Free Child - Yes Theory Short Film With Google

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this film is sponsored by google how can we belong to things that are new that are updated that actually make us feel fulfilled and happy and understood seen not ashamed not guilty [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] this is the moment almost 30 years of mubarak's regime ended [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have decided to record some of my thoughts because i feel it might be interesting at some point down the line [Music] and me and nicolas officially started the road trip [Music] i just got back to my room after a very interesting night i was on a walk earlier and i heard this noise coming from a rooftop so i ended up sneaking into the building and i made it all the way up i talked to a few people and everybody kept saying that i should meet this one guys [Music] i was just sitting on the couch with thomas and matt and i just had this overwhelming sensation that i am meant to know these guys and i know it's crazy because i'm supposed to leave in a couple of days but [Music] so i made a list a list of 30 things i have never done before to push myself out of my comfort zone today this morning last night on sunday i'm getting my ears pierced today we're gonna make a painting i got my revenge we're eating bold testicles okay yep here we go who this is gonna look awful like [Music] [Music] uh i was just wondering if prime minister justin trudeau is going to be in office uh tomorrow i don't know let's just show up but there's justin trudeau right there here we go [Music] [Applause] yes look at this [Music] all right hear me out this is gonna sound crazy but what if we challenge will smith to helly bungie what's that what's helibunji is he gonna accept [Music] [Music] the moment that scared me the most since we started this project just happened last night i always knew that it will come where i will have to make the decision between my family or or what we're doing here i know that what we stand for and the purpose that we're bringing this world is is gonna be just worth just making the hardest decision i've ever had to make i simply know that i cannot be the only one stuck in this position and there's someone out there who needs to hear this despite what anyone tells you who you should be you have the right to determine the life you want to live be who you are and walk freely [Music] [Music] hey dude it doesn't get much harder than this it hurts me so much to see you go through this but i just wanted to tell you that i love you so so much that we all love you so so much and i will always be here for you always you need huge amounts of time to just sit with it to just be quiet to just be still let it go you are thinking [Music] like for a second i i went back in time and just remember the moment with my dad i just try to channel as much as i could to him just let him know that i'm thinking about him and i love him and i'm always praying for him i didn't want to but today i managed to get myself to do push-ups and sit-ups for like 15 minutes today i'd say it's the first time i feel more happy than sad in a very long time how can we belong to things that are new that are updated that actually make us feel fulfilled and happy and understood seen not ashamed not guilty [Music] life happens in your pursuit of the things that are not given to you because you you can't experience freedom without knowing what exists outside what's been handed to you the the jump was such an important moment in my life because i i felt like i had just i had started living in my head and my thoughts and in the moment of surrender of the count of the pilot from five four three two one and then the letting go and just fully being in my body because that's the only thing that mattered in that moment is the full flare and me fully being [Music] there [Music] [Music] dream [Music] let's team [Music] hello friends i just want to start by saying thank you for making it all the way here i really appreciate you the amount of times i realized in the most subtle ways that google search had acted as my sidekick for pretty much my whole life was pretty crazy and to be partnering with google search on this is truly a dream come true i didn't necessarily realize it as i was living it but just seeing 10 years of my life be compressed in 18 minutes made it very clear that search is a living breathing thing that evolves just like we do google started as a research project in 1996 when i was two years old the goal was pretty simple get the most relevant information in the quickest amount of time and that's remained the goal ever since and as i dove deeper into the evolution of the search engine i realized that google search is kind of like a mirror it shapes how we access information but at the same time we get to shape it with how we search good example of that is the newstap feature it was born out of the events of 9 11. the team at church realized that people all over the world were searching the twin towers but it was pretty clear that people were having a hard time accessing the information that they were looking for so they created google news which aggregates the most relevant news from the most trusted sources and ultimately that's what i used in 2011 to get media updates about the egyptian revolution as i was living in south africa it's honestly pretty mind-blowing to think about the evolution of the search engine over the last decade think that there is so many people all over the world working so hard on making sure that this information is constantly accessible and there are tools and features that are being built that allow us to access this information i just wouldn't be where i am today without all of it and it's still pretty surreal that this video is up and you know we got to tell that story and just show how much impact google search had on my life on that note i'd like to thank every single human who's worked on the google search engine thank you for changing my life and thank you for changing the world and for all of you watching again thank you so much for making it all the way to the end i really appreciate you and i'll see you the next episode this film is sponsored by google
Channel: Yes Theory
Views: 1,043,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yestheory, seek discomfort
Id: NB8yZ_Ymzpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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