"The Battle Is Not Mine, It's The Lord's!"

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good evening good evening and welcome to the north peoria church of christ bible class hour we're delighted to have you come into the part of the bible class this is indeed the day that the lord has made and i will rejoice hope you'll rejoice with me and be glad and it god is an awesome god he's good all the time and all the time god is good we're waiting on some of those who usually come in for the bible class hour to do so uh we'll see now that sister cooper is here and uh sister kendra nelson is here others will be coming in shortly we're delighted to be uh involved in a study of the word of god sister richardson good to see you tonight sister mcneil uh god is awesome and he is good there's someone in this audience already tonight who know about the goodness of god and we ought to be able to tell god in the midst of all that's going on in this world lord thank you for all you've done for me every once in a while i find myself just going through the house and singing a little bit and telling god thank you for all that you've done for me and so again if you are in that category we know of the goodness of god i don't care what you're going through i don't care what you've been through i don't care what's before you and what's behind you i don't even care what's around you you ought to be able to see and taste of the goodness of god god i wanna say thank you oh lord i wanna say thank you oh lord i wanna say thank you for all you've done for me we're lord i wanna say thank you oh lord i wanna say thank you whoa holy lord i wanna say thank you for all you've done for me is anybody in the house tonight want to join me in telling the lord thank you bless the lord o my soul and forget not all of his benefits uh is there somebody in this feed who know that there's some benefits in serving the lord and that serving the lord will pay off after a while so tag somebody tell somebody text somebody to tell them that the bible class is on tonight it won't be long tonight quick word in just a little bit after we go to god in prayer but before we do that there are some announcements we need to make regarding what's happening uh in and around our church and our brotherhood as well we are again tonight in prayer for the kathy chapman family and the passing of her grandson keandre martin and so we're praying for her and praying for her daughter and praying for the entire family uh in the loss of this young man 29 20 29 years old and so we're prayerful for this family the loss of a young man uh and so we want you to know tonight we're lifting up uh we're talking to god about you and about your care and he will hold you certainly in his hand as you prepare to funeralize your son grandson and your nephew and all of those who are tied into this family we're praying for you we're also mindful tonight of sister esther asbury who was in the hospital earlier for five or six days she's home tonight uh and she's recuperating but has to go back on friday there's just some surgery facing her she still has some things that are necessary for her to get done and so sister asbury we're prayerful for you tonight if you're tuned into bible class we'll asking god to do what he does best and what sometimes only he can do and he'll put his arms around you and protect you and give you what you need to have as you recuperate and as you get ready to go to another surgery we're also mindful of the wilma williams family in the passing of sister wilma williams got a call earlier this week that she passed and so we're keeping that family lifted up in our prayers and the loss of sister wilma williams we want you to know we're praying for you and when we say that we're not just talking lightly we're not just saying something because we have nothing else to say this church is a praying church and when we pray god hears us and he responds and he answers our prayer and so we're going to be praying for all of you on tonight and others who have lost loved ones we're still mindful of sister pettit and the loss of her brother chris uh we're mindful of so many others who lost loved ones in recent days and weeks we want you to know that we have not forgotten about you the tetris family we have not forgotten about you but we're still holding you up in the prayers of our lord we want you to know that that we're doing that and so uh with that in mind in just a moment we're going to go to god in prayer but a few other quick announcements uh please remember that on the haiti mission and relief work uh we are now somewhere around 45 hundred dollars uh close to the 5 000 mark received another uh generous donation today from one of our sisters across the brotherhood sister leslie sanders we thank you for your very generous gift in helping the haiti the haiti mission and relief fund got that on today uh we should be sending five thousand dollars uh to the relief fund just from uh those of you who've sent some things in in one church uh who assisted us uh in the indiana area we are mindful of you and for your generosity and sending uh monies to help with that i spoke today to the preacher uh in the um area there in haiti port-au-prince he's a preacher for the church of our lord in port-au-prince his name is sister a brother brother mcgees pierre i'm going to miss pronunciate that first name but brother pierre is the last name he is the preacher for the church and there in the area he'll make