Twitch Livestream | Minecraft Dungeons Beta [PC]

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yo chat and YouTube cuz I'm recording now so the outfit I'm wearing in the stream starting soon image is what I'm wearing right now but it's like of a shiny version because I'm wearing all black there but I'm wearing red instead I'm shinier a didn't even got the pants on I've shoes on so - trigger warning you shiny hunt complete alright boys minecraft dungeons excited it's like if minecraft met Diablo let's go you got my appropriate control for this I'm ready to go ready to roll made a rock n roll yeah stop wearing shoes inside you communist Kevin you don't even like pizza all right so I played a little bit yesterday or for like 15 minutes or so to get the gist of the game so we're gonna switch our hero here we're gonna change our skin as you can see there's a bunch of skins in this game you can choose from but only one matters and it's all the way at the bottom our boy Steve of course will be playing as Steve my boy my brother from ask where mother oh I don't know if it's gonna play the intro here's the intro video it was a time of great adventure shunned by his kin and Alisha wanders the land seeking a new home Wow imagine getting [ __ ] bully by the villagers rage against those - whatever until at long last the illage around something Oh illa jerk that would change him forever the all of confusion that's not an orbital it's a fart corrupted by evil driven by vengeance the arch illa Germain all bow before him her and if they did not bow the images raided the land stand against the arch pillagers reign of terror well not that one [ __ ] so there's your lure we got to kill the illah Jers all right let's go to squid coasts yo thank you for all the subs and the reefs ups by the way someone anonymously gifted like 20 subs before the stream started 20 or was it 10 or 20 the village is burning no doubt this is the work of the evil arch imager and his minions how's the volume by the way sweep across the land like a ravenous scourge subjugating or destroying all in their path this is a time for heroes like yourself Faris trying to be a non volume is fine okay he raised the game audio a little bit okay so yeah for those who don't know this is essentially a dungeon crawler like a Diablo or something like that look you can even put the [ __ ] map in the middle of the screen from the little I played it seems pretty simple but I only played the first two levels I'm sure it gets way harder but maybe this will be like baby's first Diablo like Mario and Rabbids was a baby's first XCOM game but yeah it can roll you got your inventory and [ __ ] melee ranged armor artifacts enchanted you got your artifacts down there you always have a bow on you so yeah after playing for like 10 minutes yesterday I'm like [ __ ] I want to play more so I stopped I want to try to make that jump can I whoop how they can make that jump I'm gonna stop losing my health also you can see you have your health at left bumper I'm playing with controller by the way but yeah you always have health it's just on a cool-down there's also food and [ __ ] you can pick up as well and then of course emeralds are your currency and if I remember correctly this is for player I believe local and online and any character can use any gear so you can spec out yourself however you want but yeah this is currently in beta I don't think it's available to the public I got hooked up with a code because I love daddy Microsoft Lulu Papa Xbox hooked me up this was supposed to come out next month at the end of April but I think it got delayed I could be wrong though but yeah I'll be playing it today the whole stream usually I don't stream today but I couldn't pass up playing this bad boy so we will not be streaming tomorrow [Music] supplies here's what I mean about like you can pick up food and [ __ ] some people signed up yeah there was a whole signup thing a couple of weeks ago and the codes just went live yesterday I believe if you were watching the stream yesterday when I had an email that's what was about Tina that's fine thank you [Music] level two oh this is kind of cool when you level up on TV the whole thing every level up gives you an enchantment point which are you sub grade items open the inventory to try it out and chant gear select an item you of your gear that you want to enchants okay oops so I'll do the sword hit Y 100% increased chance to find more emeralds GG ass so these are random and as you can see in the bottom right hand corner you could uh you could salvage your weapon for money and if you salvage your weapon and it has an enchantment on it you get that enchantment back so at least as far as I've seen so you don't have to worry about wasting your enchantments if you get something better oh we got another fact oh the fireworks are oh yeah cool so firework arrow I hit X and then my next arrow will be a will be a little bit bigger lo firework if I could find any there we go uh help dad I'm stuck beta by the way oh okay we that's I was trying to do oh yeah TNT explodes when thrown damaging everyone in a circular area good [ __ ] roll anyway thanks as you can tell I'm not very good at rolling you can roll the right analog stick which I've been doing or right bumper I should try rolling with right bumper I'd probably have more success like that anyway so tea and tea you carry over your head and then you can throw it and it works like TNT I just want try find a big group of enemies I guess doesn't really matter I could just show it off regardless but I would like to kill something hold on there's some over here alright nothing sometimes in those little nooks there's uh pin chests oh no we're pretty much done that's the end of the tutorial anyway you throw it you have your AoE massive damage okay got any secrets over here any scary lads I think we're doing tutorial okay sing there's anything hidden in those corners but I guess not but don't fret they're still out there somewhere waiting for a hero to find them alright our Maps randomized I have no idea fishing-rod the trusted companion of any true adventurer the fishing rod is useful for more than just fishing so that's an artifacts all right and then here's like the map for now and then you can change your difficulty you can change your difficulty I assume after you beat the game you can unlock adventure and then apocalypse and then each level you can see has like a level as well it was all the way to default six let me try going up AB level and see if that makes a huge difference I only played on like default one but we'll see we'll see how poorly this goes thank you for the bits Andrey subs and gifted subs and all that good [ __ ] thank you guys this is creeper woods I hope I don't run into Gavin by the arch alleges decree all free folk are now enemies of the imager Empire a caravan is transporting villager prisoners to labor in far-off lands find the caravan and stop the images there's no telling what dreadful doom will befall our villager friends it's my boy Steve okay let's see how much of a damage increase there is I got blown the [ __ ] back oops so yeah the fishing rod brings the enemy to you and it stuns them anything down here and your artifacts are on a cool-down as you can see dude being hella generous with the drops thank you it's up back-to-back apples hell yeah I'm down here hey come down thanks God my sword is so dinky all right nothing Maura so something cool I notice is when the the path splits you have that little Waypoint to show you which way you need to go so if you want to check outside paths and you don't know which way to go kind of use that thing as a guide can I go in this water oh I can't all right little little flank plays there Oh No ah there you go man be free probably shouldn't waste my arrows okay so I'm gonna break off to the left here because I think we have to go down the right path creeper force by the way cool prospector oh there you go that's my ability on my sword working go secret chest down here eh here we go hello thank you Steve Oh +3 Health Plus 10 arrows and a bundle more damage okay sure not like I have any armor anyway France invisibility booster next melee attack alright oh there's got to be something back here it's like lead somewhere okay maybe not maybe over here ah yes this seems suspect with a creepy crib hello what better bow oh hell oh [ __ ] I think you can still like this doesn't pause your game does it it does not okay that does not pause your game good to know give me this bow I'll look at it later alright they stay stunned for a while it's good to know this is everything die in one hit I mean we're on level two so not the armored guys so this is the only issue that I've run into so far it like kind of freezes for a couple of seconds and then straighten itself out but beta by the way Wolf's armor okay alright give me a second here to just see what I have fired shot grows in the air dealing extra damage oh yeah sure plus one health 20% weapon damage aura and health potions heal nearby allies I'll take this for the health I don't really need this right now let's have a multiplayer yeah I believe it's four-player local and online but don't quote me on that it's at least two I know that much cuz Tina and I played it at EXO I did [ __ ] I went to shoot my arrow alright well pretend I killed like a bunch of enemies there and you're all super impressed thank you thank you for the pogs - thank you that means a lot does does wonders for my self-esteem but yeah I don't know how long this beta is I do like the ragdoll on the on the enemies that's gonna lead to some good moments yeah every Thursday we play minecraft now this is officially a Minecraft dungeons only stream I mean as a former professional minecraft letsplay er aka I'm washed up I know everything about Minecraft I think that's everything cool oh what a spot to let out in you know can I get a better melee weapon my man's please is this minecraft meets the hablo oh yeah basically I don't know if it's obviously gonna be as in-depth as a Diablo or as difficult but it's uh it's good fun so far I'm interested to see what the list is gonna be like the achievement list that is now there are the creepers original Diablo is not that in-depth yet but original Diablo came out in like 1937 so it has an excuse oh and the creeper is obviously you explode creeper I thought for sure they'd be a chest over here [ __ ] me before World War two yeah it's been spin talked about that Diablo 1 actually caused World War 2 ate off wasn't happy with his loot drops and got real mad well Oh a chest for me Oh commonest wolf armor again get out here I like how it's just my armor and weapon floating I also do like when you equip armor it actually shows on your player some games don't do that and it kind of bums me out hey oh there we go some better Armour finally +13 health plus 20% weapon damage boost aura what if that counts for me as well alright I am now a fairy what the enchantment on this when activating any artifact ooh you gain a movement speed I do like movement speed hey thank you for the store order frame rate merch