LIVE Viewer Comments & Questions – Sept 20 2021 – That Pedal Show

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look at that fading so professional it's so mysterious hey everyone welcome to that photo show bcq live dan here mick here hello sorry uh for our non-appearance last week my fault um totally downspout yes thank you my fault yeah the temerity to be unwell indeed i wasn't wasn't corona um just had a chest infection which is doing the rounds at the moment which has been less than delightful but i do have my cough suites my allocated cost weights for our vcq today nice that'll keep me from transferring what's your cough suite of choice then oh anything fisherman's friend i think is really good the really the strongest one that sort of rips your throat out anything how do you do says goodbye at dc is good oh fantastic so how are we all thank you all for joining us um let's see let's have our roll call um but uh of course housekeeping um please subscribe if you haven't already subscribed and thank you for visiting that and buying all the stuff it keeps us being able to do what we do it does yep appreciate it thank you and of course a massive uh massive thank you um i'm sorry sorry i'm trying to sorry just trying to find it massive thank you to all our patrons yes indeed uh to everyone who's with us here today yep and to be v of course yes once again for being the legend that he is especially to bv thank you thank you buddy appreciate it all right oh nice the ad playing on the front of today's vcq is uh waggle why does pet insurance suck oh okay house doesn't suck at all this is really good we're in pet plan in case anyone's interested um here we go uh dino guitar guy hello from bournemouth cooking dinner whilst listening very nice um of course john lorraine's greeting from the milky way galaxy i hear you buddy um hypno hypno call uh hello from northern california home of sourdough bread and mesa boogie just been out of the u.s has opened up to us all november from november um it's dan's birthday says alan r johnson i'm not sure why he's choosing to spend a good portion of it with us but thank you um it's not dan's birthday my birthday was thursday last week yes yes um dan had a shall we say a significant birthday dan oh yeah 5-0 yeah 20 20 20 20 20. yeah it was lovely mick came out and um unfortunately catherine couldn't make it because the dog sitter uh was unavailable the dog is on heat the dog is in season great film yeah for the first time ever so dog can't really do anything yeah so we'll just stomach out with catherine again i'm saying but yeah mick came out and uh dougie was really nice um and tayden and sarah lovely had a lovely evening it was very nice indeed very nice very nice very grown up yeah good food good wine happy days very good no band some dude singing a piano didn't john medley it was acceptable wasn't it yeah it's very good yeah and then he started playing billy joel and dan ran out he literally ran out we said he's playing this view dad's like no i don't wanna hear it he ran out i love billy joel i know so just nut that song yeah okay [Music] jacob bartelt um wants to know if i've done that recording jacob i'm really sorry it slipped my mind i will get to it um i need to find it in the uh annals of our archives what is that um it was something that jacob wanted and i think his daughter really liked it and i said i'd sort it out for him and give him the audio and as all over-promising and under-delivering tends to go jacob's probably going ah what an so i'm really sorry jacob uh for not doing that and sorry to jacob's daughter for the swearing that's not swearing no it's not i think a good grounding in swearing for children is a good i i agree yeah i agree i knew all the best swearing by about five years old i think if you could really have a grown-up conversation yeah yeah yeah yeah if doug's this thing i think daisy knew it by nine or ten yeah yeah yeah uh stefan ward hi stefan uh he says um what spec is your analog man modded od9 mick stefan it is uh the not silver one mike says the silver one's there if you really really want it the silver mod but the max one is so well made the benefit of having the silver mod in the max on is not as much as if you have it in a regular ts 808 or ts9 the other mod is the addition of a bad bob booster yeah it's so good which is really cool so so good um [Music] yes uh hello from tokyo says joseph brian garcia hello to tokyo joseph uh dubster hi guys from sunny cornwall nice newbury says alan bartlett allen i went to a theater near newbury just recently to watch ainsley list to play never knew it was there not really in newbury but near newbury middle of nowhere really nice little theater oh lovely yeah i love it it would be a good place for a tps band gig if we ever do yeah wonderful wonderful jeremy and barker hey y'all watching from brooklyn new york when is tps live making it to nyc november we'll let you know after november because uh some of the dear old covid restrictions are being lowered in november so that will be the first possible opportunity right i'm then working on dynamic time probably about four years after that okay dustin thiessen hi dustin he says cheers from rainy winnipeg winnipeg is another place then yeah well we did say the first one we'll we ever do across the water will be in winnipeg that'd be great fun uh frankie holt muscle shoals alabama in the place hit recording capital of the world he says nice um paul caputo says hello from long island and jim collinson hello from glasgow biffy clara played a epic gig in glasgow a week or so ago and i had that invited myself and team the family to go down on my birthday night where they were playing in cardiff and it's going to be my son's first ever gig and i couldn't go because i was ill i had to not go oh of course of course i totally forgot about that yeah i was absolutely gutted but i mean we did see them olivia and i got to see them at reading festival and you know we're side of stage and it was really really awesome yeah but yeah gutted gutter we didn't see the cardiff but um yeah from all my friends who went and a couple of uh staff from gig we went and said they were just immense absolutely immense they're so so great live so great live you saw them on the on the television i saw them on the telly which wasn't really live but it was from the reading festival it was pretty epic yeah it's nice to see some cabs on stage he said boringly replaying that scratched record uh alex sorakin's on oh hello alex uh or sir alex apologies if we don't know how to pronounce your name properly uh sorakin or sorokin are the really wonderful guitars that joey landreth plays oh yeah i believe joey's just got a new one as well so can't wait to see that nice um nice nice here on alex thanks for being with us surfy sonic ahoy from maryland uh benzaconium benzoconium is that actually an element maybe it's an element named after you ben he says hello from a brit in bangkok hello very nice hello jacob bartel says we love you mick no worries thanks jacob uh right shall we get on to the questions then daniel let's do it right hang on right number one cough sweet cough sweetness sweet of choice uh this is called jakeman's jakeman's here yeah yep they're quite good i've got seven racked up for today yeah good old there we go how'd you deal with the sugar that's the only thing dan's not good on sugar no by the end of it he has very little sugar in his diet like this right then jonathan hezboll jonathan is first on tonight jonathan hezboll um well a thousand people on dan how cool 1071 people on is it no wrong number just about 500 people 504 on it's good you're the lucky 500 what are you looking at numbers on the screen there oh okay probably takes a minute to update over there if it sounds different tonight we've we've sort of we've had to change a few things to move computers around through computers dying so be interested in your feedback on that if it sounds worse better the same or you don't care the last answer is the one i like the best um let's see jonathan hezboll i have a 50 watt d style amp on order and i'd love your thoughts on what 2 by 12 cabinet brands and speaker combinations might be the best fit i currently play a deluxe reverb reissue thank you nice uh really depends on what kind of d style amp you're talking about but i'm gonna guess that it's a overdrive special type d style dumbbell style um and i'm guessing it's an overdrive special type uh and for those of you don't know the dumbbell overdrive special is the oh if you take out all the vintage fenders and marshalls it's probably the most revered amp of all time ever right as played by robin ford larry carlton um lal george loads and loads and loads of other people uh very famous because of the dumble fame it is a cascading gain amplifier so you've got a really quite high headroom clean channel with an fvt boost if you want it and that cascades into a gain section which you can switch in and out and it is that a lot of people associate it with a very sort of compressed mid-heavy sound and it can certainly do that but having played a couple i can tell you it's as aggressive fire breathing raspy and loud as you want it to be as well so the compressed sound i think is is one thing that it can do and it does do that well speakers wise well um dumble was a big fan of ev speakers electro voice high efficiency high power fairly um for one of a better word clean sounding speaker because the amp was such high output and actually i do think part of the lineage of the development of a lot of those modded amps whether you're talking about dumbbell um the early mesa boogies if you think about what was happening at that time through the mid late 70s and into the 80s bands were getting louder yep god bless them and so guitar amps needed to really get louder and yeah we'd had 200 watt marshall majors and all of that and so a lot of it was about volume and i think that's part of the reason why those high-efficiency relatively clean sounded speakers were favored by somebody like dumble because they didn't break up in the same way that the lower power celestions and eminences and jensen's of the of the time did so personally i'd always go with an ev style speaker i really like the wgs12l they're great yes they're quite a bit less expensive than the um ev i've also just purchased for jensen p i'm going to have to look them up now i'll tell you what though because i've got a cab in the offing for a d style amp um and a friend of mine works at jensen what was that c12 100 rt yeah uh 100 rt so i think that's raptor series maybe i forget what they're called actually i can't i just can't wait to see that cab i think it's the raptor 100 yeah they're called raptor 100 um heavy magnet 100 watts so not quite an eevee with 200 watts but the guy there ignacio is a massive fan of evs and he wanted something that was in that ballpark but a kind of not a copy of an eevee but something in that ballpark right and they developed that speaker and i like your nation very much so i bought them on spec and we'll see what they sound like so jensen raptors 100 um the one that is absolutely tried and trusted and i would recommend without hesitation is the uh whatever i just said wgs12l and actually the two rock um speaker is great is really spectacularly good less smooth sounding than an ev um doesn't take quite as much power but my god that's good and if you do your research you'll know that uh robin ford was a big fan of the 65-watt celestia in a particular kind of 65-watt celestion so the 2 by 12 for a 50 watt amplifier yeah um i don't know who's making it but uh it depends where you are so i zilla makes all all my cabs um paul there's a really great guy and they make really nice cabs but depends on where in the world you are i mean i guess top of the tree for you is alessandro right that's what john mayer uses um yeah it's it's a crap shoot really um off-the-shelf cabs i'm not sure if i'm honest other than the two rock one which i would recommend unreservedly there's a lot of money oblong sound hole in the back that's the dumbbell thing that's the dumbbell thing yeah and that's a that's part of it i've got that in my in my uh bert cab one by twelve oh wow and they're spectacular sounding one by twelve cabs yeah um i think for the d sound sorry we're spending way too long on this what you probably don't want is a very very resonant cabinet in the way that like a vintage basement made out of pine is what you want is something a little bit more inert but not all the way towards a you know mdf monitor box you want something that is relatively solid to take all that power and transfer it like ply yeah which is what most guitar caps are made out of yeah um i don't mean though like because the more character you have in the cab then the more sort of it's a bit like choosing a mic preamp you know do you want it to sound clean and exactly like the microphone or do you want to do you want to add character via the pre and it's exactly the same with guitar cabs yep good luck hope you enjoy it sorry we will now speed up uh cheers from virginia says it's a subject very close to my heart cheers from virginia says d s randlet i suppose this question is for dan but i play and practice straight jazz but i love pedal sounds too what pedals would you recommend for inspiration ah very cool okay so interestingly with jazz where you have a lot of um there's a lot of you know harmony and stuff in chords and things like uh if you have listened to um simon jarrett play and that the way that he uses really dynamic gain sounds for me um a really nice valve overdrive low gain valve overdrive is a really great way to get a bit of edge uh onto the jazz stuff and the especially the extended harmony and stuff just for me works really beautiful with those um lovely warm valve tones saying that uh compressors are great modulation is a really big thing for for you know i want to hear um you know players like uh john schofield gerfield and the way that he uses modulation just as it as a you know so he he can really go out there in harmony and then he'll stick a modulation on there that takes that even further it's a way to push that sense of harmony such a brilliant use of it then you know you listen to kurt rosenwinkel and his use of effects harmonizers and you know octaves and stuff synthetic sounds and just you know it's like anything just depends on where you want to go but if you're just starting to dip your toe have a look at some have a look at some modulation that has the ability to be subtle but also outrageous right uh jam waterfall that's the one that john scofield uses yeah um but yeah yeah so there you go light valve overdrive modulation and maybe some compression just just to enable some of those really fluid lines where you want them to be really smooth and even a little bit of compression can be amazing but then when you want the dynamics to take the compression off yeah there you go fun awesome i think always you know one of the things that's really hammered home to me over the years we've been doing this and something i've definitely learned during our tps journey is that you sort of start off looking for sounds which is and you're like what can help me and then you get to the point where you go what is it it's a slightly different question what is it that's going to help me say what i want to say that's that's the question isn't it that's the question because i think a lot of a lot of us start on the journey going i don't really know what it is i want to do and then the more you play and the more you get into it the more you realize what it is that you want to do and then you find the stuff that helps that rather than and i guess it's a bit of a learning process where you might stumble on something that helps you find that but more often than not i think you're finding a conduit for what it is you want to say rather than looking back up the conduit at what you should be doing yep so