Live Stream - Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's going on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's going on [Music] [Music] excited who's been waiting for this one what this is my excited voice oh I know thank you so much I appreciate it okay doing everybody well I don't know the way I already win at more than tango because your characters in the game you should totally be able to import your mind your actual skin into this like well how do they miss that this is the beta now this is a closed beta no unacceptable that that is a key feature well I'm happy so I don't care I was a sneaky dream last night pendel winter thank you so much for two months I appreciate it went early okay cool so yeah we literally just downloaded this goodie for the first time we know we know nothing about it we're doing resin we know literally nothing I know like rockets or something I have a 0 cos if we did do the tutorial but we just want ran through it just yeah this is mine for those who don't know this is minecraft dungeons it is made by mo yang but it's game they've been working on forever it is a hack and slash adventure game kind of like minecraft meets Diablo kind of thing and this is the beta I think what you say is it they look like a thousand people or something so this is super close beta and I think they let all the hermit's in so are there in app purchases I don't know I don't think so but so far it looks fantastic and I'm ready to play so today let's point I want to go and hit this practice dummy the show oh and I guess this one is for archery oh I just I just shot my rocket didn't mean I didn't need that at all what what what's happening I'm complete [Music] is that sheep looking at me the sheep over there oh I'm happy all righty oh let's go where the dot tells us to go mission select hey Oh creeper woods put the coke in that jelly brain come on me thank you for the five gifts a bum muggy muggy muggy different ways oh I see it's mission-based okay so that's good you're drunk Oh see see this is this is already it's already speaking to me start missions creeper woods except I can vote such as alright everybody sees the new the new kya emote it's amazing I will see jumping j-mac depends how good it is very dark ya know I'm blind okay loves each other people moxie chat I think I have to turn the game sounds down prisoners to me a regular stream squad's calm or one of the mods but the leg up and stop the images no telling what dreadful doom will befall our villager friends oh I'm here by myself oh no you're just standing inside me cutscene Oh got it okay hold on uh I got a boost you even more we go to find a caravan oh what's up today I'm amber you're super I got you'd like one hundred and eighty percent here Oh tango is pretty loud that's a first token test one - once you hello you're about the same volume with me you have a microphone really far from your face today No so people come on here the game noises you guys hear the game noises yeah okay yeah the game looks great honestly they stuck to the minecraft look but they added a lot of nice little details and stuff - the lighting is really nice the trees moving and stuff so it looks really good stainless all giving grifter a sub thank you saying this all Thomas okay two months are we are we gonna mission if a Kate let's mission right now we can't hurt each other that's that's some good thing unfortunately oh he's got an iron helmet okay we biting what so it looks like you've got like a three attacked thing you do like right slap back slash and then like a I don't think I think that's just fluff I don't think that actually means anything because it's just every third attack is that stem but it's powerful look I'm not going to the edge brothers numbers everywhere it's a bucket head whoo oh it's just Purple's all over me your shadow for Oh take shadow form okay hold on I want to I want to take some damage here there's a - yeah if you use the UH but it doesn't seem very responsive at all hold on don't kill these things I want to see like damages and stuff okay yeah ten ten Wow not hard sub elites Brian the controls feel good the dodges is horrible that one feels r-really unresponsive I dodged and then you can like use the right-click to shoot arrows yeah yeah it sure is low health lb don't put that my face oh why not why not regenerate I don't know mister let's go and let us Dom bewail on me for huh what if that was science well I don't want to use a potion I want to slowly read it myself what the heck did you see no I think he's forcing me to use a potion so I can learn okay just gonna touch the skeletons I don't see any region my buttocks yeah I got just standing here is nothing oh there's a villager trapped rescue oh we did it okay bone he's happy we found a cameraman and is extra happy with his space goggles they drop those skeleton heads only when you eat food and potions okay okay almost around here I feel like I have intimate arrows no you don't you have I have 52 I got 168 so yes okay tango come this way this sequence cigarettes I bet no secret yeah the animations are really good go game frozen mind game for us what okay everything's fine why am i up to my forehead in water oh I'm haha this is the swim technology alright I see what's this box shaped like a villager head that brings up a map because this is the villager camp right I think subscribe I love the atmosphere this is great cold the trumpets what are you gonna do uncork what my sub trumpets oh bling I like a little waypoint system hey try not to take too much damage just like regular minecraft it's all about the skeleton so yeah the outline behind when they go behind something is well done so you don't lose control and you don't lose like sense of where the mobs are or where you are yeah I would say the outliner on the mobs is a bit much thinner less red but that's a minor detail Oh your poops so could you tango so could you that's not I mean come on why I will I feel like these yellow things like it's something we don't know about like it's a source of food or something no they just they're just like I'm beat what was that creepy down there yeah so it it it automatically does like Y different y height calibrations for you it looks like yes although Oh came freeze note minute enjoy the freezing what Puma phrase huh thanks Hey looking around looking around is it like crates we can smash open I don't know I don't know I kind of want to rotate the camera sometimes but I get that they didn't do that sub carzy Hari Rolie Polie hold on over here science like okay Rolie Polie but then you can't really pull you again yeah it's like a rolling cool down see next to your little arrows it tells you the cool down Oh huh it's like we're good yeah like over fication o RB does it - Arby's better I'll be he's probably better okay it's a cow over top tree Oh Joe I just write them oh I wonder if we shall lose can I get give me your tasty beef they do drop they gonna leave these emeralds behind the minutes okay I'll get them I picked him up hello watch this I'm gonna save the day today you can use your Pollock no I'm trying to just use range my back to the skeleton so now my range dead count this looks really good I like it look at the lighting down this edge playing beckoning us wanna back in Oh Apple you didn't drop leaf Apple even the nitrene this guy's I wonder if we get a shield later oh I knocked him out Oh party starts repeating oh you're not very good today we leveled up and that hailed us can we hold off the bridge no here we come I was brave oh oh give me your tasty bread out of your butt minecraft you go to Rollie pollie away from them you just blew me well there's an apple what's the blue swiftest I'm sweet the extra swifty away there might be extra sparkle bits in these ways that we're not seeing but that might be that might be oh I do need to get the grape drink my potion the music is fantastic by the way use tab by that I mean he did he did I'll see you wanted to break that great didn't you I try oh I'm sorry over web all the spiders they do extra tissue web goo place you places you that in the main game they should if only the developers of the main game were this creative I'm scared Tiger there are spiders in Minecraft should totally shoot this look at them from their bodies yep can't oh no I can't roll it boy you can stick together we should that sounds like no no no please roll all right here my face what does that do explode usually Omaha with okay huh yeah mom I'm hanging back here for a second okay Oh pork worried how do i what do I do with the thing on my face can you go into your imagery I just have a fishing rod thank chant anything smiting one I have oh can you fish oh wait what'd I just do oh we should have fished when we had fish unequip hi everyone in chat sorry yeah we're gonna be a little ranged attack to toss oh I see okay so it's saying my next ranged attack is gonna lob some TNT I'm so ready to lob TNT everywhere show me the spiders oh oh you pick up an axe seawalls no I didn't can I try and chop down a tree once these guys are dead get dead man the combo of spiders and creepers together is already terrifying what's up zapped us well yeah you definitely got a juke the spiders what are you doing they do it science I'm trying to quit my ax was it like a new weapon yeah look contacts now it's a weapon oh oh I'm a ballerina lumberjack yeah let's go twinkle toes come on Oh chest chest is just what what oh Jesus does it open an axe oh and all kinds of shiny bits I'm picking up the house did you pick up your shiny bits god if we see different loop so the axe is slow but it's a t-rex the face okay oh my rock is ready to go off hey that's how much I love this game I feel like we're repeating back how much this cost I have no idea where this is the closed beta yeah we go giving this game for free currently we've got a freaky hey you alright looks like it has extra range to rules it her dad so well look at these bills they look like they actually belong in this game called minecraft should we go in the building um yes travel oh nice oh no they just I'll go bread okay I mean this is kind of cool smash oh it's like Legend of Zelda this is so cool this is not bad this is not bad yeah I'm Emma can I like bend over and stick it in there like okay so hang on let's look in our inventory here the sword has 10 to 16 melee damage the axe has 13 to 21 melee damage oh so there's like power speed and area I know I got like oh oh you see the little Delta bars yeah like shows you heard of what you're wearing so okay so I would I would gain speed by using the sword but lose power at area area wow that's it that's it okay that is cool with a $50 donation crazy in a wall but glad to see you still being you like this thank you so much that is ridiculous this is awesome thank you truly mean that good to see you again honestly okay so first impressions visuals are about as good as I would hope for given a voxel world I think they nailed yeah the the lighting everything sound effects the music which I need to turn down a little bigger that's pretty loud holy moly screaming wonder the five gift subs mugging so far yeah it was looking pretty cool what else inventory system seems a little simplistic III well they clearly are like toning down numbers and going more for just like a graphical kind of this is this is this much better you know as opposed to like this ones 23 this is a seventeen kind of thing this is true this is true what is this room do you think I just feel like a checkpoint or like so this is a one-off you don't expect there to be like more of those things I think this is like a chess except Leslie I love the spiders well when you say love to find love I think it's the way spiders should be whole spiders or spiders okay this looks like a dungeon oh it's the spider densey yep sure do chests ocean hold on oh no I want to take this oh you can fishing rod a mom yes how do I get that potion on my bar Oh respect weakening wait I don't even see that oh wait I have a change tab no okay oh I couldn't chant it too expensive Chapman cost two potions activated on pick up okay cool thank you that's so they're they're really not potions they're just instant power-ups or