How to Use Effects in LMMS

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what is up homies my name is Felix and today I am bringing you another LMS video today in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to use effects and this effects mixture right here and how to put effects on your drums or your sound plugins or your instruments or whatever it might be I'm gonna show you just like some basic ones today and then I'm show you how to work this thing right here so yeah but however before beating the video I want to say that I have a new song that's out now produced by me the song is by Stila Santana and it sounds like this [Music] personally I think this song is really good and I'll leave the link in the description so you guys can go check it out if you want to also I'll leave the link in description to all the playlists and songs I've produced so you can go listen to those songs as well along with my Instagram and snap floud and all that stuff too but yeah now let's get into the video so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to pull up a plug-in and just make a simple little chord progression that I can be used just as an example okay so I pulled in some Tina Orchestra you know the classic that I use in a lot of my videos and basically for this video the two main tabs are going to be using our the mixer and the beat and based on editor so keep these open and you can pretty much just X out of everything else so I'm gonna make a quick little chord progression here just to use it as an example okay so I made a quick little melody with the harp and some Tina Orchestra and it sounds like this and this is what I'm gonna be using as the example for mostly effects and stuff today so the way that you're going to put this into an effects mixer is you're gonna go here add one of these and I have one of these this is gonna be separate from this one right here because this is your master and your master is basically what all the effects from the other ones go into and what all the sound basically plays out of but you can choose individual ones for certain things to play out of so if you want to assign everything to its own mixer this is essentially what I do in FL Studio is I have each and every different instrument assigned to its own mixer track so that I can adjust the volume there and I can put effects on it and do why would I need to do with it so yeah but yeah basically you add one of these and then you go here and you click on the plug-in and you assign it to whichever one you just created or whichever one you want it to be and now if you want you can rename this and call it harp so that you know what is attached to this mixer and now we can do is we can close out of these and right here so basically now I'm gonna start showing you guys some different effects that you can use so the first one is an EQ and EQ ink an kind of be sort of a complicated thing but I'm going to show you guys kind of the ins and outs so kind of the good and bad thing of lmms is that there is a lot of plugins to choose from when you search EQ or if you search reverb there's different ones but we're going to use is we're going to use this one right here that just as equalizer and this one is a visual EQ so you can see where the frequencies are when the sound is playing and I'll show you right now actually we do need to this is open so I can play up as you can see you see where the frequencies are at and farther to the left means it's lower pitch and further to the right means higher pitched but this right here is kind of sitting right around the mid frequency as you can tell but we're going to do is we're going to change these little numbers here as you can see they kind of curve at the end and stuff so let's say we want a low-pass filter on this a low-pass basically cuts out the highs and allows the lows to pass through so we're going to do is we're just going to drag this over [Music] and as you can hear now the high end is pretty cut out from this harp and the same would apply if we wanted a high-pass filter we would do the same thing but on the other side and the high-pass is the same as a low-pass except for it let's the highs pass through it cuts up the lows as you can hear now it kind of sounds like it's playing through a telephone or like some bad headphones and now we can do is we can combine both of them and make a bandpass filter which basically cuts out the high-end low-end and leaves the middle frequencies as you can hear it's kind of stale there's no low-end bass or there's no high-end so yeah basically that's how you do that and then with these so this one is number one if we do this we put the resonance up that makes this go higher and then if we put the frequency down this just adjust where it's at but if we turn the resonance down this will go lower and it'll make this kind of a less steep curve here but what you can also do is you can use the other numbers to adjust where this one right here is that or whichever other number you might choose but right now it doesn't really do much it just cuts out certain frequencies which this is good if you have a specific frequency that you don't like like let's say you have like a guitar snip with you recorded and there's like some ringing or like buzzing noise you can cut it out by doing this and by turning this down and this will cut out like very specific frequencies but what we're gonna do is we're in turn