Hermitcraft - Among Us Sabotage System

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[Music] yo what's going on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's going on [Music] [Music] what's going on [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's going on so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's try this see if this works oh we still got the among us thing hold on close that all right hi everybody the game crashed like literally five seconds before i launched it was it was great yeah amazing thank you everybody you know it was like saturday morning it's like 11 o'clock and i'm sitting here and i started working on the uh the sabotage system and i said i got nothing to do for a couple hours why don't i just stream this so that's what we're doing we're gonna do some redstone wiring and uh and hang out and chat and hopefully everything's fine can you guys hear me okay is everything good still got a whole new for those who weren't at the stream last night i have a whole new audio system so like things may sound different everything is probably weird i don't know we'll see we'll see i had i had some pretty pretty big issues last night i had to figure out with uh the sound of other people music volume is that okay feeling salty still no i wasn't salty at all and you don't know what you're talking about i was third life session oh it was pretty good it didn't go as good as i had hoped but it was always fun it's always fun i gotta edit that probably tomorrow or so ah there is no music this music right all right i'll leave it right there hopefully that's a good spot hermes shadow thank you excalibur fazu thank you pcfc pendle blue coat nightshade thank you tango's live why is he live it's saturday i guess you're not studying blue coat night shay thank you i am up to uh we're gonna do the sabotage thing like i said i'm pretty excited it's like literally the last thing to do um music's still very quiet probably for the same reason that other people are quiet trying to turn up a little bit there um you don't hear the music at all okay oh wow it's negative 45 decibels you see this is the same thing as last night it's like it's loud in my ear i gotta figure that out later oh well oh well if there's no music for you guys there's no music we'll just hang out um all right so let me show you what we're doing here that i decided today how i want to do the uh the sabotage how impostors are going to sabotage uh it's got some pros and cons but i think i think it's good what i'm going to do is add note blocks throughout the uh throughout the whole dungeon whatever you want to call it um like this okay i'm adding them in kind of like common areas where players are going to be kind of wandering around and very simple if you right click on the note block it will trigger a sabotage now this obviously means the crewmates could trigger a sabotage they could uh these are one of the drawbacks i'm okay with that i don't think a seven a crewmate would want to do that and that's fine so i mean if they want to do that that's fine um but what i like about this is it allows the it's it's subtle there's no sound associated to it right so they could just be like running by here and be like and that's it and they're gonna there's gonna be enough of them all over the place where uh i'm hoping that there's like you can't really oh i just saw him come from the button or whatever you know instead it'll just be like yeah he might have done it who knows right i got one i got one in the kitchen one in the lab i got one right here in the dungeon i'm in the process of hooking these all up right now i got one here in the uh the chicken coop again i'm putting them in very prominent areas you know bam hit that one there uh we got one here in the blacksmith right under like this major pillar here and thank you doris so and those are the ones i've got i want to add probably four or five more to the other side of the map now uh and then of course we got to do all the redstone to uh to hook it all up i underestimate hey if they want to do it and they want to hurt their team that's fine that's fine music's too loud for me sorry guys i gotta turn it down and i know it's super quiet for you i gotta figure that out i think it's good it's silent it's available basically everywhere um the only downside is the uh the crewmate can do it and i i will put a cooldown on it too there'll be like a an internal cooldown so that you know you can't do it every two seconds right like if you hit it then there's probably gonna be like a 60 second or two minute uh cooldown or something where if you hit it again just nothing will happen well that'll be part of the central redstone system um and then i've got a little bit of stuff dug out over here basically i haven't done anything yet but i just started digging this out so this is where these are the two pressure plates for those you guys don't know the way they turn this sabotage off is you have to have two people i've explained this about a thousand times oh you have to have two people one stand on this pressure plate and one stand on the other pressure plate so i just have to and those two signals together to turn off the system so we'll see i'm hoping i have plenty of room for there's gonna be a lot of redstone down here because it's got to be like activate the system verify the cooldown is off keep the system alive for a certain very lengthy pulse extension trigger the note block so that there's like i got i need some kind of note block system that's like this sounds like a warning sign or something like that so i'll be looking at you guys if we even get that far today i only got about maybe two hours to stream at most um but i don't know if we'll get to that but oh my sounds are way off too uh because the game crashed and because i've got my i've got my uh spectator account on right now and that's because all this redstone is so much easier with my spectator account i can actually just kind of plan where i want to do the wiring and stuff so a lot of times i'll just be tabbing out and going and looking at that uh because it should be on but again maybe not maybe you're not maybe the sounds could be completely not working so i don't know oh hey trick how are you doing um but i did see becca you did you did things becca loves pandas thank you for twenty dollars i toggle happy very belated birthday just finishing your mo you're among us vaughn and oh my gosh so yeah last night was a lot of fun i had some seriously bad luck with some of my runs last night but it was fun it was fun it turned out great and uh it's komkaze i can't pronounce your name but you're amazing i'm just going to keep going with kamkazee thank you for the continued support 25 no comment you've been so generous lately thank you today is saturday yeah what's up saffron how you doing if you added a game filter in your desktop there's a lot of solutions yet i don't want to i don't want to mess with it right now i really struggle bust with it last night and it frustrated me so whatever the sound you get is the sound you get today um but let me show you what else we got done here we've also i completely finished up this section here the the uh the dead player game is done i put the full roof in and we have the the potion distribution if that's even the right word the the potion picker operator system so basically there's all these little lamps hanging down here right and once you die you can see how some of them are lit up randomly uh it's about every 20 30 seconds they all randomize and there's a one in four chance they'll light up and if they light up that means there is a a potion let me see if i can go snag one it means there's a potion right here yeah uh splash potion of turtle master so