Viewers Comments & Questions LIVE 13 Jan 2020: Loopers – That Pedal Show

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welcome you to welcome to live chat and we are we chatting I think we are all right let's see although I am heavens hey good morning from Alaska Matt Ellie Wow now you know from all the times you call into LBC yes you have to oh okay I've never called it to LBC we need to get our screen set up welcome welcome to vcq it's Monday which means viewers comment some questions live streaming to you on the interweb I just don't think you're gonna be happy with that with what because the well it's changed again then that's not what you see on the back of the phone is it not okay but that's what you see in there there we go so better so the bottom is perfect all right how's the talk yeah tops bit wonky rig fish with something them hey how you doing morning dudes MJ strat dude nice one from Washington DC the Netherlands print Tora Mumbai India Wow Rock stop Germany this is awesome look at this we are yes and it's straight you've done well all right I'm done Freddy you just done message yeah it's great hmm so anyone who watched last week's vcq right can you turn can you turn top Charles I'm gonna try here we go wish me luck just gonna explain what's happening here for anyone who watched last week's vcq we had a nightmare we bought a new thing which would enable us to do voices and guitars and it just didn't work very well because we couldn't work out the technology so we just need to put some time into working it out need some extra software the audio stream was rubbish okay now I'm going to press this button and hopefully the video doesn't turn off boy all right you ready go everyone ready I understand the implications of this action and I'm disabled that one too let's see and turn it off and are we still on we're still alive hello everyone still on god I think we oh I think we're I think we are great I hang on still there still there great okay the reason we've done that is that viewers comments and questions used to be before it was live it used to be a recorded show where we would diligently go through the comments and questions that people left for the show when we turned on super chair we had to keep an eye on the comments that were coming in and all the people that had done this got annoyed all the people that were doing super chats got annoyed so please if you don't social super check basically means that you can say okay I'm gonna put $5 in then your what your question gets pinned to the top of the list for a certain amount of time if you can I mean so anyone that's commenting now even though we've just gone love you can see you know the already the huge amount of people that are tuned in and commenting which is awesome but what when we start the show we don't we're going to go through the questions so you get the questions first so super chats turned off so don't try super check we're also not going to look at the comments yeah because we just need to get through these questions I know it seems really boring but we're just trying to keep everybody happy which is literally like trying to herd cats so everyone shout we're all for us and then once we finish this will turn super check back on and then one second chef ray yeah all right okay but okay so this down for now it's an imperfect solution here's the truth okay I'll give it a go let's give it a go what else can we do John yeah what else can be gay apartment here in Australia see give it a go and if you give it a girl you have a fair go and if you give it a fair go you'd be given a go some from - thing that that if you give it as a politician said and then it turns out well is that thing far fair dinkum is a whole other thing you know I wouldn't even let's not even go there because yeah there's a whole lot of terminology and stuff there that okay I think it's safer just to avoid anyone bored yet this is wrong piece of paper we've just done a really really fun hello jam total jams where we take four pedals and have a look at them and it's the best one we got in agents I think so because we haven't done one in there you're on fire I'll just say I wou your backside off that's very kind of you just sir very good but I think it's more about that just you connect with the sounds and oh yeah I'm because I'm in learning mode my brain is busy trying to connect the dots as opposed to just plain that's why I stopped learning for that true story that's why I'm not interested in learning any more guitar okay because I've only got this many years to live right and I'd rather just play what I know okay until I check out well I'm gonna crack on there's one day that's what connect up yeah by which time you've got arthritis and you can't play anyway slide just take the slide to my club and let's make that work welcome to mix motivational talks entitled this week don't bother never try okay so the vcq is about Friday show which was on an introduction to looping yeah we're using pedal such as the boss RC turn oh and the MX art clone looper yes to new things new relatively new things which we both rather liked yeah so we did the show for anyone in the UK before we get going and we'll just say that down am i appearing at the guitar show Sunday that March the first quarter to 3 p.m. on the live stage and that it's a new beginning Hall in Birmingham no-kill UK sadly not Birmingham Alabama okay so if you're in the UK we're at the guitar show on the Sunday afternoon yes we're going to our challenge is to see how many the guys walking about with those little microphones how many of those guys we can make cry we're on the live stage mate is fine okay yeah yeah the guitar show dog koto UK right right right so the comment of the week goes to Linus Maximus hey whose comment was Cindy Lou that's really good however not everyone thought it was good t says t te a says weakest intro ever guys this really wasn't your thing like the metal zone well tried in thanks nonetheless yeah Fred in Troy didn't go according to plan however yeah did you know it didn't go well I thought it was a thorough okay it was a thorough okay yeah a lot of people really enjoyed it a lot of people did but not Fred Van Cal's beak actually he did he said you forgot the king of looping robert fripp oh yeah yeah in crimson or yes so he man hang on come on brain I was just talking about algebra this one so he did this thing called flip atronics privet Ronix and it was all about looping and all that stuff he's was amazing anyone who's married will know that when you spend enough time with with somebody you end up finishing their sentences for them all the time dan and I are not married but that is what happens one day Nick when we buy the gold crown shape man that's right that's right somewhat predictably lots of people wanted us to bring guests on the show to really show how it's done yeah persona non-grata wants Mich yes cues effort once devin townsend okay so we did it with Devin he did show how he does his lips yeah we did it before Santa finishes wants Keller Williams I don't know who Keller Williams is no Santa Santa Fe Macca's Santa means st. in in it means Christmas Carwyn van devaya and I apologize affirm but these are people that didn't like us yes they want Danish Pete I like a Lars olafsen wants y'all a bernhoft Brooke bar wants Joseph Arthur Charlie wants nails climb which I thought was a pretty good show awesome I know coin has moved me to tears playing the guitar Brandon early wants Ed Sheeran and phrasing Lundy wants Nick Reinhart okay so really good suggestions all great suggestions the reason that we had put after the loopy show for so long is that I had been in contact with Katie tussles people and I've been trying to make the dates work to get her on the show I want to sort her pedalboard out which is quite frankly a disgrace yeah so honest or the peddler pedalboard out and get her on the show because I think for me she's the first person I saw doing looping I just went that is awesome so we'll make it one day I'd love to yeah because she's just I just I think the wallet I think she's incredible when Ed Sheeran's 55 and just done his blues album he could probably come on as well okay yeah well I I know ed producer but I think he's very busy just a bit yeah however would that be though it would be exists because here's what he uses to live is incredible all right I mean watch to make last oh what a crazy time that guys made it have you seen yesterday yes if you haven't seen yesterday it's a film about the potential eventualities of the Beatles never existing the ending is just it comes in the CDA hey man I got a suggestion for that lyric hey dude Stanislav Migra says dan what kind of Aussie are you to not mention Tosh soultana I'm an Aussie that has lived in Aussie for nearly four 18 years this week I want to know who or what Tosh Sultana is so do I sounds like an ingredient in her Christmas cake that your grand maid Lucas Bailey but she gets fresh got attached exactly if only it was about in gags Lucas Bailey mentioned touch - he said PS one of the things I love about comments is being damned with faint praise he says great video is relieving to see people struggling with looping - Thank You Lucas for that Toni Wetton we will get onto some questions soon I promise Malaysian to the boss are c10 oh did you make it up on the Spanish awesome oh man so eat that okay that's that's it mercy baby tikis that is done that's really good good prayer so in relation to the RC Turner says if the looper is at the start of my signal chain is the drum track also affected by my pedals absolutely however you can put the drum track on a separate output yes which is what we did we had the drum track going through the PA system there you go and what you'll see on those outputs there is you've got a and B outputs you can route your guitar to and the drums to be and send them to separate places which is just what Donnie explained so yes if you mix it all together and you put your pedals after yes the drums will be affected by your pedals if you send them or separately no it won't very good I hope yep very good 56 parkies I'd