"When My Faith Gets Weak" | Dr. Warren G Blakney Sr | 08.15.21

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[Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a song that i've seen everyone tonight it's a simple song in church christ it's not anything exciting it's a simple song and no not one i used to say that every wednesday night and it was a theme of ours on wednesday night they knew when we stood we were going to sing no not one and i think it because there's a message in the music there's a message in our lives that we need to get when we get to a certain place that there are sometimes in our lives that only god can do what god can do and that songs addresses it says [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] this morning knows [Music] is [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] there's a message in our lives that we need to get when we get to a certain place that there are sometimes in our lives that only god can do what god can do and that songs says [Music] i know [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] this morning [Music] [Applause] find oh one friend just like [Music] jesus [Music] and uh no not one i used to sing it every wednesday night and it was a theme of hours on wednesday night they knew when we stood we were gonna sing no not one and i sing it because there's a message in the music there's a message in our lives that we need to get when we get to a certain place that there are sometimes in our lives that only god can do what god can do and that songs addresses uh no not one says [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] that's not an hour come on clap your hands if you love jesus oh come on we can do better than i said clap your hands if you love jesus this is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad and anybody excited about another lord today come on anybody glad that you made the wake up list this morning i'm looking for some real ones in the room who can testify if it had not been for the lord who was on my side where would i be where would i be i'm excited to be back in worship on this morning on behalf of dr warren g blakely to those who are in the building and those who are watching online we say thank you so much for joining us here whether physical or in the cyber sanctuary if you're watching the cyber sexual you can text at np guests to 81010 if you're a first time guest a visitor again if you're a first time guest to visit you can text at np guests to 81010 be your second third or fourth time visitor against your family just check in right in the comments listen do me a favor even if you're sitting in the sanctuary everybody go and press that share button if you can come on everybody go to facebook and press that share button if you can share it to your page share to a group send it to an inbox somebody's inbox and let them know that the north peoria church of christ is live and we're getting ready to go higher in praise and in worship amen amen come on come on it could have been you outdoors come on it could have been you down in the grave right now but god saw fit to cover you to make it to the sanctuary this morning that that car could have hit you on the way here but god kept you all the way to the north peoria church of christ i don't know about you but i'm just excited i'm ready to give god all the praise to give god all the glory to give god all the honor because he deserves it amen amen amen we're going to get started with worship this morning let's go to the throne of god and pray god in heaven we thank you we thank you again for this moment to be able to bless your name we thank you for this moment to worship you in spirit and in truth god take anything out of us this morning that's hindering us from blessing your high and your holy name god bless our man of god our pastor in the form of doctor warren you blatantly touch him from the top of his head to the souls of his feet strengthen him in his weak places and give him a word on this morning that's going to change somebody's life we love you we thank you in advance and satan we say get thee behind me because we're going to praise the god of this creation we thank you in jesus christ's name we pray amen just a little talk with jesus when i once was lost in sin but jesus took me and their little light from heaven to my soul oh [Music] is [Music] jesus makes it right well you know sometimes [Music] is he will hear [Music] is [Music] is jesus makes it right everybody [Music] ever [Music] well jesus you know it's all right it's all right [Music] don't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] jesus makes it all all right come on shout hallelujah [Applause] good morning our scripture is exactly from philippians second chapter in universe 3. but the humility of mind regarding another is more important do not merely to look out for your own interests but also for the interests of those dear god and our father we come to you this morning father thanking you for your love thank you for watching over us last night as we step raising us to a new day whereas fathers be with us throughout this day give us the things we stand in need of bless those that could not be here we ask fathers to be with those that are sick those that are suffering with certain circumstances we just ask fathers you can just bless them and heal them i want to come to you at this time this time father special prayer for a special friend who asked us to just be with beverly mason bald father who was going through the test pray father to bless her family that they give her the love that she needs we ask father she would just be with her and her family just do the things for her that she cannot or the doctors cannot do for her we as fathers people we want to continue to be with those that are lost with loved ones pray father that they will continue to be comforted and that their memories will continue to dwell within our hearts that we all might live and think and do things according to your will father we ask that you disagree with brother blakely this morning give him the strength he needs bless him with the remembrance of the things that he has learned continue to bless us father strengthen us spiritually physically as well as emotionally for this is our prayer that we create in christ jesus name amen amen anybody ready for word this morning come on you can talk back to me anybody ready for a word this morning come on i can't hear already i'm expecting a word from the lord on