May I Be Free To Speak? - Bishop Jackie McCullough

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[Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus we have the victory in the name of Jesus demons will have to flee tell me who can stand before us when we call on that great name his name great Jesus Jesus precious Jesus we have the victory if you believe it give him a standing ovation this morning or you can praise him with a loud boy I say we have the victory grow into God I'm glad to be here before we take our seats just want to testify that the Lord is the lord of my life that testimony is necessary because the last time you saw me I could have become a Muslim but I'm still a Christian oh you need to know that amen and he's still Lord of my life amen and I would like you to join me in saluting the pastor of this great church bishop ramsey his lovely wife amen all ministers and pastors and leaders whoever's in ministry I salute you especially thank God for pastor Danelle and his wife pastor Carlene for being with me this morning and the rest of my family for being here Reverend Wanda you may be seated tell you neighbor I'm glad to see you today a man on the Lord's Day praise the Lord praise the Lord I know that you had in the in the bio the introduction my latest book I hate my life and many of you may not want to buy it because of the title but I think if you read it maybe you'll understand what I mean about hating my life because you need to ask question why so many Christians not in church anymore why so many of our young people say that they don't know what they believe anymore why so many people are depressed in church why so many preachers are committing suicide after preaching in the pulpit something is going on in the lives of the Christians that we need to look at amen and maybe we can intervene and maybe we can reach out so that more people will begin to love the life of Christ isn't he an awesome God he's an awesome God so I'll be back there to sign the book and and just say hello to you and you can pass the book on to somebody who might be suicidal or depressed while they're singing on the choir amen all right I greet all of my family members particularly the matriarch of the family in no other than on clover I don't know where you are but wherever you are you know yes ma'am I see you know yes ain't he wearing that hat all right turn your Bibles if you have your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews the fourth chapter and this particular word means a lot to me and I'd like to share with you what I got out of it and hopefully with your private study you'll get even more out of it thus Hebrews the fourth chapter and I'm just going to read verses 14 through 16 just three verses as Hebrews chapter four beginning at verse 14 and ending at verse 16 and I'm going to ask you to stand and join me in in reading this word amen hebrews chapter four beginning at verse 14 ending at verse 16 here begins god's word seeing them that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession but we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin and here is the text let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need and the the sermon this morning is centered around the first clause let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace so far the reading and hearing of God's Word you may be seated thank you for standing and the title of this message is may I be free to speak may I be free to speak freedom of speech is supposedly part of our constitutional rights many have stated that it guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely it also guarantees the right of citizens to assembly to assemble peaceably and to petition their government what does freedom of speech really mean freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation censorship or legal sanction there limits to freedom of speech anyone who exercise this right cannot use it to force fraud or defame people it's not supposed to use in child pornography perjury or blackmail but freedom of speech is usually exercised to protect human rights or to express political agenda so what does freedom of speech have to do with this particular text we're in the first century and the Hebrew Saints we know that somebody wrote this we don't know whether it's poor but there's another writer who wrote the book of Hebrews and the the purpose of the book is to encourage the Christians the Jewish Christians not to go back to the old way the Jewish way the Old Covenant but stay with the New Covenant why would they want to go back to the Old Covenant because Christians were being persecuted and when they were persecuted it was safer to be a Jew than it was to be a Christian so the writer the preacher the person is saying don't give up the new and perfect way because you're scared don't go back to your old way because you want to protect yourselves we don't understand what persecution is yet in America even though we're getting some feelings churches are being burnt down in other countries pastors are being killed young women are being being raped acid is being thrown in their faces when they declare that they're not going to denounce Christ we don't we don't understand any of that what we call persecution is our name is not on the program what we call persecution is that somebody didn't give us a title or what we call persecution is that the pastor didn't give us extra attention that's what we call persecution what we call persecution is that somebody took our seat in church that's that's what we