Dwarf Fortress - Your First Fortress Tutorial Lets Play | 03 (Metal Industry)

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hello everybody and welcome back to my tutorial let's play it's midwinter we've completed a bunch of very useful things so far we've got a well we've worked our way through the aquifer we've got bedrooms set up for all of our immediate dwarves we've got a Tavern and a basic temple in this episode we're going to be covering some traps as well as working our way up onto the surface and trying to build up a little bit of a defense not major defense just a little bit of Defense so we're going to go to our mechanics workshop and I'm going to queue up a task here we're going to go to work orders we're going to click this little plus menu so that our manager gets to work right away we're going to type in mechanisms well Rock more specifically because it's the tool that we're going to be building so rock mechanisms are the number one most useful thing when it comes to traps they're also used for Quantum Mind powers to open and close Gates both of these things are very important and things that we're going to be using in the in the short term so we're going to go here and we're going to make a little room just north of my Tavern this is something that I like to do I call this like Grand Central Station it's the room that is close to your Tavern where you store all of your levers and that is something that we want to have people close by and in with quick access to at all times we're also going to pretty up our bedrooms a little bit because I've had my Mason shops running making chests and other things for the uh bedrooms but first we're just going to quickly put a door on this and then we're going to pretty up our bedrooms so as mentioned previously bedrooms really really are benefited by having cabinets which we're gonna just use closest material cabinets and coffers coffers are rock chests and you could also use metal chests or gold or silver not silver or glass boxes and uh in this case we're going to be using Stone coffers which are essentially Rock boxes now they store their personal items in here dwarves acquire personal items throughout the Fortress they acquire crafts they acquire clothing they they participate in fashion and they want to you know accrue items as rewards for working in this Fortress and it makes them happy and gives them good thoughts and if they don't have a place to store their stuff they'll just start leaving it everywhere and when they start doing that your Fortress just becomes a mess and things begin to fall apart I mean that is the goal by the end obviously you want your Fortress to fall apart because losing is fun however you don't want this to happen immediately now the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to go over to this clothing shop and remember how I just said that dwarves like to acquire clothing well let's make them some fancy clothing as a reward for the first year we're going to go over here we're going to go to work orders on our clothing shop and we're going to click the plus symbol and we are going to click robe let's make some cloth robes for our dwarves we do have 17 dwarves so we're gonna make 17 ropes since we have our uh bedrooms available they are going to put their new uh or old clothing into the bedrooms and then equip their new clothing as a dwarf comes running down here to complete this task they're going to very much enjoy this as like a nice reward for living in this Fortress and working now you know how I said that we were going to work on traps the other thing that we're going to do is we're going to go to The Carpenter's workshop and we are going to select cage we're going to make some cage traps for the surface these are going to help in a few uh in a few ways cage traps are useful for catching Wildlife as well as potential threats to the Fort most importantly child snatchers that made cats are children we're going to place a couple of these around the entrance now you can't completely block off your entrance because Traders don't like walking over top of them and we do need to trade with people so that is something to keep in mind we're also going to begin working on bringing our kitchens down here so I'm going to make a new uh stockpile or a new Zone and I think we're going to put our kitchens directly above our Tavern it's going to be a little confusing to look at initially but don't worry I'm sure it'll be fine you'll get used to it in no time now we're gonna move up and we're going to make a little room for our kitchens we're also going to make another little room right above it for our food stockpiles now I'm not sure where this aquifer begins and ends so this is also kind of scouting for that because we need to be aware of the existence and the locations of our aquifer entirely in order to plan accordingly and make intelligent Fortress decisions so now that we've queued up this little room we're going to make a little spot right there kind of looks like a little video game character or E.T even from the Atari now we're gonna move down one and we are going to make stairs going up into this room and if possible we're also going to connect to this over here this well room we're going to make a little walkway make a little bit more of a walkway and a little bit more of a walkway now if we collide with the aquifer then that'll be reason to change this design however for right now I think we might be good because I'm pretty sure that the aquifer ends right there if we don't run into the aquifer that's optimal if we do run into the aquifer that's fine too we can go below the tavern instead so once these wars are done digging this area out I will continue speaking something that is worth noting is this child right here who's named kogun just went and picked up that that robe and they feel content after putting on a superior item and they're now wearing that pigtail robe over top of their other items this gives them a little move a little moodlet that is positive and also if we go into their uh into their thoughts which I honestly haven't sorted this menu out in my brain yet we can go into memories and we can see that they felt