LMMS Lesson 11 - Automation Tracks

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welcome back to another LMS tutorial in this video we're going to be using automation tracks I'll show you what they are and how to use them so first I have this little composition right here we can play it and see what it sounds like just got a simple bassline two little melody parts and you know when we bring up our mixer here knows it if we play we can actually control the volume by left-clicking and just lowering down the volume but let's say we want to fade in the volume from like all the way out and slowly fade in like this so we can manually do that we can also automatically do that by using an automation track so the animation track is this icon right here we click it and it brings an automation track in the past we've always just closed this track right out but now we're going to finally look at using it and what it does so we can click over here just like we could when we were doing our editing with a piano roll and actually it looks pretty similar this is a piano roll we remember we have one two three four we have our different bars this way well the automation track is gonna look similar if we double click we see we have also different bars we can scroll over there's just no piano roll here but the time the timeline graph looks the same so we can if we just click in here we see it creates sort of a little square thing we can click again it creates some different points what's this what this is gonna do is control from 0 all the way to 100% so down here is going to be 0 and we can make this be 100% like this and then we can have it be back down to zero and what that's gonna do is actually change our volume I'm gonna kind of step it up here towards the end so if we do it just like this and close oh you know what I did that all in there we go we can stretch it out to make it bigger so I just stretched it out so we're seeing it the whole way cuz I did draw it in four bars I just only had one selected so you can kind of see it shows that the same little picture in there and then we can actually tie the control of this master volume to the automation track and to do we hold the control key on the keyboard so I'll press down my control key right now and then left click on the like the volume control and drag it over to the automation track and then take off my mouse clicker and now it says master volume and now if we play look our volumes down and it shouldn't go off again I'm not clicking it it's just automatically going up by itself so it's doing whatever whatever this track is telling it to do so it's saying at this point of the song be zero and then at this point of the song be 0.98% and at this point of the song be fifty-one so it's just doing whatever we told it to do and we can clean this up a little bit - I'm gonna clear it out real quick we'll go right click and just go to clear and we can actually make it more smooth by clicking this icon and then we can just click at two different points and he'll create a nice straight thing this will be a nice regular increase in volume so now if we hit play it's steadily goes up in volume and we can also there's one more option which we can do this one which kind of makes it rounded and then we can add in some different points and we can kind of make it more if we want to do slow and then a quick rise but it kind of smoothes it out makes it a lot more gradual and smooth so these are different options probably the square for volume you probably do square but if I want to use one of these two and then it's not just volume that we can apply it to so I'm going to right click here and let's go let's just clear it out let's right click go all the way to the bottom it says one connections and we go to disconnect so now it's no longer tied to our master volume so our volume will stay the same we can add an effect so if we clicked on add effect we can add like a low pass filter we use this claim low pass filter and this provides sort of like a an effect on our audio like a wah effect if we actually move it so maybe we want to fade in and do this so if we do that before we actually if I get in here and do some edits and then we bring it over so hit the ctrl key and just drag to drag this dial over Italy erase everything I did in there or at least lowers it all out to tend to nothing like they're all down here and so I'm going to right click I'm going to go clear and we'll just start from scratch so it's still tied here and then I can just come in and say look I want it to be let's have it be kind of linear let's start at this point and let's go quickly up like this and let's drop back down very quickly and then we'll slowly build up again over here so it's going to create this sort of effect and this should sound pretty cool with this low pass filter maybe here we're going all the way down there we'll put it like there maybe [Music] and we see our dials are just connected and doing that according to this and if we turn off this Oh put it off I mean I sold it if we turn it if we listen to these by themselves they're not going to be doing this effect because it's only the automation track that's controlling this yeah hopefully that kind of makes sense to you play around with the automation track you can have multiple and we can have different automations apply to different parts of the song also if you right-click on our master volume we can actually apply we can go edit global song automation and it brings up this master global automation for just the audio of the entire song so we could do that as well and that's one way that we could accomplish maybe doing volume increase and that that will be separate from the automation track if that makes sense so I want to show that's an option too so now we should have both these things happening our volumes coming up and our automation track is happening independently of the volume yeah I hope you found this video informative just a quick one talking about those automation tracks go ahead and play with them open up some of these different songs in under my presets demos you'll see sometimes that there'll be using like a lot of different automation tracks like this one here it's actually a pretty good example it has all different kinds of automation tracks and you can kind of get an idea for what you can do with it not just like volume but like applying it to different effects that's pretty cool we have all these different options and you can click and look and see exactly what they're doing with these if you're curious so pretty cool stuff anyway that's the video for today thanks for watching go ahead and like comment subscribe and I'll catch you on the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 51,108
Rating: 4.9833136 out of 5
Keywords: free, lmms auto, lmms automation, lmms control knob, lmms control slider, lmms dynamic control, lmms connect controller, lmms fade in, lmms fade out, lmms transition, audio effect, tunnel sound effect, low pass effect, learn lmms
Id: BqfOJOOt3ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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