be interested in comparing the digitech trio plus and the US RC Turner it's a good shout oh yeah it could also be paparazzi couldn't [Music] learn to tap and time yeah very good yeah digitech trio plus bit different the dish texture plus because it has a learning component there's AI in there it learns your chord progression yeah and builds the bassline stuff around trance and yeah there's no bass in the RC tone oh I don't believe No so yeah he went for a beer join the guys that did you take one he said I'm off to buy an ampeg svt and go play some proper gigs I think he's what he said I said I've really struggle with the sound of these things they sound like cheapo backing trucks to me yeah but that's okay that's that's their job then the job isn't to you know I guess you could but I thought well I don't see their function as a thing cuts okay now I'm gonna play a gig hmm it's like when you if ever what you watch a gig with someone who's got one of those harmonies pedals on vocals like every chorus a harmony B is the same every just anyway may I use to do a gig at twin towns and cool and gala in at home in Australia which is on the court on the border between Brisbane and D South Wales its Queen side if the flowers and so it's the best wishes to everyone who is yes it caught up in any of the horrific crap that's going on in Australia at the moment with the bush boys it's really scary it is we wish you all well yeah but anyway this one this guy the twin towers like loads of pants every night and there was one guy the header harmonizer and it was just that like like I think it was even on for the chat between the songs you know it was amazing maybe we should do maybe we should get one on the show and do it and prove I have seen them used reasonably tastefully it yeah yeah they come a long way yeah baby maybe it's the singing equivalent of a wah-wah pedal not going any further with that Marko like as Nina Cagney now and I apologize if I've said that wrong everything yeah yeah I'm just looking at some anyone throwing metaphorical combination no hi guys he is from Belgium he says thanks and cheers from Belgium and he says absolument love your show I like that bless you can you make a little addendum on how we use the looper with the Gainey amp we need to go into the effects loop no and Seth Dimpy REO and brian carpenter want to know about loopers and effects loops as okay yes if you're putting it at the end of your gain structure and you use the game from your preamp then yep it's a you know put in the loop the theory is exactly the same as if in where you put it in relation to an overdrive pedal so as we were explaining if you want to play a clean part loop that and then overdrive solo over the top of it you need the overdrive before the looper right so it's exactly the same if you think about the overdrive pedal as your amps preamp you play your clean sound so it loops through and then you want to play overdrive over the top the looper pedal has to be after the overdrive and if you're getting you over driving you and the only place you can do that is in the effects loop that's right isn't it perfect Brian Richards says autumn idnum drive over the weekend very excited we're excited for you Brian hope you love it all right sorry carry on they're on it looks like a lot okay but look this not cement oh wow okay it's pretty good um Caleb at mgw says playing offset guitars is like the equivalent to a man wearing skinny jeans okay number one what's wrong with skinny jeans well except when you mean Dan you know like if you if you're a bit younger the mean down and a bit thinner they're fine actually if they're you they're fine no I have got Christmas weight to lose have you well I didn't because I had my operation in November I haven't done any training for if it's six weeks now and men life I cannot believe that's why I'm got a holiday guitar like this it's just embarrassing yeah I know yeah I don't know I'm gonna get BAM gonna get I just think it's better not to have any young skinny jeans you know preconceptions about what guitars before I like that yeah we like offsets we don't play much but we like them Christian Schneider simple question take paragraphs I bought a boss rc3 looper and connected it to my amp the manual said it has pre-recorded demo loops so I tried to play them the volume almost killed me and my amp right which seems a bit strange surely the volume control on the looper was was only halfway up what went wrong it's strange that it was so loud why isn't it just the same output as a ringing itself well you've got a volume control on there that's what we're saying it was halfway well turn it down oh if you're gonna start with anything like that always start with volume down to zero absolutely and also don't forget the so I've got the RC 3 that's what I used for years and it's got 99 different place where you can store sounds and I've done I did some stuff dunks and joy stuff and there's a couple of songs we actually put backing tracks in likely recorded backing tracks as loops oh and you've paid the whole thing but it is very loud when it comes out no you just turn the volume down and just then start with a volume on zero and turn up no matter if you're using a pedal again pedal so overdrive boost whatever that you haven't used before you don't know it turn the volume down turn it on and then start turning it up this because you just don't know what the output we're like we're unity is in the pedal it's you know very rare is at a 12 o'clock mmm also with the RC 3 I don't know you can send the backing tracks out of a separate output on the RC 3 as well so maybe those backing tracks are not meant to go to the amplifier but to go to a separate so anyway maybe it's line level 4 may be slight little No so anyway start with why start with turn down tough love from done for ya their question I think I know it's it's it's a what do you call it I don't know it yeah it's something else it's a an opportunity to anyway some one possibility you don't say that you did this but one possibility is if you did plug it into the effects loop return of your hot rod deluxe for example that has no master volume and that's just the straight open so that would have meant that that was very loud anyway straw Pete one hey guys I sometimes use the looper on the TC flashback to into a boss katana mmm-hmm with the Marshall 1960 B 412 lovely playing over the top of just one clean loop it gets distorted and crackly as if I'm over driving the amp any ideas what I'm doing wrong loop is in the send/return okay what do you think it'll matter was using well he's using it doesn't really matter who's using a boss katana head but he's got the looper in the in return okay and it's over driving so I got the master phone turned out it could be I think it's an instrument and my little thing is that okay possibly possibly it's that your it could be that your affects sleep is expecting to see a normal effects pedal and it's just getting much much higher signal and therefore it's over driving just one possibility yeah I would contact me your and manufacturer they'll be much more helpful than us I'll read the manual yeah because I don't know if the loop in the katana head has got different settings but you're over driving something so somewhere along the line the volume needs to come down also check the power on the looper as well because if you're not powering properly you don't have enough Headroom just my stomach can you hear that Fraser yes awesome it's singing I'm just not having enough Headroom Fernando Morales Fernando's morals Fernando Morales what's the situation with each pedals audio resolution and bitrate I have a TC looper times four and it gets the job done but the audio quality is pretty miserable you can hear a noticeable step down loss of texture not a problem if you're just practicing but if you're an audio nerd which I've seen most guitarists are not in my experience it's super frustrating are these pedals known to have strong ac/dc oh no ad CDOC right so we you know there's something that we did talk about quite a lot there you know a good so the a CA d CD and alone come on to digital it's not that hard if you had I was it oh if you haven't heard the radio clip of the guy trying to spell ac/dc on Australian radio to win tickets to see his favorite band ac/dc please google it what did a Google man tries to spell ac/dc on radio show oh hi say you know I don't miss write again I want you to spell ac/dc i de de sing and then he walks him through it he goes I see de su but then I yes yeah great you've won the tickets you can have any ac/dc album you want what do you want to go anything I say I don't know it might be completely fake but it is quite funny anyway let's talk about the ac/dc in these yes so the analog to digital converter yeah so you gonna have you got two of those right got the you got the ADC and the DAC thank you and the quality of those is everything and sample rate and all that sort of stuff now if you have a look at the you know a good bit of a poor audio gear [Music] so I have 11 look who's the worst edit and edit over scene where I have a look at a decent bit of outboard audio gear and the quality of the converters is great yeah and it's using proper high headroom power yeah not not some crappy 9-volt a few milliamps so it's difficult to do it you know what's got to be designed in a certain way however you know there are some louvers that sound good and some livers that sound great and you know I didn't notice how average this one sounds until you heard them I said I heard this one gay they may sound spectacular and I don't know why so to your actual question do we know what the sample rate is and all of that I don't actually know interesting to note you can have a high sample rate but if you're if the converters aren't good it doesn't matter wonder if this one takes more power or something don't know but anyway you I think the question is probably the right question hmm that's probably where the difference is yeah would you say yeah maybe and but yeah the clone looper one of the reasons I liked it so much I knew was there's some other