the idea is when you're dead now you come up here and you immediately throw all your tasks in this barrel here and it will finish them all off okay and then you start playing the the ghost game which is to try and find the lights get over to them okay grab a potion and then you can go to all of these little these iron bars everywhere uh you can go to these little drop stations here and they provide uh strategic viewpoints into the game below so you can kind of sit there and like if the uh imposter you know just kills you you can come up here and get a splash potion and you know wait for him to come by and splash it on him so this this whole section up here is done you can see you got some really good you know good view into the nether section here a good view into just outside the mine um we got one over here i think on the ramp up into the uh the snow cave over here by the the the pond you guys can see the pond down there i'm really pleased with how this section turned out i think it's gonna be a lot of fun to be a ghost i mean not as fun as playing the game hopefully but you know it'll give you more of a purpose than just like okay so i'll silently finish my task i think this is more fun so your tasks finish off and when you put tasks in here they're not like done right away there's like a slow pulse on it it's like it finishes one task in here i think every 15 seconds or something like that but um they can see like there's a good there's a good shot to the library here's a good shot to the corridor outside the kitchen good shot on the interior loop of the lab and that's it so you know you got to find a potion but you got to then go find your victim and obviously if you're a crafter who got killed you want to go find the imposter who shot you but if you're an impostor you got voted out you might want to go slow down the other crafters right and try and try and get them to be uh not as effective and also by splashing a crafter you're putting a lot of suss on them if someone else sees them i was like why are you slow someone up top hits you why do they want to hit you right so now there's that that deception in there too of like well they're slow does that mean that they're the imposter doesn't necessarily mean that interesting so that's that it'll be it should be fun up here i think yeah so that's all that uh let's get let's get to work get to work uh we have to decide where we want to put the rest of the uh note blocks now so we got kitchen blacksmith lab dungeon chicken coop i'm thinking like maybe even right here use the bell for the alarm oh maybe like just kind of an annoying thing or something maybe that's not a bad idea instead of trying to do it with no blocks and i think the sound of a bell goes farther i think too i think you were not back you were not all right vanderpants thanks for five gift subs thank you so much elmore i see you how you doing my friend originator and game warrior guys thank you definitely not lucian thank you for the peace pie you guys should definitely play town of salem it's like among us with more roles yeah uh i've heard about that game i've seen it i don't understand the gameplay because it looks like you just kind of stand there but i think that one's almost a really uh really good translation of werewolf but i'm not sure i found another game today i read an article on uh pc gamer the game coming out probably in fall or something like that on steam it's called evil e-v-i-l-l-e it looks amazing it's kind of like a town of salem but in 3d with all the roles and everything uh i can't wait to check that one out that's gonna be fun uh okay so let's see we've already got five on this side but none none that are close right here so i could put one like right on the corners here and just call it a day like honestly like right there is a good spot right because then anyone could just come back boink and hit it but would you want to start a would you want to start a sabotage this close to the sabotage that seems weird ah keystone of course i know about hotel yeah i can't wait for it yeah the bell was terrifying yeah i think i do like the idea of using a uh i do like the idea of using a um what do you call it the bell that's a really good idea uh cannonball yeah i do plan on making the full redstone video for this it's gonna be a while still because i gotta do i gotta finish it i gotta test it with hermits which should be like tomorrow or monday i'm hoping uh i gotta make the how to play video then we gotta record i mean there's a lot i got a lot to do still um not on the game after i do the sabotage i think the game is 100 done minus the the the only thing i don't like is the win loss like the sounds for when you win or lose is very bad it's like boom boom boom or bam bomb it's just oh it's bad and no i'm not asking you to do it before everyone spams did have etho do it uh okay so let's hook up this one let me see again switching the camera account just want to see what the redstone looks like below there uh yeah looks like i could do it like it shouldn't be a problem okay so we throw an observer on that and i'm using this gray wool line for the uh this is the sabotage trigger line uh you're gonna do stream testing with the hermits probably not runescape i know that would be super fun but it's gonna be broken it's gonna be a lot of standing around and stuff like that so why are there pistons instead of lamps uh i thought i explained that if not i'll explain that now let me uh let me get my face up there i swapped out all the lamps with piston heads for two reasons one i thought the lamps were a little bit subtle i thought it'd be a very good chance you would you would go right by them without even seeing them am i still i'm still in the cam account i'm still in the cam account hang on okay uh i swapped out because the the lamps i thought were subtle i thought there was a good chance you would roll right past them and not even see them um and i think i think an extended piston head is more of an ugly standout kind of thing you see that better and more importantly two people can't use the same dead body reporting station now which is good because if they did it would break the game uh so now once one person goes in there it's locked out so another person can't go in there so that's why that's why we switched that out uh okay so now am i gonna be able to switch without seeing how to run this wire okay good this one goes right down the side here good we're good all right uh what is this you're dumb go away how would that break the game because if if two people went out if two dead crewmates or crafters won out the same dead body reporting system it would only register one of them um so they would be like someone wouldn't get credit for dying essentially and the imposters could never win greetings from finland hello virtual yeah martin the fight we're doing a little surprise stream today i figured you know it's not going to be terribly exciting but it's a good chance for us to just hang out in chat and i'm working on uh sabotage lines so it's going to be a lot of me digging holes and running redstone and stuff so you know only am i going to stream for probably another hour and a half right now and then i got a hockey game to go to it's a waffle we're working on the sabotage line for my among us game let me go down another couple blocks here again anytime you guys see me just kind of stand there look like i'm doing nothing either my brain stopped working or i'm on the camera count you decide both are just as likely i'm watching hockey i am playing hockey tomorrow though pretty excited about that i play every sunday at 2 40 p.m um and it's it's like the highlight of my week i love it what hockey am i watching i'm watching my son's hockey game actually