Repot With Me | Storytime and RANT

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I should probably finish this before I repot its Bailey's by the way it's also 2:00 in the afternoon Oh that'll put hairs on your chest hello everybody glad you could make it my name is Kelly Ellen and welcome to yet another repot with me I hope nobody's getting sick of these videos right it's just it's the easiest thing for me to do I genuinely do have reporting to do you know what I mean but I realize it's it's very repetitive but I can't do much else for you in a minute so we're just going to stick with these I'll cut to the chase I might have a little bit of a rant in this video mainly because you guys kind of asked for it on Instagram and I may or may not swear so if you're not interested just click off now I don't know waste anyways time also yes I've done my hair yes I'm wearing reasonably expensive makeup on with my reasonably shitty clothes and that is how I like it he's so cute it's a little lounge set but I'll show you because it's just it's pointless it's just a navy blue set I don't I can walk back lieutenant walk back can you see it can you see it's very comfortable but it's actually cotton and he's like so a while ago when I hold these two plants here beside me I asked you guys if you thought I should combine them because this here is a medium medium green form this year is a medium medium blue form so I thought in the spirit of saving space why don't I just combine these together and put them in the same pot and they can grow together and just share their lives together why not so that is what I'm doing to do I have no surprises guys but I have another one of these can you tell I kind of like them yes I will review these I will honestly I will and you probably know what my review is gonna be when I do review them but these are the shoes that I don't know how you say this honestly can somebody tell me how to say this in the comments so that when I do do a review video I can kind of pronounce it properly I think it's the shoes er the chooser the chooser the shoe sir I don't know just write it phonetically in the comments so I can actually learn how to pronounce ease because we're going to be seeing a lot more of these probably pronouncing so anyway I've got all these parts obviously it's not assembled so I'm really sorry we will be assembling it all over again and I have these two plans to combine I also found the following on Amazon and I'm really really happy I did because I found little cute little mouse poles because basically I've thought about this and I don't know how tall I want this plan to get what I'd rather do is you know let this kind of grow and when it gets to a point I'll probably like chop it propagate and put it back in and get it bushy first before I let it grow up so I'm thinking about doing that so I'm gonna use this even though it's considerably shorter than these two and I decided me I hope you can see them in the frame can you yeah it's considerably shorter but it's deliberate and I really want to see what it looks like I think it's just gonna look cuter so we're gonna try that so I'm going to kind of construct my pot first and then we'll go plan them up so hopefully I wanted scissors because I totally totally have not port scissors down whatever the scissors before I finger on the bench no mind just pray for me pray that I don't need them I'll take all this off big loud you may have seen me use these pots a million times before but these are self watering pots that's kind of why they're cool I don't know can you get out of the frame yes this one here you can see them there they're parts think you can put lacquer or substrate in them whatever you want to do and they have Warren gauge so you can kind of flip this little bit of plastic up there's a hole here where you can put water in and that's it they walk themselves you want them whenever they need Warren it's great needless to say I know how to water my plants I don't think that's kind of up for discussion because I have so many plans eats more when I go backwards and forth to my shop I just need to make sure these things are alright I've got some really high value plants and it's getting to the point where it affects me if I have to think about Waring them so I'm just making sure that if I go away if I go with Thailand if I go to the shop for a few days whatever I'm doing as long as I can keep these guys watered my mind is at rest because I don't have time to think of anything else because I work seven days a week and I do not have time to worry about like that oh yes South watering pots that's how they work they come with a little plinth in the bottom and you basically build your little self watering kind of it looks like they're sexually it's like a self watering little nozzle with a little flirtation II bit in the bottom yeah II gotta get it tell when it needs water this is kind of like their version of like every place in the bottom of a pot before your substrate or before you ruin Mecca I'm not put that in yet I would just erect the the flotation thingy I don't know what you call it so alright a bit of a shitty day yesterday and it was shitty for two reasons but I mainly just gonna touch on one of them so this is gonna seem like just not a problem but it irritated me Ryan it's irritating me for some time okay sorry I'm gonna fuse my teeth because I don't have scissors here so as you may or may not know as it happens I've got them in front of me for my shop if you've ever bought from my shop you know that when you get your order it depending on how its packaged this isn't always the case but most of the time at minimum my boxers come packaged and there is some black you know tissue paper sealing the box and this sticker here acts as kind of the seal right this