"Living Your Best Life" | Dr. Warren G. Blakney Sr. | 09.12.21

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[Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ain't nobody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] peace [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] when [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] ain't is [Music] me [Music] [Music] me you're keeping us uh and we're being kept by god somebody ought to be glad just to be kept by god uh and in the midst of all this uh folk are finding their way back to the lord uh there's a focus stop and thinking now for just a moment about what god is and who he is and so that i am grateful for the almighty god of heaven so get ready and let's worship him at this point these masks have been a part of who we are now for 17 months or so 18 months so let's not allow the mass to keep us from doing what we got to do in praising his name this morning so are y'all ready to praise god a little bit i see one or two folks just looking at me all y'all ready to praise god uh i'm ready to praise him with you uh i'm gonna do the first song i don't know who's gonna work it out on the next but i'm ready to tell him thank you for what he has done so let's let's let's get our minds right this morning let's get our hearts right let's get it centered on christ and on worshiping him uh and coming into this house just to worship him those who are in uh virtual land we're glad to have you always on every sunday and wherever you are with us if you're just watching uh in front of your television said get your mind get your heart ready because we're going to worship him this morning what a beautiful thing it is to be able to worship god let us come into this house oh and concentrate on [Music] [Music] and concentrate on and concentrate on him my words [Laughter] [Music] shall be [Music] so forget about yourself [Music] [Laughter] [Music] him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] god thank you for another day thank you for allowing us to get updressed ourselves and make our way out here this morning you've been good to us this week and we thank you for being good to us you fed us you allowed us to have clothes that go on our back you kept us from danger so many who went to bed last night but didn't get up this morning but out of all the men and women in the world you taught us this morning woke us up caught us in our right mind gave us the real portion of health and strength and lord we've come out here for no other purpose but to tell you thank you we know who you are we know what you've done and our minds are ready to give you praise this morning now be witness service may something be said or not that might call some graveyard trapper to think about you and who you are in jesus name amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and concentrate [Music] because jesus christ [Music] 243-243 when this oh oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] just a few more [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] my know the scripture reading this morning was taken from colossians chapter 3 colossians 3 therefore if you've been raised keep singing the things above for christ to see at the right hand of god set your mind on the things above the things that are on earth when you have died when your life is hidden with christ in god when christ who is our life is revealed uh [Music] that changed knowing that you will walk with us [Music] for the way that you prepare our paths we ask for forgiveness we thank you because we know that you have already blessed us we come to you now father remembering those that are sick particular sister jennifer brown the brown that they face no father that those are the things that we cannot have lost loved ones is to go to that family sister chapman tasha here we know that they're going through some settlement now we just pray about that help us to be continuously in prayer had the opportunity to grow close to kiana jay morton while he was in high school to know him very well just so sorry about his death we asked father that you be with all of our children he was all parents of children we see things they cannot see god help us to guide them help us to lead them and be with us father in that task where's your blessings upon brother blessing me this morning so glad to have him back pray father that you will give him long life and he remember the things that he has learned father that he may be able to pass them on to us be with brother martin on mountain this morning pray father that you will bless him and strengthen him that he might overcome this illness that he is pissed just be with us now as we go further into this worship service so glad that everyone that is here everyone that is missing this is our prayer jesus my oh [Applause] [Music] my [Music] and praying singing and praying with my mind [Music] i am singing with my minds [Music] oh don't you know [Music] [Music] up this oh [Music] [Music] and our minds will stay down below amen be turning in your bibles to the 10th chapter of the gospel of john and i'll be there in just a little while to share a thought from the word of god one two remind those in the in the audience both physically and those who are in virtual audiences we've taken up 3555 for haiti thus far and [Applause] this will be the last uh day that we're going to be lifting and offering whatever we live we're going to make it 5 000. we're going to make it the church will make it 5 000 to help those folks who are still going through uh and we want to make sure we do what we can to help them uh lord is moving in our city he's moving in our country we are practical for everything that's going on it's my belief that as he signals somewhere down the line and into what's going on that folk are going to realize there is a god and that he is in charge of everything he's alive he's gotten the attention of some folks who never really thought about god but he has a way of doing that and he's done that with certainly this virus again we do ask that those who are in auditorium be uh working with us as we are trying to keep everybody safe i did two funerals last week from folks who passed from public uh and so it isn't over here so all of the instructions that we give you about coming in is for your