certain that the funds we receive get to the right people uh when you do disaster relief when you do these kind of fundings you want to make sure that the money you raise get to the folks who need it most and brother pierre preaches there a former student at southwestern uh and he is now the preacher there talked with him for about 30 minutes or so today and we are going to be sending those funds to him on monday as we still have people giving money for the haiti relief and so if you have a few dollars we'll be sending it then i'll be giving the address uh perhaps where you can send more monies to him uh if you're not able to get in on this uh you can certainly send more money to haiti but we're gonna be sending hours off very soon and the next few days we're trying to get to that five thousand dollar mark and we're almost there and we'll be sending five thousand over uh to help with the relief uh in the haiti area who's been through so much and so much is going on with them right now so again there's still a moment for you to be able to send some things uh and brother pierre will again be using it to make sure that there's water closed all of the necessary items uh that people need right now they are in dire need uh that will be sending that money over for that purpose and they'll make sure that it's done and make sure that that 5000 is spent for those who are in dire need uh the most needful ones in the area so again we thank you almost at the 5000 mark and we'll be getting that money to them very soon then very soon in the next two or three weeks we'll be reading some money for new orleans for our brothers and sisters down there who are struggling and we're doing this not because we again all of that we just want to make sure that we are that kind of church that assist uh folks who can't help themselves uh one of the great things about a church is that it ought to be concerned about more than itself more than just your members we're all tied together uh and we ought to be able to help those who are standing in need and so we'll do that with a regularity not only in our own community but across the nation across the world to help those who are in need of help so again if you want to participate you can send that by way of cash app to the north peoria church of christ uh cash up dollar sign north peoria coc you can do that or you can certainly uh mail it to 2217 north peoria as some have already done 2217 north peoria avenue tulsa uh 74106 you can do that or you can go to the website and give on the website there's a place to do that to assist in the relief fund for the haitian relief fund so again we appreciate you doing that and let's pray that god will send more than what we're able to send let's pray that across this world others will see the need and will also participate and do what they can to assist in their needs let's take a moment now for those who've lost loved ones for those who are in dire need tonight for those whose hearts are heavy for those who are burdened for those who are looking down rather than looking up for those who are heavy-hearted over family matters those are heavy-hearted over spiritual matters over church matters if whatever your need is right now we're going to take a moment and we're going to go to god and pray and if you will you can just write your need right now into that feed and say look i'm standing blakely and need a prayer tonight and i will take a moment even after i finish here tonight and i will go to god in your behalf and talk to god and when i get on my knees when i talk to god i know he hears and answered the fervent prayers of the righteous and so he will avail himself to doing those things for others that they need to have done so let's take a moment now if you will and talk to our father in heaven lord thank you for being such an awesome god lord thank you for being everywhere at the same time father thank you for hearing this prayer tonight already and for those who've written into the feed for those who are heavy-hearted for those who have financial problems for those who have health problems or those who have children problems for those who are just going through something right now depression anxiety whatever it is father we ask you to minister touch free their spirits and father if you will lift every burden if you will lead them through and help them through what they're dealing with tonight we'll tell you thank you for all that you do father for those who are in haiti tonight who still don't have a bed to sleep in who still don't have clean clothes to put on who still need fresh water to drink who's still in need of a physical doctor we ask that you minister and touch heal over there in haiti right now but those in new orleans who are still suffering and who don't know where the next meal is going to come from bless them tonight father do what you do as god and lord for all those who've lost loved ones whose hearts are heavy who eyes are still filled with tears who still have their moments of sorrow if you will touch them tonight have them to know you didn't make a mistake when you call their loved one but your god all by yourself and father if you do this for us what we'll do is forever tell you thank you forever call your name and lord we want to do that tonight honor you and thank you for all that you do for us in the name of jesus christ our savior we asked all these things never heart that agreed in this audience said amen let's continue to pray for those who