It Just Seemed Right - Bishop Jackie McCullough

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Wow trust trust and obey for there's no way to be happy in Jesus but to trust hand good morning amen praise the Lord young men together in a circle amen as we approach our morning service we just want all the men and young men once again to stand and to just stretch your hands out over the congregation as a point of protection and pray with me don't just follow your head pray with me let us pray father we do thank you for your grace and mercy and we come in your name together to worship you this day this is the day you have made Oh God let us rejoice and be glad in it thank you lord you said in turn to your gates with thanksgiving into your courts but praise be thankful unto you and bless your name we come opening our mouths blessing you god thank you lord come on and thank him right now come on and put your hands together and thank him come on with a loud voice open your mouth and thank him he's been good all week he's been kind all week we have not did the best but Lord you've been doing your best you've been faithful as a matter of fact greatest your faithfulness unto us today thank you O God that we wiII come o God to bless you to open our mouths to bless you and to say thank you thank you for our families thank you for our loved ones and thank you Lord that you kept us God thank you thank you you healed our minds and bodies and you heal that emotion so Lord we thank you we come to express our Thanksgiving unto you God with our hearts and as we open our mouths and bless you as we open our mouths and praise you Lord have your way in this service Lord bless this service Lord fess yourself in this service Lord let your healing virtue flow in this service and we thank you Lord we thank you for the speaker tonight today god bless the speaker anoint them afresh oh god we thank you for our bishop or God we pray O God to continue to anoint our God we pray O God to continue to answer her prayer God give other wisdom on how the guide us and lead us in God and God we thank you for what you're doing in her life God Lord let your Northey continue to flow upon her God so we can flow on us God and Lord we thank you for your grace today God thank you for the singers God thank you for all God everything that's gonna be said and done in your name God as we leave this place lord help us to know we experience your grace and yours your presence and we thank you for what you're going to do by faith for we acts in Jesus name Amen stana receive our bishop god bless everybody we greet you and love this morning bishop overseer Master George all of the saints of God why don't you go ahead and greet your brothers and sisters everybody in love this morning we say praise the Lord to everyone praise the Lord everybody god bless you on this morning thank God for you being here we thank the Lord for his presence we also greet all of you who are streaming this morning we thank the Lord that you've tuned in and God does have a word for you on this morning so wherever you are lift your hands and give him worthy praise just for a few seconds would you open your mouth now and say something good say something kind say something pleasant give a blessing to your father on this morning for just his blessings to us we thank you and praise you and honor you this morning we are standing up for you Jesus hallelujah for we are your soldiers the soldiers of the cross and we lift higher royal banner for it must not suffer loss this morning let's lift at him in Jesus name stand up stand up stand up stand up 4G these soldiers of the my is roar your banner from victory from tree every boy is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed stand up stand up for Jesus stand up stand up for Jesus the trumpet for to the mighty calm this is glorious day ha brave now sir Oh which rise with danger and strength to Babu stand up stand up for Jesus stand up stand up for Jesus stand the flesh will not trust your hood on the gospel to or name warty and up for Jesus the scribe the noise song wish whoa they win King me plus the name of Jesus let us pray o God the strength of all who put their trust in thee mercifully accept our prayers and because through the weakness of our mortal nature we can do no good thing without thee give us the help of that grace been in keeping that commandments we may please thee both in will and deed through Jesus Christ our Lord who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit one God forever and ever amen you may be seated good morning I read in your hearing the Old Testament reading for instruction which can be found in psalm 119 verses 1 through 8 if you are needed for Bible the ushers are in the aisles to accommodate you again that psalm 119 verses 1 through 8 it will also be on the screens to my left and right finally the Old Testament of reading for instruction can be found in psalm 119 1 through 8 here we in the reading of God's Holy Word blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the Lord blessed are they that keep his testimonies and that seek him with a whole heart they also do no iniquity they walk in his ways thou has commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently oh that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect unto all that Commandments I will praise thee with a brightness of heart when I shall have learned that righteous judgments I will keep thy statutes Oh forsake me not utterly so far the scripture please stand we will now read the New Testament reading for admonition which is found in 1st Corinthians 3 verses 16 through 23 will be responsively which means I started the sixteenth first you read the seventeenth first will continue in that manner and Laurie together the 23rd verse against it that's first Corinthians chapter three verses 16 through 23 here begins the reading of God's holy word know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you If any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are let no man deceive himself If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world let him become a fool that he may be wise for the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God for it is written he taketh the wise in their own craftiness and again the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise that they are vain therefore let no man glory in men for all things of yours whether Paul or Apollo's or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours together and ye are Christ and Christ is God so far the scripture please remain standing let us recite together the declaration of our faith the Apostles Creed you can read it on the screens to my left and right and it's also printed in your bulletin let us begin I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended into heaven and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen when we say one Catholic and Apostolic Church we are not only referring to the Roman Catholic Church but the Church Universal and by one baptism for the remission of sins we mean the baptism of the holy ghost and when we say he descended into hell we mean he went into the grave for more information on the Creed's please refer to our bulletin or our website WWF you org please remain standing so and praise the Lord to all of those that are just coming in make sure you just look behind you across from you and say good morning to your brother or sister in Jesus name you can clap your hands the song says we're on our way to heaven we may not be going this morning or this evening but we are on our way tell your neighbor I'm on my way I'm on my way I'm on my way to heaven ah I am way too ooh yeah I am neighbors tell them my way to heaven so am I I'm walking up there welcome the pure in heart the spirit hahaha Oh I'm the Puran and we're walking up the heat when we are when we are every time new yeah the victory where the hell am I ah I am I'm gonna just hit it one more time on my way to heaven keep your hands walk up there when we every time that will be when we Nonna singing shopping when we are when we get to the bun what a day of rejoicing that will be we stage determination but I'm through but I keep on walking Oh new converts new members come on to the center aisle so that pastor Colleen pastor diet can pray for you if you have need of prayer this morning children go ahead and go to children's church we will do your work Oh God we thank you for your divine protection a part of a life but the lives of those that around for God we thank you lord but let's a bless us father we continue to break up for we continue to thank you that you gave her a nothing dear guy and good health for that we thank you Lord God we give you praise for that father that we thank you for the leaders of this house we ask that you make us one guy we ask that God you give us a heart for you and for your people you people that you have working for us Oh God father God we pray for the president of these United States father you boy we ask father God that he would reach up with you with a personal revelation from God in the name of Jesus the way you see faith Lord God we ask that you will protect him and his family one guy in the name of Jesus father we thank you for the souls the souls that you have sent in this part of the body of Christ Lloyd from the east the western north of the south and then a no longer be new conference but be disciples God give him a heart for your word guy a hard one truth take away the world needs out of the Moga God show them the truth of this world guy that there is nothing nothing that can compare to you father and Lord God we pray for healing especially we lift Maggie Collins father where the death of her husband is still fresh joy by the comfort her Lord comfortable you have seen em precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of your state's father better not warm without hope guy that she will see him again that he is alive we are God because he is with you boy comfort her let her know that you will meet every need guy lesser children Lord let them not turn away from you God in the name of Jesus and by the we pray for those right now that are just breathing over the loss of loved ones with brick we lift up great um Angra thought we lift up our mozella Lord we lift up thumbs in the congregation that have been grieving Lorca but let them not grieve without hope God for you are our home Lord guide so we thank you now and those that are coming to today father we ask right now they come with the preparation of a heart to not only hear but to do father put feet to your word to your people guy I'm going to do your will Lord God even now repair their hearts father to be more than here is of the word but doers of your word and Lord we pray for the finances of best Rafa for all time paving in a snap thanks for God we ask that let them know that you are in charge to find there's this guy you will give them what they need more God when you are Jehovah John you are a provider father so we thank you now we thank you now for the building Lord it's already done in the mind of God El Shaddai is already fun so we give you praise for it boy we see