Bishop Jackie McCullough - "No More Fake Water"

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thank you sister melanie if god is your all and all just raise your hand and worship him amen i don't feel like begging you all tonight i really don't i don't think i ought to beg you to to worship the lord i think it ought to just come spontaneously after all that we've been through with this covet and we're still in our right minds i think we ought to praise the lord because he is faithful amen he is faithful to us in spite of and i thank god for the privilege of being here with you in the worship service we may not be together physically but we are connected spiritually amen and we are going to stay connected because the bible said that we have the same father one lord one faith and one baptism we have quite a few people out there uh in social media that's following us and we can't call everybody's name to sabrina crane but there are few of you who came in early so i'm going to call out the early bird name you know i'm saying some if you had come early i would have called your name early but since you still you know not coming in but i just want to thank god for sin for dr julia macmillan from new dawn is with us amen so good to have you pastor bishop julia macmillan um malcolm jason lowe uh josiah cohumba marva melville moses legislation barbara johnson michelle michelle michelle mitchell i'm sorry james young from from um press o'brien's church in north carolina we have rodney cotton aka newell and lenata peoples from from bethel we thank you so much we thank you and all the others i didn't call your name wherever you are whatever time zone you're in here we are together to worship the lord so very quickly i'm going to ask you to turn your bibles to isaiah the 58th chapter isaiah in the book of isaiah chapter 58 and i'm just going to read one verse isaiah 58 verse 1 verse 11 rather isaiah 58 verse 11 just one verse and that verse is verse 11 from the 58th chapter of isaiah amen i'm just waiting for you to find it praise the lord and here is a reading of god's word from the king james virgin you may have some other virgins so i'm sure it will be going in the same direction and the lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul in drought and made fat by bones and thou shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not so far the reading and hearing of god's word and the title of this sermon is no more fake water no more fake water okay and what is the word fake fake is it's not genuine it's counterfeit and it's a chef we're not going into 2021 to experience counterfeit to be involved in things that are not genuine and to believe a sham you know i know many of you have experienced spam calls i get them all the time and i'm very sorry that i don't always answer them in a certain kind of way you know what i'm saying to get them off my phone but those calls are fake calls they're counterfeit calls and so the title is no more fake water if we had fake water in 2020 we have enough sense this covet not to fall for fake water in 2021 what on earth does that mean well we're in the book of isaiah and isaiah is a major prophet i'm not giving you a lot of history because i know you know some of you all want to party so i'm just going to try to run through this kind of you know swift so isaac is a major prophet of the old testament and he was more new testament than he was old testament in his prophecies he saw things 700 years before it came to pass for instance the birth of jesus he saw jesus 700 years the scripture says and a virgin shall bring forth a son from isaiah and his name shall be called emmanuel god with us and then he also saw jesus's crucifixion and he says in isaiah 53 he was wounded for our transgression he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his scribes stripes were healed and that 700 years before it happened that's why we can trust him he was more messianic in his prophecy than most of the old testament prophets and some scholars called call him the fifth gospel he prophesied at a very tumultuous time that's why this particular text is so appropriate as it was tumultuous then in isaiah's time it is tumultuous now in our time moral and political upheaval taking over judah and samaria the threat of war from the assyrians and there was panic with the kings because they knew that if samaria went into babylon so will judah so judah is very very anxious just like we are anxious we don't know what's going to happen we don't know if this is going to work or that is going to work the covet still exists it's like a biological warfare we are in a war we have no freedom we are restricted we are locked down we are economically embarrassed many people have lost their jobs many people are are threatening or they're threatening to evict we are in a war just like isaiah people in judah and and samaria were in a war and and isaiah prophesied and tried to convince them to really trust the lord but what about this particular chapter we're getting ready to go into a fast most churches traditionally go into a fast the first of the year some go into a seven day fast something a five-day fast some a 21-day fast some people fast for the whole month some people have a fast from sugar some people have a fast from bread i mean it can really get ridiculous because some people have a fast they eat they eat vegetables one week and then they eat fruit another week i can't do that to my people because they eat everything they get so confused but listen the fast is is is not an unbiblical thing fast is a legitimate part of christian worship historically we see in the old testament that they fasted in the new testament they fasted so fast is not an unbiblical or unscriptural practice even the nutrition and the doctor nutritionist and the doctor will tell you fasting is good for the body physically it's good for the mind but fasting is for the christian more beneficial spiritually so here we have this particular chapter talking about fasting and the children of israel were so entitled they felt so entitled that they think if they performed and do certain religious or liturgical things that god will have to hear them or we'll have to respond to them and fasting is one of them so this particular chapter is telling us what kind of fasting god responds to we're getting ready to go into the the fasting right after the new year celebration we want to set up the year right we want to start from the top of the year to set the tone for our life for the rest of the year so fasting is appropriate and we are asking you to join us in our fast and we start we start from sunday night and we go until the friday we're from monday to friday and we fast until three o'clock every day we eat a very light meal and then we meet here every evening from eight to nine for prayer and we have a little exhortation on worship and fasting and then we pray together and we i want to see your families kneeling down together walking together worshiping together and then a quarter tonight we close