is my shop logo I buy them on reams of stickers like this I think I tend to order five hundred to a thousand at a time I use a certain company to do this they're printed in a certain way you upload your design they okay though Yas printed how many do you want what do you want the finish to be like do you want gloss to on Matt blah blah blah blah blah I went through all of this obviously when I launched my shop so this is this is just gonna bore the out of everyone and I'm really sorry but this mocking irritated me these are printed on essentially not matte paper but not not gloss and they're just it's on black it's an emblem it's on black it's super simple that's it it's a sticker so I ordered these when I launched my shop last year which I think was was it June sometime I don't even know how long I've been running I think about you and I've been using these ever since so the way this website works is you you know you place your order and they kind of have this thing where the person that deals with your order they can deal with the order again and they can just kind of reorder for you so when I was signed to go through these stickers I would speak to this person let's just call her Katie and I would speak to Katie and every so often she would email and be like yo do you want to reorder and I'm like yeah because that's great for me right because I don't have to go on this site do I design again I'll click reorder and go through all the scenario then I'm gonna go through and get it reordered so all that happens is she would email me do you want to know order I'm like yeah send it why not so that's what had been happening so the first time I did this on my own and this is from the original roll I bought the first time I ordered from them I I ordered completely by myself twice since then I've had repeat you know reels of stickers the first time the reorder went in was I actually don't know what it was it might have been just later last year say Katie emailed me she was like yo you want to do another order me yeah hell yeah do it let's do it anything you need for me no no I'll just reorder not a problem I'll handle it all for you look come on you count no problems done and I'm like yes boy I'll take that so that is what happened stick has arrived everything was fine the next time I needed to reorder was I think it was at some point in February it could have been I don't know if it's mid-february but it was early February I needed more stickers for my shop because sometimes they go on the seal on the box sometimes they go on plant pots sometimes if I'm sending things out there root in you know moss I'll put a sticker on that little bag of moss it really just depends it honestly does I ordered them as usual through the same method through email in February at some point I could find the day but I'd have to go look it up and we ain't here for that no one cares so I ordered them and they came to me I don't know maybe a week later or something like that I didn't open them because I hadn't quite gone through my current stickers yet I do like to order in advance obviously so I'd ordered them and I hadn't quite ran out of the current lot of stickers it was maybe two to three weeks later by the time I got to opening them in all honesty and when I offered them I noticed that they were wrong and if you've had fun fact if you've had plans from my shop since probably February probably the last couple of launches you may have noticed when the sticker comes on the box it's not the same as this it's practically the same of this don't get me wrong but it actually has like a white trim on the sticker I don't know what you're thinking Kaylee who gives a the answer is Kaylee gives a because I it's my branding right it's how I picked a it's it's how I wore my boxers to look when they go out they have to look a certain way that is how it is they had this white trim on obviously I've had to use them and I'll get to that in a minute trust me I've had to use them but basically I immediately emailed back up so oh I'm really sorry to inform you but on opening you know the current or the current shipment I've noticed that it's wrong and the the sticker appears to have been printed on white you know paper as opposed to black paper are nothing back from them which I thought was very unusual because every time I've emailed it previously you know she would email right back because sometimes she'll say like how's how's your audited to get there is a fine great customer service con con welcome and I was like okay that's a bit odd do you not I mean that's alright okay probably busy it's fine I'll wait a week I had other to do anyway I still had some stickers left from the old batch so I was okay folders wait a few more days no contacts sorry mailed again you know hi then if you've got my last email there's a problem of this order please you know let me know how we it's best to go forward with this obviously I'd like a replacement blah blah blah and nothing back again and I thought that's odd she didn't she never normally doesn't reply I waited and this went on into March early April very easily and I was still emailing and it got to the point where just said look I'm getting pretty irritated that you're ignoring me they're not emailing me back you know I've had no response whatsoever and again no reply and it got to the point I thought okay definitely 100% she doesn't work for the company anymore right this it's not going through that's that's all is she doesn't work there something's happened there's no way though that all my emails haven't gone through unless she just doesn't work there or she's on a really long holiday like a two to three month holiday easy okay that's right that's absolutely fine I emailed customer service therefore and said yo I've got this problem you know