yeah yeah but that's that's so but that's the scary bit right because what you're what you're doing is you're working out what you have to say and how to express it and that is hard that's a life's work but it's a journey yeah so jenny we're sort of all on together and and that's where we're exploring and finding the stuff um but it's a really you know mixed absolutely right it's always pointing back to that question what am i trying to say yeah what am i what am i trying to say here first thing whenever i'm hanging out with paul stacy this always comes back to that what's he trying to get across it was really interesting doing the show uh that went out on friday about sort of headroom and all the real fundamentals about guitar tone you know we can get lost in compressors and phases and which variant of tube screamer is that we we are ultimately happiest with and of course that's what we spend most of our time doing when you're enthusiastic in this way but what just pairing it back to guitar and reminded me was was that actually there is a fundamental there yeah yeah and that i was just slightly related i was watching some videos of vince gill over the weekend yeah and no matter who he played with no matter who it was every time vince played the guitar it's like oh my god because there's nothing complex about his tone at all right literally his 53 telly i think it is into a pair of river what looked like rivera amps i think there are vera amps definitely some pedal compression on there and that sort of was about it right saw him definitely a couple of tube screamer overdrive sounds here and there but predominantly not that telly whatever the amps are i think they're reversed but i've equally seen him playing plenty of um tweet show tweets uh and and some sort of compressor and uh whoa what a sound yep every note yeah man but that's him right you stick vince girl behind telecaster yeah and to enter anything well no because well yes well no well yes but if you if you then stick on 50 gain stages yeah you had three gain stages all of his playing dynamic would be completely gone yeah sure so it is all based around that dynamic of his yeah yeah interesting um audio sounds great says rob show thanks rob uh it sounds transparent says david singley so chance barrett um tom skioccia um says it sounds the same probably because you know what you're doing tom thank you very very much indeed for that comment that makes me happy sounds great in oregon says tim chalmers um but everything sounds great now again it's just so nice there it all sounds good uh zilla do a lovely dumble style 212 says adrian jordan yep um big fan of zilla uh my new one should arrive this week with any luck it's a 412 closed back bottom open top and it's going to be wired stereo to do wet dry into one four by twelve yeah man because you know everyone can take oversize 4x12 cabs out with them these days can't they yeah yeah they can oh can they speak in yorkshire and got a clue what they're all about earth it um says bandit sharp uh sorry uh bandit sharp happen hi from switzerland says marcel hoogly ag cool says can the hot rod deluxe sound good at bedroom level i love the amp but is it too much for home use uh i think i think it can depends on your home really then yeah it's a blooming loud amp dan we've got a show coming up uh that asks the question what should i buy after the deluxe and we randomly pick three amps to run through yeah but it is such a great signing out of five well i think i told you at the end of my regret you know you'll see it in the show but as a pedal platform it's really hard to beat that amplifier yeah you know really great without spending a tremendous amount more money yeah and a clean channel cranked actually sounds really good i did the audio for it on friday oh wicked that sounds good great um i finally bought a strat says swizz871 it's only my second electric after playing sgs for 10 years and i'm loving how different it is especially with my keely compressor thanks for your help and guidance fantastic good well done mate i've been playing i've been playing my um yeah be strat but recently and rehearsals and stuff it's like yeah man that i mean if what you're after was a broad term planet a pla palette of guitar tones you you sort of understand it's got to have one there yeah that's yeah really cool tonal uh planets broad tidal planet did you watch the album sky at night last night no it's good it's changed a bit since patrick moore's days oh wow who's doing it now well there's a panel of people wanting okay and some dude in the middle of quorum trying to make um astronomy interesting and a bunch of the sort of most animated planet brains they can find okay and uh yeah it's good nice yeah no i missed it yeah planet nine not going to be found apparently oh [Music] duncan plexico he says greetings if you were the ceo of strymon boss at al would you make a multi-effects unit to compete with fractal and line six would it hurt your core business uh boss already do boss already make one yeah 2 000. much does most of that stuff full of modelling and all that mother rabbit um kind of surprising strymon hasn't done it yet yeah all the core components are there for them to do that yeah because they've you know all their other stuff's based around digital modelling so it seems crazy not to that would be a unit wouldn't it it would i don't know if there's something in the ad conversion one thing i've been thinking a lot about recently and and i don't know gordon you might want to uh weigh in on this or somebody who actually does know what they're talking about not you gordon me i mean um as regular viewers of the show will know neither dan or i are massive fans of digital processing which is a ludicrous thing to say because you know 99 of the music we listen to is recorded digitally and it sounds great etc etc in fact with we're even i've got this i'm interested in analoging up our front end as much as we can so i'm doing some 500 series experiments it's so cool look at that look at that so nice there you go um beautiful for anyone who doesn't know 500 series is a essentially a upright half size rack format that's been around for years and years and years i think invented by api where you get different modules um that is basically a rack unit but in a smaller format um we've got a couple of these meris 440 mic pres and again you know marist company very well known for digital technology they're all analog classic mic pres um because i still think i still think i can hear the digital on the edge of all of our audio and it's annoying me so i'm we nev we can never get away from the digital back end but my theory is if we can push the digital as far down the chain as possible get it as far away from the guitar as possible we might retain more and more and more and more of the harmonics which i think is what you lose and here's the point through rubbish a.d conversion so the question is one of the reasons and this is pure conjecture so we'll throw it open for discussion i wonder how good the ad processing is in strymon and merit stuff given that their audio quality is so exceptionally good and one thing i do hear in a lot of more cost-effective uh multi-effects devices is a kind of disconnection between what i would call great harmonic feel guitar tones and what i would characterize with modern cheap digital processing and just to add a bit of meat on that bone if you go into a really decent studio ask them how much they spent on their ad converters yep and it's not like 50 quid it's like five grand yeah or i don't know that was a number i picked out the air but it's a lot of money so i don't know i don't know um it it does seem like an obvious move for strymon yeah i think that yeah i think they'd be good at it boss already do it yeah bots already do it they do um jolly willard hello jolly hey jolly happy birthday dan oh bless you jolly thank you very much have a scone on me pal indeed i will thank you mate if i can find a wheat free yeah uh sugar free version brilliant thanks buddy i appreciate it ben chambers says the passion you both have for music is fantastic ah thank you ben uh i so appreciate the show and your approach i'm looking into single pickup guitars what are your suggestions under five hundred dollars any telecasts are under 500 that would be my suggestion single pickup ah any broadcaster under 500 or esquire um i don't know if epiphone do a a junior style i'm sure they do um yeah um i'm trying to think what are the brands in the states i think eastwood is up from there super is probably worth looking out for there and yeah actually that's a really good shout out mine's not here they're more than that to begin with but they quite often get discounted so you might be able to pick up something around 500 i think i ended up paying 369 pounds for my um i've got a super james port it's called it's not a model they do anymore but they do something very similar yeah uh super be quite cool i think one of those sort of quirky brands um without being rude about any of those brands but sort of that i've got a bit of that 50s call going on uh first act i don't know if they're still making guitars what's greg cox guitar brand oh reverend i don't know if reverend do anything in that world reverend do that's a really good shout out i don't know if um really cool single pickup guitar was a friend of mine robbie mcintosh who's played guitar for everybody one of his favorite guitars was an epiphone coronet the kayaks are amazing which is the guitar steve marriott played yeah i don't know if epiphone may ever have done a reissue of that the prsse series yes prs se1 if they still make that yep great guitar yeah so we're dan and i are definitely moving towards your sort of mahogany body single p90 thing that's evolved from the gibson junior format there may well even be a lesbo junior in the epiphone range there probably is yep for sensible money coronet's a great shot though yeah my friend's got an old one that's like whoa yeah with a maestro and again depends on what style of music you're playing you know if you're a jazzer then you probably would want to pick up at that end um and there are some single pickup guitars with pickups up there and if you're an all-round rock blues country rock and roll player you probably want to pick up at that end down by the bridge in which case juniors are squires if you're if you only play funk there are a number of guitars that only have a pickup in the middle sonny says yep they are producing the current again that's great coronet there you go might end up being too much cash but you might be able to find one used such a cool guitar indeed um i think we probably better turn the super chat off okay because yeah i'm going to turn the super chat off so that we get to everyone and we're not here until [Music] minuei so if you've super chatted so far we will get to you if you have not super chatted please don't because we won't get to you it's oh man there's loads yeah yeah um jeff jeff bavar amazing amazing guitar player thank you very much mate this is birthday wishes um uh g3s are shipping there's a wait list but they are we're getting through it so yeah but thank you very much mate nice to hear from you hope you're great okay yes you're right mate we have got to hurry up sorry it's totally my fault i seem to be talking a lot tonight tonight as usual hello from seattle says jeff rollins odom he says what would be your best practices for using an amp in a box pedal specifically how do you dial out your amp so it sounds like the amp you're trying to emulate thanks oh man amp in a box pedals are a lie it's just a lie you can't put an amp in a box it's a pedal sorry what the amp and the box pedals do is they can give you a flavor towards what these amps are if you've got a really nice neutral um pedal platform amplifier with enough headroom that can be great you know uh there was oh there's an old ac31 that sounded really great um made by j rocket uh one pla made one for a while yes the oneplus one it was called the dirty 30 i think or yeah there's something 30. j rocket have done sorry one for done a few of those that are really good change the name of it yeah the reality is if if what you if what you want is an ac30 you're not going to buy a hot rod deluxe and with an ac30 pedal you're going to buy an ac30 um yeah so let's talk about your amp sound then what is it first of all when you stick your cable in the front it's a whole bunch of impedance relationships between you pick up the cable and whatever they've set the input impedance of the amp to it's then a whole bunch of game decisions and eq filtering decisions where the eq is placed in relation to the game and so and so forth just to get that little tiny signal from your pickups up to what is then amplified what then happens we go through the preamp section we get to the phase inverter it then goes off to the power section all these are like minut well sorry not my design choices yeah big big big design choices in the sound of the amp and all of this you can emulate in terms of its gain structure and its eq but what you don't get is the sort of genuine feel and pushback of that unless it is a straight clone and as before we even get to the power section the transformer choices the valve choices if it is indeed a valve amp the cabinet choice the speaker etc etc that is the sound of the amp it's the sum total of all that stuff so if your question is how do i so what a pedal will do is it will emulate at best the gain structure and the eq it it'll get that much going but then of course then you have to decide what all those other things in the chain are doing to make it sound like that amp so plugging into your hot rod deluxe and expecting it to sound like a plexi yep a really good there's only one speaker of course a really good a really good point is you can buy preamp pedals right of amplifiers but taking a preamp pedal and plugging into the front of the amplifier you can have the preamp exactly the same yeah it's still not going to give you that sound i i actually think digital modelling is a better route to the sound of a whole signal chain than a pedal into a classic amp because a pedal into a classic amp sounds like a pedal into a classic cam personally i would prefer that sound even if it didn't sound anything like the amp that it was supposed to be sure because you're getting the harmonic feedback and you're getting all of that if you're playing at low volume and you actually do want it to sound like a crank plexi i think digital modelling probably does a better job of that sure than a traditional pedal and small amp approach especially if you're in headphones especially if you're in headphones yep um yeah good luck jeff yeah good luck jeff uh look of vol 73 l c vol 73 hello from tennessee i switched from daisy train uh i'm guessing it's daisy chain set up to a seahawks dc7 when i turn the power on my preamp my amp a princeton reissue is only 25 of it what it was if i turn the pedals off the volume is fine again okay so what you're saying is before you got the seahawks you've got a dodgy cable it's probably going to be a dodgy cable it's always the cable yep process of elimination plug the pedals in one at a time then start adding things in you'll find it's either a dodgy cable um or there's some pedal drawing a huge amount of current and that's marking up to see off the cuff stuff is fantastic yeah i'm gonna say hard to imagine that hard to imagine that that's the so it sounds like there's a cable yeah going awry somewhere but yeah process of elimination find out what pedal it is and then go back then go back from there and just check that you know i don't know what the pedals are but as dan says it is a process of elimination which means starting with the most basic thing one basic thing is just checking that there is not a master volume on a pedal somewhere or some sort of input volume attenuation on the side of the pedal some sort of volume