whatever yeah this is closed beta random okay I just upgraded my axe how I put an inch on on it chant 100 percent increased chance of what I did money I did the model prospector oh I like that you should be a reviewer what a clever enchant we'll see I'm straight up man if something's bad I'm gonna call you and say it's crap but so far I like that all right but I want a lunge attack like that would be nice I don't know if there's more attacks okay yeah we want to be a pig with the box oh it's a okay hold on hold on I picked up a worse axe I have two swords now hey max but I could sharpen it what whoa what is this it's got double Lucian's too expensive oh it's got fire aspect I could echo man all right we need to check out our stuff when we get to the next safe spot one do the atmospheric music and everything fantastic like look at this archway like they stuck to the Minecraft bill that's really cool I hate villagers we got for him villagers doh Oh gadget oh look at him he's like ragdolls oh it's [ __ ] head we can't just keep running in without so know there might be stuff over here hang on want to bust that creep we might can I get into your traveling circus there's a roll but it's not an attack as far as I could tell yeah uh-huh it's free just gonna do a little happy he's free oh oh it's something wizard builder wizard dear he's over though you just smashed the money out of him basically this is just a giant spree of mugging get free villager hungies all that sheep was like oh the food is instantly to script can we summon the skeletal Demon Lord of blocky goodness hold on yeah okay little map action okay we gotta keep going this is like a little side secret oh hey Lois I'm eating flowers oh you like I don't want to be stepped on oh it's the Archmage dude yeah Wow Eric Idle boss Chloe one supplies flies now don't see now I thought of that I opted out I chopped it all that one you shoot him this guy's got like purple blowing thanks how many more villages we go survive I don't know there's a lot of them their very strength potion Oh hunters armor besides that I have strength my own account feel mine oh can we you got your head the face okay hold on hold on one second there are you are you armed ring up Oh plus one health plus ten arrows per bundle plus 30% ranged damage looks like I'm wearing like a look at you you gots a hold on turn sideways you why are you like a hunchback right now hey that's my neck color thing fluffing that collar is how is the fluffy neck collar gonna protect you alright this looks dead nd up here that means there's a paucity oh yeah you're right that nd it is say say I wish I wish I could get low on screen at once what when you press tap you get the map up right I don't know I'm pressed down on my controller what does tab do yeah same thing Oh oh she be get shaped father's getting apples everywhere collateral cow damage cow lots a little damage know how that makes up for your good man I just said my cap down now that's cheap spinning he goes smart I can't man you again suck up the air right now I'm a hundred percent controller I don't see any problem with the controller goodies I love it when I count drops pork I know like did they just get that longer they just like man we'll get to that later I think I think the what they drop is different than what they you know they drop apples pork chicken oh wait not that was you mmm I know I thought my dot was a door to go somewhere like a very excited don't run away from me oh just Yuri oh this guy won't die oh I'm being munched thanks for munching that guy look at that the armor makes a huge difference Oh level up yeah the armor on those zomboid makes a huge difference oh yeah which is good time then don't messing around we're in creeper was like two papers seems like they should be calling this like chow pork woods or something oh hang on there's a chest the chest show off on the map hey what Oh show up on the map are you playing with the map album no but I keep looking at the map every so often aha very good sir look at you rolling into action I know I'm a hero today high road room Oh No get off no I just feel like seven skeletons and one who is present I was there too yeah I was everything shows up on me hang on I own inventory time all right I have to thank people as well too yeah you do that stainless old tech bar tech D doing it prime Jimmy like 35 or 36 on Oh Gilda sent me with the sub Argus thank you for the host and a double D for the second month all you guys thank you guys so much okay I mean Shawn and stuff what are you enchanting your axe I've been trusted my bow with punch I've enchanted my axe with oh it's all right so you get one enchant every level I think so you did little pink swell yeah yeah yeah so I have one I'm gonna save it my first question now is there the equivalent of respect like if I trade this axe do I I think I think you could that's what Salvage is all about ah okay that makes sense yeah yeah probably so if I salvaged I get back those enchant points and they could put let me I like this oh yes let me solve it this sword here absolutely smart people buy back BAM yeah bye sold and now no prospects you're 200% I like that system so you can basically as you level up your just enchanting your gear pretty much yeah and like compose like we look down on old stuff and then it kind of means there's no and the game is what it feels like right yeah okay we'll see all right you ready what check out the little dynamic shadows happening there oh it seemed like blocker these images are free from the clasp of the images all thanks to you well thanks to you said all thanks to you thanks all right so the camp is like you're in town yeah oh I did it I was bad at walking unblocks you Excel yeah congratulations you're an expert Walker without you without your Walker for Katie we wouldn't have stood a chance what's your chest open percentage 26 we have joined things so that means we miss loads of chests we need to check the math more yeah so this is Rick from every battle royale game now it looks like matches over exploding fast boots of swiftness I just got a tasty bone to bone my I got rare booties oh they're so Swift five second cooldown 15 22 22 there's a short boost to movement speed boots bless with him stands a lot of Street wait my tasty bones summons a wolf to aid in battle entice the taste of Bones pretty good a certain haha I love my tasty bone where do I put it put it right there look at my little baby puppy ha you just got a dog just say so existence alright check it out though you got a tasty bone I got this whoosh Wow you can run away you thought you were the master block Walker you just wait and watch barks don't stand a chance I'm gonna walk all over them oh okay so we're at no we need to go to pumpkin passages next but did you say banking oh there's a blacksmith let's talk to him make sure ade where are you I'm making a trade with a blacksmith get a random piece of your puppet level appreciate his firm if he ever owned sickles a ceremonial weapon that hails from the same region as the desert temple all right I mean great I made a round of trade so did I oh I have shackles of increased damage don't give any axes I don't know that I want that oh but I can salvage it can't hold on can I can salvage it it's a dual wield how do i how do I deal will defecate oh I should have breathed it doesn't you so much did you did you get stuff out this chest that I opened by the way marine oh yeah jealous I might have to try these see how fast they're they don't hit where the nothing though well you're like that you're like a bumblebee you're like so dual-wielding just means yeah let's go to the dummy and check it out that's a bad way to talk about me hey balls leave me I'm boot swifting you're sweeping your way there what's the damage wait where's my GPS meter come on game step it up come and attack this dummy you dummy no you don't swim you say here I mean I see you attacking if I don't see numbers come on yes it's six six six six 12 six six six six 12 okay when I do when I do the double 22 yeah but look how fast I mean these kind of look cooler so we're gonna go with that look at damage per second let's try a hold on yeah yeah I could put increased damage on them I can teleport to you but I kinda like my double prospector action on my ax though get the chest Thunder what is this get the chest Thunder there's a chest up here to the normal to the new open Emeralds alright I mean sir that's cool when we buy another blacksmith thing looks like there are three different enchants well there's different each on some different things ah I didn't realize that did you what you probably did cuz you're not an idiot when you're in the enchanting page you if you hit like left and right you can it shows like three different and chancing that's like between them yes so like oh my my armor I could get Explorer for every 100 blocks explored you gain a small bit of health so there's passing reason basically okay everyone's just like oh my god get the Thunder already alright fine we're gonna Thunder up here which means we really need to salvage this guy to get our three things back probably is that 15 emeralds is that me getting 15 emeralds back or paying 15 numerals to self getting them back you get in the back I would expect to have to pay to discourage the hot swapping all right screw you axe nobody likes you anyways huh what you can rolie polie off a cliff and instantly teleport home under thunder all right lucky southward lady swifty boots Oh your Thunder man I'm snowman oh good eye explosion that was a rocket oh it's gonna say that was pretty amazing the lightning bolt is a bit underwhelming and it doesn't look like it's actually doing more damage because before I was like six eight six twelve fourteen maybe the Lightning funky-looking hammer maybe is that the 14 yeah okay okay come on man I may eat you to get into intention to kill all right oh it's a stunner well that's unnecessary because pumpkin everything dies in 2 hits anyways oh we can up the difficulty by getting different stuff so we might eventually want to go back to the creeper woods and play it again great let's play we can select difficulty level like yeah yeah man default c4 tradition people 3 change but look gay drops we we only missed like fine thing there's our heartless this is cool Oh see that oh yeah done K I'm in now pumpkin pastures banal there yet Punk punkin pastures doesn't sound too threatening your power shall it shall we kick it up a notch let's just see how things go I have another the swifty run away but Oh all right pumpkin pastures on pumpkin mode yes I get to vote oh yes look at them ring that Bell they seize on to see pretty fun yeah Silla our Pro skews Griffo and a laundress guys think for the subs even though she would a piece of pie piece of pie over here as well hi dad hope you're happy safe like medicine make haste here oh you must warn the villagers there at the battle two counters you are their only hope ah blah blah go forth and smash everything oh there's the great battle took place here are you with me there pumpkin boy reading I'm a cutscene guy okay I'm with you I'm not sure about these quick attacks the ambient is fantastic like the wind and everything like the sounds I like the kind of I saw noises yeah huh kill the fire we can't kill it so avoid it got it oh it's this dude casting magic walls on my face Oh get lightning shot I want to try my snowball doubt don't kill anything hold on okay snowball the way good sir and go snowball snowball go go go Oh pick it up Oh it did it works okay watch this I've TNT on my head not free to use it I'm afraid of using it I hear I hate rattle bones we missed chest chest action huh yeah oh this bit sprayed okay yeah you're the chest whisper alright you do all the chesty okay I'll beat well I might just be an alternate way to mind I'll be a chess digest nope that could have been genesis what phase wait are you leading me down were dead ends of nothingness that kid oh the spins forget his pumpkin is it's a pumpkin Zed it's a pumpkin I do need to heal right it's off camera question but I chest that way either that was fun so is my potion a you just get it back over time you can just so