Getting My Closet PROFESSIONALLY Organized!! *extreme*

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it's wild i don't like this you hate it i i didn't indicate how much [Music] so you guys know it's no secret my closet is kind of a disaster when i moved into this house almost five years ago that's crazy it came with this brown his and her type closet so it needed a little makeover we went to ikea got the pack system loved it had it fully organized it started out great but you know over time it just kind of became this black hole where you couldn't even really see the floor i realized i've turned into quite the hoarder so the other day i watched marie kondo and literally while i was watching it i was saying to myself i need that i am so [ __ ] overwhelmed with my closet so we hit up marie kondo she didn't get back to us kidding i didn't um i figured she was too busy however we have the next best thing meet parker blaine parker is an incredible stylist responsible for my lara croft halloween look i know iconic and has been brave enough to accept the challenge of purging of deep cleaning and organizing alicia murray's closet warrior a true queen i'm nervous pray for you also i am so excited you guys parallel apparel is having a new drop tomorrow with a new color new items i cannot tell you how freaking excited ashley and i are and we're so proud of this collection i cannot wait to see you guys rocking it feeling sexy as is it is available tomorrow 11 15 10 a.m pacific standard time at ah i didn't even know really where to start that was my biggest problem i was like where do we start and i was like we just need to clean out the closet before we actually just so i can know what's in the closet and then we can start making looks honestly the same for me didn't even know it's in the closet because there was too many times i was like oh my god i was wondering where this was okay this isn't too bad here are you know how i have all the white tops yeah these are kind of like the black tops okay but a lot of them are work out here we have underwear and leggings this is more workout leggings and these are more workout tops this is the most embarrassing thing wait i don't even know what's in here i just ran out of space so this became like shirts so [ __ ] nightstand yeah okay so i think we're gonna keep this lovely dresser we're done hoarding yeah we're done i'm a hoarder maybe a little bit there's a lot there's a lot here what was the number one thing wrong with my closet would you say um like the organization like there were shorts on this side of the closet and that side and like tops as well when i just think like all of the pants and like shorts should be on one side and all the tops should be on one side yeah so make it easier yeah wise no that makes sense yeah we've yet to really tackle the sweatpants it's just so hard because like you know there's things that you love my favorite thing is going through stuff when i like hold it up to her and i'm like parker is this cute and you're like i'm going to get rid of it i don't know how to like i don't want to be mean i'm like i don't think you need this that's why you're here let's keep doing pants um just go through those and then i'll start putting the workout stuff away well there's a lot more in the dresser oh there's oh the that dresser oh think of how much we've gotten rid of now i feel like i can do that with the dresser and like i don't even know what's in that i don't know what's in that and it's been like that for probably a couple years we can get rid of what's been the hardest thing for you to get rid of have you seen these i think you have do you know what these are these have been my favorite pj bottoms since seventh grade i bought these at a rite aid in the men's section because i was going to a sleepover very last minute so we stopped by the store to like grab some random things comfiest things of my life when i tell you not only is there a hole in the butt like literally the booty i have tripped on these going up and down the stairs probably like 30 times and every time i trip the hole in the pant gets bigger oh my god oh my god unleash i've genuinely almost died because then my foot will get caught in it and then i trip and it rips it more so they're like completely unwearable like unleash the only thing i can think of is like what if i make this like no a top or something no we had a little moment i had my little funeral thank you for the memories thank you for what you what does marine condo say also i found a wallet and had a whole bunch of gift cards that's isn't that the best thing ever rosie's loving this she's going through everything yeah oh my god this skirt this was remy's going out skirt i started borrowing it every time i went to her house and then one day she's like just keep it this skirt has seen many parts of la you know what i mean like she's been to venice she's been to the bungalow weho multiple times [Music] is this ugly no oh my god wait really like by the skirt collection yes i mean you're never going to wear that i'm never going to wear it you're never going to wear it okay i've worn it on a carpet i honestly don't love it okay do you want it yeah per what do you have some fishnets i mean like you know how they had like had their moment under denim that's what these were i cut these notice they're more i mean might as well