enjoyment after playing with that toy boat that we made for them affection after speaking with their father they don't quite remember that yet because it only just happened but it is very possible that the superior item is something that will go into their permanent memory bank permanent memory banks are very important for dwarves and it determines their long-term mental health if they have repeated lots and lots of large grumpy and negative thoughts and they're dwelling on them that's a negative if they have positive thoughts that they're remembering that's a positive which will give them a better outlook on life going forward and a less negative life outlook on life in the past and so something we're going to or from the past rather something else we're going to do is we're going to make them some more toys so we're going to um figure out where toys are constructed at this point in the game I'm pretty sure it's one it's one one of these okay well let's go up to the labor the work orders and figure out toys toy uh let's do Rock toy I'm assuming it's the craft store shop which means it may have actually been in a separate stockpile and we're going to expand that little toy stockpile as these dwarves these children have been using it quite effectively once the job gets assigned I can check as to where it pops up I'm mostly certain it's a craft store shop yep there it is so what we needed to do actually is go into rocks and then in this menu we would select the toy but that's good we're gonna start making toys just so that the kids can be entertained we're gonna move up another layer again and check in on that kitchen it does look like things are coming along well up here we're also going to check in on the well the well is not quite filling fast enough well that's a bummer worst case scenario we'll just have to adjust the size of it and make it output water quicker or we could fill in part of it so that it fills quicker in that respect but it does I am like convinced that it will fill unless we maybe dig maybe digging down here was actually not the wisest decision so what we're going to do is we're going to continue working on this well and we're going to uh dig through this wall right here and then we're going to channel down one tile right here and dig across one tile right here to just kind of continue the well growing we're gonna dig right there as well right there as well and right there as well give it more space to fill that's what we want to see we want to see that water flowing down which is absolutely optimal for this given spot we're now going to go back into the Rock Spot these well this type of well set up especially with light aquifers always requires a little bit of trial and error now I don't want to use the um closest material I would like to use rocks so we're going to use Shale as you can see blocks are getting constructed too so we've got a good amount now so this is now going to fill in on this side and it's going to continue flowing down into this bottom layer and that's what we want we want to see these hit two once these hit two they can't evaporate when the depth of the water is one it can evaporate so we need it to keep filling and flowing down into this bottom layer where uh the Water won't evaporate and then looking at here we have space for our kitchens now which is awesome we can now go up to the workshops and we're going to not put another farming stockpile down here because we don't really we or Not Another farming Workshop but what we are going to put in here is stills so that things don't move I made it funny we're gonna place two stills over on the other side over here we're gonna place two kitchens so we're gonna go to farming and we're gonna go to Kitchen one and keep using the shale [Music] and then in the middle we are going to place well actually we may put the butchers up on the surface for reasons that I'll get to but for right now that's what we're going to be placing down here and then up top here we're going to make a food stockpile and we're going to do a bunch of moving around of stockpiles in a moment so we're going to make food stockpile a rather large one oopsies I clicked the wrong button and exited out we're going to make remake those food stockpiles food stock belts food stock belt and food stockpile food stockpile and then connect the two in the middle we're going to click accept and once we're done with that we're going to go to food we're going to open this up and we're going to clear a few things we're going to clear drinks because I do want those to be stored elsewhere and we're going to clear seeds now what we're going to do is we're going to go back up to that stockpile that we built way back in the first episode we're going to go up to here and we're going to move remove food from here entirely no more foods can be stored in this stockpile up top all those drinks are going to move down and everything else is going to move down now the next thing that we're going to do because I didn't put drinks into this stockpile next thing that we're going to do is in the middle here we are going to place a drink stockpile so that it's directly above the taverns and accessible so right there we're going to place another stockpile click accept and we're going to go to custom we're going to go to food and we're going to go to drink drink so our drink stockpile is going to fill up the middle food's Gonna Fill Up the top and we're going to have ready access to a variety of lovely edible and drinkable things close to the tavern now we're going to fly back up to the surface and because we've been working on those traps that I mentioned we're going to place some of these so I'm going to go up to the surface and we're going to clear this and then just out of curiosity what do we have on this map with us let's go to work orders let's go to labor let's go to places let's go to Nobles press U because I couldn't remember it's creatures citizens perfect you've got a fox and a peregrine falcon a tri-cell Peregrine beautiful perhaps we could catch a fox and breed some fox foxes looks like the children are playing outside hope that they're doing well they're annoyed when being caught in the