call persecution but persecution in the first century children were being killed that was thrown in the arena and the animals ate up the Christians in front of them that's why they develop godparents if my child if I'm dead or they kill me I want you to make sure that you that you raise my child as a Christian so we don't know yet but it's coming it's coming Christians are running away from other countries because they're being persecuted by other religions so the writer is trying to encourage them stay with Christ stay with the real way stay with the Fix way it's not that the Old Covenant was the wrong way it was not the perfect way it's not that the Old Covenant or the old relationship that God had with his people was not good but it was not the best Jesus gave us what the best relationship so just to name a few of the benefits of the New Covenant and we need to know that because if somebody challenged me today as to why I believe in Jesus I can't just tell him but tell them that because I don't drink I smoke and I'm saying I can't just say to them I don't fornicate any more all right don't commit adultery because a lot of people out there don't fornicate and don't commit adultery and they're not Christians there are a lot of people who don't smoke because they don't want to have cancer so it's not it's not morality it's not good behavior you know I raised my child and I have a model child you know no Christian principles but they behave well you don't know when they're gonna start behaving badly because they can switch so it's not all of the stuff that we usually say maybe not you but a lot of Christians when when they're asked by other religions or other people why do you believe what you believe why do you live that way whatever whatever we have all kinds of answers but we don't seem to hone in in a way that they can walk away and say wow you really know what you're talking about you really have given your life over to something that you really believe in and you can't believe in something that you don't know you see I'm not a Christian because my parents were in the church my mother and father preached there was Christians and they were in ministry for 60 years I can't go around and just use that as a testimony no no no because a lot of people were raised in church and they're not saved today that can't be reason it can't be the reason that I pay my taxes on time that I'm a good citizen that I have a good job and I have a decent house and I'm doing well I've got a car and I'm successful the profession that can't be the reason because the drunk man has a profession too what is the reason why I do what I do what is the reason why I spent hours in the church what is the reason why I lift my hands and praise the Lord what is the reason why I say no to the club I was reason why don't I club it on Saturday and preach on Sunday morning what is the reason it must be that I believe something strong enough to make adjustments it must be that my belief system is in someone not something enough for my whole life to be adjusted not part time so let's just look at at least a few things about this new covenant this new relationship that would cause the Hebrew Christians to stay in the new covenant and cause a 21st century Christian to walk in the new covenant because you see 21st Christians don't walk in the New Covenant anymore they just Church it you know some people don't come to Bible study they only come to church on Sunday they're called SM Oh Christians Sunday morning only is I'm saying they don't want to know then I want to know about their faith because they don't intend to live it you see if you had the information then you get convicted but if you don't have the information you have an excuse oh I feel good this morning how about you I had a good breakfast so you know I'm gonna act like I ate all right the first thing I want to talk about that makes this walk that makes it make sense it's called spiritual intelligence why should I stick with the New Covenant first of all the New Covenant was set up by somebody different than the Old Covenant people like Aaron and Eleazar and all those old high priests they don't have what the new high priests has and the new high priests set up a new order and it's a greater order his name is Christ see first thing I want to go back is Jesus and we don't like to put Jesus in the equation when you talk to people from other religion and you say God they like you cuz God could mean anything God could mean your car God could mean your money God could mean your your IQ God could mean your connections God could mean any God but the moment you say Jesus it creates a different kind of tension so the reason why I'm believing is because I have a different kind of high priest his name is Christ he came to set up a new government and the government has to do with how he governs my life you see this high priest is supposed to govern my life I'm under good government you know my other aunt auntie Vani she's going on to be with the Lord and she was a very funny lady all of all of the auntie's are funny but anyway and and she would say you see that girl there she married you know I said yes auntie I know she's married she said she have a nice husband I said yes he looks nice she's under good management to see her and said she's been taken care of well well this high priests governs my life well I don't know who governs your life I don't know who calls the shots in your life I don't know who tells you when how where and with whom but I know who my governor I know who runs my life he is