he's in the playoffs and uh our team's playing so good lately so i gotta go watch that what's my nhl team the coyotes i say that with much regret because they are horrible i think have you heard of benny the ice skating dog can't say that i have now kraken i might be a kraken fan gnocchi i might are you gonna play that loop game again no probably not h lady i i dabble in that game a little bit i don't think it makes that great of a stream game kind of almost like an idol game all right so this is the existing sabotage trigger line that i've already so i'm just trying to tie all the systems in together to reduce the amount of redstone i need to do who's the mouse booster mouse like is that that's an l right thank you five dollars thanks for the stream motivated you to get up and dye your hair pink again i was thinking about dying my hair pink what do you guys think thank you who's all thank you so much i know i know i'm gonna get the repeaters in geez guys relax three four five and then that one should be yeah we're good enough over there delphini that's that's the joke thanks thanks for thanks that clarification there did brody dye his hair blue yet no he did not am i going to play a ticks too with miss tango no i already played with uh with brody and it was it would be amazing it was it was fantastic come cozy go yotes yes another one okay so that line's done that's all we gotta do easy easy easy let's get out of here let's add another one i look super tired nope i am not super tired i'm just i don't know i feel fine i look tired sorry redstone broke when you fell down ah here come this rolls again what everything's fine everything's fine it's doing fine okay but i think that's it for the keep side let's go add some to this side i think now if i dye my hair pink it's going to include facial hair too i don't think that's going to happen i mean all right we need one over here do we do i think part of me wants to put it over by the cabin but people really don't go over there they go there for two tasks clean the chimney and do the fishing task so i think it needs to be along this this path right here somewhere but i've already got a crossbow exchange system in there i think i think i think i think uh it feels let's say if i'm coming through here i want to just be like can i do if i do like that one if you do does it have to be does it have to have a solid block above it because like obviously we don't want it to make that noise go away extra bits that nobody wants oh okay so let's see it does have to be a block above it will work right i don't know if i like that spot anyways let's do let's do this spot right here and that solves all the problems anyways we do there and then we do we put a dirt there that's good but you can't do it coming down though so no that's no good don't like it like i want to put it like right here or something or right here but that's going to mess up that's going to conflict with the crossbow station there what's it fan how you doing um [Music] i mean the other choice is to just just put a block here like oh if you put a lantern on it does that work i see what you're saying and like what if i just did gotta make it so you can't see the redstone below it what if we just did that and we put like a you know a lantern on it because now it does nothing right we'll change that to a lantern and then i just need to change this out uh let's just put a solid block there what do we think is that too it's kind of weird right it just looks super ugly there now i don't like that i'm being super indecisive about this one sorry guys i don't know where i want this one i want it right in this area here be careful with the water yeah good point good point but i'm pretty sure it's all isolated um can i do this one let me see if that's too close let me check the redstone no that's there's some crazy redstone down there that's not going to work okay it's got to be on the other side let me uh put that back gotta be in the path like right here or something right on the floor next to the path maybe if i put what if i put it like back where i had it and then we put some slabs around there or something to kind of frame it a little bit but we'll put a lantern on top of that i guess we killed the bush and then put another slabby jabby do i have another slide with javi i don't what do i think in the ground just have the top surface showing that's not a bad idea let's do that so like literally right here that works that bush back oh no the bush inventory that's a good spot i'll buy that all right remind me to get the uh what do you call it in there and yeah i got to be careful with water here i gotta be careful with water still needs a solid block above it it sounds like it only needs a any block so like this doesn't make a sound now all right all this wait nobody likes any of this garbage quick away away good all right no sound now so we're good there are we doing on be careful there's not that much redstone over there see not that much redstone you know just all that stuff even a button on top i like the idea of the lantern though because it'll it looks like it'll fit you know kind of goes with this so see here this is definitely the most challenging one to set up so far so i get an observer under that and then i'm probably going to have to do a little observer chain so i don't mess up with this redstone here so let's go like that um is that oh that one i can take that out nothing there perfect good there right it's not gonna affect anything there and then that can be redstone right there now i think let me go down from here all right easy observer powers the block uh no i think we're good that block will be that that block's not going to be strongly powered so i don't think that's going to right because observers don't strongly power through a block like that i don't think let me see can i can i get up there you guys think that's going to power that redstone hold on let's test this you got am i you guys are saying that it's equivalent of that say it doesn't doesn't strongly power through it that redstone there will not be powered the other way around wrong did i did i have that did i have it going the wrong way hang on i'm super good at this game everybody all right hold on let's try that again just like i said it's gonna power through it okay all these years i've convinced you guys that i actually know redstone the greatest illusion i've ever weaved um all right we don't i can't i can still do this i just need to have that block not be there and we're good yeah that's gotta stay let's go and then we do that right and we're good i think what's up dbc how you doing right we're good update update down everybody's good why are you a one tick you should not be a one tick go there okay now let's get on the cam account and see where we're gonna send this wiring still no good you're powering the green wool which will power the piston rifter there we go better now we go there there down nothing to power there now we're over here i think we're good now in theory just start oh i'm gonna hit that water if i'm not careful let me see damn account uh it looks like we're below the water line but there's another oh i even want to send this ugh ugh hold on trying to figure out where this wiring is going to go bear with me here it's got to go all the way over there so we want to go down into the left here okay it's redstone it's just such a pain is this okay excellent everything's good okay [Music] i'm gonna have to do this do that and then we're gonna get that line now we're gonna go down to the left now that we're well below the uh the water there ram thank you for five gift subs good to see you rem in a while how are you towards the area yeah you're right i gotta be careful because otherwise i