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hello there and welcome to my new tutorial about animals livestock and the meat industry indoor Fortress this video will cover everything we need to know around the topics of pastures cage holding of animals slaughtering and what to do with those animal products and how to pull it off we're not going to talk about animal training animal taming animal cages and all those things these will be handled in their own video so first of all let's give you an overview of where to see your animals you find your animals here in the pets and livestock screen you see how they uh how they are named the agenda if they are domesticated or not if they are currently a pet of somebody and the most important buttons are here this designates the animal for butchering this designates the animal to be adopted by a dwarf as a pet and this one designates it for gelding so it cannot reproduce anymore so these are the basics to give your animals a spot to be at you have the pen and pasture Zone you just draw it down and then you can assign the animals to where they're supposed to be marked by that little green check mark here and once that's done somebody will carry the animal to the pasture Zone and then they'll try to do their best to survive there so for a pasture Zone to work out it has to have anything to graze on and enough room for all the animals this here is a catastrophically undersized pasture for all those animals that I have there so to know how many spaces every animal needs I have put a link into the description box linking to the Dwarf Fortress Wikipedia which will show you how much pasture space you will need to designate to your animals but this is basically how you store your animals that's the basics so the next thing that I wanted to talk about when we're talking about storing animals before we get into the whole processing chain are cages so one of what Wolf's stats on one you can set up a cage cages are made at the Smithy or at the Carpenters Workshop if made out of wood but I'd strongly recommend you iron or any other solid material so you can't put the animals Inside the Cage by clicking this button and then you designate which animals should be in there so let's say these and then somebody will come and hold them in there cage holding of animals has several advantages the most obvious one they don't need to eat yeah that's the crazy part but they don't need to be fed at all also cages are endless you can put in as many animals as you want to in one cage and the next part is animals grow up inside a cage so these uh these baby uh Yak animals there they will ultimately grow up there and be ready for processing the only thing they won't do inside there is getting pregnant but they will give birth to animals if they were pregnant when put into the cage so you can use cages to clear out your areas because there's one thing that's really a little bit problematic about animals in general whenever your animals give birth to their children they these children will stick near to the parents the parents will eat the stuff from the from the ground and quite often even if the pasture is large enough the children will starve because they try to eat the grass from their parents field and that just doesn't work so what you can do here as a as a Band-Aid as you saw there I I just put up all these animals inside there the baby animals and then they will be all put inside the cages where they can grow safely without needing any food this way you can't just keep your breeding pairs on the pasture and that's that the next thing that I want to introduce is underground pastures so above ground pasturing animals are dangerous because there's always the raid thingies and you dwarfs don't like to be above ground all those things you can though set up pasture underground as soon as you have some floor fungus going on floor fungus hatches as soon as you have struck the cavern layers on browsing downstairs right now to give you an impression so the caverns as soon as you have opened your uh your mind to Dad where is it yeah so as soon as you have breached the first layer of the caverns floor fungus will grow all over the place and funny enough that stuff can be used to feed your animals floor fungus will grow everywhere where there is farmable soil so it won't grow here on the cavern floor but will grow here on these tiles which can be used for underground farming you can of course also Force the growth of that fungus by irrigation so as you see here that irrigated patch here is already spreading out the floor fungus this way you can put your pastures on the ground two things are important though if you want to do that put those pastures somewhere where your dwarves don't walk along every day because that stuff can get trampled down and make sure that the fungus is fully grown before you let the animals loose on it because the fungus does not really really show you it but here there's dense floor fungus there's sparse floor fungus so it comes in different densities and if you send your animals too early there they will eat it all up all right but that's an all I wanted to say about pastures let's get to the processing so when we butcher an animal we designated for butchering like here so let's say we want to put your one of our strayak cow then the next thing that happens is one of your dwarfs it designates that job takes the animal to the closest butcher shop let's hope it'll happen any moment too soon and then it will get immediately processed there here's one difference when the animal gets butchered at the butcher's shop as a like stock animal it gets immediately processed into its parts here and when you have something like a uh carcass from a hunter or something like that it has to be transported first there here's a catch these butcher shops when they scan for butcher and animal they don't have the highest range so if you want to be sure that all the stuff that dies outside there gets properly butchered you can put up to your underground butcher shops like the one down here so you would put up a storage Zone in between let's put it down here as an example where quarkses go so corpses and maybe also the refuse go right there to right next to your butcher's shop this way your butcher will be able to get the carcasses quickly where he needs them to and he's going to be able to unload his items where he also needs them to get unloaded at so that's really important also if you ever have a huge raid of animals that you want to process by all means set up more butcher's shops or more damaged shops until everything is