suffering God and his name is Jesus you understand that he deserves to run my life the Bible said he was given a name above every name and not this name every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord not just in name but in action he's a ruler he's a ruler he's a ruler he rules in the affairs of men lord have mercy he does when he was and asked nobody's permission he's in charge and he doesn't need your vote so he's a good governor tell your neighbor I'm under government I'm so why do I believe in him because he's able to govern he's a high priest you see he paid for this job he paid for it with his blood he didn't need a vote to do it he got out of heaven and voluntarily paid for my nastiness he died on the cross for my wretchedness shed his blood for my lowdown this now I know some of you don't think you're lowdown but we were born lowdown the Bible said we were born in sin shapen in iniquity in sin did my mother conceive me and Jesus said you see that little girl down there I'm gonna have to work it out she's too wretched she's still lowdown and I'm gonna have to do something to rescue her so I'm gonna come down and shed my blood and my blood is sufficient to rescue her she stood gum to rescue herself that I got to do it for her can I get somebody to help me put your hands together for being rescued I know you sophisticated people don't think you're being rescued you don't need to be rescued you put on such a front but three o'clock in the morning you're depressed like everybody else but to lose your mind so we're not impressed with your fronting we know you crazy but it takes God to pull you in you better thank God that you're rescued so we have this great high priests that's why we're covered under this new covenant not because we know smoke but we have a great high priests the second reason is his name has power he just doesn't have a name to sign contracts it doesn't just have a name just to show off his name works it's not a fake name it's a real name it's a name where demons respect it's a name where people hate but they can't touch it it's a name your call where you don't know what else to do it's a name that helps you when you're in trouble in the courtroom oh yes I've been in the courtroom now you ain't got no money but you got Jesus come on it's a name that helps you when your kids are going crazy all you got to do is call that name ah many of us have dropped the name but tell your neighbor pick it up baby pick it up pick it up Lord this is a great name to have he's a Jesus his name is Jesus my god demons tremble the Bible said he got off the boat and he went to a place called the gatherings and when he got off the boat there was a man my god that was terrorizing terrorizing the community the Bible said you couldn't even keep clothes on so some of you are don't wear clothes we know you crazy huh he couldn't keep clothes on the Bible said he would cut himself oh come on many of our young people cutting themselves it's a spirit ah he would run around and terrorize people but Lord when Jesus stepped off the boat it's all he got to do is step off the boat he ain't said nothing yet he just stepped off the boat and the demon start talking and the demon said I know who you are you came to get rid of me well somebody ought to call his name right now put your hands together and praise oh yes oh yes Christians have dropped the name what Christians do is counsel with the devil what Christians do is use parapsychology with the devil you don't understand that he said Paul I know and Jesus I know but that's why you're getting whipped because you're using the wrong name so I'm in a relationship with the father because I know what the name means the name means that he's able to bring things under control Psalms are raging and he can quietly get about the boat and say peace be still I don't care what's going on in your house all you gotta do is call the name his name is Jehovah Shalom it means peace be still oh come on you drunken riotous demon peace be still in the name of the Lord Jesus a new sexual abuser back up here peace be still you cussing demon peace be still you verbal abuse peace Oh somebody help me right now I just went to your house and come and peace put your hands together want to hear you're praising the benefit is I have a name you have a degree I have a name have a certificate on the wall yeah so some ask got a name and ain't nothing wrong with degree I got them too but they don't work when I'm in trouble I got somebody help me help me I feel a praise coming up here now you may have 401k maybe you may have IRA maybe you may have seen these maybe you may think you're gonna have social security in 2025 maybe but I got a name you see and that name lasts forever come on church people would yourself right yourself you can't whip the devil like that name the devil doesn't respect your name who is McCullough nobody but I got Jesus he's my great physician he's my Jehovah Jireh my provider he's my waymaker the lifts up of my head he's my counselor he's not what Isaiah said he's what wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father and Prince of Peace that's the kind of covenant that I'm under the third thing is he's great he's mighty he's awesome but he's also compassionate this great Savior who should really throw me away cuz I behaved so badly he should really throw my name out because I'm not perfect but instead he keeps on giving me mercy see it blows my mind others wouldn't give you that much mercy come on they don't that you-you-you steal five dogs from them one time