with prayer so we're in fasting we're going too fast but is this the fast the lord has chosen that's the question they were trying to manipulate god with fasting they thought if they performed the fasting that they would get a response they wanted to force god's hand so to speak and there are many christians who think that way that if they fast or if they pray or if they give a certain amount of money that god will give them special favor that's not the kind of god of the bible you can't manipulate him you can't use those kinds of performances to get him to change his mind he said behold i am the lord i change not so this kind of fasting the prophet rebukes you're fasting and you're having an attitude because you think that you're not getting the kind of response god should at least do something god should move right now i'm giving up my bread i'm giving up my food that god should do it but fasting is designed to what to honor god number one fasting is designed to honor and to please god and to do what god asked us to do secondly fasting is a humbling experience fasting is designed to bring us into conformity not to change god's mind but to conform to his will to to to bend towards his will okay so we're here in the fasting we're going into fast because we're honoring god like esther called the fast and we're trusting god and we're also humbling afflicting ourselves afflicting ourselves so that we can bring ourselves under gods under god's influence and directives okay but what is the true fast that's found in isaiah 58 the true fast interestingly enough is twofold it is to honor god it is to humble ourselves to the will of god but the great amount of weight is how we treat each other so you're fasting to humble yourself before god we're fasting to honor god but we're also fasting so that we can become sensitive to the needs of the community that's what isaiah 58 is all about you can't i cannot fast and honor god and humble myself to his will and not treat you right and not think about you and not pray for you so if you're fasting for just your house your children and your little whatever you have your plans you're missing the essence of the fast the fast is to connect with god for a bigger purpose connect with god for a bigger purpose and the bigger purpose includes our community includes your neighbor and it literally means to what to it says it's not this the facet i've chosen in verse 6 to lose the band of wickedness to undo heavy burdens to let a press go free and that you break every yoke isaiah 58 and 7 it is not to deal thy bread to the hungry and that thou bring the poor that are cast out of thy house when thou seest the naked that thou cover him that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh oh my god that has nothing to do with anointing here i didn't see anything about your prophetic anointing or your prophetic calling or your apostleship i see work you're fasting to do what god has called us to do in the midst of a covet in the midst of a time when people are suffering and hurting and aching and disappointed we are fasting so we could extend our hearts and our hands to community because that's what the fast is all about that god will be pleased with we're not fasting for your ministry we ain't fasting for that we're not pressing for your greatness we're not fasting for you to be discovered and be on the map we're not fasting for your ship to come in the ship ain't moving excuse the english ain't no ship you understand we're fasting so that we could reach out and touch lives reach out and destroy yokes reach out and do this is this is not this is not mccullough's opinion here this is what the bible said don't don't get deep on me we get deep and perform these rights and and and and get all whatever theological here's what god is saying the face that you're fasting for i'm not responding to because it's self-centered it's selfish it's hypocritical and it's manipulative you're fasting to get my heart what is my heart my heart is for the people my heart is for the community my heart is for the brokenhearted the downtrodden the loss the confused my heart is for your brother and your sister and your neighbor so that's what he says now you say well that's old testament but no go with me to matthew 25 verses 34 through 40. i don't know where where suzette is but if she's right where he's supposed to be it's matthew 25 verses 34 through 40. i'd like some i like her to read that for me please here begins the reading of god's holy word then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world for i was and hungered and he gave me meat i was thirsty and ye gave me drink i was a stranger and ye took me in naked and ye clothed me i was sick and you visited me i was in prison and ye came unto me then shall the righteous answer him saying lord when saw we thee and hungered and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink when saw we thee a stranger and took thee in or naked and clothed thee or when so we the sick or in prison and came unto thee and the king shall answer and say unto them verily i say unto you and as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me now you see thank you so much reverend suzette listen to me we are going into fast and we are going to fast because god is going to raise our consciousness about our brothers and sisters this covet has caused many of us to go in to be protective to be self-centered to be isolated and separate the fast is saying that's not the will of god covet or no covet don't you come up in there you might as well eat your pork chops and your collard greens don't come up and fast just for you and your deliverance you're already delivered you're not going to hell you're already delivered he's already adopted you you're already delivered you're justified what is fact what we're fasting is to be in alignment with what's close to the heart of god and what's close to the heart of god is his people the needs of his people in the covet and now he says and i'm i'm that was a long introduction but i'm at point one is short point one is when you do it you will get some benefits hear the benefits and the lord shall guide me continually hook up with me and i'll guide you now you know in this kobe you need guidance we all need guidance and the word guide i love there are many many definitions to the word guide and it means i'll transport you you're in in a difficult situation i'll navigate you through this another thing is i will govern you i will lead you so we need to be transported we need to be governed we need to be guided he says when you hook up with me you don't have to worry about being lost confused you do what i say do you you you fast and pray and then extend your heart and your hand and i will guide you during this time and not just guide you through the covet but guide you perpetually that's what continually means it doesn't mean i'll guide you through the covet or guide you in january and drop you in february i'll guide you continually you stay on course and i will guide you okay this world