the order was wrong I'd like a replacement I've emailed such-and-such and they're not now replying to me and could anyone help nothing back nothing back so I left it for a while and I had it got to the point where I had to start two seconds uh oh my god why did I do it this way around it's probably cuz I'm concentrating so it got to the point where I had to just use the other stickers with the white trim and that's why some of you have had sticker with a white trim now I know this is first well problem so honestly just don't bother giving me in the comments obviously this is the first world problems I get it right I'm not saying it but y'all wanted to hear my run so here it is so I contacted yesterday afternoon I thought this I've had enough I will not be ignored any longer I'm a customer and you up the order I just want a replacement order that's all I want so it's very patient and I contacted the customer service by the chat on the website now prior to this I thought I'd check my account really quickly to see my previous orders and the website didn't let me view them I could see that I had three orders on there and none of them were viewable so though okay well I'm just gonna have to talk to someone anyway because I can't even see if the order went through wrong like was the order wrong or did it just get manufactured wrong I really couldn't tell if there was literally no way of telling so I thought right I'll contact customer service I contacted them briefly explained the issues I've been dealing with this person they've been ordering on my behalf they I think they would like the accounts manager so they even if they were like further up than other people I don't know and I said look this person's been dealing with it they just haven't either haven't received my emails or hadn't responded to my emails I'm a little bit upset it's been really tough to get ahold of you guys I just want to replace my shipment of my labels please and the person that I spoke to I think they called a Charlotte that's probably not a name but that's what her name was on the chat I spoke to her and she was like okay let me just try and get to the bottom of this for you and she was like I'm gonna go and speak to Katie the person so I'm guessing they're all in one big office I don't I don't really know but obviously this person was in the office so she comes back a little while later and she says yo he were emailed back about this and I was like no seriously no I wasn't I've been emailing I have been emailing so if a being emailed back and I haven't got it what's going on because it's always been the same it's like nothing has changed I'm saying their email hasn't changed my email wasn't changed or whatever have you so I dunno your email back about this okay what was I emailed back and she said to me you were emailed back and you were told that you would have to reorder the shipment because it's out of your 14 day period for you to be dissatisfied with the product kind of thing now don't get me wrong guys do not get me wrong I totally understand this I operate my own business we have a returns policy just like other do I get it if you're out of your return period that's an issue right totally get it two seconds but what I don't get is why I would have to reorder that when they it up right so I was like no no no I think you misunderstand me you it up I didn't obviously say that in chat I was very professional very patient because I deal with customers so I would never be you know just unpleasant to people so I was very very calm was it look whether there was an email or not I haven't got any emails there's a lot wrong with what you're saying and she was like no no I will you know she's gonna send me the email she sent to you I was like okay great I'll happily wait for that because I don't think there was an email sent back I just think I've got ignored because she up the order is what I think but anyway so I never had long story very sure that I never got that email that was never mentioned again but I was basically saying look I am NOT going to do a repeat order from you for any reason when you up my order and you ignored me for like three months you ignored all contact through customer service and through that email granted that I could have rang I haven't a time what about being in different countries so there's no way I'm gonna order and she was I don't know but you have to because it's outside the 14 day period and I said look I accept it's outside the 14 day period I didn't open the shipment because I bought it in advance I wasn't quite ready to order but I knew I would go through the labels so I bought it I didn't get around to open it well that's my fault that's fine but what I'm saying is you still it and it's obvious you it because it was a repeat order I didn't give you any new information there's no new parameters given there's no new designs given the proof that was every order it took some time she came back to me and she was like oh well I mean we can offer you a 50% discount as a gesture of goodwill what a gesture of goodwill when you my you my shirt you my order but you're willing to do something nice for me in making me pay for it again you're just gonna make me pay a little bit less were you smoking no I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do at all no thank you no thank you how's that look why would I pay for the order when I did not it up I was not at fault if I was at fault and I said this I wouldn't even be contacting you guys if it was me I would just be like I up you know I picked the wrong material to print on our disorder again I would never do that I'm not that kind of person do I'm saying so she gets back to me a little while she can obviously see you know this ain't gonna fly with me I was like no you up you up so she came