and you listen every time you come they grab the pocketbook they're not gonna give you mercy you make a mistake and offend a family member and they still don't want to sit next to you at Thanksgiving they want to ignore you but this merciful God that I offend you see this merciful God that I don't behave well all the time I don't have the ability to be perfect all the time he didn't call a perfect soul he knew what he was getting when he saved me my god many of you get married and think you're getting one thing you know you ain't getting that wait till you get up the next morning you wake up next morning you know that ain't what it is it ain't what it is come on here you thought that you thought the toes were straight until he took off his shoes you found that the toe is a little crooked you understand you you thought you thought he had some money in the back of you know the boy was broke but whatever whatever whatever whatever but listen he knew when he was getting when he chose me the Bible said he chose me before the foundation of the world before he hung the stars in the moon he wrote my name in the Lamb's Book of Life there is no surprises when it comes to me and the marvelous grace is that no matter what happens he still wants me lord have mercy and he's not going to let me go come on and praise Him that is not oh come on I praise him this morning I said you'll never let me go you don't want to be bothered with me but he'll always love me you dropped me long time ago many of you are stick and twisted because your mother dropped you and your father dropped you and you're still angry about it pushing 70 but you're still mad at your mama who's been dead for years but Jesus never dropped you lord have mercy he will never drop you he said I'll never leave you and I'll never forsake you somebody getting delivered right now put your hands together cuz you'll never be dropped tell your neighbor I'm not gonna be dropped so I'm in this covenant cuz he's so gracious every morning I wake up new mercies and then lastly I'm in this covenant I'm holding on and I'm not looking for anything else because there's nowhere else I would go and find such privileges such security such assurance such satisfaction in a very no place else no places I'll go and find such acceptance such information my god he affirms me by warning me that's what you're looking for many people are in crazy relationship cuz you're looking for somebody to tell you that they want you and they'll never leave you and you're the best thing that ever happened to them when they're notö sally down the road Sally got the same message same message Bubba got the same message you understand but Jesus doesn't lie you see he cannot lie it's nothing he doesn't want to lie the Bible said he cannot lie so when he tells me hey my color I love you it's true it's true I said it's really true I'll never leave you it's true did you hear what I said it's true don't measure him by all the lying people in your lives the last thing that that I should really be excited about about my new covenant not my church membership then that the fact that I've been in church all my life please the last thing is that he has been tempted in all areas so that he will know what to do with me when I'm tempted see he's been there you know you don't want to Savior you don't want a god that doesn't know what you're talking about you want to know that he knows your issues your propensity is and your appetite lord have mercy he never committed it but he knows what it is he was tempted at all points did you hear what I said at all points the devil tempted him at all points he didn't sin but he knows what it feels like to be offered that particular sin it's good to know that he knows what you like he knows what turns you on he knows how the devil plays with you he knows how the devil can come as my mother would say and inveigle you i said you makin turn tell somebody inveigle they said what that means i said my mother is dead you should have asked her when she was alive but inveigle means seduce you pull you in cuz that's your little area tell your neighbor everybody got a little area baby everybody got a little bit of area i don't care if i preach until tomorrow I got a little area too I can confess one of my little situations that just came up on on when was it Wednesday I misbehave badly I'm almost finished and you know I moved to Jersey and where I live they don't blow horns badly you don't blow horns like they blow in Brooklyn and in Brooklyn they blow horns they don't just blow it they sit on it sit on the horn so I went to Brooklyn and this man was behind me we couldn't go forward and we couldn't go backward so he was stuck and he just sat on the horn and usually I'm very you know whatever but the horn got to me and I said to the person got rolled down the window my father's name is Percival and he had a bad temper sir Percival grows up he rose up from the grave you see I say roll the window down and pass her up and said please Bishop please he might have a gun and you shoot all of us in here so please please I said roll it roll it so by time they said roll it a space opened up and we were able to make the turn and he came right behind us and I said to the young lady driving I said if you let him get in front of you I bop you in your head right here don't tell me that this flesh doesn't know how to misbehave and as soon as as soon as the preacher said it I said forgive me God lord have mercy help me help me save save me Lord temptation will come suggestions will come always will come up