is a wilderness you don't think you're in the wilderness the wilderness is called coven you're in a cove with 19 wilderness yes we have need of continual direction you got the answer you got the answer to the covet we if you have the please tell us because we we'd like to get it right now you you got a better vaccine you you got a better cure you got answer to this economic crisis you you know how to stop evil and wickedness and immorality and murder come on they they i read the other day about about families killing themselves this man killed himself and his wife a big lawyer killed himself and his wife another man killed his wife and his children you got answer to that oh no this is a wilderness a world of confusion and evil and god said in the midst of it if you stay in the alignment with me i will guide you and i will not leave you and i will not abandon you so because of the wilderness and and and the continual you know when you when you when you're in that kind of trafficking you have winding paths you have mountains you have valleys you have rugged roads you have rough terrain smooth you have pitfalls it's like walking through a minefield you don't think you need guidance yes you do so we're going to line up ourselves with god so he can take us through take us through through the wilderness amen all right psalm 25 and 9 says he guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way psalm 32 8 and 9 says i will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go i will counsel you and watch over you do not be like the horse or the mule you hear that you hear the horse and mule do not be like the horse and mute which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you in other words i am here to guide you don't resist me don't pull against me okay john 16 13 and 15 read that for me please john 16 and 13. this is how he's going to guide us here begins the reading of god's holy word john 16 and 13. how be it when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come so far the text and then the last two verse says he shall what he shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you all things that the father hath are mine therefore said hi that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you you are guaranteed guidance you are guaranteed truth there is no need to lose your mind when you have a guide when you go to another country and you're doing you're doing tourism and you're going on a tour you have never been to peru this is your first time going to peru you know nothing about peru you need a guide to guide you through that area you understand how many people have gone to those remote areas and they can't find them you know why they left the guy they left the tour you know you you people like like to do solo we we all drowned in as a traveling as a group and we can't find you because you took another bus to go in another direction instead of staying on the tour bus oh i've been there i've been there yes i've been there you understand where's sister so-and-so where's brother so and so they're on another bus you understand but when we stay on the right bus if you if you line up your life with the lord in 2021 no matter what storm or rain or sleet or snow the lord is saying i will guide you perpetually i know you're in a wilderness i know you're in a difficult time but i know how to govern you i know how to lead you and guide you there isn't anything that you get into that i can't teach you how to handle and the second thing is i will renew your strength this covet has set our strength yes it has how many of you wake up in the morning and you you ask yourself how can i make it you're doing well you're doing well and then one day you just have a meltdown you just have a meltdown your home in the house with the same people the same people that can be a meltdown city at least when you were when you were working outside of the home you you would go out and then come back you understand you give yourself a break but you you're there with the same person all the time all the time and you didn't know you didn't know you didn't know that you know being with them all the time would be like that you know what i'm saying you you just come home at dinnertime you didn't know breakfast lunch and dinner would be a different kind of situation and many of you have been locked down in small places in small corners that everybody has had the room had the room you understand and so it weakens you and then you wake up and you find out you think it's going to end and it something else comes out there's a new strain the vaccine you don't know which one come on this kind of stuff can mess with people's minds that's why mental health has been a major issue right now because it has weakened the minds of the people but believers listen to the promise of god if you do what i ask you to do i promise to renew your strength and in isaiah 58 11 said i make fact your bones and the word father means to equip you to strengthen you to deliver you it literally means i will prepare you i will make you ready so fat your bones here it's not talking about make you fat and and prosperous and wealthy is talking about strengthening you is talking about manning you up and woman in you up woman up and man up that's what that means right there it means that you're going down but i'm going to bring you on up woman up and man up that's what he wants to do if you do it he says he will prepare you it is the same concept of preparing people for war preparing soldiers arming them and equipping them he said i want to equip you i want to equip you to walk through 2021. nobody's going to stand up the first minute of 2021 and wiggle their nose like samantha and it's all going to go away we're still going into a world of covet 2021 doesn't mean that there's no covet so i want to woman you up and man you up to take another leg lord have mercy you know when you travel long distance i remember we were going to liberia we changed planes three times three times we stopped at belgium and then we stopped at another african country then we stopped at another african country and then we finally got to where we were going you understand so there are different legs to this dirt and you need strength for every leg oh my god oh my god oh my god and the lord promised to give you strength he says and he says i will do it i will take i will strengthen you through the marrow now the marrow is a thing that supports and strengthen the bones inside of the bone is a marrow and and and the marrow provides the ability of the red blood cells to be reproduced and also to be transported through the whole body and god says i am not going on the outside of the bone i'm going inside where you need the strength i know where to hit it so you can be strong i know what to do to reproduce the energy the energy that you need to make it have you ever gotten up in the morning and you feel like you can't make it and one song gave you a certain kind of energy you come to to the zoom and somebody says a word or sings a song or gives a