calm thank you very very much I'm gonna kill you mr. quita oh it's me in my first suit okay yo ho Aaron thank you for the four-year resub appreciate you [ __ ] I miss ten orders away from 4/20 for the month nice nice oh what the photos a spider let's go to the right here so it wants me to go to the left I think I just walked off the edge I didn't even see the edge and I just walked off of it alright let's pretend that didn't happen go around the right away yeah dude we'll it's beyond game pass I believe it will be this is a first party I believe so yes I'm like 99% sure need that oh my god okay dude that's a sick combo getting stuck by the web and then a creeper just rolling up on you pretend what didn't happen yeah exactly now this looks suspect this is very suspect it's over here Hey here we go did that sore just fall off the aisle thank God thank God the spawn it respawns up top if it falls off alright level 9 I'll take it what's the thing on this oh the same exact ability cool so let me make sure it's safe here it's like I was saying before as you can see in the top left-hand corner I have no enchantment but if I sucked did you die thank you if I salvage this I'll get money and I'll get in a chant mint there we go and then I can use that to enchant this one there we go now we're doing some nice damage I just shot a tree wonderful all right so anything up here oh just the gathering as skeletons all right let's see and see that I could use earlier great you haven't limited Sprint I mean this is my normal walking speed the closest thing to sprint you have is those swiftness potions which are limited or you can roll oh can I go in here I can so on the bottom below the health which the health is the giant heart there's that um I have one more level if I should use there's that three I don't know what that three is quite yet what do we have here oh this is the yeah I get a speed bonus okay maybe lives it could be that oh dude hold on oh go off go off give me those kills yes I think it's the first time I've ever used TNT successfully good with all right damn nothing again well there'd be something up there tucked away in that corner there's also one over there over there on the right as well can I just do this to our night thinking action needs to activate proper okay when do you get a pony I don't know I hope you can get mounts got to be rad okay with a banjo think for the resub man Oh what the [ __ ] little pig max Oh level two you get out of here free the villagers will do a cow okay bye all right so I guess they drop health or have a chance to drop health yeah they have a chance Aria I was a lot to this area with [ __ ] is this guy oh well he's gone doesn't matter some kind of wizard or some [ __ ] oh yeah this a whole nother area over here it looks like there we go arrows and bread when picking to a chance looks like they're multiple options to pick from yeah so I need to find okay all my weapons haven't chancel them but I know what you're talking about I'm not sure if how you unlock the other ones well yeah sometimes when you upgrade your armor or whatever I'll have like two or three different options for enchanting I don't know how if you can choose another one [Music] maybe that's something later on or I could possibly just be dumb and I've missed it the next time I get an item I'm gonna chant I'll [ __ ] around the buttons and see if I could uh if I can pick something else go Wildcat thank you for the four years I saw a couple of five-year resub Zinn there as well so thank you guys very very much enjoy your your gooey slime crown and thank you for sticking around for so long your wild nothing in these corners okay I think we're all good oh I know we've got a little left are the maps random I don't know ah damn this looks so promising too level-4 yikes but yeah you see how there's like two different enchantments there like the lightning bolt in the chain so if I want to enchant that oh yeah you just hit left or right on the d-pad or I guess down as well so you get to pick some Madson Mel Roo what's going on welcome like I did not die do we just end the mission you gave me TNT please be enemies over here oh there we go get him all right I'll take it oh there's I should a [ __ ] waited goddamn it no creeper oh [ __ ] creeper won't do a lot of damage I'm just been good about jogging out of the way ugly it's everything all right nice villages are free from the clasp of the images all thanks to you all right I missed the chest whoo boots of swiftness boots blessed with enchantments to offer Swift movement nice throw those bad boys on okay so the blacksmith hey man oh we've a chest over here Oh 50 emeralds hell yeah I'm rich got a random piece of gear appropriate for your level this is probably gonna be a mistake maybe not Highland axe exa Billy crafted an a polished weapon of war the Highland axe also makes her a daring back scratcher stuns mobs has a spin attack move hell yeah oh it's unique that streamer luck [Music] all right we have here or emeralds oh wow there's six enchantments holy [ __ ] uh has a 30% chance to summon a poison cloud defeat a defeating a mob gives you a small portion of their health someone a lightning strike that damaged nearby enemies your tack decreases the attack damage all nearby enemies you'll increase damage against enemies that are already wounded who kind of want to try the thunder one honestly what try thunder one so this one you can get to I wonder if you could take it back like if I want to change my mind on this section I wonder if I could pull it anyway oh ok so when you do like the full combo it does that do check it greedy and get another one I get greedy and try again alright kept hold my map here I know it just brings that up alright so this is the camp area let's walk around here for a bit so there's the blacksmith over there I wonder if the more levels you beat the more things get on locks here where's this oh we go little training dummies I have two mutts for ranged I'll hit up the blacksmith one more time I do have a bunch of gems I think it'd get hit it three more times I wouldn't mind getting a better bow and some better armor if possible he wears the tower pimps this isn't really a Minecraft game if there's no Tower of pimps oh can I go in here oh the anatomy of a creeper do a nice Tower pimps in this room would really bring it together okay little crafting table right there greed is good in the beta I mean I have a videogame gambling edition so oh my god you go hella fast that's not for that long though unfortunately just to really get you out of bad situations but the cooldown isn't bad alright chat 84 hit me again all right okay strong charged attacks hit me again [ __ ] hit me one more time damn it alright well we got a better boy at least what are you Chan Minh Anh this increased damage and firing a shot also fires a second shot okay so let's do this let's dump these and then you let me get the whoo give me give me prospector 100 percent in cheese curd cheese cheese increased chance I like my odds I don't like my English though I appreciate the FPS counter oh yeah you can turn that on the options all right pumpkin pastures or creeper crypt so oh I could play up way higher now okay so can I be ready click [ __ ] yeah sure let's see how much of a mistake this is okay creepy crypt if we get if we get rocked maybe we'll knock it down a level it's the bait I've let's try things let's just try we'll see what happens we'll see what happens I can't get to I'm gonna get one shot at by like an arrow or something it's double my power let's see how much this does that's how we're fine we're fine we got this nice axe to carry us we're fine this is all good Wow okay don't get hit by a creeper we're fine to just disregard my health no one saw that almost got one shot it but yeah did he ignore it okay oh this a big-ass labyrinth okay oh hello mr. chest over there let's go to this little corner over here actually I'm really scared of the spider creeper combo nothing damn it oh I would that be cool their spider jockeys in this game I don't believe there are is this oh nice oh not nice get back here play his armor okay oh we get a chest for that too nice Oh pickaxe I think the pickaxe is just a weapon yeah the pickaxe has been an iconic tool of adventurers and heroes for as long as anyone can remember let me level this up first get that bonus shot and let me see how does this attack that sounds about right can you actually break blocks it's out of a next level let's go get that chest yeah boo not a real Minecraft game Oh oh my god yeah look at that oh that one went to a wall but it fires two arrows that's great there's also counters for two arrows oh it only counts as one arrow good also I really should stop spamming arrows oh you guys are [ __ ] I'm coming for you I got this TNT you guys are so screwed let me just slowly make my way over there can't wait to miss throw this is gonna be wonderful all right I'll do it do it nice got a good chunk of people there oh wow we got way more than I thought you think I was the creeper was that Hank you think thank you for the store order regeneration and chilling oh good good hmm is it you oh it's you Oh God I'm Swiss [ __ ] next to you there we go okay oh wait it's all of you okay maybe there we go holy [ __ ] okay there's three of those guys there all right so it seems like with this actual that spin attack it'll always be your third attack so if you only do two your next attack is guaranteed to be a the spin move oh god okay I missed hey so health we go wow you detonated way faster than I thought I'm gonna head back for a little bit kind of rethink my life choices that led to this moment actually no [ __ ] that we're fine we got arrows we're good we're good all right take these out from a distance we got the arrows go it in or fine this is fine everything oh thank god okay we're good for now for real no more fake bravery we're good we're good do I have a I don't have an enchantment okay whoo there's a chest over there very nice there you go I was hoping that skeleton came in nice the pink scoundrel ooh I'm gonna hang out right here no one kill me chance to enrage mobs hits multiple targets ten to twenty does less damage but with the encampments an another bonus shot does more damage okay increase attack speed for each consecutive shot boost arrow damage on pushback and charge shots deal more damage I mean it is prettier I'm taking that one is this a mistake and probably I might just take RAW more damage yeah might do the power and probably bonus shot let me start with power dude to uniques can I get some better armor though please I'm rocking some like garbage first suit yo what's up graphic hope you're well man thank you everyone for hanging out today hope you're having a good Thursday appreciate you spending some time here with me a little bit of quarantined entertainment for you Oh what the [ __ ] phone a-hole it makes a funny boy annoying noise the funny sound effect made me fall off it's just only on PC the this beta is yeah okay Oh get them yes you fools hit you with the old halo trick where you throw a grenade at the wall and