all feelings will come up oh come on here as long as you're in this flesh you can't get rid of that stuff but you have a savior that knows how to pull you out just in time lord have mercy oh come on some time to get this close did you hear me I met a young man on the plane yesterday and he's saved and he was saying you know the Lord delivered me from a lot of things and he delivered me from whoremongering and he says I'm married now I got wonderful children he said but you know what that desire is still there I said hmm and then he said you know because sometimes I see certain things and you know in church you see certain things there was a time that you didn't know what somebody is shape was like you know when the things that they weren't in church because it was covered but today it's very undisplaced see that's why the brothers hang their head down and got one eye open cuz yeah they can't hardly make it and and the wife looks over like this say what you lookin at cuz we have gone crazy in church we wear clubs or clothes in church that's what you do in the club you you wear it tight so that we can see the contour cuz that's the purpose of club purpose of curvy C is to inflame get attention your suppose was inflamed the poor brothers the brothers supposed to say calm so they could worship God you understand and he said sometimes in church sometime in church he said you see and you want to go like this I said Satan the Lord rebuke you and the hand of God buying you I said tried and your hand won't move anymore I said try and try it because that need is still even though he loves his wife and children there are areas that the enemy works us if we don't allow God to put his hands down in it if we don't allow the Holy Ghost to put a cap on it we'll slip in it David said my feet well nicely oh but the God that we serve he knows how to snatch us before we make a fool of ourselves somebody just got snatched right now who come on here arrangements were being made and the law just cancelled the appointment I just want somebody to help me praise Him I said I want somebody to help me praise him I said arrangements were being made and the Lord what cancel it oh yes he did that's the God that we serve tell your neighbor have a tight covenant I have a tight covenant this is a kind of Savior that I serve he's a high priests his name is powerful he's merciful and he knows how I feel when I'm feeling it so with that in mind with that in mind let me just say that he encourages you right there in verse 16 and I'm finished with knowing all of that let us therefore based on who we know he is based on the privileges and benefits that he offers let us community let us keep on coming bolli it this is a killer right here come boldly means you're free to speak ladies and gentlemen you know many of us are free to speak but we don't speak right you know many of us are free to speak but we use our mouths for other things it's amazing how much we have to say to everybody else and have nothing to say to God it's amazing how talkative we are how much we can talk but we don't spend that much time talking to the Lord because the reason why is if you know the benefits then you know you have access because you know who he is you talk to him more than you talk to people you find out that you don't have to hide your feelings you find out that you don't have to lie about your feelings you find out that you don't have to fake your feelings you can come boldly oh yes I do yes I do I come boldly I said God you see that one right there I'd like to run a truck over that one ah but I know you died for me not to run trucks but to look you see that's how I talk to him I don't come to him with any great long prayer that he to know that my heart is wicked and that my heart is heavy I tell him just like it is a god you know that person is not straight and I don't want to have nothing to do with them but if you help me I'll do better I'll do better oh come on talk talk talk tell your neighbor talk talk talk straight to pretend tell him just how you feel bolli freely openly frankly continually don't be telling him just one day tell him every day every morning you wake up you got to get mercy it means that your mind wasn't straight when you got up so you need mercy to fix it but talk to him people don't pray like they used to churches used to be praying churches we used to have people praying all day in the church noonday prayer was just as big a Sunday morning service now we're too busy too busy talking on social media that's where we talk we talk in social media we don't know we don't talk about Jesus we talked about foolishness we talk about the new stiletto that we got on sale and not nostrums we talk about where we went out with our boo to certain restaurant and what he gave us didn't know he borrowed the money to buy the dinner we talk about all kinds of stuff ladies and gentlemen but we don't talk to God my mother used to say have a little talk with Jesus come on and tell him Lord about your trouble say he will hear you he will answer just keep the prayer wheel turning and you know you know you know you know that the fires burning just have a little talk Oh somebody help me this morning put your hands together and let me hear your praise listen and I don't have to ask for permission I don't have to stand on line I don't have to go through a priest I don't have to go to anybody I can do it in my kitchen I can do it in the shower come on here I can do it while I'm driving my car and I don't have to let you know what I'm telling cuz some things are too