back to me and she said look I need you to understand why this has happened because it's totally gonna happen again and who was like fire away and what what what and basically she said look you know on this print you didn't leave the required amount of you know bleed for your design and I suspect what she means is as follows this design here the the black bit the pianist isn't even printed perfectly but whatever it's just a sticker on a box the black trim around here I think is where the bleed is right but clearly there is enough room on the original design which is right here in my hand by the way where the bleed is because I don't know see you didn't leave the right amount of bleed which meant that there had to be a white trim on it because it wasn't the right size for the design and she just gave me a lot of steel back and I was like listen if there was something wrong with that design I was never contacted about it I was never told I was never given a proof to review of that design okay furthermore I said can you explain to me why if this is the case why Katie the lady in question managed to get my order right twice prior see what I'm saying because the customer service representative didn't see what I was saying she was like no but this this is what happens this is why it's happened it's like well it's not though and I said right if that's the case explain to me why you guys got it right the first two times two times you've got it right what you're saying isn't adding up and I'm not trying to be a difficult customer I'm just saying look what you're saying isn't adding up she was that but you would have been sent something to approve from a blog when you went and you made your order on the website you've been sent something to approval assign oh no no no because we've just established because you've just spoken to this woman that has been making the orders for me via email then I didn't go to the website to order it because I went through the woman fire email which is by the fact not like a new and unusual thing that you guys do because I did happen to notice on the banner on their website they advertise the fact that you know we have advisors that can make orders on your behalf and she just wasn't getting it she just wasn't gang issues like I'm so sorry we'll give you 50% off and it's like I don't think you understand you my order I just literally I'm still willing to continue my custom with you if you just replace the order that you me on that's all I want from you I'm still willing to continue business you know well no you can get 50% off as a gesture of goodwill because you know you didn't tell us within 14 days basically that they up and I had to very probably they say look no disrespect and I'm not trying to be rude but if you don't give me a full replacement for my order I'm just gonna take my business elsewhere there are so many other label companies in the UK alone you ain't that special do you know I'm saying like they do the same thing as so many other companies it's just on that day at that time I happened to find them and I'd be able to find it cheaper I don't even know I'd literally don't even know if you're not even willing to replace your mistake I really want to be anywhere near you do you know I'm saying that's like right it's just a drop arrow yeah that's like somebody buys a hybrid here from me or whatever or the buyer philodendron aureus from me so the bytes are right say they buy this one right fella don't growers and I accidentally just sent them this one which is not the same point and they just I don't know they don't realize maybe they just they got it maybe someone else unboxed it from maybe they were way and for whatever reason it's slightly outside the 14 day period that I ensure all my plants from if you don't know I actually do that I make sure that the plants stay healthy within 14 days technically that means even if you it I pay for it which isn't the most amazing thing in the world but it's it's business it's it's just how you take care of your customers you've got to do it anyway I'm digressing it's like me doing that it's like me sending a customer the wrong plant then complaining to me and me going thing get back to me quick enough and it's like them going well can I have the plant that that you were going to send can I have the one I paid for and it's like me saying well no you'll have to pay for it again do you see what I'm saying that's kind of that's like what kind of company makes the customers pay for their mistakes that is kind of beyond me eventually anyway after ages and her just like it was obvious I was just not gonna put up with her because every excuse she came back with I could kind of shut them down by saying yes I accept what you're saying except they got it right the first two times without my interference they just could not admit that they up and I don't understand why because I was being very understanding all I was saying was look I'm upset that I've been ignored I wasn't upset that you up the order that wasn't a problem like that happens all the time it's just what happens do you know I'm saying I wasn't upset about that I was upset with the way that I was treated that their mistake now don't get me wrong I understand sometimes things could get missed and you you know you don't get contacted or just things just slip through the neck honestly it's happened with my shop it's happened before sometimes things just slip through the net and email gets mr. it gets accidentally read at the wrong time by a different person and the other person doesn't get it and it's just a nightmare it can happen to anybody literally anybody that's not a problem I get it right I get it but I don't appreciate you making me try to pay for your mistakes that's outrageous you pay for your mistakes in my plant