safety and so those of you who complain and who are giving some of my staff a hard time about it uh please cooperate because i don't want that thing to happen to you this is for your own safety it's not because we're trying to be mean and nasty we don't want anybody in this building to get ill or to die because you didn't follow its structure so again uh people don't like change i know that you like to go sit where you want to sit you want to be where you and you will get a chance to do that when this is over so again work with us work with the staff and uh our staff's gonna try to be a little nicer y'all feel that nicer amen and y'all nice steph nice we got nice folks amen all right nice uh so again returning there to the uh 10th chapter we are again mindful of the families who lost loved ones were mindful of the doctor's family and the loss of that young man who succumbed to the virus there came along last friday and so careful for sister linda for all of the folks associated with that family and that loss we're prayerful for the ducksworth family in mississippi sister amy's brother down mississippi participated in that so again we are sending our prayers in your behalf then the passage of sister wilbur williams uh who used to remember this church has some information at the funeral may be on friday as we have information will pass the law on the website pass it along to you individually do keep the willful williams family in your prayers as they get ready to bury their loved one uh you know as you get older you know you hear about real funerals when you're in your 20s you didn't seem like it nobody was hearing about it but you get old you crossed 50 uh and then you go to the medicine cabinet three four times a day you will find that you're going to hear more and more about folks who are traveling to the other side and one day we'll be hearing about it it'll be us is that right yeah quiet this morning y'all had a good weekend man don't get me out i've been running and ripping so let's try and get there this morning and i read this text one of my favorite texts in the bible is john 10 and verse number 10. and i've used it so much over the years and preaching uh until it blesses me but let's let's read it and then i'll i'll get into a verse of a song and then the lesson will be yours john 10 and verse number 10 the thief coming not but for to steal heal and to destroy i am come that they might have life they might have it more abundant i am the good shepherd the good shepherd given his life for the sheep and that they lose it i have come that they might have life and have it well abundantly we also praying for uh sister cathy chapman and that family and the loss of that young man uh we're going to be funeralized this week as well so mention that earlier so let's keep kathy and all of the folks in our prayers so much death around us but god is still god uh and all of us every last one of us i don't care how young or how old have an expiration date marked on us when that day comes we're gonna bid this world goodbye doctors can be standing around us your mother can be holding your hand but when it's time to cross the chilly walls god's going to take you over on the evening time and so the best to try and get as ready as you can because you never know when that thing is going to come let's think a little bit and then that has to be yours i'm [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] great jesus lord jesus [Music] jesus [Music] all the children [Music] [Music] gonna hide behind [Music] behind the mountains [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] breakdown [Music] say i'm going well [Music] [Music] no more here we go [Applause] [Music] oh yes i am [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody ought to say amen same man again whether chile wins a life won't fall in john 10 you have to understand john 10 in light of john 9. before you get to john 10 and verse 10 you have to deal with john 9 chapter 9 verse 1 through 8-10 and over in john 9 jesus healed a blind man and when he healed the blind man the pharisees who were a group of folk who criticized jesus who thought they knew everything religiously could not accept the fact that the lord had the power that he had jesus didn't need to call in some assistance he just healed a man born blind when his eyes came open for bishop the pharisees started to bubble you know what they did to the guy they ran the guy out of the chamber some folk just can't stand as the other folk get blessed they ran the guy after the guy has now been able to see the pharisees put him out of the temple and say get out of here all right so then in john 9 it follows him over to john 10. jesus finally opens his mouth and says okay since y'all got some problems with me let me tell you who y'all are he says when you get to verse 10 they want to read it again and just uh kind of emphasize what he says to them he's talking now in john 10. he's talking to the pharisees do we know any pharisees all of my name pharisees are hope who believe they write all the time y'all know what the pharisees pharisees are both who think they live better than anybody else that you are less than them y'all know in the pharisees pharisees think that they are the smartest and the sharpest knife in the drawer and then if anybody knows they know that that's who they were so jesus starts to talk about them uh and he says in verse number 10 the thief he calls them a thief he said what is a thief does he say a thief does this he come not but to steal to kill and to destroy you have been wrong everybody help me rob your house have been broken into we'll oh out hey folks on the south side everybody came down there too i got up another about fours i happened to do all the time i looked outside and i'm in deep south and i looked outside and there was a bunch of boys taking my daughter's stereo out of my car so we're like that in the house and picked up something brother jackson that's all right they call it hell and then now 9-1-1 i picked up something and i went outside not like that he was a pita pan or a big feet go steal that have you ever if you've been robbed you know there's a feeling you have if they rob your house there's an unsafe feeling that somebody had broken your lock come into your house and stole your stuff what