this way up so that affects like everything as you can see and now we can bring this whole piece right here this whole one down a lot so basically the other parts of the EQ the other numbers will affect each other so yeah basically that's how you use an EQ and this is the EQ that I would recommend you guys use the one that I use for a long time was this one right here this 10 band equalizer and basically the way this one works is these are the higher frequencies and these are the lower frequencies so if you cut these out that right there is basically a high-pass filter as you can hear it's cutting out the base but if we go in and do another one now if I do this this will be a low-pass filter and [Music] so yeah it's not too complicated but it's not as visual as the other one so I recommend using the other one for sure basically the main thing that you would do with an equalizer for me at least is just cut out the low end so I would basically just go like this and you do that so that the 808 and your melody doesn't clash with each other because if there's too much low end in your melody it's gonna mess up your 808 and make it sound really muddy so that's usually what I would use that for but yeah now I'm gonna move on to you another effect plug-in and this one is just some standard reverb and there's different ones you can use but this is the one I have always used this Calf reverb so basically a lot of these knobs are pretty self-explanatory if you turn up the room size it makes it sound like it's in like a big like Cathedral or something [Music] as you can hear and then if you turn up the decay time it just makes the reverb last a lot longer as you can hear it's still going even when I stopped the melody from playing then really the only other things you're gonna use are the wet amount in the dry amount the wet amount basically just makes it sound more it kind of like it gives the reverb more reverb but I don't know it's hard to explain but it does you know what you get here and then the dry mouth basically does that so yeah basically this that's how you use the reverb it's not too complicated the only ones you're gonna use are like these four right here and you can mess around the other ones obviously as well if you mess around with other ones as well it'll give you different effects stuff anyways now I'm gonna move on to another plugin and this one I've actually used in a video before I use this one in my low five video but this one is just a good plugin to take note of and keep on hand basically this will make anything you put it on sound really wide in your headphones so if you don't have headphones on right now you're not gonna be able to hear this probably but it might make a little bit of a difference so yeah basically that just adjusts how far into your headphones that sound is gonna go and that's pretty useful tool as well I'm gonna get rid of it because this is making it sound very big but yeah so the next one that I'm going to talk about is this bit crush right here so basically this bit crush plug-in is really good for lo-fi because you can give it kind of some noise this will probably be good to put on like a piano like a low five piano or something just to give it a little bit of like crispy kind of noisiness and basically the bit crush one does it's kind of just like destroy here sound a little bit but if you adjust with these [Music] I can just make the melody sound really low-quality and for you know maybe lo-fi stuff you might want that but if you do this one thing I would recommend doing is taking this EQ and cutting out some of the high end so it's not like totally destroying your ears by having super super high end and I think that might sound really good you know for some low fight tracks and stuff like that but for this one I'm gonna get rid of it so it doesn't you know colada bar stuff too much okay so moving on the next plug-in that I'm going to show you guys is a delay plug-in and there's one that is in LMS and it's kind of a visual one but I don't really like this one it's kind of weird when I play it you'll know kind of what I'm talking about it has an LFO that kind of messes everything up if you turn it all the way up it'll kind of be normal but then it has this little dot that you can adjust [Music] and this one is okay but it just like to me it does not give it the most perfect rhythm the delay that I prefer to use is this cab vintage delay and this one if you turn this up as you can hear this adds a delay but it has a delay with a better rhythm than the other one this one kind of fits with the tempo instead of just being like kana you know random but yeah basically if you mess with these other knobs you'll get other different effects the stereo with obviously just makes it more stereo or probably more mono this way and then the dry mount does basically the same thing that the reverb dry mount does and then make some I don't really know what this does but basically these right here will adjust the time in your right and left ear so basically like panning and if you're just this tempo it'll kind of adjust how fast or slow the delay is going and it'll change the like rhythm that you have within that delay but yeah I'm gonna get rid of this for this one because that's pretty much it for the delay plug-in the next plug-in that I'm gonna show you guys and for people who like lo-fi you're probably gonna like this one this one is a vibrato