shop and I was talking about this the other day online I have to pay for other people's mistakes if I send a plant out and say the courier just kicks the out of it or you know they just lose it they took it into a river I still have to pay to send my customer a new one because I it is my job to make sure that gets there and it's correct if it's not correct if there's something wrong it comes back and I send out another one or if it gets lost in the post I just send out another one because it's not the customers fault if the courier it up do you know I'm saying now don't run it's not my fault either but when you enter this this game that's what you got to do it sucks trust me a sucks I've had boxes worth a lot of money go missing and you just gotta replace them it's what you got to do there's nothing you can do about it I would never ask a customer to essentially pay for anybody's mistake but you know it's so stupid to me it's not stupid to me it's a long story short they said look on this occasion we'll replace the order for you and I was like do you mean free of charge or what because I had to clarify at this point because you know I don't even know what's going on this comes a general you're like on this occasion we will but in future you can need to be a lot more careful and I'm just like well tell you what can you just give me the equipment I need to print this because obviously I'm capable of doing a better job and admitting to my own fault where there is Fault this is just ridiculous so I'm having to establish and work our way that little hole is that there normally is in the pot I think it's there is it there yeah it's probably there so anyway that was happening at the same time as this and this is juicy the same time as this I basically I'm gonna shorten this one down a lot because it ain't you know too extensive I've had somebody and I mentioned this on Instagram yesterday come to our shop and claim to be a reasonably famous plant youtuber wanting to review plants from the shop I thought oh okay well I looked at that Channel thought okay it's not really in line with the videos they normally do yes they do kind of plant videos but just not it you know the red pawn shop wouldn't really fit into it that well but I thought you never know it might be brunch now quarantine might have you know got them hard they might be just doing new things I thought right fine fine cool and I took them this is a lesson for me guys I took them on face value and I was like okay well you know we can send you some plans you can mention why you got them from and your opinions you know or you're wrong how about we send you maybe two or three plants and then you can unbox ammo do whatever you want to do it will give you a list of plants and you can pick two or three that you'd like this person was like yeah you know you don't have all of your plants up on your website because we're just gonna launch could you give me a list of what you've gone and went yeah sure sure you know I'm getting some plans in soon let me see how they go and I will email you back with a list and you can pick so I happen to know this because I if you bought for my shop this this is no secret you know this I have a member of staff called Simon that deals with all emails going into the red plant job I don't deal with them so if you think you're emailing me you're not I know a lot of people have spoken to Simon anyway so Simon replied to this initial email saying you know I'm this youtuber proper blog he's my channel I would like to review some some and he replied with a different name to the name coming in on the email and I had to ask him I was like why did you reply with this name when the person's name is this name when he was like let me check on that for you let me find out why I've done that I know it's because the channel name had the name in so he replied to the person with the name of the person whose YouTube channel that was linked I was like oh well because that's not what the email is and he was like oh yeah you're right okay I didn't see that which can happen obviously I was like okay well how do we know that this person is who they say they are because they could be literally anybody and we both thought oh we should check that and that is a schoolboy error on my part so you can give me whatever criticism for that that you won because I totally deserve it I took someone at face value never gonna do it again never gonna do again it's not like me to do that I don't know why I did that I got told about the email and obviously Simon responded for me but I just I didn't I wasn't thinking I guess I was just so busy doing other things that just was not thinking the last email I sent them was basically you know I'll let you know when plans come in would you like to pick some I'm not a reply yet but long story short I had my suspicions I managed within honestly within about 20 minutes of finding this out I managed to contact the actual youtuber who this involved and they have like quarter of a million subscribers so I was genuinely very like amazed that I even got all of them but I did and the person who I contacted I basically just send a message saying hi you may or may not know me didn't say who I was or gonna do my turn I just said I just want to confirm if you have asked to review plans from our shop and I put in brackets the rep lunch shop just want to confirm that that is the case and it is you and immediately this youtuber send me back voice messages I guess they were busy or whatever else and I basically said no that is a hundred percent not me and you need to contact the police immediately because this keeps happening to me this has happened before this has happened a lot before and I don't know what to do anymore I'm getting sick of it this keeps happening and I can't