this morning and i'm excited about it let's go higher in praise and worship before our man of god comes up to deliver the word of god well i love to praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's just a [Music] [Music] here you know [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] let me down [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i love to this week did he wake you up on time in the morning if he feeds you all week long has he been guiding and directing your footsteps somebody ought to say thank you lord this morning keep it mighty mighty almighty good god is working in this place this morning we appreciate your presence today it is but by the grace of god that you hear we have so much going on in our world that we need to be prayerful for today when you look around and you watch the evening news it concerns you but understand that god is still in absolute control i looked at afghanistan and all of the war that's going on over there and people are being abused and killed uh senselessly uh about a little bit of nothing but that's the world that we live in and i looked at haiti and the um stuff going on there with earthquakes and all kinds of things happening across our land look at america we still struggle over racism and over a mask and over uh hurtful things that really shouldn't make no difference we're in a predicament in this world where the devil is alive he thinks he's going to have his way but i got news for him whenever it starts to look bad watch out because here comes the lord he's a unifying thing and so my faith is renewed and my faith is sustained because i know him i've been walking with him too long now to not see what the lord is able to do and so i'm confident that all of this going on when it looks like the devil is going to win you better watch out because the victory belongs to the lord we're delighted about that so i want you to pray about what's happening in our world but on a good note this past week we fed 64 60 folks or so that were homeless folk and but by the grace of god when uh jonathan came to the office and said we've contracted with a a center where there are homeless people and we're going to feed them and he and darius got together on that and brought it across my desk i thought what uh a unifying thing for our community to know that we ought to order if we're blessed we ought to bless somebody else and so i i really like that and i said let's go for it make sure that safety precautions are are in place and that no one gets ill in the process of doing that and i love it that i don't mind putting on their masks and going down to get it done now uh i want to call more than doris and jonathan's name because i know people may not want their name called and some people wrote their name called whichever way you are i'm gonna call your name in it and then we had brenda and as if you're in the audience when i call your name stand and keep standing until after i called all of you uh brenda health caroline hill myrtle hill priscilla hill ron hill to lisa help tunisia hill victoria hill and of course doris and gentlemen if you're in the building if you help stand up right now we want to give you a round of applause for a great job thank you so very much thank you so very much now why call names because names are important you need to know who's doing the work uh in certain areas and so they're doing the work and we appreciate you now the other thing is if but by the grace of god that had been us homeless and i know some of you sitting right here don't see yourself as ever been homeless but a lot of folks under those bridges never saw themselves as being homeless i would like to think that somebody from the north furion church would give me a meal cook it for me and listen they were over to our building cooking it and my grandmother said i see them i see them doing it so i appreciate that kind of involvement in the middle of a pandemic and for those who are online members i want you to know that when you give to the north period church and many of you have been giving all the way through the pandemic this is what we've done consistently throughout this whole process that's what we are uh we're not just folks who come to the building sing a few songs and then go home want to make sure that we're serving the community where we are yeah that's what it's really all about turkey so we appreciate that then on a sad note we are again mindful of the fox family the loss of a young man uh sister kim fox's son uh federalized him on this week and so we're still in prayer for that family and so many of you who have lost loved ones will still practice for you and want you to know that during pandemic times we've not been able to serve you the way we usually do we do the best we can but you know we love you you know that we care and you know that we're there so we're going to certainly do what we can as we can all of those of you who've lost loved ones uh and we're practical for that with so much other going on in our land let's take a moment right now this common spirits and let's pray if you imagine yourself being in afghanistan right now and folk are shooting at guns going off this morning and you're dodging bullets it could be you yeah see we think it because it's it's thousands of miles away it's not affecting us but i'm affected by that because i realized that by the grace of god my child could be okay maybe some of your children may be going over right now to fight that fact i don't know we got military people going over thousands of them and so we need to ask god to intervene and that right now we're going to do that perhaps you're down in haiti you already experienced the assassination of your president you're already in this array you have no leadership per se right now you're trying to form something and then america called your nation uh by where president a former president or whatever you call his name you know what he calls your nation uh and they don't extend themselves to help the way they need to you're wondering how you're going to get fresh water and food because you could be in haiti right now and so we sometimes disassociate ourselves on that let's place ourselves been a citizen of one of those hope that's there this morning and when we pray prayers though you have a relative there or you're there yourself and let's ask john kennedy let's pray lord thank you for being our father even with so much going on in this world we know that you're in control we say that