hope your opponent rounds the corner classic whoo that enrage helped us out big time there very nice come on get in Rach preferably on the okay Oh someone got enraged that was no one no one important [ __ ] oh all right relax relax right no need to get too greedy [Applause] nice the only thing with this axe and I think it's just a stat like a you know a feature of the axis your attack is pretty slow does this game have super creepers I mean on level three so far no but maybe oh yeah I grow too really early do it yes this arrow or this bow may not do a lot of damage but it makes up for with that enrage ability will I quit when I find a super creeper yeah I'll go back to Achievement Hunter and I'll be like hey you guys are free now don't worry I found a super creeper [Music] we are gonna hit up that blacksmith so many times when we get back I'm gonna liberate all of them yep I'll be like you're welcome that was unacceptable I thought that attack would kill him it did not I do like having like the one guaranteed he'll on cooldown that's kind of a nice touch I wonder if you'll be able to upgrade that he'll at some point so it's not always like a little tiny potion I thought I got away I did not come on health come on I can't get over the boy annoying it's great by the way what's up Stephie yeah I have to upgrade the flask at some point cassia skip packing the flask alright oh I'm so level six get in the flask what a great bad movie level 6 hog I think Steve Oh Steve was excited for me alright um you have to upgrade you do let's give you your other enchantments um yeah bonus shot I do like the bonus shot ability thank you for the Rhys UPS guys 120 on the sub train preciate you I'll be gifting some subs at the end of the stream as we get closer to pokemon stadium to rental randomizer I believe we're to check right now actually we're like 1700 sub-points away less than that's like 16 and change yo what's up Jeff get levels dude I will we got a little section over here we'll check out all right I love on my ricochet arrow go hits it hits a wall I'm like thanks I mean you're a bonus arrow but like bruh yo what's up you know what's up Jamie what's up a nose cat how long do you take me to build this I'll build this cavern ah dude I have a 78 part let's play at me building this cavern and spawning enemies it's great the Lightning goes around corners oh [ __ ] were both arrows the firecrackers I thought it'd only be one oh that's even better only 78 you have to get those numbers up lists of animal washed up let's player what do you expect I moved on to bigger and better things maybe I think I explored every inch of the cavern maybe let's just say that I did huh no that's probably bad yes not good oh my god better armor if only I had time to put it on hold on everyone base everyone back no [ __ ] just give me a second I put it on okay I have no idea what the stats are what it does I know this guy's beating the [ __ ] out of me though holy [ __ ] can somebody enrage there we go help me out all right another like Garbo sword what is this + 67 health more range damage more arrows per bundle hey I will take that I don't need you anymore don't eat you what are your enchantments frenzied well you're at less than half health your attack speeds increase okay and and melee o movement speed I like that I like going fast grants a small chance to flecked incoming projectiles whenever you take damage you deal damage back to the attacker every 0.5 seconds damage all enemies in melee range kind of like thorns I'm gonna take swift footage I just want to move faster and then probably thorns yeah this is a closed beta you had to sign up for it a couple of weeks ago coach just went live yesterday awesome it shot the wall my favorite I guess is trying to hit enemies on the other side of this wall oh no which I kind of understand hahaha yes that strength potion though what's up diablo him this is actually the new Diablo game Oh get fall he didn't die cuz I get [ __ ] I killed every single creeper around him except the one I wanted to did not see that creeper god there's way more to this I thought the where we pulled that switch was the end I was mistaken let's go get that creeper behind us cuz I have a feeling he's gonna come back and get us and that suck yeah this is a big-ass map I take that guaranteed stun to be safe and let's keep going I rolled into the wall genius really a genius play there oh there's more to explore here this is still smaller than ninjas house I mean you're not wrong he's got that mixer money okay you guys see him a little more annoying I'll be right back let me deal with this first really no chest over here a fast attack fire trail regeneration oh good nice and easy one that's like three of you right there sure was wow you know what if in a smart move if I [ __ ] didn't do what I'm doing now and I separated them we can take it we're fine oh now we're fine for sure there we go and then one spider left oh hey got some chests over here is that more than one high just one all right ooh a better sword allegedly I have a unique item though don't lie to me game [ __ ] hey remember we had like 30 arrows yeah we're good on arrows now no no Enderman yet I'm sure they're coming though those skinny boys let's go check over here nice that's what we need to go that's what that yellow square indicates it's like your objective oh hello piggy thank you for getting stuck on me that made that way easier Adam I've been too far yeah we good a tasty bone I need to see what that is a second actually hold on Oh summon a wolf yes y'all companion my boy okay he took a lot well that didn't kill him oh that well he's dead all right maybe you shouldn't charge right into the [ __ ] creepers but better him than me I guess he'll be back he'll be back serious dude imagine it was a one-time thing and then that was just your dog you have to collect the item again oh wait can I spawn - ah rip only one okay um 13 yeah but this is a lot more abilities and stuff where do these chant mints up against the undead weakening thundering alright Oh what's your take here Oh thorns right all right nothing that you artifacts have enchantments they do not I think you just get better versions of the artifact because you see how it's like common and these are like more rare I've only been going for about an hour the O Inferno thank you for the twitch prime sub man Brad funk master thank you guys I saved my dog you all saw it we toast 21 damage he does a good amount if he doesn't get a Visser ated instantly nice little one-two punch there oh we got this okay I thought he was gonna get my back there's about to be a little upset there we go nice wait for that I think he died in some kind of creeper explosion but that's on him man he's charging him to fight the creepers I can't control him it's got a mind of his own dude f-for the dog after the dog every time it dies which will probably be a lot the dog is a mad lad do you the dog has no fear I love it well that seemed suspects are you able to get in on this beta not unless you signed up a couple of weeks ago it is a closed beta ooh hold on no don't get out of the Tipsy range all right well that wasn't that clearly was not my fault that was not my fault you cannot blame that on me at all it had a little outline a little a oe thing the dog charged in that dog just craves death all right can't put that on me anyway he's back it's like nothing ever happens right he died off-screen Thank You thorns hey guys just chillin wow I just got hit by like 14 different spiders that was bad good another armor uh I don't think it's yeah it's not as good as what I have are there classes there are no classes anybody can use anything you could obviously build yourself in a way where you're a specific class but no so far anybody can use anything oh well we're the ledge huh all right spider snipe me over the wall that's kind of [ __ ] I'll say it uh he's dead look I wanted what a dog he's just going in Leroy Jenkins the dog edition yeah my dog was inspired by the great Leroy Jenkins Jenkins classic meme all right so I recalled my dog there to see if if he's still alive and I recall him if he gets his health back he does not wow I did not hit him that sucked he lives to make you proud well he's doing a good job I'm very proud of my dog no fear no fear out of him nice there is not a weapon durability to my knowledge can you recall him to avoid being blown up I think so you could try I think it puts them in a random spot but you could save them that way but then you're cooled actual your cooldown still does still goes down pretty quickly because he's alive well you could try that if you're paying attention oh the dog didn't [ __ ] even bite him what a [ __ ] no nope we still got more to explore over here nice ed ed and Eddy whistle it's a great easter egg I hear plank is a boss okay I was lucky uh yeah that's a bunch of guys over there don't go in there you [ __ ] once again not my fault alright this suicidal [ __ ] went in he didn't have to but he did do you think the dog just hates me that much that he'd rather die than live with me you guys think Tina feels the same [Applause] this is all trash all right I rolled into them that was genius I was like great a roll there I'd have to waste my potion either we had two food sources there also I don't think there's any way for the dog to regain health I think it just dies and comes back I don't know any of my powers huh there we go hey if anything this dog is a great distraction all right oh it is it is bumping in there he's dead he lives level up he had all those powers on the left I don't think I can upgrade any of everything cuz everything needs to at this point so I'm just gonna save my enchantment point he sees the light he sees the light and just run runs headfirst into it I think we have the section over here that has like three doors we can unlock yeah one of these and I think we're finally done with this level this has been a long one oh my god the dog got stuck on the pole thank the Lord holy [ __ ] he was gonna try and kill himself again we all saw it we all saw it this is the same thing what if it's those enchantments though snowball fires a snowball and nearby enemies stunning it that's pretty good whenever you use a heal potion you also create random food items okay electrified recycler being hit by damage and flipping projectiles will occasionally craft a small quiver of arrows oh oh when you have full HP you deal increased range in melee damage oh that's kind of nice dude like thorns and swift-footed though I might hold on to that one oh you can just hit right trick in a quick equip that's good the dog is basically Captain America when he dives to the grenade yeah except he just always dives for the grenade even when nobody's around he throws the grenade and throw and jumps on it ooh a twin bow another unique the twin bow is the champion of the hero who finds themselves outnumbered and alone only has one enchantment though better damage to enemies at once piercing power and supercharged I want to keep what I have oh he does have an arrow right in his head yeah okay alright got