just like keep them because you never know you never know i would keep them with the underwear okay yeah okay now oh she loves that dress this is a lot we are also ordering new hangers so all the hangers are gonna be the same i recommend like black velvet hangers and for instance she has some that have like the clips that you can purchase by itself that you just attached to the normal but i like the ones with like the metal bar like the actual like velvet clippings [Music] this guy yeah like yeah that's a top i don't need this the dress you look really good i was like what the heck is going on here i would say keep the dress it's a good um staple it's a good staple dress i love it like a cowl neck that's like my favorite i can tell yeah there's like some things i've noticed okay you definitely like purple i've seen a lot of purple actually there's a lot of like neutrals there's a lot of browns too i see that i like which is great for fall oh yeah this is good i don't like this because i don't like the the bra the boobs yeah and i just don't like the bow type deal i don't know we could do better what color do you think would look best on alicia like honestly like yeah like greens and purples oh i don't really wear much greens i've been trying to i feel like i've bought a few things recently like the skirt i was like oh why are you laughing can we toss it you hate it kind of i've never seen you wear that because i didn't know how to wear it and that's when you know we could do better goodbye um this i just thought it i never wear it how long have you had it like four years oh my god absolutely not row row honey bun i can't with you wow okay we're gonna color coordinate this i also never use all of these like bins i have no idea even what's in some of them and even like those heels up there so i would love to utilize that space more this is wild it's wild this video is 10 minutes straight of tk judging me okay currently going through the sweatpants pile these i'm going to get rid of because they actually don't look good on me holy [ __ ] i'm so excited okay so obviously we have these shoes yes and in the glam room we have the sneaks sorry bro so when i first designed the closet on a key i was like oh my god i want this for shoes so this is more like heels and stuff but i will say i can hardly reach for these so i feel like it's a waste of space like even like my favorite heels are here so part of me regrets doing this and i'm like oh i wish i did another like yeah hanging area that's fine oh and there's also heels up there yeah those are the costs to me like stripper heels i love or something yeah i just still don't know what's going on in that whole pile okay so like holy [ __ ] [Music] you guys look at all of this day one baby done tomorrow ladies what do we have going on day two of alicia's closet clean out and today we're tackling the dresser the goal is to be able to get rid of it and put the rest of it in the closet honestly the good thing about workout clothes is there's some things that are so dingy that i've had for years but i feel like that's such an easy like toss get ready wait what about the socks yeah some of these i've probably had since like middle school oh good luck ladies [Music] so these are all bathing suits pretty much oh my god yeah there's a lot of things but we're gonna get rid of a lot yeah i feel like bathing suits are gifted a lot so there's just so many like if i don't feel good in one i'm not gonna wear it so i feel like that's like an easy one to get rid of oh my god babies to draw one two three and four oh wow we're gonna get rid of a lot well i'm gonna make her get rid of a lot what the heck dude that's a fork in a bathing suit it's literally a mountain it's bigger than rosie rosie um okay this i saw i think on pinterest and i was like this could be a cute moment you know for what you know what it's yours if you're gonna wear it and feel good in it i tried this on and the bottoms actually made me look like a potato which like you know sexy as is but i just clearly we haven't won so [Music] okay we're making so much progress the bathing suits i didn't realize how bad those were i think that's the thing i've been shocked at the most the fact that it really was taking up four drawers worth of stuff let's go period the reason why i have so many workout clothes is because i don't like getting rid of like old ones i feel like there's days where i i just i want an old pair of leggings that i don't care about or i want to save my cute ones in case i maybe actually go to the gym and maybe there's cute guys i think we should get one of the clear bins in the garage for like costumey stuff like disney ears halloween stuff that's like very specific you know like handcuffs also a lot of the stuff that's in here is like techie stuff honestly most of these are empty so like there's so much room these are ashley's this one's mine so i'm gonna put this one in my closet boom boom fine with that fine with that okay so today parker is not here and she gave me a huge list of homework to do one being really sort through all the clothes figure out what is donatable what is worth selling and also what is just actual trash donate donate i feel like we have a lot to do it's taking a lot longer than i expected however i will say i don't think i realized how much me being stressed and my anxiety was from