over because corpses and everything in here rot quite quickly and therefore have a little bit of shops too many that really helps also we're going to talk now about what came out of the animal so every animal drops quite comparable things so it out of every animal you will receive a skull or more skulls it has more heads the skulls can only be processed into totems so far then we have the meat which can be processed properly into food we have horn and Bone which gets processed at the craft store shop we have skin which can be processed into leather or parchment if you want to make parchment make sure that you don't tend all your Heights away directly you will need milk of lime though which is made out of limestone so where were we so skin then we got brain and brain can be processed into food nervous tissue is right now not really used for anything as far as I know hair can be spun into thread but not always can it be made into cloth but you can use it for the suturing of wounds so kidneys spleens and sweet bread and tribe and liver that's all the food stuff that this will all get processed at your farmers and at your kitchen and here goes fat fat is also worth shooting but before we get there quick talk about the hoof the hoofs also are processed crafts or Workshop as horn everything made of horn is is also hoof so that's that and fat can be rendered into Tallow at the kitchen which is really really a very very important thing so there we go here I'm rotten fat into uh Globs and this is a important product for your soap making industry but what's really important if you want to make sure that you always have something for the kitchen for the soap maker make sure you forbid some items to be cooked with so the Tallow is also a cooking ingredient and when your meat industry is just starting on out you might want to reserve that for the soap makers first so after the butchering is has happened you can then assign the tanning of the Hide I strongly implore you to process all these items ASAP because everything there is now time sensitive and therefore have your uh meat and food production all together at one at one block it really will make things easier and happier for you so I also wanted to show you here the farmer's Workshop is important here for all these things too because at the farmer's Workshop you can extract secondary products I'm going to cover that in a second a little bit more closely but you also need this to gelt animals here and you can also Shear your animals here and like I said milk them so secondary products four second there are three different secondary products that you can get out of your animals milk which requires button a bucket and the farmer's Workshop if the animal is milkable your dwarfs will do so if you set up a uh a work order for a beast so here I have these work orders here milk animal and I can't figure it in a way that it gets just checked daily if there's any milkable animal my dudes will do so and the same I did for shearing animals you can't configure it more closely but you can't configure it as a daily checked thing so every day my people will check on out if they can make something there and uh yeah hide tanning goes for the same thing here so that's that now to get eggs out of your chicken there is a requirement and that's the missed boxes so nest boxes you need to make them at a workshop first of course and when you put them down your Adam your your birds inside the pasture will claim them and then they will lay a clutch of eggs in there beware about if you don't want to reproduce the if you want don't want them to reproduce so keep them keep the male uh chicken away and keep the female chicken together for eatable eggs if you want to reproduce your animals you know you have to put them together so I think we covered pretty much everything except for the bees but the bees will be at their own topic and um yeah with these things you have pretty much all the tools at hand to make your own pasture Paradise happen here are a couple of thoughts it's early paying off to not have your animals here like I do it instead bring up a little bit of a system where you can bring up your breeding pair on a safe pasture and Store The Offspring somewhere where you can then process them this cage holding is amazing to have storages whenever you need them and uh another worthwhile thing to know you cannot have more than 50 of each animal per nap after that they will stop breeding and yeah I think that covers up pretty much everything I wanted to say about that topic so your your meat industry will give you food stuff to make things at the crafts dwarfs Workshop via bone and uh and Horn you will receive hides that you can transform into leather for your Clothier or into parchment for your libraries and last but not least you will receive fat which can be either eaten or transformed into soap when you want to kick start your soap production just make sure that the Tallow is not on the allowed list of things that can be cooked away all right that's ended thank you so much for watching and leave me a comment if you might want to add and add in anything or if you want to ask something I'm all ears so leave a thumbs up on that video If you enjoyed consider subscribing if you haven't done so already there's daily content coming up from my side and if you like that chances are you like the other stuff as well and there's also a link to the other videos of this tutorial playlist down there and of course a big shout out to all the supporters of this channel I deeply appreciate if you want to join the supporters there are a couple of links down there to patreon PayPal and buy me a coffee and if you can't afford or anything like that don't fret watching this video to this very moment it means a terrible lot to me and supports me as well so have a wonderful day enjoy gaming and see you soon
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 8,366
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Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress Gameplay, Dwarf Fortress Review, Dwarf Fortress Guide, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Tips, Dwarf Fortress Tricks, Dwarf Fortress Beginners Guide, Dwarf Fortress Playthrough, Dwarf Fortress Steam, Dwarf Fortress Ic0n Gaming, Dwarf Fortress Let's Play, Dwarf Fortress Vanilla, Dwarf Fortress Animals, Dwarf Fortress Livestock, Dwarf Fortress Meat Industry, Dwarf Fortress Meat Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Animals Guide
Id: mmbdfuivslk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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