are standing in need of prayer tonight now let's quickly get to uh the word tonight that we want to share with you i believe there is a word that needs to be shared i believe there is something that we need to look at tonight that will be helpful to us as we tabernacle in what i call an unfriendly world this world really isn't our home we're just passing through uh we are strangers in this land for it is not really really our home now as we look at a passage in second chronicles chapter 20 uh and the verse is going to be verses 14 through 20 contextually i'll not read all of those verses but i'll give you the heart of the matter uh and beginning in the new american center to read a little bit of this text for you on tonight to give you a gist of what we're talking about the bible says then in the midst of the assembly the spirit of the lord came upon jehaziah the son of zechariah the son of the night the son of jail the son of matthias and then lately levite the sons of asap and he said listen verse 15 listen all judah and the inhabitants of jerusalem king jehoshaphat thus saith the lord to you do not fear amen or be dismayed because of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but gods hallelujah tonight 16 tomorrow go down against them behold they will come up by the ascent of zeus and you will find them at the end of the valley in front of the wilderness of jerusalem 17 you need not fight in this battle listen to this now you need not fight in this battle station your sails stand and see the salvation of the lord on your behalf o judah and jerusalem do not fear or be dismayed tomorrow go out to face them for the lord is with you hallelujah anyhow ah and so tonight i'm going to use for a subject the battle is not yours it's the lord's remember that a few weeks ago for two-part series i talked about let's get dressed it's based upon ephesians six in terms of putting on the whole armor of god that you might be able to stand against the wiles or the tricks of the devil we need to be able to stand when the devil is on the attack when the devil is attacking your family when he's attacking you when he's attacking your health who's attacking your finances when he's attacking the church you need to be able to stand and fight during this battle and so you need to put on the whole armor of god that you're able to stand ephesians 6 but then realize that in this battle that the battle is not yours it is the lord's and so the lord says some things to israel as they prepare to deal with their own battle is there somebody tonight in this feed that's fighting a battle is there somebody fighting a financial battle someone else fighting of spiritual battle somebody's fighting a grief battle tonight you're in war with the devil i want to give you four or five points if i don't get to them all tonight i give them to you in the next couple of weeks number one look at what he says to them while they fight this brother in verse 15 he says to israel do not fear do not fear be not afraid this is god speaking when he tells us as we deal with our issues we deal with our health issues don't be afraid 385 times in the king james version the word fear is mentioned 62 times in the bible it says fear not uh there is not there is a fear not for every second a man of time 26 times the king james version make reference to do not be afraid let me tell you something tonight understand listen to this fear tolerated is faith contaminated hallelujah fear tolerated is faith contaminated i understand that fear and faith cannot exist together either you're gonna have faith or you're gonna have fear which one are you with tonight see if i have faith i can walk by faith i can talk in faith you see faith says i don't know how i'm gonna make it but i am gonna make it faith says i don't know when god is going to come through but i know god is gonna come through faith says i don't know how he's gonna do it i just know he gonna do it we walk by faith so don't be fearful tonight the bible says in isaiah 41 and verse 10 fear not i'm with you isaiah 41 13 fear not i will help you isaiah 43 and verse number 1 fear not i have redeemed thee i have called thee by name and you are mine luke chapter 12 and verse number seven fear not therefore you are more valuable than the sparrow so understand that we can't go through life fearing the battle we can't go through life wondering if god's gonna deliver us from the battle i got news to tell you tonight if you're in the battle of your life if you're struggling with some stuff tonight god will see you through put your put your word on it put your foot on this god will see you through god will not leave you comfortless god will not leave you in the middle of this but i don't care if you're in the hospital room tonight i don't care if the pronouncement on you is is cancer i don't care if they say we don't know how long you're gonna be here god will not leave you in the midst of your battle somebody who's been there somebody who knows someone who's been there may have you been there yourself you know that god is a deliverer he is a rainmaker he's light in darkness and he will make a way for us don't be fearful then he says number two not only must you not be fearful in this battle do not be dismayed somebody who's dismayed tonight what black name what does this made mean in verse number 15 i don't understand the word this but let me help you understand it the word dismayed mean don't thought don't be in tears don't be troubled