"Be Still & Let God" | Morning Worship Warren G. Blakney Sr

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hey [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Applause] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] ain't nobody [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] peace [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the cheering [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus jesus come on clap your hands and give god your body come on i'm looking for some praises this morning who are excited about being in the house of the lord this morning come on come on amen we're so excited on behalf of dr juan g lady who is our senior pastor and the entire leadership here at the north peoria church of christ we thank you so much for tuning in or even being in this sanctuary with us on this morning and man for those who are watching online even those over the sanctuary press that share button if you can so we can share this message on this morning let's be digital evangelist let's share this message those are watching on our youtube channel this morning we say thank you so much for tuning in make sure you press that subscribe button if you're a first-time visitor guest watching online one of our team members will check in with you say something to you and thank you for tuning in you know people watch us from all over this country uh come on come on come on people watch us from all over this country we're so thankful for those who decide to tune into the state of state for just checking in let us know which state what city uh you are watching from just a few announcements before we begin our worship experience if you have a prayer request even if you're sitting in the sanctuary and you don't want to write a card out you can email those prayer requests to us at northwc gmail.com or you can go right to our stream and type it in the comments and we were out of those prayer requests because north peoria church christ is praying church amen and and then listen we want to continue to pray for the family of sister matty franks in her passing we want to pray for that entire family keep them lifted up at this time of bereavement also we want to pray for jackie cade's eye sister marie edward hunter and her passing as well to continue to keep all of those families in prayer during this time of losses everybody in the sanctuary and i know i'm a witness knows how it feels to lose someone very close to them someone you love someone you could never imagine leaving this earth so continue to keep those families lifted up uh in prayer amen that's all the announcements i have for this morning more announcements will come during the furtherance of this service but i'm excited about the word this morning anybody else oh come on [Applause] [Music] uh yeah i'm excited about the word this morning listen let's go to god in prayer god of heaven we come to you first of all before we ask you anything we say thank you for everything thank you for being a waymaker uh thank you for being a hard fixer thank you for being a mind regulator god we actually come into the service to do what only you can do throw your weight around in this place heal deliver and set free bless our man of god touch him from the top of his head to the souls of his feet give him the strength to stand flat put it in this pool pit to preach your unadulterated gospel what we'll do is we'll be careful to give you your name praise glory and i don't know i gotta know many of us walked in here with some heart aches and some pain but god we ask you right now to take anything out of us that's hindering us from giving you all the praise the glory and the honor that you deserve because we didn't deserve your grace and your mercy but you freely gave so god help us praise your name for what you've done and what you will do in the future we bless your name in the facts in jesus christ's name you pray somebody ought to shout amen and and again i'm excited i'm excited i'm ready to give god the best praise he deserves let's let's worship you but just a moment you are my strength straight blind [Music] yes you are [Music] you are my strengths [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] is me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stronger [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] reaches me good morning our scripture reading this morning is selected from colossians chapter 3 beginning at the first verse and it reads as follows therefore if you have been raised up with christ keep seeking the things above for christ is seated at the right hand of god set your mind on the things above not on the things that are on earth for you have died and your life is hidden with christ and god when christ who is our life is revealed then you also will be revealed with him in glory dear god we approach your throne this morning to say thank you father for waking us this morning allowing our feet to touch the ground making our way to the house of birth so thankful and grateful to see everyone this morning father here that has gathered it's been a while since we all were together like this and we just say thank you thank you for our health and our strength for the love we have for one another knowing father that we have a god that supplies all our needs we wanted to say asking quads to bless the cave family this morning we know that they are saddened and heavy-hearted we ask that you just comfort them be with the friends family pray father that they will be comforted may we all be a source of strength to them we're asked to be with those that are sick those that could not make it out this morning that are that are home in their beds suffering from pain and mysteries we just ask that you comfort them be with their caretakers father as they care for them whereas father that you put a blanket of protection around all of us yeah keep this variant that