Living Waters - Bishop Jackie McCullough

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I know I don't have to sound like I have a lot of energy but donning my soul is a jump in my soul you know why because he's so good I'm excited amen and and you have to come to a place that if nobody else go with the Lord you're going by yourself amen you have to come to that point where if nobody else want him you better want him for yourself you don't know what's gonna happen to your friends or to your children or whatever you know they might go to a hella fide life but you're going by yourself and I'm going all the way with God tonight I meet my soul his satisfied they used to say my heart is fixed and my mind is made up amen and I feel oppressing my soul tonight I know you're quiet and said Danny I know what y'all come on here for but I'm telling you I feel a present my soul there's a lot of evil but there's a lot of grace amen and I thank God for being on the great side amen I don't care what's going on in the world so many things are happening is changing so fast the evil plots of the enemy you know is taking shape so quickly and you can become intimidated and fearful it you know wondering what's going to happen it but I'm telling you my soul is satisfied because the same God that brought us this far is the same God that's when it taken Civello forever and he's able Saints he's able don't you underestimate his ability I said he's able to do exceeding and above all that we ask he's able to see something in your life tonight amen praise the Lord and I'm holding on to the horns of the altar I'm not letting it go as I believe that God is going to do great things to the stream as we welcome here we welcome you we thank you this is a Tuesday now we know but it's a Tuesday night that God ordained and women to receive high evenings are very one to the stand quickly we believe amen we're gonna give unto them as unto the Lord remember you can give electronically also if you didn't give your assessment on Father's Day it's not too late to give your assessment tonight amen it's not too late praise the Lord amen many of you are giving online right now if you need an envelope that ushers will accommodate you praise the Lord let's raise our offering high lord we do thank you we thank it because you have given a seed you said you give seeds for the sower and we don't know what kind of harvest we're getting but we know we get in arles and so we thank you God for the seed and we thank you for the harvest prove yourself to your people tonight in a very special way in Jesus God is good [Music] I will [Music] he's my daddy [Music] my daddy [Music] that's why I don't [Music] that's why I'm [Music] that's why that's why it made me see it it okay master Robin is the anointed one today [Music] like a secret secret ballot or something they they really wrapped is a real night [Music] this is the crystal [Music] amen you'll see a reverend the train and they will tell him exactly how this woman is a man thank you for and you know she was standing back being there tonight always on her post and nobody is here she's here and I was going to make a comment about that but the Lord had agreed to come a man be encouraged he's concerned about your stewardship he's concerned about your finances amen praise the Lord praise the Lord I had a dream and I don't you know like to tell my dreams too much but I I feel that to tell this dream I had a dream that the enemy attacked and vegan Josh Braxton he was sitting over there right next to Katrina on the front row and he just got through preaching and he went almost like into a seizure cuz the enemy wants to destroy him because he loves the Lord and the Lord told me to pray for him tonight amen because the enemy wants to cause him to lose heart you know you know when you have thing is bothering you and hurting you but it's not because of that is because of his commitment to serve the Lord amen and we just know that it's not it's time I may not know everything but we know that the enemy would love to snatch him up out of here so we're gonna ask him to stand in the island we're gonna ask the ministers to come [Music] praise the Lord we're not trying to scare anybody we just know that the Lord has intervened tell your neighbor the Lord has intervened from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet we thank you God that you're able to keep that which you have committed on to you so we committed into your hands from the crown of his head to the sole of his which be daring nerve in his body we speak to his spinal cord emma has evolved Nikki Rihanna we speak to his blood pressure we speak to every organ and every tissue my Nana Nana Nana boo boo Shiva Hassan to us and we command God a special covering he said he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of my hide him in the secret of his brother we serve notice to the devil back off I said we serve noticed is not your property garden area he belongs to the Lord come on up I announced a that is covered [Music] the Lord into me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and didn't judge well I was bringing a what they were praying the Lord said the very thing that you asked the Lord for he said he grant is a hard thing but he granted it amen I said he granted it this is what this Tuesday night is all about ladies and gentlemen the Lord granting prayers answers to prayers of hard things tell your neighbor hard thing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Noorie [Music] make the Lord why are you standing we're going to receive read read a very unfamiliar familiar passage of Scripture and it's going to start from verse 7 to verse 10 John 4 verse 7 through 10 the Gospel according to Saint John chapter 4 beginning in verse 7 and any adversity here begins a reading of God's Holy Word there cometh a woman of Samaria to draw up water jesus saith unto her give me to drink first disciples were going away unto the city to buy meat then said the woman of Samaria unto Him how is it that thou being a Jew ask his drink of me which I'm a woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is