not as just something to say to the helpful we just know that you're in control we know that man's inhumanity to man is apparent we know that how we treat each other needs to be improved we know that how we love each other needs to be improved and we know we can never get there unless we accept you into our hearts father help us to love each other more to respect our differences between us both color and culture and realize that you took one blood one day and made all men you rolled up the piece of dirt and breathe into the nostrils of that dirt the breath of life and lord you didn't tell us whether that dirt was white or black or red or what color it was it was just dirt we realized father and all of us are made from just dirt help us father to be kind toward one another folks in this church who could have been in afghanistan who could be in haiti and other places help us to love on those folks and do what we can to make their lives better father we love you we thank you in advance for the victory that is going to be ours we thank you for that victory we thank you for being god what is at this time in our lives at this moment in our lives that we pause for a moment and say we are doing it we trust you sometimes we don't understand you but we know that you're god all by yourself and for all that you do for us in this building for every bit of food this week that you fed us when the rain came the other day you gave us shelter when the wind was blowing we didn't feel it because we were on the inside of our houses father not because we've been good but because you're just a good god thank you father thank you thank you for everything what is in your son's name mary's baby my friend jesus christ we ask these things and every heart that agrees amen amen amen be turning in your bibles to psalms 37 and meet me there in just a little while i'm going to share a thought or two with you on this morning psalm 37 gonna start at verse number one read a few extra verses in just a little bit happy gloria jesus gonna make [Music] is [Music] you know know hallelujah [Music] [Applause] i've been running [Music] is is thank you jesus oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] let's jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] y'all [Music] some of y'all going through stuff right now ain't nothing going on the lord is keeping [Applause] the bible says in psalms 37 do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong verse two for like the grass they will soon with it like green plants they will soon die away number three trust in the lord and do good dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture number four delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart verse 5 commit your way to the lord undermine trust in him and he will do this verse six he will make your righteousness shine like the dawn the justice of your cause like the noonday sun verse 7 be still before the lord and wait patiently for him do not fret when men succeed in their ways when they carry out their wicked schemes then skip to verse 39 the salvation of the righteous come from the lord he is their stronghold in a time of trouble verse 40 the lord helps them and delivers them he delivers them from the wicked and saves them because they take refuge in him when my faith gets weak have you ever had a time in your life when your faith got weak think about it now i'm asking you the question and i want you to answer you don't have to answer it out loud and that's what it you know introspective have you ever had a time in your life when things happen and your faith got weak well the bible says in james 1 and verse 3 that the devil is going to try your faith he says in first peter chapter 4 and verse number 12 that your faith is going to be tried that means the devil will put stuff in your house in your life that will make you question sometimes where god really is we may not say it out loud because we don't want god to hear us thinking like that but sometimes some stuff can happen and you say god how come why come it came my way i stopped by long enough to tell you you're gonna have to strengthen your faith blatantly how do i get a stronger faith when stuff happens i get more calls this week in a while of heavy calls from folk who are going through stuff got a call from a friend of mine that says everybody in my house has code and we've all been vaccinated 94 year old mama has coped and all of us have been vaccinated i'm having symptoms now we've been to the doctor we thought the shot looked heavenly we thought the shock would have kept us from experiencing colvin 19. what's going on all of us pray for us and i stopped there what i was doing and i went to god and prayed and i said lord you may not protect us all the time from stuff but when stuff comes get in this stuff with us y'all miss that because that was your shot paul you may not protect us from stuff but when stuff happens get in our stuff with us what do you mean blakey well i'm glad you asked he did not stop shadrach meshach and abednego from getting in the fire [Music] when they got in the fight guess what he did he god may not stop coming from coming to your house but when kobe comes it has to ask god for permission to take you out of here somebody gonna miss me in church but i'm hoping i'm blessing somebody you see you see fred knight with a heavyweight told him fred not others who had their freight not others who are looking at what's happening in their own personal lives i told them fret now what does the word fred mean that's an old adage in the bible these words are antiquated tell me blakely what does frick mean what he says it means worry it means to fuel it means to be hot it means to be upset but most of all it needs to work let me tell you something worry never solved a problem worry never paid addict worry never got rid of pain worry never made the enemy afraid worry never turn wrong into right you can worry all night off when you get through being worried it's still there anybody know what i'm talking about when you get you've been frustrated and anxiety anxieties about it when you get through with all of that it's still there worry is like a walking chair to give you something to do but won't get you nowhere when you get through walking you in the same spot you were when you started worrying my brothers and sisters fretting about something does not change the thing but god is the one who can change your situation i've learned in this life but i'm gonna go