is touching lives [Music] bringing kovie kovet back into our lives father we know that you are always there to provide and do the things for us that are needed but we ask for protection be with brother blakeney so thankful and grateful he was able to visit his mom and we pray father all things are well with her and that he surely and confidently know that you will take care of her just bless us all father as we go through our lives we go through so many things sometimes we're up sometimes we're down but help us to always know and remember that you are god and beside you there is none of it thank you father for this is our prayer the bread in christ jesus name amen a man and a man again i'm just going to serve in the congregation anybody excited about the word this morning let's continue to praise our god for who he is i see what almighty god [Applause] look at them [Music] uh [Music] [Music] look [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] for you you have to [Music] [Music] me up [Applause] [Applause] until then oh you want [Music] oh tell them amen we ought to run and tell we'll get it corrected here in a minute we're on a run and tell that oh you're glad to go live this morning thank you this morning for just doing what he has done all the way through this pandemic he kept you he put his hand down so that satan could do you know i'm glad to serve god that is able to take care of me that can put me on his back and take care of what i need to be taken care of this is a good day to be in the house of the lord if you're here is only good by his grace to all those who are online with us has been online with us now for 14 15 months since we've been tuning in every sunday we're glad to have our online members and for those of you who have been supporting this world and supporting this ministry all the way through you are a blessing to us and to all of our online members good morning to you glad to have you in the house by we are virtuousness on this morning so we are appreciative for you and what you have done i might have a quick announcement our minds are certainly get up and if it got really good to her she started packing her hands she didn't mind if you looked at it while she packed her hands she just enjoyed herself in the house of the lord when you can enjoy yourself and uh there was a post on facebook the lauren was put on there she was up she had her hands blown and she was enjoying herself in church you can do that over here you can enjoy yourself in the house of the lord and so certainly heaven is richer because they have another angel that's there in the corridor so we are certainly mindful of the frank's family uh as a matter of fact someone's passed away they need service uh to help the family out in terms of serving the american funeral service at the 36th street event center and these people to help serve them after the funeral is over that film will be this coming tuesday at 10 a.m so they're expecting to serve 164 and so certainly that means they need some folks to come out and to assist and serve you can do that see a brother danny daniels i think if you don't know who danny is [Music] is in the lord just francis talked earlier and when you know the law when you know the law it makes the passing of a loved one just a little easier because their works do follow them so again continue to raise that family owned and prayer brother lawrence's francis all of those who are associated with that family pray for them i appreciated praying so very much with my mother we were down five or six days and the mother had fallen and uh couple of times and so she's no longer able to really stay right now by herself we're able to arrange care for her and get her medicines and accept her squared away for the service to take care of her home health and some other things so again thank you for your prayers for her continue to lift her up right because prayer changes things and pray them change things forever change you yeah so listener [Music] in your prayers and ask god to be with her we're mining again so many people we're still praying for those who are in hospitals and those who are unable to be with us returning now to psalms chapter 46 we're got a visit this song again been there before but there's more meat on the bone we didn't get all of the meat off the bone the last time and i'm going to be there for a little while on this morning in psalms 46. i'm going to particularize this verse number one to verse number 11. certainly goodness came back from the holiday safe some of you were out of the city through the fourth of july and god gave you travel awards and you were able to be back here and to be in the house of the lord i'm going to the gentleman to make a quick announcement after we have finished today but the gentleman is now the new minister of evangelist of the southside church uh in montgomery alabama amen [Applause] [Music] the man of god who's going to be standing in the pulpit every sunday down in my home state of alabama tell them about the god that he served so we're very happy for him uh as he takes on that initiative in just a few months from now uh we'll be praying for the transition that things will go well for him as he does what god has called him to do and that is to preach the marvelous truths of god's word and his absence for the mountain with us for some time he's been coming back in and now we've become our worship leader so we're still going to see you all today on sunday morning and have a marvelous time in the lord dr kennedy will be with us sometime after uh labor day weekend he's going to be coming back here and so you all know what the mountain can do as well so get ready we're still gonna have a good time we'll be looking at jonathan and keeping up here too trying to see what's happening down in alabama and he'll tell you more about that near the end we're very proud of the young men who