ugly some things are too painful some things are too embarassing but I want to talk I need to talk tell your neighbor I need to talk I need to talk this stuff is about to kill me I can't tell friends about this if I tell them there won't be my friend anymore if I tell my family they'll think I'm crazy but I know where to go to talk and when I talk I did it right when I talk here work it out come on church we need to get back to the altar and start talking and telling him everything about what we feel I was raised in the church do we say we old school don't be saying the whole school because it's the same way the Apostles did it that's what made them great they knew how to spend hours the Bible said Peter and John was on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer I don't care how high I preach I got to pray some of this stuff that I have to talk to God about I can't tell anybody it'll make them lose their mind some of the things that I've experienced I need to tell it to the God who is able to work it out work it out work it out I got to talk to him to get it off for me get it off of me I gotta talk to him so I can have peace and joy I gotta talk to him so he can tell me what to do what to do what to do Oh ladies and gentlemen can't nobody tell you what to do like God if I do the way I feel I'll mess it up but when I do it the way he says it brings glory to his name you too busy you too busy be too busy they're too lazy spirit of laziness spirit of distraction spirit of saints just coming to church but don't have a prayer life ah but God is warning you today you better find an altar you better call me now cuz you gonna need me now Oh ladies and gentlemen when I grew up in the church when I grew up in the church they didn't ask me if I wanted to pray they told me I had to pray see today you have to ask people that's them you can't tell folk to do anything anymore they'll cuss you out and roll their eyes and whatever or they'll ignore you and just don't do it but I'm so glad for the way I was raised you see because they didn't ask me little girl cuz you were never grown little girl is a prayer time I didn't know that I needed it you see I thought I could glide through this world with my own ingenuity creativity thoughts and ideas see I thought I was that smart until they tell me little girl near right here and when I knelt down I thought I could get by with one of their little fake prayers thank you Jesus God thank you lord Thank You Lourdes Thank You Lourdes I didn't know that hell was gonna be in my life I didn't know that the devil was gonna try to kill me and then there's a fake prayers couldn't bring me out so because they knew more than I knew they ignored that little fake stuff and I said come on baby call him call him like you need him who Vienna moon Sue Ann dear Sheikh who beyond I call him like you want him to do something anybody want him to do something come on a put your hands together yeah Paulie so they would they wouldn't they wouldn't trust you to do it they would sit there while you're kneeling and they're watching and then when you try to go to sleep it'd pull your arms up and you midnight act like you're gonna fight them never see cuz them the old mothers you don't play with old mothers see so you raise your arm up and then you said come on baby he's a good god so you don't know him yet but you're gonna know him said he's gonna be sweeter to you than the honeycomb but you gotta call him a certain way you gotta call him until you feel him working you gotta call him until something break on the inside see people don't break anymore they just give a cute little praise and then sashay out the door is a saying honey sashay can't bring you out it takes the name of Jesus you gotta come out of your cute self you gotta stop being so wonderful I realize I need thee every hour every hour it would work me and they would say isn't he wonderful after a while you started feeling the wonders of God did he save you baby did he save you yes Lord yes and then the tears start come in he say well if he saved you give him glory and all of a sudden you start saying thank you and then the fan could stop being fake and the thank you start getting real and now he gets cut scenes gets cuts it gets down in your belly you say Frank yeah after a while you forgot what you had on you say thank you thank you and then it gets a little tune back yeah thank you and I don't buy your arms go up and then you get up from there and you start shaking yourself and then you start walking by yourself thank you Jesus glory - come here you're worth it to me praise you're the king of kings and the Lord of lords a line of the tribe of Judah Holy One of Israel the great I am the way half in trouble way in the wilderness water intra you're gone now tell your neighbor I'm going right back there I'm going back so well I don't know how to do that yes you do you should know how to do it you don't want to do it but that's what it's gonna take don't let any of these cute little fake sophisticated all those going out to their mind people say don't take it takes that and more I have friends in the Bahamas in Freeport who are living in water hanging around with dead bodies can't flush the toilets no drinking water you can't fake that huh some of you can't even imagine that but it could happen sandy came by New York so don't act like it can't come here so you can't afford to spend any time not talking to the Lord cuz you don't know when a storm is gonna come back what do you do in a storm come on ask your neighbor ask your neighbor