control that is turned down sounds impossibly simple to suggest it but after the cable that would be my next port of call indeed especially if it's a digital pedal and it's got some menu somewhere but yeah i we think it's a cable um jacob bartelt hey jk hey jacob he says going back to the reverb show what's your favorite pedal for that short room reverb sound you like in a simple oh now it gets worse you see in a simple and cost effective fashion oh okay well uh if you can find a cxm978 cheap yeah it that does it so much better than anything else we tried it um it was that pedal because i've heard loads of yeah room reverbs and things and pillars of foreign yeah but when i heard it in the cxm i went yeah that now becomes a core part of what i want to do because it does it in a way i don't even know how to how to explain it it it doesn't i use it on rehearsal last week um so many of these well you can have rear pedals that sound great and they add a um [Music] sort of a space around note that's really nice but the cxm does something else it's almost like uh it it's almost like adding something that you only ever hear in a studio yeah it is like that you know it's not expected a really great producer comes and goes so there's a really cool thing going to do to your guitar sound and you've done the recording and then he puts it on and here at the moment you go oh it's amazing that's the cxm does yeah um but it is insane money so i would say after that the tc electronic hall of fame yep two total no-brainer for all of your reverb requirements not least it's got that awesome mash switch which is essentially an inbuilt expression control yeah so yeah tc hall of fame two that's what i personally would recommend to anybody wanting an all-round reverb solution yep and there's so many with the with the uh the app and the tone prints if you can't find exactly what you want and it's like in the standard settings of the pedal you'll be able to go and find that in the in a tone print so yeah it's a great shout out digger 68 happy birthday to the birthday boy thank you very much have a drink on me sis will do thank you just bought my first t-style axe a g l asap classic with mfd pickups man how good is that guitar it's so every time i pull it out it's like i shouldn't like this guitar as much as i do it shouldn't sound this good as somebody who is addicted and dedicated to turn telecasters yep but far out man it's a great game it's a great it is a great guitar um [Music] i'm going to use that in my vince skill tribute band in a parallel universe i'm in a vince guild tribute band and i'm as good as vince gill it's it's where i go when i'm dreaming in a parallel universe i'm in a billy geltrey band playing all like david jason after the drinks you're right there billy so you don't like piano man then i just heard it too much yeah uh but i love it it's a great album i mean like you know think of the theme of the terry restaurant the stranger and uh you know ellen tyler just he's got amazing songs yeah well there's a live version of that where he comes out and goes this song was not written by barry white he starts off and it's like man i just i saw him live um this is billy joel sorry alf i didn't say clearly enough earlier and um what's the there's a song you always start off with caribbean queen i know it's better ocean but i've always liked wedding white wedding that's the one i've always loved the guitar playing and the guitar parts in his songs they're just so great um yeah anyway that's my alton universe um anyway says digger 68 fell in love with it after a day on guitar safari he's also got the new zelza pedal and it's a keeper i don't even know what the zelza is is that a new stroyman thing ah it's the new double phaser from simon oh cool nice look at that i'm in the game uh jacob bartelt again jacob he says with this last friday show could you go into more depth on how the frequencies on an eq pedal work the world of frequencies is new to me jacob honestly the best way this could happen is for you to go out and find yourself an mxr10 band or a boss g7 and sit there and go through them or cheaper if you've got access to some sort of recording software on your computer uh recording a guitar tone or pull up a loop like if you've got apple logical garageband or something or whatever the pc equivalent is pull in a loop there will be a loop available from a bass riff or a guitar riff or a bit of drums or anything like that add a graphic eq plug into it and just pull the sliders up and push them down one by one that will be a much better education for you than anything we could ever say yeah i would i i just will add to that though actually having an eq going into your amplifier especially if the amplifier is set up to have a bit of edge on it is a different thing so yeah what you're hearing there with the sliders on your software is basically like a you know post um you know there'll be a lot of a lot of headroom there you know you'll hear exactly what those eqs are doing very different going into the front of the gaming amplifier it's like hearing a travel booster into a clean app versus trail booster into a dirty amplifier reacts completely differently yeah and the eq does the same thing will react completely differently those trip the frequencies that you're boosting are the first things that are going to limit in the amplifier so uh understanding that relationship between the eq frequencies and your amplifier is a massive thing yes that's a really good point so two specific uses for the eq one is understanding what it does to just a regular signal in terms of shaping of frequencies to understanding what it does under overdrive in a guitar amp yep they are the same thing but they manifest as very differently in terms of the sort of tonal experience of playing the guitar yep um uh jacob again um i want to incorporate using midi on my board but can't afford a switcher like g3 what are some good options out there and what would i need how would you do it with a quartermaster right so if you want the ability to use midi to switch presets so let's say you've got a bunch of pedals and you want to be able to have you know switch presets um between those pedals with one button you need simple things like um like a midi mouse or there's a bunch of really simple midi foot switches that will send midi signals um yeah there's a they're far out there thousands of them what's the one that everyone uses the little ones uh the is it the mc6 by hang on um i'll tell you something star morning star star there you go morning star's the one that everyone seems to use yes monster and that they're great they're not cheap you know but they're really really good yeah um i mean you used can you you used to be able to buy the midi controller yeah can you still do that yeah totally but they come in this size to this size right so you can i mean there's a thing called a mini mouse i think made by is it tech21 and it's like a two button foot switch yeah that would just go up and down mini messages you could go to somewhere like sweetwater yeah one of those giant retailers and just type in midi controller many controllers then make a list of the things you want it to do yep so what do you want to do you want to press a foot switch and you want to change this that and that and that all in one go now the to answer your question specifically the quarter master will be outside of that game so you can't hit a button on the quartermaster and expect something else to be changing midi and unless you had some really convoluted other stuff involved which is too complex um there may be midi switches that will do other switching do remote switching uh yeah but then you're getting into midi switches yeah yeah good luck good luck mate matthew klug he says i recently moved my volume removed my volume pedal from my board yep what are the benefits of putting it back on okay so putting a volume pedal depending on where you put it in your signal path three main places you put it right at the front it's going to control your gain going into your board it's probably my least favorite place to put it only because it's the place that's going to have the most tonal effect on your signal path because unless it's an active volume pedal um you know the you know let's say even a really good one 500k is still going to be loading from your pickups if you have it then after you gain stages but before your um things like your time-based effects reverse modulation stuff then you've got like a master volume on your gain but you can still uh you know get reverb trails and things with the volume and that's really cool or you have it right at the very end and you have like a master volume for everything and that also works really well um now saying that that's my least favorite place to put it right at the front it's probably other people's favorite place to put it because what happens is they're able to to control the gain structure if if that's going into an overdriving amplifier or your your pedals or whatever you're reducing the signal level into those gain stages and then you can actually clean up your signal by using the volume pedal and a lot of people really like to do that um now you know i'd rather for me it's i get much better results just using the volume on my guitar um but yeah that's so yeah those three things before the pedals after the game stages are right at the very end uh sort of gain structure control um controlling post post gain stages into the delays or master volume uh one final thing matthew i don't know what kind of volume pedal it is the only one i own is a dunlop mini volume x which you can also switch to be an expression pedal and i actually have much more fun using that controlling either the delay level of my delay pedals or the depth of my reverb i find that much more shall we say uh creative and inspiring than i do just turning up and down sure so that that could be something if it does have that functionality to be able to do that could breathe new life into it that will make it more useful do you lena head dj hello nina head hello he says hello from astoria oregon oregon dan what was your fix for powering the uafx pedals with the gig rig power i'd like to switch my board back to gig rig power and use these time lords i have lying here yeah so we just we just parallel them up just get in touch with support um and we'll send you out a little cable to do it there we there you go um playing as a soloist says david rustad i've got no band mix to find a spot in how do i check myself as to whether my tone is too bright and cutting or not enough i guess it's so interesting i like bright sounds but i don't want a blind spot yeah it's really interesting so um my first rehearsal a couple of weeks ago first for a very very long time and getting back into a band and hearing those full sonics again was like oh wow i need to just check myself here yep um because you've got used to that comfortable enveloping yep not offensive yeah yep totally and i was like okay okay right i remember how this works you know um but if you don't have that option and you need to uh you know have a have a feel of how it's going to work in a band mix a couple of things if you can set up a pa and just play some music into it and play along but it's going to need to be at a certain volume like you know like band volume but it's still not the same because what you're hearing then is produced mixed mastered stuff so what can actually be really good is getting some pink noise okay and amplifying some pink noise and playing your guitar against pink noise and what you'll hear then is is a full band of frequencies and just noise now i started doing this after when i was playing like five nights a week and we're doing all the walk about clubs and these are you know they were loud and djs on before us loud i would if i was trying new pedal out i'd actually try it then when the dj was playing and that's this is when i learned the value of my king of tone because i'd get you know in my little rehearsal room and i'd be playing something and go yeah that sounds great you know i think i think i've got i think that's better than the king of time but i'd get to where the dj was going like you know crazy loud i could always hear the clarity king of tone no matter what i put next to it and it and it always just ended up back on the board different sport isn't it it's so annoying it's so tremendously annoying that you spend all this time honing your tone you go out with a band it's like wow what a massive waste of time that was yeah i i think as long as you know you get to that point where you know you get back to asking the right questions right yeah um then you know any time spent getting to know your gear is good time but then when you get it in the correct context context is everything always has been always will be for everything in life everything and so when you get it back in that correct context and you start and then you can then you're even more informed then you can start making some more informed decisions yeah tim brand mick did the king tone duelist last long on your board and was the gladio too good to keep it on um tim um they do very different jobs actually and i like them both in a sort of really weird thing to say i've i'm just not enjoying overdrive pedals at the moment um the dnm drive obviously uh because that does a job but after that i'm enjoying me fuzzies the clone and um my dan drive tweedy more than any kind of normal overdrive at the moment at the moment and it doesn't mean to say that that won't all change next week i i i've had like over the last few days being at home i've had this thing i'm going to try basically i've got my lazy j20 at home i've never done this i don't know why i'd never done it but i just cranked the pram all the way up all the way all the way where do you go from there but i have the attenuator all the way down and i just and the reverb cranks i just plugged it at home and just went what on earth i mean is it in my little room at the house right so you could not do that in a band no no but my room at home was like um so it was quiet yeah it was like and all the dynamics around that preamp section yeah yeah i was like oh okay this is really interesting there's so for me i'm going to experiment but there's going to be a balance somewhere yeah between using that and then boosting things into that preamp but there's that dynamic and that man that reverb circuit that thing is just so frighteningly good so anyway i'm gonna have a play with that but i think there's a there's a possibility that when you talk about fuzzers and boosters and things and how that works with the game stage of amplifier as opposed to trying to reproduce amplify a game with an overdrive pedal specifically you know i mean it's a different thing hiding is nothing it's interesting you mentioned volume i think you know one effect of um lockdown and all of that is that i don't know most of us just haven't done any gigs i've done any gigs for as long as i can remember and one of the reasons i love overdrive pedals is because i play amps really loud and they work with the amp yes in becoming this kind of whole thing so in the case of the gladio and the duelist they're they're augmenters as much as creators if that makes sense totally but the quieter i have to play because we're in here or you know basically not our gig and we are playing a bit quieter a bit more with smaller amps recently i just find the sound gets smaller and smaller and smaller the more overdrive you put on yeah right and it's not until you get loud especially with my beloved stratocaster yeah that that clarity and that fun and that headroom and all the stuff that i like about guitar tone starts to happen and i think you know that's one of the reasons i'm just not really playing the strat anymore because i can't do it at low volume yeah it doesn't work yeah yeah which is a problem indeed and maybe that's a journey that we can start