rain once again but let's see what their thoughts are doing I slept in good bedrooms that's good Blissful Blissful is a positive thought to have enjoyment and delighted remembering watching performance which is only something that can happen in the taverns by the way so now that we've got all this cleared we can now uh Place r traps so we're going to go to uh cages and restraints and we're going to go to cage or not cages and restraints we're going to go to mechanisms and fluids and we're going to go to traps wherever they put those traps never mind it's its own section now I if that's going to take me a really long time to get used to we're gonna Place one two three four gauge traps five six seven eight we're also going to place some down here nine and ten and as you can see over here we do have more pigtails available so we're gonna queue up our favorite job again process plants get that done stat we're going to wait for all of these mechanisms to come up and then they're going to be filled up with cages remember we did queue up those cages earlier we do have plump helmets planted this season for this stockpile so we don't need to worry until summer because the the pigtails are fall and summer are summer and fall only okay now we get these cages cage traps set up and then they will bring cages to these traps to arm them once the cages are armed if any Critters happen to Walk This Way wander into the Fortress they will stumble into these cage traps and this includes invading snatchers and uh you might want to keep an eye on the edges of these traps because they do slightly change color once there is a trap in them uh make sure that you do have cages available for your cage traps otherwise they are completely useless to you one two three four five and that's pretty much it sweet so now we can move back down to the tavern down down to the tavern now that things are a little bit more defended now it's a question of what do we do at this moment let's check on the well as you can see two and three perfect it is filling exactly the way we want to starting up here flowing down flowing down to here flowing into that little spot at the bottom and making our well function mostly because the spot that the well is positioned currently doesn't actually have water in it so we're gonna need to wait for this to fill up which will then help the rest of this fill up I'm not worried that it will fill it's just going to take a little bit longer we do have children playing in there and now that we have our kitchen set up what we're going to do is we're going to go into the orders menu and we are going to cook meals we do have quite a bit of food stuffs but not not a lot of meat just drinks seeds and plants well we're going to cook some easy meals not too many just a few and then the food number is going to go up food is meals are in a weird spot indoor Fortress they're counted under food just generic food so it's a little bit tricky to keep track of how many you have but just make sure that you make some it doesn't need to be a million but it does need to be some something else we're going to queue up is we're going to go back over to our Carpenter's workshop and we are going to queue up a few more barrels just him for right now not too too many as you can see we we have worked through quite a lot of our cloth and we are still spinning thread into more cloth which is good it seems that our ing is here is doing a rather good job of managing the cloth and now we need to work on something new for this episode so what we're going to build is we are going to see if we can build a hospital a very important thing to set up and have functional in your Fortress so I'm going to dig out this little spot right here and this is going to become our Hospital ideally uh dwarves really need doctoring abilities and they need that they need to have their Hospital close to a well a well is very important for a hospital because that's how they clean wounds without a weld they're not able to clean their wounds if they can't clean their wounds then well that's a really good way for a dwarf to die of infections it's one of the most important and first things that you do with a hospital something else that's really important for a hospital is setting bones now you will note that we made a bunch of mechanisms earlier which we're sitting here we also made a bunch of tables which I'm assuming we still have plenty left over but I could be wrong let's check out that stockpile and see if we see tables look we have tables perfect now we also have ropes because we embarked with some but we also purchased a few so that gives us everything that we need to create one of the more complicated early game items in the game a traction bench now a traction bench requires several different items rope table and mechanisms attraction benches how they set bones into our Fortress so if a dwarf breaks a leg or gets a major injury they can then reset the bone in the trash with the traction bench something else we're going to need for a hospital is a table and a chest so we're going to place the tape we're going to place the chest in the hospital first which is gonna be one of these Shale coffers that we have we're going to place two tables in this room and we are going to allow them to finish this traction bench so once the traction bench is completed I'll continue talking all right so our traction bench is completed we do have those two tables in there already we're now going to go back down to uh our machines and I don't know Furniture is where the traction bench lives yes I always think it's going to be in the traps section because it includes mechanisms but we're gonna place the traction bench there and now that the traction bench is placed we're gonna go over to furniture and we're gonna grab a couple beds we don't need too many one we'll even do for right now might as well cue up a few more since we're here because we're probably going to get another migrant wave in a little bit I'm gonna go over the Carpenter's workshop and we're going to go over to work orders and we're going to queue up 10 more bets because that's just kind of the numbers that we're doing them in now that we've got all