there's no reason to not use it I've been like saving it okay No nuf that nothing is like used up other than a harrowing minutes Oh lightning in your face embarrassing for you okay so what are these little like mini bit softer this I know I know like can we launch to those or something or what's going on Adam switch eBoost okay go let's go around this loop between between my flippy oh oh locked up barrel of fish those dead ends might have looped on higher difficulty that's a good point uh is this uh no the freezing that happens frozen they can't they can't withstand my lightning barrage yep no chesticles maybe that's why we didn't see any of the chests because it's the chests are only we're only 25% of chests available a tinkle maybe Sophie boots tumbler oh oh I tumbled into the face of a block ouch huh dori slashed my dog alive dog sucks go dog jumping oh you are that's what a block Walker I mean I was you've stolen that tie oh yeah nothing I so wish I could put the map up like little in the corner permanently yeah up til I got you I'm swapping it stop reading oh he dropped his book I'm hearing which is which should be snitches dudes up on the hill there how do we get to him I don't know how to climb ha my friend he's just a dog whoa come on explore avenues would be great yeah okay house you up oh this is gonna help the man is his face oh it opens twice does it like I opened it in this bits out Oh Sheila Bennett wait do we want to be going here yeah this feels like the end zone there's more to explore I use what kind of person are you mad at you you're I was just gonna say you're 100% the completionist you're like oh my god there's a pixel I missed 20 minutes backward we're returning the big turning will take your tons I would be a completionist too if it wasn't for oh I just chained lightning all over their face oh it's a sick old fair enough my chain lightning bounced it bounced it I think would you say it chained it might have what are we doing said we're looking for things oh my god I know Jess this is great keep going this way well what wait or go the way I was going yes doggie no I'll wait to settle I don't hit my dog oh he's enchanting that spider with like huge ooh extra power got an arrow in his face just fun look at the arrow faith dog look at the arrow face dog it's a poor little dog oh okay all right we can go to the battery under there's a little thing there else well hey don't bother this now oh we can okay no it's your damaged yeah the end of poles allowing for teleports we cars are technically pushed right stick in you can teleport to me oh that's handy for you because you're not a cool that we can separate actually you've done the runway now oh I'm flipping the bits yeah BAM oh oh superhero landing I just did that wait I wanna try it right whoa can we go I literally thought hammer in yeah it's total Thor hammer action that's amazing a traffic cone on its head No Oh Oh my rocket is locked and loaded oh you just stayed on the whatsup guys don't stand a chance to my thundering ex we gotta find a village hey guys those are either new this is minecraft dungeons the closed beta just came out today we are playing slay your dog doesn't really do much except kind of follow you my dogs lovely alright your dogs kind I can little Eva look at a little skeletons oh stop everything oh there's a bow a bow extra bow bundle goodness hold on Pat lutes oh this lever I'm pulling level oh we both have to pull it I could do a few shot explode it radiant shot heals exact exact what's up uh I have there's a get these enchants in Minecraft oh my gosh there's a bowing chant that does radiant it shoots it like an orb on the ground and it heals allies you become a healer how amazing is that please these arrows outside my dog's face that'd be great man they have a bucket on their head it makes a huge difference music a very intense oh he was hard that was awesome he was hard that was awesome i I puckered a little bit there I like it fully 100% maybe even a hundred and ten and Jack I will say it again boobs emerald a different big sword hell yeah thank you what do you mean yes bucket head why why am i switching on this flip I was switching on the spider baby baby chicken on my chicken oh man you're just saving that TNT aren't you for right now oh I messed up Oh bro Oh take a dog don't explode my dog dog couldn't handle it oh it's chicken zombies yeah I am the most the most heroic or just you know someone a new one I got wait time like know your dog number two and I will love you more than the other we just came from is it yes he was I was just checking Jack I'm talking about those big the Boca people make this look easy Oh these little guys supplies bread arrows oh I'm sorry my arrows I've got four hundred and eighty yeah arrows ahead so if anyone hasn't realized the Chris and Jack person in chat needs to be injected ruin channel now the brains behind the operation is gone wrong okay why is my dog off fighting with you and I'm off on my own because he knows where the action said he knows he needs help mmm-hmm hold on hold on dead end I can go who needs you break barrels barrels can't be broken my stables sadly nothing I think in like higher modes yeah they'll be bits over there's what I think that dog is like he's just gonna Ram something with those arrows in his face does it sound good ok thunder is pretty cool I don't care if it's effective or not it looks amazing I'm in little jealous bait have all the content I have no idea this is terrible now why can't minecraft have a fall oh this gate do we do it or do you we need to do all the kind of levels it's a bell should we ring the bell the last half team again awesome my dogs at distraction it's the meat shield all the lightning in your face already man what's up this is minecraft dungeons you might actually like it he's going through everybody it's pretty much just the best thing ever way that Oh just killed everyone while you were picking daisies oh no help help oceans of health already taping me okay I mean shy guys are rough that evoker is no joke oh you're in like poo mode what's going on there that one's that what you call it alright your dog dies in like eight seconds you can we go in here I want to go into the shop oh I have armor my inventory hunters armor oh that's sort stuff out oh so Shelley Pokemon will gift him five more subs thank you so much trump is going crazy moving creates a trail of fire behind you Oh hot-diggity somehow I said they have yours here I heard you stop saying what cowards mmm you're in chancellor over here oh no here it is Explorer oh that was only a cowardice okay fire trail just sounds amazing can i enchant my my bits anymore here Missy hello oh yeah shall I see if the bow is any better wait no it's just oh I haven't double sickles yeah I have double sickles thundering William ready one of my sequences better than the other six Taylor saw hooking up Brad ebrary thank you for the support I appreciate everything you do here Thank You Brodie I sell my sickles Rosa marble thank you so much for 200 and can only stay for a minute want to stay for hello you're probably gone by now Rosa Marmol think you're stopping by armor equipped now I have Nick Fury collar oh you've joined me now it's all about having that extra that neck protect next the pumpkin pastures go on to fight another day pumpkin pastures right evil better I'm ready to sleep never play was good okay who yes I won with the amount of strength potions used at zero do we have we have the same damage tell ya we do that that's Cory that's how I think that's crowd thanks for the rain I do appreciate everybody I think we should do so just play this to so light feather no one knows what mysterious creature this feather came from but it is beautiful but it is as beautiful and powerful that doesn't make sense okay wandering trader wandering trader Oh wandering trated random artifact emeralds I see I'm not rich enough well what's there certain him in the blacksmith oh and don't crate it before that oh I didn't see that gear versus gear versus uh artifacts whoa let's you tumbling through the air stunning and pushing enemies back as you go I'm replacing my fishing rod with that oh I just feathered I found the two it's not very exciting I guess it's like another launch attacks even like boof people or something if you want to be like hey I want to come over here I mean it said it doesn't look very threatening you're like noise okay right I chose lost amend you whatever you do another mission but I don't know if there are any more but absolutely my gram I was able to twits prime you wanna like yeah everyone does mission so is that all there is there's just pumpkins and creeper woods it looks like there's the two only ones open to us at the minute we might have to do lock lock lock next yeah I don't know we've not collected like everything in the places yet so agree now canceled I cancelled why are you such a fast agree er cuz all right you know I wanted to up the difficulty all right great see just can't help it what we found like a Lenny tree you just work for to go and said culture to extreme that is alright alright return to camp you yeah I'm still even loading screen in the minute so there's another level ok cool nice guys there apparently there's a creeper quip that's open beep decrypt what I said bouncy locked pumpkin pastures locked I do not see it on the map in creeper whoops is it in there no I don't think so and the power oh so it tells us how much power we currently have and how much power we should need RB right nothing up the difficulty Wow you can crank it up to like stupid mood yeah man you need like some good stuff for that though I'm compassion jizz so we got a lot of the gear from pumpkin pastures truly I'm only missing like three things or as from creep the woods I'm missing a little work we're cranking it out we're kickin up but not all things okay mysterious I'm definitely getting this game when it comes out oh okay so what level did you do until three to by the arch I'm happy with your restraint huh oh I got my boy out let I don't need that story huh oh yeah heel boy go I know I fell off I'm valiantly blowin me around here this guy's got a lot of help I believe if you go to if you just google minecraft dungeons that website can tell you everything you need to know all about it that's probably the best thing because obviously we know look look at the pro could you a chap please that was wrong as it gets right there look at the somber it's down there man to the high ground a belly full of muscles that's your special new slogan that's my next band name yeah Mon chest hung Patrol Oh a feather flop them rough oh hey Brody hang on oh I got wool farmer hold on I'm holding on I'm going I'm going full ice one health 20% weapon damage boost aura health potions heal nearby allies yes please I've been nearby a light arrows arrow so yeah we want wolf farmer cuz we're not using arrows that much anyways Oh Wolfie friend you're a head of the wolf won't be look at my mom dog like that it would scare him oh speaking of Wolfie hang on it's it's Wolfie time okay it's time for wolf it yeah I want to see emotes in chat delivers anything to puffers are we doing girl somebody's a big girl she pooped in the backyard today very good very good peed in the grass she's doing super good super good she's like the best bumpers ever I had I had to show her how to poop in the backyard so yeah she learns by example that's the only way to really teach her that's right Barry don't be stealing my jokes hey come here come here do you um watch this I want to see it if I if you bask in my glory here see nearby allies oh you may be fries I missed the sword hang on wait what is it on your map regular sword man I got all can I sell this stuff hold on oh I just salvaged and I get armor I mean that's cold Salvage sound of it you can you get it words don't pay attention to the words I'm saying just understand what they can you make sure the words you're saying a true as usual they're they're super important no you can solve a time to just it's like selling it basically even if it's not enchanted so so I'm some salvaging everything now savage to the law the law every time you will say the lawn here's