plug-in and this one basically will give your like piano or melody or whatever kind of that Wiggly sound that you hear in lo-fi sometimes and it'll sound like this and that plugin I think is really good for low-five stuff because it kind of gives you that warping effect that you want but I'm gonna delete this because I'm not doing lo-fi here now basically the only other two plugins that I would use for melodies and stuff are if you look up chorus you'll find a bunch of different chorus plugins and probably this multi chorus is good and it gives it that kind of effect as you can hear and as you adjust these knobs it'll give you different sounds doing that right there turning on the amount in some of these knobs will give a kind of a lighter effect than how it like heavy it was at first so basically the last plugin that I want to show you for melodies and stuff is if you type in fazer personally I wouldn't use this one I would use this one right here because it's going to give you the effect that you want right away as you can hear it kind of sounds like it's like somebody like opening and closing their mouth a little bit it gives you that like warbly effect and as you adjust these different knobs it'll give you you know different effects obviously that makes it kind of lighter [Music] that right there gives it more kind of like delay kind of more feedback so yeah that's pretty much like the basics of the plugins that I would use for melodies and stuff so right now I'm going to go over to the master and I'm gonna show you basically two plugins that I would use on the master track because on your master track you don't want to have a bunch of stuff because it's gonna mess everything up but I actually did this in another video of mine basically what I do is I'll put a hard limiter on here and then I'll just set the decibel limit a little bit under zero like just barely and then you can just leave this how it is and now what you can do is you can add go to limiter and then you can put in a calf limiter or any of these other limiters as well and then what we're gonna do first is put this up so right click and move up and now you do the output and it sounds really kind of distorted and muddy but it's not gonna go above the level of zero decimals as you can see there it's not going into the red or anything which is what you want and the reason it does that is because the hard limiter is at the bottom and this goes for all of these whether it's affects one affects two or the master whatever is on the bottom is basically going to be like affecting everything above it so basically since this is on the bottom and this is in the middle this equaliser is going to be cutting out the frequencies of this reverb whatever you set this to the reverb is going to be included inside of here since this reverb is at the top and then so naturally since this is at the bottom the effects of this phaser aren't going to be affected by this equaliser but if I were to do this now they would so what I can do now is I can choose this equaliser and cut out these frequencies there we go so because I did that the effects of the phaser and the effects of the reverb are gonna be encompassed by this equalizer so that's a really important thing to keep in mind you know the order of your plugins on each track normally I would probably put the equalizer at the bottom or you know maybe like in the middle if you want to have a reverb that goes after equalizer but that's totally up to you it's totally up to you what order you put your plugins in but it's just important to take note of it but yeah real quickly back to what I was doing on the master this right here since this hard limiter is at the bottom nothing is gonna go over zero decibels so we can put this as loud as we want and it's still not gonna go for zero decibels it's gonna be loud but it's not gonna go over zero decibels but for the most part what this does it just makes your track overall louder but you want to be careful of you know having that muddy kind of sound right there at least for this little melody it's good but keep in mind that you're gonna have drums and stuff too so you might not even do this limiter at all you just want to have maybe this hard limiter but I would probably recommend always having this hard limiter on and setting it to a little bit under zero decibels yeah basically that's gonna do it for this video I hope I was able to help you guys out I just wanted to make a little video for you guys going over all the plugins that you'll probably be using for your melodies or for your master track or whatever so yeah hopefully it was helpful hopefully you learned something if you have any questions make sure to leave them in the comments below and I will get back to you follow my Instagram right here follow my soundcloud as well if you want to and make sure to check out the play some songs are produced all that stuff yada yada yada and I will ask you guys next time [Music]
Channel: feezo
Views: 25,506
Rating: 4.9543056 out of 5
Keywords: trap beat, lmms trap beat, lmms, fl studio, fl studio trap beat, producer, internet money, nick mira, feezo, how to make a trap beat, free software, free, EQ, equalizer lmms, effects lmms, plugins lmms, equalizer, reverb, delay, chorus, phaser, $tilo $antana, soundcloud, beats
Id: pJCabTAupJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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