make spawnable areas and sadness happens right again checking this oh it's that one right there uh oh we're actually not that far i think where am i okay yeah let's go we're gonna go forward about 15 20 blocks then cut left minutes nevada thank you so much us third life going third life is a lot of fun we had a recording session yesterday for two hours uh videos should be out tuesday uh ish we're not gonna release them all at the same time we kind of just said anytime tuesday so hopefully you guys won't be barraged with 78 videos again but we'll see um it was fun it's always fun hanging out with those guys and i'm making new friends too it's great to play with the uh some of the non-hermes there that i'm getting to know really cool okay and more spider hey dude what why level you at uh we're very very low we're at six right now so you know that's the thing that's another line right there uh all right we can cut left now i really should have put on my uh my pace beacon again with all the digging i'm doing here how long did you record last week it was a uh three hour session and a three hour session again yesterday which i'll probably edit tomorrow it takes like a good four hours to edit all the content uh and they'll probably be again one one episode because it's all basically just kind of live there's a lot of down time and a lot of you know uh uh you know so a lot of stuff gets cut out if i'm honest but i hope the i hope the videos aren't too jumpy there's a lot of jump cuts just to kind of keep the flow going but like with the last one i was worried that it was hard to follow because of that we'll see yeah wren put out three videos i think he's gonna do two or maybe just two this this one no one was really sure like you know how many videos should we make out of it these are all the problems you got to deal with you know what's the best way to format this all that kind of stuff get more light up in here not that we need it because it's not spawnable but the stream third life no no no i'm not allowed to do that because we're all putting him in videos yeah bastion pretty much everything editing is such a a big part of putting together one of your videos that's why i'm always i'm always kind of amazed at the youtubers that hire editors some of the bigger youtubers they hire editors for themselves i'm just like man editing is such a big part of what you do that i don't know that i would ever want someone to edit my videos for me who came up with the concept of third life it was uh green's idea he started oops [Music] boom first block it's tag three to some extent to some extent yeah ruko the dungeon master have you been my friend enjoying the content as always you're playing way too much d d ah to have that life starting a new campaign up fantastic rem enjoy enjoy surface healer thank you have fun with the redstone gotta run service dealer thank you so much for everything lately give yourself a good day have a have a good weekend i'm lost which way did i come in this way hey do you like camping or hiking uh that's a good question i used to really be into camping and then i kind of wasn't all of a sudden um i like hiking quite a bit and i could probably do camping it depends who you're with too but yeah i definitely like hiking foreign this is fun it's fun watching me count uh we'll just put this one right there uh wait a minute though how far does that go let's put this one yeah we'll be fine we'll be fine okay we're good counting counting counting jumper bond thing for 15 months time does fly i know so shut up phone it still feels like we came over from mixer to twitch like six months ago i could release all three hours of third life and you'd watch it you say that nope nope i mean i went caving and it was just like i didn't say anything for 20 minutes just because i was skating trying to get diamonds so that'll all be completely cut out okay that one was done that one like we did this one took forever to do the one on the redstone down here look at this just nonsense the other one we did inside the inside the guard room took like no time at all tango breathing and mining yeah riveting content uh okay let's get out of here should i still leave a i leave a way out did not i wonder if you could throw an ender pearl why don't the actual noun an entity flying through the air i think still has a significant hitbox i don't think you could throw it through there let's get out of here hey you know what'd be great is my phone made all kinds of noise for 20 minutes how many stacks of redstone do you think in this project that's a uh that's a good question i used to have a lot of redstone and i'm just about out i think the the amount of redstone just redstone dust in this project i i probably went through somewhere in the eight to ten stacks of redstone blocks is my guess uh it's been a lot maybe more i don't know uh see the statistics for redstone play yeah sure how do you uh i never even thought about doing that uh general items uh which one is policed picked up dropped used crafted broken which one is place used i guess probably used right yeah okay the third one in let's go find redstone with their amazing ordered system here what do you guys think it's going to be redstone blocks 1200 two hundred thousand i don't think so it's just so random the order they have these things in there it is fifteen thousand 15 000 redstone placed it doesn't feel like a lot one billion you can sort uh yeah but i mean you can sort by the columns there i picked up a million ironing kits that's awesome gold nuggets that's that that's understandable have i used the most no diamond pick of course times crafted rockets i've crafted 356 000 rockets i think that's probably how many i've used too now a lot of those have been sold times broken shears i mean of course everyone breaks your cheers stone 122 000 sand i've dropped 52 000 52 000 stone i've dropped poppies of course that makes sense this is great 18 000 redstone dust used where was it yeah there it is 18 000. that's quite a bit quite a bit interesting stat poker spoilers yeah right that's exactly what it is it is i am fascinated by the stats in this game it's always very interesting to see like you could tell a lot about how someone plays the game by by these stats you know it's fascinating interesting i really haven't used that many ender pearls i've only used 400 ender pearls all season i just i generally don't use them i use them down here now because there's tight quarters i got to get through to get in and out of the redstone but like i'm guessing etho has used 20 000 fender pearls you know uses them all the time uh where were we oh yeah let's go back in and figure out where the next one's gonna go now as usual we're not making nearly as much uh progress as we had hoped but you know what are the note blocks for this for those just joining late uh i'll go over this again this is gonna be how sabotages in the among us game are triggered so imposters can come by here now oh god away all this stone i would like there to be something in the game and i know modded probably has this that's just like if i pick up this type of item automatically destroy it that'd be great or just don't pick it up even better uh but anyways this is how this avatar system works now the imposters come by just go boop and they just hit the uh hit that note block pretty subtle and there's gonna be so many of them hidden you know hidden throughout the the dungeon area here that you won't really be able to really pin it on anyone but you do that and then it'll kick off the sabotage system over there um oh yeah i want to get a lantern for that to make that look a little bit better before i forget that one's a little bit a little bit subtle over there i wonder if people will see