accomplished this program but now jonathan was ordained as a minister of god about uh a month or so ago and so uh his other men talked with dr jeremy clown named him and so our dane preachers be churches and so he got one and he's [Applause] that moment he hasn't been able to experience the real movement that we have and he'll come back and we'll have him experience that real cuckoo uh that we missed you know because and no place like this anywhere this is the right place we're certainly glad that god stopped coming by for a while uh as we prepare our minds to show god so much has been going on this has been a devil week the devil has been visited and the devil is always busy for some which he's busier than us and so god is over the devil and god amen has the devil hasn't asked god for permission so in a devilish week but with it being a devilish truth god thank you for loving us even when we are sometimes unlovable thank you for caring about us more than we even care about ourselves thank you for every person in this building and those who are online for see some of us need you for one thing and some of us beat you for something else but one thing in common is that everybody who's listening need your god because we can't make this journey without you touch everybody down here lift them up this morning be with those who have been sick a while be with general brown noble who's been sick a long time comfort her spirit and have one know that you still got and then she's in your hand be with this crowd this morning that's online in this building that something might be safe it calls us to be better today than we were yesterday yeah just help us be better fit servants for your kingdom speak to us through your word and lord we'll hear you and we'll strive to be the kind of saints that you want us to be just hold us when this whole world has ended for us we step across the swelling tide of joy meet us when we foster chile walls and give us a home where the wicked will cease from troubling us may we hear those words well done and that would be enough in the name of him who stood on the puzzle of the wind and told the wars peace be still in the name of him who stood at a four day old grave and called the dead man his name is jesus mary's baby in his name we were amen amen [Music] [Music] y'all [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank [Music] thank you thank you [Music] you've oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in my life [Music] is thank [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey [Music] somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] only the strong need a place to run when things get tough i don't care how strong you are every now and then the devil will get busy and you need somewhere to run to and so this song when i read it i'll give you the backdrop well let's read at least a few verses that it says in verse number one god and the word for god hears the word elohim there are no names for god but this name god here is the word evil king which means the manifestation of god in three and three personalities it means god the father god the son and god the holy spirit this star elohim is our refuge and strength [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever that god is right there he is a person when i'm in trouble and lord knows my lord i don't care how good still sanctified you are trouble gonna find your efforts you don't have to look for trouble trouble will find you huh if you don't matter the message [Applause] [Music] will find you i don't care how good how strong how spiritual you are get ready for some trouble and it says therefore in verse number two will not be fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea he said look if there's a catastrophe is there something monumental that happens there's something happening that you have no control over don't worry about it yeah why because god in verse 4 is what is a present help to do what you can do for yourself hallelujah so if it was swallowed the mountains carry to the sea don't worry because god is that verse three though the waters thereof rule and betrothal the american shape with the swelling thereof [Applause] the holy place of the terrible necklace of the most high then verse 5 god is in the midst of earth she shall not be moved god shall help her and that right early this is a reference to the cherish see the old testament is the new testament conceived the new testament is the old testament relief this is a reference to the church he's saying whatever must come to the church don't get along because god is a messed up whatever the church look like it's going through something don't get nervous don't walk away always see what's gonna happen to the lord's church god owns this church and because god owns this church though the mountains be moved through the waters road those stones behind god is is the mission and the church is going to be okay when i die the church told me okay when you die the church is going to be okay but all of us in here are dating all the church will be okay you stop worrying about what's gonna happen to norfolk this is god's church lord is to stand on this grand open called the fire the bible says no heaven and earth shall pass away my word will stand forever the church is in good hands because it belongs to the lord i wish i had somebody a man who understood that the church is all right it's all right don't worry about it then uh verse 5 god is in the midst of her and it shall not be moved for him in verse 16 he's been raised the kingdoms were moved he uttered his voice and the earth melted and god can speak and men believe and you can't explain why they live the only way you can explain why they still living is to say one word it's an open line right now the doctors can't explain why they're still here but when they ask you i can say lord god yeah yeah you're still doing