stop it I'm hearing about this all the time and I was like wow okay like I'm sorry to bother you I will deal with it the best I can you know have a nice day sorry to bother you and then I took to Instagram yesterday to kind of express my sheer disappointment that people would even do this to be honest and I don't know how far this person thought they were gonna get and I'm well aware that once I've posted about it the person if they follow me I don't know still now know that I know that they're an absolute fraud but I tell you something if it turns out that they replied to me and they're all you know normal with me I'm going to continue one as normal and I'm just gonna reply and be like yeah yeah yeah pick them you know can I have a name and address of where you want me to send these plans to and I will take their address and I will send it to the appropriate authorities I will give them their information I'll explain what happened I will you know contact the YouTuber involved in this and I will take it further the only reason I haven't done that yet is because I guess I'm giving them a get out jail free card to back out now so if you're watching this video and it's you because I know your name because it was attached to the email when you email somebody and you use an email address if you fill in your real name and you know the data that goes with that email address it's gonna pop up okay I know who you are so if you really want to get out of jail free here I suggest you do not continue discussions with me or Simon or any part of my shop via email don't try and get plans for me because seriously it's not gonna end well for you so this is a genuinely and I'm not trying to come across super threatening here guys I'm really not but this is fraud seriously it's fraud there's no other way to to go about it it's serious criminal offense so I'm giving you a get out of jail free and that's only because I've already announced on Instagram so technically you could know already but if this person doesn't know and has no idea who I am and just found this shop and wanted to get stuff from the shops if they come back at me I'm going to entertain it and I'm going to get their details and I'm going to just pass out on so if it's you here's a get out of jail free off quite kindly please don't do this to other shops it's not nice likewise I don't know how many people I'm speaking to here that this applies to because I don't know if you know people that have shops generally watch my content but it's a professional this content right now but if you are a shop and you have that happen to you please make sure that it is the person and if you can't try and find your way to them I might be able to help I don't know it really depends who they're saying that they are like I'll just say right now if someone tries to be me asking for plans to review that's not gonna happen so if if someone comes to you pretending to be me that's that's fake and that's no disrespect I actually covered this on Instagram like three days ago and that's basically another thing as well people have asked me to reviews planned shops and stuff like that on my channel and my response to that is you know I hear you I get why you'd want me to but its conflict of interests and it's it's not right for me to do that guys it's just not and I said that something scrum the other day and I put it this is kind of done by the way I kind of like skimmed over it really quickly I probably not attached this yet because I don't think it needs it well maybe it does I don't have the stuff with me to attach it right now so I'll attach it off-camera but anyway what I'm saying so it's a conflict of interests for me because I'm in that industry right because I own a plant shop and it's not just and this is not meant to disrespect any sellers that are operating this way I want to say it's really not sorry I probably touch my mic it's really not it's I'm not operating out of my bedroom you know I mean I'm a proper limited company I'm in this for the long haul I want to do this right I don't do the best way possible and being that I'm firmly within that industry and I'm gonna be you know shipping to America so that would be UK EU America maybe even international it'll be a big deal when it happens I don't feel that I can rightly sit here and review another shop and I'm just gonna be real about it because there's no reason not to be and the reason for that is obviously and touched on this on Instagram sorry if this is very roughly I'm really genuinely very sorry I probably can't edit this very much but I can't review these shops because of the conflict of interest what I mean by that is if a shop sends some and I unbox it and it's great I've done myself a disservice there because I'm unboxing competitors plants and I'm now in the position where I have a camera pointing at me and I have to say that they're good because they probably have arrived good do you know I'm saying and credit where credit is due but even though I can honestly give credit to somebody where it's jus I'm essentially advertising that shop when I gave a good review right that's that's what it's thought that's the whole reason because if I give it a good review it comes go do you buy from that shop right if they come and they're really bad because a lot of you have asked me to review a couple of shops that are notorious for sending kind of stuff that comes pretty bad like not great rep if I reviewed that and I speak negatively out of it you can't really trust what I'm saying and that's because I have a plant shop it takes one person with you know the not even a light bulb moment just a little bit of common sense to sit there and go well you've got a plant shop you're just bashing on them because you've got a shop and they're your competition it's it's