jesus said pharisees are here to steal from you then you relate that today to folk who are stealing your joy from you there are members of your family members of the community and members of the church who will steal your job they are not happy if it appears that y'all are doing well if your marriage is strong y'all do somebody said grilling all that somebody has something negative to say about everybody and we let them steal from us if i had to give this thing a subject for a lot of us are really at that point where life is coming to us day by day and we are taking life i'm not living in tomorrow because it ain't here ain't worried about the mistakes that i made yesterday they're all gone i can't do nothing about them [Music] stuff i messed up yesterday i can't go back and fix it so what i'm doing as i got older is i'm living my life today what's the bible prayer says give us this day what day now help me give us ah daily not tomorrow's bread yesterday's bread has already been consumed what i need you to do is just feed me today then i worry about what i eat tomorrow when i get there huh when you live your best life you don't let thieves steal your joy because joy comes too hard look at couples in there i see some couples sitting here been married 40 years so we've been married almost 50 years now in those years y'all had some can anybody say it man there were some days when you wanted to pack your junk are there any witnesses in this house just bend your eyes cause you can't nod your head but through it all you had your ups and downs and there was something in that relationship that blessed you enough to say it's worth staying a while so now that you've got 40 and 50 years why are you gonna let somebody take your job [Music] live your best life he said look here we live in your best life get ready for thieves because they're going to steal and if they can't steal they're killed if they don't kill they will destroy there are folks who seek to destroy you for no other reason than they're just eating you've done nothing to them you said nothing to them they just don't like you if anybody that just didn't like you y'all have a little bit [Music] you don't sit around anymore trying to figure out why live your best life he says that the sheep might have life and it happen the word abundant means excess it means more god wants us to have more than we need now you want to put that just in terms of finances but that's not that's not what is it when you look at these preachers on television they say if you send me this god is going to give you an abundant blessing and you're looking for money this text is not dealing just with money it isn't money at all this text is dealing with the spiritual side of life did y'all hear me this bible is not saying don't don't nobody even say what god said he was going to give me all the money that is what this bible says he said more abundantly and the abundance has to do with the spiritual side of you as an individual what does that mean that means that as i have grown older and had more experience with god things i used to worry about i don't worry about anymore somebody didn't get that you missed it now that we are older you're nearing a certain age what it's past seven the things you used to worry about don't bother you anymore because you had so much experience with god you know if god took care of you the first 70 years he got to the last [Music] but grace has brought me save this heart and grace and grace will do well i don't believe he brought me this spot i don't feel no ways time come too far from where i started from nobody told me that the road would be y'all gonna help me something this morning easy i don't believe that god has brought man this far just to leave but that's what i say every day every day of my life because i'm closer he said i come that you might have that kind of joke do you know that people will look at you when you get a certain point and they think that perhaps you just don't understand what's happening maybe they just don't understand what's going i understand what's going on i know when the devil is busy i know when folk are trying to destroy me i've read some of the stuff before we write on facebook about me i've heard all the things that they've commented about me and guess what at this point in my life it makes me absolutely no difference because god didn't bring me this far to leave me god directs my step god wakes me up every morning god put in my lungs when i'm asleep at night car regulates my heart when i'm not even conscious and then every morning for over 50 something 60 years every morning i don't need an alarm clock to wake me he shakes me every morning every morning i've gotten up and had something to eat if i wanted him every morning i've gotten help i had clothes to put on and i chose what i want to put on every day i had something to drive and didn't have to walk every day i've had two nipples to rub in my pocket together and whatever folks say whatever folk do whatever folk have to say about anything that we do over here golf and sand golf and do it because god has brought us to fight to leave us god brought us from over on the other little side over here over here where the water was dripping in the building when you were dipped down through the dark drops of water brought us here 25 years later this church is known in the community your preacher is known in the community like us folk talk good about us folk know who the church of christ is in this town folks they'll come in that's the blessing of god by himself you take all of us for granted all this didn't happen by itself god brought us this way when you hear from talking about north your smile you know where the lord has brought us from you know what he's doing with us these robbers there are some robbers in the church amen there are some thieves in the church there are some baptized themes but the lord says i'm going to get to the good part of the favor i've come that you might have life as you might have now in verse 12 it definitely says i'm in the good shape in verse 12 he says and hireling and not the shepherd whose own who owns the sheep are not seeing the wolf coming and leaving the sheep and fleeing and the wolf catches them and scattering the sheep now it goes on to say that the sheep will hear my voice