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mamie's and gentlemen I found something that I have actually never seen before I literally feel like I'm either in outer space right now or the future [Music] now when you think about vending machines you normally think of quick snacks things like potato chips candy bars and even you know if you're lucky cold drinks like soda or pop however after exploring Japan for just over about a week now one of the things that's been most impressive to me one of the things that absolutely stood out have been the vending machine every look there's different sorts of vending machines and this got me wondering what if I could live a hundred percent entirely off vending machines for an entire day I'm talking to eating delicious food all my shopping and maybe possibly if I'm lucky even entertainment all for 24 hours let's go oh my gosh so welcome everybody to the first vending machine of the day the cold drink / for me the breakfast machine now for me I'm starting off with this one because this is definitely the most the most similar vending machine to vending machines that I know already of course we have the cold teas up here the sports drinks the mild cafe all that but as we move down to this level here it's things that I one have no idea what they are really and two I've never seen them in a vending machine before so I think I'm gonna go with the blueberry yogurt [Music] all right so this is interesting here it's kind of not even really yogurt it's more of like a milk / yogurt drink oh that's pretty good actually I would say it's right in between a smoothie / a children's yogurt you know for breakfast it was pretty cool we had a cultural discovery and you know the yogurt / beverage / whatever it was it was pretty delicious however to be honest it was like it was no food it was like a tiny tiny smoothie so after that breakfast I knew I had to find something that was a little bit more I guess you would say next level 10 ladies and gentlemen I found something that I have actually never seen before whole absolute crap we have entered vending machine capital city take a look at what's around us right now we have a coffee and soup machine a hot noodle machine an ice-cream machine over there a drinks machine and of course the one that I specifically came for the hot menu casual frozen foods it looks like there's like an octopus set here a red bean pastry some fried chicken french fries it looks like a chicken patty and hot dogs I've never heard of this actually being a thing I am just fricking overwhelmed with my choices right now but as is the most Japanese thing here I'm gonna go for the octopus balls but also I'm slightly interested in the hot dogs here come on I honestly still don't believe that is gonna work okay so I just pressed the button but here it shows almost like a microwaveable like timestamps on the sound of it it sounds like there's like a microwave warming it up this is like the longest two minutes of my life right now that is so frickin cool so inside there's just a box right here and it's super hot holy crap it has the Japanese octopus balls on the front there it might be said the words can't describe how excited I am to try these first we're going to get the hot dogs as well weird two hot dogs here we have two boxes of one Japanese specialty of the fried octopus balls and hot dogs now I've never had hot food from a vending machine before so I really don't know what to expect here oh that is weird so just opening it up here it looks almost like a frozen dinner however there's a big part of it that's still really excited to eat this on the side here they give you this sort of green seasoning so let's sprinkle that on first and let's try out our first ever hot vending machine food of Japan and of my life okay now the first thing that I see is the taste it's you know it's fine it's a frozen food warmed up frozen food it's not of course the best taste but it you know it's passable like of course you don't have that good fried consistency of what a normal octopus ball is supposed to be like but the taste it's not bad hot dogs this one is funky man it's just like two tiny little hot dogs and just from the actual look of the hotdog it looks pretty good actually I mean the the meat itself looks a little bit subpar but the presentation like look at that mustard and ketchup there so let's see what the taste is like that is interesting man like normally a hot dog buns it's not sweet at all but this one it's I'm kind of like the sweeter side when you combine that sweet bread with the salty meat here it makes four let's just say a flavor that you would have never thought would have been in this hot dog now I don't know if you guys have noticed but I've been wearing pretty much the same like two or three t-shirts for the last like ten videos now and that's really because when I started traveling when I went to India I didn't necessarily think I was going to be traveling for that long of time however India led to Malaysia and Malaysia led to Japan and Japan is going to lead to somewhere else and today was supposed to be shopping day the day that I went to the store when I bought some clothes but after waking up with this vending machine idea this morning I couldn't not do it and at first I thought this was a problem I was like okay I would just go to the store tomorrow but leave it to Japan to have a clothing store vending machine huh okay so supposedly the vending machine is supposed to be right there or there or there or just anywhere outside of this you know over I cannot find it anywhere I was wondering is this sort of like t-shirt vending machine here you might think yeah I saw it not here you know other t-shirt vending machine you know [Music] thank you so much yeah I appreciate it thank you so much for your help okay so walking in there I thought it was a complete fail but oh my gosh the staff was so nice anyway I'm gonna follow these directions she gave me like ten pages here and hopefully we can buy some clothes oh my gosh no it looks like there's a towel here and three different types of t-shirts sound filiz you can only see kind of like a little bit of the design