ourselves walking in it guy and we thank you now Lord we give you praise because it's an honor for you and for your people and we give you praise today and Jesus name we pray welcome to Beth Rafa are you at the crossroads in your life are you in the valley of decision have you come to a fork in the road if you are at any of these points then you need to stop and wait until God gives direction at these points we can feel anxiety pressure and stress learn to make no decision at that juncture until you are calm confident and clear that God has spoken many times we have made panic decisions hasty decisions and futile decisions we did not take a breather and wait God promised to come through for us in those very moments if we will wait for his direction if you are there right now then stop and wait on the Lord and He will show you the way on behalf of our senior pastor Bishop Jacqueline in McCulloch welcome to Beth Rafa where you can experience healing to heal by loving Christ bienvenido Abbott Rafa estas Emunah in cruci hada in to vie de estas en el valle de decisiones ostracod o una before Cassio en el camino c estas en algunos de éstos lagares entonces Davis Dayton Erte e esperar hasta que Dios today instrucciones en esos lugar s podemos sentir ansiedad presión e astrays aprender a no tomar decisiones en ese momento hasta que estás tranquilo seguro eclair o de que Dios se ala habla dou muchas veces hemos tomado decisiones de panic o oppressor Ava's a in Ooty leis no tomamos Unruh Spiro knee esperamos diosa prometido venir por nosotros en esos mementos seus / ahmo's su dirección see estas alia aura mismo detente espera en el senor yell te most Rara el camino de parte de nuestra past or a Obispo jacquelina makalah bienvenido a pet Rafa don't usted puede experimenters a Nadar para cenar por amor a Cristo via venue Abed Rafa ed boo a la Kwazii - of a devotee at would love a lead in la decisión ed whoop our venue Ivan for Sula would save you said al no se puede a low V Weiser ate a yacht are ok you don't achieve achieve a say mama novo goes auntie o de los siete de la precio edge astrays a pony a no poder oaken desicion estado us cos curve us hike algo confio eclair kg a poly priests yo few nos a joke we need a decision a panic day decision achieve edit decision fatigue low noona a faux pas puedo vivir en una Vaughn pass a Tony yo a palma de passe ponnu dos a move allah she knows a todos a jig achieve see voice Desplat go see mama memo allo a TiVo appendicular senior moto Luciana owner dunno - pastor chichi lay a leave exactly NL McCullough given a hammy Raghava vous pouvez experiment a language ease Oppo guineo animal Christa well praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody let everything that has breath do what praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah it is my very wonderful privilege this morning to welcome everybody into the house of the Lord amen I do believe that the presence of the Lord is here I believe that there is a word from the Lord amen and I also believe that even in just the worship that God is able to come down in the midst of his people he's able to speak he's able to touch he's able to heal he's able to bring peace hallelujah glory to God God knows how to bring peace in the midst of the storm even in just the worship hallelujah before the preacher even takes the pulpit this morning I believe that the presence of God is able to come in and do what only he can do this morning the only thing that he requires of his people is that you would give him the glory the honor and the praise hallelujah I believe that by the time you walk out of this place today hallelujah there will be a change there will be a shift hallelujah I believe that God is here in the midst of his people hallelujah glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God and Spyder glory to God and Spyder glory to God in Spyder glory to God I will bless the Lord at all times his praises they shall continually be in my mouth we shut up too fast the devil wants us to shut up you don't mind if you put your clothes on and come into the church as long as you keep your mouth shut as long as he shut up and don't say anything but I dare you this morning to open up your mouth and to declare the goodness of God in the land of the living that's how you defeat him this morning that's how you defeat him this morning you don't know what the report is you waiting for the report but the Bible says whose report will you believe we shall believe the report of the Lord open your mouth and declare the goodness of God she come a manga bowshot glory to God glory glory glory bless the lord bless the lord saints of god let me tell you something the truth of the matter is that there's somebody who might be sitting down next to you while you're standing up and I want you to give God praise for their situation cuz they just might be in a place right now where they don't feel like they can do it but for those of us who know how to give Him glory and to see for somebody next to you you don't know the situation this morning you don't know the situation you don't know it this morning but give God glory for your brother and your sister sitting down next to you them God God Noorie be true and never be a liar you're still defeated Jesus died and he rose again huh and that's why we've got the victory hi the devil wants you to cry all week and then come in the church and not praise God but I do declare that the devil is a liar you should have never let me come into the house of the Lord you should have never let me come into the house of the Lord you should have never let me come in to congregate with those who are righteous that's why the Bible says don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together with the Brethren hallelujah cuz there's strife among the other Saints glory to God glory to God glory to God well then hallelujah holy ghost' we certainly welcome you into the house glory to God amen amen amen you may take your seats take your seats hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory come on here I just need a minute just so that I can properly welcome a man come on y'all are being unruly stop it amen amen amen amen if there's anybody if this is your first time if this is your first time if this is your first time in this crazy little church up on the hill glory to God if this is your first time in this church this morning do please stand on your feet so that we can acknowledge you god bless you hallelujah glory to God hallelujah now let me say to this wonderful family the Lord bless you thank you so much for coming into the house of the Lord on behalf of our esteemed Bishop and senior pastor the bishop Jacqueline McCullough we do want to welcome you to the International gathering at Beth Rafah every time I stand here I always say to our guests that I do believe that your steps were ordered by God that it was indeed ordered by God that you should walk up into this place today and whatever it is that you need this morning individually and as a family hallelujah the Holy Ghost is here to meet the need in Jesus name the Lord bless you those around them please welcome them in Jesus name hallelujah amen is there a second time visitor we'd like for you to stand as well if you're a 2nd time visitor that's fine would you please just look at your neighbor to the left and to the right and just say glory amen the Lord thank you lord thank you Lord hallelujah you never know what this praise will do thank you lord thank you Jesus it's offering time and the Saints are excited about giving Thank You Lord Thank You Lora first Timothy six and ten first Timothy six and ten tells us you can put it on this screen thank you here begins a reading of God's Holy Word for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows so far the text and we understand that that text should be saying for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil it's not the only root of evil well it's the root of all kinds of evil and we've been talking about having a biblical and healthy money mindset last week we talked about getting rid of the old way which caused us to be in trouble financially and embracing the new way what is the new way God's Way what is God's Way well some of it is right there up in his word that tells us about ty giving tithe giving offering it even talks about assessment but what do you do with the rest of your money that's the thing that's the problem we figured because we tithe and we give our offerings and that sort of thing that we can blow the rest and some of us are still in trouble and wondering why is it that I'm in trouble even though I tithe because it's what you're doing with the rest of the money so if we trust Lord when we do have money then when we don't have money we still have to trust the Lord now it's natural for us to want to trust him when we don't have money but are we trusting him when we do have money all right so get rid of the old way be faithful but understand that whatever plan the Lord gives you faith is the key he's not going to give you a plan without believing him for something he's not going to give you the plan without faith because we understand that without faith it's impossible to are you pleasing him in the area of your finances he wants to be pleased with the 90% he wants to be pleased with the rest okay frequently in the Old Testament the Lord is said to be the inheritance the portion and possession of his people this we this really jumped out at me and encouraged me numbers 18 and 20s the next slide keep going just go down about two or three slides the fourth one I believe there it is and the Lord spake unto Aaron thou shalt have no inheritance in their land neither shalt thou have any part among them I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel you know sometimes the we look for certain things houses certain cars and certain different things that we feel like we're old or we do for for whatever reason and the Lord makes sure that we don't get it yes his plan why we don't always know why everybody's different everybody's situation is different but sometimes he wants to open the door the way he wants to open the door why because he says I am your inheritance so he says he said thou shalt have no inheritance in their land neither shalt thou have any part among them for I am your I am thine inheritance that means his provision his provision David said in Psalm 16 and 5 the Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup they'll maintain as my lot alright so that in that portion means a lot portion you're part it's applicable to the portion or a booty or plunder which comes after battle and war that fell to anyone or to the portion of land that belongs to anyone in the division of an estate alright so Yahweh was the one whom the psalmist here worship as God and that he sought no possession or comfort which did not proceed from Yahweh I know some other people said they can help you out I know some people say oh give I'll you know I'll give you a little something but if it's not coming from Yahweh how do we know how do we know check the source is that source going to say I bailed you out that's why the Lord