well you lost your job in the middle of the packaging and you still ate you still had a man this weekend you still had a house to live in you still had groceries in your cabinet how could it happen [Music] this song was written during the time of hezekiah hezekiah can be found this is just parallel to this psalm can be found in isaiah 36 and isaiah 37 you see in isaiah 37 and verse 15 hezekiah praying because in chapter 36 of isaiah a guy named selection came he prayed he said god this is a battle that i can't fight by myself i need some help so god look at this that night that heaven god woke up in angels say get out i got a mission for you go down to israel and i want you to kill 185 soldiers one angel came from heaven and killed a hundred and eighty-five thousand people one angel what age imagine what ten angels can do i'm glad he's watching through me all day and he watches with me all night i'm glad that one angel is enough i don't have to have 10. if one of you can kill 185 [Applause] watch it over here [Music] yeah yeah yeah this song was sung by the women when you get the introduction to this song uh this particular psalm is addressed to the chief musician of torah that goes back to moses and the lyrical priesthood when this song was song it was song in the surprise women were the ones who signed this song huh after that there's a job for women in the church i'm glad that y'all can do more than watch communion has some skills you'll find a place in the body of life amen getting flat now from just having a woman who sees you [Music] brother [Music] hallelujah [Music] this church as we move aggressively forward and my days in in the pulpit it needs to be taught so that when some young man uh comes here he doesn't have to deal with stuff that is [Music] one of my critics one of my critics said this week that it's time for a young man to be in the pool but i agree with him that time has it's time for a young guy to come in here and take this church to a different ocarina and then for your affirmations to look at your slaves now because it's a poor guy that don't plan for success [Applause] so all the critics were listening this morning we're playing it over here of the old stuff traditionalism that we have done and we've had it's time for that to be gone from the body of christ [Applause] amen to give a woman don't sit a microphone us to see if you got a microphone hey man she can sing without a microphone in the name of me you're in the room [Applause] microphone [Music] [Music] the greatest number of people we have attended in church all across this nation and every church on women we can't find jobs for them to do in the body of christ whatever that ain't set for long machine preaching trying [Music] so here it is here it is it says in isaiah uh 37 and isaac 36 he prayed and one angel came and one aim to kill a husband amen 87 000 men and i'm glad that he says in verse 11 verse 10 i don't get to that verse real quick and didn't finish up because y'all can't take too much voice verse 10 he says now when he finishes all these dissertations he says in verse 10 he said be sealed the first premise is to be seen in this world of motion business activity is hard for us to be seen we need to learn how [Music] to receive it when you get a mess don't try to handle it yourself just is hitting you [Music] but i've learned how to do the spiritual overview this is boxing man just hit somebody yeah i learned how to do the spiritual robot you see well how would i leave was in the rain when the opponents that were stronger than him so what he did is that he didn't hit him back many times he would just protect himself [Music] [Applause] warned is somebody lying on you somebody knew something in heart would have learned when you steal god if [Music] that's my personal thing for this year all year long i've been saying and i'll close out some of my sessions by saying what he do is that witness won't he do it won't he feed you when you're hungry won't it brings you up with your sick [Music] the nice show is a term where i say i know someone but don't really know i was in the audience a few weeks ago when president biden was here as close to him in my other gentleman i know him i know what i'm saying i know his voice sit there look at that but only jill for 40 likes jill roy is very very pajamas jill knows his favorite relatives jill knows his favorite vacation spot see jill epic when folks say something about you don't get upset because they really don't they may know how you look they might know how you dress let me know how you talk but when it comes down you're ready you know me but you know only what i let you know hallelujah you see it says be still and what no so that means you got to get to know him done get to know him because if you don't know him you're missing something [Music] [Music] [Music] in the country we didn't have computers and laptops and cell phones we didn't have games we didn't have internet so back in the day we played children again heaven [Applause] huh when you found a good hiding place the person who was trying to get you out couldn't get you out before you got when they were looking for somebody else you could go get your husband because you found i have found me a heart [Music] [Music] number one in the old testament god is called the fountain of living waters jeremiah 2 and verse 13. but sometimes i need a little more than a counselor then in the new testament he's called the whale john 4 and verse number 13. but then sometimes i need more than a whale i need [Music] he said the holy spirit was a will of living more each one is deeper than the other and i've learned as you grow older you ought to get a little deeper i've learned as you've been for years on your body you ought to be a little deeper than you were when you were in your 20s how can you be fought 50 67 80 years old and still about the same stuff you were