and don't be overly concerned lately how in the world can i deal with all this stuff and not be stressed out how can i deal with all that i'm handling right now and not be in tears how can i handle problems with my kids and my husband or my wife and not be troubled because understand this what i said to you earlier the battle is not yours it's the lord's why are you fighting a battle that really belongs to god the bible told them when you go out understand that you're not fighting this battle by yourself if you're fighting a battle by yourself and the enemy is greater than you you will not win but there is no enemy that's greater than god there's nobody who can box with god your arms are too short to reach where he lives nobody will defeat you if you walk and talk with him and be not be fearful understand he says don't be dismayed don't be overly concerned oh i know he'll be concerned in this world it's the nature of being in this world to be concerned but don't be overly concerned because some how he's gonna do it we sing this song i don't know how you're gonna do it i don't know when you're gonna do it i only know that god is gonna make a way for me is there a witness in the house is that witness who said i didn't know he was gonna do it that way i didn't know it's gonna come out like that but somehow another the god that i serve will make a way for you oh understand me tonight god is in this battle and the battle is not yours the battle is here don't be dismayed isaiah 40 and verse number 10 it says fear down not for i am with thee nor be dismayed i am god i am god don't be dismayed he says i'm god what does that have to do with anything i'm god i made everything i'm everywhere at the same time i see everything i'm omniscient i'm on the opponent i i am i am i'm all of that i can do whatever i want to do when i want to i'm god i'm elohim i'm el shaddai uh i am jehovah jireh i am anything that you need me to be and so you should not be afraid and be dismayed i'm god the battle isn't yours verse 15 the battle is in yours for the battle is not yours is mine it's good to understand that in this battle that we're fighting that the help that we need and i've understood one thing in this world that sometimes in life i don't care how strong you are you need some help i don't care how independent you are i don't even care how wealthy you are somewhere in life your money can do some things for you that need to be done somewhere in life your money can't get you out of everything somewhere in life you're gonna need something and need somebody so understand this tonight god says i'll put them in your way the battle isn't yours so if you need a good lawyer i know some and i'll put them in your way you may not be able to afford them but i'll fix it so they may do it pro bono i know a good lawyer if you need a good doctor you may not have good insurance but i'll lay on his heart to treat you and now there'll even be a cost to it see god has so many options and so many ways he can bless you is there any been on that tonight is there somebody who know he can bless you in so many ways and so he's saying to you tonight this battle that you're involved in is not yours if you're involved with the battle depression and you're going through right now i mean you can't hardly make it because every day is a rough day every day you're looking down you're not looking up every day depression has booked you i stopped by long enough to tell you get up out of your depression you don't necessarily have to have a pill every day you have to have jesus every day jesus can fix it for you jesus is a fix-it person somebody who knows what i'm talking about because he fixed it for you can you say it tonight that yeah blake now i know you're right i was looking down i went through some stuff i got a background i had a felony i had this i had that didn't know if i could get a job i'm talking all the guys who perhaps have been locked up and don't know how you're going to make it your future doesn't look good for those women who have been incarcerated for those who've had children and don't know how you go i'm talking to all of you who got some depression going on tonight all of you that are down harder tonight god can fix it for you god will fix it for you if you turn it over to him if you're at your wit's end and you don't know what's next i stopped by long enough to tell you try god you've tried exception for your headache and you've tried tylenol for your eggs and your fever you've right now you're probing for your pain i stopped by long enough to tell you try jesus she won't do it for you on tonight so again i understand the battle is not yours it is all then i'm gonna stop it tonight with this one finally if you're in a battle tonight and you're fighting position yourself right position yourself right that's in verse number 17. he told them don't go to the back of the line go to the front of the line put yourself in the right position to win the battle you are not the tail you are the head the head moves the tail he says to you if you're in a battle tonight don't go to the back of the line go to the front of the line then he says when you go to the front of the line guess what you will not have to fight the battle at all today because i'm gonna fight it for you move to the front of the line stop being the tail and become the head stop watching things happen and let god do it for you is there somebody in this field tonight who position yourself let me tell you