good ones that the I like the picture on it's wonderful that's really good maybe that's a new one today I got it and yes yes that's really good and then the boomerang order calling the boom is very good is it yeah oh my god we got told off for not including that in the show yeah they're not boomerangs are not that accessible well you're not gonna walk into your corner store music place and get a Boomer boomerang right there might be a Boomer mm working either behind the counter or looking at a very expensive guitar most retailers say the same thing about the blue moon they're right they always come back very good very good yes yeah oh I'm sorry taking a vitamin supplement down maybe this is it what is it it's a it's called perfect man I think it's called you don't need that make opens I'm really tired like crazy tired so anyway David Thompkins asks and Charles Shepherd Dominic gammon and Scott Grimes mentions this as well I think Catherine's coming in to tell us something okay terrible I'm just waiting for the hand to come through the curtain holding a piece of paper yeah no I think she's maybe not anyway David Thompkins Charles Shepherd Dominic gammon and Scott Grimes all wanted to know about have mentioned that we missed the principal benefit of loopers wasn't it passed us by Dan which is their use in tone tweaking so you can set up a loop right at the beginning of your chain and put your pedals after and listen to how different they sound so that's interesting I I like that as long as the audio in the looper is great but also if you know it's it's got a sound right but it's got a fear right as well I just can't yeah you know we played the the shanks Oh OD today from from your hands and it sounded amazing but I felt so good yeah and just the feel of the weather how it's compressing or you know you're not going to get that from just taking it a loop rafter it yeah you know we said this many times and I think people are confused or surprised maybe not rather than confused for me then you can tell me if you agree or disagree Dan I agree if we if we talk about guitar tone right mm-hmm half of it sound for me mm-hmm and half of its feel at most half of it sound yeah might even be less yeah and the rest of it is the physical experience of you mm-hmm having electric impulses course through your body come out the end of your fingers mm-hmm go through the guitar and down a cable into an amplifier into a speaker and back out back into you yes yeah and then it keeps going yeah and when I talk about fear when we talk about feel that's what we mean there's this constant feedback loop and it's instant and it's innate yeah you don't think about it it just happens and if you stick your looper at the beginning of the chain and maybe some pearls you you you're cutting off 60% of what you enjoy about guitar tone yeah for me personally I'm not saying that it's a bad idea because also the idea of listening to your tone and not while you're not playing is also very relevant I can't do it it's a it's a it's a I like David Gilmour's a really good example here's someone that's able to listen on play really well at the same time you know I mean it's I struggle with that and it's just it's a skill but if you know playing something and then just sitting back and being analytical about the way it actually sounds I think is a is a good exercise to do but you're exactly right we're saying that you're missing out then on the other at least half of what makes it yeah fun to play I suppose if you record I guess the proper way to do it would be to just record all the pedals and listen to it back with you playing differently but I guess yeah as the start point to go I like this / - I don't like that / - right I guess also you could record a loop take it to a guitar shop so you record the loop at home mm-hm and then you could go to the guitar shop and you can take your loop up if you're nervous about playing in front of people a lot people go into guitar shops really don't want to play the guitar it's not sure yeah okay yeah yeah yeah I totally get that it's like quite an intimidating experience if you're you know I remember being a kid and I'd learn to tap and I just I used to go into every guitar store was I knew like it was like twelve or something I'd like to apologize to all the guitar all the worlds guitar store workers on behalf of done yes I always like me it was awesome though sit down I couldn't I couldn't string a course together by go and yeah it was a terrible can I try that telly no can I try that telly no can I try that telly no look Halley's Comet it'll be great I pick up a Les Paul you pick up that live it is okay pick up a jazz guitar I had better than range was good and so yes we did miss that but there are reasons why we although we perhaps don't do that so much oh right we are a promise you were getting to the end of this then we can go to the live queues Thomas Belmonte and Merlin Q where do you put your looper in a wet-dry rig so really good really good question if you want the loop to come out of both sides you put it before you split it if you want the loop just to come out of the wet side you put it after you split it in the wet side maybe you put it after like the very last thing on the wet side of the rig so that you record your delays and reverbs and everything in the looper or we put the looper before the time-based effects after the gain effects you know will be after the gun effects when you split it but that can be really cool because then you've got the loop just coming out of your wet and then you've got the you know you're not much you know the guns coming out the dry app you know or vice-versa yeah I always find a diagram helps sure if you if you're not sure about what you're doing it's just to draw a diagram with the signal flow and then you can usually answer your own question sure what do I want to hear apart from you know David Grissom or other great guitar players Rick McRae has down given up on the mustard strides for 2020 and no I haven't given up the muscle strides but it's been it's been cold and dark here and I've been wearing attire reflecting my mood oh I see but other than the season in terms not been the time for mustard trousers yeah yeah well I reckon color months I'll get back to training I'll start feeling and then I'll be able to rock some master Charles but till there I think this is you know the darker green style is well yeah yeah can you get some salmon ones as well so I'm gonna get some golf trousers you know for if you go to a place like any Shack type yeah we're so like group at the bird jobs proper but you know where's where is it the Prince Charles lives wherever he wants near that is near you got the a4 from birth and you get there that place he doesn't live in London no he lives in the Highgrove okay which is what's the what's the place called it's in Gloucestershire okay ish a little bit sick anyway if you go to towns like that little market towns where lots of posh people live there's always a guy in a trilby hat and either mustard or salmon pink trousers and like clicky things on the back of his heels and so I'm sort of Barbour jacket or a tweed you know who I'm talking about usually got a Range Rover yeah yeah quite an old beaten up Range Rover yeah is there you know yeah I think you could rock that look okay alright I'll give that a go you probably there you got a dog I've got an awesome dog he's so cool can you get there okay barge into shops good yeah okay alright I give it a go give it a go yeah um a Bob Taylor last question I'm assuming it's not Bob Taylor of Taylor guitars another bond tanga why no relation to me remind me gents did you end up neutering that wonderful jazz master of its glorious one make pots with wimpy 250 500 K pots I remember that being a possibility when this made it well it made its debut no haven't done that really much as more so actually yeah you play it a lot I'm just gonna say this Nels Cline doesn't use one big pots in his jazz masters he hasn't changed out does he a lot the Custom Shop ones haven't changed out look like ones that end up at Chicago Music exchange haven't changed out on the neck pickup with the tone wide open it's alright okay it's okay you know engineering on the bridge pickup it's too much and you have to just bang it back to there a bit brilliant if you've got a ton of distortion or fuss then it's good okay but it's just too much right yeah I struggled with it when what might land I was got in his Mike bland douse Michael Landau's most recent record rock-bottom has got Jazzmaster all over it really such a lovely sound man I'd love to have you on the show [Music] no so I haven't muted it I also think Dan and my experience of vintage guitars it was taken place over the recent weeks yeah that 1965 tele and the 61 strat that I've been borrowing has been really eye-opening because compared to the modern guitars they sound brighter middle ear trivia yep they sound all of the above but with no harshness anyway hmm so like my blue strat for example was nice on a guitar but it does it sounds harsh compared to the old guitar it's so weird even though the old guitar is clearer and brighter and it doesn't make any sense so the reason I tell that story is I think it's probably true the jazz masters as well look very nice yes master yeah this would cease sounding like tinfoil in your ears on your feelings yeah and it would probably just sound really brilliant and lovely and troubling and awesome anyway speculation turn the top channel down yes okay and let's see alright here we go what luck I'm going in okay I'll provide musical accompaniment if you if you could do okay turning on top chat I think top chat is now turned on super chat is now enabled yeah okay done it how is it that because you haven't play guitar a lot since Christmas and you're you mailing it right okay we have um yes super chat is turned on I believe I believe it is turned on do we see it there would we say no now we should see it here okay if it happens we'll see it there don't meet him on the device are you happy well happy is subjective thank you to everyone who is joining us live the