these I'm actually just going to knock out the rest of these walls and we're going to fill it in with some blocks that we've constructed you don't have to do it this way but you know since we can now Ingrid since we can engrave constructed walls which we couldn't do in the previous versions of the game it is worth doing because you can still increase the value of rooms and also you get the materials back from them but I'm going to actually erase that because I decided I've just decided I would like to select blocks so that I can at least have coordinated color walls then we're going to begin smoothing everything because you know doors want nice living areas we're going to remove These Walls by clicking this button and um not remove those stairs because that would be bad we are now going to build walls select material after placement and we are going to use those jet blocks at least initially I'm going to move up to the corner here and we're going to continue using those jet blocks and then we are going to wait until the Dwarves Mine that out we're going to use two more jet blocks we're going to let them cut out the rest of this and then we're going to fill this Center section up with jet blocks one two three all right well that's all the Jets so we're just going to use the pieces on the ground then we're now going to go over doors we're going to place two jet doors just to have coherence in color once these walls are placed we can then connect this door and then we are going to build a Zone we're going to make it into a meeting area and this small spot right here not the entirety of it just a small spot is going to be our uh uh our our hospital so now that we've made the Zone we're going to click on the Plus on the shield and we're going to add it as a hospital now we need to assign a new Noble we're going to press the end key and we're going to assign a chief medical dwarf we want it to be somebody who has some diagnosing experience looks like it's going to be kick roast who is our doctor who is a competent diagnoser we're going to assign them as our chief medical dwarf now once we've done that we're going to select this again and we're going to click on the details and we need to assign at least two dwarves to this Zone we need an assigned doctor and we need to unassigned diagnoser because if nobody's assigned on this button on this spot as a diagnoser absolutely no medical care will get done we're also going to remove visitors so we're going to assign our chief medical dwarf who is a competent diagnoser and a competent surgeon and we're going to assign a diagnoser now unfortunately I can't assign the same dwarf as both jobs so it is just kind of is what it is we're gonna have uh one doctor and one diagnoser it looks like lead who is this planter is the next on the list so whoops I actually assigned you both as doctors let's remove that there you are LED perfect so we now have our diagnoser and our doctor I'm now going to open up the jobs again and as you can see orderlies these are the basic medical tasks so everybody does this everybody's assigned for orderlies and we don't have to worry about that sort of stuff getting done now a bunch of things need to be placed in the hospital in order for the hospital to work as you can see uh we need thread we need cloth we need splints we need crutches and we need powder buckets and soap now splints and powder act as the same thing we can either make splints out of wood or metals or we can have powder for casks casts but in this in in this particular Fortress what we're simply going to do is we're going to go over to work orders we're going to make splint let's just make 10 and we are going to make crutch and we're also going to make 10. checking back over we also need thread so because we've been spinning our thread down here we currently don't have any which means we're going to Flap the surface and see if we have any thread available we just have a lot of pigtail seeds currently plump helmets are planted which probably means it's time to go Harvest some more stuff from the surface so let's do a quick uh job order to harvest some things from the surface that are available and we'll get some more things that we can make into cloth once all these jobs are done I will continue speaking so now I've noticed that our stockpile here with all this food in it isn't getting moved so we're going to press Y and we're going to go down to haulers and we're going to move hauling to a bunch more of our dwarves we just need some more Helping Hands moving stuff around and that's going to help get everything moved down to the lower levels and also we're going to begin smoothing everything in this area because when stuff is smoothed dwarves are happier so let's go over to the smoothing job and begin smoothing this entire Zone once all this is finished I will continue speaking so do you remember how earlier we made a room called Mission Control this room is going to be assigned now what we're going to do is we're going to put a lever in it and then we're going to remove chores from children I've noticed that children do get really upset quite quickly early on if they are doing chores all the time we also need to give them activities that they actually enjoy doing one of these activities is learning so we're going to be making a school for kids or also known as a Guild Hall I'm going to be making it into a doctor's Guild Hall and I'll explain why as I do it but first we're going to build a lever right here which is going to be kind of a lock down front door for the front of the Fortress now up here you'll notice that I did make this Zone into a meeting place which is fair and I'm going to be making another zone right here next to this Hospital Zone meeting place I'm going to then be going over here to Guild Hall and we're going to be looking for the doctor's Guild now Guild Halls are something that the dwarves will demand eventually but are also something that is very useful for your dwarves it's a way of building schools quite literally indoor Fortress so this is going to be made into a doctor's Guild Hall and we're going to make it accessible for all of my dwarves any dwarves with any doctoring