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[Applause] literally geez I'm popular all of a sudden hold on this is literally the dumbest video this is this video just has no point I'm literally about to torture myself for 24 hours for no reason and like I don't know why I'm doing this but like I really want to because I feel like it'd be fun today I'm going to be living in my closet like inside my closet like I'm just gonna try to live in my closet for 24 hours just cuz I did the video where I you know lived on my balcony for 24 hours now it's kind of nice why is this making me want to go camping that was weirdly a fun challenge and I feel like living in my closet for 24 hours would be really fascinating to see how I can entertain myself within like a nine foot by 10 foot know that's generous like a nine by five foot room basically this is gonna test my claustrophobia and see if I can handle it okay let's do it but first we have to set up my closet because my closet is not ready for this event this is so crooked okay that's good enough [ __ ] it here's wait it's so crooked I literally give up I don't care [Music] okay so that's my bed now let's get some pillows okay let's move in okay Jacqueline this is gonna be tough excuse me sir you or not do you want to be in here for 24 hours with me I don't think you do sir you're not gonna like it is there's no letterbox the doors in my closet are shut I am now what the [ __ ] am i doing this is so weird so let me tell you the rules of the game I have my computer I have oh my god Declan is trying to get in I'm doing a closet for 24 hours which means that I get to leave my closet tomorrow morning because it's like morning right now I already had breakfast I had coffee all that basically I just have to spend the whole day in here I have one pass though I get to leave my closet one time and that is to get dinner like from my fridge or from post mates probably post mates I feel like I could entertain myself by going on my phone for the next two hours I'm just on my phone okay I can bored I'm bored of being on my phone like what is there to do like I didn't really think about that I could color-coordinating my closet I love that okay let's do it I feel like this is gonna be easier than living on my balcony because at least I'm inside the color-coordinating starts now this is actually really valuable I feel like maybe this is actually gonna make my life like a lot more enjoyable so I'm not really mad about it but I don't know how to color-coordinate okay hold on let's take everything red out wait five two of the same shirt I'm starting to feel like upset a little bit I've literally been in here for like maybe a half hour and I'm like upset I have so many white shirts like what is it with me in white shirts oh this is starting to look good I'm already getting excited about like what I'm eat for dinner like what's it gonna be also what else should I do in here I was thinking I could like get some [ __ ] done do you know any mean like accomplish something while I'm in here because if I don't accomplish anything while I'm in here like I'm just gonna get sad and like feeling I wasted my whole day so I'm thinking like I get some errands done like get [ __ ] done that I've been like putting off you know for example I have a parking ticket - I have two parking tickets that I haven't paid and I've been like putting off paying them well the time is now okay I'm gonna pay them [ __ ] wait I don't want to organize my closet anymore like this is not fun why am i so whiny that's like a question like why do I just whine about everything being in my closet for the whole day could actually kind of serve as like a self-reflection period like this is a really great chance for me to just kind of think about why I'm such a [ __ ] idiot and like why I'm such a mess I'm like how I can fix it Declan literally misses me I hear him meowing out there first problem it's hot in here okay I didn't fully color-coordinate my closet but I think I think I did good enough like that's like kind of color-coordinated like I put all the whites okay it looks like [ __ ] okay let's talk about my feelings so recently I've been drinking matcha you guys know me as being a very big coffee drinker recently I've been drinking matcha I had two today already along with coffee I woke up got matcha then got matcha again then worked out then I got matcha again wait this is not a joke I've gone matcha three times today from three different places then realize that I wanted coffee went and got coffee do you know how much caffeine coffee like how much how am I suppose a [ __ ] be in this room all day after drinking that much caffeine I don't know this is gonna be a long a long journey hell I get to spend a lot of time just like watching YouTube to pass the time I'm gonna like I'm just gonna try to like meditate and relax in here it's pretty comfortable like I'm not uncomfortable I'm just gonna try to chill in here and and see how it goes alright this is so boring in my closet I kind of feel comfortable and safe in here though I feel like I'm in like a womb I'm feel like I'm in like a like I feel like I'm very cozy in here I feel very safe I feel safe like I feel like nobody could find me in here I feel like nobody could touch me in here I felt very safe which is good okay cuz I'll see you guys mm-hmm I've been in here for a while virtually doing nothing it's been a little while like I managed to pass a lot of time I was like watching tick tock so I was watching youtube videos recently I've been loving watching take chunks okay and not proud of it but I also am because I found some really great take stalkers actually I did