what are you doing a storm tell me tell me with your cute self what are you doing your storm tell me what your smart cell what are you doing a storm you better know how to call it and call him until something happens come on put your hands together wanna hear your price my final word is you have access see he invites you to come but he does not slam the door in your face when you come have you ever been invited somewhere and when you got there people act like they didn't want you come on lots of us have been invited to places when we got there they act funny on you you know and you said to yourself I should I should have stayed home why am I being treated like this huh invite to the wedding and they put you all the way in the back about time they bring the chicken there's no chicken huh you just treated badly but this God says come and when you come the doors are open no I'd have mercy and and the doors are open because he shed his blood rip his skin to open the door he paid the price so you can come I don't understand it he plays such a price and you still don't want to come you're ungrateful come on he paid the price not with silver or gold he paid the price with his blood and he wasn't back to do it he did it willingly he did it when you didn't want him you did it when you didn't like him but he did it anyhow and now the door is wide open oh hear me hear me hear me you don't have to create a door the door is wide open you can go straight to go did you hear it I said you can go straight to God not to the voodoo man not to astrology not to Capricorn not to leo my god not to forego not to Sarah tatius so whatever they are ah but you can go to God you don't have to go to no talk show to get no two steps change and three step for change this ain't no a a program this is a wide open access of access to the Creator huh access to the god of the universe access to the King of Kings access to the Lord of lords uh access when you're broken access when you're wrong access when you're right access when you lose access when you win come on ladies and gentlemen you've got entrance why are you running around trying to get information from the wrong source what why why is it Church confuse I've never seen such mental issues thank God for the counselors we've never needs counseling in the church like we need now you know why cuz we didn't we didn't take advantage of the privilege great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them so why you offended cuz you don't love the law I don't need to go into any deep psychological stuff right there why are you so easily offended cuz you don't love the word cuz if you love the word the Word was God yeah what what what why are you so bow down why you cast down O my soul and why are you disquieted why are you depressed every day got new shoes but the press got a new job but the press got a husband big old man line not next to you and you depress it got sex every night but you still depressed what what is it what thank God you helped me this morning got money in the back what's still depressed lost weight but the press got a new weave but the press come on here something wrong something wrong something wrong something wrong something wrong ask yourself why why why I can't get happy why I can't love God why I can't be glad to come to church why see we don't ask ourselves that question why I can't live holy why I can't love one wife why I got to have two one here and one there huh well I can't love the husband well I gotta have to love the husband and have a female lover I know you don't want me to talk that stuff but I'm going home in a few men died oh it's in the church don't try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about why why I got to be in church one week and out of church the next why I can't be steady steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that my labor not in things why here is Dave his answer so why yeah why you why you're down why are you down now he's not asking somebody else why he's down cuz that's what we do we try to ask why do you think why do you think I feel this way no no stop it ask yourself look in the mirror take off all your clothes look in the mirror and ask yourself why why nothing pleases you hmm you ever serve somebody and I'm not pleased hey bring me some tea yes ma'am bring the tea too hot put a little milk in it to cool my attitude is drink water cuz I'm bringing you I'm not bringing you any more tea nothing pleases you nothing ask yourself why you got the Holy Ghost and there is no joy ask yourself why are you some miserable hey why are you miserable and making everybody as miserable yet you've been safe for a long time Wow when the joy of the Lord is your strength the Bible said is the song we used to sing in the choir bishop ramses joy unspeakable and it's full of glory ha ha oh you're gonna make me misbehave I said that's never yet been told Saints don't know what that is anymore what we call joy is being entertained but joy is when you're flat broke are you still gonna dance forget it has lost a job but you what's wrong with you what's wrong with you you ain't got no money hey but the joy the joy cuz you see he's my provider this job is not my boss Jesus is my boss ask yourself why why be a Christian and be miserable well cuz first of all you don't believe him you don't believe in him so David did a self assessment not a selfie he did a self assessment put down the phone and do a self assessment ask yourself why am i giving my life to Christianity and I'm still depressed all the time and depressing myself