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hello there everybody and welcome to my new guide about wood and wood types in Dwarf Fortress this video will explain all the differences between the different wood types and what is the big difference between wood and all the other materials in the game so let's get started with comparing one which type with another so luckily for us what is way less complicated than stone or metal would be what is always worth the same amount of money and the major difference except for a couple of very special types of wood the main difference is weight so what weighs on average 25 uh whatever this weight unit here is and it ranks down to five with the lightest wood and up to 62 with the heaviest wood so there are differences but apart from that wood is mostly wood you can make all the same things with it so as we see there there's a couple of wood types here like the custard apple that are really really lightweight and we got to give you a few examples stuff like the lychee wood which is uh comparatively really heavy like your 44 versus 18. the lightest wood on the map is The Feathered wood which will only grow in good aligned biomes so it's not that easy to acquire and the easiest lightest wood to acquire would be papaya which comes with 6.5 units of weight per unit worthwhile to mention our candle nut and K-pop and custard apple as the lightest woods and when we go to the heaviest Woods we have glimprong which is one evil type of wood which is quite nasty because being being heavy it also slows down your people in an evil bio where you actually don't want to stand around and yeah things can get quite nasty with that we got black Dorn which is uh just a underground tree tier 3 Caverns hello and with regular Woods on the heavy side we have Olive which is actually really heavy with roughly 50 weight units and lychee also the next heaviest with 44. so All In All Wood is on average still five times lighter than Stone and even 15 times lighter than iron so this is one of a major material qualities of wood it is extremely lightweight even the heavier ones so let's talk about the wood usages because seriously comparing there is not much more to compare except for one really special wood type that I will cover in a minute so let's talk about what we can do with wood there are of course certain items that we can only make out of wood let's cover them really quickly the bed is the most popular thing that everybody knows about but power production basically the entire power production of this game is locked behind wood you cannot make windmills water Mills and axles and these things without wood so wood is really essential for your power generation also Siege weapons can also meet can also be only made with lots and lots of logs so that's something worth noting but beyond that well let's go over the usages you can of course make the obvious things construct your containers out of wood because wood is fairly lightweight but try to be smarter than me like for example I made a lot of containers here also out of lychee wood which is actually not that smart since I have even custard apple which is really really lightweight so when you're working with that you might want to configure your work orders accordingly because uh or somebody processing wood I think up here yeah if you go for the magnifying glass you can tell them what type of wood they shall use and that can be really really important especially if you want to follow a certain color scheme but for example bins made out of lightweight Woods exclusively is a pretty good thing but we're we we're going to go way deeper than that there is a use for lightweight wood that honestly surprised me and maybe it'll surprise you as well and that's flooring if we make a flooring out of lightweight wood that the odd thing when the game calculates a collision that means when somebody falls on something the weight of the item he falls upon is calculated into the damage what does that mean well if you make a flooring out of feather wood papaya or something lightweight even custard apple already helps they will suffer less damage you can use that as kind of a cushion to mitigate the fall for your own people that's something I didn't see coming but it's really something that you can use light white Woods for and on the other side heavyweight wood well since it's not that heavy as stone for example is always going to be the worst counterpart but if you really want to make something out of your heavy Woods like glumprong and bloodthorn and Olive you can make heavy trap Parts out of that like spike balls and the like they do at least more damage than the other wood items but generally heavy white wood is less useful than lightweight wood at least in my understanding let me know in the comments if you know something you make out of heavyweight wood exclusively which uh I didn't come up with I'd be really really curious about that so let's go over the rest of the usages of wood so when we create Weaponry out of wood that's generally a pretty bad idea weapons made out of wood you can tell your Carpenter to do so so you have all the items here you can tell them to make training weapons but uh as the name already implies the the damage is horrible but what is okay for the production of shields because you can block with a wooden shield with a metal