here and also the size you might be a little bit off because in each country the sizing fluctuates quite a bit on the medium in the u.s. so I'm thinking I'll be a large in Japan 14 [Music] I'm so happy about this live TV show let me start a vending machine possibly the future but anyway let's see if this thing actually fits here honestly it doesn't fit that bad I don't know I'm pretty satisfied now for lunch you know the vending machine it was it was okay the experience was super cool but the food quality itself it was quite questionable for the last hour and a half I've been searching just relentlessly all over the Internet to try to almost like take this dinner to the next level find some more that's something that you can only find in Japan and if my Google Translate Chrome extension is correct I think I found something so you know the vending machine that I found at lunchtime it was a frozen foods vending machine basically the vending machine owner just popped in like frozen dinners but this one here this is actually connected to a restaurant you see every afternoon this restaurant here makes anything from like burgers to I think that's a hot dog to egg sandwiches and it's all homemade from this you know tiny little shop I don't know I think I have to get all the know it even knows like this vending machine is even work and like I just plopped the coin in there it didn't even really go into anything so oh that's so cool one dollar something boom I have a freaking feast waiting for me here from this homemade vending machine most vending machines actually all vending machines that I've ever eaten at have been you know big branded items or well the recent frozen dinner vending machine so with that there hasn't been any like personality or soul attached to it but I don't know for me I've never been to i've never been to a sort of any machine like this it both combines a you know mom-and-pop store restaurant with the convenience of what a vending machine is so just going over the massive mound of sandwiches that we got here the first thing is kind of like a chicken-fried patty the next time which is also a fried sandwich but it looks to be more of a traditional fry third sandwich is probably the coolest one of the cheeseburger as a hamburger lover I've never seen a hamburger come out of a vending machine before so that's that's kind of next-level also the fourth thing is kind of a sandwich that looks almost like a brioche like the ones that really get me are the three sandwiches here but anyway enough talking let's see how these vending machines food our first bite of the hamburger eight days it tastes like an actual burger joints hamburger the meat itself you can actually tell was worked on it has a look of different seasonings and also a mash of fresh ground beef now the fries dripping sentiment now a fried chicken sandwich is unbelievable the fry itself is quite impressive sure it's a tiny bit squishy because it's been in a vending machine but you can still feel the fry on there and having that level of quality and a vending machine only means that it's continuously changed I'm loving this this is incredible this is an actual dinner here oh wow alright the third sandwich really solid ouch cookin ahem never had fried ham before but this combined with the barbecue sauce it's pretty good huh absolutely impressed well you can taste the homemade feeling all the ingredients inside seem to be fresh the vending machine is frickin awesome as there was like a hundred percent a do-it-yourself project seriously that is frickin amazing now all throughout today we've been pushing the limits of what exactly a vending machine can be and when I was thinking kind of like what the next level was I thought back to the last thing we did I was like ok hot food homemade food from a vending machine that's pretty epic but how about something that literally I'm pretty sure like nobody has ever heard of something coming from a vending machine like it and if your hours of searching in Japanese I don't necessarily know what is inside this vending machine that we're going to more so that it's just called the mysterious vending machine so basically what I've gathered from this vending machine online again this was written in Japanese but basically you have all of these different things in here so you have like a digital camera you have a selfie stick you up razors you have iPhones you have beads you have Nintendo DS you have all of these things you insert a thousand yen in and you can get one of them or you can get kind of like like a crap piece let's insert the thousand and I don't know let's see what we get here this kind of feels like gambling to me almost eenie meenie miney moe catch a tiger by his toe if he hollers let him go eeny meeny miny moe oh man I'm like I'm nervous to see what we got here so it comes in like this little white package here I feel like I'm almost like opening up a present on Christmas ooh let's see what we got here the fact I have no idea what's gonna be inside it's quite exhilarated actually just from that it's an entertainment hey let's see what's inside all right it looks like I got some sort of like wallet or something I would call this maybe like a medium fries today was just such an interesting day literally everything that I needed to do today I did for a venue so I know it's a kind of difficult question for coming anything below that I guess it's like a weird specific part of your culture so comment below and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: LivingBobby
Views: 2,522,174
Rating: 4.6934962 out of 5
Keywords: Vending machine, 24 hour challenge, DIY, vending machine foods, eating challenge, LivingBobby, 7-Eleven, Japanese 7-eleven, gas station foods, Tokyo vending machines, vending business, i only ate VENDING MACHINE FOODS for 24 hours !!!, I only ate, 24 hours, 24, challenge, day, vending machines, fast food, vending, machine, food, mukbang, eating, gummy vs real food, crazy challenge, Chili Cheese Fries, Tokyo, Japan, munchies, takoyaki, hot dogs, burger, fried chicken, French fries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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