but Ziya to thee give me to drink thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given the living water so far the reading and hearing of God's Word tell you neighbor living water now this is not new to you if you've been in church for a while you've heard about the woman at the well but just something about this that grabbed me and maybe it was ministered to you we know water is colorless and odorless substance found all over the earth water is made up of billions of molecules water and our planet flows as liquids in rivers and streams and oceans it's solid as ice at the North and South Pole it's gas or vapor in the atmosphere water is also underground inside plants and animals how what is important to our daily lives how is it the importance of water is that water is synonymous to life as living objects cannot live without water water forms 2/3 of our body it keeps the body's temperature normal it lubricates and cush cushions the joints some dictionary says and protects our spinal cord and sensitive tissues water is used for the following cooking drinking bathing washing but agriculture is used for farming industrial purposes for manufacturing for recreation for swimming rafting boating and for Jenna for hydropower it generates electricity but what is the spiritual meaning of water water means life it is associated with birth fertility and refreshment in the Christian context water means to be baptized with water sim symbolizes a purification of a soul and admission into the faith but what happens when they there's a lack of water they call it dehydration it happens when your body doesn't have as much water as it needs without enough your body can't function properly you can have mild moderate or severe dehydration depending on how much fluid is missing from your body it's normal to lose water in sweat in breathing in going to the bathroom in tears and saliva usually replace those by drinking fluids or eating foods contain with water but if you lose too much water don't drink enough water you get dried out so here we are we're meeting a woman with a dried out soul now it's interesting that she should be at a well how could you be getting ready to draw water and be dried out this Samaritan woman a race of Jews that were mixed mixed in their race mixing their religion they are an offshoot of the Jews they had a little bit of Judaism and then a little bit of mixture which caused them to be called Samaritans this woman was an outcast in her community because she drew the water it came to the well at noon when the Sun was hot and well is a place where they have community see it's like people meeting on social media or people going to the club it's a place where they gather to have their social media they're chatting exchanging ideas so she was ostracized she was marked she was an unmarried woman living openly with the fifth in a series of men and Jesus decided to go through Samaria now a lot of you know skeptical you know liberals will say well that was the easiest route to go because to go any other route it would be taking too long it's a three-day journey through Jerusalem I mean through Samaria from Jerusalem but it was not just the shortness of the trip why he felt an urge the language is so strong I was mean it's an appointment an appointment to meet an ostracize woman a woman that nobody else wants to be bothered with a woman that's viewed with suspicion a woman that's been around town you understand and listen she knows how to go around town see that kind of woman you don't you know want to hang with because she'll go around town with with your husband so so the women were very leery of her but the first point is she needed a different kind of water IVA said in John 4:14 but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give Jesus is talking shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life now what is Jesus talking about so he might her soul she may have been hydrated in her body obviously she used water she was that a well obviously water was a part of her life and it is a striking image because in that area it was loaded with deserts there was always a great need for water so the imagery is powerful as you need water in this desert area so your soul needs water because your soul can also be a desert place so what does he mean by water it literally means his teaching his spirit himself that if you drink of me if you embrace me if you embrace my teachings and my principle your thirst will be quenched you will find satisfaction you know we seek listen you can't find satisfaction of the soul in the world let me wise you up even though that's where you go it's human nature to go there you want to go and get joy and pleasure and acceptance and a good time we seek enjoyment it's called a thirsty soul looking for satisfaction that's what it is you're not going to have a good time you're going to satisfy the thirsty soul you're not going to have sex you can't decide it's a soul thing the sex is just a byproduct is I'm saying that's why you mad when it's over cuz it happened you know something because it's a soul it's all about your soul you get drunk and you're still miserable cuz drunkenness can't satisfy your soul you might like marijuana but you gotta smoke some more and then you go from marijuana and the crackling from practical and then you look like a drag out cat dragged you out all over the place because now you hooked on but you really wanted something for your unit you need to we need to identify this on the heels of the youth revival that's what young people are looking for that's what you are looking for that's what we used to look for and even in the church today we still think that there is not enough in him for satisfy our soul we're still a little dehydrated he's satisfied the weariness sin wears you out sin dries you out sin depletes you soul is old and empty and thirsty but if you if you get me right there's a certain way you got to drink me certain way you gotta drink me there's a certain way you gotta take me in you can't beat you knows you know you all know how to sit you know sip and taste no no you can't sip