LMMS Lesson 3 - Beat and Bassline Editor

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welcome back to another lmms tutorial in this video we're going to be creating a nice beat like a drum beat that loops over and over again and we're gonna be using the beaten bass line editor getting you familiar with that this is the first steps in composing your own awesome music and lmms so to get started we're gonna actually close a few of these windows this controller rack we don't need just go ahead and left click the X in the top right hand corner the FX mixer we can close as well we'll just keep open just the song editor for right now and you'll notice in the song editor we have four different tracks we have an instrument track of a triple oscillator we have a sample track beaten baseline and automation track so it makes things simple we're just gonna get rid of everything except for the beaten baseline track so to do that we come over here to this little cog click on it with the left mouse button and then go to remove track so I'm going to remove these three tracks I'm leave just a beat in baseline if you accidentally remove the beat in baseline we can get it back by just hovering over here and it says add beat slash baseline and we can add that and we can actually add multiple in if we wanted to but right now we're just going to do one so we have one beaten baseline if we hit play we see our playhead advances from left to right nothing's happening every one of these little black squares here is a bar so it has four counts and it were in 4/4 so if I click here it becomes highlighted and it becomes act active so whatever is highlighted is what we'll play in the from the drum the beat that we create I'll show you what I mean that'll make more sense in a second here to make it go away I'm just going to hit the scroll wheel button like the scroll wheel press down on it the button and it'll go away okay to bring up our beat and bass line editor we can click here and okay so it's also the f6 key on the keyboard or we can also do it from within the song editor we can just click on the beat and bass line where it says beat bass line 0 we can left-click and so we see this beat is associated with this beat slash bait line bass line zero is associated with this window over here so any changes that are made in this window will get will apply to this one tract over here so I'll show you what I mean let's hit play we also have a play button here but it just plays looping over this little beat that we're making over and over again it doesn't play the whole song so if we hit play this is looping we can't see anything happening but it really is looping see it's getting reset back to zero every time so if we click here it's playing a like a bass drum beat on the first count of every bar or of this bar repeating over again so now we have a nice little kind of a bass drum beat we only have one track in this we have one track in our song but we also only have one track in our beat so if we want to add multiple instruments like besides just a bass drum we have to add those in so I'll hit stop over here actually before we add instruments let's add this to our song so right now if we hit play on our song still nothing's happening even though we edited it and that's because we didn't actually add this to an active box an active bar on our song so if we just click here now this beat will play on this bar of our song and only that bar so now it's done see if I want to play for two bars I'll select the second bar so now to play for the second bar and now it's done if I wanted to play for a long time I can hit the center mouse button and get rid of these we just left click and we can come up to the edge and left-click and drag we actually drag it out so it keeps playing for a very long time throughout different parts of our song so that's how that works but again if you're if yours isn't playing and you're wondering why it might be because it's just not active you might have no active selection so it'll play over here but it won't play here and also a problem you could run into if you're trying to get your beat to work and you're not hearing anything or you don't have the option to click in these squares it might be because you're beat and bass flying isn't there so if your song editor is completely empty you can still bring up your beat and bass line but nothing's gonna happen you can't click you can't play because you don't even though you have an instrument you don't have a track in your song for a beat and bass line so make sure you click this button here add beat bass if you don't have one and then again if we have multiple if we have one two and three we can toggle between which one we're editing in the beaten baseline editor here so I'm gonna go ahead and remove these ones again and now we're going to bring in some different instruments so by default this kicker is actually an instrument we can bring in a second one if we go to the instruments over here on the left hand side this tab we can go down to kicker and left click and drag it in now we have two kickers but they're both the same thing they both sound the same you can change the way it sounds since it's an actual instrument we can click on it and it brings up this window here and we can change some of the dials and the different the way it sounds but we're not going to do that in this video we'll cover that in later tutorials so there's no sense having two of the exact same sound so I'll remove this track the best thing we can do is actually come down here to my samples and there's a bunch of different folders and once called drums and it has a bunch of different drum sounds you can just left-click and hold with your left mouse button to sample and see what they sound like so when you'd like maybe we need a good snare drum we come down here to snares and we can left-click and drag once we find the one we want we can left-click and drag it in and now that sound becomes available in our beat and bass line and every square we make active for it it becomes it look we play our sound now we have a nice simple simple little thing going on here if you want to grab hi-hat we can do that where's our hi-hat find a good one so a nice simple drum thing we got going on here if we don't like if this is kind of loud maybe our high hats overpowering a little bit we can come here and hover over the volume and scroll wheel down to turn the volume down or left click we can actually lower the volume so that high hats not so overpowering if you want our snare to be super loud we can make it louder so we can adjust the volume and then pan its like what ear you hear it in the right ear or the left ear or speaker so yeah that's a control volume panning on these different tracks if you want to listen to just one track at a time and see just what our bass is doing we can just click up here and hear it as it on us hear it solo so we hear any track we want to solo I don't love this what I've created here let's change it up a little bit make it kind of cool cool so now we take our beat and we can stop it and now anywhere we be since we're on beat baseline zero we're editing all four of these kind of imagine everything within this window it's gonna get shrunk down and it'll play every time we click so if we click here or to play here and it stops if we click here it'll play it and they'll have a bar of rest in between so I hope that makes sense and then really the song editor and the the beat and based on editor are very similar in that they each can have multiple tracks you can drag in like we could we wouldn't really want to but we could drag in at Tom as an instrument in our song we will really want to do that but but you but in the next video we are going to bring in some instrument and we're learning how to play the piano roll the issue is if I bring in the Tom we have to edit it using the piano roll so if we go to edit this we have to actually play different notes and it'll be the Tom will be different pitches which is kind of cool maybe you do want to do that but and then we have a nice little thing here but that's kind of getting ahead of ourselves in the next video we'll look at the piano roll and how to use it it's kind of similar to the beaten bass line editor as well so I hope you found this video informative go ahead and like and subscribe comment below and I hope to see you on the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 98,042
Rating: 4.9859915 out of 5
Keywords: free, free drum software, free drum app, free drum program, percussion software, lmms beat, beat and baseline, loop beat, learn lmms, lmms drums, lmms bass beat, lmms dubstep, drum beat creator, drum sounds, lmms bassline, beat and bassline
Id: YzYA1i9SZ8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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