the thing I wanna I want to share this with you every time you say the lawn I think of that scene from Harry Potter the first one when they're on the train and Ron says and they're looking to buy candies and he says and he says I'll take the whole lot right cuz that's the only time I've ever heard that someone say that it's so pretty everyone's saying I forgot a sword on the ground I mean if you see a sword let me know I don't think I see you Luke oh you don't that's actually it is a pretty big monk look at things my head I'm a head okay I need to remember to feather I mean between between feathering and speed boost and tumble roll like we have all kinds of oh yeah vines over a height confusion there backward starting a backwards I wonder if my I'm seeing like times up there's a whole separate world over here yeah get out of me can i line-of-sight oh I can't line us a good feeling low me will teleport to your friend I'll go wolf on the - oh it double wolf armor it's fun for the whole family you know special I'm extra special oh I needed that regen so much all right so wolf armor does what again it's like plus health heals weapon damage boost aura does that affect me or just I'm not sure teleporting to you i'm thorry store away BAM I'm stealing your strength to Shelly Branca mama Thank You someone for five gift subs amazing eka Lowe's at the spa time through no time for some pie from my work doing or doing our part and keeping the chemicals toilet paper flowing wow it sounds important I think Emma Jones thank you so much print printed our first dungeon this is the thing they were talking about it's the creepy crypt creepy creeps oh strength be so businesslike water yeah get in my zone zombies are there just for fun more hunters are more Emeralds excellent a lot of stuff outside all right I'm just a 50k followers holy cow that's about it i took me like three years to get 2,000 followers on mix it i come over here and i have 30,000 followers heroic deeds I tried to feather it does take a long time to kill some of these sickles although I don't are you feel like you're having a hard time it's got a helmet is it just like chop chop dead cuz pretty pretty much I'm not having too much issues using my great axe the game is kind of easy right now but there's a lot of difficulty levels so we're only on like baby mode what's this nothing oh oh we've missed a bit I'll back out you leave how long you're going to be alive that's kind of dark a lot of emeralds over there coming over to get one I want to see what happens when you open it it sprays bits for me too okay okay trees trees that was it that was a little she wrote see you later jack is it is great exactly oh yeah closed beta of minecraft dungeon scream I left some loot at the start of the map too bad your bad left the right we're a crossroads right oh whoops accidentally it again yep that'll do that'll do oh my wait farmer is so great the other way this Way's the way to the end this way is must be a dead end that we didn't know before look at them creeper pillars but you just said that guy so like right here I don't like this doesn't it feel it like it's not obvious he's not massively obvious yeah we should have done a better job with shadowing or something there and they can feel like it's the Armen look amazing Linda it's incredible what I want is I want like a howl ability I mean health potions help me I can chart I could put a chance on this so let me try there hang on an explorer thorns a hundred percent damage returns draw a passive health regen not impressed with those enchants I can create a trail of fire behind I know isn't that amazing yes it is no I'm wolf boy Oh was that me yeah you just just sprayed your fiery sorry about that sir this happens sometimes our guests aren't took some sheep with my trail blacks such a brave warrior much lightning Wow some bees are just so bad the other cow running away I don't want to be burned like my fire feet yeah I love the wolf farmer but I'm not impressed with the enchants or the wolf miss of it and yeah why is there why is it only a football give me give me poor old faction now I want to be able like press a button and it's like Oh what everything around me is like wolfed up or something huh insert awesomeness there I just life I just got a life wow that's a very glass half-full kind of lad what's his way of saying he died I didn't mean today I brought to life I really probably should even your fire bits everywhere no chanting my face power you've got it's called awesome my health is pretty low thank you everybody oh we want to go in the building right you down there yeah oh you were so right there I landed on him okay we go back to the house sorry I don't either yeah Big Daddy swung hold on I gotta go oh wow Guardian bow unique strong target ex supercharged attack forged from fossilized coral the Guardian boys and women from sunken civilizations of lost ages I think it's a good thing it's got power it's got punch and it's got radiant shot ladies and gentlemen it's a PCI infinity which I mean I'm not running hotter Oh wild rage my full farm I can have two things on it electrified and speed synergy are the enchants randomized for every instance of an item or does like all wolf Armour have the same no because I just have three wolf armors yeah what they're all different that's fantastic so when you get wolf armor you're not like oh I got wilpharma again you actually want to inspect it and see yeah and that's fantastic but this has got wild rage to send it into a rage it's like a charm my dog okay this bow is hotness what should I put on it don't don't get wild rage it's not a good enchant Craig this is uh this is minecraft dungeons radiant shot that's the 20% chance to spawn a circular and that sounds good I'm stuck now how many can I put on just one right or can you make this one I just had some wolf armor that had to enchant slots available to slots yes how do you know that by when you hover over it and there's like three diamonds and only the first ones available my one has two apparently this bow has two there you go now you know oh oh I see one two three is so that's like set one and set - aha so if he's got three enchant slots you can put very interesting should I try this heal thing I think I should give it a try man which is muttering right now won't we yeah oh and I'm gonna start using bow infinity chance to immediately replenish an arrow after shooting like we're not running out of arrows at all I have two hundred thirty three of them but we're not shooting them either though so when we when we're heading into us all of moms just away maybe a couple of them soften them up a little bit yeah but honestly this bow is like it does 49 damage man yeah whistle again say that it's a double Whistler should I alright we'll do we'll do infinity mile bridge seems like more fun come on house with me I'm wild raging all right uh where are you so they're super charged twice arrows arrows shiny mints all the shiny bits more arrows beautiful yeah baron we have bugs made from the same person custom mugs you're shooting lightning out of here do you mean fire oh get it why do I fire my pants oh man bows are the way to go step aside little boys so I got there's like a combo system here I'm trying to figure out every time I shoot it was like supercharged recharge oh that's just that's a state wild rage supercharged interesting with the website actually like hurt oh what's that on the map that's where we came from can you not see like a shaft of light really far away what yeah yeah yeah that's probably where we gotta go now cuz we're going no it's this way but you own the map do you not see a shaft of light down below I see a shaft of light up here okay hey grim oh it automatically it's got a little bit of assistance on the aiming - yeah so I want to see on did I get that healing one yeah radiant shine I want to see that go off oh I was it that was the radiant shot a friend has fallen I fell mm-hmm I fell I got it are you still dead can you pick me up I don't know you why are you in the sadness all those baby zombies can you can you give me a back rub hey it's not so bad okay I really liked the enchance system I should not run into that so much so much that's foolish I'm a fool you hear me I'm a fool check in it's just me and set off right now okay sorry just making sure there's nothing about look at this double wolf armor with we literally with a wolf pack with a wolf bros yeah the flowers of Oh what is this what's what this is gonna be some sort of entrance to something or it's a pile of stuff it went down oh did it yeah maybe you have to pick all the flowers but they come straight back I should some of my dog thank you for reminding me of that what when did that sink I think when something around here to go touch did he want to see what happened cool Burroughs I don't know it definitely is these sickles are really cool but oh it's soft its bows no joke I missed with the aim assist the assist was inadequate oh I just said that creepy flying whoa what's in here oh hi Tommy yes all the S I got a thing whoops minus 20 hell but it's unique it's so unique Wario see I should get hunters armor now because I'm using this bow how do I tell if it's better or activate any artifact you can't when you're 17 surprise gift I got a surprise you sometimes create random consumables I feel like I should be switched into feel like I should if I'm all gonna be about this I need to use yeah plus ten arrows for bundle through it yeah yeah they're putting on okay I did a thing I'm salvaging the thing will write fishing pole like what we need to find some water meant we meant to do that before I think you play this game absolutely or you plan to fool people and we need water so we can learn like fishing Oh radiant shark any artifacts you get twenty percent movement that's not bad yeah these chests definitely one down here before these are like special well yeah tango chest are you right there thank you so much almost Alice you just been gifted okay this is great if the fishing mode what did the fishing wrote there is anyone not cold mobs for you whistle while they were Wow wonder when that hat is like be slowed here should here I come sweep like you're being heroic sound not gonna lie I'm pretty brave hi I'm winning today stupid helmet them all right boys cluster ups I got a present for you all right where are you just damn the cows got money that means he's got money for me to bug that cow I did can we can we go down in here no no I really like mints yeah Oh secrets no wait what we're just dying repeatedly this is very bad how do we have to find the rover I tried to gather over there like a bridge extender yeah the Bolton I got a rare sword sturdy and reliable Michael to bow but is it a Guardian bow it's a much better one salvaged that's for sure a wild range echo I'm gonna try wall right don't make people say this is very good but always a chance need to go into regular minecraft freezing oh I hear things from this growling beds coming back breathing a law yeah this like now what I like a hood what's going on with you like it's like a bicycle helmet with aerodynamics or whether we're just going on there that's me taking it leave it in the area uh get moved bring that young bucks that's me boy look at the screen distortion from the lava that's pretty hot no pun intended I knew by now ling-ling wait I need something that likes sniffs out chess that'd be great it's cool to set up what was that like a blue ghost just appeared that was me whooshing oh my bow sizzle so tango there might be secret chest but we don't even know about because we haven't learned to like jump faint right you just gotta you gotta have bravery that pays off bravery pays that's what they say like there's a little problem down here can we figure out how to go that way yeah see the prom I see prawns I found it I figured it that was science that one the room from leap of faith see that was awesome I like the part where we died that was great oh yeah sorry I can't see chat i can't i'm gonna read up as much like a bit difficult so much going on so can I go shoot you to get the Rhydian or at night during the class book and images the classroom thanks to you thanks