cast down means nobody is suppressing me I'm depressing myself why are you disquieted within me why am i fighting myself anybody fight you there's a fight going on it's a war well how am I gonna get past this tell your neighbor you can get past it you can get past it Lord and I'm gonna sit down how do you get past it you talk to God and what do you say you said I will yet praise you see that's what's wrong you want the praise leader to praise you want the musician to praise but you don't want to praise yet you're the most miserable person in the world then you need a psychiatrist and then you need a film and then you need a robber and then you need a vacation and then you need a new hairdo and you're still miserable but here's a solution I'm gonna get my miserable self up and I'm gonna praise him because I want to be delivered anybody up in here today I will yet praise it for he is the health of my countenance here's the help of my life anybody want help in here jump up on your feet and praise Him open your mouth and praise [Music] boom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know how you plan to make it things are not gonna get any better I'm not like these line profits are came in to tell come and tell you you're gonna be a millionaire in this year huh you're gonna drive the Porsche and you can't pay for the focus I'm gonna play with you like that I'm not playing I'm not playing that what I want to tell you is how you get through the day tell your neighbor I want to learn how to get through the day hey ivashov ah I want to wake up in the morning and knowing whom I believe and when the storm hit I want to come back standing up how do you do it how do you do it how do you do it I raised my hand and praise it I don't need the music to praise it I got enough information to praise it I've been with him a long time to know how to praise Him so why you sit there and look at me I'm gonna praise my way out of this come on you're free to speak now start talking cycle I said start talking start telling him that is wonderful he's awesome he's mighty he's king he's Lord all that organized I didn't say the organist should praise him I said you should praise him you're free to speak tell your neighbor you're free to speak huh this is your time to start talking you want to go home with your right mind it's time for you to start talking you want to get the monkey off your back this time for you to start talking you want to have your right mind back this time for you to start talking you want to know how to live in Hell and see like heaven it's time for you to start talking so come on you need to raise your hand and some of you need to get out of your seat and start walking and praising the Lord come on we got to satisfied we got to comfortable come on I want to hear your praise and I want to hear your praise in I want to hear you [Music] come on shut up or so idiot emoticons come on open your mouth out of your belly in idiot I of emotions give Him glory get the glory give them honor give him honor magnifier bless His name let him know that he's Lord this game his master he's your everything come on Russia to the inevitable city praise your way praise your way neighborhood Laurey glory glory glory glory [Music] blew it ago listen to me I'm gonna pass those of you it may not be comfortable it may not be easy but those of you who want to break the glue wanted to come out of a certain kind of stop place where your Christianity became a little dull and dry and you feel like it's not working but you want to walk out of here differently knowing that Jesus is everything got everything you need if you'll just read if you'll just read you'll find out how blessed you are how much he has done for you so if you want to walk out of here with a new kind of attitude a new kind of resolve come stand around this altar and move quickly if you want to stay stuck and stuck on yourself I'm not talking to you but we're in trouble on every hand I said trouble is on every hand so come and stand around the altar [Music] come on e I know Shabbat so come on under the undead of Omaha come on come on come on [Music] I want to leave out of here a short I want to leave that if here thinking differently I want to leave out of here knowing how to talk to God listen to God here God I don't want to go back home in the same mindset I don't want to wake up doubting and questioning if God loves me I want to walk out of there a short come on spread across this altar come come pump spread across across many animals say don't be afraid come there's room shitty I turn over what survived and they I'm gonna hit you box raise your hand don't worry about those people that's still in your seat huh this is your chance nobody knows what you go through and you can go through it differently come on open your mouth and praise Him open your mouth the traces give him honor give them glory give them praise give them honor given praise your boomerang goes holy attack nanny had no podía break the fetter he's a Fed a break you share so take your hands off you line wonder forever [Music] come on in praise the monitor Bosco [Music] [Applause] [Music] Chanin emotions he's able he's a mom he's a neighbor [Music] come at me [Music] [Applause] worshiping adoring No Oh No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bishop Jackie McCullough
Views: 31,540
Rating: 4.8271236 out of 5
Id: 2hDpbBPzzRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 31sec (4051 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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