headshot in there okay came off he's good he shook it off he's fine he's fine all right was that level three thank you random swift-footed that's the wrong way like the guy from happy gilmore Oh No it's locked oh there's the thing all the way over there I never opened oh [ __ ] me I'm so dumb I forgot this I guess that's a switch all right puppy we're going on a long voyage I never went back and pressed the switch now we just have a long lonely trek backwards because I think we've killed everything whoopsie on the road again that's right we'd have to go back that far [ __ ] you get the swift-footed after you roll oh you do I thought he just happened randomly I'd even notice when I roll um here we go I still live there we go alright we got what we came for a book we leave with knowledge now this isn't closed beta oh that's a big boy whoever ego we got him another unique bow the green menace oh [ __ ] shrek spawns poison clouds ooh all right hold on to looking at a second alright does more damage spawns poison clouds hits multiple targets hmm okay charge so I've charged the thing all the way projectiles deal more damage to enchanted enemies but really run to too many of those shot speed heal allies I have no friends oh there you go there's the there's the wild rage of the other one and then piercing I guess supercharged and like maybe piercing doesn't this have piercing as well oh no it just hits multiple targets oh they both do I do like the UH I do like bonus shot a lot though I think for now I'm still gonna stick with the pink scoundrel I wish I had like a chess I could dump these often or something anyways we're done with this dungeon this is actually Mojang oh can I cut across this way now yes that was a yeah that was a juicy level I feel like it took like about an hour almost maybe 45 minutes or so a oh we're not done we left the crypts now we joined the Bloods yeah go everyone dog if I hit me again it just responds them nothing oh I got the prospector on the sheep of all things nice swear I'm not a psychopath for killing all these animals they might drop [ __ ] I swear what happens if the dog dies everyone in chat gets really really sad and then I just respawn them on cooldown when its cooldown is done the dog is just an ability or an artifact oh oh well there's your [ __ ] stubble you idiot oh there's two of them good good alright let's just [ __ ] fight it from afar frenzied and protection all right okay all right achievement under you're free you don't the play minecraft anymore you're welcome actually weeping dude Pepe hands frankerz e Peppe hands Riley Peppa hands Charlie and I was good okay what's in here oh there's a lot of you gentlemen all right so check this hidey-hole oh okay if there's a creeper in there I'm ready oh he died okay we're fine there's a lot of creepers in here holy [ __ ] with a lot happening here all right is my dog dead [ __ ] probably don't be a distraction that's one god that electricity does a lot of damage how are we good we good sorry dog what if my arrows carry over to the next level cuz I have a shitload of them you probably use them more oh okay hide got him that's how it's done another one not everyone Oh No there we go I think he just got killed by the thorns cuz I didn't fire a shot there okay I think we're done in here my dog's got an arrow in the face sounds about right oh you have like 900 arrows now [ __ ] should be spraying him willy-nilly like I did when I had like 40 now we're done nice very nice lands long dong little Georgie Matthew Burke sonic Corp Thank You Cal Hren Axl Alex 86% of the chest open dammit mr. doodles thank you for the bits this is a minecraft dungeon crawler I got my boots again I wonder why they're higher if I really need them though um no I'd like everything I use I let's get rid of these I might break those down in a second all right it might be time to hit the blacksmith what's the next mission I guess it's the the pumpkin pastures ah dude should we go all the way recommended power 27 powers 11 that's probably a mistake we've been okay so far I think for pumpkin patches I'll jack it up to max see how poorly poorly it goes see if anything else has been added here or if we still just have the the blacksmith yeah I think it's just a blacksmith we should pull up a map of this area but I guess being able to select your mission from anywhere is also pretty nice okay this game out already only if you wasted three years of your life playing minecraft every Friday 94 I'm in let's do it pickaxe come on bro like that like that scale male alright that's good it's good [ __ ] you got paid garbage tickles oh [ __ ] okay yo give me unique you coward now all you need no we got one more hit Chad I need your hands up hands up I need we need some good luck here you're all banned that's clearly all your fault why Chad why alright a lot of [ __ ] to get rid of here so let's go through this first I will get some money back though so we can hit it again for health damage reduction and mainly damage increase enchantments include snow ball recycler and straight-up burning this is to enchantment though though [Music] this is just like up I don't know I don't know yet let me see what it looks like okay looks more or less the same I think I am gonna stick with the hunter his armor just for the two enchantments and the fact that uh I'm getting a lot of arrows nobody should use them more often because this thing is kind of sick I'm gonna keep this though I'm gonna keep it just in case things go poorly but we sold some stuff so we got more hits one more [Music] I just got three scale males in a row I hate everything I hate I hate everything good variety there chief he did not give me the good [ __ ] he did not oh one more hit though one more hit [ __ ] come on damn it do you give me the same thing oh this is different enchantments I guess help to speed things and wear my full HP I do more damage oh I kind of like that though yeah the blacksmith is a specialty band let me try this I might regret it throw an enchantment on there we'll see how this goes I'm definitely gonna keep keep that around let me salvage that and we'll see if I regret it all right anyway pumpkin pastures on two three four five six seven Jack up the difficulty to max here we go how bad could this be yo diabetic amps are slowly losing my mind keg Hren thank you for the resub guys I'm gonna get one shotted the energy raids have roasted this one solution and to ruin only one village remains unspoiled in this corner of the world make haste here I must warn you you're my dad remember how much creepers did to me last time yeah dude a creepers gonna look at me this time and I'm gonna die find the village alright all right can still one-shot the zombies at least hahaha he's stuck what an idiot alright so far so good oh-oh-oh a chicken jockey oh [ __ ] look oh my god the damage right oh he's pulling me in oh god it hurts wait timeout I'm not ready what you guys regen oh you might regen [ __ ] yeah kill each other no waiting from a tree oh we got one that was no please not like this doggy holy [ __ ] that gravity pulse does not [ __ ] around alright well we're fine wait I get the other one actually it has some health yeah we're fine we're cool we good no need to worry all good all good yikes big yikes though that did so much I was so far away I'm really relying on my goddamn fishing rod of all things just stun him I'll keep my potion actually know it now why not it's gonna cool down on its own I don't get my speed boost when I roll anymore oh god this is a mistake let's do it hmm Oh maybe this thing is that big hi missed all right so so far it's not impossible but uh things do get a little dicey when there's three enchanted enemies coming at you and they're riding chickens also they can pull you toward them yeah there's a story there's a lore and everything oh you are a tough boy what he's enraged the short version of the story is there's a villager who got kicked out I guess he got bullied and he's like [ __ ] you guys I'm gonna take over the world he found in orb that was very much a cube and now he's [ __ ] everything up I guess that's not the short story that's the whole story oh no okay all right I did okay oh [ __ ] do it TNT I threw it too far I [ __ ] fall goddamn bridge awesome probably the best TNT you'll ever see in this game okay bye do chat how does it feel to be in the presence of a god gamer level up alright there's her freeze I'm honoured as you should be all right so we have one but we also have one being are with two being wasted they're all wasted I do like the cowardice ability but since I'm playing on this higher difficulty I really have to rely on my my arrows a lot how do I get over there can I not oh I guess not I think it's just this one area up here alright weird sup duper man how's the game so far it's a lot of fun I am very excited to put a lot of time into this when it comes out hoping the achievement list is pretty good right now we're on the hardest difficulty we can play on and it's still very much doable I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing for some people but I don't really expect this game to ever be like turbo difficult but it's a nice challenge just on xbox or pc I'm playing the beta on the beta is only on PC right now to my knowledge but when it comes out I believe it's gonna be on everything it'd be cool if this cross-play but I'm not sure if that's gonna be a thing all right okay Ono's another one okay he's not enchanted we're good I can deal with them it's like a child writing a chicken and it terrifies me mainly because it's a child anything on here I wonder for these hidden chests it seems like you just need to be in the general vicinity I don't think you need to trigger an actual like like you don't just and an actual spot there is multiplayer you can see right there I can add controllers and stuff and that is for local so I assume there's also online let's go to the right to get access to the beta there were signups a couple weeks ago and if you signed up for it you should have gotten a code in the email and your email like yesterday at least that's when I got mine now don't bother Mew [ __ ] [Music] if you don't get a code you might be able to just go to the minecraft dungeon site login and you might be able to just download it there assuming you signed up of course sorry mr. sheep [Music] this game is very generous with the arrows I mean it's no 900 that I had last level but still a good amount you think there's gonna be a cow level I hope so I mean there has to be right this game is a dungeon crawler at diablo clone if you will so there has to be the iconic a level with minecraft cows and like sheeps and [ __ ] could be good i can't go up that way looting three plus infinity three is like infinity arrows it feels like I have infinite arrows now so far it feels like being like focusing on ranged weapons might be the way to go some of these arrows are some of these bows are crazy we've gotten three of them already I should have grabbed this thing first [ __ ] hmm can I get up there oh maybe over here yeah over here okay oh no they have a pool