fussing about when you were 20 years old someone [Music] [Music] you ain't [Applause] [Applause] i believe in god's plan and i'm leaving god's presence he's never praying for him in a time as i close this morning i came to tell you that when you look at psalms 46 ah hezekiah prayed in isaiah 37 verse 15 but hezekiah made preparations he knew that the assyrian army was coming to kill me so what he did was he ordered his eye to divert water from outside the city to inside the city because he didn't want to sure his ways to be defeated was for the enemy to cut off your laws [Music] so he told uh his men i want you to do a watered up true rock for 1700 feet to divert water from outside the wall to inside the water then i want you to cover up the source of where the water comes from so that the opposing army can't get the war and so when this syrian army came against hezekiah they weren't able to win they were not that was happiness because there was one i couldn't tell you i know the fountains of the living wars his name is jesus won't it be [Applause] and no the one that god held him is my refuge all of my strength comes from the lord he said earlier in psalms i not sleep he said the law is the shame on my right hand the lord will not allow the moon to smite in my life now the sun by day he said the lord will protect my voice and my coming out that's why every day when i get up i lift up my eyes i'm just i know god is able he can do anything fail i learned to turn my problems over to god i hand them to god every day and said this is something i can't handle but i know you can do it and god has sought everybody for me that i need to have fun when i went just last week down in the tough solution i had a personal battle of fight how do i get resources for an 85 year old how i'm going to find the resources to help my mother what i'm going to be 13 hours away i have problems and i'm here still so the first thing i did when i got to the house and found her condition may believe that i prayed with mother and said everything it's gonna be all right my prayers i believe when you talk to god god hear you when you pray and i say love i need your enemy and help me find some resources i don't have a wisdom to do it all by myself before i almost have to pray i have a lover that i grew up with that grew up on a mother that i gave power to and said i know somebody that can come to your mother's house and stay with your mother and provide care for her for all the time that you need i said love holding do it they're called my mom's daughter and i said i think she's on medicaid herself and i think that's why she's having these falling out spares and i said you need if you will just to examine what she's doing with the meds one is a narcotic and she takes it for nerves and she's overdosing on that pill cause another doctor told me that that pill can cause that problem so she went to the doctor and the doctor said i had no phone but she was saying i was here and she said i'll examine your mother and i find that she is using that pill a little too much so what i'm going to do is cut the dust back and i'm going to let the folk you got [Music] [Applause] but i'm talking to god every day won't he be a weight maker won't if you learn how to pray if you learn how to ask god can you learn to tell god your problems and you learn to say peace in the middle of the storm if you learn to hold on when things get rough give you the love and say lord i believe you right now he comes god is a very personal i believe all of us lord thank you so much for being that god to us that we need in times of peace we're living in unprecedented times we've never seen a pandemic in our lives we didn't know what to do but you showed us you moved us from the building [Music] but out of the building we did more work for you sometimes than we did you showed us that the building is good but your shoulders is not necessary to do the work thank you for every blessing that you continue to give us that we don't deserve [Music] thank you for being a present help in a time of joy we now break the needs of everybody who need you and lay them at your feet and say lord move and do those things for us that we need to have done we realize that you're not an error boy [Music] we realize that you can move because we ask you to so today i'm asking you to move with those folks those folks across this country move for them move for those of us in this building who need you to move from us we're looking for you right right now father to do for us what we're all unable to do for ourselves what we will do at the end of the day in the name of our savior jesus to offer this prayer and send it out and say amen amen amen if you need to respond to the lord's invitation there are hearts in the back of the pew take that apart now fill out that part we're going to take a moment and we're going to listen to what you have to say about the heart and we'll read those prayer requests if you need prayer whatever you need write it on the card and the elders will [Music] in just a minute and we'll make those requests known to god let me say this now that those who are out of service because they have immune problems they're not able to take the shot because the doctors have asked them not to take the shot so again if you have immune problems and you're one of our members then contact the office this week contact me this week we're going to try to provide an opportunity for you to get back in service in the next week or so because you will never be able to take the shot so there are standards that we're going to use to get you back that number members have immune problems they cannot get fully invested so let us know because we want to get you back in service then in the next week or so if you have a teenager at 16 and below we're going to be able to let you back in services as well as we will have them wear masks and be a big