to um explore on tps a bit more because you know low volume seems like it's here to stay unfortunately and i think i'll just play my hollow guitars because at least they feed back at low volume yeah yeah anyway i love both of those pedals um both awesome the uh the dualist is very much that classic tube screaming blues breaker thing which is just so good flipping awesome if that's what you want and the gladio is more of that kind of well dare i say it dumbly kind of it's a little bit more ampy i would say i was really impressed with the um single yeah the sc sounds really good too really good so it depends what you want my next guitar rig is going to be an idiot's rig it is a massive 4x12 400 watt four by 12 on a 100 watt 50 watt per side power amp powered by kingsley preamp pedals it's basically a re a deconstructed dumbbell what's the power so in the same way that you know you go on masterchef as you're deconstructed cheesecake this is a deconstructed dumbbell i've got the preamps outside of the amp got the power back there and a 4x12 cab none of which is very dumbly but those are the tones i'm going for awesome awesome no overdrive pedals man so good apart from maybe a fuzz and we'll see where how far that goes next week princeton um i'm not sure we answered the question david which was uh how do you know if it's too bright and cussing just stand out the front and listen yeah do you like it yeah because you know um have someone else listen can i have a listen to uh oh what's his name uh telecaster player um ruby cameron rob buchanan kind of listen to his tone and tell me that didn't work live i saw an awesome video of him at the weekend right uh my dad hello dad if you're watching dad came down to stay and we watched a few country music videos on youtube my dad loves country music right and we were looking at some mil haggard videos and there's one where roy buchanan is stood next to mel haggard and it starts off with buchanan playing this solo and he's obviously got his pro reverb or whatever it is he's using absolutely dimed and he's playing this kind of quite angular he's i think he's actually trying to upset milhager because milhag is like looking at him going what what are you doing and he hits this harmonic and it kind of screams and he does this little boyish grin and milhak is like looking at him like anyway i don't know look it up on youtube mel melhagen and roy buchanan i might be miss reading it but uh yeah yeah but that's just an example of a crazy cutting tone yeah i didn't like it i didn't like it so that he upset the whole of the internet yeah but the thing is it wasn't it's not about you liking it it's about what it's about what he connects with he can express with yeah yeah so it's not about yeah absolutely yeah that's a really good point that's a really really good point that's what i'm gonna say whenever you say hey man you had a tune i'm going to say no i'm not this is me expressing myself too much healing i play a light spleed lights bleed a light speed a morning glory 808 bd2 and distortion plus by mxr says chatman 2. i'm looking for a less compressed more dynamic low medium drive pedal thanks for all you do i appreciate your amazing content so hey where is it watch after dane ah i think pete's been in the stolen stolen his pedal back buy a thorpy the dane and never look back that's what it does absolutely fan blimming tastically yeah um failing that a clone style clone style will do it for you yeah my first choice is a clone uh sorry my first choice is a thorpy dane my second choice is this is that the same pedal from the very first video i ever did together it might be they're so good j rocket archer essentially a clone they do loads of different ones i don't know what the differences are but yeah dynamic oh yes but i actually think um thorpy the dane it's not the cheapest thing in the world but it does that job as well and better than anything yep really wonderful oh david tonkins hello david hey david as a kid thursday 9pm blackheader was without fail to drop everything and go and watch the tv moment of the week these days it's 5pm monday nice i wish i had a witty black added quote to come back at you with but i don't think i do uh do sounds a bit like do do do do stick your pencil up your nose and wrap the thing around your head bob yeah just ah the script the script amazing happy birthday dan says vinicius thank you sir vinicius marchulo i hope i've got that right craig stanton uh no question from you craig i'll see if something comes through over the amazo web um uh sean tubbs is on apparently ah hey sean hey sean if you're still here and uh jeff mccurlane is on jeff's got himself a harmonious monk legend thanks jeff thank you jeff he did send an email um i hope you like it um if for those of you don't know sean tubbs absolutely unbelievable guitar player uh plays with carrie underwood i believe or did play with carrie underwood yeah and has does awesome stuff on youtube please check it out his demos of stuff on youtube are as good as it gets if you know just but i just kind of heard the guitar playing oh man so he's just an amazing player likewise jeff mccurlane um jeff is all over um where he does a massive amount of really awesome tuition content so um awesome to those guys thank you for being here it's uh it's an honor to have you to have you with us apparently jeff has how many smart on his board and loves it yeah babe that's awesome yeah thank you get a um email from him this week so she's really cool and bev thanks for that thank you as always um uh so yeah craig stanton uh we there may be something that comes through from you craig sorry if we've missed it bryson cook i love to see that 1987 x about time i got the marshall itch suggestions for a decent marshall amp for blues rock somewhat budget friendly you know what's interesting about marshalls tell me nothing sounds like a marshall even even a cheap marshall nothing sounds like a cheap marshall because what happens is like if you look at friedman for example awesome awesome awesome amplifiers yep don't really sound like marshalls because it's dave's interpretation of the marshall sound with some of the things he doesn't like about it changed and one of the things about marshalls i had a massive moment with marshall where we did some hendrix tribute gigs and danny isla who is a fabulous guitar player works in and around bristol um turned out he got up at the end of the gig right no denny played the whole gig uh or the first one did he get at the end of it he might have seen the cream tribute show yes and he got off the hendrix yes that's right he got up at the end of that one oh did he there's some some guy that use anyway i don't remember his carry on when we did the hendrix stuff danny played for the whole the whole gigs and he had a custom shot like 68 strat plugged straight in although he didn't have a while or actually to a marshall vintage modern which is not an am i i've ever really loved right the ones that um paul gilbert used for a little while there that's what i was going to suggest a vintage modern but he then he just dimed it and then he used his volume control and it was like oh my god that's the sound yeah even though it's not a plexi even though it's not a classic marshall it was the vintage modern series which you can pick up pretty cheap secondhand i think they had a game purple vinyl if i'm correctly remembering um and it just sounded blimming great same as it you know people really are down on the dsl series and the tr cell series that that was i don't know what marshall's middle of the range amps are called now but for years and years and years it was the dsl and it was just it was the lineage of that what came from the plexi which became the jmp master volume amps which then became the jcm800 amps which then became the jcm 900 amps never really liked them then became a jcm2000 amps which were the dsls and the tsls right dsls are great any mid-range 50 watt marshall amp get it crank it buy it used might want a bit of breathing on by a tech but there is a particular aggressiveness and unpleasantness in the way those amps sound which is the marshall sound totally that's what sounds that sounds like it's hard to play isn't it it is not easy yeah but you you classic example of you put down your band mix and you are happy days yeah so if you can find a maybe a used jvm but you have to turn it up and that's the problem so if you get something that's got a marshall mode on it and you use it quiet it's just not the same thing because you almost inevitably put in too much bass not enough treble and then it just sounds like an overdriven guitar amp um yeah yeah i'm trying to think is the origin series yeah i haven't tried we we heard those at namm many many moons ago and they were good but i was going to say i i've heard the the vintage modern recorded studio sounded great but also i was at a gig with my amp crapped out and this guy says i've got a nap at the back and he brought out this vintage mod and i thought i'll bummer it'll have to do it was awesome yeah just you know massive crowd uh this is the red back in acting and it was loud turn the amp up microphone it was like oh wow yeah they do something when they're loud and then i guess all the other amps you could mention whether it's anything from um ignator to i don't know some offenders mid-range amps mesa pv they all they all do an overdriven marshally kind of sound yeah in fact fender hot rod deluxe on the moore drive channel right can be tweaked to sound quite quite partially yeah yeah um yeah good luck good luck um vintage modern is what we're going to say if you can find a used vintage modern and you can crank it you may enjoy that or indeed a dsl any of the dsl series i would turn away from the tsls and definitely don't buy jcm 900. okay corey nichols no tim good hello tim good i grabbed a like new hot rod deville for half the price i should have paid paired with an angry angry charlie version three and a timeness i am in tone heaven right now nice we've got a show on hot deluxe coming up very soon in two weeks time deville just more of a good thing yeah yeah always been a fan of him yeah i think you've got to spend a tremendous amount more money to really get any significant improvement on yeah yep so the reveals the deville is the 2x12 version right or four ten yeah fourteen yeah okay yeah corey nichols hello corey says happy monday leggings what's a hard to find piece of gear that took you a long time to acquire i spent a year and a half online searching every day for a gomer the blues oh wow that's a new one to me yeah um i had wanted a real echo wreck for a long long time but they're always way out of my budget but then someone offered me a deal with the baby rack that i now own and play it very rarely but gee i'm glad i've got it because it's a piece of history but the other thing is the my um the space space echo yeah again one-on-one for the longest time and bang there it was three things for me my 335 spent ages 1-1 not being really been able to afford the one that i wanted eventually did well two rock yeah bought a cheap second hand two rockers my first two rock then bought a new one and was skinned so i had to sell it then bought another secondhand one and then was finally in a position to get that yep and that was probably a four or five year journey right it's interesting actually because i think a lot of people watch this show look around and go oh you guys you trust fund babies with all your gear the truth is quite a few of the pedals get sent right because that's where we are now but before that there was a significant collection of pedals that were very much excuses for not paying rent bills yup buying kids worse christmas presents um and all that so it is you know it's hard earned in a way um yeah yeah yeah and there's still stuff what what's next on your lip what do you want to acquire dan um i mean i'd love a chieftain a chieftain i'd love a chief matchless chieftain or the new laurel canyon the meshes laurel canyon get the chieftain maybe the chieftain though but again because i play the chieftain i played it once a long time ago and and it is an amazing amplifier the my dc30 has been the the one for me and i just i feel so blessed that i'm able to play that amplifier but the chieftain is one that keeps popping at the back of my head it's like yeah i meant that dc30 chieftain pairing can you imagine that yeah anyway yeah i'm do i'm done i think i can't afford vintage guitars so that's unless something unusual happens that's not going to happen um so it would be vintage guitars would be would be the thing yeah we got to find you a strat but after that i don't you know what i don't want one at the moment i'm just not into strats at all at the moment which will pass i know but anyway um there's nothing i know there's nothing that's going to make me sound any better now it's all here now yeah but you this this is what requires the work recording gear is what i want oh yeah nice i hear ya you know a really lovely analog recording system would be what i would like now very good yeah very good yeah and that's way more expensive than vintage guitar so that's not going to happen either hey gents despite trying multiple digital units i've never heard anything come close to the sound of the mxr phase 90. indeed and flangers why do you think this is the case have you any heard anything that comes close uh no why well okay we we've actually done a show on this and we're talking about minute delay times right and the way that they voice and do the modulation and stuff there's just something magical about it most modern digital modulation things to get those things right they need to digitize the entire signal that they don't blend it in with the original signal um [Music] you know because for example if you've got a flanger with sub one millisecond delay time i mean that's you know there's your latency there already so trying to then modify that it's really really hard right um so doing that in a uh digitally means that you've got to digitize the whole signal and then you process that digitally and then you convert the whole thing back to analog and they're really cool right they're they're great things and i know loads of guys who use them and get great results from them for me because modulation is such a big part of what i do and i know when it's right i know what it's not um whenever i plug into my old script phase 90 or my electric mistress or my ce1 that's it it is the end of the game that's it and yeah still haven't heard anything that comes close to that stuff yeah it's there's something about the harmonics and the frequency response where you know quite often we'll talk about frequencies that people say you can't hear up there you know i don't know where human hearing ends but it almost seems surplus to requirements that there is a 15k slider on the mxr 10 band and yet and yet right the way that those frequencies then fold back in down the audio spectrum harmonics all that stuff i don't really understand in physics terms but i certainly can hear it in audio terms is the stuff that ends up getting filtered off because the power supply is too noisy right etc etc etc and again i don't really understand pedal design but i can hear it because the richness just isn't there it's just not there compared to a really great analog uh design and then of course how loud are you listening to it what you're listening to it through in what environment what's what's clouding that what's the context so yeah i don't think they they and i don't know if it's a case of processing power or again back to that whole ad discussion spell ada and you know once we get to super computers and sharp processors are then like killer whale blue whale process processors or they're the whole ocean processors and you know we're another 20 years or 10 years down in processing power maybe maybe then they'll nail it but it just i don't know you do all that and then