and taste you got a drink him you've got to take him in to the point where you are full there's nothing worse than having dinner and you ain't full have you you know people gave you a little something and you're scared to ask for seconds between four and mommy used to say I feel peckish you know it means I'm not satisfied this little B the food you gave me didn't didn't do anything but that's even worse to come in and not get a full dose that's a frustrating situation that's why people in church are frustrated and miserable they didn't drink what are you drinking he's teaching his word his correction is instruction his guidance he said if you take it in you will never thirst again man took my biological Thurs you shall be satisfied and you will not sense the need to go anywhere else how do I know I'm satisfied coz there's nothing else I'm looking for satisfied with the grace satisfied with the not with the pleasures of this world but with the pleasures of his presence partaking of this full and free salvation you know you're satisfied because Obama says you're like a well springing up lord have mercy that means that you produce water you waters you see it's not water districts stagnant this is not this is a different kind of water this is not water like a lake you know I don't like legs because you know they're mosquitoes you know why because a lake doesn't move a lake or a pond the water stays the same and that's why it looks that green color in that you know marci color and sometimes it starts stinking because it's stagnant and I'm it's sad to say that many scenes are stagnant they're like a lake this water is designed to spring up my god to bring life to give you movement inspiration creativity direction by God and confidence so Christ's Spirit dwells in us his word dwells in us like water bubbling up on the inside so it's a different kind of what water and it's a different number to a different kind of supplier see that's a problem we're looking for water from the wrong person and you can always tell when we are desperate for water and we're looking in the wrong place we want people to make us feel alive that's what no that's what the young people or the world says not just young people I want to feel alive I want something to make me feel like I'm I feel like I'm a person I'm accepted I'm alive so that's why they tattoo because somehow be having all that tattoo it makes you feel alive that's why they drink that's what they do I want to feel something I want to feel something I want to feel something and you only want to feel something when you're empty when you fool you go somewhere and sit now you just just lick your lips you're that good meal mmm I had some turkey wings today and I ate I just licked my lips lord have mercy it was so satisfying was the whole lot but it was just enough to hit the spot this different kind of supplier is found in John 4:10 jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is a saith to thee give me to drink thou would ever ask of him and he would have given thee living water which means I'm the only one that can supply this kind of water sad to say we're looking everywhere else and the gift is not just water the gift is himself ladies and gentlemen we've heard it many times in this church and his we heard it so much that we just wrapped it on the feet you know when you when people when children have a lot of food they throw food away if they were in African Indian they would eat the plate BK we hear it so much we heard so much that we just ignore it you understand we hear that he's not enough for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed him and should not perish but have a different kind of life thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift he's the gift he's the water so if you drink of me you won't thirst why are we still dehydrated if you understood who was talking to you you would get filled right now you would gain knowledge you would gain insight you would gain deliverance living one another juice the expression for living water denotes springs fountains running streams in opposition to dead and stagnant water so you to ask yourself I need to ask myself when I get stagnant and stink when I get slow and dull when I get disappointed and discouraged when I get funky and foolish it literally means that I am suppressing the fountain of running water springing water the opposite of living water is dead stagnant water it denotes doctrine in that word again the grace of God the word of God the presence of God the directives of God are we constantly looking for excitement because we don't want doctrine we don't want the teaching we don't want what God has to say the way he says it it's got to be something with a little flair it's got to be something with a little excitement let me run to this experience and run to that experience and when you leave your soul still dehydrated you had a momentary whatever but it doesn't last so I love this imagery John 7:37 in the last day the great day of the feast have been feasting for all week and they're pouring libations they pouring out but ain't nothing pouring in and Jesus looked at all their little ritual which meant nothing and Jesus stood up and cried if any man thirst how could anybody be thirsty with all that water being poured out on the altar what do you mean with all this ritual you mean to tell me there's so much water but there's so much water out but there's no water in so if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink why do we still need excessive this and excessive that and excessive this and excessive that why do we need excessive complements well we need excessive hugs everything has to be XS the soul is so dry that we try to use outward things to compensate that's the word compensation we don't want to take it all in because if it gets all in we don't need all in that we don't need all of that we don't need that no we want it from people we want people to give us what's missing on the inside you understand but on the last day of the feast Jesus look at this beautiful group this pitiful group this ritualistic group this group