to me he said me later panda yeah yeah it's just like the numbers yeah I'm always the one doing like this you're just like the person who cheered the most deathcap mushroom eaten by warriors before battle the Death Cap mushrooms there are new that rose white is into a frenzy I was the wandering traders son today Oh angry chest sup pups is it a better tasty bone all right I've got a tasty although I don't I'm not really crazy about these Rockets what do they make like an exploding shot I don't know 441 I can do mold wondering traitor ones I'm assuming that better right well it's artifacts versus gear those are like different categories Oh Oh a flaming quiver Oh gives you burning arrows it's rare yeah jumpers it might be a while I might use that actually because I don't use but like I like passive abilities I think oh yeah yeah yeah I think this sword might be the way to go maybe I should be sounding everything at this rare sword just gonna do a lot of dog name for the prime sub alright let's see what the Smith has got okay I can't do anything more all to confirm great the button was like great and I like how you could just you could just you know tint that with your own your own tone it's either great or great yeah the guy just gave me a regular boring old axe I just thumped 80 gems on that's luck man that's gambling for you jerk salvation by the way yeah we now have the creepy crypt available as a place we can just go right we're gonna go straight to it so I kind of like my artifacts I wouldn't mind getting some better hunters armor I like my tasty bone because I can just say and forget it out I'm gonna try this again my flaming quiver I wrote range it came with the twitch prime so thank you thank you Oh scale mail we scale mail was that big that's good are you doing mate you're doing mostly melee right I'm doing a bit of everything I'm kind of okay that's pretty good what kind of a chance we got for this snowball enchant cowardice no chance suck can i trade and I like give this to you that means i pick up between is there like a drop slot I don't think so I think it I think that's it I think you got a it's what you learn is your own stuff and you can do with it what you will gotta stick with that hunters Armour as always you're just joining a team with really good people and that give you loads of free stuff and then true about the flaming quiver but I'll just forget to use that kind of thing I like stuff like the dog or I can get my dog out and then just forget about it no Mike you don't I don't use the healing person enough for that let's try huh it's only a one second duration that's crap I'm kind of done with these sickles I think it might be time to usually the sword yeah well I kind of agree kind of a chance so I got here echo that sounds really good committed that's not bad look at the power level well this is rare yeah the power level is double I know the speed is obviously lower but it's got a much bigger area too which is nice we're gonna do a little sword action here I'm checking out the house doesn't seem like there's anything there talk shows a little mini a burger no I'm on PC both on PC committed seems good a good thing all right it's time it's time to salvage the sickles give me back my three shiny bits put that load into this thing now with let's see committed or oh I can only do committed now I'm committed weird go fingers better cat dragon okay well we're gonna we're gonna do sorta bits now and that means now I should also do scale mail to probably look even super efficient man mmm-hmm so what we do here and snow afire snowballs stunning nearby enemy did you try snowball yeah I had sniper was on for a little bit it was 20% increased damage on cowardice all right we're gonna we're gonna go wreck some face now how much so how many uh emeralds do you have I have not that many 76 I have 303 did you buy an artifact I did I spend all my money on the trade uh-huh tiny bits Oh like feather fantastic just what I really add sir there's no difference between them right well there might be six rare oh yeah one difference is that can be done and through second cooldown ah okay the one I have is better yeah you need to check like every wow yeah that's no joke just cuz it says if the type of item it is doesn't mean anything yeah should i I think I should use the tasty bone as well hey to two friends with their tasty bones it's how we rock and roll in this all right go then decommissioned man you'd be the mission man cave Oh oh wow recommended power 16 how much power do we have as a team not 16 okay okay this is too easy and that's way too hard well anything that we're missing loot on we should probably do I don't even know what that means so well is anything that's where there's little question marks of like available loot I guess recommended power 10 sounds good creepy ready for some pain and misery might read smarter they give the 500 biddies I appreciate that guess you're committed now yeah okay so so we've been here before still but just the strength I should bring straight into the kvk part yeah he's on the level though oh I mean you know who can say [Applause] you go strange the trip yeah we did our you've already been muttering things yeah nice oh I gotta up my dogs not out go dogs go mr. sword guy now creepers can't even explode no what's up oh there's holy floors holy floors oh the wolf just creepy whoa whoa dodge creeping wiggling it like there's a lot of its over there holy cow I wish we had right now all right get your dog out it's the only thing useful you provide are we going I don't know it's all empty over here so pretty hold on Matt why is it all empty over here oh I'm gonna play dog on the light has extended cats show me a pickaxe easily she's a weapon right committed is great for bosses cuz it's like once you start whaling on it just eats away at their damaged yes big access chobits pickup hold on pick X 21 melee damage the pika acting like this all of the fissures and heroes for as long as they look litchi better than my axe no defeating a mob heels you're small for okay okay prospector and looting interesting oh he's committed any good I think it I mean dude my theory is it's good for like bosses does once you start hitting them and you're all committed come back oh game froze no game froze save is it up oh no you don't hosting Oh get spikes yeah I'm kind of missing my feather that's the thing is hilarious it's like boy looks like something Green claim whoa what I just stopped them did you use the pick yeah I'm using the pink Oh No oh yeah we slap I think arrows doubling up fantastic how do these doors open I don't know we've already been the other side I think I think we have how long has the stream Apple 30 Allah might be all day you're fine hmm I'm no help literally no help I'm hurt you in 20 what is night why is night hurting me because I'm dead oh come and save your friends well I have no help nevermind you frozen the worst time what will we say oh oh I'm back to life what were we saying about the game ding too easy well yeah the difficulty is great I'm trying to get to you hang on okay all right what about your wolf yep no-no-no pack your creepers bad yeah I realize no but that was lootable okay all that dog or is it very not sure I like this is definitely my favorite level creepers don't get knocks back when you hit him or stunned or anything no okay okay we're just like kind of going wherever oh there's like valiant remember to bring my dog back everyone okay get that dog out that was cool that little light thing there where's Nate that one pretty good no jumpy this is so Mike was in corporate gram a long way yeah this is fantastic interesting more fighting yeah 14 to be done I'm stuck I'm just letting all this take over here I look pink Oh shiny bits Armour my sizzle arrows are so amazing hello scale of 1 to 10 I want to my enjoying this 9 easily or 10 like I'm really into this right now oh hang on I got I got new bits I have loads of hunters Armour reduced cooldown or burning power 11 pickaxe people are excited over things oh no hang on 27 melee damage on the pickaxe yeah so that power number is real important like my sword is only power 4 which is kind of poop sauce honestly 27 I mean yeah it's just straight up better and it's got thundering oh my god chains Esther has to keep shame cluster of mobs together and keep them bound for a short time that's super good for anti skeleton oh wow I think it's time I think it's time to go pickaxe with thundering oh hold on I'm doing a thing too I've got a better bow I can do ricochet celery I forgot you can only do one alright we're gonna do double finger this Thunder is awesome boy it sure crows in the air plus 27 health yeah but this one's got 35% damage reduction and plus 30% melee damage so yeah it's got more health but I think this is still better you think cuz this is a lot of arrow stuff which I'm not doing that much of yeah chain does seem really cool all right I'm done okay I'm swinging a pick axe okay very good pickaxe of fury he's creeped go I love it this is all procedurally generated - all right briefly Oh shadow mode my buggies ordinary now oh oh all the lighting you got whistle technology now is this the exit this is ie way out but we haven't killed enough stuff don't forget your wolf yeah they nailed the combat it's fun oh is it chest up there how we get it oh that's not shiny though yeah oh jeez that's a really long whoa good job we've got Rolly Howie holy technology speed boosts deployed my split so very uh just leave the map up it's easier just very much in the way we confuse missing until all she'll realize Pearson wouldn't definitely be nice Oh wild rage I got this radiant shot thing I gotta figure out so you understand what the item level right you're looking at that yes okay well yeah the one next to the shield at the beginning but if it's armor or that's basically what level of that version of that item is maybe I think they so now because that kind of operation chance salvaging salvaging okay so technically one of us could travel back while the other one deals like does stuff in their inventory and then we just tell yes absolutely are you saying you already kind of worked it out of the wrong time all the shrubby uh why no hermit graph because this game just came out today that's amazing and it's basically my fact where do we want to go up to the north there it looks like right well that big room northwest we're gonna call it yet yeah kind of i think we've done all of that stuff below us now whisper you're awesome thank you okay yeah you're absolutely right about the map though that is a complaint i want a version of this map that is like one quarter of the screen I'm gonna try using my bow in here never mind we're [ __ ] we're done oh crap it said grabs my crab place crap wait way out when given the option to grab you grab you grab Oh bust these I like to break in the bus more there's more bus these over here all the Pastis see game needs more of these those are satisfying that was a satisfying bust six months six monthly I love this game they've done a really good job and I was pretty skeptical what's ailing you I know hello Pappy Chester more power access level 9 no shiny bits ever okay I love the crib wait what you think everyone's telling me I missed emeralds because I'm dumb oh oh I'm sorry did I run away no it's me hey chests already opened Oh for me is it open cuz it's already open oh so where now this place is huge sub stories I'm check next one you came in from do you think that Dolby open now let's try going this way I don't know there's more more mobs up here so that's a good sign I'm cool the decent minecraft that pretty different games quite honestly sorry Oh accidentally through good that you all well there was more mobs I don't know I'm still looking yeah yeah okay so you know I probably like my normal minecraft passage get this fight with a couple new friends oh so that vortex it good at that part I'm really bad at this getting somebody wake me up pack it back rub Nick Rallo Tom Demming neck Rob Zombie's Oh Reaper coming in late oh wow man that was the most ninja revenge a backrub I know look at the creeper when he dies he's on yeah he's wiggly it's gonna let this up