last bit was live as well but it's more like pre-recorded but we have to do all at once so welcome we've had people from India we had people from Australia we had people somebody else in America or somewhere oh I am happy says just cuz you make me happy there we go so stand on and it's working brilliant there we go awesome what's the blue thing there done what's that that's now that is the super chat is it that's very interest like that just cuz you make me happy Matt Miller would you ever do the next looper versus the ditto would you ever do the next looper versus the ditto next what's the next labor clone looper know maybe don't know sorry don't understand a question Matt's music therapy liars I really want a Jaguar those similar to the Jazzmaster who needs all those switches imagine that yeah Dan's gonna sell the Jaguar it's very different guitar so much short a scale length or a shorter scale length and the pickups are different obviously so it really does sound and play very different Dan's gonna be selling this to fund the telly yeah oh my god get that laptop off the telly says my hawk del sing Pekka around town and says greetings from Finland hello Finland the guys have promised a Princeton's several times mark Seba there's a couple of Fender amp holes we really really need to fill one is a princeton yep one is a 65 deluxe reverb and the other is some sort of tweed basement yeah something bigger than sweet deluxe tweed basement we really do need to do that so yeah Putin in just says through some film folks the inebriety Lone Star versus to rock Mick you're interesting not really to rock is a crazy amp it's a crazy hand wired end-of-days hard to play I always make racing car analogies it's like a racing car and a lot of people that I know really really struggle to player in the same way that I struggled to play other amps just because it's not my thing sure it's not about being less good or more good it's just if it's not your thing Lonestar is a brilliantly dependable fantastic all-rounder I used them for years and years and years and years whenever we've seen Andy Timmons play yeah his sound is godlike yeah it is but it's smooth yeah it's controlled it's dynamically very even hmm it's the opposite of the to rock which is you this are all bite your face off so it's a it's a very different thing I'm having my Lone Star was fixed because I stupidly left them in a storage locker that was damp so they've both had problems unfortunately vintage life what about parts of casters um I've made a few always been disappointed right Melanie I had a guitar built for me in Australia and I selected all the best woods and the best pickups and everything cost me a fortune got it it was an absolute dog cuz you just until the guitars together in your hands you just can't tell there's nuts yeah yeah but you just can't tell yeah but I'll play it some part of casters that are great it's easy to you know flip a coin remember Joey some CUDA costs ah when he first had it when we first met him that was a really good person caster matt says Matt Miller says again what what guitars are going to fund the vintage gear search okay Jaguar jag and butters butters and then Dan's also got a link butters color sound thing you're selling on yes I've got a color sale and a few things to go time bender the original one from from long long ago yes I'm I just I love butters it's it is the most amazing guitar but but I just wouldn't be playing it one up with with thee it covers a similar territory red is sort of angry huh and mother which is that the name of the new telly is it just covers all the vintage you know like telly esteli tone and you are a rosewood personal amorous Albus band says love you both dearly I used a 66 Princeton on one side and a 12-inch reissue the other our upcoming EP did you see the closed caption I tagged you on I'm sorry we didn't I don't know how to see that but yeah 66 vintage Princeton and the 12-inch Russia oh my goodness I really like an out-of-town awesome music therapy Louis says I met you guys at Nam last year they casually bumped into Mick while I was checking out pedals at Matthews effects with headphones on you guys are cool have a beer I mean hey that's very kind thank you very much we say this every time not to be pious but we won't have a beer or stick it to the production of yes splendid Daniel this is all going very well Putin just says my name is is a lower phrase that means can you hear what I say ello a phrase I don't know that means I got it from an HP 42 livestream age before we - is that Henning Paul that's Henning poo ninja hmm there's any fool you we love you honey blah-blah-blah-blah parts of casters are fun to put together yes they are if you have time in your life that isn't involved with sleeping eating driving to work and then working yes which doesn't exist in my life at the moment so you've been very busy accelerate Wales says can you please tell me the difference between fender amps fundamentally ie between tweed and normal and between the ranges print and hotrod Deluxe that is a vast it's a it's a huge thing if we could just address it very briefly Fender leo fender and Hoffman KNF starter II started making guitar amps before fender made guitars right so it was fenders first thing so we go from the very first guitar amps in production pretty much and then the job then the nasty lamps yeah yeah and then the job then and Hawaiian and the job then was to get louder and cleaner so we go from little tweed amps to bigger tweed amps circuit then changed to a different style of doing things when they went round face well yeah they stopped being tweed and they started being to--let's and then they look kind of brown face and then they were cream and then they were black and and on it goes so it's really it's um it's a fantastic history now if you want to be reductive about it tweets tend to be gained eeeh more aggressive mid focused generally a little bit more aggressive mm-hmm black faces tend to be more mid scooped and this is tend right this is tend to be more mid scooped smoother sound doing more powerful cleaner when you hear someone say American voiced I always think of a blackface type thing for the extreme of that like the mid scoop er thing as opposed to the British voice which is more than mid pushed yeah thing yes my little thing in my head yeah we should do it'll be a great show to do wouldn't it yeah would be a great show Jacob Lee layer hi Jakob Lee I'm so happy you'll go into the Larvik guitar festival I just received my hunting and a virtual battery for my son face how do you mod yours Mick to get the cable through I did something horrific which if anyone sees they will think I'm it's on my pedalboard here's here's a NKT red dot though I just hope lying around I took a drill and carved out there would be a little hole which most people would think is utterly insane there we go yes we are going to the Larvik guitar festival for anyone in Norway looking forward to that end of March me tubes are really nice sparse thinking I think sometime in April we're gonna be in in Berlin oh yeah oh yes at the Everton thing nice I'll be fun me and Dan a technology hilarious word - the big word - the big bird word - the big bird says what are Dan's favorite telly pickups patience my pet right boy oh boy I've had the neck pick up in red is from a guy called Don Miller and I've always loved his pickups the guy his name come on help me um voila he's pick us up he's telling pickups have always sounded the vintage ones that I played if I was sounded really good I've got little Lola's in the the guitard I've got with the MIDI controller on it what's that one gray my gray Telecaster I'm just letting you go with it man thank you yeah thank you my brain isn't designed for names I figure it's good all right yeah okay so I'm helping you yeah bare-knuckles did a 50 set that I loved I thought they were really good the I think for me that pickups herb are important of course they're important but I think the actual guitar is more important I think you can put a set of average pickups and a Greco tariq is still sound good that makes sense I think I just heard the internet explode yeah I'm gonna get into that with the abstract log okay yeah I mean obviously you know they are important but I would never buy a guitar thinking this sounds really good if I put some good pickups and it's gonna be okay I would never do it if I pick up your town it doesn't sound incredible I'm not buying it just because he can't it's like I'm look at the waste years trying to get a guitar that I think might have more potential than it does off the rack like I'm doing you me no no no no I think you look you've blue sounds fantastic but you're answering a question yeah and it's great yeah but I picked this up and just went yeah this is superb on the subject of which my secret machine turn I saw your Instagram update earlier are you getting it yeah I'm getting it I'm buying this guitar I'm selling some stuff to fund it yep selling butters I'm gonna sell the Jag and I've got a old color sound tone bender I'm selling and you know I've got a couple of children who are loved I don't I've certainly get much but anyway jwb guitar says what do you think of the new Epiphone headstocks I haven't seen him they've obviously changed the headstock literally nobody and dad oh no Joe Brennan hi Joe are you aware of any reasonably priced a affordable amp with harmonic tremolo no no there's Sun coming out those in they're not affordable oh sorry there's one coming out that's really not affordable I think I don't know if it's gonna be this year but anyway okay yeah did we save did not burn have an app last year no no reasonably affordable no no it isn't it's all boutique yeah yeah we don't have afraid best thing you can do is buy a walrus monument or something like that yeah all because doing it in an amplifier is really really hard there's a reason they stopped doing it because to do it properly make it sound great is expensive it takes three extra vowels and you know it's just a really tricky to do TT beefing make how did you get hold of for now there's pickups for blue I