that's been partying all week party and commemorating and remembering but getting nothing and you had the nerve to say after all your celebration you still thirsty so if you're thirsty and you have enough sense come and I love the way Jesus talks to people or in trouble is always an invitation it's never manipulation that's why you don't beg people to serve God you don't beg people to praise Him you don't beg people to live right Jesus invites and only the ones that he is chosen will respond that's I said if it's a supposition if if that means if you're here and you're elected and you know you're thirsty and dried out and dehydrated and all of this ain't doing nothing for you come come on to me and what drink that literally means take me and take me in taking everything that I teach take in the way I work taking my will taking my purpose taking what I want to do with your life just come and drink and if you believe it on me if you continue to believe on me here is where the problem while we're dehydrated here we don't mind believing we believe dreams will relieve visions we believe prophecies we believe feelings we believe tongues but here's what the problem is if you believe on me as the scripture who God had said and it's amazing that we can read the scripture over and miss it miss it just like he said it that's why the souls of the church are dehydrated we want a drink without Scripture we want blessings without the word don't reach to me be blessed I want to change no no that's why your soul is miserable and you are hunting and seeking for your soul to be filled in other places from other people who are also dehydrated empty and dry they have they don't even know you have a soul they don't know what to do with yourself that's why they abuse you the abusive because they don't know you they don't know what kind of soul this is they really feel sorry for them Elia boasts a key under hmm Rajesh kvass feel sorry for them you're asking a dehydrated dried out so with nothing in them to understand your will Shepherd I feel something coming up in here now you're angry at somebody who has no clue about a joy unspeakable and he's full of glory has no clue about your purpose that you were not born just to sit and eat and belch and burn that there is a divine calling on your life come on here you're asking somebody who have nothing bubbling up just a lake next year there be still stinking oh but every morning you wake up there's something bubbling up on the inside you feel the presence of the Lord and even on your worst days he gives you a song if you believe on me as a scripture had said problem is we twist the scripture we deconstruct it we put it in a place where we where it's comfortable we don't like it like it he says as the scripture had said that means it speaks for itself it doesn't mean you to speak for it come on here we want to speak for the text the that's speaks for itself and if I take it like it said he will affect my soul lord have mercy my soul will never be dried out but this is it scripture has it out of my belly your belly shall flow nothing coming out what are you thinking nothing where you going who are you hmm that's a dried up so right there some money go and try to fill it with their own idea when God has created you to be filled with him so when somebody asks you who are you I'm a chosen generation I'm a royal priesthood I'm a big Cunha people I was chosen before the foundation of the world the so forth the praises of him who have called me out of darkness into this marvelous life I may have been born in a little place in Johnstown in Jamaica walking barefooted and climbing trees but God in His mercy chose me and gave me my identity and gave me an assignment and purpose it every day is not Sunday but there's a joy unspeakable full of glory come on here and every time I think about him he fills me up the more even if you don't speak to me I'm full if you don't like me I'm still full even with the tears running down see a little something come up there I'm still full you understand me back is against the wall I'm full ain't no money in the back shovel but I'm full don't know how I'm gonna make it but I'm full what's wrong with you girl you should be pulling your hair out and losing your mind but I read the scripture that's what's wrong with me read the word like it's written out of my belly why are you building why are you belly why not your feet huh well not your head cuz that's where all the mess is down in your belly that's where all the hate and anger and foolishness dropped down in your belly that's where you hold this stuff the vengeance that's where you hold the memory in your belly come on here even you don't do yoga they tell you center yourself with your belly cuz they know how much it affects your whole system God said I want to hit your belly I want to hit it I want to hit it hit it with the word hit it with the word hits your belly that's why I lay hands on your belly you don't like it when I do it you start shaking and acting funny acting like you're falling out that's because the Holy Ghost want to get up in that mess that's where the message out of your belly something should be coming what should be coming here it is flow didn't say a lake it said a river my soul a river brings life a river moves things every big city is built by a river you got London with the tames liver River you got New York with the Hudson River and the way you go and hear any big city that's doing anything there is a river around it brings electricity it moves ships it changes things a trees are built my brother owned my river everything that brings life is near a river not a lake or a pond but God said you're not a lake girl you're a river down in your belly you're moving you're going places a lord have mercy down in your belly you're growing you're maturing you're going to another level come on and thank God for the scripture teaching too hard it ain't number 2 choosing at McCullar calm down a different kind of water a different kind of supply but this spake he of the Spirit was they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given let me tell you