some bags tons of this look beautiful oh whoa we're healing now all the healing [Music] don't worry zetz put you back you dude you're triple shot I do it how do you how you triple shot the triple shot too neat job on my bug amazing that's pretty amazing pretty mean I thought this is gonna sink you said like a button all right I still feel like I need just radiant shot thing like I want to know when it goes off like oh you're gonna eat that okay it just did a little swirly thing oh that was wild raise the trigger though watch behind you watch behind you I got you covered oh oh oh the health it's the map - the map is great yeah it's fantastic and this so when I hear that little noises like boom boom I feel like maybe that's the that's the healing bits going off maybe I'm a little [Music] yes of happiness I want some happy in my life I just Oh 6,000 462 what's up 62 come on Ruby has got me like Creek words in here nothing kappa the floor okay okay that's pretty awesome right there I'm not gonna lie whoo all right there we go damn it goes yeah where'd you go hello see further south don't panic are you laughing are you mapping okay oh I mapped into a pillar roll eh okay oh just leave the crimps so do you think I think words I think we've basically done this one and we're gonna have to do it again even harder now the Dobie caiman is over there but this all hasn't been explored yet then then go forth young Explorer uh-oh see now I'm just gonna have to teleport to you because something barest okay appreciate that Oh guys I just want to see like oh I just don't get the charge thundering oh that sword looked big Lord radiant shot is going off but do we have to be in the area to receive it or is this is a very sunny place there's a secret here a secret summon your wolf and have a picnic or something yes Ed's multi-shot is pretty impressive I always Olie Polie into battle but I mean to shoot 225 you're here oh yeah I turned up killed one skeleton and that was it oh do you want to disturb this guy my health them disturbing I'm gonna stay back here and shoot shots of Radiance he's ranked it that was good that was very disturbing o rare sword 9 we have to assume your minecraft things every sub twitch Prime two months I think that's everybody yeah we got everybody thank you guys so much I think I can push push it pushed it ma you're a pusher level 14 pickaxe thank you very little are we like still old there's still another chest over here Oh hunters Armour rare look at my bids yeah yeah my bits are very I'm full full I have like 18 pickaxes salvage the little ones do I catch at door guy fire I respect you echo I do like spamming well 14 yeah that that that picket that's it somebody said echo echo echo echo seems good to salvaging all the things there's been old things up Oh Matt Jess I really appreciate that currently oh is that is that how it works noises gone well no this one's this one's rare and it looks like it's only got one slot so everyone's saying okay food reserves we're never used a healing potion you also create random food items oh you put out food you just you just the yeah Health's energy when activating any artifact you gain a small amount of health that seems good cuz I'm always using my little flipper bits even my feather my wolf in yeah that's pretty good I'm gonna stop moving by the way man because then you can teleport to me okay okay sounds good can i oh man level three Thunder who's the 14 thick accent thirty-two damage rate of 27 yeah do I just like so weird even a chance on this though though I like my Thunder the words man that I'm just excited and it's just it's just verbal Diaries committed and I committed stunning I mean I am stunning for all the wrong reasons but yes fire aspects that's a mom on fire oh that sounds good just because it's fun we've been around here a total it was this did we go did we go fire damage I think or committed there does look really cool I know yeah they gonna stick with the Thunder for now you guys think fire will try fire just because it's new and shiny so let's uh salvage this yes I got five enchanted things now uh-huh you know that's more than cool look at that alright double fire action go doggies be destruction no need to solve it so you gotta salvage to get the things back right look at the left side all effects that go off are there and the left side why are we both so fast right now because we picked up switch I cut his I alternate sprayed out funny okay so I think this door just here is where we actually came in so we went the wrong way first because there's nothing mini section sounds good I'm just gonna read yeah we definitely came in here I think we just follow these it tells us where to go I mean you think no I really have no idea because this was the other door but does it matter can we leave the way we came in or what no I think there's a way to like beat the dungeon okay and I'm guessing this thing is telling us the way to go we want to find the door that we previously had found but it was locked because I think we haven't killed enough stuff can you actually fall off those things he tires key times Oh HS just a pit oh you've already got that one this chest won't be like glitched out a bit or something that looks like a multiplayer sync bugs no triple foot another chest it's already been gotten door there yeah I'm going with the things say to go oh yeah that door makes pretty great follow the things I failed to follow is it gonna be unlocked now yes now it's unlocked beautiful cool we escaped it okay noob leave the crypts I've always what what are we doing here hello its Sparkle forest protect a map well this is a dead end but remember sometimes chest like a pig yep hidden no chests yeah we gotta screw up down here check this out huh hidden jest okay more chance anyway we can go there's a spit luck I've yet to catch anything on fire I'm just saying just always on fire Oh burnin ated I believe so just love them dig into the fiery lava death that was extra Bobby what was the areas the crack of victory that should have just ended when we left the crib that was weird no we have to go down the drive down all righty damn it's done we 187,000 round but that F is the spider destroyer I'm just finding 87% of chests have been opened oh I gotta eat a better tasty bone all right give me give me SHINee SHINee how tasty is this bone very are you wondering cratering boots of swiftness level 13 what what holy beats my level 5 boots of swiftness I'll tell you what oh right yeah I want to wonder and trading cuz I hate my artifacts I hate it oh wait what this one's rare all this one's common that's why the other one was super good for its level 1.6 duration vs. 1.5 duration come on what's the matter I just got three runs in a row are you doing in doing blacksmith I was trunk now I was doing one during trading cuz I strike my am artifacts I want armor power thirteen bow I don't think that's better than my unique Guardian bow probably not it's about the same what a chance doesn't have growing always good to grab the arrow grows as it flies yeah ma'am I know you have that one I had the option to but I chose not bonus shot that's what you got right yeah yeah pretty hot right there good roll it makes you move my melee weapon is good it's my armor that's just let's try get more armor there we go the level 12 scale male what's it got four shiny bits deflecting incoming projectiles it's amazing potion barrier whenever you use the healing potion you take negative they cool down electrified rolling zaps Graywolf now wait what rolling zaps three nearby enemies with lightning I mean that sounds good rolling doing them doing a little roll oh okay now I understand I thought it was talking like about rolling zaps as in like a type of zap that is they rolling variety the way you roll it zaps both that's what it really is yes I did not read it that way I was very confused by this I see now when you roll it zaps three nearby okay that sounds amazing I mean it sounds fun yeah it makes me Rolling Thunder that's right man oh and this has got two enchants on it oh this is some skiddly D right here health synergy that way I could just like spam my dog or or arrow deflection I can account more plus 46 health - yeah everything's incheon that potion barrier that's crap cooldown that's crap electrifying it's all about your fun or anything you guys think deflecting 20% chance to trigger from incoming arrows any way to heal though is good yeah healing you Stein's becoming this become a thing I did get a public lemon face no crazy salvage yes okay find secrets you can upgrade the enchant level by clicking on Ange on what new technology arise I can't I understand what's this so you I didn't realize there was multiple levels of the same enchant you didn't oh my god no oh ho passing for you good news okay cool Thanks yeah that's that's kind of a big deal yeah man oh let's see 7:13 those boots of swiftness are hot but they're common okay 508 I'm gonna try and get an artifact sure come on buddy all on seven tasty bone do you want to know how tasty my bone is no no I don't even Makani snorting that one the scaffolding you can reach the scaffold without oh hey look I mean with the trader hey you wanna trade anything smart master go do string squats calm or one of the mods do a little link I know I had a vision I think I want to do another artifacts Oh fishing rod an epic failure who would want a fishing rod oh oh don't sound with you why follow me I want to test something it's a level oh wait that's a boat oh hold on I got a level 13 rare bow now what the crap bring your rods you come with me when you can other thing you would do anything but I just need to test okay we've never been over here said can you try to rob to that uh hold on I'll do something with that beep ha it looks like now is the answer okay my guess is that will open up over time possibly okay well now I need to get rid of this stupid fishing rod immediately des wrote this like I don't understand why that's just that makes they make no sense all right I think this bow is is happy fun sauce I can salvage that I can salvage this quit and check out the enchants on this growing bonus shot yeah these are good versus this guy I got my gradient shot which count no the bows not better but I don't like the enchants I'm not crazy about this radiant shot I'm not feeling it and wild rages poot where this is got the growing and the bonus shot damage wise it's not much better though all right I guess I'll just do that yeah we'll just uh we'll get rid of this selfish okay one more boots assertiveness level 9 man no but this is rare this is common they're exactly the same five-second 1.6 duration wonder if there's something extra in pumpkin pastures that we could have unlocked like the creepy prince I won't go through what you can have more than one tasty bone equip therefore oh you could have a wolf army Zed you can move the tasty triple tasty bone why was not was there not thinking about how many bones in my life we could have multi but I could have six dogs he'd just stand back and laugh as hard as our pupper minions go out and I reckon face Bone Collector that's it any bone I get Tywin army alright for now on it's all about tasty bones thought about tasty bones there ok are we uh what time is it do it man are we good for another one absolutely what do you want to do you want a pumpkin pie pumpkin patch pumpkin parmesan really hungry okay okay four eggs to go recommended power 16 your power 10 but team power team powers 11 what that means I bring power 1 are you kidding me no I think it's got some surely well I mean it has been evaluating yeah let's do let's do some pumpkin on for pumpkin pumpkin power oh we gonna bring the val daniel inouye hell yeah I'm so glad I added those old emotes that's the I'm loving them over there in the jet keep it up good stuff okay pennilyn thank you for the sub I appreciate it the energy raids have roasted this once Russia's lot to more something like that only one village remains unspoiled because I was that he's good man I'm done with your stories and that little butter the feather thing is actually really good because you can like charge in and boom just get a nice stun oh the bumpers sword coming