word and you get enough energy from monday morning that is god giving you strength i don't care much exercise you do i'm taught my strength for your soul because your body can be strong and your soul is weak and bleeding but god says i'm getting down into the mirror of so you won't be so irritable so you won't give up so you won't be so discouraged i god promise to strengthen you i'm gonna do it myself i'm gonna give you the strength listen you don't think you need strength just sitting in front of the zoom all the time you need strength uh well don't don't follow me but i declare that these you know these systems right here they take your strength you know i'm saying i i'm not trying to be funny but but you know sitting here all day and in front of it i feel energy some kind of energy coming out from these machines and you feel you sit here all day you get weak it can really get on you all day your eyes it affects your eyes they have to wear special glasses for the glare of your eyes you're sitting down in the seat it affects your posture come on and some people sit there all day from early morning until in the evening your strength your physical strength is being affected but how about your soul come on in the house working from the house and if you go out god forbid if you forget your mask you know the other day we were going somewhere and pastor robin forgot her mask i said oh no we we got we got to turn around and get the mess right now we we're going to mask it okay come on you have to be constantly aware you got to wash your hands you can't be careless you have to distance yourself that's a lot of strain that we're not used to we need the strength of the lord that's why the bible says the joy of the lord is your strength point three and i'm coming home and then he had another promise he says what he's going to guide he's going to strengthen and he's going to water he's going to water our souls now the body is made up of 60 water all right that's why we have to drink a certain amount the brain is made up of 73 water that's why many of us can't remember nothing because ain't no water up there all right the the lungs is 83 water 83 water the skin is 64 water the kidney 79 water and the bones 31 water so the whole body needs water constantly we need we need water many times people go to the hospital and they're not sick sick sick they are dehydrated and they will put some fluid in your arm so that your whole body can get what it needs to function your body can shut down completely if you're lacking a certain percentage of water so can your soul your soul can shut down because it's not water come on you can understand it physically you must understand it and it takes god to keep you watered what it means satisfied what it means be have enough have enough why do you think that many of us are miserable and we feel like we need something else i need something else i need to be something else i need to do something else i need to go because you're not fully watered you're not satisfied come on you need to be satiated you need to be you need to be suffice of your weary journey in this culvert you need extra drink for your soul it has come to tear you apart the anxiety the anxiety and the stress come on pulls on you in different ways some days you feel like your head is coming off your body you can't hardly breathe come on it's been difficult what do you need you just don't need to exercise you just don't need to go outside and get some air you need your soul water and your soul is your life the soul is your appetite the soul is your mind and it is watered listen to the promise i'm gonna water your soul in the midst of drought now tell me if we're not in the midst of drought oh yes we are we can't come to church we can't gather you can't go on your vacation you can't do what you used to do you're in a drought it's a dry season what is drought it's a drought it's a desert we're in a wilderness and we're in a desert we're in a wilderness and we're in a desert i know you i know all probably don't don't don't put it together put it together your house is a wilderness yes it's a wilderness yeah and it's a desert yeah you you you go around you you know say if you go to the store you got to run right back if you go somewhere you got to come back and go through all kinds of changes it's a wilderness and a desert but god says i promise to water your soul and i'm going to water your soul so that you'll be so moist or moistened that you won't feel so dry when your soul is dry you're empty when you're empty you're mean when you're mean you're miserable when you're miserable you're rude when you're rude you say some terrible things come on you're hopeless and helpless you're not in the best frame of mind when your soul is dry dry souls maybe a social man so we don't have to go into 2021 with dry souls ladies and gentlemen because we don't know what else is coming you better let the lord water your soul tonight and stop sitting here like you're looking at tv like reality tv you better let god water your soul before you go up into 2021. all right now here is isaiah 41 17 and 18 suzette i want you to read it so that they can understand it isaiah 41 17 and 18. hello here begins the reading of god's holy word isaiah 41 17-18 when the poor and needy seek water and there is none and their tongue faileth for thirst i the lord will hear them i the god of israel will not forsake them i will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys i will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land springs of water so far the scripture can you imagine the promise of the lord i will not let your soul run on empty listen you know you have been in the car with certain kinds of people species of people where they they can run the car and empty they they get a kick out of doing that you know they run the car and empty and and and they you know you can't say nothing you can't say nothing if you say something it's a big fight they run the car and empty and you're the one that you don't you don't see that we need to go get gas well that's many times what happens to us we're on empty when you hear yourself talking a certain way doubting when you hear yourself fussing and complaining when you hear yourself biting and biting and and sarcastic and whatever you know you should say to yourself empty soul empty soul i need a drink i need a drink i need a drink from the fountain that never runs dry when you're talking doubt and fear empty soul empty self but god has not given you what a spirit of fear but a power of love and of a sound mind when you feel defensive and angry and you've got to fight somebody else and go after them the bible said anger belonging in the bosom of a fool so that soul is being foolish it needs the wisdom of god the wisdom of god so we cannot go into 2021 we've been through a covet we can't go in there depleted we've got to come to god and let him water our souls so one in the scripture represents mercy it always represents a bursting fountain a fountain of flowing streams that