you try and stick it in a pedal for a hundred dollars yeah there's a reason that studios cost three million quid yeah totally totally isn't there yep um i'm so grumpy about this stuff [Music] mix more risks mix um craig stanton's missing super chat oh i have an 80s evm 12 l in a 112 says craig you can feel the jealousy from here at high volume it's great but at medium volumes it's a bit lifeless it needs a certain amount of wattage right uh to get it out of bed is this typical of high watch speakers yes totally because yes they're quite stiff right they've got to get the power behind to get them moving you know as a massive reductive statement it's why little amps sound great in studios because they work they're working everything is happening in that thing the transformers doing what it should be doing the valves are doing what they should be doing should the speaker is moving the cabinets moving it's all working as a whole it's one it's you know it's wire a princeton or a champ or something it sounds fab when you stick a mic on it whereas an attenuated super reverb really doesn't because it's just it's not awake it's not doing what it should be doing and i think that's very much the case with those speakers interestingly enough uh the amps that i used from age about 16 to 20 were 112 mesa amps with ev speakers and it was the same thing they just sounded pants at low volumes right to me anyway having had the luxury of being able to play them at high volumes and and i got to the point where i decided i didn't like ev speakers anymore because they were so flat sounding because you're playing quieter because i guess so yeah right yeah and then interesting true true story you know then plug into a flipping marshall with some nice green backs in it and it's a completely different experience but there comes a point where they just don't they just crap out yeah and all you're hearing is flipping cone cry and all those things that we revere in guitar tone but it's not what you want if it's not loud enough so yes um oh evs would be great to get small tvs wouldn't it that's so expensive there was an old pv amplifier that a friend of mine said if you buy this but you can get these for 200 quid on ebay and there's a couple of um like black shadows or something like like that the eevee speaker and i found one was it the deuce yes lpv juice this is a good amp yeah i've got a story about that juice but i won't go into it um no it involves randy backman i knew there was a randy in there yeah yeah anyway um yeah i found one and lo and behold there they were these sort of pv speakers at the back didn't like shadow no black widow black widow maybe yeah something like that um david tompkins how long would you last working in a guitar shop david tompkins depends on the guitar shop absolutely okay a typical guitar shop not favorite thing okay i don't know um anderson's hell okay i'd i could i could work at an innocence yeah quite happily how long how long i want to buy a telly mate um what telly's have you got i'm gone i'm at the door um what's your best telly for the least amount of money do you wear black it can't be red chapeau and i don't like those ones with green on the neck actually let me get martin for you because he knows those guitars really well i actually want to work in a guitar shop it's i've got two options for my third career right you know demographically speaking it used to be you know our fathers and grandfathers if you're of mine and dad's dad's vintage yeah right sonny um you know it didn't have the luxury of i mean assuming that we do make it to a ripe uh age didn't really have the luxury of doing something after they were retired because they were dead too quickly right um but for our generation you know what happens you might retire a bit younger or at least you don't retire younger you just change your job and you end up doing something for a third sector sure my dad still works he's 77 years old um so it's i'm either going to be a philosopher or work in a guitar shop if there's any left okay i mean i would i'd just be there or i'd set up some cctv and just sit back and watch that it'll be amazing hello mate got any seven straight though no we don't i'm looking to buy some magnetic picker ah what else is this very good have you got any heat don't say it out get out one month for you it's a good question david um and we should give a shout to all our brethren and sisterhood and motherhood yeah who work in guitar shops yep a really interesting um [Music] super mole moose says hi guys dan i just picked up my new kinkade kingstown ah while you're on summer break it's number 533 i gather yours is imminent you won't be disappointed mine is truly amazing says super mole moose i am filming the process with johnny and i cannot believe that he can make these guitars for the price that he charges it's that the knowledge and craftsmanship that goes into these things is mind-blowing mind-blowing he's got a little storage area he puts the wood in for a couple of years before it's ready to come out and be made you know guitars if you're if you if you didn't get that um johnny's a one-man um guitar repair and builder in bristol um the brand is brand is kinkade k-i-n-k-a-d-e but johnny's name is spelt differently for reasons we're going to go into here here um [Music] and he's making down a guitar yeah so anyone that's seen the the refretting video and mick and i had blue and red refreshed that's johnny amazing lutheran bristol yes there you go but that's great to hear i'm so glad you like it congratulations well done yeah um kb uh not my wife who is kb uh or at least i hope not having super chatted so generously thank you kb proud harmonious monk owner thank you thank you again being mono where should it go in a wet dry wet rig one very last in the chain but on the wet side only or one wet side only so the front door it was the front door uh so i'll answer this um you can try it there you can try it on one of the wet sides or you can actually put it on the dry side it will actually work quite well if you've basically you put that on the dry side right and you've got your even if your wet speakers that you know you don't have in there what you're still getting is a difference between your dry amplifier and the wet speakers and it can be really awesome um even if it's going to a little bit of gain so give that a go as well but yes it can you can either send a dual mono into the wet speakers because you should be able to do that um dual mono into both the outside speakers get center one dry or in the center one there you go i hound that nice wet dry wet who was it um it was catherine she actually hasn't gone home but dog fell asleep so she decided to carry on working sound like her oh yeah so unusual for catherine to keep working forever thank goodness she does um also thanks to everyone who bought a lucky dip t-shirt this week yeah amazing we had a tremendous number of orders that came in and it really helps yeah um yeah it's really good i think catherine and hayden got 100 orders out in a day machines machines absolutely amazing um yes uh where did you say it should go it can go anywhere it can't even go in the center but you can send it uh dual monitor outside two amplifiers so you put it before the stereo split well you've got the yeah so you've got you'll have your split that goes to your dry amplifier yeah directly after that before it goes to the stereo before you split that's a good one i actually prefer it on one side only on one of the wet sides only right okay because what you get even though it's clearly not stereo because it's only coming out of one of the wet sides is you get like a pseudo stereo effect but as dan probably said it might be that because your center amp is dry anyway you'll get it anyway yep so good luck thanks for buying one dan cobley all right again folks he says i've been brushing up on your acoustic episodes r lr bags a line pedal still the best for making you sound more better um i don't want crazy effects just enhancing what i've got says dan cobbley the our bag stuff is is wonderful um but there's a few guys out there doing some stuff like that so who is the other one um fishman the fisherman stuff in that line is also really good but the yellow bag stuff is really hard to be i think what you've got to decide dan is is exactly what you want i mean you said you don't want anything super effective um enhancing what you've got and the thing that impressed us about the bags was the one pedal which was a sort of a preampy pedal i can't remember what it was called was kind of a was a um combination of compression and a bit of grit preampy type drive yeah which you would think is the last thing you want on an acoustic sentence but actually what it was invoking was a bit of the color of a decent preamp strip yeah yeah so if you mic the guitar and put it into a decent pre and push the pre you get some harmonics and some warmth going yeah and that's what we thought was really killer about the bags so yeah i mean having not really tried anything in the meantime we would totally recommend that if they're still available secondly it's definitely worth experimenting with some short roomy reverbs some massive reverbs and indeed some short slap back delays because it might just be putting a toe into the two effecte camp for you but i think used more subtly it is also falling into the camp of just more of what you've already got so for that um what would you look at something like the jhs 3 series reverb which has got a pre-delay on it yep that's really good um and you can see that in a show from a couple weeks back uh actually i wouldn't look beyond that tc hall of fame as we spoke about earlier yeah that could be good fun yep albus band aaron hello hello mate albus band top of the bundy hope our leggings are well i'm rocking one of my two new shirts at work today all my love fuzz is all you need i love that you can wear your fuzzers all you need at work that's very cool thanks so much emma thanks for buying stuff um vibas patil hey v bass i'm curious about the difference between p90s and mini humbuckers do you gents have any experience with these what would your pick be and why i will pick a p90 every day of the week dan doesn't like me i don't know many humbuckers now not to get many humbuckers confused with firebird pickups which i do like but the mini hum okay it might be that the mini humbuckers actually no i've tried them in a couple different guitars i don't like them they're just too compressed too small sounding for me but you had good experience with them but well i haven't personally i i like the sound of certain les paul deluxe players and one of whom would definitely be ian harvey of um delametry i love some of the tones he gets i don't know what the pickups are in an epiphone riviera that robin ford plays are they mini humbuckers or are they firebird pickups i don't know but if if they sound pretty good yeah but look far out neil finn well his live stuff is used as a les paul deluxe with mini humbuckers as you know so the benefits are right p90 single coil noisy very mid-focused um unless you go for a noiseless one um so you've got all that problem with a p90 now a mini humbucker and of course they are many and varied the first thing you don't get is the noise problem and that alone could be enough to sway you in that direction eq curve and sort of frequency response wise and all of that well that's a crap shoot because it depends on what you get one thing i do find with all p90s regardless of their kind of vintageness is they definitely compress in a way that i don't like at certain volumes which i haven't worked out why that is yet right so like where i can just keep going with the strat and it's like just keeps going and it just keeps going and it keeps going and it keeps going p90 is like i'm done right and that takes a while to get there though well all my peanut is do it my junior does it right the collings does it um the headphone you can't get anywhere near that because it's it would feed the house down by then um and that is a super vintage spec one in the in the in the calling so we should investigate that yeah i don't know why it's very interesting um i think it's it could be as simple as the pickup just having too much grunt for the rest of the limit and i need to turn the game down in the pedals could well be sure interesting oh my god what is it i clicked the computer there to make the screens wake up and the mouse was over in the stream dan yeah that's totally that so vivas um i think it depends on the guitar that it's in really um you know if you want a junior type guitar got to be b90s in there absolutely yeah really yeah totally totally listen to this listen to um uh leslie west leslie west is that you were thinking of yeah it was we are becoming like a married couple brian garcia he says hi dnm as two people with an appreciation for vintage spec what are some non-vintage specs you like on guitars for example mick having a 0.022 cap in blue i'm choosing a cap for my strap build now interesting okay i really like um the not tungsten what's the titanium titanium i really like titanium saddles on uh red they've they're fantastic yeah um you know brian i've gone through the mill with strats and having done all of it my favorite strat at the moment is transit van the most standard straight up vintage spec of all of them it seems the more i fiddle as many weary realists have pointed out in the various comments on the videos you do get weary with it and you just start my favorite analogy is always hi-fi people they listen to the hi-fi not the music right and i think that's where i've got to with the strat right interesting and my favorite strat of all was the 61 that was on loan which had no modern spec yeah i didn't care that it didn't have a tone control on the bridge pickup yeah what else do i like that's non-standard nothing else um [Music] and you know the whole thing about cap value everything in the world is yin and yang you cannot have one thing without there being a resultant effect on the opposite side so on the one hand you know your 0.022 cap might work really well for rolling off the high frequencies but then it doesn't work so well for something else or it just might not sound as good and there are people that say it doesn't matter what the cap's made of you know it doesn't have any effect on the sound of the guitar well you can debate that to your heart's content all of which is to say even as as you put it appreciation for vintage spec massive enthusiasts that dan and i are there does come a point where you just go do you know what i really don't think a 047 or an 022 cap is my biggest problem at this point sure my biggest problem is can i play the guitar and make it sound good and that is a pretty rough day when you wake up and you realize that's your biggest problem and of course it's been said in a million youtube comments hasn't it doesn't mean we shouldn't try all these things it doesn't mean you don't have to go there to come back because you absolutely do right any voyage of discovery is about going there in order to realize that you've been there and you have a greater understanding so um apart from that i like me i like my vintage speck yeah i really do yep yeah damn maybe um at least caps are cheap and easy to swap in and out so you could try a few things try do me a favor try a straight orange drop and a really expensive paper and oil job and see if you can hear any difference right and thankfully when we say expensive it's not so expensive it's gonna you know no turkey for christmas it's not that expensive michael gilberto hello michael hello michael just checking it's not gili berto my glasses i've got new glasses but i don't have them on happy birthday dan everybody michael's got a question what are your thoughts on setting tone on the amp and tone on the guitar do you keep some highs in reserve on the guitar uh for example if you don't have a treble