part of this service so it's time we get as many quote back in as we possibly can so make sure you hear this on the announcement if you have immune problems then contact you guys this week we're trying to work to get you back in so you can praise god with us uh inside this building we will go over you what the standards are for those who have immune difficulties to be able to get back into the house of the law and if you have children that are 16 and below then we will certainly work with you and giving your children back in services as well so it's time now to work it all out and get both the back and moving forward and don't get as sick as we can because the delta virus is still there there were more new cases of the delta virus last week than that were since early may so it's still alive it ain't gone but we know how to handle the betterment so something about how we have used our procedures to get it back first of all i don't mind you because we're gonna do it as safe as we can my shoulders are bigger than the bus yeah it's all right but if nobody died [Music] if you have children 16 and below i'm gonna work with you this week trying to get you back into the house of the lord is that not all right leo hey god dude [Applause] it is giving time second corinthians chapter nine verse six says this i say he was so experienced while also reasonably who he who sought bountifully will also reap bountifully so each one should give us a purpose in his heart not gradually why because god loves a cheerful gift you have some ways you can give up this morning via our cashback our cash north peoria coc again that's dallastine north peoria coc or you can give via our church website north www.northpeoriaclc.org avenue tulsa oklahoma 74106 if you're in the audience you can leave your gift as you leave out today or just hold your gift up in the air and somebody will come and let that gift for you we thank everybody who continues to sow into the ministry here at the north peoria church of christ we thank you for those who watch online who continue to sow into this ministry of north peoria church of christ and i'm telling you you will reap what you sow and so we thank you so much for every gift to every giver let's pray god we thank you again for every gift you've ever given this morning we actually multiply it back into our lives of the sacred ministry for the sake of our personal lives but also for the sake of the kingdom this is not a death that we go but this is a seed we get the chance and the grace to sow we thank you in advance in jesus christ's name we pray somebody shout amen you may give at this time all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you oh god oh god come on is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah is [Music] yes [Music] this is the time that i look forward to the offering [Music] but we actually take our minds back account and as i go back to calgary sometimes when you read luke 23 saint john 19 and you hear the hammering and the spirit where there are three processes that have been built one for two thieves at the center cross for the master of discipline and you think about what they did again i told you this morning what one angel did yeah he could have called ten thousand ranges he could have slayed everyone had put him across and come down on the cross but he hung there because he looked down [Music] to july 11 2021 he saw a hundred and two people at the north period church that he needed to die and for each one of us in this building your name is written in the middle [Music] it was his love that held him to calvary's cross aren't you glad he loved us [Applause] [Music] in the bible we often quote foreign [Music] do this in remembrance of me lord we remember you [Music] lord thank you that we have this opportunity to meet you every sunday gather around your table and fellowship with you in the midst of us thank you for this time of fellowship we will use our bodies in your service and already remember the christ that was made what is in your name we thank you and we ask it all in jesus name amen blessed you together we are here only because he did god that he still lives down right now yeah we got up on something thank god [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh lord i know [Music] oh this morning my [Applause] [Music] [Music] the future yes is [Applause] [Music] i know is looking down at me this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] this morning [Applause] oh [Music] happy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] amen amen mr nathan says i want to thank god for traveling grace last week please pray for me and my family also please pray for my coworker for their health for their well-being thank you for your prayers sister jackie cain said please keep my family in prayer thank you for your prayers pray for dustin he is fighting public 19. please pray for um [Music] hassan and his family they may move away keep them lifted stephen and shanice keep them lifted up in prayer sean came sean says pray for my coworker your grandfather will pass and also ask god for wisdom [Music] mitchell says pray for my health my husband held for the deep family for the crockett family for the bias family and for the world thank you for your prayers mr bones daniels please stream for my mother and me as we travel to north carolina for a return home pray that things will be okay for her because she wants to go home robert cooper shelton please pray for me and for my siblings and for my children thank you for your prayers mr louis johnson thank you for the like that god has and is still blessing me thank you um and she's asking for my prayers god got him back god got her back i know god has outbacks love you she says another day reporter david says i ask prayers for better health and ability to listen and to not have acknowledgement [Music] and listen to advice realize