was introduced to ROM through some very lucky friends I know I don't mean they're lucky I mean we are lucky to have them as friends code Fletcher and Josh Smith a couple years back and we started talking and one is a really decent dude and I ordered a set pickups and he's what a guy he's an amazing girl yeah yeah it's just this I just clicked with we stand and i sat with Ron and just talked with him for hours about stuff he's just such a lovely dude just to love dude I haven't put them in yet I've had them since February I haven't put them in a blooming guitar yet so that's pretty bad I've had them almost a year however I would just finish that by saying that time has been really important to actually find out what questions it is I'm trying to answer sure so we'll see we'll see Gary Turner McDonough is a single input too but worth it or should I get a tube amp we an effects loop I really depends what you want to do yeah yeah yeah I you know hiwatt has no effect sleep ac30 has no effects loop I've never used well I have tried but I always go straight in the front yeah down and I never use apps with effects loops because we don't use gain in the amp other than its own natural distortion which is a small amount of distortion rather than like a modern game thing and actually great analog pedals for me sound much better for us so much better into the front of the amp than they do in a compromised effects loop yeah but plenty of other people can't live without an effects loop i reveai mossad for example perhaps so much gain in the front of the amp that if you start sticking reverbs and delays in front of that it would sound truly horrific unless you're in a sugar if again a good way yeah unless you're in a shoegaze band in which case it would sound amazing so it's horses for courses and I think that's really down to what you need it for hmm Carbon freeze compare this to the telly you previously loved that paul davids bought okay yeah get Paul to come over and well let them have at it that's a lovely telly actually that there was a it was a 50 like a reimagined thin line same neck as but is actually identical yeah great great guitar fell in love with that well when we were in Germany that time n yes it was a cool guitar very different to that very different to this Tom Reilly music I don't accept the tone one argument however I do think there is something to be said about the guitars overall vibe and experience playing it that can come through your overall sound Tom if you're saying that wood doesn't make any difference in a guitar you're the equivalent of a flat earther it really really really does if you're saying that all Brazilian rosewood doesn't necessarily sound great you're absolutely right yeah if you take a piece of swamp ash put it with the best bit of maple you've ever found and in the really amazing bit of Brazilian rosewood stick it all on a guitar there's no guarantee that that guitars gonna sound any better lately yeah and something made out of something else yeah absolutely so yeah it's not exactly predictable but to say that wood doesn't make any difference in guitars just insane yeah this this and nobody who works with guitars would say that yeah we've been lucky enough to know lots and lots of people who really do work with guitars and the next thing is oh but you're all just sort of conspiracy to sell guitars believe me if the object of making guitars was to make money you would do something else yeah absolutely gonna be a banker or you know I owe loads of you tell me cuz that don't make very much money yeah we did a great show with it with Henning about town would certainly one to um check out Ty Roberts guitar builder here Wood is everything yeah yes yeah bill Collings used to say the same thing he his bill used to say that his task was getting as much wood in the guitar as possible right but also then making sure that it functions as a an instrument right his big thing was getting mass into the necks yeah right yeah I get that he really thought that was important anyway blah blah blah andrew Nuttall mick what's your favorite strap wiring I'm playing a 61 reserve SPL very nice guitar lovely with no tone on the mid and I'm liking it as I get used to it any other options what about reverse well mid pick up Andrew I've had a startling revelation ever since getting you know being able to borrow that lovely 61 strap I had previously said that I could never play a strap that didn't have the tone control wired to the bridge pickup hmm I've got the 61 don't need to tone control on the bridge pickup mm-hmm I don't know what it is but it just doesn't sound as harsh it sounds really lovely and then I guess you could put it wherever you like after that I literally never use it on the neck pickup unless I'm doing a comedy jazz voice which is not what jazz guitar sounds like at all so I usually has a nice lot of trouble in it but if you if you're being silly then I would do it or if you're doing like women tone maybe reverse and reverse polarity this is really contentious I've had it in blue for ages with the scene with Lincoln pickups and of course it gives you that lovely hum cancelling in two and four - exactly but Johnny Marr and Bill poplar and Tim Mills told me while they were doing his signature Jaguar that having those pickups reverse round reverse polarity affected the resonance of the guitar right they preferred the sound when they were the same clarity all I'm saying is the 61 sounds way better than blue so if it's down to that maybe so we'll see do you know if the the pickups I don't one what wouldn't be I don't know there are there a straight replica of a set of 64 pickups so I would imagine they're not right clenched 13 yes I made it for a live show hello clinch 13 thanks for joining us trim Kim Olos says vintage guitars old pots old magnets have the vibes man you know what I think they do they really do I think they do and I you know sounds crazy to say things like that but I at this moment have no other explanation but it's all in the mind done yeah but that's valid if it's in the mind then it's you know it's still part of the process can you give me an example of anything but he's not in the mind when you're dead yeah I'll give you that platform that anything else that's not in the mind that's not wholly in your mind no because you're doing everything that your experience your experience through your mind anyone out there anyone out there me anything at all that's not only all in your mind come on bring it on what's this from and illyrian know psychology the taste of food Lee the taste of food is all in your mind how do you perceive the taste of food right how do you perceive it your tongue doesn't your tongue is the receiver but your brain is there in the processing everything is all in the mind including the sound of guitars like it come on anyone else anything beyond the visible universe well I can't really quote on that because we don't perceive it unless we do perceive it in terms of subatomic particles and all of that you've been getting deep lately and I'm a frankly a bit concerned your mind is the universe my agree I agree everything is everything baby listen to Johnny Hathaway everything when I was studying music we had this this teacher came into his now that the lesson was called sound and silence and here are coming basically he got us to meditate right and he would say you'd start to relax and then he say okay I wanted to be aware of space outside and then be aware of the space but you know all right you know like - in the universe and it says now be be aware that the universe of space do you feel is the same within you and they never just went or I said yeah everything is everything everything is everything yeah it totally is Brad oh hey guys welcome to my super check Brad here you've said you like buffers to go after your drives where the buffer drives for in that order equation they called for example well I would put personally I would use the phallus boost and that would be after my drive so they're there all job done yeah I always have the kalam last but I know plenty of other people that like our vendors the first yeah and in that case it you've gotten buffers right if you listen to your guitar tone and there's too much you've got a buffer problem right if you listen to your guitar tone a buffer will help I just I think about it like that perfect I love it is that fair I love it and we Dan and I did a brilliant thing last Friday is it Friday we went to Sheffield and we met up with Lee Malley as a salient malya malya from Bring Me The Horizon who you might say you might think is slightly outside of mine and Dan's world and so we get there to talk to Lee because this is a whole world for us right this is this kind of music and it's fascinating to talk to Lee we sit down start Chang he gets a Les Paul he plugs it to it through a clone into a crank jcm800 so we're like everything that we'd been banging on about everything cuz he he it was like you know everything matters and he can tell he uses an sm57 right in the center right up close and even through his any is taken tell if the he said I can tell if the mic is two centimeters off and then the tech ladder came to us that says he can tell you if the most two millimeters off he like yeah all that stuff and and he's really sensitive to buffers and like everything is was fascinating but yeah all the stuff had been banging on about but but hearing in that world in that context what's up yeah and so a few people saying everything everything isn't in the mind perception of gravity is relative to your frame of reference as cosmic KJ but if you're asleep you know Mickey Mickey the trainer says Mick what's not in your mind what Dan is thinking yep barely in my mind to be fair Oh God don't bring God into it please anyone talking about God that's not we're not talking about that we're talking about what's in your what's in your mind which might be good and I don't want to even get into the whole God is only in your mind yeah but it might be because everything is everything everything is the universe I'm gonna move on quickly quickly I'm good noise code