it and someone accidentally hit it i mean it's as likely as anyone is to accidentally punch a random block i guess i don't have my speed beacon on either i turned him off because we we started the play test and i didn't want him to be you know kind of flawed by the run speed but now that i'm back to working on things i absolutely feel like i should have my run speed on oh no uh all right we need to there we go problem solved i uh can i afford to put dirt there or does it even really matter it doesn't look great there because of you know what let's just uh let's just trample this or whatever it is and and dirt that up again there you go problem solved okay there that is a sabotage trigger now all right i feel like we should have one in here right maybe on this side maybe maybe maybe right there maybe this guy it's like that block right there that i'm looking at is a good candidate maybe this one right there let's go see what's in the cam account uh where am i i'm lost i'm lost see what's under there uh redstone soup as usual but i might be able to i think i could do it all right let's do it i got a little bit of space down there throw a note block in there observer and we're good right is there only one sabotage yeah just the uh the another outbreak i was originally going to do something over on the dungeon side i i ain't got time for that anymore sorry game needs to be done game needs to be done two months ago okay hello mr light horizon how are you how many uh materials you think you used in this project i mean we just kind of went over the redstone i think the redstone is in the tens of thousands i filled the whole ceiling with iron blocks and all the iron blocks used for all the redstone there's a lot of iron blocks used oh no what's this oh no this is a this is one of the tunnels to get out this is a dead body tunnel so that can't go there all right did she uh can we turn this looks like we got a little bit of space here ish oh down here uh okay i have that one but one more we're good still right sorry later penguin got off work early light that's fantastic what am i drinking today i am drinking uh iced tea or some iced tea yeah it's like there's just nowhere to work down here anymore it's just everything is like this is this is the you know the sparse area of redstone in the back corner too and it's just it's everywhere you can't even move this uh this line here i'm doing now though is like i'm running it generally down at y equals six so it's like once i get down to that height it's pretty clear getting down to that height is troublesome i would love you guys i just remember a while back when uh mumbo and you know a couple other people taught with the idea of a blue stone basically it's exactly like redstone except it is a pure system and it doesn't collide with it i would love to have that love to have blue stone i mean it's like it's like what they did with honey blocks and slime blocks right they they had slime blocks and they added honey blocks which for the most part do a lot of the same exact thing but you can put them together now and the two together allow you to do so much more right having redstone and some redstone pier we'll call it bluestone and be able to run lines in parallel and not have them touch would be just amazing it would be you'd be able to make your redstone so much more clean and compact and you wouldn't have like all this nonsense it would just be straight parallel lines and stuff it would just yeah it'd be great it's also good love to see that when people ask me what feature would i want that's probably up there at the top because it doesn't it doesn't like doesn't give you a huge advantage it just allows you to do things cleaner you still have to design everything and invent everything and stuff it's nice all right uh let's see that's gonna go down oh the other line's right there so we'll just tie straight into that i need to go two blocks to the right and one block down lapis would i mean yeah i mean lapis is the logical choice but they'd have to put lapis and make lapis way more common in the world or something because right now it's it'd be tough to get that much lapis although i guess if you're just going to use it as the only time you would use blue stone is if you know like i really want to make this compact and have a second line here you would still use redstone as your as your prominent one or your main one maybe that would work go down one more hanging out in bedrock lapis plus redstone equals blue stone oh interesting that's not a bad idea dye the redstone so you could have any kind of any colored redstone you want that would be dare i say that's too much i don't know maybe it is positive life it might be nap time that's a brilliant idea go go take a nap it does sound good two three four five seven eight go in there it'll be fine okay good good good that one is done easy would impulse want pink stone you'd have to ask impulse i don't know nope nope thought that was workshop uh skulk sensors might help yeah you know it depends how readily available spoke sensors are going to be um super frustrated that they're not going to be in first 117 release that's no fun but but yeah the the the skull sensor is definitely going to change everything how available it is what kind of mini circuits you replace with skulk sensors and stuff it's going to be it's going to be interesting yeah exactly spider i'm just like uh like what is even in 117 at this point nothing i care about uh okay we did that one let's get out of here only i need a better way out of here started like closing everything off so there's actually no way to move down here anymore copper and fancy plants yeah right yeah decked out 2.0 is definitely waiting till skulk sensors so it's not going to be until 118 now that got put on hold sad face i know right trust me i need a break from uh large scale projects for a while okay we probably want to get one we just added the one right over here i guess it's not that close to the forest yeah no it's not we've got one right there bam gotta go test all these later too i get one in the forest maybe this block right there uh or this block because it's surrounded by the grass or do we just forego the forest now let's do two more let's do one of the forest and one in the mine and we'll be done i want this one to be let's see i'm thinking this guy right here how's that looking down there oh yeah plenty of room down there hang on uh oh it's actually not that bad i can i can't i can work with that i can rearrange that let's try that plenty of room all right note block in the tree server underneath it and i think that's got a log above it uh let's see i can't come down a block is that that's a full block so let's see where do i want to bring this bringing this right here would be nicer than if i stair step down oh my stair step over here that might be nice let's go to the side see my next big project will actually be my base we'll see it takes two in minecraft it doesn't make sense hear me out llama stone signal transported by llamas be a little slow you gotta wait for the llama to walk over there and then spit on something but you know fine how many sabotages can you do per round it's gonna be uh a cool down so i'm not sure 60 second probably more you know whatever three minutes i don't know yeah whenever i'm done with among us i'm doing a large series of one one episode simple projects that are not going to melt my brain crash oh i'm just totally hitched there that was weird matt i'm going to piece of pie 117 will fix the puffer fish getting stuck that's kind of nice i guess don't even know what that is buffer fish oh and they get stuck yeah yeah for the but the puffer fish sensors i mean as soon as 118 comes up the whole puffer fish thing is