to save me start burning saw that didn't you recognized I recognize the aim assist is awfully friendly that's all tip the creeper definitely gonna sign now now you gonna be careful with me once I got a hat it's like it's all over yeah we're kind of wrecking face now chicken dude Jess shiny bit of bulbs thank you dog man someone is just like a half every tree is like half chopped downs like the worst minecraft player here yeah oh wait did I get thunder is that the thing I have now guys sorry I suck I gotta start charging there you can sit over there I mean you know the apples ya film guy that's it we were saying that's the one complaint we have so far as I map system is kind of annoying like completely covering your face or nothing [Music] as fast as you can I'll catch tango he's the gingerbread man that's right no secret bits over here they're mine it's not secret grading on my time what's he doing what is that enchant that he does that's pretty crazy trying to look inch on other bulbs I think oh they're all up there all night fire aspect is it the sword is it really this although they take a healthy guy I will burn a dinner thank you supplies bread I need that motive like food stacks a few pieces of bread at the same time oh I see you like hey you just thought that was humorous shiny bits bring out that my daughter my dog oh I like you shake any heavy Sun everybody aha the village that wasn't what are you what's happening let's talk about rotation like most time we were here we were rotated different it's a different map every time you realize that right yeah it's procedurally generated it's like this new technology in games where they can you know generate content for you oh oh the drawbridge it's very I drew a bridge and now I drew a black face I also have bring supplies yeah I failed why can't I throw my oh I I fail him Ginty I press the wrong button I keep pressing oh oh oh you [ __ ] they're waiting any time do you need cash man's take it up their hands now exploder creepers backs everything all the sadness kneeling kill them on the base great job you're amazing at this game almost died there all the health is very not high those walls explode with extra exploding cursed anyway I really couldn't use that Apple if you see another food explode what's he doing today he's in a jam and Vindicator making the super hungry boss face man isn't happy thank you I kind of need it man what's it going to do to get it around here the noise of me winning oh just document yeah they wiggle when they die all the burning in full effect right there ah yeah me I hate about it announce these rock my rock Congrats it's your rock look at the bow I picked up yeah I think they're shiny Bisset Oh level 16 hunters armor we got a little 15 longbow strong charged attacks oh that is that is some skate aleady right there man quit that action 20 boom you've got a little 20 bow I think it's time to ditch the Guardian bow I don't want to sound with you i salvaged accelerate we're gonna just reach to the secular shot unch an ting Oh too like bosses ricochet I like ricochet that sounds amazing this is a double enchanter all the time piercing few shot every few seconds is a time to charge that explodes one second after impact what oh there's piercing all the decisions ricochet I think is what we want here yeah whoa did you just fail under the Jesus if you Salvage all your bits there's an undo button jerk but no did you salvage your level 20 bow yes I did less oh you are not smart all right it's difficult with the controller alright buttons on here there's about 80 different buttons and colors they've all got weeds squiggles on him I don't know was what am I meant to know piercing is probably better but I think few shop might be more fun to like lob bombs do you have any experience with you those that mm-hmm I've got this really powerful but I'm trying to figure out of enchant it it's like really powerful I'm only make sure I don't salvage it I think some flowers I'm kicking oh happy times happy times 40% chance to ricochet done super fancy bow engaged oh we got new armor here too I wasn't impressed with the electrified crap oh it's just there's just passive region health synergy I'm very angry I know you are 63 ho this is just straight-up better put the button so close together oh I throw at auntie so this Explorer is interesting because are you fighting yes oh man drowning my sorrows in flabs this is only when you uncover the map though for every hundred blocks yeah well this guy's got purple eyes he's got purple he's have purple this oh you know there's a case right I can only give so many back rubs you give as many backgrounds as I need you to rub backs for don't sword me quickly only in 15 seconds left it back rub abilities baby boys I just like to point out that you've died at least seven times and I would like to point out shut up okay nothing over here or is that dead end zone chest what everything totally where is it apparently I got some sickles or something level 12 oh yeah till I get another 20 levels but oh I got a little 13 bow oh I do have level 15 sickles it's got double enchants but it's common though please and cloud ideas might be better and I visit this house this loses a lot of power yeah it's a wash but we she will she you think it's much better but it says you please like that's what I understand like it's it's gonna average 22 damage or so speed is up but areas way down area makes a big difference I think area is really important because when I had the signals I would run up to things and then still miss [Music] so I need to be heroic right now huh I need stuff what are you doing bringing the bad news over here running away no visible health I forget it's easy to forget did I get it oh he died okay I mean I do we have that control there's no panic at all their village you ready for the bell went for Whom the Bell Tolls ding it Jing it [Music] sounds like the beginning the future off take it like you mean it exploding rocks right dark out are we Oh record space tiny things I got something I was you picked up a lost laughs oh it's a unique item what is it my and I won't want to whiten up I like how I just got like the best item in the game and the puppy shows up and I got a doing care basically face the people buffers mm-hmm have you been a good girl today huh don't you been a good girl yes how you making go peepees oh say anything can you talk right now speak they all know they all know you're just gonna stand there it's a good thing you're cute all right all right I got the last laugh or something now and I'm like where's my controller okay do the things okay what did I get Oh unique the last laugh what does it do tell me oh it's so extra shiny level 18 sickles mobs drop more emeralds do old strange distorted laughter seems to whisper from these menacing looking sickles power goes down quite a bit but the guy goes I think it might be about the giggles know it giggles soon as I equipped on the giggle that me it was instigate go and stick giggle did you did giggles we're just evenly distributed well alright alright well we're gonna have to salvage this this oh I haven't level 18 Auto giggler I'm so happy right now alright alright leeching yes oh I love leeching okay we're done this level by the way do you want to do that in the lobby sure instantly and the villages of the pumpkin pastures go on to fight another day Parmesan pastures are you real captain okay right what do you say one more excursion yeah I gotta get my auto giggling Oh a level flame Oh twenty flaming quiver two hundred and sixty-six percent projectiles his quiver is filled with the deadliest arrows I mean yeah yeah waving quiver I have so much goodness now there's a better flavour 17 range damage gives you burning arrows oh but it's a powerup hoodoo trumpets look just gifting a tape one subscription all right enchant this let's not press the wrong button is I'm heavily leading toward bleaching how's the 30% chance I'm gonna poison cloud fields they're leaching unquestionably I got a wind [ __ ] mouth she's enemies away from you virgos are so good okay okay I think I can echo on this I can stunning or I can fire I'm not crazy about the fire I think echo some of your attacks can be followed up by another attack right that's the session Oh echo oh another wing tone it's only 5% chance noises like 1 out of every 20 attacks stuns enemies and I'd rather get an extra attack every 5 seconds I think oh because of my attack speeds we're just up and ready to go you mid max in every last little bottom just um I want to try ah I think we're gonna try to go and I want more I want more leeching echo was good okay why does that say four up there now oh that's the publicity to do the next enchant okay uh and we got it we got to put this flaming quiver on what am I losing I'm not losing my boots because others are happy fun time is it time to lose the feather or the dog but the feather is good to like jump in to battles but the dog both hurts things and also is an action is it though it is it's a meat but it's not fun I go after the dog I'm going for a full-on dog juicy bone Oh me yeah yeah okay okay I mean I'm pretty much a melee God right now so what are we doing did you hit us with a new mission ma'am I know which one I don't know the Crips seem to be the most fun so far to me what's the looking at the creeper woods right little mission us between three and four two three and four what look at creepy woods and then between Tier three and four there's like a little white dot near the fourth that's where we fall I think okay it's like you're right here so I see I see hold on now there's this a mission rewards thing arty pumpkin pastures level three so if we do the missions are gonna get like a special reward well it's between creepy crypts level three Oh creeper woods level three when I press right trigger and that will give us new rewards how do you owe for me it's between pumpkin pastures and creeper woods because we've got different rewards okay so both of us have creeper woods so I'd say let's go bad so my power now is that I just like to point this out my power is 16 my my team's power is 14 so there's uh so yeah I mean you know I'm dragging I'm dragging now I'm doing the best I can here but you know sooner or later you just give too good at backrubs man yeah I met lots of practice that's all I could say yeah um guys just the average I kinda want to do the crypto but so I'm not sure if there's any benefit to doing these missions what do you think do we have a 1 it recommends us to maybe not the crib because the Crypt is quite long okay all right I'm gonna creeper woods ah yeah I want to do super hard default let's see select difficulty oh wait hold on now okay I'm confused now so there's like two difficulty systems yeah yeah cuz there's also we have an unlocked adventure yet we have to defeat the arch illegitimate yeah okay that sounds like a good thing how do I this level is logged during beta testing like there's so many other levels and play sand places volcanoes like sky castles I'm itching why can't ya yeah go here we go it's like there's anything super easy I'm not gonna die at once now long I'm gonna die twice okay you doing crater wood sticks we're fine gonna die many times we're fine it's fine buck up the [ __ ] you man flaming arrows man that's all I need to know cha-cha-cha oh it takes like 15 hits to kill this guy I don't have a dog okay it takes a few hits holy moly what are we gonna Trump at City who's that the actual nose ball doing a massive five-star thank you very much oh that guy's quivering oh don't poo clouds my poison go don't go do things don't stick by me there's a lot of mobs I can just stand up here and like top them now all that dog we're gonna go oh oh crew do it Doug I miss through you get some know you it could have been better whoa errors stop all the leaching is so much leaching happening you know all these signals are great but suboptimal explore duplication you are absolutely correct there oh oh please terror man that's a lot of boys Oh have some fire arrows I gotta do here named shiny bits this is no joke here I we did everybody oh oh where's no arrows oh I think you can shoot fine nope nope leave it there