let me tell you a little bit about this narrative in this story right here and we'll get to the points that will be done every shepherd would bring his sheep to a common area and there was what they call a gatekeeper and the gay people would be the one that's who the lord is the gatekeeper the gatekeeper is the one who will allow you to bring your sheep into this gathering era for example make sure you get it let's say that world had some sheep and and rex had some sheep uh and troy had some sheep and we all brought our sheep to town there's an area that we can put our sheep in and mix them all together and you know what she looks like a little bit what she looks like huh all of them look alike so the gatekeeper will let all of us in with our sheep when we put all our sheep in for the night we get ready to go on the bay the next morning we collect our sheep so when i would go out rex would stand woman was saying i would stand try to stand and we start to call our sheep because the shepherd knew the sheep by name oh and as soon as the sheep recognized my voice they wouldn't go with willa because they didn't know y'all wouldn't god would try because they didn't know but they've been with me long enough their count wouldn't be out in the open area when they got lost i found them when i needed grass i fell when i needed watering i took them to water they had come to know my gods and they would only follow the shepherds probably with many of us today we claim to be the lord sheep but we won't follow and recognize the lord's focus are you really a sheep that belongs i mean verse 27 is where i am if you are a sheep of the lord you can live your best life i'll tell you three things and then i'm done i'll even give you a lot of it just a little bit you know you're living your best life when these things come right you live in an abundant life when you do these things number one is when you live a surrendered life when you live a life that is surrendered which means lord not me but you i don't want more of me i want more of you okay with this teacher a surrendered life is living your best life because you took yourself out of the way as long as you keep yourself in the way yourself will always desire more than you can have but when you put jesus in place of yourself you learn to be happy but what the lord gives you oh i just said something if you put you underway you always want more than you can have but when you put jesus at the head you become happy with what the lord gives you because he knows me as a sheep he knows what i can handle he knows what my needs are and as the shepherd he's promised to always supply me with my needs and i'm happiness at this point i'm just as happy as if i had good sense with all that the lord has given me when i look back across raising children when you're living your best life y'all know when y'all got babies y'all spend your first 25 years trying to make sure they got clothes they got diapers they got milk they got a place to live and any parents in here they would sit and do this you know trying to make sure they ain't with the wrong people you know you spend your first part of your life working trying to make sure you got some rent money grocery money and those first 20 years go so fast you know where they went then they all talking here every day they got knees they got knees they got more knees they mama mama daddy daddy daddy mama daddy and you're doing that for the first 18 20 years of their life then when they get 18 years old they go off to school and you're still trying to live your best life but that tuition is a book hello somebody still ain't saying that so you got to go through all of that you got to try and get them settled in college get them settled in school send everybody when they broke a man make sure they're doing all right go to class and uh so all of that then you get about 15. anybody in the house like that'll be somebody's job you say okay they go through junior high go through high go through college now i can get me a break hallelujah anybody in here i can live my then best the red children [Applause] anybody in here and you got a different kind of love for them than you had for the mercy huh find yourself doing stuff for them you didn't do for the germans anybody in this house i'm looking for a little car now for a 16 year old to get ready to be 17. gotta find him something i'm not peeping [Applause] so you still got stuff going on so what i'm saying to you in the midst of all of that you've got to find out how to live your best life with all that stuff still going on don't you ain't gonna have no life left to live [Music] well i'm talking to somebody so surrender your life surrender your life give your life to the lord say lord lord jesus said in god and john and john 17 and the garden of gethsemane father not my will but who father not my will what is that that is surrendering i'm god in the flesh but i'm going to surrender my life to my father and say look not about me it's about you if i've got to die i will die because i'm going to surrender my life to you that's the first thing you're going to live your best life it's a life mark by obedience do what god says philippians 2 6 talks about jesus who being in the form of god thought of that robbery to be equal with god but made himself with no reputation took upon him in the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of man and being found in the fashion as a man he humbled himself because and became obedient unto death even to the death of the cross what did he do he obeyed jesus and you know something about obeying that we don't like [Music] i've learned to obey god i've learned to listen to what he hasn't said that's number two number three is that if you're gonna live your best life learn how to fellowship not only with jesus but learn how to fellowship with one another amen let me say this real quickly and then i'm going to be closing on the last point fellowship is interesting because in a family uh right now as as as our family use my family because y'all get mad if i use your family uh i've got some dysfunctionalism going on in my family i got some dysfunctional folk in my family sometimes i want to include myself because they make me this function uh hello i'm including me because when i deal with a bunch of dysfunctional