they have pull I just lost my dog all right it's gonna be a little we gotta get out of here for a second did not see the enchanted enemies up there can I get in rage thank you shoot each other some oh he didn't fall off the edge I thought we had him oh [ __ ] you don't fall off the edge no come back no the dog died we're good the dog did die but we did hit the enemy as well oh I wonder if I could pull him into the pit hold on see if I gonna grow him down here hey damn it Oh hold on damn it just haha it worked that's a cool trap all right so pits are your friends you have Roadhog strats for sure we were over here before but hidden chest bra this is kept an entryway to some someplace like the wall is a different color and everything I'm not sure if there's a switch or something but bring tea and tea that's not a bad idea if I find some bring it all the way back [Music] you sake kill my dog I even see that guy that guy ha ha ha dude that cow is stopping him oh that cow is a hero Oh what is this that bad Oh Oh what the [ __ ] hello oh is it you what are you doing shaman looking ass Oh mr. sheep I'll let you live let everyone know how nice of a guy I am Oh can we get some TNT in here damn it was it just arrows and bread I think the bread despawn the bread like went to the wall beta by the way is a switch or anything yeah doesn't look like it Hey arena battle all right we did it I got the wrong guy I don't know what killed my dog but he got [ __ ] destroyed it oh that's that TNT [ __ ] I can't use my arrows now that's right we're fine all right we're going back let's see if this works Jett pretty solid for a beta yeah it's been great there's like two spin like those random freezes but that's pretty much it all right Shou let's see if we have some like three million IQ plays here or is just not gonna work I'm leaning toward it's not gonna work but we got a try it's over here [Laughter] alright well that definitely didn't I definitely didn't work that didn't that did not go as I thought it would okay well at door doors cursed so uh you know let's let's not do that ever again anyway moving on am I gonna play the new control DLC uh no I don't think there's any achievements and I don't know if the game still runs like doodoo on Xbox no trauma with the five years thank you the GU crown appreciate you man there are a lot of you over here oh oh I wish I still had that TNT over the drawbridge oh the TMT I need it I need it now I need just get away from you guys hey hey everyone over here oh no other dogs dead that's fine okay that was dead anyway I didn't kill it there we go see the sponsor more enemies supplies yeah AT&T just saw my head it's my new hat perfect throw got all the enemies and I didn't kill my dog we're getting better why did I pull the cow when I wanted the spider in front of me would invoke her oh is that him I think it is maybe not I actually don't know what it is vote for his that's definitely not him No Jesus the music though oh [ __ ] I see that too far I think oh wait no no we're good we're good nice it'd be great if I can see them stupid [ __ ] trees these guys are relentless Oh naturally got a level up that clutch level up though all right [Music] now we should be good there we go that level up though saved us big-time ninjas here I played minecraft earlier this month what are you on about enchanted Vindicator oh good don't tell that is worried about it later get that help back oh there is a lot of you oh god that burning though this is gonna be alright this is gonna have to be ranged the whole way through actually now we're good we're good I wasn't sure if that was looking at burn or not we wait for my cooldowns to come back you got oh hello oh wow you got [ __ ] arrow to my man that was not the plan hey dawg take the hits for me man's best friend alright I think I might be at the point where I need to get rid of this axe as much as I love it I may need stronger weapons coming up get [ __ ] you just roll all the way dawg what are you doing you silly idiot oh we got one of those guys back here holy [ __ ] something happened was there a creeper over there oh no I think nothing exploded tire oh yeah they just explode okay dude item rage that guy he was going for the Sheep but I'm mad man let's go this way I guess what I'm being canned I am let me in chance hold on if you leave my wolf alone sir do that for now [Music] oh my god you guys just hanging out you guys all stuck on the bridge they're stuck on the bridge there you go now you're free you're welcome god damn corner of the bridge how'd i get into the beta i just signed up for it if I just leave this here I want to leave that there as an emergency for later aka I'm gonna forget about in 10 seconds whoo sickles huh do they like oh they're super fast kind of like these sickles though be honest with you oh wow okay where is he always right here yeah now I need life on hit no kidding I didn't see the enchantments on it but it has life on hit then that might be the play some of your attacks can be followed up by another attack in rapid succession Oh poison cloud has a chance to summon a poison cloud that deals damage that could be nice I'm gonna use a little bit more actually do I have a I think I do have a enchantment I do not okay oh that's right they use on the bow least the level is appropriately named-- these are pumpkin patches they were not lying the little spring noise is funny Oh from the bow yes my favorite part of it mooing I wasted an arrow there I'm running kind of low I got to stop doing that how much you want to bet we're gonna see a br of this we talkin about Hunger Games in Minecraft was the first BR Hunger Games has been around for like 80 years nothing and then up here nothing all right is it gonna ring that Bell oh wait I'm suing ringing the bell opens that up okay Oh Rena battle my dog died already good I wasn't wizard back there hey more scale mail we were running low where are you oh you're not the guy I'm looking for always like way back here isn't he oh and a bokor another one I let me get rid of this guy first oh we have another guy over here [ __ ] alright alright so the fishing rod doesn't work on him alright get around this corner hey what's up arrows no fear nice way to go Doug oh hell yeah dude and the villagers of the pumpkin pastures go on to fight another party's difficulty it did get a little dicey a couple of times though I've owned I only defeated half the mobs what the [ __ ] I guess I miss the whole section of the map did never figure out how that door worked yeah I'm sure there's a switch or somewhere that we just never found heal better arrows though quiver is filled the deadliest of arrows mm one range damage per second we tried that Oh a wandering traitor that's new get a random artifact appropriate for your level oh that would be great I wasted all my money on this [ __ ] you need to be a block of TNT yeah we did that part wrong so is there like more missions available okay no you just replay these four missions over and over again okay so this is what available is available for the beta and what if this is the all the levels or if there's more because there's only there's only one two three four seven eight nine like ten [Music] let's see so what does this do I'm gonna try it out oh they're just literally on fire okay I see a certain amount on fire okay well let me hit this guy up first Oh way actually how much is this this is who I kind of want to hit him up first all right let me sell some stuff here all right I'm not gonna use those if I get some good hunters armor that'd be nice I mean these are higher I guess oh this one has the same effects this has a cowardice and what's this other one for every 100 blocks explored you get some health oh and then fire trail oh I kind of like that actually I might do that instead of this yeah I think I'm not something to do because man arrows are [ __ ] Opie [Music] yeah me grab that I'm not gonna be using that not sure about that hold onto this all right wandering trader what do you got for me let's see make it worth my while well I guess it's stronger [ __ ] okay so one point six and five one point seven point one second difference cool god damn it all right blacksmith give me something good my man wolf armor we don't want junk difference between life and death yeah no kidding right um all right so we don't want this that's the other one we got all right let's try the trunk out one more time all right one more time all right so this is actually just the [ __ ] fishermen in disguise all right don't let him deceive you he is a fisherman in disguise all right I kind of want to do creeper woods at max level here oh sure the gear drops in the artifacts you can get interesting of the triple fishing rod Mehta yeah parently all right I still can't change this all right um then we'll play will playthrough creeper woods maybe one more time and maybe a creepy crypt I like the highest-ranked and then I guess we'll call it or the highest difficulty and then we'll call it all right scale mail and fit and fishing rods it's true that's that's all I got yo what's up fear before we start this this next I'm gonna run to the bathroom all right don't hurt me hopeful the enemies be cool I'll be right back he paused the recording we're alright I weren't his fire trails even really that useful also can I hurt myself with this trail No thank God alright all these fire arrows are pretty nice ruined I'm sorry I've made my stream even worse somehow so you know we got a lot of the same items over and over again right I'm just gonna assume that's because we're in the beta and there's only so many items maybe my luck is truly that bad but I think it's cuz we're in the beta and there's only like a handful of items at least so what I'm gonna tell myself to feel better I mean like there's other items we've been picking up like these like unique items I don't know how many of them we have like in the grand scheme of things but I think maybe from the traders may that's all you can get for now all right but yeah like I said well play through this level again then we'll play through um the crypts on the hardest difficulty now I guess we'll just wrap up for the stream I just really wanted to show off this beta today at that point I think we've done mostly everything and I mean I knew I was gonna get this game regardless but this gets me more excited for the full release for sure this is fun you know would have been nice from all those uh all those [ __ ] fishing rods I got if I got a stronger dog for some reason this makes you think of Diablo oh really I can't I don't understand why what's up French roost upgrade is an ocelot dude maybe I guess we could check if this is the if the layout is different I haven't think about that hey does this map look similar I think it is maybe like is this all water yeah I think the maps might be the same did I watch the new direct I did not yeah I think the map loud is this at least these are the are the same because yeah we go over here it's going to bring us through the roon oh my god there's infinitely more than I remember over here the [ __ ] wiggle all right I have