back it up back it up I can't help you right now like hitting it big cause that is no joke [Music] oh this thing's wrecking me I am zero help again back rub back rub time I left from the monster Rojo excellent game froze unfortunate timing for the game to me debris still freeze oh this is better decisions are made Oh swifty boots this is no joke I love it oh whoa all right we can handle some zombies hold on stick together stick together I'm hearing out your puffers sleep this Way's a chest it's around him every time Howie cha-cha-cha-cha created zombies all day long go chanting throw it press the home button yeah I suck at this it's like a different arrow now when you shoot leech away good sir old now yeah this game is great just fine ooh level 21 wolf farmer what what oh but no time for looking plus 98 health I mean that's another plus hell ah I think I need that where are you man I thought you'd gone okay sorry although leeching nope nope totally should've got stunned by the way noises any touch them my dog didn't last long did it man hold on let me put on that wolf Armour I think it's just straight-up better yeah I think salvage this chant food reserves energy and cowardice whenever you use a healing potion you also create random food items I wouldn't mind you poking out some red right now shall we try that sometime I got bread to go down a treat okay where are you there's a there's a way to end oh look it's you secret button boy passage that does nothing oh the light trouble oh secret caves sounding mini ones but it's good enough yeah it means now I got to use my potions like as soon as they pop up I can shoot them through the wall I'm just leonis just shop everything through I don't know I'm hearing gross noises oh maybe it's the shield oh I clicked a button I don't know hope needs a click click what I think the press that green show seems suspicious yeah I mean but there's three lots of places not right now dog-lover map just yeah unless it's got something to do with these little extra windows here but but I went in there and I pressed ie [Music] come on nothing out maybe just can't have bonus times windows it does look like an explodable wall but maybe if I fire but then you need to have ours and that doesn't see we like yeah all right I'll go in this green room you go in that green room a two-person solution though nothing on the map that indicates anything it's just telling us to go out this door the yellow things like hey go out here maybe we came in the wrong door that's weird go right this is wearing the little yellow box man there's a whole happy cave in here yeah I know my mom does nothing because it's the creepy crypts like it's a totally different level kinda it does just say find the caravan that's our current mission yeah I don't know man I think we gotta go don't leave word sighs say goodbye to the creepy groups that makes me sad carry on on our normal mission so creepy woods or whatever is good cool that's the wrong way we're even gonna this is all like anything could be done with that green candle know it was pretty decorative okay so we're gonna find the caravan and was there a mini-boss battle at the end of this probably not changing wait hello power up sorry maybe flowy handle out of the horn no because it's neither born unless they generate the levels based on what you currently have but I could salvage my horn at any time oh there's a whole area here except I still took it right in the face did you yeah hold on come here come close [Music] the wolf armor heels nearby allies when I use my potion or something I think so friendly thanks we don't get that excited it's not like I like well yeah big creek ahead so cool the designing this gave me the pool so yeah they really did a good job on the environments what but it says this is a why sure does oh we're stuck in a whole line here we going this way man this what they like that lishus puppies right back at full health right away what was that you just reach is amazing where they did a good job on this game no tomorrow smart plug all the hermit's got kind of access to it's very small these days laughing sickles I would I want my laughing sickles to laugh more though I'm not gonna lie like when it kills someone it needs to like make this little evil grin some damage being taken there no I get knocked off the edge like I'm pretty sure these things are hurting me but in it right back yeah we all about I have no powers oh there's a break on kills I think leech activates on kills of the house or we always go in the house free root bread money and can we like stop I'll beat a book and stuff yeah I'll bunch in there well there's rooms but the rooms are probably models they need to laugh they need to be like a 5% chance on kill that they just let off like an evil giggle free the villages stamens amazing baby Kay it's just fun like the graphics chess chess secret secret trying to kill the shake you doing good thanks well this guy's got lots of Holman accent bread and everything got it's fine said everything I like that there's no cooldown on how fast they can take damage like in Minecraft helping each other good lord okay I think we did it yeah escape find the exits telling us you know where the exit is oh look that definitely just went down Lin oh my god we guys we got craziness over here but that explosive fiery but arrows are just amazing no there's a few zombies up here we're gonna save my firearms right now three pubs only say we're gonna fence they're outsmarting me [Music] this room that does throw some fire I've already can burn now this is great these signals are insanely cool they don't laugh though it's all about laughing I'm just so disappointed in the lack of laughter like they gave it a unique name so clearly they decided to make unique content for it I just got all the help right back we're gonna have to like fill out like a feedback form or something out for this let mo yang know where to yeah map is gonna be there's got to be another option to the map then probably we're just idiots it may if you hold it down this time for the flexible man careful oh this is bad I need to be elsewhere because I wanted to save you okay please I'm all about I'm in tonight I'm gonna die I'm out don't don't be the dead guy okay exit I nearly didn't nice for the update I need I need this - how am I gonna save you just kill those little skellies do this providing [Music] apparently there's no death penalty difference Paris hey don't worry everyone I didn't actually die alright Tago miss Seoul really good things so much now I'll let you guys there now the game is not out yet oh it's nothing it's nothing you need to come back and sit day oh yeah guys 15 seconds Oh last one we back a little bit okay interesting all right that was my fault for charging like a fool caution and be soft right I mean thanks to you how cool that is honestly I'm really really cool game that's fun wait until it's like fully expensive and you can we're gonna play this so much that we play the same level over and over come by give me some level twenty or loot or something here I can't wait until we can play all those other tasty bone like that okay quickly 21 rare sword yeah the chest animation is great I mean with a level 28 tasty bone I got I got to do that I got it I think it's time to lose the level 6 feather I like the feathers oh my buddies with the mouse so it is hunters armor level 2100 decisions now get rid of that Salvage 18 sword I appreciate that 26 now we're getting some crazy loot here now food reserves I'm I wasn't feeling the food reserves oh do I go to level 3 6 with the mouse level 3 leeching rings I don't know there was noise was it I am all for those combos it my messed up what says that I got frenzied which gives me a better attack 2800 that makes up for everything good evening somebody's doing that with NASA member $2.00 thank you thank you thank you thank you no reason s ok can I do with this I wasn't impressed with the electrified at all so these enchants kind of suck that hot you're sure he's the way to go 20% damage boost aura does that mean like allies nearby me get plenty 20% 20% yeah I agree noise especially if you have some that like a little cooldown I know sparkplug it's amazing alright let's see what else we get here hold on do i oh man I am look at me oh cool I look what do I want most right now pretty powerful in this game caught on a CD you can probably I kind of like everything I got what should I get I mean weapons are sick even though they're only level 18 you really think a better weapon what level you by the way nearly 14 don't know firebrand on power 23 net earns mobs okay that might be better 26 unique acts of Berna fication wow yeah yeah look at that power the speed slows down but all right let's see enchants and it has leach committed echo smiting to go routing no it doesn't have leach where it where's leach committed echo smiting looting smiting Oh Lee Ching over there huh okay so I put leech on that that is sick okay okay I mean do i salvage this now already I mean there's no reason to keep old weapons right yeah you might as well salvage man for a little bit of penny well I got four levels invested in those things too yeah NASA I wish we could trade it doesn't look like we can but you never know maybe there's a way but it doesn't if you're right echo on big slow weapons is much better last laugh you don't laugh gee battle the game is very very good yes if you like back to this kind of style game and yeah minecraft especially you'll love this echo on a slow AK to be really good I think it alright leeching an echo double Doug I'm double Doug him I'm talking twice Doug Lee Jaco how many zones are there in beta let's take a little look at the map so it looks like there's two major ones with crit or second echo to three or five six think I go to maybe something man this game is fun so the fun isn't it man we got to play this again very absolutely we'll play this again yeah maybe Friday we'll have to hop go on I want to keep going I want to stainless Seoul people doing things stainless so you are doing so much every stream thank you so much another five gifts UPS shifty with the sub Atreus I don't even know if I thank you is 35 minutes ago I probably haven't looked and thank you guys so much we've been busy yeah everyone thank you so much for the support it truly truly does you seen my double dogs are you double dogs it's pretty awesome I wish I could give you if you could give me your yo tasty bite if I could give you my tasty bone I would that's good that's good some playing gear the hardened acts stunned xbz playing this game 45 to 70 this was a little bit better that one's stuns though and this one burns what do you say we might we might go right XB do you want to carry on the dungeon fun fun zombie slayer don't worry just be here you are awesome thank you be cool all right I'm gonna I'm gonna pop the credits on we're gonna head over at least on my street threats be in a little bit Joyce's when are we playing this again next ed very soon look at my fiery axe of doom behold I want to play more of this so bad okay thank you so much it's come streaming are we gonna rake up I'm reading X because X be doing minecraft dungeons what is is what is Cub doing cubs doing snapshot alright uh let's do it let's do XP then cuz he's doing Oh Cub is doing dungeon Cyrano Oh Cubs new dungeon tape don't say it is on the list Cubs doing dungeons I'd ever want to rate him okay well I'm putting credits on over here so again thank you so much everybody band playing the Minecraft I'm gonna read cub good boy cub and he's doing snapshot alright we're gonna rig cub say hello to cub and guys think of this port today this team is a ton of fun we will be playing it more um we'll see you guys later thank you so much there's the raid hopefully that worked someone confirm works all righty guys have a good one I'll see you guys later bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tango Tek2
Views: 6,349
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Id: gR_oFntPhY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 0sec (12960 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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