slowly through here i've learned that you counter worry by doing two things you counter worry by number one living just one day at a time lord i need you this is going to help you if you think about it when you leave lord i need you just get me through today yesterday's gone and tomorrow ain't him i don't even know if i won't make it through tomorrow so what i want you to do lord it just helped me get through today all the time that god gives us is one day hello so when you got stuff going on don't pray for next year don't pray for next month ask god to help you get through today because as far as you know today is all you got number two lift somebody else's burpee when you're going through something if you take your mind off your stuff and put your mind i'm talking through something i'm gonna help somebody put your mind on somebody else's stuff you so realize that your stuff ain't quite as bad did y'all just hear what i said now why are you going to what you want to right now you're all upset about it be mindful that in afghanistan that everything they own running hoping that they don't get shot by nightfall they're separating between moms and dads husbands and wives are running therefore right now in afghanistan waiting hoping that america will get there on time they've aided america all the way through the crisis now they're left behind they're hoping america gets their time enough to get them out that could be you hearing bullets all around help somebody else with their troubles and it'll take your mind off of yours that's number two number three trust in god not in your own power but in god's power when things don't look good don't just cry all day and worry all day put your trust in god did y'all get that live one day at a time lift somebody else's burden trust in the law proverbs 3 verses 5 through 6. let me tell you where this one i'm going to move on the second point in matthew 8 25 they were on a boat and the storm came up when the storm came up the water appeared to sink the boat all 12 apostles were in the boat the straw was throwing water in the boat throwing water in the boat they couldn't get the water out so they went downstairs where the lord was sleeping asking this question lord don't you care that we perish why are you sleeping when we get ready to drown jesus wakes up calms them down and then comes down the storm did y'all hear me in matthew 14 the same thing happened again and peter was in the boat watch this it's going to get this point this is the point i'm making the storm was threatening to kill peter and the apostles jesus came walking in the middle of the storm that which was troubling them the lord already had it under his feet [Music] let me demonstrate to y'all how good i am y'all worried about the water and y'all know me y'all must not really know me let me show you who i am since you think the water is gonna drown you let me make the water hold me up y'all know how much i wait y'all been eating with me you know water ain't supposed to act like that so since you were troubled by water let me let you know i got everything under my feet what you are worried about right now what's going on in your life right now what you are concerned about right now god already has it don't worry about what's going on tomorrow i'm thinking god for my right now number two is that closing i better get this in here increasing your faith in your faith fear now i ain't gonna fret not but i ain't no fear either i am not before i learned this when i was president double acp when i was president of naacp for those two years i had more people threatening me than i've ever had in my life i had black book written [Music] i had caucasian full pregnant [Music] had asian folk threatening me because i've learned something when you don't act or do what folk think you ought to act or do they got no more use for you well i just say something i just said something that's gonna bless somebody when you play that back some of y'all right in this building when i didn't act the way y'all wanted me to act when i didn't say what i wanted me to say what i didn't do what y'all wanted me to do y'all ain't got no more use for me but thank god dr king said before he died when they got him woke him up at the hotel in memphis they said doc crowd is waiting on can you get up and go speed with sleep he got up put his clothes on they went over to speak to them one of the things he said is tonight i'm not hearing no man y'all don't hear me he said because y'all give a speech i've been to the mountain time and i've looked over and i've seen the promise he said i may not get there but we as the people will reach the promised land i may not get that but i'm not fearing no man my eyes have seen the glory when you fear you can't be successful here's what i say now you may not say this is my saying this is blatantly saying when i fear i trust and what i trust i don't fear i got that from psalm 56 and verse number three when i am afraid i will trust listen when you get fearful trust god our fear will take over i'm teaching this morning i will appreciate y'all a little while you're gonna help me with this lesson when you are fearful trust god fear will take from you success if you let fear it will paralyze you y'all don't hear me when i was president of the naacp i had to go call the building i had to call my phone and they would say i'm going to do this i'm going to do this i'm going to do that never told the children some of the i may have had fears and so i learned psalms 56 i learned that when i trust god he will make is that somebody fearful at this point i don't know how i'm going to make it while blakey if i don't get this job or if this don't happen i don't know what's going to happen i don't know what's going to happen i know who's going to happen teach down now all right i may not know what but i'm god will make a way stop being fearful today stop letting fear paralyze you you know what happens when a rattlesnake's getting fearful he strikes when the dog gets fearful he bites when the cat gets careful he scratches when we get fearful we panic i start by to tell you stop panicking and trusting the god that i served so hasten down to my conclusion if there's a preaching coming on not only fred not fear not faith not third poem luke 18 and verse 1 men ought to always pray and not faith galatians 6 3 we shall reap if we faint not but what does faith mean it means to lose heart and want to give up have you ever wanted to just give up i know some folks