brings comfort and refreshment on a long journey it comes to satisfy the empty drought soul the dry out soul you understand and here we have a perfect example a perfect example in exodus 15 22-25 exodus 15 22-25 this is an example an example of how the the drought can take over we're going to read it in jesus name yes begins the reading of god's holy word so moses brought israel from the red sea and they went out into the wilderness of sher and they went three days in the wilderness and found no water and when they came to mara they could not drink of the waters of mara for they were bitter therefore the name of it was called mara and the people murmured against moses saying what shall we drink and he cried unto the lord and the lord showed him a tree which when he had cast into the waters the waters were made sweet there he made for them a statute and an ordinance and there he proved them here they are they're traveling they came out of egypt okay they crossed the red sea okay they danced all the way when they came out miriam got her tambourine and moses wrote the song i will sing unto the lord but he has triumphed gloriously the horse and riders thrown into the sea they were dancing because they got tomorrow oh god and many of us used to come to church till we got in kobe when we got in covet we forgot that the lord brought us out of egypt brought us out of sin brought us out of difficulty but that's all right because god healed the water it was necessary they could not have made the journey any further without water and you cannot go into with your dry empty soul you've got to get your soul watered okay and isaiah 58 and 11 says and thou shalt be like a watered garden and like a spring of water and awarded god means that you are saturated to the point where you are over inundated with water you understand he would he has to over inundate us because we're going to need that much water for our brain our kidney for our life and for our souls inundate us with water and and and one of the definition is saying drunkenness you understand and water in the bible represents the word of god the word of god the word of god the word of god the word of god you've got to inundate you cannot go into 2021 which read only reading your bible on sunday morning and you don't even read it you have somebody read it for you come on you got to have that word inundated act like you don't need the word you'll be you can't go into 2021 being a dipstick you you you have to have that word saturated in your spirit it's got to fill you up fill you up to the overflow you understand like a spring okay it literally means that god has to feel the emptiness and the vanity and the fantasy all the stuff that's bear up in our souls he wants to put the word of god and saturate you with that word saturate you with that word why because a pandemic has caused many of us to believe a pandemic of lies see and the pandemic has caused us to believe the pandemic of lies we we we fell for a lot of things we ran to we ran to the wrong people we ran to the wrong people after the wrong things and so we end up we end up believing the wrong thing a genuine believer wants the word a genuinely believer needs the word a believer that knows that they're in a wilderness and that they're caught up in all kinds of stuff and they can't make it without god they need the word the grace and the indwelling of the holy spirit they need to be influenced by the holy spirit that's what the word does it influences you it's like a fountain it's like a river it never ever ever runs dry psalm 36 8-9 says they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of the house thou shall make them drink of the river of thy pledges for with thee is the fountain of life in thy light shall we see light isaiah 44 and 3 said i will pour water upon them that is thirsty pour water upon them that's who thirsty now you may be full you may be full of it whatever it is so you may not need this water you understand but if you're third listen to me you can't go through 2021 not being thirsty for the lord he that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled he said well i will pour water that's a promise ladies and gentlemen you want your soul to be satisfied i'll take care of it i'll take care of your soul i will pour water upon him that is thirsty and floods upon dry ground i will pour my spirit upon thy seed and my blessing upon my offspring and they shall spring up as among the grass as willows by the water courses this is a good time to pour the word in your children it's a good time to pour the word in your family so that their souls won't be dry and empty and then joel says in joel 2 23 be glad then your children are zion and rejoice in the lord your god we are giving you the former rain moderately and he shall cause you to come down come down for you the rain the former rain and the latter rain in the first month and rain in that not only means physical rain it means teaching that particular person is not only talking about rain is physical and the spiritual and figurative application is i will send you teaching i will send the word i will send the word and this is a problem we think that we can go through another year another season of kovit 21 and the mutating of it and the the offsuit of other viruses without our souls being watered by the lord oh no no no we're cuz we we are fooling ourselves and now finally remember he's gonna guide you remember he's going to strengthen you remember he's going to water you you understand i said he's going to guide you he's going to strengthen you and he's going to water you but here is the guarantee he's going to give us waters that never fail whose waters that never fail i'm going to water you with waters that never fail and the word fail there literally means will not lie it's not fake because many of us through the covet went and dragged fake water many of us left the principles and the doctrines of jesus christ and ran after what was happening in the world we ran after all these trends and philosophies we joined everybody's bandwagon to satisfy the emptiness of our soul and at the end of this year right now where you sit your soul have gotten even worse empty but this water all right i'm coming in now see i'm coming in i know i'm coming in i'm almost finished this water right here this water that god is giving you the word of god the unadulterated word of god means it's not mixed it's pure this water will not be deceptive it will not fail it's not lying water the water is not going to lie to you you understand it's not deceptive shepherds know what it is to take their sheep to a water hole and there's no water it looked like water but there's no water hole that's called deceptive you went to a water hole and you were getting all excited and you had nothing but a handful of dust oh i'm talking to somebody now yes i am i'm in your business all during the covet you were at different water holes different water holes hey god hey hey i'm in it now i feel a right here oh you were going after different water