I've got a psychology degree Mick and Mick is correct we do not experience anything directly our experience of reality is completely synthesized by our brains completely subject and different for all of us I think that is the best thing you could ever say about guitar pedals yeah right because you know dave says cologne is that worst overdrive I've ever heard right I hate it it sounds terrible and then Sid says listen to the same guitar sound I love that that's the best guitar song have ever heard hmm it's all subjective I mean Sid should get out more yeah I like Sid music therapy last says I always say the secret to tone is in your mind but the feel comes from your heart okay yep like it well done Simon Mastro meto must Ramat Oh says I wanted to suggest the cabinet brand for the matchless well actually we've we've got we got a brand in mind yes matchless we're gonna just gonna bite the bullet eat the tasty stuff is gonna and get the mattress yeah yeah Peter mattresses Clapton is God it was pun injure where to put the looper in a wet dry wig wet dry wet rig we sort of Sammy discussed this yes before Tony is all in the bank balance says Harry Burke lately hmm Chris Turner says Dave and Sid owe me money so I Robert says yes I'm color blind ooh I see everything differently than most folks ah he's fascinating isn't it you seen as a colorblind glasses the people can get or is it for something else anyway these people who never see no no those people who'd never think in their life well and they're given this glasses and all the sudden they can see color well starts crying and you're said they're crying out of your youtube video it's very emotional no way yeah it's amazing but it's some version of colorblindness I'm not sure but what's your favorite color mine yeah ah boy I've always been a fan of orange this generally sums up my mood my least favorite color talk Oh like what brown you mean light brown I just the word talk or us is in as therefore well that's it so I find that interesting because you're attaching an emotion to a word to a color mm-hmm synesthesia well this is some sort of bethy's e'er Angelo Costa says what's your experience with down tuning slightly more after we met Li Mei Li er last week man alive but they're gonna be on this Friday hopefully yeah so you he he down tunes - sometimes like down to a but he uses an 80 gauge East ring and you got it just got to hear this guy don't do those heavy riffs on it's just unbelievable yeah it's who has to be know the down Tunes a lot Devin Townsend if if you don't tell into properly male you Rubio does it be down to you yep Wow yeah most of the time he's that he's either in drop D or he's got his baritone which is down to whatever that is Joey Joey Joey Landreth Ariel yeah yeah yeah if you can make it work it's great loads of blues guitar players are e-flat that was you was it Jimmy was somewhere you know between oh yeah he caught me for most of the time sometimes D on some DeLoreans man why don't fall but king was down as well actually yeah there's a different set of resonances on there given that its own physics I'm not all in the mind Aaron short music says I'm on a plane to Nam are you guys going we're not Aaron unfortunately um actually not unfortunately we're not they're just not doing it we said we were gonna go last year this bit grumpy but it's my son's 13th birthday on Saturday and therefore and well I'm not gonna miss that this because this year now Falls the week before yes normally it's late enormous later well it's like yeah it varies but yeah couldn't make it this year maybe next year the what happens at Nam is we go there and we hang out with all our friends and stuff which is totally brilliant awesome and we see people we haven't seen for years which is also absolutely wonderful and that is all great but we don't get any work done no and it's horrific ly expensive I know how boring am i but that's the truth yeah so we'd rather just carry on working and actually get some work done yeah cuz we don't no one pays for us to get a name yes that's the other truth of the matter you know we have to pay for it you know so yeah who didn't have name sponsorship and that's not being at I'm just saying that's gonna be we could either drop five grand I'm going to know more we could spend it on product show production yeah we've we've been to name and we've taken yeah I've been to you know but when we've done TPS there we've we've done years we've taken Simon we did not the nine o'clock news yeah and we were working like 18-hour days or at least you were I first I was suffering from severe jetlag and meanwhile we finished editing the the show and you had to go and steal Wi-Fi from her by the show and we worked our butts off honestly we you know we walked miles and miles every day and then filming again we'll get back to do the testing and add the video and get it uploaded and the videos just aren't as good as the videos you make here and didn't get there that's the point isn't it there's there's no apart from news gathering and doing a load of free marketing for peddle companies there's not a lot of deep useful information that we can bring from now I'm really you know all the great vloggers will go there so you can go watch Anderson's all mm-hmm your favorite youtuber to see the new stuff coming out and yeah yeah hopefully we'll do it a little more in-depth bit later down the line even better than that we'd like to go and do what we did with an analogue now which is actually spend some decent time with people and go a bit deeper yeah I get something really useful my god we're moaning done with no not moaning moaning about having to get on a plane and go to California no I select Prince Charles and his and um I really want to do summon mmm they go to Nashville but we might be going to Nashville sooner than that you're maybe maybe all right um while we're on a serious note trunk m'q eight says r.i.p Neil Peart man yeah very sad if you don't know Neil purse Rush drummer died after a battle with brain cancer I think it was a couple days back and yeah a very sad loss for everybody in the music world so yeah our opinion yeah yeah I know that did you meet him no oh yes and thanks for everyone who's who's chiming in on that [Music] richard stephenson which 2015 to 21 amps or pedal friendly all of them it just depends what you want the pedals to do if you're asking which of the highest headroom it's the ones without distortion channels and that are quite clean which one was that yes yeah I knew a Russell [Music] pedal friendly 21 arms 15 to 20 lamps I mean we'd love the AC 15 1915 yet the marshal 18 watts yeah AB yeah a fantastic pedal friendly amplifier yeah any matchless any cornell any dr. Z yeah any of those kind of booty keihan wide amps always seem to have tremendous amount of headroom what else is good actually that Mark Tremonti 15 watt PRS amp I think that might be quite expensive a Morgan PR 15 periodic magic what else Princeton it just depends out loud because if you play it cranked that's when people say amps tend to get a little less pedal friendly because it's starting to sound dirty and muddy up your reverbs and delays and stuff but yeah really depends what you want on it lazy JJ 2420 what amplifier great pedal platform yeah vilem what's your favorite Hendrix song I'd still like watchtower yeah but it's not heavy something that some Bob Dylan let's Bob Dylan I couldn't possibly say some days it's foodie troll obviously just for that monolithic display of guitar heroism some days it's Spanish castle magic yeah some days it's and M used a mystery admirer apparently my so-called cuz he was at no weddings mum's house in Ireland and it was freezing cold and he was still next to the fire no apparently so well yeah I mean even wait until tomorrow which a lot of people say is it's a joke Hendrix on fantastic do-do-do-do-do-do see how I got into I got into Hendrix fire way of Stevie Ray Vaughan Stevie Ray Vaughan John Force can see and Mike McCready for me I all did it me car l Myka L says hey guys love your show wanted to ask what would be the best amp companion for a super reverb with a strat if I'm going for a cleanest david gilmour SRV ritchie blackmore toned hanger David Gilmore Stevie Ray Vaughan Richard Blackmore there's quite a big variance in sound though I mean one thing all those guys have in common is a lot of headroom yes for a lot of clarity in their in their tone so are you saying amount to put with the super plexi yeah yeah yeah yeah so or JTM 45 might be more sensible yeah so think that things with that with the the high watts I mean they are they can be you know Marshall asked they can sound Marshall ask and you know when you get them open yeah I think that's a really good shout and the the marsh and the fender thing together man what a glorious triumphant sound that is there you go they mixed together well I really don t what plexi just recently loved it ruby's man it sounds great it does Edward Jones dude the all in the mighty is dead philosophy from the 17th century um no it's just straight cognitive psychology you can't perceive anything that isn't in your brain and if you detach your brain please don't do that you can't perceive anything synonym with your brains no love that film anyway yeah um mr. Dane from Chuck Willy Wonka gene Walden Mulder no way yeah you seen how to get ahead in advertising no two heads and not witchetty grub speaking of r.i.p rockers did you ever get a look at princess board all boss pedals say man with two brains isn't she mild and no two brains is Steve Martin right sorry I made that's a colossal error yes anyway you get a look at his board mark Camacho your Gamache says princess board was 100% boss pedals yeah sounded like that too yes it did it's a prince mane and sounds amazing yeah but his presence known for good guitar tones he's he's prince was an extraordinary guitar player I didn't say he wasn't the cookies I know but I'm saying it's for great games so but you I'd you can't you can't I don't think you can separate them but I you listen to what but the sounds that came out of him it's like yeah it sounded like a ball of blossom