folk that make me dysfunctional too when you have in your family amen i'm talking about fellowship folks who share the same blood got the same mama same daddy grew up in the same house and after food with one another my grandmother said something nothing wrong with them is there any witnesses in here how y'all managed if you're my blood sister i'm your blood brother we grew up in the same house under the same parents are doing the same stuff and we're acting crazy with one another it's time for us to examine whether we're really the sheep god is calling for now let me do a disclaimer because sometimes the other brother or the other sister can make you act this function huh it's that behavior that spawns your behavior so what i've learned to do and i'm talking about my folks now you know you know you ever have folks who can't get together for a family you know they don't like each other well enough anybody can say that i'm trying to arrange one but this set of cousins don't like this set of cousins they curse each other out every time they get together i know y'all family this auntie don't like this auntie this is smoking alone what kind of foolishness is that [Music] the jesus god puts you in that family that's the social unit that you're tied to as long as you're going to live in this you'll never get another brother and sister outside of what you got so we learned to deal with dysfunctionalism but still have fellowship within certain parameters of dysfunctional folk this is how i do it how you do that i go over to their house when i'm home i spend three to five minutes i don't give them enough time to bring up nobody's business when they bring it up i don't know nothing don't say no don't see nothing i said how y'all doing good to see you they're going to kiss you on the job and i leave if i stay long enough hell gonna break out [Music] i know y'all got a wonderful family y'all can't even identify with this y'all look at me like really yeah really so i've learned how fellowship dysfunctional thought by not allowing them to make me dysfunctional because i ain't got to spend much time and as long as i got some jesus in me doing those three to five minutes they ain't gonna say too much to upset me i'm helping somebody here today what kind of fellowship do you have in your family let me say this to you there's some folk you're gonna have to be the person where mom and dad to get the family together because everybody's gonna do it i heard somebody say at the funeral service a few weeks ago when i was there they said well now that mama's gone grandma's gone who's gonna pull us together now maybe is she am i helping somebody maybe you can quit being dysfunctional long enough to help your discipline amen the other thing that i do which run them all i'm gonna tell you what you want to get rid of some dysfunctional family members when they really get too bad i open my mind [Music] i just start reading they'll save the lord huh sometimes i just start quoting the bible the bible says and that's chapter two beginning at verse number one when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all together in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven and mighty wind filled the house when they were sitting that penalty to them talking tongues like there's a fire set upon each other they began to speak to them take this with you to the next family reunion when somebody's cursing raising saying you'll pick out a verse and just start reading it out loud i'm helping somebody this morning fellowship i learned that i need my folks because i don't ever know what i'm gonna need from my folks before i die i don't know which one of my cousins or my aunts or my my brothers and my sisters so i'm trying to have fellowship one with another now some are hard to have fellowship with but i know i'm talking to somebody i know i'm visiting with somebody well i'm drunk but but you don't know i've tried to i don't know how many times they don't work well if at first you don't succeed hey y'all hear me they ain't worth that it ain't worth that well it may not but you don't know who you're gonna need before you die let me close that i've hit y'all kind of hard this morning i was out of town last week so i planned on hitting y'all kind of hard today if you live in your best life it's a life of service jesus said that the son of man has come to be ministered not come to minister to but to minister mark 10 45 one of the things i want you to do as i close this lesson out today is learn how to serve without expecting something in return that's a powerful statement when i serve folk i'm not looking for them to give me something back that's unusual by itself because before do something for you they want something from you when you become a true servant living your best life you help people you help them and you don't look for anything from them because you are so blessed just to be able to help thee witnesses in the our house through this pandemic has specialized in helping people who could not help themselves one of the things i'm proud of now for your peoria for is that we have given our time our talent and our money for 17 months packing trucks with groceries buying hot spots for children who are at risk serving frontline people nurses and doctors who were given their lives on the front line honoring them firemen who put their lives we honored them through all of this service somebody said it this way may the work i've done do what y'all don't say that on this side y'all know that song made the work that i've done sometimes it seems so small it seems like nothing at all but what i'm resting in my grave and nothing can be said made the world that i've done speak for me and i'm saying that you know peoria we must remain people of service as i close this thought together the picture come to me of john chapter 13. it's john i'm staying there today john chapter 13 jesus put all 12 of them in a circle jesus took off his outer garment and he wrapped the towel around his waist you remember that i'm in john 13 and he called thomas and thomas put up his dirty feet jesus took the water washed thomas's seat then he start washing their feet one by one oh when he got to peter you know peter was that cussing man he said lord you ain't gonna wash my feet and jesus said if i don't wash your