two of enchantment points I should probably use them on one of these probably cowardice creeper show up later this is your introduction to creepers they like a little bit uh into the level nice snack that there is my lovely assistant the distraction I know that was deaths Basu and we got to watch out okay I think there was a chest all the way down in that area let's see yeah take that there we go there's that wolf farmer again and some more arrows you alright so we'll go back into this this rune over here there's nothing over here right no Chester what not now you can now cower this prestige I can oh there are two doors again you know we activate this yoke oh it's really open I guess no it isn't what hello there's like something you activate here I wonder what it's not here this time is there something else oh wait I could just do this the cheese the cheese all right well I mean I can't open this I can't open this door but I just look at XP my arrows don't go through right oh well kind of yeah they're supposed to be something here you pick up to open this door beta by the way okay so I guess we can't go in here again let's try this hold on alright I didn't work alright just kidding all right so that's cursed boom boom boom yo m'kay extra dark triforce missoura hopefully up that right uber thank you guys for all the love today hope you've been enjoying this playthrough of the beta all right I'm gonna get hit by everyone don't mind me alright you know what I just used my new fishing rod and I didn't notice the difference hype for my trophies and chill shirt odd you order it today Tina's at the store right now doing some orders thankfully as of right now the store is just business as usual dude that fire trail is actually pretty good thought so far really really like it might be a little too easy for some people even though like the hardest difficulty so that might push some people off I don't think it's meant to be like a super hardcore dungeon crawler but I've enjoyed the what is it three hours I've hour two and a half hours I put into it so I'm definitely gonna be playing this at release definitely do at least one stream of it and then we'll see how it does afterwards thanks Derek all right this is where the Oh God this is where the pain is the pain train oh [Music] no I died for the first time I got too overzealous all right everyone take a breather also yes those things are extra lives good to know oh I just backed myself into a corner remember me chat remember me oh wait nevermind we're good oh yes double damage that makes sense I'm like what the [ __ ] I thought it was good he has double damage on top of being the hardest difficulty you can play us okay I'm like where did all my health go that explains it those are big chunks of damage [Music] thank you for the store order frame rate merch calm please buy something from us it'll make us happy Oh was it you were you [ __ ] buffing them in this corner you [ __ ] Cyrus oh my god I respect the strategy I respect the cowardice that [ __ ] skeletons making me slow I don't like it there we go when in doubt just spam arrows house left another thing I've noticed I feel like arrows are our pose or the way to go so far another store order thank you making my boy Hank busts preciate it thank you very much another level up hell yeah I don't need that bread anymore but thank you anyway this is not open beta no thank you guys for ordering some stuff I was not where I want to throw that all right we got like none of them perfect all right we have another chance I'm playing this on PC currently but I believe in it releases it's gonna be on everything that dogs dead [ __ ] that might have been my fault maybe Oh rag doll you never get old you never get old okay [Music] okay that's all done how's their first death all the way through just because I got overzealous and didn't notice the double damage not too shabby every game should have a ragdoll option I agree if your game doesn't have rag doll sucks I'll say it everybody's thinking it oh is this where we come out of Oh yep I think that's where you come out of the other place all right I'm not afraid I'm not afraid Simeone we get my arrows back so let me get my arrows back and we're good we're going in there don't worry you know twig thank you for the 31 months I keep deleting the dogs Armour well that's just not true okay wait for that to come back there is so much happening in there oh my god oh my god that is rough that is a rough hair oder rough area to be in I'm going back in mistake this is a mistake I should have done a check all right I don't go in there all right we're not gonna go in there we will be rinsed if we were able to go from the other end and it wasn't messed up we would be able to kind of separate the crowd a little bit but uh that ain't happening can you upgrade the dog if he's a the dog is at artifacts it'd be great if we did but if we got another one of him but we haven't got another dog artifact II okay thank you for getting stunlock sir oh is this over here last time this bridge it might have been you might have been I don't remember no I didn't watch the direct money from earlier and maybe before we wrap up the stream after we're done playing this I'll load it up and watch it with Chad I think it's about like half an hour I know there's uh I know there's Pokemon news that's really all I care about like twenty five minutes yeah okay we'll watch it after this then before I wrap up excited to see the Pokemon stuff let's see what else they announced did they like say this this direct was gonna happen because if they did I completely missed it I feel like they didn't that dog has got destroyed oh they shadow dropped it okay let's see if there's anything really worthwhile there I guess that I'm excited for the Pokemon stuff even if it's just like a minute this I should try and chanting these let me try this with the poison cloud see what that's like do-do-do-do-do all right well that cloud is already paying off that is very very nice what's up Justin how's it going man [ __ ] it's not only one spider sure is got him oh I need to go in this house right right quarantine and chill pretty much what we're rocking and rolling right here this is your quarantine entertainment for the day from me she go back to the hell room with the poison cloud I think if I leave the room the poison cloud goes away I just take too much damage what if I go in there I mean I think the poison cloud would help but I don't think it's enough another piggy hello piggy ooh a guardian Bo you know these pigs are hooking me up man all right let's take a breather here and see what this Guardian Boas woo only has one though as are those bomb arrows hello whew shot every few shots has a time charge that explodes one second after impact I don't like that ricochet and piercing won't let's throw this on just to try it out let's salvage the pink scoundrel rip pink scoundrel you'll never be forgotten I don't think the dog gets hurt my own fire if it does I haven't noticed we try this lets up that then let's try the try the few shot and okay do you think Peter will make an article for vegans about this game probably Dan got anything else going on or release just a straight-up bomb arrow every time I miss this guy oh there we go that's what we want get the little bait cloud in there [ __ ] I should've been using these things earlier yeah if you can get these sites with like damage on hit like this poison cloud and maybe like that lightning effects that could be sick like I stuck idiot I [ __ ] occupied as enemies over there nevermind that's not terrible I lost myself in there for a little bit Oh chat oh oh we're fine we're fine this is fine hey you got help thanks Cal now we're fine oh now nobody has any food I see how it is thank you thank you homey yeah that wizard kind of [ __ ] me up a little bit there he was behind the fence and I think healing and buffing them we did though we good but anyway yes sometimes it's very easy to lose yourself in the carnage god this bow does so much damage got him off screen this is what it's like to have an appropriate leveled oh I'll be using the pink scoundrel for a little too long it's like underleveled oh is this game only $20 on release really I just assumed it was gonna be a like full price game release was supposed to be at the end of April but I believe it got delayed I need seven more arrows I don't think I'm gonna get it feels bad whoo there you go there's the bomb arrow working as intended $20 Wow that's awesome does it say Eric what it's gonna release on there I assume it's everything but I don't want to be a [ __ ] liar thirty dollars special edition with extras oh well there you go it is on everything okay does it say if it's gonna be a part of game pass I mean it should but I mean oh boy it's a little ol crazy over here get that Apple [ __ ] just not arranged I have no idea where my dog is in this mix oh he's over here dude he went after that guy what a beast yes game pass Oh perfect do $20 for this is great and if being on game pass is also good hell yeah yeah this is definitely gonna be a well at least I hope it's gonna be a hot seller it's a super fun game family-friendly introduce your kids the dungeon crawlers or introduce anybody to dungeon crawlers really and then if they want to get into more advanced advanced dungeon crawlers you have obviously Diablo being a big one maybe they have phones path of Exile amongst many many others or even go further make him place [ __ ] like champions of norrath on ps2 that game was great I love that game torch lights another one yeah I hope it doesn't need Xbox Live Well this local co-op I'm not sure if you need xbox live for game pass hi yummy do you a bomb shot here oh [ __ ] please give me one second I want to upgrade my ball is this on pc the beta is yes it will be when it fully releases as well I wonder if it'd have to separate achievement lists also I wonder if you can get achievement worlds in this game Oh God double damage [ __ ] you could you thank you get out of range hey [ __ ] yeah you're both dead always prioritize the healer this is a closed beta I'm not sure if they'll have an open beta any point but right now it's closed good throw got the skeleton spare the nothing I meant to throw it up the stairs if you can believe it nice I'm a little low on health back up a little bit I know we're done nice all right time to hit up the blacksmith again test our luck villages are free from the clasp of the images all thanks to you I know I missed out on 420 arrows I'm sorry I [ __ ] ruined it I ruined a chat yeah I missed a bunch of chess because I couldn't go into that room a lot of damage done though we got an item interesting eaten by daring warriors the Death Cap mushrooms Rives fighters into a frenzy we got something new greatly increases attack and movement speed oh that's kind of a POG let me uh let me try that oh okay oh [ __ ] alright is it damaged as well okay I'll do that with it's gonna be gross alright 207 and 103 alright chat we're playing one more level big decision here do we hit up the blacksmith multiple times or the wandering trader