skill uh in this case the doctor Hall any doors with any doctoring skill can now come here and teach their skills as a form of downtime by default if you click on the little magnifying glass it says only members can visit if Guild is established which currently is the case but I'm going to set it to Citizens only now any citizen can suddenly use this Guild they will socialize there they'll use it as a meeting Zone and also they will use it as a place to learn also you'll notice the well is filling excellent we're now going to go back down to this stockpile that has toys in it and remember we made a small stockpile there for toys we want another place to attract children so we're going to place another stockpile up here press enter and we are going to add finished goods once again type point and we're going to go down to materials and just say yes all materials okay we kind of screwed that up a little bit let's just remove this and go none and then type in why why do I keep hitting hotkeys my bad so let's try this again we're going to click on this stockpile right here we're going to go in and we're going to type in all for finished not for ammo for finished goods all types and here t-o-y perfect we're going to now Select toys and back out of this menu so now we have a small toy stockpile in a place where children will go and learn which is going to hopefully help improve their morale we're then going to go down to orders down here and we're going to go to creatures uh tasks places workshops labor there we go standing orders and we're going to go over to chores and we're going to say no children don't do chores we will need them to do chores occasionally when things are like rough but for right now we just want those children to do as they please we want them to play with toys play make-believe and just work now you might notice man children look and act a little odd they they look like adults well that's something that's being worked on uh the game is confirmed to be getting Sprites specifically for children they just haven't been drawn yet it's just one of those things that kind of got delayed now we're going to continue smoothing away as we move through spring into early summer something else we're also going to assign is we're going to go back into our Tavern and we're going to click this button and we're going to assign a Tavern keeper now the goal of a Tavern keeper is to take care of the tenants in the tavern they're going to bring them drinks and they're going to keep them happy we're going to give uh it to inges who's a dabbling negotiator and we're also going to ascend assign a Tavern keeper and we're going to give that to a adequate singer who is kick roast so kick roast is now both a medical dwarf as well as a performer in the tavern so their job is going to be to play musical instruments and sing to the dwarves and the other dwarf's job is to is going to be um bringing out drinks to dwarves that are currently hanging out in the tavern we also have this child who is still grouchy upon upon being caught in the rain the goal is to remove these kind of Moody dwarves before they get too far gone the more upset they get the harder it is to recover them in the mid and late game we're gonna check on our food supplies as well as we did make some meals earlier so we're gonna go to our stocks we're gonna take a look and see what we have sitting around we're going to take a peek scroll down scroll down where's prepared meals at prepared meals prepared meals there we go so we do have almond biscuits which sound tasty as well as some uh joray Marmot tripe biscuits maybe not the most optimal but hey it's something now a lot of people have asked me about animal husbandry and you'll notice that up on the surface we did Place those cage traps earlier so what we're actually going to do is we're going to go into stockpiles and I'm going to make a stockpile along here it doesn't need to be too large and it's just going to be set as a animal stockpile now any animals that are caught in the uh up in the surface are going to be placed in here so I'm going to go to animals and we're going to say uh uh animals um in cages essentially we don't want to put empty cages and we don't want to put any empty animal traps we just want to put animals into this stockpile so full cages only uh and hopefully they will fill this stockpile up with any animals that do get caught still got children getting a little bit more upset gosh those spoiled little boys checking over on the hospital to make sure that we have things in here we do not have any uh thread just yet so we're gonna go take a peek at our Farmers shop and see if we can't get another process plants job going let's cue this up and just see a dwarf should assign themselves to this job as soon as we click on the do now button so the job is confirmed so they are gonna go make us some thread so that thread is going to be prioritized and placed where it needs to be now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to start setting up a basic metal working industry because that is an important thing the dwarves do need so we're going to scroll back down to this layer and we're going to remove some of these smoothing jobs down at the bottom and we're also going to click on the overall smoothing jobs we're going to lower the priority down to seven because we still want it to get done but we don't need it to get done as quickly as it's getting done right now we're going to lower the priority down to seven we're going to again remove these smoothing jobs down at the bottom and we're going to build a room down here now this one we do want to do on a higher priority because I'd like it to get done and the goal of this room is to be our metal working industry we do have lemonite up on the surface which is a very important ore and we're going to hopefully get this up and running as quickly as possible so once this room is dug out I will continue now since our our drink stockpile is getting a little bit low I'm going to queue up two more so we're going to do drink Brew or we're going to brew drink from plant we're going to set that on repeat we're also going to brew drink from fruit set that on repeat