is closing the door we don't know why he closes certain doors but the bottom line is we want his portion and his portion is always going to be a faith walk whether it be to wait or whether it be to trust him on a specific thing sometimes it's not a wait sometimes he says move move now but because we don't trust him we don't do it okay so he says here they'll maintainence my lot thou just defend my portion all right or that which is allotted to me the reference is to what he specifies in the verse as it's inheritance and he says that that which was so valuable to him was sustained or preserved by God and he preserves he preserves what we have he preserves what he gives us he preserves you know sometimes the shoes last a little longer than we expected right why because he's sustaining and he will sustain that which he has put a put across and he lays out the plan to us and he's going to sustain us in the plan now one wonderful thing about the Lord is he knows what we should eat and what we shouldn't eat other people come to us and say this is what you should eat this is what you shouldn't eat but he knows us each individually he created us and so when you go to the aisle with the pasta and he says don't buy pasta with your money now he might tell somebody else it's okay they may get pasta all day but finances for me requires deleting certain things and it may be pasta my U of P spice how much a person spends on pasta a week I'm using this as an example so you can understand it's a faith walk trust me so when you go to the doctor they'll say you did well so that when you get on the scale you won't get depressed see it's connected to your finances he was God as a portion of my soul he was the source of David's joy and he maintained all preserved all that was dear to his heart we want you to understand that assessment time is here and if you've been doing right by your monies it's not hard to pull it out because it's right there the seed is right there but if we've not done right by our money it's still okay because the Lord will provide just repent and say God where is it and he will show you this year and then you have to trust him that where you're taking that see from he will provide on this end amen all right so if you have your love gifts come on and stand thank you Lord as we bring in to die today's tithes offerings and over and above given we are believing the Lord for jobs and better jobs raises and bonuses resurrected stocks and bonds explosive growth and mutual funds benefits and settlement sales and commissions estates and inheritances gifts and surprises surprise interest and income interested in rebates and returns checks in the mail sex and a man finding money finding money bills paid off debts cancelled royalties received old loans paid back old loans multiplication and new businesses most vocation and new business we shall finance God's harvest we shall finance cus we will finance the ministries of better offer we will bless others and properly support our families properly support our families all right please come as directed by the ushers beginning in the rear of the building our young man here is standing on behalf of sweet five you we shall we shall we shall we shall we shall wear we travel alone under Jerry for the wives in tile around on our P girl or that's bring it to cry y'all seems I can't pay under Jericho your heart give me under Jerry Thoreau oh here we go no more I know Liz Jose Jesus on you he's birdy need be jobs each hi rosy shade little cherries neighbor rocky Jesus is the brother to you this message I'd bring me don't like me the God my mother stayed in the Hills of Jamaica riding a horse for transportation preaching and establishing churches and in a way it was a bit abusive because it took advantage of him because he was so passionate my father was an excited preacher they gave their lives to ministry that's all I know so there were missionaries there and they stayed in that organization until my father migrated to the United States so he went he navigated through that came to New York walking up and down the streets of Harlem and he stopped at 132nd Street and Lenox Avenue the greatest Saint John Pentecostal Church and he walked in and he said the same thing my name is brother Phillips I'm from New York from Jamaica I'm a preacher and I'd like to meet the pastor and her name was the Bishop of enorus meadows a female black bishop in heart and he never liked women preachers because many of them were very masculine and he was a very Jamaican man in Jamaica smash do most men don't like masculine women from that culture but she was a very intelligent feminine soft-spoken woman with a command of the word and a flow in the spirit and she fell in love with him comedian she said brother Phil to have to preach and boy is he a fiery preacher powerful preacher for two hours of course but a great preacher and the people loved him she said brother Phillips we must get your wife and family and the church was filled with lots of young people and she was a very charismatic speaker and she was not only the pastor of that church but she was also the bishop of an organization but then I got saved at 13 at the st. John's Church and now I had a family and now I could assimilate now I could connect and now I could be a part of a new world thank God for the church I don't think I would have made it if I didn't have that connection Bishop McKinley was a young man coming up in ministry just really you know a very prolific preacher and he had a church in Brooklyn and my father said I know the church that would you would fit in go to his church so I followed my father's instruction and I went to research a beautiful church on classic Avenue very well decorated Bishop McKinley was a very meticulous man when it comes to the core of the church the the beauty of the church and the order of the church but Elam now would take me to another level in terms of knowing my faith understanding my learning the principles of Christianity learning the basics such as justification sanctification being through the holy spirit communion the different kinds of administration of communion what the church church history the early church fathers church documents the right kind of books to use how to use a commentary how to use if I am a dictionary the biblical languages Hebrew and Greek I went to general and took a year in Greek so he encouraged that kind of approach to to biblical studies here's the bishop playing tennis watch out for backhand it's coming you can Oh and the word precious is so it's so powerful I was reading in the Bible about jewels you know Christians or our God's people are sometimes called jewels but they're not gems in the sense of Oh blue and Sapphire but then there is treasures and I consider myself one of his treasures we have this treasure in earthen vessel and I think I'm one of his possession treacherous here means possession I'm his and he is mine so with that in mind we took on the name precious and then of course my initials JDM and because that's where we are I am totally sold out to him not that I wasn't before but it's gotten worse you know so and there's no turning back so precious gem is very appropriate the whole notion of it for where I am now what else do I want where else do I want a life of service to the land all over the world pouring into the next generation make it snappy Sall members vegans what a people life and the Alliance is that pastors facies always behind them get ready to get hit and man that's it this is our final week we say happy birthday to our Bishop and she's just beginning she still look just a teenager so you have so many years to look left to go and if you anyway like your mom over a hundred isn't that something Wow it's longevity get her live age thank you so we're ready at this time for our black history presentation and it's our final week for celebrating our Bishop good morning but Rafa this week the creative arts ministry would like to highlight James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson was known as a songwriter a literary critic a diplomat a lawyer an educator a poet and an author he's probably best known for the Negro black anthem lift every voice and sing and of course pieces like the creation which you will hear this morning James Weldon Johnson was an early civil rights activist a leader of the n-double a-c-p and a leading figure in the creation and development of the Harlem Renaissance born on June 17 to 18 71 in Jacksonville Florida James Weldon Johnson was a civil rights activist writer composer politician educator and lawyer as well as the leading was one of the leading figures in the creation and development of the Harlem Renaissance as I said after he graduated from Atlanta University Johnson worked as a principal in a grammar school founded a newspaper the daily American and became the first African America African American to pass the Florida Bar his published works include the autobiography of an ex-colored man and God's trombones another famous work he's known for he died on June 26 1938 in Wiscasset Maine help me welcome sister Cheryl Meshach with her piece in honor of him the creation I'm gonna try this and God stepped out on space and he looked around and he said I'm lonely I'll make me a world and as far as the eye of God could see darkness covered everything blacker than a hundred Midnight's down in a cypress swamp then God smiled and a light broke and darkness rolled up on one side and the Stars start shining and the light stood shining on the other and God said that's good then God reached out and he took his hand and he rolled it around in his hand until he made the Sun and he set the Sun a blazing into the heavens and the light that was left for making the Sun he gathered it into a shining ball and he flung it against the darkness spangling the night with the moon and the stars and down between the darkness and the light God hurled the world and God said that's good then God Himself stepped down and then God walked and where he walked his footsteps hollowed out the valleys and bulged the mountains up and then he stopped and he looked around and he saw that the earth was hot and barren and he stepped over to the edge of the earth and he sped out the seven seas then he blinked his eyes and the lightning flashed he clapped his hands and the thunder rolled and the waters above the earth came down the cooling waters came down and the little green grass sprouted the red flower blossomed the pine tree pointed her finger to the sky the oak spread out her wings the lakes huddled down in the hollows of the ground and the rivers ran down to the stream and God smiled again and the rainbow appeared and it curled himself around his shoulder and then God raised his arm and he waved his hand over the sea and over the land and he said bring forth bring forth and quicker than God could drop his hand fish and file beasts and birds swam the rivers and the strings roamed the forest and the woods split the wing split the air with their wings and God said that's good then God looked around and he walked around and he looked at all he made he looked at his stars he looked at his moon