feet you have no part with me in what is to come and so peter said if that's the case wash my head wash your whole body i'm ready to be watched but the fact is that the master came down from the courts of glory he was there when they hung the orion and all the stars in their civil sockets jesus was there when god took mount saint helens and put snow all around and put an opening in it for it to blow his top every once in a while jesus was there when he planted down the deals when he planted morning glories and he put the green grass on the earth jesus was there when he parted the waters and made the pacific the atlantic and many oceans jesus was there when god populated it with all kinds of fish jesus was there when all of the things of this world was made yeah he caught a nine-month train of nature one and one wintry morning perhaps got off in a new village called bethlehem in nazareth and one day the master of the universe took an old town and wrapped it around his waist caused some ignorant fishermen and said let me show you what servanthood is all about it's not about being served it's about you serving other people there is some joy you ought to get when you serve other people whatever we have a funeral service over the other part of the building over here those who come and they cook and they cook and they do it ernestine will get it over there and understand we'll get a whole can of green beans and whole can of corn and dogs will get over there and that kitchen ain't that ain't the coolest place in the world they'll get over there sometime i pass through and they're sitting there sweating on that stool they sit on that cooking stool and it's hot over there but i spell the green beans and i smell the corn and uh y'all have eaten all that food today some of y'all sitting right here ain't saying nothing you can't wait wanna know can i get a plate to go home but then somebody had to cook that food somebody had to label with that food somebody had to stay up and watch it while it was cooking and all that time i've never heard an esteem complain one time about what she had to do to serve families that were in need of all that time i've seen dollars get tired with her sonic nerd and dars may say unless something something but she's still gonna go right on over there and fix it anyway while she's saying a little something something uh it man when it's all said and done there's something to be said about serving folk and then i'll see bubbles come get her little team together and i'm sitting at the table and they're walking back and forth took off for lunch took off from that job came over in the middle of the day got off their job in the middle of the day they come over to serve a family that they don't even know didn't know the folk that died but they came over and they served the best that they could because they don't mind serving somebody that's what servanthood is all about them i've seen my daughter and kelly as well when they take food to school for little kids who don't have a lunch but kids who can't hardly have a cold i've seen my daughter buy clothes when little kids wet themselves they don't have any other cold and she'll take them to the washer and she'll watch them by it by herself i've seen them do stuff without serving other people that's what life is all about i watch some of you as you try to bless somebody else i want you to know keep on doing what you're doing and god got a blessing in store for you god keeps on waking you up god keeps on blessing you to walk up god keep on moving your eyes god keep on letting you talk god keep on letting you have a dime in your pocket god keep on letting you drive a nice car god keep on letting you have some decent clothes to put on god keep on letting your mind operate you still can think for yourself a stroke then take it keep on serving god and god tell you it'll pay off after a while i've watched helen at the moment as well when they go upstairs every anniversary and they stay over here until 2 30 in the morning and one mother's up there talking about her daughter i've been over here a long time but he's still over there the whole time getting ready for my guests coming in trying to make sure things look well they're serving one another when you serve one another there's a blessing and stroke for you you don't have to be somebody in this church you can just be a person in this church you don't have to be a leader in this church just be a member of this church you don't have to give the most money in this church just be faithful at this church we'll serve you like we'll serve anybody else because everybody is somebody in the sight of god ain't no big eyes ain't no little you i'm glad god fixed it so we serve everybody i'm so glad i'm glad to be a member of the north period church i'm glad to be the preacher for the north peoria church let's search for until we die keep on serving don't stop serving keep on doing for them because when you do it for them you're doing it for god and that's what makes the difference if somebody with me today i'm glad it's something morning when my journey is over and i leave the mundane shows of this whole world i'm glad to say when i cross the chili time i'm glad to see when my name is washed out down here i'm glad to see mary when my footsteps are washed out by the reigns of heaven i'm glad to say well you can't hear this voice no more preaching i'm glad to say when you don't see me walking down here no more i'm glad to see when i don't talk no more on the other side of jordan there's a house that made with hands i'm going there i'll be there when you get there perhaps maybe you'll be there when i get there but all the time we're going to have on what on the other side are y'all ready will you serve one another stop waiting for somebody to serve you stop complaining about what they didn't do live your best life live your best i don't care if if you've got physical problems live your best life huh some of us take blood pressure pills every today anybody in my mouth get that appeal [Music] huh swallow it and keep it rolling i've learned that even if i'm sick i don't let the sickness take away my best life you complain about how your head hurt or you're tired of taking medicine when you get through complaining you better take it some folks can't have their best