that i'm so right thank god for bringing me back bringing me back from that scary time in my life thank god for giving me strength [Music] i don't know all your names right now you know that someone asked for prayer and defeat we're going to bring your needs down to god and ask god to help us with all this going on with us in our lives right now i'm going to ask for the bishop to come and lead us to pray for these folks and leaders and behalf of those who have come this morning and on behalf of those [Music] who need you we need him shall we our father heather we come to you this morning first of all thank you lord thank you for this opportunity that we've come here this morning too to worship you we pray that the things that we've done here this morning i've been pleased and acceptable in yourself thank you for the message thank you for the power that's in your word in order to change our lives help us to be more like your son jesus we ask soundcloud for your blessings from the cave family and the frank's family following your loss we asked that you would comfort that family right we know that you can be with those fathers who were struggling with code ask to take care of uh we know that you're in control of this and we know father that you can not fail anything so just help us father to trust you and believe that you'll do what is in our best interest thank you lord for all those that have responded this morning yes give them what they need mom thank you for loving us and keeping us in your love of care thank you father for the forgiveness of sin that we have through your son jesus and we ask now that you will forgive us when your wrongdoings have been done thank you for taking taking care of us and keeping us in your grace in jesus name amen two quick announcements again those who have immune problems and you're not able to take the shots and please call the office call the office this week so we can work on getting you back into service and a number of members that have some health problems and so the doctors have advised them not to take the shots again [Music] can i bring my child bring my grandchild can i bring my kids yes i'm gonna work with you and getting them back in so again call the office we'll give you a date we can get that back and it'll be the next week so we'll get you back in service so we're gonna have you all in service uh and praising god uh do pray for the nation we have only 47 percent of the nations vaccinated uh the delta virus is beginning to go in numbers and our number four we're still dying from that disease so pray for our nation on the first sunday in august we will not be able to have a homecoming the way we usually do but everybody who's been able to get in will be here on the first day of august we're going to have dr office here from atlanta uh the renaissance church will be here uh and he's going to be preaching to us since sunday morning if you haven't heard of this in a while and heard of in person y'all absolute delight [Music] [Music] as well and we're going to have a marvelous time in the lord we're trying to get uh warren jr will be here uh mountain is ready to be here so we're gonna have a great team hallelujah goodbye [Applause] [Music] man so we're gonna certainly go and have a great time that first weekend and all of these men of god so pray for that weekend and for their help that god will keep them strong now my elders were missing in the announcement that need to be made if not gonna [Music] historic city of montgomery alabama uh so get ready uh to hear great things from him as to what he's gonna do down in my home state and in the city of montgomery that's the city where the bus company started in 1955 the rose parks [Music] opportunity to be able to serve this outside church of christ montgomery in this capacity but i'm also grateful for dr warren g blakely for allowing me to serve here with the north view of church of christ even in the midst of a patent and i'm very grateful and thankful for dr blakely yes yes so again i'm thankful for dr clayton thanks for the opportunity to serve and you know uh just watching some places i leave at the end of september my first sunday will be october 3rd the first sunday in october where i begin serving at the south side church of christ montgomery just a reminder for uh sister maddie frank's funeral will be on this tuesday at the 36th street event center from correct at 10 am so let's come out and support uh that family in their time of grief also just a reminder we are still refilling our pantry thank you for those who dropped our items for us to refill our passion we're still serving families every month and we still want to be a blessing in the community amen i'll say it again we still want to be a blessing in the community and feed those and be consistent [Music] yourself accordingly let's pray a god of heaven we thank you for again this opportunity that we've had this morning to come and worship your heart in your name god has been better to us than we've been to ourselves and we thank you for that god we thank you for the word we thank you for your man servant in the form of dr warren jesus lady god continue to strengthen him even in his weak places continue to strengthen his mother cover her protection right now as she's down in alabama god be with her she lose every day god keep our family together here in the north of europe just to try to unify us strengthen us in any place we need strength and what we'll do is just be careful to give you your name praise glory and honor we thank you god we love you in jesus christ's name we pray amen [Music] foreign you
Channel: North Peoria Church of Christ
Views: 379
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 04kVXkbP2IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 19sec (6619 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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