holes because you did not want the straight word you didn't want the direct word you didn't want the unadulterated word it was making you too uncomfortable you were getting too frustrated with the preaching and the teaching and the same word and the word digging up in your business and the word stripping you and fixing you you didn't like it so you went to other water holes but ask me at the end of 2020 almost about to go into 2021 if you're not still empty as a matter of fact you get emptier because this water that comes from the fountain it's not deceptive water it's not lying water it's not flattering oh we went to flatter we we light we like flattery holes we like the water holes of flattery where we can go and somebody can rob us and tell us how wonderful we are even though we are rotten and low down and we create confusion and we can't get it straight oh yes we like to be in that environment but wake up the next morning and you're still empty and you still need somebody else to tell you how great you are oh because nothing satisfies now to hear the lord say i bought you and i sought you i hung on the cross for you shed my blood i saw you when you were nothing but a bloody substance standing in the marketplace and i came by and told the devil that's mine take your hands off here when you have that kind of experience with god it does something to the inner man that even on your worst day you can bounce back come on and praise him right here come on and give him glory for water that's not going to lie job 6 15 my brethren have dealt deceived deceitfully as a brook as a stream of brooks they pass away because even water even water can deal deceitfully with you deceitfully with you and many of us have been deceived in this coven many of us because of our pain our anxiety because we are desperate because our life our lifestyle has was so compromised and changed so drastically we were easily duped we were easily seduced we were easily we're offered fake water fake water it's not real water it's lying water and we drank it and it felt good going down and it tasted good going down and we thought that our souls would be reflected we thought that we would come up with a deeper deeper walk with the lord but it took us away from god it flattered us it manipulated us it made us hungry for other things beside god lord you helped me tonight it stirred up a thirst for the world it opened up an appetite for activities that we thought you would never be engaged in oh but i'm calling you now calling you back calling you back before you go too deep before you drink too deeply before you go back and get some more of that fake water i'm telling you there's a fountain that never runs dry glory to god glory to god glory to god listen man is alienated from the truth of god we were born alienate aliens to the truth of god we didn't like truth we loved lying and we lived in a pandemic of lies and truth and untruth we were born in a pandemic a pandemic of hostility and alienation from the truth of god's word lord have mercy and we lost our security and trust adam and eve created an atmosphere of independence and we lost our security and trust in the lord ah we became wicked and deceitful and we ran to every hole jeremiah said they have built sister and cisterns to hold water and these cisterns have holes because they're forsaken the fountain of living water and went to buy fake water and the fake water didn't work oh come on the church has resorted to fake water ah lying water substitute they're called idols idols idols idols we went to other ideologies we we made decisions based on our pain and our preferences we didn't allow the water to get down to the area and to fill those areas so we could be satisfied so we could be complete so we could look like god and walk like god so we could make better choices we would rather resort to what we think and what we feel and we guzzle it down oh but we woke up the next morning just as empty lord have mercy and far away from god our hope gone our commitment gone our trust gone our worship gone our fruitfulness gone oh but there's a solution tell somebody there's a solution there's a solution i'm really coming in now this is my last and final little closing right here my solution is that the god that called you to this is not a liar if he says he can satisfy you he can do it he's not an egotistical maniac what he says he is or what he is is what he says my god he says i'm not a man that i should lie numbers 23 and 19 neither the son of man that i should repent have he said and shall not he do it or he's spoken and shall he make it good he's not into deception you see i don't understand why you left him for deception i don't understand why you left him for somebody to fly to you and make you feel only for a moment you see these one night stand is what we fell for we thought that it would really last we thought it would really last we thought this experience would carry us through you understand we thought that this thing that we went after would make us feel better feel better think that we thought it would make us settle down trivia so calm us and stop us from fighting here and fighting there hungry for this and hungry for that we got that lean hungry look like cassius ah caesar looked at cactus and said you got that lean hungry look at you that means you're getting ready to kill me because you want something we're always ready to kill and to grab because there's nothing that's settled down down in the city of our souls ah but if we ever get a real drink and if we drink it every day sometimes you gotta drink it all day long there's a quietness there's a pizza there's a calmness there's a refreshing my god there's a settling there's a settling there's unsettling you can't go into 2021 unsettled you can't go into 2021 unstable you can't go into 2021 running and hiding come on here where you're running to with your empty soul come to the fountain i'm almost there i'm almost there come to the streams of living water and take a drink take a drinker come on weary pilgrim traveling through this wilderness this world of sin and pain this world of sorrow and affliction this world of hate and violence come weary soul come on this world of disappointment and discouragement this world of abandonment and rejection come on and drink i promise you it won't fail it won't deceive you i won't tell you something and don't deliver i don't make promises that i can't make good i don't speak a word that will not come to pass so i don't you see christians i'm talking to christians now the unsaved people may not believe this or understand it or they're trying to believe it and understand it but we who have done business with god i don't know why we're still looking for fake water you understand you know they have all kinds of water they have they have colored water you know they have the strawberry looking water they have fizz water fizz water that fizz you know they have they call it steel water when you go to the restaurant they ask you do you want still water that means it