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this is about to be a very special episode but before we get started I just want to let you know that season 9 of seep discomfort a clothing line just dropped right now for the next 72 hours link is at the top of the description enjoy the episode time is the most valuable resource we have but on a daily basis we all tend to forget that we wasted by getting upset at things that don't matter we forget to say I love you too the ones that do matter and avoid following our heart thinking it might be better timing tomorrow but what if today was your last day what if there were exactly 24 hours left for you to live and you had one last chance to do as many of the things that truly matter to you what would you do who would you call and where would you want to be I asked myself these questions last year and did the experiment of living my hypothetical last day and for a Mars 25th birthday as he begins a new quarter century he decided that it was his time to do the same Amara has been living around the world since he's been 15 years old and his biggest dream has always been to connect all the friends he's made over the years so for his last 24 hours he decided to give them all a call and see if they'd join him for the most unforgettable day of his life I always had this vision to bring all the people that have shown me the most loved in my life the people have made the most impact in my life I want to do that on my birthday as I simulate living my last 24 hours I know that you're in Istanbul and I was wondering if there's any way I can fly you here next weekend to come be here for my birthday see somebody yes all my best friends are saying yes alright Happy's a university to be back the opportunity to live genuinely one of the most impactful days of your life I think there is he got the first batch of friends arriving from Vancouver let's go search for a month to heal my back into sconces you won't take you back rad yeah I don't had a girl by Rory what do you guys mean to you everything he said the people that shaped my character that shape the experiences that made me who I am when we were in Egypt together and you guys met my family that was I was a mindfuck from he's like worlds that I never thought would would meet end up coming together and then tomorrow is literally all about that Emily my ex-girlfriend there's no you Tina you have no idea what we're doing like this is so random then auxin with the same time ask myself if I truly have 24 hours to live what I would do who I want to be with you guys are those people you've made a huge impact in my life it showed me so much love and so much support different phases of my life for that I want to take everybody in a plane and Jung like at the boats first thing I told amar when he said you come over to le we have a lot of things but I was like as long as it does not involve Heights look at this what a dream all right it's a little past midnight everybody's got to go to bed and tomorrow morning I wake up to do the skydive that I had dreamt up my whole life falling out of the sky with all of you morning second day all these people just showing up ready to jump out of the plane this is wife's kite out of the first you didn't call your friend then watch while follow this guy they managed to find the creepiest looking bail [Applause] [Music] [Music] let me go skydiving what that was a barbecue welcome to uh Scott we're gonna figure out of a plane we've got like a couple of military aircraft should be able to get everybody jumping together which is a really unusual and rare opportunity to get like everybody in the air at one time he probably won't be able to explain to you how difficult that was but he has made something really special I got twenty thousand skydive and I've never gotten to do this never been able to coordinate all 20 people a formation tandem load they have done that you're getting a really spoiling opportunity just so you know in case it's not obvious yeah just wanna make sure you guys know that you're jumping out of everything on your own this isn't Mars wellness [Music] I'm not into this dude update the video like give me something from 2010 what happens on that other 40% [Music] we're putting the first load up in the sky this idea of falling out and looking at all of my loved ones fall behind me happy [Music] my birthday like it we've gone bowling [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] team excitement after seeing people like understand why I wanted to share this experience with everyone oh my god my heart is full I don't even know what to think it was just pure adrenaline [Music] [Applause] go back alright we are back in Venice and we're about to have the most delicious Egyptian blood everybody's alive I can't think of a moment where I was happier than seeing everybody on the ground and taking that last pullover together I haven't had the Egyptian food ever since I left Egypt year and half ago the cook of the Egyptian general consul in LA kindly agreed to prepare this move for all of us and let's eat because I'm really hungry alright I have a little surprise for heavy tomorrow missed out on probably one of the most significant moments of my life what our friend Chris Peter did a session it's like a crazy breath work kind of wim hof style session and there's never been a moment in my life where I felt more connected to the people around me Chris those brings out of people Wow but I've never seen anybody do it takes you through a journey in your mind that you have never been through in your entire life Wow the bulk of what we're going to be doing is called a two-stage breath so it's gonna be a big inhale to our belly and inhale to our chest or two inhales and then one full exhale letting them it's gonna look like this ready that's it that's all we're gonna be doing that for about a half-hour you're not gonna believe possible just with breath alone it's quite a miracle [Music] [Music] find a moment something