shield block is block ironically enough you can't even block off a wave of dragon fire with a wooden Shield without it burning to a crisp but what is much less durable than metal so it'll break faster in theory you could have a wooden Shield that is easier to maneuver with but it'll break more often so that's one thing worth mentioning but where wood really shines is at the bow ears place to make crossbows out of it while a wooden crossbow is still a horrible melee weapon button let's be honest a iron crossbow is still a horrible melee weapon the benefit out of that is your dwarfs will carry a much lower weight weapon and therefore will be moving faster so wood crossbows are totally okay since the damage of the crossbows projectile is determined by the projectile and not by the crossbow which leads us to the next thing wood is really good for training ammo wooden bolts you can make 25 bolts out of one block that's quite a lot but just keep in mind it is quite crappy ammo so it's good for training or for hunting if you don't want to hunt any dangerous game but basically everything that's armored you shouldn't bother with wooden ammo so really go for something heavyweight powerful and here again a heavyweight bolt is better than a lightweight bolt so you might use that also for example here the heavyweight wood sea or lychee or something like that so apart from that there is one last thing that I want to mention in this video with which really surprised me but uh it's a pretty pretty cool thing so building destroying entities if we had three doors here and one of these would be made out of wood the building destroying entity will go for the easiest destroyable item which is in this case wood so basically that means with wooden furniture and doors and the like you can create a trap tunnel that specifically should lure building destroying entities to their Doom with a bit of Ingenuity you can use that to your own Advantage because that's pretty cool so let's talk about one last thing that I don't want to miss out and that's the special wood the only really special with that I found on this list is nethercap nethercap grows and the lowest layers of the caverns tier three and it's silver blue color and I should probably mention that all the underground trees that grow down here they don't have any other characteristics except for another cap besides from being colorful so underground Woods are more colorful whereas all the wood that grows above the ground is mostly the same-ish color with variations of brown of course so back to another cap nether cap specialty it's a dark blue one I haven't acquired any in this run yet it is a wood that stays constantly cool anything inside a uh a vessel out of nethercap is held constantly at zero degrees Celsius the interesting thing about that is that means with a vessel of nether cap you can basically well navigap is basically macular safe due to that because uh since the inside of a uh of a of a never cap items always zero degrees Celsius it won't burn but ironically enough a item made out of nethercat will still get burned if it's lying on the ground and somebody's spreading fire or if you drop it into magmites it'll still burn but if you put something inside it it's not going to burn the it's weird okay but it is just as it is and that in that regard nethercap is really special and I have I I've been not quite honest there is one more special wood which uh is so special that we cannot even find it on our own maps and that's grown wood if you ever hear of a term of grown wood it's Elven wood that's basically when elves do magic do with the trees and uh convince the tree to grow in the shape of a bed for example that would be a grown wood bed so if you ever see that that's the only type of wood the elves won't hate you for trading with them because it's uh it's ethically sourced wood I guess don't uh don't bother giving them anything that has touched an X ever okay so that sums it up I don't have more to say about wood maybe you'd do have a couple of things in your mind that I didn't uh fetch up in my search so feel free to leave me a comment about that also consider leaving a thumbs up on that video it makes it visible for everybody else and I'd appreciate as would everybody else seconds and feel free to subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already there's daily content coming up from my site and there's also a playlist link down there which leads you to all the other tutorials that I've made and a big shout out to the supporters of this channel I deeply appreciate and there are a couple of 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Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 8,920
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Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress Gameplay, Dwarf Fortress Review, Dwarf Fortress Guide, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Tips, Dwarf Fortress Tricks, Dwarf Fortress Beginners Guide, Dwarf Fortress Playthrough, Dwarf Fortress Steam, Dwarf Fortress Ic0n Gaming, Dwarf Fortress Let's Play, Dwarf Fortress Vanilla, Dwarf Fortress Wood, Dwarf Fortress Wood Storage, Dwarf Fortress Wood Furnace, Dwarf Fortress Wood Guide, Dwarf Fortress Wood Types
Id: UCBeWabcv8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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