not bring enough water in here I brought one cup of water in here there's no way I need to be texting people while I'm in here in starting up conversation because I'm so bored like I'm texting my mom right now about like nothing I got two parking tickets so basically the first one I got was because I parked on my street and it was sweet cleaning which meant that you weren't allowed to park there because they were cleaning the street so I got a $65 ticket and then later that day out later that day I got a ticket because I parked on my street in the red zone on accident how do you do that I don't know now I need to pay those and I'm running out of time I only have like a week left anyway while I'm paying this 2-part ticket let's talk about what I'm gonna eat for dinner I'm thinking like vegan pizza maybe a salad sushi oh I don't know I mean I don't know definitely gonna post meat though because I've been [ __ ] I'm like dying in here what I almost saw that like I was late to paying this ticket and then I was gonna have to pay double but I just read it wrong cuz I'm so stupid I actually don't think that I'm really that dumb like I don't think I'm really that dumb of a person overall like I feel like there's you know it could be worse right but actually I am also super dumb like why why do I do these mindless things like it's really really easy not to park in the red zone they probably one of the easiest things you can do so like what went wrong I've been trying to pay this parking ticket for like 20 minutes but I keep getting distracted oh my god I'm done paying my parking ticket yeah I've been like putting it off for Adler announced tons let's talk so basically I want to eat more nuts I'm hungry like I didn't really plan this out very well because I didn't bring much food I brought like no water which is fine cuz I barely drink water anyway I'm not saying that that's good I'm just saying that that's the truth I hate eating in front of people because I know I eat gross my mouth doesn't look cute when I eat like [ __ ] you if you eat like this hold on oh I only get time to go on my phone again guys listen I'm [ __ ] losing it it's nighttime now I've just been like sitting here like [ __ ] watching movies on my phone like for some reason being in this closet has just sucked all the energy out of me okay I definitely need to eat I'm kind of in the mood for like Thai food wait - my phone just died oh [ __ ] I didn't really think about that one did I my phone's dead I want to pass time basically and I feel like I should nap and then I'll eat later okay is that should I do that why am I like what am i doing listen here's the situation I just woke up from a little nap my phone is dead my laptop is dead I don't have any chargers and I'm starving I think it's about time that I used my one pass being able to leave this closet so that I can nourish my body and also go to the bathroom because I have not done that this is a big moment oh my god yes but I still have to sleep in here so like I don't know oh my god hi okay so I've decided because it's so late it's 2:00 a.m. it's actually almost 3:00 because it's so late I like can't speak like I'm literally a mess like being in that closet just [ __ ] me up we need to make some dinner because I'm hungry and I was going to pose me but it's just gonna take too much time and I really just want to go back to bed so what are we gonna do I could do ot eel I could do a backup I'm gonna do all kind of tests that's what I felt really like safe in the closet and like warm and comfortable but the problem is is like I'm just so bored I ate at a restaurant recently and they gave me avocados toasted and hummus on it me being a really big fan of avocado toast and of hummus this was amazing for me and it was actually so delicious so now I make my avocado toast with hummus that's my point something that I do when I'm waiting for my food to be done cooking is I like to eat almond butter out of the jar and I'm not proud of it but it's so good oh I need that more than I thought mmm I just feel really like really drained and like I don't have much to say all I know though is that this avocado toast is crazy let's bring this down and eat it in the closet this was a really good way for me to force myself to take a day off you know what I mean cuz I just didn't do anything Vedas laid in here I went by quicker than I expected because I was doing stuff on my computer I'm gonna have to go back outside you turn off my light this wasn't that hard like it just went by really quick okay wait really quick is generous it didn't go by really quick it didn't feel as long and drawn-out as I was expecting I need to go turn out my light oh and I need to grab my phone okay be right back okay I can't decide if today has been miserable or not I don't even know okay I'm gonna go to bed I'm gonna try to go to bed it's right now it's about 3:00 a.m. I feel like today was one of the most pointless days of my life Oh guys we're gonna go to sleep I'll let you know if I wait go in the night I hope I don't good night good morning we I'm allowed to open this now oh did you Ruth oh I'm just so happy it's over um you know last night was actually not that bad oh I'm never doing this again okay well you like this pointless ass [ __ ] video let me know I know and if you hated it know I love you guys oh good day keep it real all right follow your dreams bye [Music]
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 5,489,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog, 24 hours, challenge, living in my closet
Id: NQEzIrC6bCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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