LMMS Lesson 2 - Side Bar and Instruments

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welcome back to another lmms tutorial in this video we're going to be learning about the different options we have for windows the different types of tracks there are to work with and we'll also be learning about these different tabs we have in the sidebar and exploring different sounds and different instruments that LMS has to offer so to get started I just want to show that if we do close our song editor on accident we can always bring it back by clicking this button right here so if we hover over it says show/hide song editor we can just click that there's also a hotkey for it which is the f5 key and that brings it back as well but just know that just because we close these it doesn't mean that they're gone forever in fact it doesn't even mean that the the data that's in them is gonna go away so a good example for that would be if we bring if we bring in like a song like we did last time and hit play whoa [Music] we can actually i'ma turn my headphones down a little bit we can actually close this while this is playing and it'll still keep playing in fact we can close all of these and they're all it's still playing and see there's no option for controlling how do we stop this so we have to bring back the song editor and then hit stop and so just because it's closed don't be afraid that you're lost data the only time you'll lose is if you close this and then don't save but other than that this workspace it keeps the changes that you set it stores them in the program so don't worry about it but just know that you can bring them back you can bring back any of these tabs the baseline editor the notes or different things just by clicking these seven buttons up here okay so what I want to show you is some different ways let's just hit new and we'll save this card so we have a brand new fresh project this is what it looks like when we first open and let's explore some different options we have over here on the left hand side so if we click here we see this top one is called instrument plugins and if we hover over it just kind of shows us some of the different instruments we can get different instruments and vsts that we can act we import in but these are actually a pretty good a pretty good set but there's a ton of different instruments we can do you'll notice they all do different things and we'll explore these in fact we'll probably have a video dedicated to each and every one of these because the options are massive especially this like the zenab sub effects like this is essentially can create any sound you can imagine just the settings involved with this are just astronomical so we'll probably dedicate a lot of time to learning how to use these but just be aware there's different instruments here the way we get them into our compositions just by left-clicking and dragging them on to our song editor so now we have this bit Vader as an option and if we want to get this free boy we just left-click and drag it in we have a free boy track now we can also add them into our bass line so some of these are better so this one right here is called kicker if we want to get a second kicker we can just hover over and find the kicker instrument left click and drag it in and now we have a second one and we can also play anything so we can play do the bit Vader as a thing so you can have you can actually have instruments being played in your beast beat and bass line and you can have drums being played in your song editor like on a musical keyboard for example and advice' versa so it works both ways anyway that's how we get the instruments into our project the next thing we'll look at is this my projects which is where we've been to grab these demo songs so this has a couple different things some different templates some different songs but it's also going to be where your projects are saved so if we click save right now and we just call this my song hit enter it's gonna show up in here with with this refresh button then we can see my song is now there so if you're working on a project and you save it your project what anytime you save your project it'll appear here under your my projects another way you can get to your song so I'm not sure where I save that at if we go file save as it'll tell us so I saved it under documents lmms projects so these bottom tabs also let us explore different locations on the computer so this is how I get into My Documents LMMS and I can find my project that way as well which is called my song mm P Z I can load it that way there's a couple different ways to get back to your your songs so there's these two bottom tabs control different locations on your computer and they also control different locations within your home directory okay moving on so the one right below my projects is called my samples this is where we're gonna get lots of different samples that are already using existing instruments so if we left click and just left-click and hold it it'll just play through that audio so these are all based loops we have bases here [Music] we have drums so if we want to get a drum sound and maybe we want to use this one like this one here we just left-click and drag it in and now we can use that in our in our bass line editor and we can also if we wanted to we could drag it in and use it as a complete track in our song editor don't worry like I will talk about the difference between using it our song editor and using it in our beat bassline but as you play with them and as we get more experienced you'll understand why certain sounds you know a lot of times drum sounds you'll want to have in your beat and bass line and rather than in your song so let's just play with these you know expand there's lots of different sounds that you'll find so explore those and again to play it you just hover over and left-click and keep holding down your mouse and it'll play as soon as you let off your mouse it'll it'll cut the song it'll cut that audio file so these are all just audio files if you notice they're a dot o GG extension which is like an open source audio file format like WAV or mp3 it's just an open-source version of an audio file this next tab here is my presets so my presets is going to be actual presets for these instruments so if you notice these instruments we have bit invader free boy and if we come over to the my presets there's actually going to be a folder for bit invader and a folder that's not fun the folder for kicker which one of the instruments here was kicker and so these are presets for different ways of making this kicker sound so see it's not actually an audio file it's a configuration of an instrument so if we come to the bit Vader one and sometimes these are kind of long like some of them are I like longer if we go see that that's a hole that's not just a simple sound that's kind of like a more of a longer a longer effect so play with these there's all kinds of different sounds some of them are the second Nintendo games sound right ahead again these we can also use the same way we just left-click drag it in we can drag it into our either our beat and bass line editor or our sell any editor it doesn't really matter and then we can do different things that way and there's gonna be a ton of the back I said this is in F sub then AB sub effects is just huge so there's going to be all kinds of different options fortunately we have all these different presets and we can create our own preset actually so once we get into actually editing and changing this is how we would create our own preset is by changing it on here we just hit save when we have a unique preset and we can save our own custom preset that'll appear here every time so just be aware of that we're not gonna do it right now because it's just a little bit more advanced yes that's all I want to show you so we looked over here we saw kind of how this works now you know how to bring instruments in and in the next video we're gonna start creating a simple song and a simple bass line to go along we'll create a song and we'll export it just to get you familiar with the basic workflow appreciate you watching this video I hope you found it informative go ahead and like and subscribe and comment below and I hope to see you in the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 121,728
Rating: 4.9762964 out of 5
Keywords: free, lmms vst, vst plugins, instrument plugins, learn lmms, lmms change sound, lmms add sound, lmms instruments, music composition, music maker, free music software, intro lesson, lmms basics
Id: jg8qHSZufko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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