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hello there welcome to my tutorial about rock layers and Dwarf Fortress in this video I'm going to explain how the underground terrain generation Works how you can identify different areas of rock layers and most importantly what you can find in which area of the subterrain Knowing Your Way Around The Rock layers is extremely useful and helps you a lot in determining whether you will like your embarkation point or not so the first thing I want to do is I want to talk about what is a rock layer and talk a little bit about the ground rules and then we're going to explore all the different layers and I'm going to talk about what's to be found there so first of all what is a rock layer a rock layer is an area on the ground that's always spanning over a number of elevation levels and as always following a certain set of rules containing a certain type of stone and certain amount of different ores and such so basically it's a template which tells you what can be found in what area to make it a little bit less obscure let's explain it to you in one particular example and that's the topmost area the soil level so the soil level follows the following rules all the walls are made out of either sand clay silt whatever these things are the soil area always has farmable areas it always contains no bigger amounts of ore and all those things so there are certain things that you can rely on when you're digging through the soil level and once you dig through the soy level enough and hit your first area of stone you have left one rock layer and entered the next one and this next layer follows its own rules different rules than the soil level and that's basically how the rock layers work it's also worth mentioning is every elevation level of a rock layer has one dominant type of stone so we see here it's all made of chalk we had above us a area which was entirely made of sand and this means every level has its own dominant type of stone and usually there's also an information inside of that what you can find there so as you see here we found some bauxite inside the chalk we found some gem style gemstones inside the chalk and now we know that whenever we see Chalk in that biome these things always count only for your embarkation point then we have a chance of finding these things inside the chalk as well and if we go down deeper here we found claystone with Casita write so for this embarkation point we now know where there's claystone there's a chance of considerite we found some salt peter inside there so that's also a drop that can happen inside there and these rules they apply every time to each layer with a certain dominant type of stone here's the dominant type of stone as much Stone we found gold so we meet no in this run mudstone can have gold and it goes like that on and on until you breach deep enough and you leave one rock layer and enter the next rock layer that's following certain other rules okay so much about the theory let's get into the actual rock layers we've already seen the soil layer so the soil layer I already also explained then we go here the moment you hit your first stone you either enter the sedimentary layer or the igneous extrusive layer they are mutually if it's either one or the other the igneous extrusive layer is an area of volcanic activity you will find more volcanic rocks there whereas 80 percent of the other bios will be sedimentary which stands for mud turned into stone one day because it wasn't enough pressure that sums up the sedimentary layer enough we're going to talk about each layer in a second deeper so when we dig deeper and deeper we go through the sedimentary layer here we have chalk we have claystone we have mutt Stone we have siltstone like I said it's basically much turned to stone and after a while we leave that we enter Granite this by the way doesn't really belong here so sometimes your rock layer skid interrupted by something wild there is never a guarantee that a biome follows exactly the rules that I'm explaining here there's always the Wild Card chance and when we dig down deep enough after the sedimentary comes usually the metamorphic layer the metamorphic layer here we see it quartzite is a typical thing I'm going to go over the typical Stones as well and when we go deeper after the metamorphic comes then ultimately here the Gap row is the signal we've entered the igneous intrusive layer which is the bottommost layer this is what will come all the way downstairs until we finally hit the Macy's okay so that's your typical layout it's always like that soil sedimentary or igneous extrusive then a bit of metamorphic and then comes the igneous intrusive that's your basic layout so what are the Specialties of that so the sedimentary layer not some typical dominant Stones there are like I said already claystone Limestone mudstone rock salt all those things and what's really interesting about the sedimentary layer is you either find coal here or you find it nowhere if there's coal in your embarkation it's in the sedimentary layers all the other layers that I have introduced will contain no coal so if you're looking for a coal and once you've breached through the metamorphic layer you already know that either you have no coal or you have to look harder in your current layers so that's one thing about the sedimentary but what's also interesting about the sedimentary like 80 percent of all flux Stones can be found in the sedimentary so you also will know whether you can make steel quite easily because most of the iron ores are also found in the sedimentary so sedimentary contains flux Stones iron and a lot and the coal that you will need so these are the three things that you will be looking for when you're delving for your sedimentary layers if you notice that there is coal nowhere well maybe you want to restart it's up to you