and he said I'm lonely still then he sat by he sat on a hill where he could think and he thought by a deep wide river he sat down and he thought I'll make me a man and up from the bed of the river he scooped the clay and down by the river he nailed him down this great God Almighty who lit the Sun and fixed it in the sky who flung the Stars to the foremost corners of the earth this great guy who formed the world in the palm of his hand this guy would melt down in the dust toiling over a lump of clay until he made it into his own image and then into it he blew the breath of life and man became a living soul amen amen amen amen come on and stand and receive the angel of this house and a person of Bishop Jack McCullough let's receive a ratchet wrench while you're yet standing we were able to send two of our members to Liberia we do have a church in Liberia under the leadership of pastor and first lady Newville and they needed medicine in the country the country doesn't have the kind of medicine and pharmaceuticals that we have at CVS and Walmart there they're struggling so we were able to send these two young people in the person of Reverend Katrina Huffman and missionary Marilyn Tucker and they took the medicine amen and we're gonna ask Reverend Katrina to come and Marilyn to stand with her and to just give you a brief of update we're waiting on a letter from them and we will get a letter from dr. Marie who is at the hospital and we will get a letter from from Reverend pastor Newville but they haven't been looking at the video they have the video they're gonna play and you can come and just talk to us about the trip and then also show the video amen praise the Lord are we glad they're back home safely Thank You bishop for the the honor thank you thank you thank you see I write everything down so thank you for the honor of sharing and thank you missionary Maryland for being a wonderful travel companion really hilarious you know a foodie we love that about you anytime you want you know company on a trip you let me know okay I did send Bishop a report that I'm gonna read from briefly just so I don't miss anything because I am still a little emotional from the trip it is not one of those situations in the country in any country that you would wish on your worst enemy so I am still you know I know we I'm still thinking things through and really just getting my heart in tune again to understand that what a privilege what a blessing it is to be in the United States of America for what we have and I do complain a lot about our president and all of that kind of stuff but it takes trips like this to put things in perspective and I have been perspective eyes how worried I made up but to see what people can do with little and what they can make up almost out of nothing all I can tell you is that their God is real and he's not just in Pomona he's in Monrovia and that he is helping people to make the most of what they have with what they have so just generally I'm not going to read the entire report that I sent to Bishop but I want to make sure I get two key aspects in your hearing is that okay all right so first of all I'm not sure if this part that I want to say should be recorded because I passed the new oval did not want to say it on record you either but I want you to understand how they got there so we had a pretty successful trip we went to a government hospital called redemption hospital it is one of the five hospitals the last time we were fact-finding for our medical mission to Jamaica I mean not to Jamaica but to Liberia we learned from the chief medical officer Bishop I don't know if you remember this he said there were only five hospitals in the country as a whole and redemption hospital is one of them and out of the five only two of them even have some resources to serve the kind of needs that they have in Redemption and JFK are the two hospitals that do that so we went to one of the two more resourced hospitals on a day when they lost electricity the hospital was pitch-black where's the generator our generator is not working and it has not been working so you go through ER and babies are in NICU with only daylight coming through the windows babies are you know little toddlers are crying you know with bandages wondering when the kid had a bandage on his head and I felt so bad for him you know you go into another room and his exit kid with a nurse is a pitch-black room and the nurse just has her little smartphone light attempting to service that child you go to pharmacy it is pitch-black like even if I were to turn the lights off in here you will not understand how dark it was in that hospital that day and how many people are still pressing in to be served and how many of the staff persons were still committed to serving them they were extraordinarily resilient and you can tell they don't get visitors they didn't even know we were coming they didn't know who we were it didn't matter their ER you I complained about Urgent Care all the time I will never complain again all right no place to Carton people off issues with ventilation and things of that nature so just wanted to kind of give you a visual of people like literally working in the dark we met with the hospital staff the head pharmacist the the director of nursing as well as the hospital secretary the director of the hospital hadn't arrived by the time we were there but he did thank us on our way out because he had he had come back from a meeting at that time and all that we were able to give this still more needed I asked that you pray for Liberia pray for their medical situation I believe it's going to get worse before it gets better and I think that we ought to probably prepare ourselves to be a pipeline to continue to provide these much-needed services to them one of the doctors who I worked with is a member of passed a new Phil's church and I believe that they were able to make sure that everything got to where I need it to be there is always a concern about whether or not things get to where they need to be when there's a high demand for it so just keep that in prayer keep that in mind after the hospital we went to Destiny Academy so that's the Academy showed about everybody's statement right I think it was prophetic it was an era in terms of how we mapped the funds so if all you who looked at your things like what is destiny Academy why is it owned by I think the Lord was trying to nudge us to be like bring Destiny's Academy back into the flow so I did apologize to you for that because it was a technical error and how the funds were mapped when we did the transfer from one database to another but when I got there I said Jesus has jokes that was really great because destiny Academy needs to expand now what doesn't he academy is is a school in Liberia and you saw in one of the pictures I don't know if they can bring it back up and Bishop some presentation you saw her in a grey shirt with a shovel in her hand she was in Liberia doing the groundbreaking for the Destiny Academy for those of you who have been members of Beth Rafah in the last decade you wouldn't know that destiny Academy is our project it is something that we fund it is something that we do and it will be a separate video about destiny Academy we didn't want to mix the hospital and the school together because there are two different efforts one is Word Alive based which is the medical piece and the other one is Beth Rafah base which is a Destiny Academy piece okay that's the Academy so when you go pay your offerings and stuff you see destiny Academy just give a dollar or two to destiny Academy we when we got there 88 kids were present they had a testing day so a lot of the older kids ended up not being there at that time Kree wom which is the name of the church Christ's Redemption outreach ministries cream price Redemption evangelistic outreach ministries that's Kree wom has moved out of the city of Monrovia into yellow flower County right across from the school so they have like a real campus it's really pretty for what they have is adorable so the kids are in one building and the church is in the next building and some of the things you'll see in the next video once it's prepared and ready to be shown is the the work that happened since the ground working bishop and so you'll start seeing the structures going up the vision is to have three floors serving kids ages 2 to 21 years old taking them from heads to what we would call head start through to high school and when they when they would finish high school right now it's about 25 or so thousand dollars they they're about thirty thousand dollars to complete the project and you will hear for more from us on that is there anything else you would like for me to say the Lord bless everybody keep liberia and your prayers keep the medical crisis in your prayers keep the gasoline crisis in your prayers and may the lord have mercy on countries like ours that create these crises for people around the world Beth Ruffin Network News and what I knew that she was always concerned about so immediately I called her and said to Lord are we having some challenges in any like barrier our hospitals are other medication and it's not it's not it's not an easy thing I want you to see if you can help me just bring in some drugs so we can have it giving to the hospital that is much you won't need it I'm sure it was long way in the middle from our hearts he said coming on this I'm going to see what I can do and let's see how it goes and and and I'm so grateful that God has always used from and he's using heart again and by God's special grace the team is dispatched here you can see already Katrina and sister Mary Lane they've come from all the way from all the way the states were coming to assess and come to see and just what you know gift for the hospital and I'm sure that you know with the heart that is behind it to the redemption hospital electricity is here so we know we went to where the need is see thank you so much for this condition just to let you know about detention hospitals in their brief detention Austria is a quarantine facility which is hundred percent free of charge all services are Redemption without his speech including surgery this is working comparison and our Noah of this is like for instance if you live on here do the tour you reach the hospital be fun we see up to 2,000 patients a week and here deliverance is one of the major things that we do here in at one time we do up to 250 movies and everything here is so we are so happy and you have come to identify with us to make these drugs and we're Tartu of prema is being especially you know what to do but sometimes these supplies are not there and so the middle of our situation that maybe quantum or two whatever whoever committed towards this munition a small amount that you have brought from this this year it mean a whole lot to to this hospital the fact we in the fact that I'm working at the emergency I see a lot of people coming almost at a full of tip and I just sit and look at them because you don't have jaws or anything usually have to write the prescriptions for in the pool outside to look for to pharmacy around the parties when it