in my life who gave up i had a niece about eight years ago seven eight years ago was bullied she was a mixed kid fatherless white her mother was african-american my niece and they bullied her because she wasn't really black and she wasn't really white and it got to me it got heavy for her because of bullying and one day she went into the bathroom and decided i had enough a folk believe me and she took her life but i drove down to tennessee and did the utility of a beautiful 15 year old i thought about how life can make you want to quit are you sure i've never been there i never i've ever been down there you don't know what you will come to in life before you die there are some things that have happened to some people right here in this building they've never disclosed it to you they've never told you but at the time that happened they wanted to quit there's some women in this building that's been sexually abused by relatives in their family took advantage of them but they were good children and they have lived with it all their lives you don't know but they do and sometimes that can be overwhelming when your uncle or your dad or your grandfather has sexually abused you they sit on these pews every day and you don't know what's going on you think oh they're acting all strange you don't know what's going on with me what you need to do is just shut up mind your own business you don't know what happened to and what i'm going through who are you to judge me i'm never going to tell you because all you want to do is tell somebody else but every night i relive it and i think i won't quit and i'm here to tell you increase your faith god can work you through it i'm talking to somebody in this audience in this in this audience not only in here but online i'm telling you don't quit frank not webster spent 36 years writing his dictionary 36 years leonard eventually worked for 10 years oftentimes not even eating all day long he forgot to eat the last summer adam clark spent 40 years writing a commentary there are some folks who could have quit but the end result was that they were blessing us because every time you pick up the dictionary it took somebody 36 years for you to find the word that you want to find in two minutes how many of you have felt like quitting you just got tired of life that some of you right now didn't support this week they've lost person after person after person therefore this pandemic who lost their wife their husband his mother lost their children their moms they're there some of them lost 10 people close for to cope 19 all within just a month of one another if you lost your mom your dad your sisters your brothers and two of your children how do you deal with it because oh just pray for the place when i get through praying how do i deal with it that's when you have to ask god to live inside you yeah all right there's some men who've been sexually abused by the uncle or their how do i live with that by the way now how do i how do i exist how do i go on because i have a memory of that by letting the lord live inside you when you invite him inside of you now that seems like something so far when you let him live inside you he takes over your mind so you will then not faint you won't fret you won't fear then as i close today you won't forget don't ever forget what the lord has done oh what i think about this goodness i feel my health coming man have you ever felt a certain kind of weight when you knew it was only the lawn [Music] i want y'all to help me as i close now have you ever i mean you got stuff going on you got stuff over here stuff over there but if you ever got a feeling a certain way and you knew [Music] that the only reason you felt that way because of the lord david said what i taste of this goodness i'm here to tell you i will never forget what he's done for me i don't know about you [Music] but in this life i've been up anybody can say amen to that in this life i grew up way down in the country [Music] a little town called taylorsville alabama outside of touch schools and leon back in the late 50s and early 60s black folk didn't have a whole lot some of y'all grew up in there like y'all been rich all your life and i remember as i tell this story a lot across country i remember i was six seven and my job was to get up and make a fine to fire place because we didn't have central air and heat and then after that i make a fire in the stove because it was a wood stone anybody here remember a wood stove y'all too sophisticated to say y'all remember remember what that that that pipe would get red hot and mama would make biscuits on the wood stove and you would warm not buy the central air you'd bag up to the fireplace and make sure you didn't get too close any witnesses in here and you warm you're behind but your front will still be cold y'all helped me finish this sermon then you turn around and warm the front side huh and then they had what called a smoothie i've gone back to some of y'all y'all remember that it was an online that you were sick in the fireplace to get it hot jonathan because there was no plug-in for the iron you get it hot and then you would add the covers before you got in the bag because it was so cold if huh we didn't have much of what we have today but what we did have was love i'm gonna run this guy y'all again what we did have was love i knew there was an overheaded woman named aggie who loved us and she would tell us we may not have much but we got each other and every once in a while she dad even said i love you guys do you know what it means to a little six or seven seven-year-old boy to hear somebody say to him we may not have much but i love her and she told me she said you're my child she said whatever you look at folk look them in the eye don't look away because it makes you look like you ain't honest don't start no fight but if you get it won [Music] y'all i never heard that before huh huh she said if somebody else in school got a better lunch than yours all they do is gonna go make them poor like these salads gonna make you fool you know up your lunch box and your whole lunch box will smell all over the school nobody had to wonder what you had for lunch because time you opened up your little box the whole room no he got silence was there man but when you're hungry whatever he is called food will fill you up i remember that i had not so now that god has been good to me i realize it's not the stuff that makes me who i am i was somebody when i was back there warming by the