petals hmm so does Robert Smith hmm it sounds amazing sounds like Robert Smith that's that sound great nothing wrong with it it's all good I was trying to think of a cure and Prince song mashup but was failing badly Lucas K are there more vintage guitars on your wish list realistically I dare not yeah I've got so I want the Stratton and SG and then I think I'm gonna give up that's that would do me yeah so that's my 1961 jr. and this is the 65 telly and I think between those two that's that's not much more required there is there oh come on listen to the resonance of that that old crap in it come yeah yeah it's wonderful yeah so maybe just ask them what the nice socially because they know not horrific ly expensive are they not well not compared to strat some terries and 335 Sanders really yeah yeah they're just they're just Bernie sure they don't come on the same I've got a homestead homestead Mick I'll trade my marshal major for that di 103 behind you totally yes but this is a collector's thing that down I've acquired and we must never part with it now love it's over but we would like a major for sure major if that's you had a bond yes right yeah Dean Slagter maybe ER but spell selector Mick have you changed the pickups in blue yet no I haven't I've just finished a very lengthy work project which has taken seven days a week for about my months meet recent life so an unbelievable I am actually going to have some human time back to myself I'm going on a couple of days off and then I'm gonna get on the vlogs I'm not complaining by the way it's great to be busy I'm very lucky to be busy but I it's not even a case of prioritization I literally haven't that time yeah so I am going to prioritize the time and do it from Joe Harvey 84 any Rick James fans super freak super freak yeah right Dan what Brazilian Jujitsu belt are you says Dave butcher I am a blue belt fourth stripe so my next belt my next grading I'll be purple but blue belt technically well of course not even technically blue actually just said blue blue blue blue belt yes but I got four strikes on my blue belt more softer blue purple huh and then brown and then black Pope is my least favorite color is it really way through a guitar for a ceiling once oh this is like right sterling and our editor because I'd requested a number of times to know have no more purple in photographs and I was having I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown at the time okay and I flipped out in the office one day I stood on the desk and I threw a guitar through the ceiling was it a purple guitar yeah well he was quite early but you throw those around there I think it was fine okay yeah yeah yeah back in my less mentally stable days right it's great we'll Wetherington this is an interesting topic will and I thank you for raising it do any of you go fishing I used to fish all the time yep I was so where we learn a fishing beach fishing boat fishing my grandparents had a little holiday place in coulomb which is on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland and we would go there without fail every single holiday well and so I've been fishing since I can remember what's the best thing you ever caught I won a fishing competition I came second in a fishing competition when I was 13 and we went to Strabo Island and I've been fishing for six hours and had a caller thing and it was like my last cast for the day and I caught a flathead and it was a monster yeah how big I come in yeah it was amazing is that this out and did you eat it yeah yeah absolutely it was great before always eaten everything we caught I used to go spearfishing a lot until I had a run-in with a shark and that finished that pretty gay no but okay we were on a like a rock wall that goes out into the ocean and high tide sort of comes it up in anyway I came up over this wall and there was a large shark because we'd been fishing you know in in amongst the rocks and this shark was there and I funnily enough that I kept scuba diving after that didn't affect the skill belie something but the spearfishing thing I was like I kept doing that yeah yeah but yeah I love fishing I quite like the fishing where you catch fish to eat I think yeah yeah absolutely the thing I don't understand and this this will probably jar with a lot of people because it is the second most popular leisure activity in the UK as far as I'm understanding its course fishing and the only I've come up with a theory and you can tell me if I'm wrong right about it okay and I apologize for what I'm about to do to everyone's relationships I some of the men that I've met on to caught fishing coarse fishing I think the wives encouraging them to go oh yeah it's a legitimate excuse to spend time apart for a healthy relationship as wife demands yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the time alone thing is really appealing cuz yeah definitely but if I have time alone I'd rather be playing the guitar or riding my motorcycle sure I and I haven't last time went back to Australia couple years ago I took my son fishing he caught his first fish I've been fly-fishing once in Ireland which was the most magical day and I had trap jumping all around me it didn't catch a thing all day and it was one of the best days of her head it's just wonderful yeah yeah but what's the advice for my fishing doesn't he yes good Paige Phelps Firebirds oh yeah so the Firebird when I was in 10th spirits was David Gregory's main guitar for that band Firebird one and one of the best guitar sounds I've ever heard Firebird in two days matchless oh my word amazing guitars yeah I've never had any spirits with him but would have to phone one once it's they're really interesting pickups that are the same object that they look like a mini humbucker yeah but they're their own pickup that they sound so they are mini humbuckers okay how many humbuckers both sound like single coils yeah yeah there's that there lot clearer and classier than normal mini yes they're not the same mini humbuckers that into the lespaul deluxe for example no no not at all interesting there are zero more rectangle square edged pickup yeah nice okay okay okay Brian Reed hello Brian Mick what's that tune you played when you picked up the guitar earlier you play it often it's very cool embarrassing me I don't actually no friend of mine Simon Bradley who used to work with guitarist magazine used to play something similar in the office and then there was a documentary series years and years and years ago on channel 4 called twang banker rang and it was just the most brilliant guitar documentary and seymour duncan was on there and he was playing something over a short of a a semi going along a freeway and it was kind of similar is the only thing I can remember I'm sure it's some Sam bastardized Les Paul or chair kids thing yeah if anyone knows please let us know but I think a lot of those things sound kind of similar but it has origins somewhere for sure Levi Stein have you guys tried the Marshall Studio vintage and studio modern amps 20 watt plexi in jcm800 no no funny enough the aforementioned lis mania yeah I was talking about them saying that he rather liked them but yeah prefers his hundred was oh yeah I struggle with I just saw I got to a point in my life where I decided I don't like small lamps sure unless it's for a very specific thing hmm ie you want a small lamp sound dying yeah and yes sound in which case there's nothing else Oh will do the job no big amp attenuate it down will sound like a deluxe reverb so no I haven't tried them but it would be good to try them one thing that's put me off about a lot the new Marshalls is they use MDF cabs yeah especially the studio or whatever that cheap range they've done is which sounds very you know I don't mean to sound rude about it but when you've been hearing nicely resonating pine and plying cabinets for 30 years there's sort of the inertness of an MDF box doesn't really work for me how so we did a show with tour recently about the new updates for the Ox box yeah on Tuesday be on Tuesday and they've looked at a couple of cabinets what do you say they've not sampled it's they've profile profiles yep whatever the couple of cabinets terminologies and the they're both four by twelves they're both exactly the same speakers the only difference is in the construction of the cabinet then you can hear it clear today even in the profiling that the difference in the tone really interesting David Megan says did you mean the mass origin series yes that is what I meant David and I appreciate you were talking about the studio which may have applied cows out of a but we don't know anyone at Marshall anymore Eastern other people at Marshall should I say this I'm gonna say this I think Marshall was lost interest in people like us and the guitar market in general Marshalls very rightly interested in its High Line main artists slash yeah other people you know rightly so that's where Marshalls focuses twenty percent at the time then the other 80 percent is on leveraging that brand into headphones and and I just think that connection with the sort of rank-and-file enthusiast seems to have gone away hmm if I'm wrong about that please comment and let us know but it the artists I speak to and people I speak to you kind of and I don't mean to sound grumpy about that because I think Marshall was doing a very smart thing in terms of becoming a viable business for the long term right so business-wise it makes every sense to do those kinds of things yeah but I just I just think basically it's a bit disappointing it is a bit disappointing I still to this day pull what 50 watt plexi off-the-shelf plunk it on a cab plug my struttin and I feel ace yeah there's something about seeing that logo yeah about the whole heritage of Marshall I feel exactly the same way about gives an offender mmm-hmm and and you just you have an emotional connection and then when you see him bringing out Bluetooth headphones I'm like yeah it's not the emotional connection that I was really interested in hmm cuz that unfair maybe a Santa no I think you I think you put it very well when you said for them what they're