bleed or not where do you where do you how do you do it guitar and amp so the tone on your guitar is not the same thing as the tone on the amplifier as in the tone on the amplifier can add highs the tone on your guitar can only take them away now that can be a good thing because you might have a really seriously bright guitar bridge pick up on a strap for example great things you want to knock a bit of that top end off but it's very different to you know the tone stacking your amplifier adjusting the tone like that now saying that asking about having top end in reserve um it's interesting i find that like with the telecaster i mean i've always liked really bright sounds but this needs to be balanced i don't really want to be messing around with that stuff while i'm playing i want it to sound balanced you know i switch net position pick up position all the time i'm constantly on the volume control but then if i was having to go from neck pickup tone all the way up volume off to bridge pickup tone a bit off you know up like that i would find that challenging and then the idea of setting the app a bit brighter so i had more here it's too i want to get as much of this into that as i can yeah um now that's not to say i don't use the tone control because like in the my junior the tone control on that is just it's a great thing to do it's not it's more like a mid control it's yeah it's crazy but setting that up as part of my core sound is too fiddly for me yeah so context is important isn't it where where's your not trembling enough and too trebly what guitars are using so typically i would you i would have a strat a to pick up gibson either a les paul or probably the 335 and a junior would be the guitars i would have and sometimes a tele uh especially now i've got a new telly so the start point for me is the strat and i play most of the strap most of the time with the tone control all the way up because i don't really like the way it sounds with the tone control off with one exception mid overdrive sounds on the bridge pickup but high overdrive sounds on the bridge pickup you have to have all that treble on because the eq is chiefly important with what is overdriving and you want the extra treble to make the trebles overdrive which is what you kind of need very good move to the two pickup gibson i'll use the tone controls and volume controls all the time all the time because you might be going from that you know bridge pickup flat out thing to uh mid position with the neck rolled off a bit clapton you know crossroads sound or you might be going to women's home with it all rolled off completely and those are sort of sticks in the sand or whatever you call it uh classic tones down the ears that we that we know and love so it's context do you start there and add more or do you start there and take away and i guess your ears are the best judge of of that yep you the the one thing we would probably both finish that off with is you always need more trouble than you think especially playing live very true i say always obviously there's a little asterisk there not everyone's the same but most people in general is generally true i would say i agree yeah um yeah and then we haven't even spoke about buffers because buffers changes everything again about how much is retained through your signal spaghetti through to the make louder device yep bradford lane romans we're not all crazy in texas bigger from docking dallas lovely yeah i'd love to go to texas it's a good place yeah it's a big place can you put some meat to the heat i don't know what you'll get planning on going but all that's okay now texas barbecue all right i see um i wouldn't be going to texas for that who did crazy ex-girlfriend was that miranda lambert she's from texas right i think anyway um well andy's there yep doc in dallas bradford lane romans thank you doc atb pop atb pop hey guys i've got a brag and a question i just saw eric clapton in new orleans with doyle brammell nice brag well played playing side man awesome show does playing your strings upside down do anything sound wise have you ever tried it it absolutely does so for those of you who don't know doyle's a lefty who plays right handed guitars so that the e string is closest to his chin yep the height sorry the high e string is closest to his chin as is jimi hendrix no was he yeah and but no who's some ah you see him play with andy especially maybe jimi hendrix wasn't i don't think jimmy henderson was oh my god oh i've just created i just no jimmy hendrix wasn't oh no he absolutely wasn't i don't deserve to be here anymore i need to quit um i just don't deserve to be here anymore no what's his name um uh come on help me out i'm gonna read the comments because everyone's gonna be shouting at me eric gales thank you oh yeah thank you baby i just i and jake i don't think i'm ever going to recover from this um so eric gales is the same right the dna string is is the at the top of the and it absolutely changes certainly the attack you imagine playing chords it's like playing chords with all up strokes it does it just does a thing yeah well you hit the strings in a different order yeah and also if you think of where your hand is right and you're you're up here and you're thinking well this is nice and it's nice and easy right and then it would be the easiest things to get at will be these strings here and it's like yeah it's a different yeah it's play an e chord down okay no no other way right way up that's how hard it is to play wrong handed sorry other handed i did i used to practice like this though that's just silly just to get my brain working in a different way [Music] man trying to try to strum [Music] anyone anyone chilling in for the first time seeing that go what are these guys doing these dudes suck welcome to that pedal show yeah and then yeah uh depends on the guitar as well if you string a uh the other guitar the other way then you've got the pole piece thing to think about but that was part of it yeah it was part of it you know that yeah i that thing for me having this the other way makes much more sense because you're going to have you've got less movement here than here and therefore less voltage being created here than here not on a little tweed amp though too much bass not enough treble that's why it's like that too much bass not enough treble no no but what i'm saying is what you want less bass you stick that into a crank tweed yeah all the bass frequencies are overdriven you need to cut you need to cut through you need this string to really cut through and this one not to crap out but what i'm saying is if you put if you exactly you switch that there this is going to be louder because you because where the string rotates you're creating more voltage with that there and here but it will be dark the tonal the the more you move it that way the darker the tone goes true that's true but you're right about the base end you're absolutely right about the base end interesting i had a jimmy strat with the pick up the other way and i i didn't like it really couldn't get on with it wow but that probably was psychosomatic right yeah interesting question um as you can see we're using the best science explain these answers uh corey loomis i was listening to tin spirits oh bless you and i was surprised how much it sounded like some american jam bands oh cool uh progy but some areas for improv yeah dan have you ever listened to humphreys mcgee no i'm freeze mcgee i'm freeze mcgee make a note of it now and have listened to it on the car on the drive home thank you corey mcgee tom robinson hi both people often talk about guitars they wish they'd never sold but what about the gear you wish you'd never bought that's a great question tom very good hang on humphreys mckee um me and enough freeze mcgee gear i wish i'd never bought um that's tough that's really tough see it but my i can't like i think about my role on gpa and that that thing that thing sounded really good um all my solid state power amps with my you know spx 90 and all that stuff um that was part of my journey to get me to where i was so i certainly don't regret buying that stuff because it led me to where i am now and i had to experience that stuff to know okay this doesn't work for me yeah there's a deep philosophical point though isn't there yeah i'm listening to marcus aurelius at the moment uh meditations for anyone who doesn't know marcus aurelius was a roman emperor hear the guy that said on my signal and they shall from about 160 the year 160 a.d so it was quite a while ago and interestingly marcus aurelius doesn't talk much about tick snatch and he doesn't he doesn't reflect very long on the challenges of modern social media or indeed the internet um but he but everything he talks about is directly applicable to that anyway what we're talking about um the wider philosophical point and marcus aurelius is obsessed with death and not being too worried about it and i think we could make a small philosophical leap from death to buying gear you don't like very much you've got to go rather than seeing this gear as i don't that i'm disappointed that i bought the response is i'm glad i had the opportunity to own it yeah so rather than being annoyed at the death you're about to experience you should be glad of the life you had this was a stoic philosophy for which he became quite well known in addition to being roman emperor of course so i think that's the way to look at bad gear you don't like it's about i've been i've had the opportunity to learn something here rather than oh my god i've lost all that money very good fair thanks very much very good yeah um are you not entertained it makes for really good reading it really does some of the language is a bit chewy and he is a bit sexist but it was 150 sorry 160. right yeah i mean that was a long time ago it was a long time ago um hadn't seen the internal combustion engine you know no industrial revolution no twinkies no wish you were here being played by the busker out in the street none of that right none of that couldn't even imagine a telecaster probably until you know that they're gonna dig in pompeii and they happen to find telecaster and like unchanged for sure one day david gilmore shall rock this stadium um be sad not for the gig you have not seen yet come along bottom hello carl g'day mate he says hello dnm hope you're both well ah okay bit more serious if you don't mind please would you mention that september is child cancer awareness month uh that's thing one so yeah i didn't know that it's child cancer awareness month so if you're in a position to do anything about that uh maybe read up on it if there's an opportunity to help in any way then good so child cancer awareness and then much less serious and all the rest of it any thoughts on the boss 200 series eq pedal as ever many thanks um the digital one yeah we had it on the show didn't we yeah it's great really great programmable sounded pretty good from what i remember yep really good um all of that 200 series stuff is good we're not massive fans of the modulation just for all the reasons we talked about earlier digital model modulation in general um one would assume that the signal path in an eq pedal is analog you don't need to digitize that do you uh i don't i don't know i don't know how they've done it yeah um i think it's digital when i hear the free the tone one in comparison or the the condor for example yeah you know there's a difference but not to say it doesn't sound great um you know the source audio eq the digital eq sounds great not you can't you know it can sound great um says it's analog eq with digital control really okay i'm gonna get matt to confirm that that's very cool don't know don't know don't know don't know yeah anyway we we used it we lost we used it and we did like it sounded like it's really powerful and it's got a really nice graphic um readout yep so maybe it doesn't matter yeah uh nice to hear from you mate hope you're doing well uh teodor warlander from sweden he says hi i just finished soldering a new bridge pickup uh fender 62 model with beveled edges into my har style tee nice um i'm waiting for a no caster neck pickup for jazzy tones 62 with beveled magnets well that must have been when they introduced it then well at the end of the 62 well maybe interesting things happened here and there didn't they they did for those who don't know um teles are often not always often associated with flat pole flat like broadcaster style bridge pickups so the pole pieces themselves are flat let's see how close i can get on this there you go flat there you go in what now looks like 1962 but i'd always assumed it was 1963 anyway what looks like was possibly 1962 they did some pickups that had beveled magnets oh and uh it's one of the things that contributes to the way red sounds that's a custom shot 63 pickup um that was high production value it was seamless quality yeah you don't get that everywhere do you no you don't uh staggered and beveled so you know it has a an effect on the sound poo poo as well say it doesn't have an effect on the sound um it does uh yeah good what are your best pickup lines um i i no they're all too sexist now aren't they you're not allowed to say them oh really yeah here's 10 p call your mum tell you're not coming home never use that one nor me ah there aren't any phone boxes anymore are there so you can't use that um when did a phone call cost 10p well back in the old days two peak at one point uh who stole the stars out of the sky and put them in your eyes like that very good was your father a diver then who went to the bottom of sea to put those beautiful pearls in your mouth oh heavens yeah i don't i mean do people still do pick up lines i've got a lot of money in a porsche that seems to work well with the little girls i'd swipe left yeah well hey i don't know yeah um gee that's a nice telly you've got it look great on my sofa moving on pint of water let me get you out those wet clothes i think this could all work yeah yeah what's wrong um michael crust says but what's wrong with being sexy you're not allowed to pick anyone up anymore it's too aggressive isn't it yeah yeah i'm sure that's not how it works i'm sure people are picked up all the time dan pfeiffer says the only reason the bevels were done is to prevent the edges of the magnets from chipping john sur has talked about the history of this game back to the original magnet manufacturer maybe so maybe so it does they do sound different and i have talked what had an amazing conversation with us with ronaldo about what happens when the um the edges are beveled and it does the thing um just out of interest please tell us we're still on the air because our um little red shell said man i picked a weird time to jump in on this stream sorry right yeah you did you you missed out not playing left-handed before that was a real treat you were being picked up it would be let me get you out of those red clothes [Laughter] oh very good yeah very good um let us know we're still on the air our little monitor thing has decided to crap out so um i saw jackson brown in napa last week oh man says chibage the band was brilliant great to hear live music also can report anecdotally on return from which is in hawaii uh that diligent observation revealed no coconuts which lowered my blood pressure i did my best we were talking about coconuts lowering blood pressure um now then who was playing guitar for jackson was it owen barry by any chance may have been may not have been because owens moved to nashville but he did is he going back to la though no no he's not no he did play with jackson a friend of ours and barry uh played with jackson brown i don't know if he still does so he says we're still in the air great thanks pb thank you bivvy um i'll be great be good to see jackson brown it's good to know he's still doing stuff yep i walked into a studio the day after he walked out of that he finished recording the studio so i was next person then and he