also worth mentioning the sedimentary layer contains low quality gemstones on average the gemstones and the sedimentary layer are on average the worst of all but you can find a lot of other goodies in there when it's uh when we're talking about the igneous intrusive extrusive which is the alternative biome here well no coal but if you happen to have this volcanic environment which is dominated by Basalt dayside obsidian endocyte and rhyolite you are more likely to find magma which is way up above the ground that's an indicator for that also it's quite a good find for all those iron-based pause and you can also find the lead up there and aluminum and yeah well that's pretty much it so igneous extrusive is harder unless you know where to find magma okay so let's browse deeper to the metamorphic layer and by the way now that we have already named them all here this is a little bit of an odd thing we have an igneous intrusive layer in between here so that's granite and there's a little bit of uh diorite these are typical stones that are found actually below the metamorphic usually like I said sometimes it's wild and here we have quartzite which is a typical candidate of the metamorphic layer the metamorphic layer is dominated by marble quartzite philite slate schist and nice so these are the typical dominant Stones so if you find one of these you are in the metamorphic layer important to note here is Marble Marble is the only flux stone that can be exclusively found in the metamorphic layer so if you haven't found any flux Stone in your sedimentary breakthrough the metamorphic and check out if you can't find marble there because if you can't find marble there chances are you are completely out of flux zone so here we've had actually some marble here also worth mentioning metamorphic layer does not contain any ion ever you will find a lot of other Wars I don't want to go into too much detail here but no iron and the Gemstones of the metamorphic layer are while in the Middle Field they are more valuable than the sedimentary but they aren't the most valuable so the most valuable gemstones are to be found in the igneous intrusive layer which begins here so igneous intrusive is a lot easier because it's only three stone types it's Granite diorite and gabro three stone types and they go down lots of that levels downstairs all the way to the magnusi so what's to be found in the igneous intrusive the best gems out there so diamonds and all those things can be found down there there is also iron to be found down here so in the form of habitite but uh well the larger the really large amounts of iron are to be found in the sedimentary and here are a couple of interesting things regarding the stone types so if you are in a gabro area you will find more likely diamonds down there and it's also worth mentioning that gabro contains nickel ore more often diorite is not that interesting except for one thing it has a certain bias towards containing Gold and Granite has bismuth as a special drop inside there but beyond that these are the Specialties to be found there so in a nutshell let's summarize it in the sedimentary layers which are most of the time directly the first layer that you hit you will be looking for iron flux stones and coal in the metamorphic layers you will be finding lots of medium quality gemstones and lots of interesting other metals because everything except for iron can be found quite decently in the metamorphic layers this one here and when you hit igneous intrusive layers you got to be careful about hitting the Macy's one day and you will find the most valuable gemstones and a couple of metals that you will be looking for all over the place but most of the time it's not supported the igneous intrusive layer is most famous for its gemstones and its surprises at the bottom so once you have left the igneous intrusive and entered the magnusi level you also have entered the area where I don't want to go deeper because I'll I want to avoid spoilers but I just want to mention there is a layer below igneous intrusive and below the magnuses but that's going to be its own spoiler heavy video so I hope you found that helpful in some way feel free to leave me your comments down below feel free to add in more knowledge if you find that I have missed out something or let me know what you think about the whole topic I'd be down to hear from you also feel free to drop a thumbs up on that video it always helps to make it more visible to everybody else and consider subscribing of course there's daily content from outside and if you like that one chances are you will like the rest as well so check out the playlist Link in the description down below there's a link to all the Dwarf Fortress videos that I made so far tutorial ones that is and a big thanks to all the supporters of this channel I really really appreciate check out the links down below for supporting this channel as well if you'd be so kind and if not don't worry watching this video until this very end and watching through this entire ad block is really amazing and I'm happy you are still around here and it helps me a lot so thanks for watching yet again have a wonderful day and see you soon
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 18,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress Gameplay, Dwarf Fortress Review, Dwarf Fortress Guide, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Tips, Dwarf Fortress Tricks, Dwarf Fortress Beginners Guide, Dwarf Fortress Playthrough, Dwarf Fortress Steam, Dwarf Fortress Ic0n Gaming, Dwarf Fortress Let's Play, Dwarf Fortress Vanilla, Dwarf Fortress Stone Types, Dwarf Fortress Rocks, Dwarf Fortress Rock Types, Dwarf Fortress Stone Guide, Dwarf Fortress Stone, Dwarf Fortress Stone Layer
Id: wRFvyxaiUVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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