something ain't nothing like a good bout of the Holy Ghost here you know you you you thirsty you're sweating you're dehydrating and you get a good of water that calls you you feel it going all the way down when you're weary when you're where is easy does so when your soul feels drained and scraped my God when you don't know how you gonna get up in the morning ain't nothing like a good hold it goes conversation lord have mercy that's all you got to do your Apple apologize this is your soul come on here if you drink the water for your party you ought to worship for your soul all you gotta do is call him just call him said nothing in my hands I bring but simply to the cross I cling if I ever needed you I need you now I just need a little refreshing dew drops are falling but showers I need I need a lift here I need a lip are the people take struck take drugs but I need your water the water of your word I need you to wash me again it's not what David said washed me with it sir clean me up God let me feel it like I used to let me hear you like I use come on ladies and gentlemen we got too many hydrate dehydrated souls in the house my conclusion different kind of water different kind of supplier produces a different kind of life now let me just say this to you when you live like this you become a thorn in people's flesh because when you live like this folk don't like to be around you you know your children don't wanna be bothered with you they tolerate you yes Gigi and when that means shut up and leave them alone because you see there's something about your life that takes on a different kind of way you're not strange and weird you know you're not walking around with a long white robe and some pink shoes looking up in the ceiling talking to yourself oh but then something coming out of you when you walk and talk with him when you spend time with is when you're sad spied with him when he when you drink him when you drink him when you drink your heart is broken but to drink you don't know how you gonna get out of watch it in but your drink him you don't use any psychic connection you ain't looking to know Capricorn and Libra you ain't calling oh crap person you're not going out in the street and doing something dumb you just rest in him ah you don't know how and then you get to a point where you can't even say nothing you just wave yeah lord have mercy when you live like that it's a different kind of life things are not happening fast things are not happening fast you get news about this one doing that and that one getting busy dude doing this right now and and they tell you if you do this and if you try that and you just sit there like an idiot and just wait on the Lord because it's a different kind of life you see when you're drinking him you ain't in a hurry oh mercy you ain't in no rat race you're not dreaming come on there's a peace that passeth all understanding go ahead and run go ahead and run I catch up with you after a while but right now I got to sit with the master right now here's something going on that's deeper than me running there's something going on that's sweeter than the honey somebody please help me praise him right now put your hands together for a different kind of life you can kind of like Jesus we just don't understand you there you go with your deep self that's what Vernon and never used to call me when I was a teenager they said call me deep water order see ya musics call me ask it when you see ya they used to call me strange but ain't nothin strange now it's mighty funny they sitting up in here with a strange spirit see he said but the hour cometh tell your neighbor the hour is here that always hear me my soul right with me retreats and now is they see the new kind of light makes you a different kind of worshiper and then Jesus was telling her your hour is here yeah always you were worshiping you don't even know what you were worshiping that's why you had to have all those men cuz you had a bad worship yeah after you got to worshiping you had a bad soul your soul was still dry but the hour cometh lord have mercy have you ever gone through a dry period and then the our cake have you ever been sitting down and couldn't pray and then one day appraisers break out tell you never my hour came power came back ever been against the wall and your hour came now you by yourself in your house you didn't need an audience the hour has come when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father is seeking your skill he's omniscient impressed he raised up a donkey to talk and impress he's unimpressed with all them skills and names that we give him what is what is he looking for you're looking for a worshiper you understand he's looking he's seeking which means it's hard to find because when people don't drink they can't worship right you know some of you can't feel good to get high when you're not high you're dull and dry can't hardly talk but give you a little something you go talk you know talk much a mama your daddy you know I know cuz I used to be married to one and when he start when he was drunk he start talking from history back but his mama his grandmama and some that stuff wasn't even real but he was just talking to stop that's talking seeing then when they drink too much they see things you see you see that stuff crawling on the wall see that see that right there that's what that there's saturated inebriated outside of themselves and the church has intimidated you so that you don't want to have that kind of experience there was a time they promoted that experience come on with me Dana they they they they made you stay down there until you got soused cuz they know if you can come out of yourself for a few minutes just just come out of yourself for a few minutes stop second-guessing yourself and customizing yourself and managing yourself and caging yourself and planning yourself y-you can't move out in the great things of the Lord oh but they used to say come on little girl you didn't get through your sit on their desk or pray through I know we don't like those language in the 21st century stay down there till something happened stay down