the house just being a complete disaster i i didn't anticipate how much just random trash i think this is trash bag number four nice thanks stars are just like us they take out the trash nice shoes thank you yeehaw literally chloe i wore these on you need out these babies i'm not kidding if you guys went to the girls night and tour 2016 you saw me wear these like they've been around the nation i think they've even been around the world i want to thank you for all the performances all the nights out like you know you finally made me feel hot i think that was an era where i started to like grow up a little bit yeah unfortunately i don't know where your your left one is for that reason i have to throw you away guess what came whoa the hangers came in time which i'm really excited about these are the ones that parker wanted me to get for like skirts and jeans and stuff because they have the metal instead of the plastic and they can be all uniform and that way we can save a lot of space in the closet so i will have these linked down below for you guys they come apart so you can use it as a normal hanger or you can just slide this baby in and then you have the bottom one they even have like a protective what is that called like seal yeah so excited okay guys it's another day in our closet organization uh journey so parker kicked me out a little bit ago because she wanted you know to do the full reveal and show me everything so i'm so excited okay guys this is my first time oh holy [ __ ] tell me when you're not ready oh my god i'm so excited okay ready one two three [Music] [Applause] um oh holy [ __ ] dude isn't it crazy parker it's wild why does it look like a completely different like oh my god so cute right well it's like my own little parallel store it's so cute i promise i'll keep it better she's like i'm coming at you better i've never seen it that's clean in my life i'm excited to like get dressed oh i'm excited for you oh my god of course we have to have your nice bags on display of course oh my god it feels like such a little like boutique store so that all the little shirts that couldn't fit on the rack and then we have dresses and sets color-coded of course i like it i'm like i'm proud of you it's a great one look i cannot wait to make a look with this out oh my god oh my god the hangers look so good oh yeah she did order her hangers or clip hangers like it just makes it look nicer look what made it [Laughter] what's your favorite jacket of hers parker oh this one i'm such a that's mine i'm such a shorty i'm only five one but here is the coat i just that shoe just got it and i freaked out i was like i think that's my favorite jacket watch my vlog clothing haul yeah shut the [ __ ] up i don't know why this drawer turned into just random stuff it was like a junk drawer it was almost like a closet junk drawer i feel like everything just has a spot now clearly you like silver oh my god i do love silver and she loves sunglasses that's so many so much these are my favorite pair because they're prescription wait shut up wait where'd you get those i don't know how did you fold it this way it's literally just normal folding i get it like i don't it just looks different than i'm used to i'm so sorry i mean everyone's full i've it depends on my move some of the whole different ways i can't even remember the last time i had room yeah you're like shopping spray no i'm going to be good i'm not going to buy anything for myself i'm like don't promise on camera wait what yes this comes out i had no idea i had no idea that does that that is sick oh my god i feel like i'm living my hand on montana dreams this is like sicker than hannah montana this is closet this is like the coolest thing that these are all bathing suits and before poor drawers four drawers of bathing suits that's something i know it is all the socks any exercise oh my god oh i love this because they were just it looks like such a mess on there this looks so much better i think in my she's like wait a damn minute radio right now looks insane it looks i didn't like i knew i had a lot of shoes but i feel like i yeah now you see what you have now i'm like oh my god these would look so good with an orange top i'm so visual i feel like that's my problem like i forget i have stuff if it's not out like if i don't see it oh my god parker thank you so freaking much i cannot begin to tell you how much i needed this so go follow parker on instagram and everything she is amazing she's so talented and thank you guys so much for watching this video um let me know what video you want us to do next or where we should organize them or what part of my house i should organize next because we i'm thinking the garage the gym i mean the garage the garage the garage is so bad okay we'll get it okay bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: AlishaMarie
Views: 1,081,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alisha Marie, alisha, alishamarie, alisha marie vlogs, closet organization, i got my closet professionally organized, extreme declutter, home organization, cleaning out my closet, marie kondo, extreme closet declutter, clean, closet, organization, organizing my closet, closet declutter, professional organized, closet clean out, decluttering my closet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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