doing for their brand to give it of our business but the I think the vowel business saying lasts as long as the brand has integrity or the perceived I don't know I don't know yeah I'm just just watching the martial comments come in John John rush nurse says lemme greatest-ever Marshall tones for anyone who's ever seen Motorhead live that comment is for you yeah what an experience that was yeah bass play from Rush this is named Eddie no no no rush best day from yes Oh Chris was Chris Squire yeah this you know Rickenbacker come here comes the comment here we go something we've missed its Marshall going we're suing you okay um ed brown hi ed and I'm really sorry if we miss stuff what we're trying to be interesting and read a screen which is quite difficult we've managed to read the screen Mick question from Ed Brown I've got the do you name drive recently and is great however was just going down when I gave the drive side of the pedal there's a noticeable bad popping sound from the amp when I click it on and off okay it pops it pops so that could be a number things not necessarily the pedal for example it's your pedal well it might be if it might be the pedal it's usually to do a true bypassing it well yes so your amplifier may have some leaking DC on the input for example ah so anything leaking DC's good that's very good but yeah I think you know for that I would contact Keeley yes it's always the best thing so check your amplifier if you have other true-bypass pedals if they're all popping that may be something to do the amplifier and you can check that easily by plugging in a guitar cable and with a voltmeter just seeing if you have if you read anything except zero volts across the input just a citizen in Lincoln DC on the input which it shouldn't be and then check your power and make sure that the power is in the right voltage and the right amount of current and if you still have any issues contact Robert and his team because they're awesome yes yeah definitely contact me clearly not and if they can't help you we'll find a way of helping you if you're not happy absolutely you need to be a hundred percent happy um quite a few my pedals pop when I turn them all off yeah my palm for example that's everything cuz that's buffered so yeah Bryan Mills you forgot Marshall fridges I actually wanted a Marshall fridge yeah I was all antsy about it until I still wanna thought that's really cool yeah yeah [Music] we still won okay we're back back sorry we froze there for a minute we froze it we forget for an hour and a half are you saying you won't give up done no no I'm just I'm just little giving you a time check yep okay they do come in here as well actually oh cool yeah Lucas whoa Lucas Cardoso hello Lucas hey guys sorry if someone has already asked something similar but I'm looking for an always-on pedal to get my tone that a little bit of hair my setup is a strap into a hot rod deluxe and I can't look crank it mm that's a broadcast hey yeah if you want hair yeah very nice it is the lovely preamp II drive that can go from really subtle clean boost full frequency through to absolutely banging transistor mayhem fuzz it is a fantastic pedal that works with every guitar and every amp we've tried mmm is that too much of a ringing endorsement for that and below coast I like that the Benson preamp is also very good Benson preamp yep yeah but I would I would concur sir yeah well cast that would be our number one I think we're on really rubbish quality as well awesome what if it's cuz it's windy right Joe Brennan I'm getting hungry what should I get for lunch lunch boy oh boy well I'm I'm not you some that eating meat or anything so did you have for lunch grass and leaves grass and leaves of nutritious lunch of grass and leaves I like sushi for lunch that's a good yeah or the ladies that talk to me about steak a light soup I'm not gonna taunt you with describe it to me no no not going to talk about it I'm trying to avoid heavy carbs at lunch time I would say yes so you don't feel tired in the afternoon yep it's quite hard to do right what about a contest playing over a backing track you were on fire today playing a backing track I'll just say yeah low denotes in it five guys you played awesome five notes mate right uh Jamie wag lazy Jay 10 hours a year in one of the guitar max any chance you could give it a look-see yeah I mention Jesse yes beta Jesse yesterday did you yep I would imagine that was the guitar mag huh edited by my good friend Chris finicum yep who used to it would mean guitarist magazine all those years ago yeah sure oh yeah we get one in there wonderful Steven dog music what's your favorite movie about music that's a really good question mine's either the one about the Motown right or Buena Vista Social Club okay or spinal tap okay if it can just be about music it is is that the wonders the one with Tom Hanks in it where he discovers you will have seen it it's I'm a super cheesy but I'm I'm super cheesy he discovers this little banner they've written this song and they go massive it's really sweet it's a really sweet film but it's a bit more highbrow there's so many um have you seen the body Buddy Rich one about the drummer no I haven't seen that this what's that this stuff that thumb while he's thinking somebody said the quality was just bad so I just changed it to 720 and hopefully that's improve things but it might mean that our upload is rubbish because it's Wendy have you thought yet done yes it's an old film with Joan Jett and Michael J Fox is it called that thing you do know that thing you do is if that is the one I thinking before Tom who says that thank you told me thank you Tom so it's a film with Mark J Fox and Joan Jett and I had that on video growing up and I watched it at least once a week I loved it and it's called it's like The Last Waltz no says Chris Warburton Chris is just saying stuff now that thing you do Albus band yes um it's like a most famous Chris Turner yeah that's yeah that's that's about music journalism they would stop the movie says Dave late that's good what's the band with someone Google it Mark J Fox Joan Jett it's like City diet so the heat of the city or something like that light of day light of day light of day Jim Keenan you're in there thank you yeah thank you very much I love that there was like a Joan Jett man she is absolutely incredible that's such a great film yeah there you go light of day okay as our streaming quality improved at all I don't know content hasn't no Blues Brothers says Randy Geist what a of course of course of course my brother picks me up and police car how often do the trains go by so often you won't even notice do you get my cheese whip boy okay we're slowing down thanks BV for being on the comments and keeping things calm out there in give me some lovin E good god Ricky yeah yes thanks BV for doing the moderating yes thank you BV and thank you to everyone who's with us again look they come through so fast we can't get to everything but we're doing our best we're getting better we're getting better right let's come on and somebody finish us off with a great question that the dirt that the dirt did Andrew Nuttall into a clean to rock many pedals sound compressed what to write yeah that definitely I don't know man the opposite happens to me yeah I don't know quite what that's about you do have to turn the master volume up you really do yeah right okay come on come on come on ah come on in let's do this one damn just let's end on a contentious note hey can we yeah well as many people's anything with Marshall okay cool most people saying I totally agree um mark Nicolas you've got to pick one manufacturer for your ultimate pedal board who is it it's got a one manufacturer and they've got it there good everything's got a bigger your pedals have to be from them that is really really really tough I'm gonna say analog man share it to Mike as well I'm almost gonna say analog man are you I've had to say look man because they're because they do the delay and they have wonderful modulation don't have a flanger but his buzzers and king of tones stuff like and I can easily go into a gig that's the trouble isn't it you find one brand that's got these things that you really love yep those brands oh it's just tough really tough this is really really really tough you said analog man yep today on this day in this room here I'm gonna say I got two in mind okay can I see if you can guess the two I've got in mind I'm gonna say walrus no no okay so we're gonna miss let me think they are diamond ah well played sir or free the tone well played yeah very nice 25 to choose right now let's free the tone all right okay okay great the diamond was a very good shirt done would be next on my list cooler yeah yeah yeah yeah I see CJ rocket J rockets in mind as well yeah tough stuff great question yeah yeah there's a show thank goodness we don't have to have bowls with one manufacturer on what what a glorious age we live in let's get out of here everyone thank you so much for joining us on this live stream please check out our preferred retailers which are Anderson's music in the UK peddle Empire in Australia and if you ever see any links please click on them because it helps generate a bit of cash for us to run the show yes go buy t-shirt if you feel so inclined or something else know that peddle show store all of the above funds what we do we don't take any money from manufacturers no sponsorship none of that stuff no money to feature products or anything like that where the entirely self-funded apart from Anderson's and Empire who pays to say that so yes please if you feel so inclined yes and thank you to everyone that super shadow today at all everything that all helps indeed it does cheers guys have a fantastic week and we will see you soon okay
Channel: That Pedal Show
Views: 28,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: That Pedal Show, Live VCQ, looper questions, Guitar loop pedal, viewer questions
Id: HFD2oPOVji0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 11sec (6191 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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