and the blacksmith elbow attack speed as well oh yeah actually is it I don't know one of each alright if this is another fishing rod I will gift ten tier ones right now we're good we're good but it's just boots unfortunately blacksmith what do you got for me ah boring-ass longbow alright well I'm gonna get rid of this finally goodbye Highland axe you've been nice get rid of this I'm probably not gonna use this either alright what's gonna upgrade oh the fire trail I can upgrade let me do that what is the ooh wow it doubles the damage hell yeah alright we can hit him one more time let's do a chat not even like a diamond pickaxe though you cheap [ __ ] goddamn it goddamn it ok so like I said we'll do the creepy crypt on the hardest difficulty and that'll be that my power levels 19 that's kind of nice ok hit him one more time oh [ __ ] I can you're right one more time chat [ __ ] is that the same thing I have oh no it's slightly better oh but only is one thing [ __ ] always one enchantment whatever you I'll use it yeah now I like my I like my thing there gives me slightly more health but I like the double enchantment let's go last level King Cobra Blaine thank you I see gecko with the bits clip Congrats on the wedding hey thanks may hope you guys enjoy nice honeymoon with after this thing goes away yeah eventually we'll go on one epic logic destructor thank you guys Trixie oh my god dude oh my god this is gross wow you really feel it when you're when that mushroom is gone hey I may be under level but I have drugs I hit the wrong button I just equip my pickaxe there we go let me get rid of that even the pickaxe did work there do you have to pee or to get the beta know yet to sign up on the on their website people are saying the beta is gonna go on for a while so maybe you'll have another chance to sign up for it that dog is still alive somehow holy [ __ ] what a god oh is that where you sign up for the beta okay can you uh can you like DM that to me Eric so I could put in the YouTube description that way people want to sign up they can I'm stuck I'll write the spider what a throw you [ __ ] idiot there we go how long it take me to get me to level 13 about three hours three hours I've played through all the levels once and played through so far only one multiple times that was a little close on that creeper I think they'll buff the dog the dogs an artifact I just haven't got a new one I'm sure I can get a stronger dog if I had some luck but I don't right now I think actually actually the only thing that might get buff is the amount of damage it does because you can see right here 21 summoned damage and 30 second cooldown it has nothing about his health good bye mr. dog good back flip all right this is a map that's massive this is gonna take it's like 45 minutes if we explore everything which I will try to do right for people who are just joining in and wondering what just happens that's the only minor bug with the beta right now is sometimes a little freeze for like four seconds come back let me go up in this little corner here those are just all creepers huh oh we missed the chests all the way over there oh no we haven't been over there yet we have to like go all the way around to the left which i think is where the objective is okay yeah it is all right this time we will remember to grab the grab the book or whatever out of all the levels this is easily the biggest one at least the longest one I'm ready now I'm ready [ __ ] okay let's pretend I killed somebody with that I meant to throw it at the pillar in the middle but I very clearly missed taking long hmm looks like you move slow in this game uh yeah you move a little slow kind of a bummer you can't get things to increase your speed like I had a piece of armor yes or earlier not yesterday where every time I rolled it gave me a swiftness which was nice and you can find potions I give you increased speed but do you move a little slow oh we stopped to check that area over there [ __ ] I'm still gonna plate Rover yeah I'm gonna play on Saturday so I'm taking tomorrow off and set it today and then nope no idea oh my god that's so much damage for falling in a hole no idea I'm gonna play on Sunday maybe I'll start doing the resin evil - Japanese version runs for fun [Music] you're my dad Domo first-time gift are in the channel thank you thank you very much appreciate the generosity man I [Music] just healed - that sucks all right creepers are still [ __ ] terrifying case you were wondering [Music] [Music] that is a little dicey on killing that creeper with these these weapons don't quite put out that much damage anyone left don't we generally get a chest that week everybody oh maybe not Veterans Affairs sent me a question did I oh did you do you lose your leg do just show it to them I'm sure they'll really appreciate the picture no idea what the achievements look like on this game this is just the beta I would love to know I don't imagine it's gonna be anything too hard oh now it's spawned Oh what the [ __ ] the guy was over here we're champ I mean you old jokes have been running to the ground this dream oh dude so many so many while 21 damage is nice but oh it has two enchantments stun enemies and thundering rampaging rampage needs not bad oh and leaching oh if only I had that on this [ __ ] on these sickles boom-boom-boom-boom-boom so you're on the eggs the gungeon sheep yeah that was pretty cool so uh last week across all of twitch when it came to exit the gungeon I was the second most viewed stream that's pretty hype man that's pretty cool [Music] health on hit it's health on defeating a mob if it was health on hit it'd be even better at least I think it was anyway it's gone now oh [ __ ] me Oh bye see you later I'll look at it move it's Lakes oh no I'm so sorry I think you took one for the team I think he rode all the creepers and they all like exploded on each other kappapride yo what's up CeCe Derek what games did you complete yesterday I completed P Kuniko and I should I should have had bleeding-edge completed but the [ __ ] kills achievement is glitched Oh baby you love to see it those zombies flew over this wall even though it's a solid wall interesting oh this one we need to go to get the thing okay we'll get it this time for sure is bleeding-edge and easy completion yeah you just have to play the game essentially nothing too hard I would wait well actually I would wait and I would not the longer you wait the better the players are gonna be and right now there's it's still kind of a mostly players I don't understand the game you know like not staying together not having a healer but every now and then you'll get a team that is already MLG pro but just be warned there's a chance your achievement for getting 50 kills will be glitched some people are saying you have to do it in one sitting some people are saying you have to do no one sitting when you first boot up the game there's no concrete information but uh the devs know and they're working on a patch so that's good now you go first yeah there you go get them my little attack wolf here's the cool down on this mushroom is like almost instant it feels like I love it I don't know what exploded oh maybe there's a creeper behind him and he got stuck behind him and just went off early oh you finished up dragon fighters I say dude Congrats what a pointless grind of a game level up [Music] I assume we're getting more XP because they're playing on like this difficulty but I honestly don't know just the way out oh no it's not alright oh it is the way out okay we don't wanna go this way yet did I try battle mode on doom eternal not properly I only boosted it for the achievements yeah Tara you can enable the FPS counter and the options [Music] shockabra I believe the only HD kills that count for the bleeding edge achievement or where you get the killing blow nice he goes in killing edge it's kind of like overwatch where if you hit the if you hit an enemy and someone else kills it you get credited with the kill but I believe the achievement only counts killing blows when you get the the final one is the FPS captain no you can have it over here oh you can have it here 30 60 120 144 240 unlimited I just leave it on 60 because I stream at 60 so also my monitors aren't anything special so they don't me go that high when does the battle royale mode have come out for this Oh like 10 years ago bruh people don't know about Hunger Games Maja's money even though this is the last map we're gonna play we're absolutely gonna test our luck with the with the blacksmith and whatnot you know Jase thank you for the 27 months oh yeah well I'm wrapping up I gotta walk around to these other areas if anyone has any questions I could do my best to try and answer about this game are there still service for hunger games oh I'm sure what's the other thing like spleef is that what it's called all right yeah we have like the whole right side of this dungeon to check out do they have a new release date I don't know it might be on their website but it was supposed to come out next month so I'm not sure if that's still the case hello is there a plot yeah there's a story there's an opening cutscene I played I could play it again after this level it's a very simple plot but I mean it's minecraft so don't know if you want anything extravagant the most plot Minecraft ever had was the tell-tale games that was a waste on one enemy idiot yeah if only I had my mushroom now good thing I blew it on that one creeper oh boy oh there's a creepers okay there we go yeah the story is some guy gets bullied he gets a mad and he's like I'm gonna take over the world pretty much it oh yeah we have all this to still explore okay yeah it's just a revenge plot it's nothing too complex there's a lot of [ __ ] we don't need a pickaxe is actually pretty good I want two enchantments prospector rampaging fire aspect lighting echoes stunning clothes actually not bad for that pickaxe it's my favorite flavor of ice cream of vanilla and cookies and cream oh okay that's it I just healed and rolled right into a creeper great move idiot thank you for the collage porkchop do G think of the resub man all right Derrick Oh aren't the achievements like out today or tomorrow or some [ __ ] hope they're not too bad okay that's a creeper No all right well that dog took it took one for the team what a hero I will remember you dog number whatever dog you are I think they released like three hours ago okay I'm sure people will put out guides then we can just use said guides Oh baby hmm really need some health that was not in there go dog go be the distraction I need you to be yes yes man's best friend coming up big there underarmor 26 oh what's that gift whenever you use a healing potion you sometimes create random consumables Oh interesting do I do this in my dog IRL yeah I pick up both Charlie and Riley and I throw them at explosives and I'm like protect me we have a very close relationship they do love me I swear Oh something hit me for like a trillion damage I need that Apple nice we good oh you you [ __ ] are we good now get some Mellie god these are not great man the power difference