was there with his son apparently nice um but yeah he's i'd listen to a lot of um jackson brown he's just oh man really really wonderful songwriter earnest paul matulivich says hey baby my magnets have beveled come please come back to my place to have a look chris tennessee i'd go with retty or not here i come oh it's the super chats that open says patrick no it's not patrick uh blues for which says what pickups are in blue at the moment they are um german ones um klutzman klotman yeah cluttmann yeah andreas klotman 60 set i think they are um i really like them i like them predominantly because they have no rwrp middle pickup um and there's just something about the in-between sounds i really like when it's not rwp i love i love love love all my ron ellis pickups um the 64s and the 5060 set um they're the clockmans aren't in there because i think they're better the clockmans are in there because they're in there and i like to put a set in and just play it for a while and learn where they are and but having said all of that as i said earlier my favorite strat at the moment is my um his transit van and that's got uh custom shop fat 60s in it it sounds mega yeah i don't think i mean you know it's partly to do with the pickups but it's the rest of the guitar the body's lighter i don't know i don't know i'm almost sick of pulling it to pieces sounds stratier doesn't it rust that says no regrets rhett apparently mason stoops is playing guitar for jackson brown at the moment oh that's not going to hurt thank you scott gala that's awesome yeah human boy says guitars and stoic philosophy i'm in the right place i think of russell crowe whenever i see a gladio says philip [Laughter] bland awesome uh marcus aurelius is not in the chat says robert payne hey uh right back to the back to the old job he's then um adrian jordan happy bundy legends ah cheers adrian had my first proper gig with a twin custom 15. for those of you don't know there is a fender twin with a 15-inch speaker in it oh wow really cool silver sky uh prs silversky an updated board last night rig sounded awesome what effect on tone would increasing the input gain on a wire pedal have increasing the input gain on a wire pedal so if you're increasing the level going into the wire pedal there will be what it depends on the inductor that you've got in there but things get a bit things get a bit crunchy that's that you know you don't have a certainly not a huge amount of headroom and you've got to think about the way a while pedal works you are sweeping the frequencies but what the way that you're sweeping you've got the the q how wide that frequency is and you've got the amplitude of that frequency but that amplitude is is is up there so if you're increasing the gain in there it might get a little bit crunchier um [Music] yeah it's definitely a thing to to try the where's the white one on the end on the end if if you're not pushing anything if you're not going past any sort of distortion threshold in the wire itself what you'll get is a more pronounced um you know because what what is a wild wire doing it's taking a bunch of frequencies and it's boosting them and it's moving that boosted bunch of frequencies up and down or maybe it's boosting and cutting anyway you get a more pronounced frequency nose right which is what the wire is doing and you rock it back and the frequency comes down and you rock it forward and the frequency goes up so if you increase the gain into the pedal you are going to increase the amplitude of that peak so it will get even more nosey yep unless it goes into overdrive which is what he just said yeah uh good luck good luck kevin mack thanks for everything you guys do i've been so inspired by tps oh well thank you kevin kelvin sorry mike kelvin my apologies uh i got a love song ring and a proposal this weekend oh my goodness nice tps helped me to be creative again wow good on you man that's great mate um it was the proposal the weekend gone was that's coming this weekend that's why i'm not saying anything because i don't actually know okay so all right well if it was this weekend congratulations if it's this weekend coming up good luck best of luck mate go for it how best brighten up a dark sounding guitar i've got a prs that i love the feel and playability of but it's just a bit darker overall than i'd like especially when switching between it and my strat it is a real thing so i feel you because i've got to have guitars that work well with my telly so they've got to be bright um which is like saying i've got to have a boxer that fights well alongside mike tyson exactly it's really tricky a couple of things you can do the bridge is a really perhaps the most important element apart from the wood in the guitar and all that sort of stuff the one thing that you can do to make things a bit brighter is look at the material in the bridge um and that can help um you know and maybe for brass nut or something but at the end of the day if you've got a bright bridge on there and you've got vintage sort of low wind pickups that aren't dark and you're still finding it too dark then it's going to be tricky yeah um i had a prs that that was in that category it was a custom 22 from the mid-90s and it was a yeah it was a pretty flat sounding guitar actually i think because there was so much mid-range in there and paul at that time certainly loved overwhelm picker or at least powerful pickups he always liked lots of power from the guitar i felt so not knowing what guitar is i would say junker pickups oh massive sweeping generalization about older prs pickups some people absolutely love them absolutely love them and got get fantastic tones out of them you don't because the guitar sounds too dark i would take them out and put in some vintage style pafs and i would suggest something like lola imperials yeah secondly you can look at the pot values now they probably are 500k pots anyway um i don't think going to 1k pots is is going to be the answer one meg i've just i've just had this journey of my own yeah and it's not the answer i don't think it's the answer so the other thing you could look at is 50s wiring uh that will make a big difference when you turn the turn the um volume and tone down i think dan's right in saying that changing the hardware can make a difference i think it's pickups in that guitar knowing many nineties and two thousand zero prs as i do now if it's a later one and you're into the 5708 type pickups and after they shouldn't that shouldn't be an issue in that in that guitar could just be a dark sounding guitar yep um yeah yep best of luck mate yep uh jeff hershberger hershberger i wish i was called hershberger that's a great name what a great name this strong name yeah very good anyway uh jeff i don't know if there is a super chat we don't have it i shall check my phone um we will keep an eye out mark rustin or ross stein hello mark mark says hello and a belated happy birthday to dan oh thank you buddy p.s i've just ordered generator distributors isolator and i can't wait to get it powering my board legend thank you mate really appreciate it ah jeff here you are again jeff hershberger cheers from dallas texas guys i'm finally catching you live i love my dnm drive just got it a few weeks ago awesome thank you thank you thanks for buying a dm drive it's a big deal the rob show inc hello from florida are there p90 soap bars that will fit in a humbucker size slot and what are your thoughts on the p-rails pickups rob uh i think you commented this over the weekend i did answer i was a bit late to answer but um yes there are yeah lola definitely does one um make one seymour duncan does one yep so probably most of the big manufacturers will do a humbucker size p90 great idea uh and p rails i've had them in one guitar uh yamaha pacifica nice and i thought they sounded great so you get a rail in one and a and a p90 in the 90 in the other yeah they look weird that's it that's why i had to get rid of it yeah just weird looked like a flipping ugly dog's dinner so yeah happy election day from canada says seymour tawheel i didn't know it was an election day in canada what are you electing a president or a prime minister i guess like joey yeah vote joey oh i missed one earlier i've just realised i missed one earlier somebody said they'd seen the brothers landreth recently and i've totally missed it i know sorry oh yes greg sacks greg i'm so sorry we missed you earlier um had the great pleasure of seeing jay landreth joey landreth perform in his hometown act uh in his hometown act on saturday at a festival here in manitoba many harmonious wibbles were felt oh lovely lovely good on you greg glad you got to see joey too it's quite the experience sure it is and apologies for missing that earlier um so back to where we were um yes election day in canada that's what how we got there from seymour to wheel i've offended classic player 50 strat can i use an 11 hole pick guard on a body with eight holes do i drill new holes oh dear oh i'll let you take that one yeah no you can't it's against the law um so breaking the law uh right i don't have one but if you look at a strat from 54 to 59 when the transition was 58 59 last one uh eight holes on a pick card when they went to the and they were a single ply white pickguard now excuse me if i don't get this chronology exactly right what eventually happened is you end up with a three-ply pickguard with 11 holes which looks like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and then in 64 uh the this moved from there to there is that the one that always cracks move closer to the mid middle pickup uh that's the one that always cracks okay and that one right so the thing is right [Music] it will be of great offense to my senses to see a single ply pick guard on a 50 star strap which is the only thing you're allowed to have you're not allowed to have a three-ply pick guard on a 50-star strat so there's none of this black stuff around there it's just white yeah right okay if you have a maple board if you have a rosewood board it might be okay and if you have a transition era 58 strat it might be alright as well because there were a few that went out with this uh maple and three blight pickguards of course that's okay because hendrix did it [Music] uh when anything went uh in the late 60s but putting a i just don't know that it's it's illegal don't do it or nick will be round this is pensive thinking music [Music] um that's why the people are here meg yeah i guess what i'm gonna say is don't drill holes in your guitar after all that guff don't drill holes in your guitar [Music] it's just a really conundrum you know if you want if you want it to look that way it's kind of fine but i hear you yeah i would say you can of course you can it'll fit and you can draw new holes if you want just don't send any pictures to mick i would say don't drill the holes don't draw the holes don't do it don't do the holes i suppose you could make an argument that if you do drill the holes and you put the old one back on you'll never know the holes are there you'll but you'll always know that the holes are there you'll always know i don't mind that so much blue has got two holes so it can take a 64 or a 364 type pickup okay uh pickguard i think we need to move it's a quandary it's a quandary how are we doing i'm down to the last cough drop uh we still got millions to go okay um paul matulovich hello paul he says i'm a little late to the party but i asked about the oracle when you max the time and go quick on the tap it extends past the max time and degrades and modulates memory man-ish uh yeah i'm not sure it modulates no it doesn't modulate yeah it'll sound crunchy and all that yeah i mean you will get modulation if you change the delay time because like that yeah white dan did uh yes taylor rook just a massive thank you for the inspiration on my guitar journey you're the reason behind my 1969 harmony h53 h53 supra delta king 12 and the strat telly hybrid i'm now building oh my goodness wow good on you taylor that sounds well done mate super cool guitar nice heggs heg zed heggs from new zealand it's my first 4 am vcq i'm doing a uni project germanium muff two in one underrated or am i blinded with first pedal syndrome germanium germanium muff two and one i don't know what that is i don't know the really cool thing about the muffs is that they all sound great they all sound like big muffs even the even the brand new um [Music] modern things they all sound like big muffs it's a really cool design um oh well okay so it's a germanium big muff right germanium diodes it'll be overdrive in one side distortion in the other right so it's a big enough pie on one side yep and an overdrive on the other very cool that's really cool i didn't even know that existed very cool yeah yeah yeah no and for 99 quid which is what they are here that seems like a pretty seems like a great uh the eh stuff has always had a sound and it's it's really great um really clever designers uh david is david cartwright the guy that designed the mistress still working at electro harmonix yeah just got a really clever bunch of engineers who really know their stuff um and he says champ 50 voicing versus the real deal while you have them from fender i learned too much in my first months of guitar uh i don't know about that last question champ 50 voicing versus the real deal champ 50 i don't know what a champion is not sure yeah good luck with the uni project heggs yeah good luck mate good luck thanks for joining us at at ridiculous o'clock yeah new zealand yep actually someone from queensland said he was up at 4am yeah um so yeah anyone from from australia or or the antiquity in areas anyone else that is here and should be sleeping it's a good choice i would say i would say yeah i'm trying to get back up to sleep i know tps live that'll do it that'll do it but they'll end up with strength oh god he's talking about digital muddling again um james columnio james we have a very generous super chat from you but no question so we just need to make sure that there's nothing coming in there mark five or indeed mark v maybe this is a show idea are all expression pedals created equally no no uh now i'm gonna make a massive sweeping generalization here dan and say the expensive ones are really good and the cheap ones leave something to be desired it's the same with everything in life right yeah you get what you pay for buy cheap buy twice yeah there you go yeah and that might not be that its function as an expression pedal is compromised in any way it might be that it's made out of plastic yeah so you could break it if you're not a careful human if you're on if if it's the thing that you use expression pedal for one chorus and one song you might not need you know a tank exactly but if you're on the expression pedal a lot you know it's why the mission expression pedals are so good and expensive they're built really really well uh what do you need it's a good question it is a good question marcus aurelius would have some interesting insight on that he would he would yeah you don't need anything that's for the for the um the gaze of others okay you just need what a person well he would say a man a bit old-fashioned technology old-fashioned talk there but what a man needs and nothing more centurion fetch me some grapes he's very modest apparently for a roman emperor um i wore my fuzzies all you need shirt to see jason isbell says john sawyer nice i wore it in mixed honor this weekend in boston no question just sending love and gratitude john i'm guilty uh guilty i'm what's the other what's the other g word jealous is i'm tired and jealous of you seeing jason isabel i would very much like to do that at some point um hopefully he saw you in the crowd and says hey that pedal show but maybe not [Laughter] that guy he bought my guitar um eduardo pinto hello eduardo he says i need to have my furs in one of the loops of my switcher however there's a buffer on the switcher that the first hates is there