remember how we had those fruit Gathering stockpiles up at the top well fruits started growing so we can begin working on that we're also going to work on something a little bit different instead of making our craft stores or our Carpenters make barrels we're going to go over to the craft stores workshop and we're going to make something different we're going to make pot so rock pots or wooden pots we're going to make rock pots are a alternative to making barrels pots are made of rock and look a lot nicer in my opinion and also at the same time uh provide the exact same service as barrels so now that this room down here is constructed we're going to begin the basics of our metal working industry we're gonna go to workshops and we are going to go to metalsmith and we are going to build our metalsmith down in the bottom here and place that and we need to make it out of some sort of blocks so we're going to make it out of let's just say mudstone then after that we are going to make several other workshops we're going to go to furnaces and we are going to make two smelters we're going to do one and we're going to put these together kind of in a pair both made out of shale so they look the same and then next to that we are going to go back to workshops and we are going to go back to furnaces and we're going to do two wood furnaces and we're also going we're going to make both of these out of shale as well because we do have plenty of shale left so once all of these workshops are completed we can start making Metals so what we're going to do is we are going to go right next to it right here and we are going to make a little stockpile now this little stockpile is going to be for metal oars we're going to go to custom and we're going to go to Stone and we're going to type in or just hit metal ores and click all we're now going to go back up to the surface where we did encounter lemonite earlier there's also some right here and we're going to go back to the auto mining option we're going to select it on a higher priority and we're going to place Auto mining on every single one of these or veins that we can find there's a good number around we're also going to need to fill this one in once it's done because you know we don't really want to you know run into problems with uh you know things walking in so instead of allowing stuff to potentially walk in what we're going to do is we're actually going to section off a chunk of this little walkway here and a right instead of you know leaving it open to potential threats we're going to build this up right here and we're going to select material after placement and we're going to make it out of conglomerate blocks we don't need that many and then we're going to go down on the bottom we're going to do the exact same thing on the lower layer hopefully no dwarves get stuck that would be very unfortunate but assuming no dwarves get stuck we should be fine I think I've used bismuth bronze there at the end hold up let's actually you know we'll do these one one at a time I do still want to uh remove both of these but once they're done digging all this out we will go on to the lower layer and dig that out oh look at this is that sand we have sand we can make glass on this layer that's really nice that we've encountered sand actually go back down to our metal working industry area and instead of jumping to the metal working industry I'm going to jump to the currently free carpenter shop and we're going to make wheelbarrows out of wood now wheelbarrows are stuff that can be assigned to stockpiles to speed up transport and we're going to go down to this uh metal stockpile we're going to click on the little Barrel we're going to increase the number of wheelbarrows to five just so the dwarves can run back and forth with wheelbarrows nice and quick how are our kids doing you got poor empathy oh my gosh well the game is saving we can see that this dwarf has felt a lot of enjoyment still dwelling upon being caught in the rain legendary from any dwarves it's good that children aren't Lost full frankly 12 years old id here is about to become a useful dwarf hopefully they get plenty of time to learn some doctoring in that Guild Hall before they become 13 and are able to act as an adult dwarf we now as you can see have all of these workshops done so we're going to queue up some jobs in the manager because I want them on all of them we're going to go here and we're going to make charcoal we're going to make uh 10 15. 20. 30 charcoal now this is going to come out of this wood stockpile it's not too far of a distance so I don't mind the walking we're gonna we're going to move up here and check how much wood we have up on the surface a good amount we also have cattle so many people have asked me about animal husbandry as you can see we have these Yaks we also have a yeah calf if you pair breeding pairs of animals in the same stockpile they will breed in the uh Zone that they're in so we've already gained a baby yak and uh hopefully we'll get some baby cows soon too now because we do have uh animals that can be Sheeran we can work on that now too so we can go back over to this Farmer's stockpile from earlier and we're going to click sheer animal and sex select repeat and that this is going to act exactly the same as plant fibers do that we've been doing all along except for shearing animals they're going to bring the animal over they're going to Shear them and then they're going to let them walk back we're also then going to queue up another job beneath it which is spin thread now oops rather I want this I want the the one up top done first although you you sheer get back up there so we're going to set both of these to repeat so they're going to shear and then when they're done sharing they're going to spin thread as you can see our dwarves are continuing to mine out that delicious lemonite a fly back down move down to the move down here and unpause the game as you can see charcoal is now queued up can check to see if any dwarves are working on charcoal not currently it looks like most of them are still working on smoothing the floor the children are playing which is good we've got seeds being planted and we've got