comes in the penises or that time has expired so these jobs means all that to the lives of the people just wanna say thank you so much for taking up your time even on your decision to come all the way to Africa to be able to make this room we can assure you that this is going to be a blessing to our people social hospital staff thank you for allowing us to be here on today to make this generous contribution to your hospital once again in closing we want to think the rough outlines we want to think the what-a-light mission but what you think the best Wafaa church and dr. bishop chocolatey mark all of us wash it bless it to this great nation thank you very much for your blessing to us amen our Bishop is coming at this time you may be seated I know that hour is fleeting but we had to stop and thank you for contributing and thank the teams are going this church is a great church because this church is a giving Church and you just don't understand as reverend katrina sedums or missionary marilyn can attest you have to go to find out amen we're going to continue to send the rest of pharmaceuticals that we have collected we have some more left behind it is tremendously expensive amen but we found a way to get it there without dealing with a whole lot of custom issues we just pray that it gets right to the people but we're going to show you later on maybe another Sunday the school situation and we want to finish that school and he just called me and told me he wants to rename the school to include a better eye for whatever name we choose what Beth rafa's name will be on that school in Liberia so we're going and when the school is finished many of you will be going to Liberia with me to bless the school to dedicate the school amen just bear that in mind and put that you know on your calendar amen it's that Paris Reverend Laverne but it is we want to say we want to say good afternoon to our streamers thank you so much we'll be having a brief meeting after the 11:15 service we're asking all members to stay behind on members it won't be long amen just want to give you an update we also have a thank you card and this is from missionary Marilyn this is you I should have known she writes you know you know how you're diligent in your economics to save every penny well that's how she writes she has a safe space it says submissive McCullin overseer Robbin pastors leaders in the congress nebith Rafah a million thank-yous to each of you for your prayers as reverend Katrina and I traveled to Liberia Bishop we felt your covering and the assistance of the Holy Ghost as we prepared and distributed the medical supplies I am evermore convinced that ministry and the efforts of world alive are exponentially more effective when we hand-deliver provision and touch those about whom God is concerned I am forever grateful for the privilege to be sent and you're welcome okay we have a prophecy by brother Byron once you stand as I read this it says here I come to strengthen the Holy Spirit is saying I come to strengthen you come to restore I'm knocking at the door let me and give me access that I can come in and manifest without promised unto you this is your day to receive my abundance I've heard your cry I've seen your tears so I'm come to help and give you what I promised says the Lord praise me praise me praise me says the Lord and we put our hands together and receive I said we receive it Ava Ava Thomas where's Lilly Ava she's next door okay we'll do that and while we're getting Ava those of you who are going to distribute to the homeless and you did not get on the conference call you must see Reverend Amy and here is an outline of how you ought to conduct yourselves okay the homeless is a community that needs your help but you also have to touch them with a certain kind of spirit amen so we have to teach you how to approach that population how to do it with love and how to do it effectively amen so if you don't come to the meeting you can't go with the distribution people all right so all of you who went we're on the phone to the meeting raise your hand real quick okay all of them to all of you who didn't get a chance to for the meaning what you want to go to give out to the homeless raise your hand okay would you please see Reverend Amy afterwards I'm sorry crystal Payne I'm so sorry and you have the paper so I'll tell you what to do all right ministers meaning today and about 3:30 amen and I'm just waiting for Lily Ava next time they ought to have her in here amen and also Leila so you have to get both of them amen praise the Lord here comes the come baby standing right here so they could see you pretty girl she looks very bookish with those glasses on and this is who this is Ava okay Ava all right so this is from West have a straw elementary school and the highest score is four or three and so she's meaning grade level four demonstrates success in performance there were three plus meaning grade level three okay she also has reading fundamental skills three comprehension three okay her writing skills too speaking and listening to plus amen and so she's really doing a tremendous job okay all right can't can your sister come and stand next to you oh she can all right you wouldn't okay thank you you have to ask permission yeah all right this is Leila they're sisters and it's the same thing and Leila is very very outstanding is for in meeting grade level it's three plus in corporate and works well with others three makes responsible choices three follow directions and routines three reading skills apply phonetics three reads with accuracy and fluency three my god writing language three uses research three I mean the girl is three and four amen amen in science for understanding of concepts and relate to earth and life for okay demonstrates key concepts that are taught in social studies for okay so she's just doing exceptionally well amen not only in her work but in her behavior galore crazy the Lord praise the Lord you can go now sweetheart it's okay I think they like standing up here amen and we like for them to stand here too now we will celebrate anyone's child so just let us know and we will be able to support them my mother would always say encouragement sweetens labor amen amen so we encourage them to continue I'm going to ask you to turn your Bibles to the book of Judges chapter 17 thank sister Cheryl for a wonderful presentation the Black History Month thank you so much judges chapter 17 I'm going to read the first six verses from the King James Version that's I just need a little bit if you don't mind judges chapter 17 beginning at verse 1 thank you here begins the reading of God's Holy Word and there was a man of mount ephraim whose name was Micah and he said unto his mother the eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from me about which the curses and speaker's of also in mine ears behold the silver is with me I took it and his mother said blessed be thou of the Lord my son and when he had restored the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother his mother said I wholly dedicate the silver unto the Lord from my hand from my hand for my son to make a graven image and a molten image not therefore I will restore it unto thee yet he restored the money on to his mother and his mother took two hundred shekels of silver and gave them to the founder who made their of a graven image and a molten image and they were in the house of Micah and the man Micah had an house of gods and made an ephod and teraphim and consecrated one of his sons who became his priests in those days there was no king in Israel when every man did that which was right in his own eyes so far the reading and hearing of God's Word okay the title of the sermon said it just seemed right to me I'm not gonna be long tell you name it just seemed okay to me just seemed okay what's the big deal what's the big deal now as long as the generation which had seen the wonderful works of God under the leadership of Joshua remember it was Moses then Joshua and while Joshua's was still living the nation continued to be faithful to God remember when God told Joshua in the first chapter do not look to the right or to the left you know just keep my Commandments follow my Commandments and you will have what good success so they were not only successful in obeying God but they were able to maintain their success as they as a conflict with the Canaanites existed they were able to maintain the law they were able to observe God's commandments and then we're able to keep their enemies at bay but the next generation tell you they were the next generation they had not seen the mighty acts of God they had not seen the Red Sea they had not seen Jordan they were far removed or further removed from God showing himself and because they were far from experiencing that's why God told them put these stones and build them as what a memorial so you could teach your children because they didn't see it they need to be taught it you understand to remember God and so they forgot God and they grew weary in their conflicts with the Canaanites so instead of fighting them they made peace with them and they mixed with them it's called syncretism and because of that they started worshipping gods like Baal and I started the Canaanite deities of nature they had developed certain spaces and areas when they erected their God there was a loss of fidelity there was a loss of unity so now everyone had their own private area their own creation of how Jehovah should be worship they had now moved away from worshipping the One God together Joshua is gone so there's no real central leader the different tribes began to follow their own separate interests and eventually they even started fighting each other so in the midst of all of this forsaken of God's law the disunity the attack of the enemy they became unfaithful and forgot about their covenant to the Lord and you see now they were at the mercy of these attackers like the Philistines remember when Gideon was hiding he was part of that era because the enemy was coming in confiscating the it affected the economy when a nation forgets God you see it in the money the money dries up the resources riah when you act funny and God it starts acting funny on your money so there were wide open to the enemy they became so helpless and we see a series of 12 judges and this is this is how it played out so the entire history of this work of this air time period the framework is you have moral and religious teachings and warnings and then the people heard it but left it and began to practice open sin and abandon God and had persistent idolatry then they cried unto the Lord and the Lord delivered them out of the hand of the enemy and then when they got delivered they went back to doing the same thing if we don't have to look far you know you cry when you didn't have the job mm-hmm you cried almost cursed God and died cry cuz he didn't get the job now the Lord gives you the job and now you're forgetting him still so the cliche in the chapter that phrase the tagline that you would call it in the chapter just describes how they started to think they did not want to have a central authority remember Israel was supposed