dead anyways no one's going to use it um yeah once the skull senses are out but that's good to know i suppose small projects we believe trust me once once among us is done it's going to be like hey guys today we're gonna stand around and smile at each other that's that's gonna be the extent of my projects [Music] um i do i gotta get let's just move the green here let's just move this right it's easier to just move this line i think move that and then i can put something there maybe let's see here a ds9 raid fireblade thank you for the raid how you doing today you guys aren't following ds9 i do recommend that can we get a shout out for mr ds9 please been a friend of the community for about a thousand years pretty nice person uh let's go with that let's go there you're going there you're going there dust there that's gotta move ah [Music] is this where i'm trying to go no i wanted to go to the other side i'm gonna break this green line i know my green line's disconnected i'm working on it how many observers do i got you know what let's just let's just cheese this just do that right we're good now let me just make sure this count yeah we're still good there yeah wait what was that that looks suspect oh that's supposed to be that right that was green whatever this is down here yeah i was tying into that uh okay no problem we'll just do let me do i think that's good right that's not going to power any of this right so if i break that nothing okay good we're good and then that comes over to here one more and one more this is super cheesy but whatever total waste of observers but it solves the problem oh oh hi there friend you know what i'm glad i have one of these on me i knew i was down here at bedrock the next project is building a massive holiday place holiday you mean like vacation yeah uh uh we do not have fire tick on on the server oh no oh observers are transparent blocks all right we'll add another one here there we go dinners firefly says you're a butt but he just got 50 billion followers thank you everybody went over there and followed him i appreciate you guys and i am now officially a butt all right let me see where we're going here check it out spy cam uh straight down through the lava okay it's lava like right under me here there it is it's totally safe nothing nothing could possibly go wrong down here double shovel half giant butt mountain that means nothing to anyone who wasn't at the stream last night i had so much fun last night it's a great night pebbles nose yeah last night was uh was interesting arnold panic it was it was fun i was i was i was a little salty with with evil what he did and stuff but at the same time it was hilarious so that's all that matters really ah brain not working trying to read chat and this is what happens okay yeah watching uh mrs t stream she's great she chats with everyone during among us to the point where she don't even know what game she's playing but she's great to hang out with uh oh it's right there excellent tying into existing lines makes me happy half tanner's that makes me happy that makes me happy yep my redstone what part of the game are you working on this is the uh sabotage triggering system so that the imposters can trigger sabotages sabotages sabotagification or something i don't know hopefully this works one two three four five six seven nine oh yeah we're gonna need one here uh we'll just do one there that way it's the same signal length cool let me back this one up a little bit here just in case okay that was done excellent things are going swimmingly one more we're gonna do one more in the mine uh you're not doing anything just don't punch that redstone ore was there redstone ore that was had an observer watching it oh is there something in the in the walls i don't think it would do anything first repeater isn't connected it's fine that's a problem everything's good that works yeah backseaters that don't know how red hot repeaters work i guess uh all right how do i get into the mind shaft let's see um i think it's like right but i guess bam okay so one of these four pillars is a good obvious choice i would think right does that look i mean it's definitely going to look weird but i don't really care at least there's stone underneath it looks really dumb though doesn't it what do you guys think do it on all four maybe let me see if i have the space for that um looks like i might be able to oh hi zombie yeah why not let's try all four they'll at least look good not really at least it's symmetrical right evil notion notice me senpai no that's not how that works evil did i miss the first one ah oh it's right there two two minutes ago sorry evil i missed your donation i'm a jerk hi razy mcraerson there was no rage at all it was all enjoying silly content and stuff thank you even if you completely hate me no i don't it was so for people who have no idea what happened last night an among us game toward the end of the night evil got sheriff now it's part of the modern stuff if you if you aren't familiar with what the sheriff role is it's basically you can kill anyone you want as a friendly you're you're a a good team you're on the the crewmates team and you can kill anyone you want so your goal is to try and kill an impostor of course but if you kill a crewmate you die instantly so you have to kind of know what you're doing and stuff right you really shouldn't just randomly kill people because you know there's a very good chance you'll die the game starts out and i'm literally doing i'm imposter okay evil gets evil gets uh the sheriff and i'm literally doing my first task and he just comes by and it's just like it just kills me i like i was like how what who does that and that lost my mind i was so frustrated but it was hilarious it was it was totally random um he said it was random afterwards okay yeah so you know he took a risk and it worked place the barrel with a note block i could i take some of this stuff out too um [Music] is it good to be at the entrance to the mine or deeper in the mine that's actually a decent spot right there that way as you're coming in if the impostor's coming in you can trigger the sabotage everyone else in the map is going to be heading to the nether outbreak area you on the other hand could then scour through here and yeah so maybe that's not bad maybe that's not bad because i don't like these no blocks here and that's gonna take a pain it's gonna be pain to wire all those up too uh i think i'll throw some stuff away waiting for it i'm waiting for it all right put a noteblock there i'll just do that there instead there we go perfect uh oh that's okay uh can i get and excellent we're good let's do this and then we'll have this cut over this way need to pinch this line and continue forth we're good tell the murder story oh i mean it's not as much of a story but it was funny genesis donated and gave me a pun so that next time it's right there there it is we have a command for it how is there coming never mind just i tried to tell bernie a pun and uh well let's just say he killed me right on the perfect word it was good the highlight of the night was unquestionably me taunting joker when he was a stupid slow big guy and saying i was going to run circles around him and then and then i ran into a corner and he got me anyways oh that was if you guys aren't following joker on uh twitter he tweeted it out and it was just hilarious because he had to laugh so good all right i'm assuming i'm going over to the side here let me let me check you know what's weird is we are very very close to the end portal this whole game is like it's like 30 blocks to the side all right where is the oh it's right here right here in front of my dumb bit what what there is a chicken way down deep in my redstone wiring hold