doesn't fizz there's some fish and that's the way we are with our souls you want still water or you want fizz water you see you want this or you want that no no you have down in the city of your soul there's a fountain you understand the bible said and i'm finished right here that on the last day of the feast uh when they thought that they were satisfied they thought that their rituals my god in the feast of tabernacles would give them a special kind of relationship they thought if they commemorate and practice and perform that they would walk away full so they kept pouring out water and dancing and celebrating oh but jesus waited until the last day of the feast in in in saint john the seventh chapter and he watched them perform just like you watch us perform and many of us are good performers good preachers good teachers good singers good dancers but empty on the inside and he watched them profoundly and sobia he watched them go through their ritual their ritual of religion and religiosity and he stood up my god on the last day of the feast after they have spent all that time performing and all that time commemorating and all that time celebrating and he said if any man thirst oh come on jesus something wrong with you don't you see that these people have been celebrating and you see them singing and dancing they even have enough water to pour out oh but there was a pouring out but there was no pouring in you can sing what until the song changes you can preach but until the word fixes you you can dance until the joy of the lord lives with you you ain't doing nothing but going through the motion and the bible said he stood up with his bad self lord have mercy and told them i've come to reign on your parade you've been doing all of this on the outside the outside the outside but the inside is empty and dry but if any man thirst let him come and let him drink and if you believe on me as the scripture had said that your belly shall flow out of the inner the inner the inner the inner not the outer the inner the inner the inner shall flow rivers of living water oh listen to me you can't go into 2021 without a river you will need a river to go through dark days and dreamy nights you're going to need a river to face the things that we don't even know that's coming you're going to need a river to stand the storm and to ride the waves you're gonna need a river to stand up in the middle of adversity if you believe on the kia no shabbat it means as the scripture has said that's what that means out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water this make he of the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost i suggest to you that you let him water your soul stop drinking that fake water that water that you thought a certain group of people would make you feel special and all they did was flatter you and laugh at you behind your back because it's one thing about unsafe people they look at you and wonder why are you hanging out with us why you believe believing our lie when you're supposed to have the truth how come you're so enamored with us when we should be enamored with you you see that's the question they're asking right now how come you over here with our fake water when you're supposed to have real water calm the shall i you'll help me right here why are you losing your mind when out of your belly shall flow rivers rivers rivers rivers of living water spring it up into everlasting life don't tell me don't shout don't tell me to be calm because this thing is real it helds you in the midnight hour it keeps you when you feel like you're jumping off the cliff it turns you around when you're walking in the wrong direction it gives you a word when you don't know what to do because it's a river it's a river it's not a lake it's not a it's not a little pool it's not it's not a little brook and everything's getting dirty and stinky but it's a river that moves you moves you from from from faithlessness to faith moves you from hopelessness to hope moves you all from fear to courage out of your belly ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen so i suggest that you get a drink before you step over before midnight tonight don't play with your soul don't play with yourself don't walk up in there like you're big and bad that you're able to take on 2021 all by your bad self with your little friends with your little cronies ah don't be deceived honey the arms of flesh have already failed you you just don't know it yet come on church well it's my family it's my friends and my family the arms of flesh have already failed you you're looking for fake water i'm going to say a couple of things before i finish this song i'm not going to sing it to you all because if i sing it you'll lose a message but listen to this ask the lord to take the taste out of your mouth for fake water ask him and give you back your thirst for living water come on get it get it tonight get it tonight you understand ask the lord to renew come on he loves you he wants you to get the truth the word of god he wants that word of god to feel the emptiness of your soul you're still searching everybody's your mama everybody's on to this everybody's mama this how many mamas you're gonna have how many auntie how many auntie boo you're gonna have you what is wrong with you you that thirsty jesus is your jesus is your auntie move you hear me jesus is your mama how am i how many people do you need to affirm you how many people how many peeps do you have how many peeps you need to make it huh well this is my pete and this is my so-and-so and so and so do so and so come on and and and so and three o'clock in the morning you're one step from the looney tunes don't you tell me don't you tell me that is the truth if it had not been for the lord if it had not been for the mercy of god even when you were drinking the fake water he held you even when you're out there sipping and dipping he held you and now he's saying you can't go into 2021 sipping and dipping you need a drink get a guzzle of the water and that's all i want to say you thought i was going to tell you 20 21 we go we have already won you know you make up them things that you all be making up i ain't telling you none of that and i'm not i'm not giving you none of that go somewhere else and get that because i ain't got none of that well i'm telling you you better grab that word and let that word get down in your belly you understand and and and i want you to know you got to come to the fountain down at the cross shadia i love this you all i love this i love yourself down at the cross where my savior died down where from cleansing from sin i cried there to my heart was the blood of life that's not enough that should be enough right there you understand i am so wondrously saved from sin jesus so sweetly abides within there the cross where he took me in glory to his name all precious fountain that saves from sin i am so glad i have entered in bear jesus saves me and keeps me clean glory to his name and here's what i want you to do come to the fountain so