when you have full health with this cowardice thing is very very apparent magic thank you for the two months sup flux how's it going this is gonna be a shorter stream but it's gonna count as a full stream today we're taking tomorrow off instead III may be needed at the storehouse tomorrow so but we'll be back on be back on Saturday with a full stream check out Rover and chanted creeper by dog I love that even the the enchanted creepers are so easy to kill you guys made them in hey buddy see kind of wasted some arrows on him but I am running low on arrows again so I should be careful so crazy is this a closed beta yeah but you can sign up for I assume I'm gonna send out more codes in the future because this is supposed to go for a couple of weeks but it's real [ __ ] good we're going in chat that was dumb that was dumb I'm almost dead boy I felt brave a second ago alright well see you guys later I have a negative health yeah we're good look at that no problem at all only had to panic spray my arrows and use my dog as a distraction are they supposed to be supercharged the creepers uh they look like it but I mean all the enemies that have enchantments on them are like glowing oh yeah you can call them super charged creeper if you want I won't tell okay hosting TNT is bad have I noticed anything Opie nothing completely Opie some bows are pretty [ __ ] good though and these sickles I have are pretty sick but nothing like inherently broken the game also so far isn't like overly difficult like even in that section where I should have died because I just threw myself out there I somehow got out of god that takes so long to detonate Hey how'd they get the Minecraft licensing Mojang they own it and how did Microsoft get it they own them the mushroom is pretty good the mushroom with these sickles is a pretty nice uh combination on top of that poison cloud like I said only if we had the the health like getting health back when we kill an enemy also on this I'd be pretty good Reaper this is going very very well we're playing through this level and then we'll be done the beta had five levels if you count the tutorial at least for now I'm not sure if they're gonna add more in the later weeks no my dog you kicked my dog shot to the Jerky Boys are the difficulty settings yeah I could show you I'm playing on the hardest difficulty I can right now there's like an overall difficulty like there's three of those that you can't change cuz I think you can only change it after you beat the boss the final boss and then there's like level the level you can change the difficulty what's down here absolutely nothing very cool died another one freebie oh I took I guess enemies respawn there and I was very very not right I think that's everything in this cavern or crypts might not be but we'll make our way toward the exit anyway because we have a little bit of outdoor action to get to Oh dude if regular minecraft combat was like this that'd be amazing a little more involved but you know the right trigger icon is I special arrows because of the my this artifact would I recommend this game yeah it's it's minecraft meets Diablo that's great it is uh pretty fleshed out but not as like crazy fleshed out as Diablo and path of Exile there's a good amount of stuff to it and I don't I think it's a good entry level dungeon crawler for people who are intimidated or want to try and get friends or family members into it it's also nice that there's uh where is it there it is for player local and probably for player online as well and the games going to be $20 when it comes out and if you have a game pass will be included in game pass I think for both PC and console and then I think it's $30 for like the collector's edition which I don't know what it comes with but some bonus stuff I'm sure will this be rough on a Minecraft kid it'll be different but I think they'll be excited because it's a different way to play potentially one of their favorite games ooh hello piggy hey level up again oh I think we make re reach oh no we didn't reach the max level okay now wonder if there is a max level in this beta if you can just keep leveling up can you do custom skins not to my knowledge when you create a character there's a bunch of random skins given to you and then at the bottom you have minecraft Steve and minecraft Alex just the female default skin I'm not sure if you get great custom skins that would be cool though I of course went with og Steve but yeah after this I'll show the leveling I'll show the intro cutscene for those who missed it and I'll show the the skins that are there by default please remind me though cuz I will forget there was not a tuxedo skin I wish there was tuxedos Steve I would have returned put on the Jersey oh so there's no way also to like at least that I know to like pick this up and move it to the right like you know the first slot but if you just do that it automatically does it like if you just switch on top which is very nice all right this has the [ __ ] bad armor though okay there's a story nothing too complex but there is a story all right I think we are all done no not yet you guys like my sick vape cloud oh I didn't kill the other arch or the other wizard like why these guys still alive there you go yes the stun the infinite stun can my ass kicked a little bit there before good get that pork yeah we go and how do I get back up there oh there we go there are no classes for this game anybody can use anything oh oh hey hey dog go over there damn it he knew [Music] five dollar Philip thanks man I made it a little bit smaller today so we didn't uh block anything artifact would we get more goddamn boots I'm gonna make these better Oh probably the cool down all right Oh before I forget here's the Oh can I show thee where is the opening cutscene I showed it before oh I think was on the main menu okay oh let me show the difficulty stuff so this is like your overall difficulty so you can see you can only play on defaults and then the arc imager I believe is the final boss or maybe a late-game boss but you can see the differences right there I'm not sure if it starts like a blank a brand new playthrough or if it's psych you beat the game you can go all the way back to the first level on adventure play through that and go back to the very first level on apocalypse so that's like your overall difficulty and then levels have your difficulty right here so you can see right here I'll slowly go up each one you are my dad give her their boogie woogie woogie now it's a little bit different cuz my power level is 19 but you can see like there it's increased difficulty and the gear and artifact power stuff you get is much higher also there doesn't seem to be anything level based it's like you can't use this weapon unless you're level whatever if there is I haven't seen anything yet I was gonna show the intro and I think that's in alright let's uh let's sit up both these guys are random artifact 207 come on chat let's go good luck okay this is new no one knows what mysterious creature this feather came from but it's as beautiful but it's beautiful and powerful let you tumble through the air stunning and pushing enemies back as you go oh you see this oops something new oh yeah it's kind of like just like a little front flip okay and it stuns enemies okay I don't know how good that is but at least some different put that back on I'll see you up one more time Oh better taste the bone after I'm done you [ __ ] goddamn it look at the damage from 21 to 56 damn it well if we ever play again how much is 103 alright we'll be able to hit it four times and man [ __ ] you just you know what [ __ ] [ __ ] you just [ __ ] you man I random gear alright better sickles good ol scale male yep okay reliable sword ooh what's the enchantments on this echo and all thundering could be good and it's an increase in damage so I'm gonna do this oh and for those who aren't here before obviously when you salvage your swords you get money your emeralds but if you have enchantments on a weapon you get those enchants enchantments back as well so as you can see in the top left hand corner I have two this thing had three if I do this I get them back so you don't have to worry about kind of throwing your enchantments away because you'll get them back this I'll update the mushroom alright we can hit this guy one more time damn trash alright so that's well stay for now let me go back to the main menu let me show you the opening cutscene and all the the skins so we go to switch hero create a new one here all your skins I don't know why some of them have like a yellow thing on them but anyway I'll just go through I got a nice moustache nice beard there oh I guess the yellow ones are like new or something that guy looks like Wolverine very square yeah if you can believe it oh yeah there's some that are locked where you get them but yeah these are locked I don't know how but then you got this one you got Alex then you got Steve see Steve like I said and then oh yeah you can make a clone as well so you just make a clone clone the character and then he's over here now he doesn't have your he does not have your emeralds but he's there I wonder if that could be used to exploit it and then here's the opening cutscene for those who missed it I'll [ __ ] off for now it was a time of great adventure and danger shunned by his kin and Elijah wanders the land seeking a new home but all he found was hatred driven by rage against those who wronged him he wandered blind to whatever end until at long last the illage around something that would change him forever our alysha's real things in Minecraft I have no idea what it is [Music] corrupted by evil driven by vengeance the arch illa Germain all bow before him and if they did not bow they the images braided the land would have the banner the purity of heart to stand against the arch alleges reign of terror well not that one maybe so there you go a lodger got bullied because he's small and ugly and now he wants to kill everybody there you go that's your basic overarching story but yeah that was my craft dungeons we did pretty much everything we could do in the beta for now anyway this game is [ __ ] awesome also I just realized you can't play online it says it right there there you go but uh thank you guys for watching YouTube I will provide a link in the description below where you could sign up for the beta parents supposed to go for like two to three weeks ah the game was pretty [ __ ] sick so I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek and I'll catch you later good bye YouTube
Channel: Ray Narvaez Jr
Views: 99,802
Rating: 4.8875675 out of 5
Keywords: Ray, Narvaez, BrownMan, B1GnBr0wN, Achievement, Hunter, Rooster, Teeth, Twitch, Livestream, Minecraft, Dungeons, Beta, Steve, Diablo, Path, Of, Exile, Torchlight, Dungeon, Crawler, Zombies, Skeleton, Archers, Creepers, Spiders, Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Bow, Xbox, Game, Pass, PC
Id: YeyojaEIFGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 27sec (12507 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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