fire i was somebody when i had no simon in my box for lunch i learned that the lord has been good to me he's brought me a mighty long way now i go to the closet brother jackson and i stand there awhile on saturday night and i decide if this guy will go with this church and make a selection on sunday night i picked out because but i'm mindful that they always been this way i'm thankful that i struggle in my life for a long time i'm mindful that there are some folks who don't want to see me blessed but they don't know my story they don't know where i came from all they see is my right now they didn't see my yesterday when i struggled just to be able to make it but i came by to tell you i will never forget that the lord has brought me a mighty long way every time i get up and i'm able to walk through a house with carpet and i ain't getting us split in my toe from their wood floors i know the love has been good every time i can sit in the house with my wife peter own and it's called those and i just kick up the heat i know the lord has been real good when it's 101 degrees in oklahoma and it's hot here i'm telling you the truth and i'm sitting there and every once in a while it gets so cool i may get a little blanket and throw it across me i'm reminded that the lord has been good when i get up terry and go outside and put my key in a truck and i can drive and not have to walk to the store i'm reminded that the lord has been good y'all don't have to shout with me i'll shout out by myself when i'm reminded that many times in my family nobody went to college nobody went to school to graduate nobody got a chance to rub their heads on the academia wall nobody went by and picked up some sheepskin nobody was able to sit there and walk across the stage when i look back and thank the lord let me go to a little school and rub my head on the wall for just a little while when i walked across the stage and became the first grandchild in the family to receive an academic degree i knew that god had brought me a my long way every time i look back across my life and i see where i was in an old car that smoked up the neighborhood i told y'all before it was rough coming along i put two dollars worth of gas and ten dollars worth of oil and keep on smoking down the road and spoke for mosquitoes and yard leon if you call me i come to your house and smoke for mosquitoes in my little chevrolet and so when i get now in a mercedes-benz that bins don't make me nobody i'm just aware that the life has been good you hating on our own beings when you don't know my story you don't know what i want you don't know what i had in the ride you don't know what i could call somebody they wouldn't come you don't know when people turned me down you don't know when i couldn't get a bank loan they said your credit ain't good enough you don't know what i had to try to grab money and get the best way i could to feed three children you don't remember when the church wasn't paying nothing and you had to get by the best you could you didn't see me then you see me now and you're hating on a little glory you don't know my story you don't know where i come from you don't know what the lord has done every time i shelter i know where i'm shouting i know the goodness of god i taste it of the lord's goodness i know he walked me up this morning i know he laid me down last night i know he's happy this weekend i know i ain't careful this weekend i stretch my hand to him i tell him thank you every day ask there's somebody in here who can tell the lord thank you has he raptured has he kept it is he feeding you any good this morning somebody i've been here i was shout hallelujah this morning he died all by himself ain't nobody like him can't nobody do you like him same thing where you can god nobody will die your called his name god you all say his name god ain't good [Applause] i'll never forget never forget what it's done for me i'll never forget every time i get everything every time i lay down nothing every time i keep on walking on two legs [Applause] every time i sit in an identity jesus i'll never forget what you've done for me somebody here forgot [Music] some of y'all forgot about what he's done for you he ain't done nothing [Applause] i will never forget he closed this by saying wait on the law i will tell y'all here in this audience god is worth waiting on look at where you are now and look at where you've been and somebody should say god you work with me out of all of my opponent i'm going to win until my change comes fear not fret think not forget and if you do that your faith will be stronger that's right lord thank you for the power that's in your word thank you for loving us even in our mess you love us every time we mess up you forgive us you keep on blessings over and over again lord we're thankful that we have a love like that thank you for being our father just keep on treating us the way you do bless this whole world that's reeling and rocking right now we need you to come in and see upon us and when you do listen thank you and give you all the glory in jesus name amen if you want to respond to the savior's invitation take a moment now cars are in the back of the people and fill out that card and we'll take time to wait on you right now all the glory belongs to you all that glory belongs to you all in glory belongs to you god oh god follow the glory [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh god one more time [Music] amen amen teresa elliot sits in the car and she says i need your special prayers please pray for mrs linda sanford and the loss of her husband lawrence please pray for my niece she's dealing with depression that's some of the things i was talking about this morning when god needs to come inside and live with you ethel moore i desire special prayers the homegoing celebration will be august the 15th 2021 at river crest cremation 13 329 south memorial um dr memorial drive and that's in big street oklahoma on the 19th uh august 19th 2021 uh at the cremation three three one three three two nine south i'll put this on the car on the table you can get this to be in bixby oklahoma uh from six until 8 pm please pray for our family thank you all the more and johnson family put this out on the table so that you'll be able to get the address as to where it's going to be and to keep um sister moore that is her brother who is correct that's your brother and let's keep that family and i pray as myrtle norman sends in a car asking for prayers for lester and