to be a theocratic country or ruled theocratic lis meaning that God was their God and God was their king now that they had gone away a whole generation missed that understanding Authority was not important to them so at the end of the book of Judges you will find that tagline so it begins with Micah and his mother in the hill country of Ephraim it's not a new location great things happen in this area is a place of Joshua's burial it is a place where he HUD sounded his trumpet is a place where Deborah held her Court is a place where Gideon sent messengers to call up the men of Ephraim to go against the Midianites but look what it has come to sacred places being desecrated or you have to travel to see glorious churches becoming music halls cathedrals turning into pubs oh you don't you don't know that go to some of these places they turn them into museums or mausoleums or they have certain kinds of things where where I live the the what you call the a great house you know what I'm saying used to be a church you can see the stained glass windows all of Seminary Drive was owned by the church so that earrin that they call the great house where they have the gym see everything else used to be a place of worship so there was no king and this phrase occurs three times in chapters 17 21 17 6:18 one and then judges 21 five so when there's no king the people will become their king they will do what is right in their own eyes in other words they'll become their own King and submit to themselves or other kings so when you're not submitting to the Lord you submit to yourself or you bow to somebody else so the first point is because of this attitude because of this postmodern attitude in judges suppose modernism is not new what does it mean how does it affect a home how does it affect a nation how will it affect you point 1 immorality in the house when God is not your God and your king when the word of God is not preached imminent when you become your own Bible your own counselor when you take no thoughts no counsel from the Lord when you don't trust his word and follow him immorality is going to hit your house that is the consequence the outgrowth that's what happens when you're into yourself judges 17 into tells you that a grown man named Micah apparently had stolen eleven hundred shekels of silver from his mother that doesn't say much of a family relation when your grown son steals your money you have to look far better go home check your money now that happens children steal and they steal for different reason they steal because they won't have what everybody else has or they steal because they're on a certain habit he's aiding that right ain't that right Joss yes yes there's certain things no no listen let me tell you something this is real it comes to your house and stole and so though it was only one incident that was reported we don't know if he stole before and there's nothing that he said he stole after but he stole at this time and then his mother cursed the person that stole them now you know how that goes yeah when people steal like that you know what we say I know about I don't know what Americans but Jamaicans out of mercy just chuck off him finger that's what we say yeah ain't looking at me like I'm crazy maybe I should say some more not my cousin pick me there Missy every last one of them children christow that means I I want to curse to fall upon their family and upon their generate she cursed and then he got scared for the curse so he confessed the crime to his mother not it was not because I love her and I don't want to hurt her cuz if he loved her and didn't want to hurt him he wouldn't have stolen it in the first place he got afraid of the curse so judging by his remarks he came because they were superstitious you know when you walk away from God you're prone to superstition so she was he was afraid of the curse but the mother turns around and she gets she blesses him she blesses him as he returns the money even though she calls the name of Jehovah she was not really submitted to the Lord she was grateful that he gave back the money and she said okay I'm going to take the $1,100 and I'm going to invest it into the temple consecrated and give it to the Lord but the purpose was not for Jehovah and she didn't give all the 11-hundred she just gave - she changed her mind come on Ananias and Sapphira come on you folk that pinch on your tie is an orphan anyway she got really spiritual at this moment and she says I'm going to invest it what is she going to invest him into carving images and casting idols and this was forbidden by God this is a result of people who are not worshiping God a nation or nations or part each tribe each tribe coming up with doing what was seemingly right in their own eyes and forgot what God said Exodus 20 and 4 thou shalt not what make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or that is what in the earth beneath not that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not what bow down thyself to them you're scared to read me right no I served them for I the LORD thy God i'ma wot jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me so she holds back the silver but she gives the rest to be consecrated given to the silversmith to make an idol so what is born out of this greed and idolatry she took the money and she made idols and she wanted to restore relationship with her son so the both of them got together and had this false sense of family relationship around adultery and around greed but everyone did what was right in his own eyes so when you have that kind of mentality it affects the morality of the home drug money is acceptable as long as you pay your tithes stock in marihuana is good as long as it helps build a building you understand adjustment of righteousness and morality is an outgrowth of idolatry and individuality the second thing that's affected is syncretism in the church and in the worship Mika's religious syncretism runs deep he has his own shrine now and then he sets up his own priesthood boy his bad set up his own priesthood he had a private priest his son and they were offering prayers and sacrifices and prepares priestly attire everything that was done by God's priesthood he copied it and put his own stamp on it under the Covenant they were supposed to be only one shrine that point to the tabernacle Solomon says if my people in a far country in of our country and they look towards this place where you hear them will you deliver them if they're even on the sea on the ship and they're in trouble and they look towards this place that's why that Daniel opened up the window and look towards and God came and shut the mouth of the Lions it was a covenant relationship that God made with Solomon one place but when you want people to shift you change the rules people don't like Authority and change the rules you have your own shrine you do what's right in your own eyes in first Kings 12 26 and Jeroboam said in his heart this is how he plays out this is how it plays out this is how it plays out when you're all that bad anointed full of yourself and fooling your own worship and full of your own whatever this is how it plays out and Jeremiah said in his heart now shall the kingdom return to the house of David if this people go up to this one place in Jerusalem then shall the heart of his people turn again to their Lord even to reign born king of Judah and they shall kill me and return to reborn king of Judah upon the king took counsel and made two calves of gold and said to them it is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem new rules come on let's finish you all that was finished new rules don't go up there do it your way bless your travel behold thy God's or Israel which brought thee out of the land of Egypt and they said one in Bethel another place in there and this thing became a sin for the people went to worship before the one even to them and he made a house of high places and a priest of the lowest of people any knave could become a priest anybody can be called the bishop anybody can have on a purple shirt pink shirt white shirt excuse me you are all of that yes in other words I set up my own order we don't like order it's a sign of rebellion we don't like instructions because everybody does what's right in their own eyes set up their priesthood and set up the lowest people who were not of the sons of Levi they had their teraphim which were household gods you know Rachel when she stole the household god from her father and sat upon it Genesis 31 and 19 and laman went to share his sheep and Rachel had stolen the images that were her father taking a household God in a holy man's house oh yes many of you would love to set up your household God right here in this house consecrating one of his sons who became his priests assumed the priestly office out of the family of Aaron was a direct violation of divine law numbers 3:10 and thou shall appoint Aaron and his sons and they shall wait on the priests office and the stranger that come at night shall be put to death anybody who violates this violates me Deuteronomy 21 and 5 and the priest the son of Levi shall come near for them the Lord my God had chosen to minister the Lord had chosen these people to minister but you have put up your own priests and to bless in the name of the Lord by their words shall every controversy and every stroke be tried he verse five and one for every high police take it from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God but he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for the sins who can have compassion on the ignorant and on them that are out of the way but that he himself also is come past with an infirmity and my reason here of he saw it as for the people so also for himself to offer sins and no man taking this honor unto himself you're too fiercely you take honor to yourself that doesn't these are the signs of every man it was was right no man taking this honor to himself but he that is called of God as was Aaron so immorality in the house we're stealing is celebrated and the money is used for shrines idolatry and greed greed is eating up the house you tell your daughter you won't put hushpuppies on her feet and seize you don't have a stroke didn't I ain't got me in on there ain't nothing ain't Nike yeah the major meltdown come on you tell that they can't have name-brand stuff and it's a problem stealing out of greed because everybody else has it everybody else is doing it so we got to do it because you see God is not central don't turn away to the right or to the left judgment do what I tell you to do and you shall have good success this is going out the window this is a new age a new generation we have to make adjustments for shrines we have to include individualistic expression we have to accommodate annointed preferences because this is what I feel and this is what I think and that's my opinion like one of the little ones told me the other day I'm in my opinion what's the conclusion and I'm finished mike is convinced that this will ensure that the Lord would be good to him even when we do these things we want God's blessing bless my mess bless my individuality bless my special Authority