there until you feel your spirit connect do you feel God saying something different my god Shabazz get a new survivor when you pray like that you forget your bills you forget that you had a pain you forget that somebody hated you all of a sudden you begin to see the greatness of God that is greater than your problems and he's greater than your difficulty that he called you for something else and all of a sudden you get instructions and anything and you say I call you everything words I chose you the Sheikh now some happened ah while you were in your mama's womb I picked you you can't stand on your knees you gotta get up you went down depressed but now you heard something yeah I got a plan for your life no weapon that's home against us come on up here I said come on come on up put your hands together there's a well there's a well there's a well bring it up laughs OH I don't want to live I don't want to live with a lake he made me a different gave me a different kind of life what kind of life it is to worship Him coz the Father wants true worship sincere worship heartfelt worship not just worship with your lips he said these people worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and the father is seeking because he's a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth and you see when you realize that your life is different and that your soul is well watered nobody has to beg you to worship nobody has to beg you to clap your hands nobody has to beg you to the king eternal immortal invisible the only wise God nobody else to tell you come on come on in glory because that welcomes up you see my god you're connected to someone and greater than yourself oh come on he's called you for something greater than what you're into so when you get like that your life is different I don't know about you but these revivals gonna take us to another level all you gotta do is come with your cup turned up knowing that God has struck something inside of you but you don't have to play anybody to love you or like you you don't have to beg anybody to cater to you you don't have to make anybody to affirm you down in the city of your soul you're wrapped up tighter tangled up in Jesus he has done something to you and for you that your mama couldn't do and your daddy couldn't or they could new is rabia ignore you and reject you or when he trapped himself hidden drop pina they drop himself it's called holy ghost or down inside and something comes up what comes of living water I can't live in water tell your neighbor I feel like living I feel like living come up here never Botox come on I'm gonna die I'm gonna live this water caused me to live I want life come on I wanna do is will I wanna press into him I wanna do what he asked me to do I wanna go through get knocked down but the water brings me back [Applause] if you got water praise if your soul is satisfied if you're not dehydrated race [Music] [Applause] Sterne me again stir up the water stir up the water I'm getting a little lazy I'm getting a little oxidase I'm getting distracted and distracted I lose the spirit of distraction I'm getting a little pulled away I'm getting too caught up I'm being influenced by the wrong thing it's taking too much of my time hey God and I need you every hour I need to be drunk all day long come on idiot or robotic um I need to be inebriated I need an overflow I need to have enough of me and somebody else [Music] don't ever get so did you think you think you don't have to water your soul [Music] just like you have to water your body every morning you wake up what am I so in hard times in lonely times Emma's [Music] when that back is against what a mess I want this spring the Word of God I wanted to dwell it me richly so that I never get so petered out and dried out and I succumb this is severe depression that I get sucked into continual misery that my mouth begins to become a place of complaining that my countenance reflects sorrow and hopelessness water my soul fill me to the over even if not worst days let it spring up into life that's what you promised me I want life pulsating in me and I want a word to dwell in me richly because somebody does I want your love your immeasurable love to consume me I want your grace your favour to surround me because of this living if that's your prayer is in it maybe a Tuesday night you don't know why are we doing this but I'm so glad we're doing it cuz every now and then we need a refreshing we need a stirring we need a watery we need a lifting we need the strength of the Lord [Music] strength like no other strength reaches [Music] come on raise your head you own my stream months [Music] shrimp like [Music] reaches [Music] race in the pound you come on save [Music] I'm failing [Music] deeper than oceans [Music] stronger deeper than ocean [Music] reaches [Music] [Music] you live me you are my straight [Music] [Applause] [Music] I know we got to go home but I want to pray for the young women if you want to be free it's your choice but you remnant woman and Judah missionaries I want you to have as well I want this springing up in your so that this world has directed with you [Music] written in my soul come on hi Emma you too slow in Ananya I was [Music] I reach I want her soul to be filled with him I want you to get it early not when you're 50 or 60 get it now get it now get it down in your belly now am i money they also told get that word down in your belly let it hit the pit of your belly so that the Lord can do something with you this woman turned the city upside down come on raise your hand you are maestro [Music] I [Music] I don't want to live when I tried out so I tried out soul gets in trouble come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beat [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] we just [Music] now listen I get joy when I think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bishop Jackie McCullough
Views: 16,245
Rating: 4.7905235 out of 5
Id: sbpFnict4Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 13sec (4393 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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