shirley bradford who are both going through our health crisis at this time also asking three as for traveling race for my daughter and lisa as they journey back from north carolina pray for my family as a whole alexandra tates and in a card she says my sister and i want to thank god for being an awesome god our father mr ferguson is recovering at home and doing well also thank you church family for your love prayers please continue to pray for our family alexander and cassandra ruby billingsley amen ask asking special prayers for a friend whose daughter has been diagnosed with breast cancer and uh miss rubin uh went by yesterday as we say in the country and she celebrated a milestone uh her turn her turn the big six oh hey man she said she's in uh she's in this is the bubble's dangerous quote amen so pray for her and we again salute you lauren smith it says i'm a church member but i've sinned repented i'm asking for prayers please pray to continue to pray for my family i started my sophomore year of college tomorrow continue to pray for them and then lauren we will pray for you and that you be safe and that you also be able to complete a good year louis brown i designed special prayers for my husband douglas brown who is critically ill and i see you at hillcrest our prayers reach all the way over to the hospital we don't have to be there in person once we pray god will stop by hill press and do what he needs to do doris porter prayers for loris brown and family and priscilla brown eastern nathan says pray for the homeless population in tulsa and the world and those of us who attempt to care for the homeless population sister mainly mitchell prayers for the mitch for my health my husband health my family in nashville tennessee the crockett family my family here their health thank god for rosita it's clear is here today sister mitchell amen ken blakely says on thursday all tps students and staff start a new year please pray that we have a safe productive school year and that uh we all stay well and stay safe amen we have a governor who is quite interesting and so we're going to pray for our government i'm gonna leave it at that man y'all know what interesting means right yeah so quite interesting so pray for our interesting uh interesting government uh to all the church of christ i wanted to thank you for all your supportive prayers you've shown my family much love god bless and this is from uh the family of florence fox she's a nice little thank you corey and their appreciation so again we're praying for her did we miss anyone you say my brother um what bishop would you come and lead us in prayer brother brother beyonce would you come now give him somebody oh and thank you thank you thank you that's one of the responses while we're doing this pat mcneal i'll be out of town this week please pray for me thank you for your prayers pat mcgill thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you for the folks across this world and thanks thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] our father in heaven we want to thank you this morning for waking us up seeing us out on our way to worshipful we pray that the things that we've done here this morning have been acceptable in your sight thank you father for your preached word thank you father for its ability to convict us father help us lord to continue to change our lives to be more like your son jesus we come to you now father for those who have lost loved ones comfort the family's father do what we know that you're able to do thank you lord for the blessings of life that you gave us we pray now father for the sick among the congregation those who are healing in one way or another we pray father for those who are caregivers helping father not to grow weary with them to hang in there and stay with your father thank you father for those who serve in this place who continue to hold you up and lift you up father and praise glory and honor we ask father that you will continue to bless us be with the world leaders father be with the pandemic father just do what we know that you're able to hear just help us father to continue to trust you lean on you father help us not to try to understand everything but to just trust that you'll take care of all of you we love you father and we appreciate all that you do for us even sometimes father we forget that it is you that know everything that you do for us it's not us of ourselves but it's you help us father to remain faithful to you help us to continue to love each other and love one another in jesus christ's name we pray amen [Applause] what a word what to do when your faith is real just choose to remember he's been good to us amen amen listen it's given time family it is given time uh malachi 3 and 10 says bring ye all ties into the storehouse that there may be me in my house and prove me now here we'll say of the lord of hosts if i will not open you up the windows of heaven pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it you have several ways you can give on this morning family you can give via our cash app cash out taxes dollar sign north peoria coc again that's dallas sign north to your coc you can get via our church website www.norfolkcoc.org give or you can mail in your gift if you're watching online at 2217 north peoria avenue tulsa oklahoma 74106 and if you're in the building you know how we do it just raise your gift up in the air and somebody will come and grab your gift after we pray we thank god for every giver that's in this room who continues to sow even in the midst of a pandemic season you've been faithful in your giving and god has been blessing us amen uh come on you can talk back to me god has been blessing us it may have not come back in a monetary form but god has blessed us because of our giving and we've been able to bless the community because of the seeds that you saw here at the north york church of christ amen i've said this a long time ago i haven't said it in a while but this is good ground for some of you okay y'all don't love your church this is good brown to and i'll remind you that so let's continue to remember that as we sow our seeds on this morning let's pray god we thank you for every gift and every giver we ask you to multiply that gift back into our lives for the sake of the kingdom for the sake of ministry but also for the sake of our personal lives we thank god that this is not a debt that we owe but it's a seed to get the chance and the grace to sow we bless you in advance for