that those wooden wheelbarrows being put together all very productive jobs that our dwarves can be doing once we have some charcoal up and running uh you will we will start to see dwarves running down here so once we have charcoal I will continue speaking we now have dwarves that are beginning to make charcoal and once we have some charcoal rolling in I'm going to cue up one spot to begin smelting Limonite into iron bars from there we can then begin making iron so this is the first step towards making a proper arsenal of weapons as well as a first step towards building many very useful items indoor Fortress we also fortunately have lignite instead as alongside of the Limonite so I can also make Coke we have two options for our charcoal so we have charcoal that we can make from wood but also at these smelters we can make lignite into Coke we also have magnetite which as you can see here is another ore of iron we are definitely bursting at the seams for options so I'm going to queue up smell make Coke from lignite because I'm not entirely positive about how much lignite we have and we also have an alert up here take a real quick look a human Caravan has arrived from Menace well welcome I am honored to be your to make your acquaintance young humans wasn't really expecting them in the first year that's actually quite astounding let's zoom up and see what we have now humans can bring some pretty fun items potentially but do we have stuff to sell to them that is the question well we did just make some wheelbarrows and in my experience wheelbarrows are a decent trade material so let's take a look so if I type in wheelbarrow we do have one not maybe not enough we do have some beds we do of course have some bars but plenty of uncut gems so we're gonna fly back down to this lower layer and we're going to cue up some gems now another thing that I would really like to have here is a stockpile four gems just so that we have quick and easy access to gems in case of needing money in a hurry uh so what we're going to do is we're going to make a real quick gem stockpile now this is going to store cut and uncut gems we're also going to go over to our Carpenter's workshop and we're going to make some bins now bins go into stockpiles to make stockpiles take up less space I'm not going to repeat them let's just do just a handful of bins I don't need too many just three for right now so once we have trade supplies ready I will return when we are trading with the humans now as you can see we have another diplomacy option up here the Expedition leader Colette meets with the human head Treasurer dustis ramus kelspick and Dusty says on behalf of the merchants Guild let me extend my greetings to your people there is of course much to discuss we say okay and they say there's much to share we've added information to your civilization and World info I'm going to explain what that means in a minute and then here we can request they bring things because we are at in really good uh friends we are really good friends with them apparently our faction seems to be getting along with the humans quite well thus they are allowing us to do this now humans have something that I'm quite fond of they have pets so we're just going to find pets here and see what they have available they have grizzly bears nice what else do they have available for us potentials the potential is massive black bears and grizzly bears all right so I think we're gonna get ourselves or aim for a breeding pair of grizzly bears from these humans and what else can we request from them that could be fun that the dwarves don't have that's not looking like they have much I mean they do have black bears which are also nice so I will request a pair of those they're good food sources and also they're quite large we're also going to request some powder as if they have what we need which they don't so never mind we're not going to request powder instead we are simply going to request those pets and call it a day and they would like Shields and bucklers and battle axes well that's good we've just started producing our Metals which means we can begin working on Battle axes for these humans and maybe some Shields and bucklers as well I mean we're going to be making stuff for ourselves anyways might as well make some for them as well so we're gonna close out on that and we're going to click on this as you can see we do have Coke that is getting cued up here we're also going to make a real quick uh charcoal stockpile for our dwarves while we produce those gems for trading we're going to click on this we're going to go to bars and blocks now charcoal hides over here in other materials we're going to make a coal stockpile just so that I can visually keep track of how much we have the doors will eventually move the stuff over to it and once they do we will work with it look our well is continuing to fill something that I didn't do earlier which I should probably do with the well is we need to make it into a water source so I'm going to scroll until we can find water source and this is going to be our water source which is our well which is viewable right down here so our happy little water source we're going to fly up to the surface and uh as you can see we do need to get that wall built up I'm gonna check down with those humans see if they've arrived it looks like they have so we're gonna pause and we're gonna go to cut gems and see what we can sell them we don't have much in the way of value yet so let's see if we can let that gem job play a little bit longer and then I will continue speaking so a notification just went off child's been born the chief medical dwarf has given birth to a boy this is great news for our Fortress as our population has now just gone up also if you'll notice the unhappy dwarf number is dropping and the happy dwarf number is rising soon hopefully soon we're going to begin getting demands for specific things I think that we're going to call this episode right after we are done trading so we're going to fly all the way up here to our trading spot and we are going to request Trader at Depot we're going to move all of those cut gems over now that a few more gems have been cut we're going