life because they're too busy complaining about what's wrong with you let me tell you something listen to me before you die most times something's going to be wrong with you hello when you get to be 65 75 80 you ain't gonna feel the way you did it fix your mind and live your business i tell mother all the time she said favorite these are bones just hurts and mother yeah ain't defined they're supposed to hurt let me go get your pill for you it won't hurt so bad don't let this stuff and don't let this functional family members keep you from living don't let them because listen to me this is the final point as soon as you alive somebody in your family don't die anybody ever had anybody do that already you got a choice you can mourn the rest of your life or you can miss them the rest of your life and still go on with your life because just like they someday you're going to leave too thank god for my shepherd lord thank you for being our shepherd thank you for shepherding us through so many things in our lives in this audience today there are folks who are hurting they're focusing with depression the folk who deal with all kind of anxieties that folks are wondering what their finances are going to be like tomorrow there's some folks who broke in this church right now the father we know you are administering god you're our shepherd i'm going to bring their knees to your feet and lay them at your feet bless touch and heal in jesus name amen now let me see a verse of a song if you have a knee if you have a knee as a card in the back of you there's a card in the back of the pen take that card now fill out what your knees are you may want to be baptized this morning we'll baptize you the water is ready but deacon was down here another day changing the water out so we got some fresh water in the booth clean water it's nice and warm somebody won't get baptized we'll take the time today to baptize you whatever your needs are whatever you need right in the back of that car we'll take those cars now this is the time to respond to the saves invitation [Music] down [Music] raise your cars raise your cars [Music] let me walk down [Laughter] don't listen to the priest in your sleep i may want to go along oh oh [Music] let me walk down down the streets down the streets that's pain pain [Applause] there are times in my life there are times that you [Music] give me [Music] if i'm done don't want my soul my the streets down the street down the streets and that's pain hey wait just by my mind my jesus jesus somebody ought to say oh jesus jesus i see it now [Music] again [Music] [Music] no more crying no more dying no more trouble in the land jesus won't it be glory day won't it be a glory there will it be a glory day won't it be a glory day won't they be jesus jesus shake hand with the father and i'll meet the son tell him about the world that i came from no no pain in this body no more tears will be chad no more futile will i have to attend it will be jesus jesus it will be there's somebody in here that know what i'm talking about and there's somebody in here that can see that there if there's somebody who want to [Music] thank god almighty thank god almighty it will be jesus nobody but jesus oh my father jesus it with me it will be it will be [Music] amen amen amen amen someday i don't know when but it will be jesus and me joe garner says i'm sinned and repented i'm asking for the prayers of the church also asking thanks seeing my 60th birthday on september the 10th thanks [Applause] you'll be retiring on september the 30th so he got 16 getting out congratulations gerald on 60 and on your retirement james williamson says keep my wife in your prayers that will be grace keep her in your prayers brenda holloway please pray for the williams family in oklahoma city mother and daughter is in the hospital recovery thank you for your prayers herod harris harry harris says i've sinned repented of asking for prayers please keep my family in your prayers audrey alexander audre alexander says thank god for the continued recovery of my son and granddaughters they had code and are doing well thank all of you for your thoughts calls and for your prayers geisha please pray for brother rogers he was transported to the hospital st john's this morning also keep my mama your prayers thank you in advance for your prayers amen delilah please pray for me for my family continually thank you for your prayers sister apple moore thank all of you that prayed for my family when my brother went to be with the lord keep on praying for her sister mainly mitchell sister mitchell said pray for help for my husband for the bias family mitchell family the crockett family thank everyone for my gifts and my cards thank you so much sister naming by um richard lewis johnson thank you for your prayers god is good i love you so much keep me in your prayers doris porter i desired a special prayers of the church with my sister-in-law penny dunamis i designed a special prayers for a dear friend tony lindley and his family tony will be that female funeral tomorrow at 11 a.m so keep that family in your prayers ruby billingsly ruby says i designed special prayers asking prayers for my husband and family in the passing of his niece thank you so much for your prayers give that dooley please pray for esther asbury my family as well thank you in advance with your prayers kathy chapman thank you to everyone for the love shared prayers calls and cards search will be this coming thursday at antioch church at 11am please keep my daughter leslie and family in prayers we love you all funeral services for wilma williams will be friday september 17th at 11 am at north sheridan church of christ jack's turn home is in charge tanza lou is a member here her daughter prayer requests to broner and family in the loss of their husband father and uncle sister brother asking prayers and the loss of their father of their husband father brother and uncle sister marie harris is in has a loss in her family it's lucille davis who was a mother figure to her let's keep sister marie harris and our thoughts we have mitchell want to thank my church family members for all of your sympathy cards and prayers for the loss of my brother my nephew both of them from saint louis missouri to one in all brother mitchell thank you so very much i miss anyone