so covenantal religion has lost its structure the arrangement that God set up so that he can receive worship adequate worship do worship proper worship has now been destroyed discipline and obedience to to straight doesn't call for all of that it's a sadness superstition seeps in individual interpretation replaces the authority of the word of God disrespect of his choices in the house it's now replaced by everybody's creativity I know y'all ain't gonna help me but he little hip right here it's a sad man in those days Israel had no king no King means no authority no king means nobody's in charge everybody's in charge of their own personal agenda and in that atmosphere there is a I'm a justification to make your own image your own ideology your own concept he had a false God such as Bale and Ashtaroth some say a day it was representing Yahweh but we don't see where it represents that way when he she gave the money to the silversmith because God says don't make any image Yahweh didn't need an image he just need to be recognized for who he is you can't create him easy uncaused God he cannot be created shaped on mold and when we are arrogant we shape him to our arrogance Exodus 32 and 3 and all the people break off the golden earring earrings this is this is Aaron now Moses is up getting God's instruction they down here they can't wait so somebody's gonna rise up and make a suggestion see power of suggestion power of opinion power of making sense he stayed too long may have brought us out of Egypt and we didn't get drowned but now we can't see him but you see you didn't want to go up you see we never hear the whole story when people want to have the individual shrine they must have a one-sided story see it's never the whole story the whole story is God wanted all of them to come up come on with me angel you remember this in the Bible and in the little bookstore we had down in Brooklyn on 7th Avenue all of us was you are invited we were invited the whole nation was invited to come up and be holy and they said to Moses no we won't stay down here you go on up force it's too close I don't want to get next to no burning bush cuz I have to take off my shoes you see take off my shoes me give up my whole lifestyle ain't ready to take off my shoes here tell your neighbor you're still wearing your shoes and still wear every night then you got to check your feet I'm ready to come on in I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming Samantha Lewis I'm coming and they didn't want to go up and now Moses went up and they couldn't wait because the intention was always to have their own God took up the earrings they didn't come out of Egypt broke at gold and silver and Bible said Aaron received them at their hand and fashioned it cuz that's our quest that's the human quest that supposed modern theology that's the charismatic church desire undercover that we create our own God that we fashion this God to meet our need I need a money God so I created I need a sex god so I created I need a God that would make me great so I created this ain't no different than than those times they wanted to fashion so they took a tool and created and carved a god named it into a molten calf that resembled what they came out of that's supposed to stop me enough but I just feel like stop but God always is attached to something from the paths the god of pain the God of anger the god of unfulfillment the god of unforgiveness the God of identity the God of ambition the god of whatever cuz was like my cap in Egypt now I brought you out but now you've got to create the memory of it when I brought you out you should have killed the memory you should have anticipated something different this this violating the second commandment you shall not make for yourself listen to the language you shall not make for your bad self go ahead with your bad self you shall not make for yourself any card image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water in the earth you shall not bow down to them or serve them coz anything that you create as a god you serve and you can't serve two masters yy-you think you're angry and don't want to come back every Sunday it's a fight every Sunday every Sunday it's an issue because worshiping in the church maybe not that rather competes with your God you want to worship your God of anger depression and dissatisfaction that's you don't created a shrine and a pie in the house what man oh come on here that stuff is carved that stuff is skilfully created that stuff is built as a structure my god that sets up in the house that's why immorality reigns as well every month the money get extremely funny that's why there's no peace and there's misery there's a shrine somewhere will you try to come up in here and act like everything is alright it's a live from the pit there's a shrine in your house your bow and kiss every time you wake up in the morning you kiss your depression you kiss your dissatisfaction you kiss your cursing you kiss your hangar there's a shrine some way come on come on from under the bed come on shrine come on the wall of your degree it's a shrine that piece of paper then touch it and you see the real anger coming up are you insulting my education come on down shrine Michael established his own elaborate worship he had a shrine he made an ephod he had a household Idol he consecrated his own priesthood we choose who we listen to we choose who influences us we choose who we gonna believe it oh we not gonna believe it's a shrine and he sets up this shrine in a small temple where others could come and join you have an audience now cuz you ain't happy that you by yourselves I'm almost finished my feet getting happy you know you're not happy unless you have influenced somebody to worship your feelings your interpretation your opinion and then go to bow and do so to you walking around back all of this came from Micah and not from God's he did what was right in his own eyes you can't compete with that that's too tight that's elaborate system of avoiding godly worship it's too elaborate it's too skillful you give your own self communion you anoint your own self you only listen to your own self you google your own self you only attach to people with the same self opinion you got your own shrine going on honey there is just one interpretation many application it ain't about you you ain't that smart Micah created a system and many of us are living in a system of how we worship I can't trust nobody but ourselves and our children and our family can't relate to anybody everybody is a suspect everybody has been put on scrutiny Street ain't nothing that God said we respect and embrace readily we got to examine it scrutinize it analyze it check it out cuz it's not fitting we are Bertram Russell insane we're the philosophers you understand some philosophers believe there is no Hawaii on this I see a wife that's a philosophical Authority in case you don't believe that mm-hmm Descartes I need my paper and Descartes if there is if I don't see the mountain then the mountain does exist because everything is measured by my existence that's a strong fill this up you bad baby you bad you too bad for your own riches you bad you great if I don't experience it then it's not true if I'm not a part of it then it's not going to work if my opinion is not in it then it is this something wrong with it ah that's what my coz attitude is I'm not going to go to a centralized place this was man centered religion man and you can be in here with your own man centered religion therefore the purpose of the shrine the beautiful even the attractive idols the established priesthood was to serve and please him wasn't God the pattern of man pleasing religion is a common thing in the church today if there is no king and there's no centralized authority and here is the here is the thing that causes us to spit blood the word Authority I hear from God - you ain't you ain't all that can you ain't straight yourself I see one finger is longer than the other you ain't got straight even fingers something wrong with you - so there's something wrong with you you have no right to tell me what to do come on come on come on date them and a Byram come on you sons of korah come on you question the civil and the religious authority of Moses come on Miriam and Aaron we hear from God - just because you brought them across the Red Sea just because you bad enough to stretch out your rod and bring them across the Red Sea we have to succumb we also are God's children and God said come on up here now come on I got something to tell you I got something tell you you're questioning my intelligence you questioning my omniscience omniscience means I'm all-knowing and I'm all-powerful you ain't even got one-tenth of your brain going you don't even 1/3 use 1/3 of your gray cell that's a scientific thing go look at a group of that how much of your grey cells you have used how much what's your IQ what's your let me tell you about my decision and no Moses is not perfect I call an S gone I call an ex-con I call an ex-con I call the fugitive I call a killer and a murderer come on eat your heart out I choose who I want I chose an ex-con I chose a murderer a murderer a homicide my homicide was committed my man committed him but come on up here Moses we are so but everybody's right in their own eyes that's why the Philistines attacking everybody's right in their own eyes that's why you need a Gideon you need superheroes you need to see more heroes in a time when there is a lot of attacking that's why you need Superman and Batman and and and and and Wonder Woman yeah you need all those kinds of images because when you forget God you're open to the attack of the enemy the Philistines and the Hittites and all of those parasites will come in and ravish your economy that's why the church is in trouble there's no central authority the Bible is not even read the Bible is not even open preachers are not preaching my god structure is not in the church everybody's got their own idea of how things should run it's gone radical individualism people look to yourself for morality and ethics I know what the Bible said but you know I have to really find out for myself from other sources never saying you don't need other sources for certain things but not when it comes to righteousness and holiness and the things of God the people felt that they did the thing that was so deceptive about this even though they're dead cuz we're living in a time pastor Carlene when they say follow your heart let your heart be your guide go in what you feel if this can't be wrong cuz it feels so good that's how we think this this hug this hug that I got from he this this affirmation that I got from see it just did something to me it took me to a place that I've never been before it secured me it gave me confidence it made me feel like everything gonna be alright they can't be wrong even if it's somebody else's husband it can't be wrong let me finish this let me finish let me finish let me finish let me finish the ideal state of society in most of our minds is that we do what we wanted to is called spiritual and social anarchy which brings nothing but destruction when you write all