepal, food in nepal, nepali
Id: tMx4BT2kI90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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