a pedal or circuit that i can place before the fuzz to change the impedance back to guitar levels the good news is no uh there are buffer buster circuits that you can make but just it's not the same thing it just once that's done you can't you can't put the cookie back in the box what's what's the stuff once that connection has been broken there'll be fixes there'll be there'll be compromise solutions that you can do but it is a compromise solution you're probably better off trying to find a fuzz that doesn't mind the buffer so much or if your switcher has programmable remote switches put the fuzz in a tr like a sometimes you can get these trs programmable remote switches put the fuzz in a little remote switchable loop before the switcher oh it doesn't have a buffer on it that's a good idea yeah works great yeah that's a good idea that's what i do yes so what dan's saying is don't have it in one of the loops of the switcher have it controlled by a remote control switch on the switcher yeah yeah exactly that's a really good idea that was due palmer tuna pitch again i just watched the pikmix featuring featuring the laney la-30 oh cool that was a while ago uh la-30bl like a small amps uh one of those things yeah uh super group civic group yeah kind of here's my small contribution as i feel dan needs that amp back in his life for rhett's dry wig with the vox or for mick to finally find his sg do you know what code of music in stevenage had the sg the pelham blue one nope it's some weird aged teal which is not the right color at all but it looked fantastic to me i don't know if they still got it it is the guitar and i'm be highly surprised there it is uh gibson custom oh wow 61 sg standard reissuing metallic teal lightly aged second hand if you've got 3 300 pounds okay yep if you've got 300 3 300 pounds 331 300 pounds look at that gorgeous sexual chocolate now save for the fact i really do like that huge bit of chrome that would have been the big livestream bridge the most yeah one of the one of the bridges that is the perfect sg i just don't have 3 300 pounds to spend on that at this point not least the uh there's a collings upcoming and there has been talk [Music] oh really there's been talk well i definitely don't have the money for that um [Music] uh sg's yeah i really want one really want one really want lots of things and then i watch vince gill playing he's i'm going to mention vince gill again his 53 telly does he go i'm gonna learn some of his licks actually they're very cool like pseudo pedal steel licks and other stuff um and you know all my favorite guitar players pretty much only play one guitar big discussion um hr 21 21 stuff you can see that it's descending into tiredness at this point i have a hudson electronics broadcast ariel posen version but it sounds really noisy i have a good power and patch cables using a blues junior do i need a noise gate what am i doing wrong um i don't certainly do not remember them being noisy i would just get in contact um with the guys and just ask them also though try it guitar directly into that directly into the amplifier make sure there's nothing else in the chain that's affecting it any try that first anything that raises gain also raises all the noise around it so if you're using a single coil guitar traditional single core guitar stand up get your noise and then rotate yourself through 360 degrees and see if that noise gets worse or better in any position also just turn the volume off on your guitar see if the noise goes away not well not when you're listening for the rf noise though because you need your volume up to hear that um so if you are getting a load of noise through single core pickups that can come from lighting circuits it can come from computer monitors might be that you're sat very close to your computer etc etc that will let you know that if it is like an rf problem with single coils then you can position yourself to lessen it if it makes no difference whatsoever and or you're using humbuckers and the noise is there all the time then yeah you're just raising that gain to the point where there is noise and one person's noise you know one person's acceptable noise is another person's deafening raw uh yeah [Music] great agreed totally yeah yeah how to know whether it's actually a problem [Music] yeah if you can hear it loudly over what you're playing it's probably a problem if you can't it's not um yeah process of elimination though get ever get rid of everything else on the board plug into that into the amplifier do it mix head within you know going 360 degrees in the magnetic field there should be two points in that that rejects a lot of the noise the idea of turning the volume down though is just seeing what's coming out directly from the amplifier while the input is shut down yeah and just see if you still get the noise then yeah but game pedals are noisy and they increase noise that's just the nature of yep i've gained pedals um jeff harper hello from north carolina i'm looking for a fender amp to play at home all right and then do and in the future do gigs as at christmas as santa claus i will be using pedals princeton yeah preston deluxe princeton loud um depends you know depends if you go for dan's suggestion which would be either a princeton reverb reissue or a blended 65 deluxe reverb reissue you're talking about fairly loud amp that's loud enough to use a band used with a band and is quite an aggressive sounding thing if you play much quieter at home and your gigs are santa claus um where you're using pedals i don't know if you're going to be in a band um if you're the reindeer mrs claus on base they did do some red blues juniors in red uh oh did that tolex yeah marshall have made a few red amps down louis junior's actually a pretty good shout out yeah or you could go for um one of the mustangs the digital modeling amp small digital modeling app that fender makes which sound blooming great at low volume right i i personally would choose that if you're doing a majority of your stuff at home at low volume yeah then they have good classic fender amp sounds um twin yeah it depends what you're doing uh show those reindeer who's boss yeah yeah this is for you rudolph it's very hard jeff if you if you play quietly at home i would say go for a small digital modeling app if you're talking about playing at kind of you know paint and pending uh gig band volume then definitely go for one of the tube uh blues june is a good shadow types because they they sound really good if you don't care for all of that tube nonsense and you want something in between get one of the tone masters they do a deluxe reverb as a tone master which is a digital modelling amp that looks like a valve amp and you can use it low volume because it's got a switchy down attenuator job very good so yes that's probably what we would suggest um yeah steve mars says i'm eagerly awaiting my everything at two o'clock t-shirt nice thank you steve um in the meantime just thanks for hanging out live with us every week barring illness done you're so welcome i don't think you've ever counted one have you you're a fit healthy human specimen oh i'm sure i have i'm sure i have i don't think you have yeah i think it's always been me hermic i'm feeling very well today corey schumacher or shoemaker or schumacher oh there's a new documentary film about him schumacher yeah who's there michael schumacher the racing driver things on netflix i think looks really good uh spelt differently he's a m-a-k-e-r so it's probably shoemaker okay anyway corey says good day lads uh i have a thought game for you here we go i feel that music can be a form of time travel okay here we go is there a guitar tone or effect sound that brings you back to a certain time and space every time you hear it yeah what are the worlds where the worlds i'm 10 years old am i walking up the stairs on my auntie's house um auntie what annie glad glad anna gladys yep is glad a popular name in australia not overly popular i don't think yeah i'd always assume it was a welsh name gladys yeah i don't know gladys knight the pips yeah um yeah no longer with us unfortunately she was my growing up my mom and her were very close and weird kids all the same they so we all sort of yeah so that's great my sister my mom's sister and but i just i heard that album that my mom had an auntie blood did she true yeah she too is no longer with us right uh but that's that's that sound but there are a couple of others i don't actually to be fair there's a bunch of others but that's the one that's that instantly recognizable um vocoder or you know uh what do they call the thing you know talk box talk box that sound it's like well i'm i'm 10 again yeah and my life was never the same from that moment just captivating so a childhood memory yeah mine too i think would be albert collins uh robert cray and johnny copeland playing t-bone shuffle on the album showdown which alongside a guy called marco rossi playing a fender strat through offender concert at pub playing the same song so i saw marco rossi play this and then i also heard the recorded version at around about the same time wow marco rossi has indeed marco rossi um well he's the marco rossi to me okay he played in a band called kevin mcdermott orchestra are among very nice very many other things right uh not francis rossi not fantasy for us yeah or indeed rosie's ice cream of which francis rossi was part of it for those of you don't know it was quite significant um emigration from a couple of key italian towns uh i think like i don't know well i don't want to say when but it was like a while ago and that's why you see so many italian names in both glasgow and uh parts of wales because these two towns was basically wholesale went to came you know came to scotland and wales and presumably all over england and one of the reasons why italian ice cream anyway blah blah why so many italian names in scotland marco was scottish came from glasgow right yeah keep going with that ice cream rossi states quo nothing whatsoever to do with johnny copeland robert cray and albert collins playing t-bone shuffle but i will always be that kid going that's it as soon as you heard that that is it i still play part of that solo to this day really yeah so [Music] and then albert collins comes in with the [Music] doesn't play that and then johnny copeland i think it is plays [Music] something like that wow yeah and i still play a bit of that and then robert crow smoke's more dead um in singing anyway wonder what yours is corey um very good nice little trip down here major lane where should i put a thorpy doppler in the signal chain if i use a phaser as a tremolo says woolly fox where should i put the thorpley it's not called doppler is it it's called the uh something like the doppelganger or something um and right at the end well maybe it's called the doppler effect pulse doppler how stubborn yeah i stopped i try it right at the end of everything right at the end of everything including the reverb stick it right at the end of your pedalboard um or directly after the gain stage as well yeah that's what i was going to say before your wet effects yeah but i think sticking it right at the end which might be really cool nice let's just check where we are daniel there have been many bold claims today some borderline hysteria observations and at least one mention of johnny copeland boss gags did a nice version of t-burn shuffle says leland berg oh really yeah i think loads of people can do uh done it down the years rory yorama says come on make strat shaped objects rule um i do the green meanie rules steve eyes best guitar ever played yep um eddie van gaal's frankenstein rules um and no doubt there are many others indeed yeah uh michael schenker's guitar all right there's a flying v done i understand that but that wasn't i thought i thought okay i didn't get a fly v and cut a stretch shape into it that'd be interesting erasmus thrain we'll we'll leave on you rasmus i love your show what pickups would you recommend to installing my american vintage reissue 65 fender strap with grey bottoms i want a set of pickups with a little more output right grey bottom pickups that fender started using 60 end of 64 onwards um they changed the magnet type and they changed the wire from a heavy form var coated wire to plain enamel wire that along with the magnet change i think did change the sound of the pickups a little bit and if you're looking for a sort of later 60s sound tend to go for the grey bottom sound and if you're looking for like a the classic slab rosewood board fender set then you'd go with the previous type spec so what you're looking for is some heavy form var wire form value they might call it and whatever alnico it was they used before that if you check out bare knuckle pickups if you check out lola pickups lalazar great um what else is really good a little bit better and look for their what they would probably call slab board set bare knuckle does a really nice one called the irish tool which is a rory gallagher inspired set oh wow they do one um which is a sort of hank marvin inspired set which i think was his rosewood board strat don't know um lala does them too and just go for a strap that is uh for a set that is the pre 64 spec not the grey bottom set keep the grey bottom ones because they are really fantastic especially if you hammer your amp and use loads of pedals they are wonderful for that so good luck very good wow well thank you all for joining us yes duncan chern yep that was long but at least it was dad's got this thing where where he'll say well that was crap but at least it was expensive yeah but that was painful but at least it went on for a long time exactly yeah um anyway so uh there we are friday's show is a shorter show it's only 22 minutes about 1 or 22 minutes and it is how to turn your delay or chorus know how to turn your delay pedal into a chorus or a flanger yeah really interesting fascinating super interesting so much fun yeah yeah um no that's not this friday show is it yes it is yes it is and the show on friday that we did uh last friday which was about um amps cranking for people we are actually going to break that up into some smaller sections and put them out separately because we felt the eq section particularly would sit well on its own as did the uh maybe the attenuate section um just to try and see uh if a few more people might join us with a few shorter videos yeah so don't be annoyed if you see stuff get repeated as shorter chunks of stuff we will explain at the top of the video what's happening but um yeah we just want to try and encourage some more people into the tps fold uh who may be otherwise afraid with long videos but you're not afraid worry not we are never going to stop doing long videos but we do we would like some more people to join the family indeed that'd be great great thank you so much for joining us have a fantastic week and we will see you on friday we will and monday and monday and then some and some uh we at the experience days have started october and november is sold out if you want to know more about experience days sign up for the mailing list that's on the tps website and as we book them through 2022 and you're interested you'll know about them ahead of any public announcement yeah matt the people on the mailing list are always the first to know about this stuff so if you're interested get on the mailing list yeah and we'll let you know and you can come here and see this idiocy in actual person yeah brilliant brilliant thanks so much everyone bye [Music] you
Channel: That Pedal Show
Views: 38,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: That Pedal Show, Viewer comments and questions, New VCQ, electric guitar, guitar amplifier, effects pedal, FX pedal, Octave Fuzz, best octave fuzz
Id: wwXhJOCcUD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 10sec (9850 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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