lowlife it's not it's not becoming it's it's unfair it's not right and although I might not be doing that the plants might have generally you know arrived a it's it doesn't matter it still I'm never gonna be in that position where what I say it can be taken genuinely by all watching and that is basically it it's why I can't review plan shops is it it might connect to other things I doubt it I think we're just talking about plants themselves because I can review parts I can review I don't know moisture meters hygrometers humidifiers all of that terrariums the whole works I can do all of that but plants are a bit of a different ballgame yes you're saying and I mentioned this on Instagram I'm gonna say it again and I don't really care who i annoy by saying this to be honest and it's not it's not targeted anyway it's no shade it's just a fact if you are in a position similar to me if you're on YouTube or you're on Instagram doing videos whatever you are if you're an influencer dealing with plants and stuff like that and you have a plant shop I personally personal opinion I've kind of entitled to it but my personal opinion is you should not be reviewing other shops you shouldn't be doing that alright so you can review the shops I'm saying if you have a plan shopping you sell plants you are no longer in a position where you're impartial to do that and you can lead your audience in whatever way you kind of want to to be honest now I hope nobody takes this to be really malicious and mean it's just my opinion like I cannot review plants for that reason it's just not gonna be genuine I mean I'm on my own shop if I compliment another shop and I'm potentially being disingenuous if I give a shop bad review even though the plants you might have seen me unbox them and they might have come really there's matter it's just it's not coming from the right position I'm not the right person to do it I'm sorry that took way too long to say that I realize that but that's kind of where I stand on it so I can still review other shapes I mean it when I say tell me how to pronounce these things cuz I do want to review them it's pretty obvious what my reviews gonna be I think they're great TL DR if you don't know watch the review video I think they're great but yeah that's kind of my pain on that that was also my little rant about my stickers my labels it might not be important to other people but this is my brand it's my business it's my baby it's how I'm appearing to customers that buy from me and continue to buy from it's very important to me they spy not seem like it's important anybody but trust me that little white rim around that sticker that you know some of you guys will have got has been pissing me off for some time it's not only that it's just the principle of you know customer service and just just how to do it the right way and I can't believe a big company like that wouldn't do that I mean whether I'm at fault for the 14 day thing fine but just just don't be a dick yeah I mean I keep saying this every week in some form but just don't be a dick anyway this is probably the longest most run teary part ever I'm sorry if any of this offends anybody but I will speak as I find and if that continues to piss people off I am sorry but that is how it is I care more about being authentic than tiptoeing around people with opinions or stories or just anything I I apologize but I also don't apologize is kind of what I'm getting at anyway this was an unnecessarily long repot a few words on this because why not that's why we're actually here this is kind of cute I don't know how long I'm gonna leave it at this height I definitely think I want to really get this book because obviously there's only two little plans so if this gets too long I'll cut it I'll propagate it I'll put it back in and I'll just do that for a while until I got a really cute little bush then I might replace the totem pole and then I might let it grow but for now I honestly think that's just kind of cute as it is obviously see it in the frame here obviously I probably need to secure it I didn't think I was gonna but this blue here is a little bit like it needs pushback so I will do that anyway thank you very much for watching I don't know how many times I've mentioned this because I'm recording videos like here there and everywhere I do have a second channel I finally made it I did talk about that a while ago I made it it's name is Kaylee Ellen unfiltered the link is in the description please feel free to subscribe to that if you want to see anything that isn't plants or just generally more stuff about me you know you're very welcome there anything goes there's no upload schedule it's all just oh very very chill likewise don't subscribe if that's not you know what you're about and there's no obligation there at all I won't take it personally and oh I'm kind of excited for Friday's video you will need a notepad and a pen but it is not a redline index and that's all I'll say thank you very much for watching I hope you're all keeping well sorry for my rant oh there's a little bit of Bailey's in here I think order public I'm sorry it was a little bit high energy boats things just piss you off sometimes you know that's it thank you very much for watching I will see you on Friday bye guys
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 69,302
Rating: 4.81499 out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, repot with me, repotting houseplants, storytime, plant storytime, the rare plant shop, rant, how to repot houseplants, amydrium medium potting mix, amydrium medium green, amydrium medium blue, spiderman monstera, lechuza self watering pots, self watering system, repot and chat
Id: cI299kuw4gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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