ridiculous at childhood I want you to pull it down in your heart when you do the door your hearts going to swing this carry for the last four years that was like you know what she's still here in that moment she felt real that's what thank you sharing a birthday like all this like vulnerability and all the emotions coming out is unreal I cried for an hour so [Music] there's gonna be a lot more emotion than I thought I can't even hold it together already but I'm so thick she's every single person in the room right now means something to me and all the people that came from so far to be here with me today and to share this experience today is a medium hard day for me because a year ago same day I had to follow up with my father and I had been talking ever since and it became such a huge weight on me throughout this past year and I had a history of depression and was really really struggling but if right now means something to me it is the power of just following your heart and follow your truth and following what you were born to do even though that decision was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life right now the happen is that experience today with just seeing all of you high-fiving each other after getting out of that plane it was truly true the happiest moon in my life the single major contributing factor to put me on the path that I'm on today is the fact that I was able to get a scholarship to the African Leadership Academy in South Africa nine years ago they don't really like to pass this I'll continue forward and hopefully you get another Egyptian who just thinks that whatever is around them is the only thing that life has to offer it was an opportunity to go see more and go experience more and go decide for themselves who they want to be so we set up a fundraiser thirty thousand dollars which is the amount that it would take for student to go to the Academy I put ten thousand dollars of my own money into this the guys generously just told me that they're gonna put ten thousand dollars from yesterday which puts us at twenty so we just made a post saying all the proceeds for the remainder of the time for the sickness comfort drop is gonna go towards the scholarship we're gonna send out a form right now gives you the option to donate if you want but you can't then I would really appreciate if you send it out to someone who you think [Applause] [Music] at the moment like this has such a big milestone in his life it's a little bit up to us to remind someone what they need to especially when it's around as close as I'm most lost right well I definitely want to start it off and just say how much my life has changed since meeting you marks as many years but I have never in my life been able to see an individual will be able to connect with people on such a deeper level so quickly last year when I was just so definitely and I wouldn t remember just go like this and just crying for like a minute and then just look up at you and you're smiling you said this has been the hardest year for you with depression and mental health just seeing you creep out of that and build and glow is just an amazing journey to be a part of every day I can't believe that I got lucky [Applause] and yeah $400 just came in tried to call my mom yesterday on my birthday but she couldn't pick up I just texted her and told her that I want to bid you call her and tell her about something so my mom's biggest dream in life is to go to pilgrimage of Mecca every Muslim was able to afford to go I supposed to actually do this once in their lifetime it's quite expensive now I'm about to tell her that she shall have her biggest like wish in life coming true this year hey mom globe is an absolute low in tannin abortion scientist el ateneo de Labarre since a Tuesday I would have a get with Mary in a manner saltan if sold you can own another like heck and about the flu still yet the blade gives litigation plague control the Senate has infused bacteria Daisy we're with em hisses be like you them and a mimosa leave them and fell I saw her I can learn order yeah my 24th was the most challenging year of my life but it was also the year I experienced the most growth and breakthroughs appreciating some of the people made such a huge impact in my life and paying forward the greatest opportunity I've ever received was a moment of pure joy and fulfillment that I will cherish forever one last thing before I sign off if you're someone who's thrown with any kind of mental health issue or just unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel I want you to know that we see you we love you and we accept you for exactly who you are it takes insane strength courage and compassion to travel to the darkest depths of who you are and have the audacity to rise again it is the ultimate test to seek discomfort so wherever you're at with whatever you're struggling with just know you've got this and we're with you I'd like to thank everyone who supported the fundraiser by buying from the last Steve discomfort drop we were able to raise ten thousand dollars in three hours and on that note the new seat discomfort drop is live for the next 72 hours so if you want to support the message of seeking discomfort go check it out link is at the top of the description and we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 3,031,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living my last day, last 24 hours, living my last 24 hours, living my last day to the fullest, taking friends skydiving, yes theory last 24 hours, what i would do if it was my last day living, giving away scholarship, yes theory skydive, seek discomfort, strangers lives her last 24 hours, $40000, best day of all time, raising money, how to raise money, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, yes theory, living your last day experiment, yes theory strangers, living last 24 hours
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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