rich and sweet come on i'm calling you i'm calling saints back to the fountain cast i pour soul at the savior's feet before you cross over come to the fountain plunge in today don't eat don't listen don't even put your feet punch your whole self in it and be made complete listen to the song don't go to 2021 half bait come and be made complete glory to his name singing glory all right i'm finished singing glory to his name bear to my heart was a blood applied glory to his name no more fake water keep your flattery keep all the stuff that you offer that you think i need try it on somebody else i want the word i must have the word for 2021. i want the real word the under undiluted pure unadulterated unmixed word give it to me give it to me straight because that's the only thing that's going to keep me he said i'll give you water that won't deceive you i don't want to be deceived i don't want flattery to deceive me compliment to push me up pat on the back to make me feel special i'm already special when he saved me he said i'm a peculiar treasure oh yeah glad you helped me right here chosen generation royal priesthood can't you can't do better with that that can't get no better and it gives me a settledness it gives me it gives me stability so that you come or you go i'm settled up down i'm settled didn't get what i want i'm settled this didn't happen the way i want it settle what's wrong with you something wrong with you no i drank good water all right i'm finished i'm finished i didn't drink fake water you see fake water gives you gas because you've got bloat you get bloated up swell up swell up you understand anything about gas no no no that's not success let's not increase that gas hello come on you all this praising time it's worse than time tell the lord i don't want any fake water i want a piece of pastel understanding i want to put my head on the pillar i know it's well with my soul glory to god as a writer said when peace like a river turned it my way when sorrows like sea villas road whatever my lot come on 21 2021 that was taught me to say it is well i drank the right water if you drank the right water today raise your hand if you've been to the right fountain come on it's worship time it's worship time you're getting ready to go up in it now if you're if you're not hungry for some other strange water you better praise him and thank him that he called you to drink the right water he called you he gave you the right water the satisfied you see we're all born with a hole in our hearts we all born with an emptiness sin created an empty space in our souls and only god can fill it get married again and you're still empty get a new job and you're still empty and children and you're still empty the lord bless you on this end and that end and you're still empty you've got a title you're still empty people know who you are and you still listen to me what really matters tonight as we approach another year can i make it in 2021 with the wrong kind of water no i can't feel my cup lord come and quench [Music] fill it up and the verse said there was a woman at the well and she was speaking but things that could not satisfy until one day [Music] she heard the master call [Music] bread of heaven no more [Music] i'm talking to all of you before we close down our social media some of you out there you have forsaken the fountain of living waters because you thought if you had a relationship with certain people if you picked up somebody or somebody picked you up that you would be okay by now that you'll be satisfied that you still wouldn't be empty and you got in too deep you're drawing too deep that it's hard for you to pull yourself out don't go into 2021 drinking that fake water it's poisonous if god did not put tell moses what to do with the water amara it would have killed them it takes god to take the poison out of the wrong water this is your moment he wants you to turn to him so he could water your soul an empty soul and 2021 cannot work you're going to crash you're going to hit a brick wall in the midst of covet i suggest that you stop looking for somebody to give you give you water they're going to give you poisonous water you you look you're looking for somebody for poison pour yourself in me what you you you don't understand what that means you're giving your soul to somebody else to pour themselves in that's fake water the only one that can pour into you and make you feel satisfied and never pull it back always doing it always feeling always feeling is jesus if you're out there and you want you don't want any more fake water you don't want any fake relationship any faith there's any fake that you've tried all the fake now you want the real genuine meaning of life just repeat this prayer i believe you're out there i believe you heard the word and i believe once you surrender to the lord your emptiness the lord will touch your emptiness with his presence and with his word just read saint john the fourth chapter read saint john the fourth chapter after i after i pray with you read saint john the fourth chapter just repeat after me lord jesus lord jesus you said in your word you said in your word that if i identify confess with my mouth confess with my mouth the lord jesus the lord jesus and believe in my heart and believe in my heart let jesus god that god raised jesus raised jesus from the dead from the dead i shall be saved i shall be saved tonight tonight or this morning or this morning or this afternoon or this afternoon i heard your call i heard your call and i'm giving my life over to you and i'm giving my life over to you thank you thank you for forgiving me for forgiving me thank you thank you for accepting me for accepting me thank you thank you for rescuing me for rescuing me and i'm declaring and i'm declaring before 2021 before 2021 that i'm saved and i'm saved and i'm drinking and i'm drinking from the right fountain from the right fountain the fountain of jesus christ the fountain of jesus christ i thank you for every soul that prayed that prayer and i'm asking you to lead them and guide them help them to read saint john the fourth chapter and help them god to ever experience the filling up of their souls with your presence with the word of god in jesus name amen god bless you thank you for joining us may the lord cover you and may you have a wonderful wonderful new year when you drink the right water the water of the word in jesus name on behalf of bishop jacqueline e mccullough and the beth rafa family thank you for joining our live stream service visit us online at where you can submit your prayer requests give into the work of the ministry and connect with our church family via social media god bless you richly and we look forward to you joining us again [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bishop Jackie McCullough
Views: 13,393
Rating: 4.8990827 out of 5
Id: YpmI3wQrxaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 54sec (4554 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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