on how did this chicken get here hold on this is great how do i get to that we have to save this chicken hold on hold on can i can i just cut through here there's a yellow line right there yeah let's go through this look at this how does this chicken get down here he is so far from the chicken coop what the what so weird so weird fireblade i don't have two dollars to say boss you're a butt but i love your face i'd like to apologize all those who followed me thank you fireblade right he's like the redstone inspector okay uh hold on a second uh get him on the camera account looking for where i wanna hook into this insane system where is how am i turned around again oh i'm turned around that's why okay over there all right we just gotta pop underneath this yellow one it will be good get a little light name tag the chicken why just name them redstone inspector it'll be like a little easter egg for the whole world download canary nicole mine yeah it's kind of the same deal minecraft equivalent thereof oh no uh all right well we're out of we're out of wool so we're going to stone it's embarrassing but it has to be done all right forward and then to the right like five blocks three more blocks i'm not right who puts who puts redstone on stone embarrassing come on i miss it uh oh i went right underneath it it's right there and wait what oh because it's not done right this is that's the end of it right there so that's where that's where all the signals come into panning thank you for the support ten dollars favorite hermit love your vids henning thank you for being here thank you so much oh hi dot how are you today jurgen there's more wool it's just not in my inventory and i'm not gonna go get it because no one's ever gonna come down here look at this redstone i'm honest okay so then that goes right up in there to the to the room where i gotta do all the redstone so we don't know how that's gonna work yet let's get some repeaters on this one be good i missed a noteblock in one of the the pillar chefs did i okay did right there thank you almost out of repeaters here too i'll just go there go in there all right okay all right that was uh that was the easy part now for the hard part oh would you look at the time weird i don't have time to do that redstone on camera now i guess it'll be tough how many repeaters have i crafted this season i don't know let's see statistics items uh crafted 7 800 torches peters is probably like a thousand two thousand almost two thousand nineteen hundred repeaters the rockets i know we talked about the rockets right reverend thank you i appreciate that can you tell us what the sabotages will be uh yeah it's it's this you know i don't know i've mentioned this like a thousand times it's there's gonna be a a an alarm that goes off i'm leaning toward using a bell that was suggested today uh and and two players have to make their way over to this portal here one has to stand on that side the other one has to stand on the other side at the same time for to turn off so down here is where i get to do all that redstone i think you know we're just going to go another layer down here because i know we're going to need it by considering running cubs parkour course i'm not aware of a parkour course but i can already tell you the answer is most definitely no i hate parkour eat parkour does not bring me joy to continuously fail at jumping it's just like the most mind-melting frustrating yeah no that's still good uh mini golf yeah i think that's trying to put together a tournament or something and i want to i want to get in that what is the punishment when the sabotage is not stopped uh the the crafters lose game's over hi ori lurkey lurk face how are you joe spent two hours on it yeah i'm definitely not doing that definitely not doing that oh cub has a mini golf wait what i'm confused now all right so let's see here let's just talk with even even higher level than redstone right now the signal turns on we need to trigger the sabotage the alarm system we'll call it the alarm turns on right and or ding ding ding whatever right while the alarm is on two things need to happen i think one a short timer for the alarm audible sound so people can hear that two the countdown for the entire thing before when that expires the game's over uh when that timer expires it needs to make sure that the system is still on so did the timer expire and is the sabotage still active if so game over and if it's turned off this is this is definitely not it's definitely not stream stream worthy but we'll we'll see what happens can you do a reset system uh yeah well i mean by standing on the pressure plates that that will reset it essentially oh and we gotta have a cool down first to make it so that they can't fire the system off mandar pants thank you for a piece of pie because pie is delicious thank you mander uh they're gonna be blinking alarm lights no it's just gonna be audible so a bell that goes off or something like that are you gonna disable the emergency button during sabotage uh oh it could that's a good idea let me let me redstone scout that it's a really good idea uh where's the game over here hang on on the camera account trying to figure out what's what here hey there's the emergency button i mean it's close by yeah i see i could do that and that that shouldn't be too bad i just need to lock that that hopper yeah should be fun okay won't that also disable reporting uh i could disable just the not the whole line i just disabled just the emergency button all right so i think the way i want to do i'm gonna need more supplies do i have more repeaters and stuff comparators i need more repeaters i can't i don't have enough i got two repeaters on me we're out of dust all right we're taking a a trip to the shopping district or something i need i need more stuff let's put this away let's go on a little trip here let's take a little trip uh what now it was a trip and shopping came out as one word that's what came out trip shop i apologize all right uh let me put that away let me throw away all this garbage uh okay i want those logs though because logs are good put this away and we're going to go for oh wait ah korean i owe you bed why is there a bed in there boy all right uh to the shopping district how do i even get out of this place anymore okay imagine if the green are you transferred to third life that'd be nice yeah don't look now but it's a rare a rare tango above ground twice a year he emerges from his hole yeah the sad truth is among us is never gonna have an entrance i i don't have it in me to make an entrance to the game oh well that little one by two hole in the netherrack is gonna lead to the biggest redstone project of the season do i get scared of my own shadow i do all right i think best place to get redstone i think is uh b-dubs and what is it the redstone this guy up here the red zone come on lag oh i like i'm like the only one on the server that has this like 10 second lag every time i go through a portal or log in horrible okay oh no oh um i was hoping to just buy redstone and make it myself does anyone else sell redstone does does this skull sell some i've never shopped at iskall's place is it this one empty empty empty empty empty empty empty md empty empty empty okay looks like we're going back to the red zone let's see maybe the bar sells some yeah i mean what doesn't the bard sell right oh here we go uh all right how much one diamond per stack uh sure why not probably not even the cheapest but i don't care is that all of it one two three four that's not that's like nothing though that's a little bit but let's go see wow oh he expanded oh my i hope i'm not spoiling right this has been in the video i hope right is ether shop still didn't ether shop move out or is it still up