the time like that you ought to ask yourself how come yours all right because in the mirror how come what you say is always right how come your evaluation is so correct and to the point it seemed right in the eyes of Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit seemed right in the eyes of the sons of Jacob to sell Joseph don't you never just see him right good I'm coming in I'm coming at him come on it's just seemed right it just seemed you no matter what God said it just see don't tell me what God said you ain't all that don't be reading the Bible for me don't be interpreted you're just seeing right see right for King David to look up on the roof not just a lot but the call come on get dressed girl heart and put put your clothes on but your clothes on and come on down here the king wants it just seemed right for me to abuse my kingly Authority like that it just seemed right even though I could get any woman I wanted all over the universe but it just seemed at the moment it was one of those moments thing when it seemed right to interrupt my life to put my kingship at jeopardy to insult the coven until relationship with me and God just seemed rights it seemed right to impregnate her it seemed right to kill her husband it seemed right to live for two years and don't tell nobody seem right seem right for Judas to betray Jesus but there's a way that seems right to a man but it's N is a way of death proverbs 14 when you follow your instinct apart from the redeemed nature that God has given you it leads to ruin when you seem to think that rules have to be adjusted to accommodate your specialty you know gotta be first gotta be one number one gotta be all when you become this and that the Word of God when you're when your idea is preeminent to everybody and anybody in here I don't see you when the Word of God is ignored even even a donkey spoke the word you know the proper goodness said listen he was beating the poor knowledge of Jesus donkey said wait a minute have a word from the law you don't hear God you make a donkey talk when we begin to play with stuff like that on that level when our individual passion competes with God's divine order well what we have to say and do is preeminent to what God is working out when we see that we have to be the star we have to be upstaged our individual expression is more important than the collective purpose what we want at the moment is so crucial so desperate it is doing in the group community in the nation it just it didn't say every tribe Micah wasn't a tribe that was just one household what worth all the other households doing making a shrine everybody had their own little religious order that's why people streaming they'll come to church it seemed right that's why you can't stand to hear certain things talked about from the scripture because it doesn't seem right so everything got to run through your scene everything has to be checked through the radar of your scene it just says it just isn't in accord with me you don't handle cord they know God if God pulls your life supports you out of here what car do you have but they had removed the worship of God his authority and His Word and created man was born to worship so if you're not worshiping God something or someone is being worshipped in your life right now when when when when you're not submitting to divine order just seem right the Huq of the Covenant was in a beamer dad's house for 20 years and Israel didn't miss him we have in church and don't miss it that's another sermon forgive me hermeneutics that's enough I just thought I would mention it and David said you know what I want to bring the Ark the Shekinah the glory into the midst of the nation but it seemed right for him to do it his way so you can even be doing ministry it seemed right in your way he never went back to do order it should not be born on the back of the beast it should be to boil the strollers of the consecrated leaders so seem right and then the attitude is don't judge me am I not doing the will of God don't criticize me am i not functioning doesn't God live in my life come on David it seemed right how do you know you messed up the almost stumbled got to a threshing floor the place where God separates the useful from the useless I'm going to tell you what I want I will show you where you went wrong i'ma tell you your individualistic interpretation of my purpose that got in the way you're too smart for your own rigid got too much mouth hey David one man lost his life cuz it seemed right your counsel out of your own dissatisfaction almost caused a matter slip-up today cuz it seemed right cuz everybody wants to do what they think is right in there you know I go and get my eyes checked I don't know I have a time I go I get getting new glasses can't understand it and you'll say it's not bad it's not too bad just a little bit ship here because my eyes I need help so how come you see so much when only God can cause us to see it seems as if this is working because it's right what is right what is good cuz it feels good because it appear to me or it appeases me it affirms me it must be good no no as Mike and his mama they thought it was good we have religion we have Church in our house we don't need to go up and then Jesus said it straight and I'm finished he said the woman at the well you know why are you in trouble right now you know what you had this will by yourself do you know why you're standing here pulling up all this water in the hot Sun at noonday I need nobody want to be bothered with you you know why you've been through all these marriages and you're still by yourself you ain't got nobody helping you with that water all the men's is because you worship your know not what you worship in something that ain't working for you your worship him something that you don't even understand you think it's jabba's him or Jerusalem ah but now it's a person you're still empty after your little worship because you're worshiping your shrine so this morning this message comes to confront shrines things that we have set up the Bible says casting down every imagination come on every I bought tell your name is too high casting down every imagination that what exalteth itself against what the knowledge of God come on you too your words too strong it offensive I'm bringing into captivity Lord I'm coming in I'm coming in I know you blame them if you look to this way I'm coming in right now see bringing it not Holy Ghost I must bring it in talking too much now I'm talking about stuff that I don't have the whole picture it's not even mine to have it ain't none of my business I'm getting in stuff that I shouldn't put my nose in I got too much information from Google dot lol whatever bringing into captivity every thought every feeling every attitude every opinion that exhausted itself on what God has in store and having done all after I did that I better check it again cuz it's a tendency to go get another shrine help me God is a tendency to create something else dress it up put an ephod on ants call it priest so after I've done that that is it okay okay I feel the tendency having done all to stand stand therefore with my loins girded the area of my passion the area of my drive Carla to expose come on it's been touched by too many people got it too many people have written on it and and left their print on it cover it up with truth breastplate of righteousness wear it so anybody who comes with a suggestion there know where you stand helmet of salvation cover that mind with the reality that you could never save yourself you couldn't save yourself girl remind yourself that you are a wrench undone ah but God stepped out of heaven to crap you from the clutches of hell somebody ought to help me praise put on the helmet a you never put it up I know it ain't cute but putting up have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace you need to be dressed so that you won't create your own temple your own shrine nothing in your nothing in your works nothing in here works nothing in here is right nothing nothing nothing in here there's nothing nothing this is just this is just not working for me so what is working the your shrine every man did was was right in his own eyes this is a day for the ophthalmologist the Holy Ghost ophthalmologists it's a time for an eye check that's what's wrong your eyes are telling you something that's in competition with what God said so turn your eyes upon Jesus look for Shabba of this whole will grow strangely in the light in singing one more time to turn gee No like so what does it say to me I don't know what it's saying to you because I got this before I gave it to you God gave it to me for me just in case you think I'm talking at you but I am very much involved in this Tex you don't know write McCullough you don't have you don't know right you don't know what right is so don't even go by what you see what you feel what you think well what we have surmised the only thing you go by is when I said in my word every instruction I give you does not require your eyes to be in agreement and I ask you to analyze this you understand I'm asking you to obey this and then asking you to cut it apart and and see if it fits it fits before it came out before you saw it it came out of heaven Finch it came out of heaven right he doesn't need you to readjust it be constructed like post modernist deconstructed to make it suit everybody I didn't ask you to I just asked you to receive what I say the way I said it and do it the way I asked you to do it because when you build your own shrine you're opening yourself up for the enemy to destroy that's why they needed 12 judges because the enemy came after them because it was all about them I know that I'm past 130 but you had a lot we had a lot of things going on you took time from the other time yeah let me stop but today I feel an urgency my speed I was sitting there at Reverend Suzette moving into praise I wanted to jump up the Lhasa hole your spirits because in this church I want to adjust thinking and imaginations they gettin past themselves this church has an assignment to put order in the church and a disorderly church cannot command order there must be respect for my authority over a collective congregation I am NOT giving individual rights I'm giving collective purposes each playing their parts to make a whole if you want to make sure that you're not right in your own eyes if you want God to check your vision we not won't pray for to our Saints but come is an urgency before you come in and our key what witness is this the right job is this the right is this the right is this the right is this right when I'm getting ready to say is this right when I'm getting ready to do was that the right attitude I had it just seemed right to me at the moment come on raise those hands don't stand on line without raising your hands thank you lord move quickly move quickly thank you Jesus move wiggling Oh
Channel: Beth Rapha
Views: 7,049
Rating: 4.7251906 out of 5
Id: nbs9h1d-geY
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Length: 169min 17sec (10157 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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