this last thing and then i'm done for tonight not only do i move to the front of the line the other position that i'm glad i have tonight and i would the god you have is that i'm positioned in christ oh yes i have a position all right i a position to myself in the lord i'm in christ and because i am in christ i'm entitled to all the blessings in christ i'm entitled to everything that god has for me because i'm positioned in christ guess what all spiritual blessings are in christ jesus everything i need god got it and i am positioning him well blatantly how do you get in christ i'm glad you asked me that question as i close you're getting christ by accepting the lord as your savior you're getting christ by parting ways with the world and trying your best to live for god you're getting christ by going in the waters of baptism romans 6 and verse number 4 and washing your sins away when you get in the body of christ then every battle that you fight to the last battle god will see you through you see i know that satan is mad tonight with a number of us because whatever goes on in our lives we accept it we move forward because we know god got it i told someone today when they asked uh for prayer i said god's got you when i say that i mean god will see you through god will see you through some of the last words i want to say to you for those who are struggling for those who are really really having it difficult right now with this pandemic with all of the stuff that's going on so you may have the delta virus or you've had covert 19 some of you are jobless when you're looking for jobs now jobs are hard to find you're trying to be safe you're sanitizing every few moments you're trying to make sure your children are safe in school those of you who are teachers and principals administrators you're wondering how long we're going to be in school you're dealing with families while you're trying to do all of this god's got you if you came home this evening from work and you were filled with anxiety filled with the pressures of this world in this society god's got you if you tonight a word about a son or a daughter that you're trying to raise in this cricket crooked world god's got you trust god do your part and i guarantee you god will do the rest when you're in battle remember as i finish all next week the battle is not yours this battle is the lord so stop trying to fight the battle yourself throw both hands up and say lord i can't handle this by myself i need somebody stronger than me and i need something inside of me stronger than what's on the outside and he'll fill you with this spirit and he'll take care of you through your trials let's pray lord thank you for being god all by yourself thank you for those in this feed who are struggling but now they're going to reach their hand out to you and give their hearts and their lives to you thank you for those who began this broadcast down in spirit but they're leaving it feeling better about their lives thank you for the word which is able to penetrate and give into our lives and make us better folks thank you father for all that you do for us all that you give us for every needed blessing for food when we're hungry when there are so many in the world who go to bed hungry every night for shelter when it's warm and cold outside when there are thousands and millions who lay on the ground for bed every night thank you that our children are safe when so many of them are in jail and parents don't know where they are thank you for all of our blessings if we ever remiss and forget this i thank you we're doing it tonight we know that every good gift and every perfect gift come from you we love you and we adore you we thank you in advance for the blessings that are on their way is in jesus name we pray amen amen and amen if this lesson has been helpful to you at all then i want you right now to uh press the share button uh as many times as we can share this lesson it can bless those lives of so many people so many folks who are hurting in this world never assume because you're doing okay that everybody else is doing okay never assume because you're full that everybody else is full there's some hungry folks it might be able to bless somebody to be able to help those who are hungry share this tonight share this lesson and i appreciate you doing so now if you remember that we are at the building on saturday from 12 to 3 to take your offering and to give you the communion join us this coming sunday morning i feel like there's going to be a powerful word given on this coming sunday when i was out of town on last week but i'm back on sunday morning and i've got something that you want to hear on this coming sunday do not forget if you have a donation for haiti uh cash effort in tonight if you don't want to cash up it into the church uh mail it in to 2217 north peoria uh and tulsa oklahoma 74106 or go to the website and give this is absolutely the last week we're going to be doing it you may be able to send it to them directly but this is our last week so again if you want to do that and help those in haiti you can give tonight and give the rest of the week and may god wrap you up in his love hold you in his tender care until we get together again bid you're very pleasant good evening you
Channel: North Peoria Church of Christ
Views: 219
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ob0w9zgzs0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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