here this is the place i was supposed to move into oh it's in snips okay sorry about my voice so good creepiest thing in the server right there next door uh i have no idea where any of this stuff is this is the boom boom shop right is it over here somewhere welcome to orderlies hi friend buy something i love it uh redstone kit 50 diamonds for the whole kit i should probably uh should probably heal up here that's not bad aggressive marketing i know buy something that's so good uh maybe maybe we get our diamonds out before we go in uh all that was there that was that redstone kit right yeah buddy i know uh another stuff sand wood clay plant this is it right i buy that whole box where do i put the diamonds tango deck was killed by buy something i know uh i think we can i need did he have a uh look at these benches so good there is an ender chest in there all right let's uh let's get our valuables let's get i mean we're not we're not four so let's do that oh we're gonna give him we're gonna give him a decked out unique it's so etho uh all right give me this it was 50 right got it there you go work just made what did i get that's not bad that's not bad that's pretty good uh uh whoa lag okay that was weird towers i miss you i need to get back here okay well that's a thing so now we gotta merge our two redstone kits here let's take out uh that that that fill these up um that can come out that can come out get the oh did i get the repeaters comparators repeaters torches are good did i already put the repeaters in there oh there they are that's blind torches all right that's good uh yeah that's good all right this now stays here and this comes with me stack of dispensers that's right that's the ultimate flex there i made those like at the beginning of the season i'm like i hate making dispensers so i just made all of them i made like three or four stacks of them i think you got to go alpha have a good day enjoy your weekend brand iou is an entrance from among us maybe if i'm gonna use green's iou it's not gonna be just like do something for me it's gonna be gotta be something clever you know yeah i've done that too nice jay doctrine x we are working on among us but we're gonna be wrapping up shortly and shulkers hold redstone power you can power through them if that's what you mean yeah it's gotta be something divas exactly pebbles spicy exactly um get some more food more rockets while we're here uh only put these noteblocks away well let's get uh we want to do a bell right see if i have a bell if not we're gonna go get a bell somehow some way i think i might have one two bells village set rare love it uh what's the what's the rate a bell goes a hundred blocks i think uh the sound of bell makes goes 100 blocks i believe let's uh let's test that right whisper easy oh is it only 32 blocks later becca thank you so much just wicked yeah you're right i thought i thought it was a hundred blocks uh minecraft no block uh not not no block bell doesn't say i want to say it was 100 blocks because i remember that from from uh decked out uh uh uh uh what am i doing here i'll do that we'll do that we'll do that at [Music] um oh it stopped it is 32 blocks oh no [Music] what's our what's my let's see that would be z what's my z right here 341 let's be looking at 342 [Music] to 372. so 30 block radius it sounds like so i'm gonna need i'm gonna need to do what i did in decked out then and sync up multiple bells so you can hear it everywhere is that the sound we want though first of all i mean [Music] could we do better with uh hello oh did that burn out could we do better with no blocks i think noteblocks would sound nicer what's it what's a good bell or what's a good like buzzer sound or like warning bell let's go see phantoms gold makes that like ding sound right let me uh let me check the wiki real quick minecraft block because i know they list the the instruments there i want like a pumpkin does the didgeridoo my pumpkin might be good glowstone does a plank so let's try glowstone pumpkin what else packed ice no that's going to be too much like a dink dink i don't like that slime slime even a thing slime doesn't do anything emeralds oh okay all right so emerald glowstone and pumpkin are the ones i want to try our pumpkin will car pumpkin work i would imagine right we'll find out helps if you get a note block oh that's doing normal that's just a normal yeah so it's got to be got to be an actual pumpkin do i have a regular pumpkin oh wait there we go the entire shulker i picked up for halloween ow oh that was almost i was almost splat nope that's the one i used and decked out that's right that was the the clank noise that's pretty good that's pretty good i mean obviously we can you know we'll do some kind of sequence like a bomb or something like that [Music] so my first reaction is no way but the emerald is perfect for a countdown when there's like 10 seconds left [Music] like the last 10 seconds to do this and then each one goes up one that might be interesting but i think the pumpkin makes a better initial warning uh i thought glowstone was one of them oh stone supposed to make a pling sound glowstone can't be powered of course you can't uh uh uh uh uh brain and stuff blocks okay we're gonna do this with barrels oh that's really good for that's even better for those like the last 10 seconds that sounds like a game show beat so i think blowstone in conjunction with pumpkin pumpkin will be the like if it takes how long does it does the uh sabotages last 30 seconds we do the pumpkin for the whole time but then we do this one for like the last 10 seconds maybe let them know like it's it's happening right now 30 seconds unskilled okay so yeah i want to go about 30 seconds that's plenty of time for anyone to get from anywhere on the map to sabotage or choose another another outbreak area but i think yeah i think i'll probably do like we'll have to see we'll do you know pumpkin for the first 20 maybe this last 10 maybe we blend them and overlap them or something i don't know we'll see that's pretty good though i like it okay well done all right so i'm gonna do all that redstone off camera because it's gonna make my brain hurt probably fill it up for an hour and i'll probably have to tear it up and stuff so probably i'll probably do it in creative first um but that'll all be done today i would imagine um i do need to get going though i gotta wrap it up i got a hockey game to go to which i'm excited about i got a hockey i'm gonna watch tonight on tv um and i'm gonna enjoy the rest of my weekend and you guys should do the same thing so uh who do we got is anyone is anyone doing the doing the the streaming thing i have raid stream of struggle busting oh no it's my am i hitching and stuff probably all right we're gonna go raid raise works an amazingly brilliant minecraft streamer who does all kinds of good things and is way smarter than me big channel there start the raid alrighty guys thank you for everything uh thank you for hanging out thank you for being amazing as always thank you for being here as i did stuff um it was fun oh is this major streaming i definitely would have i gotta follow him i definitely would have rated him or maybe go see us major it's up to you i'm just saying uh have yourself a good weekend guys i'll probably see you on monday for a stream and i say that because i'm not sure we'll see there's a lot going on on monday that i don't know if i'll have time or not but um have a good weekend guys bye you
Channel: Tango Tek2
Views: 29,305
Rating: 4.9527388 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 85EZqDwXIs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 31sec (6691 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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