we're going to ask one of my elders to come and to lead us in a farm guard and pray at this time for these who have come this last shall we pray our father and our god which out of heaven we come to believe once again always with thanksgiving in our hearts we covet thee father because we know your god but sadly there could very very very weary shall i say dreaming we with the loss of loved ones be with them father all the families give them spirit to face each and every day just give us your father confidence you know how father the ones that deal with signals father one they're in hospitals even brother rogers is one of the hospital day we pray that you be with family father be with family with the doctors being the nurse and father we do understand them even though they may help but it's you they want that healer just be with an attention with your healing hand father we pray over for strength for all of our family loved ones that you're watching for all of us i will cheer you our grandchildren be with him and others father we pray that you hear all of our love team give us your mercy give us your grace for this all we can ask father we cover them we love you you're always a martyr father just thank you for everything continue to be with all of us we pray also for that you keep us always safe in your hands watch over protect us in the name of jesus we pray that you say amen this time now for the offering and so we're going to do that and then when it comes brother will come again we are at three thousand five hundred and fifty five dollars for eighteen uh this is the last sunday we'll be collecting we'll send the money off on tomorrow i've already spoken to the preacher in haiti he's gonna make sure that this money gets to the most devastated families in the area uh for the pierre so again we're sending this off tomorrow so if you want to give today will be the last day that we're going to be taking up money for that for that event for the thing that happened in haiti the earthquake so again the cash app dollar sign month peoria clc or cash out some money for ato you're offering today uh dollar sign north peoria coc cash out that now website given will be www it website www north peoria clc.org here or you can drop it off for 2217 or peoria avenue tulsa oklahoma giving is a blessing having the opportunity to give is a blessing we want to source into this ministry for haiti or for the church and what we're doing here do that right now we have a verse like oh no no one you know jesus knows all about our struggles [Music] you know that there's [Music] no he knows all about our troubles i know he will guide me till the day he is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] this is an opportunity for us to be able to share in the community i remember so many years ago we'd come to church and some of us young fellows learned how to do the lord's table and we were there and our knees will be shaken as we would stand before an audience sometimes at that point you didn't really remember what it was really all about but as you grow older you realize this is an opportunity to be able to share with god christ holy spirit and the members of the church fellowshipping and remembering how jesus died for us what joy it is to know that somebody loved us enough that he went to a cross shed his blood just so you and i could have a right to eternal life so when i come down to this part of the service my heart is happy because of the love of the lord that he loved me so i can find an example of this in first corinthians chapter 11 beginning in verse 23 and so we do this every sunday because we want to remember him every sunday the life he lived death he died but most of all that he didn't stay there he got up with all power in his hand let's pray lord thank you for this brand which represents your broken body for this jews and fruit of divine which represents your shepherd as we would take of it may our minds go back to count be mindful of the death that was made for us on that cross in jesus name amen bless him still couldn't find nobody greater than you um [Music] tell god this morning um [Music] nobody [Music] [Applause] one more time amen we have 109 president today uh and so again we're appreciative for those of you who are making church a part of your sunday morning attendance we do have 185 that are on the list and so we're along with 185 folk so those of you who are listening this morning you got your pajamas on you just had yourself a good worship service uh it's time now put on some clothes make your way all back out to the house of the lord and make that so we're looking for some of that a little bit more than 185 next week that's we're gonna have a good time in the lord please remember all the funeral services and all the folks who have lost loved ones when you pray this week send a card or send a note and let them know that we're thinking about them at the north period church elders don't have any announcements that we need to make i think we're missing if not it's a joy to be able to worship together and do it in a safe manner because we can bring it down to be dismissed uh that we're praying when we do this be mindful that as we go out please fellowship out in the forward and not in the forum but in the outside do not gather they you heard me and now so many folks who ask and so many folk were in the hospital with this virus we don't want to have it transmissible in the building so if you will fellowship please go to the outside and do that you know how we dismiss after we pray back rose first and we follow let's pray well thank you for listening thank you for the power that's in your lord thank you for loving us i asked you this week to wrap your arms around all of us in this building all of those that are online wrap your arms around us keep us safe and father bring us back at the appropriate time we love you we thank you in jesus name amen that goes down you may stand from this mississippi and we're until they passed and then the others may do so as they
Channel: North Peoria Church of Christ
Views: 347
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: c1BzK2bGevM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 18sec (6498 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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