to go to cut gems and as you can see we do have a better variety now still not great but hey it's enough to get some trading going with these humans we're going to continue cutting gems in the background and we're going to let the uh those be saved for uh this coming fall when we trade with the dwarves once again of course we're going to want to give the dwarves some gifts so that they are happy with us and they bring more migrants next time and continue to expand this Fortress to make it into a uh Barony which is the goal of this series I'm not sure how many episodes it's going to take so far this biome has been pretty kind to us uh the general vicinity has been quite calm as is expected but we are going to be setting up a military and we are going to be trying to steal something things I'm going to be covering basic military operations hopefully within the next year or so as I said the whole point of restarting this series was to do a better job of this and I think so far it's improved significantly if you do enjoy these series and you want to watch me play video games on the internet if you somehow missed it I do stream full-time and that is my full-time gig YouTube has always been kind of a side hustle for me however with the growth of the growth of this YouTube channel I do feel that it is worth shouting some things out something that I want to note is I wouldn't be here quite frankly if it wasn't for my patreon which is what's kept me funded all of these years while I was a much smaller person hiding on the internet making videos and streaming to our Fortress so if you want to support me directly you're going to see patrons on the screen at the end of this video and I just wanted to say a real big shout out to all of them because they are the heroes that have kept me funded as well as all of my uh long time supporters I just want to say love you guys and to those of you who haven't yet if you want to you can follow me on Mastodon at blind IRL m-a-s.t-o and you can also follow me on Twitter at blind IRL now that everything thing has been brought up we're going to trade and we're going to select all of this stuff which doesn't go as much on the way of value at all but it will at the very least let us trade for something see what they have humans like to bring books so let's have a real quick peek if they have any I'm not seeing any immediately although I am seeing a temptingly large amount of cheese we'll need to make some of that ourselves though they have backpacks they have a large sperm whale leather trousers that we can't wear I think I'm gonna buy their thread and uh I think we're also going to scroll up a little bit more and just see what else we have here I got fish I think we'll buy some meat because currently we don't have any hunting so we have very little meat variety so I think some gems for some thread and some meat is a fine trade indeed although I'm going to see if we can cram a little bit more value out of them they have some crowns they have some bolts well we could buy a bin of cloth potentially that might be pushing it let's see that is pushing it and I don't really want to haggle with them so let's click this until it goes yellow all right so we're going to trade uh we're going to give them 206 a thousand profit we're going to click trade now uh we are done trading so remember if they do leave this stuff in the stockpile after you're done trading it's probably because you don't have stockpile space for it so just make sure that you have stockpile space for everything before you trade now because we did just haul items and uh we now suddenly have a bunch of stuff sitting there I would like to get those hauling done those hauling jobs done real quick so hey kids it's uh it's time to do some chores for a little bit so we're going to turn chores back on for the kids we're going to get them to help us bring stuff down from the stockpile and put it into the food stockpile and other places where they are needed drinks are good seeds are good meat is good and plants are good also please remember that the Caravan that we got from the dwarves initially wants seeds seeds are also good we have a good amount of seeds which means we're going to need more bags so I'm gonna jump back over to the clothing shop here we're going to jump into work orders and I'm going to make cloth bag let's just make 10 more cloth bags keep it nice and basic we do have plenty of cloth down there and we also just bought a bunch more cloths so we have a good amount of cloth stuff is being brought down and put away real quick thanks to the kids for helping we do still have some upset children they're very moody but I'm sure that they will be fine they will come out on top at the end so what I have to say though is thank you very much for joining me on this episode of this let's play I hope that you've been enjoying the uh re-launched version of this series I know I have been so far I'm quite happy with the turn with the outcome at this point though I'm gonna call it on this episode and uh say thank you very much for watching if you want to see more videos like this or the rest of this let's play check out the playlist and if you want to see my channel for a lot more shorter more on topic tutorials you can find that on at my YouTube channel at youtube.com at blind IRL which is not something I'm gonna get used to saying anytime soon thank you very much for watching and I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Blind
Views: 107,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WeatherMountains, Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf fortress gameplay, dwarf fortress bay12games, dwarf fortress kitfox, dwarf fortress review, dwarf fortress playthrough, Talk interview, procedural generation, dwarf fortess graphics, indie games, World building, screenshots, Adventure mode, Legends mode, release date, Bay12games, soundtrack release, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Lets play dwarf fortress, Tutorial lets play, learn dwarf fortress, beginner dwarf fortress, Metal Industry, Iron
Id: c8Ea80LVAxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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