the victory in jesus christ's name we pray amen you may give at this time and if you have a gift just wave it in the air and one of the men will come around and grab your gifts just make sure you have it in the air and someone grab it oh lord i've come i've come to receive to receive you know [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is all your promises [Music] lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] you know i've come to receive is [Music] is [Music] it is that time of the service now for us to take our minds back to calvary every sunday we have this opportunity to be able to communion with god we know where the examiner was found first corinthians chapter 11 verse 23 but more than that we thank him for being a part of his service we thank him for being in our midst we thank him for being god all by himself and for dying on the cross that we might be able to have a right to eternal life let's pray for him lord thank you for this bread which represents your will combined we thank you for this cup which represents your shared blood as we will take up may we do so with our minds focused on you what is in jesus name amen oh jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] one more time oh you've been good to me oh [Music] man up and jesus let me he let me come in he shielded me [Music] so good and strong all i can say is i know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've jesus you're my savior and you've been good to me my master my savior oh and you you've been good you've been so good [Music] can um say to the lord this morning oh you have been good to me yeah yeah you you've been confused you've you've been to me oh [Music] [Applause] when i think about his goodness when i think about his goodness gentlemen what he's done for me it makes you want to ride saying that girl but i ain't done yet when i think about the lord's goodness that's singing yeah when i think yeah you gotta think about what he wants to think about yeah let's stick it down let's give you a verse when i think about the goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] his is gracious is and i see what the lord has done [Music] [Applause] [Music] every once in a while if you're in the house of the lord to get started [Applause] every time i think [Applause] [Applause] on the 20th of this month a few days from now brother malcolm will be in he'll be here on the 20th and i'll be with us for a while and so again we'll ask you to pray for him as he makes his journey uh actually from california he's in california we'll be coming in uh here on the 20th and so excited about malcolm being with if you have some extra bed lemon that you'd like to get rid of and get over to the house and then see brother frank mullens they're going to be buying a bed getting some stuff together so see brother frank mullens and call him would appreciate some extra linen uh bedroom and some pillows so we're doing that so again keep that in mind keep in mind all of those who are sick on those who've lost loved ones this week we are mindful of so many for sad this nation of ours that needs prayer keep keep afghanistan lifted keep haiti as soon as haiti settles in a home or two we will be lifting an offering to send to haiti this is for those of you who are online as well if you want to contribute to that we'll be letting you know we're going to send some aid to haiti but by the grace of god that could be us and i want somebody to send something to us that's what we are at our core we believe in helping other people as best we can uh elders we have announcements we need to make this anything if not but then we'll let jonathan come and uh give our proposing thoughts we have 108 today 108 and we're still building on those who are going to be coming back in keep praying for jonathan had a quick announcement ready to be dispensed what an awesome worship experience we had today i'm telling you i mean if you don't feel him in this place i'm praying for you i'm praying for you i'm telling you it's been a while it is it's been a while since we felt like this can i can i talk to somebody it's been a while since we felt like this and so god is god is awesome listen we're praying for again the educators who are going back on this thursday we're praying for the students as well and we're praying for the administrators and all the support staff who have to work in a time like this so keep them covered in your prayer as we go back on thursday i think that's all the announcements that we have govern yourselves accordingly let's go to the throne of god in prayer god before we ask you for anything we say thank you for everything for the doors you've opened for the ways you've made for the bodies you've healed just this week god we say thank you god we say thank you for sending us a shepherd in the form of dr warren g blakely who continues to pour into us to pastor us even in the midst of a pandemic season we thank you for him god continue to strengthen him touch his mind give him clarity touch his family touch the entire eldership and the deacons here at the church all the leaders who shepherd in this time to continue to push the north peoria church of christ forward god we ask you to touch every student every teacher every administrator every support staff as they go back on this thursday cover them with your blood right now gotta wrap your loving arms of protection around them and no one will get sick no one will get hurt god we buy the spirit of bullying in the name of jesus uh get me behind us satan get it out of the way god keep them and protect them touch their mind god give them everything they need to go forward and be successful i believe my faith that this is going to be a great school year but it's only going to be great if we keep our mind on you so god keep us now as we leave from here but never from your presence and what we'll do is we'll be careful to give your name praise give your name glory and give your name honor god we feel you in this place so continue to carry us as we leave from here to go to our house as god and when we get to our house throw your weight around do what only you can do in jesus christ's name we pray somebody shout amen amen you
Channel: North Peoria Church of Christ
Views: 389
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: dg3fLb4LABk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 48sec (6768 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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