live stream audio setup Mixer to iPhone or Android to Live Stream on Facebook or Youtube Easy

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all right guys so i'm in my studio and i had a bunch of friends in the entertainment community here in vegas they're wanting to know how to live stream and they only have their phones and they have a little they have a little mixing board i have this little mixing board over here like this uh there's just a little uh what i don't know eight channel uh with effects on it also it's a usb sound card too but even if you did whatever pixie board you have as long as you have your your stereo outs you know if you have effects great if not whatever you have enough channels for your vocal mic which have at least has wireless i don't have a regular mic in there so if you see a wireless you can use any mic just as long as you have a channel for your mic and the guitar or however many channels you need you have a good enough mixer and then the only other thing you need is your phone of course and if your phone of course like mine i have to have this little adapter to get headphones in there so i'm sure your phone came with it so you need that but what you're going to need is you can't just plug your mixing board right into this thing into this input because this is a i got to pull this up here this is a trrs input which means basically there's three let me get this out of the way so you can see okay which basically means there's three rings on that which that's a trrs and what you need to plug your mixing board in is a trs so in that case you need this little adapter right here which is a trs which is this which is your input which you plug your mixer into and um much like a little cord like this basically with two quarter inches on there and a little uh eighth inch you know our headphone jack on that side and this one of course has the trs which is just the two let's see you can get that the two lines like a regular headphone jack i don't know if you can see that or not yeah anyhow that's it that's a trs and you need to convert that trs to a trrs which is a let me see if we can get that in focus hold on sorry three line okay so three line will go to your phone so basically you take your iphone or my like my case have a plus one and you plug your little adapter that comes with it uh you know from the the usbc so it goes in there if you already have a headphone jack then all you need is this uh and you can plug this right in your headphone jack because your headphone jack into your phone is a trrs and so we're going to plug that trrs and into your phone and hold on and then we're going to plug and this is now this is converted to a trs and i'll have the description of this little wire in the on to amazon that was like 12.95 for that little adapter and these cords all of it i'll have a link to a cord like this you know in there too in case you don't have one most people have these for at home anyhow anyhow then just take this over and now you're all set now one thing about is most phones their their onboard camera won't record onto this you have to download a special camera from the app store where you can select your sound card but facebook i just tested it and you can live stream it to facebook no problem it'll it'll it'll automatically read the sound card from your board the sound coming from your board when you have this hooked up and uh there's no real way to mix it on facebook so what i would suggest is which i just did and i didn't have that on video is i went private on my own only i could see it and i got the audio to where it sounded good on facebook now i know when i go back it's not going to sound amazing but it'll sound alright but i'm just showing you guys you can play with it as long as you want and get it to sound really good but right now it's not the story and it sounds clear might be a little hot but you know you have to kind of play with that and just go back and forth um on facebook just testing just test the audio privately and then after get the audio one then you know the audio sounds good and go live now with your board let me come back over to my board you know like you can also like when we stream live we have uh we have an inner body pack you know in but you don't have to go that drastic i mean you can even just plug headphones in if you want to monitor yourself but after you know your monitor after you know if you're uh like these you know headphones headphone jack uh after you know you already have a good sound and you don't need monder then just don't worry about it but i'm just that kind of guy right i want to hear my guitar and uh stuff why alicia is singing so the other thing you might need is this little handy dandy adapter and get these cheap off ebay for like two bucks or off amazon for i don't know how much but basically all they are is a little clamp with a little screw in the back so you can pick you can just hook up your phone clamp on your phone like that make sure you don't put it on your volume knob and now you can mount that on a tripod like say this one if i can find the into it you know like this mic stand i picked up offer up for like 15 bucks then you just screw this thing on to your cheap mic stan a cheap camera stand and i'm actually going to live stream to facebook for you right now let me have the camera out there and then after this video goes up i'll put the link to that live stream you guys can check out my horrible rendition of every rose has its thorn uh just for your but you can kind of see how the audio remember i didn't spend a lot of time on the audio because i have a lot of things i got to do today so i'm just kind of you know doing this so i can show my friends who need to figure it out so basically your phone on you know turn your phone on and kind of figure out where you want to be at you know if you want to shoot this way shoot this way if you want to shoot you know the long ways you can you know turn your tripod you know basically like this and bring your phone up and then you just take this end you have your you have your phone plugged in your adapter plugged in the long cable plugged in you can go over and plug this end into your cameras uh just uh quarter inch outputs right there right and left and that way if you have reverb and stuff on your board you know the reverb will of course go on facebook and uh and you'll be good to go so now i'm going to bring this over here so i can see myself when i grab let me get this lined up okay facebook is going to make me rotate it all right so let's try that again on facebook all right i am live and i am doing a tutorial video you guys can't see the other cameras but there are two other cameras that are doing a tutorial video for drew because drew was wanting to know how to how to live stream through his phone and get better audio so this is what this thing's about so if you're watching drew this is for you because um video so the whole the whole tutorial on how i did this and uh and we're going to test the audio after i do the live stream is going to be up on youtube after i get this done and then after i get this done you'll actually know how to run from your from from any cheap mixing board into your phone to pick up your mic and your guitar all right so this is for drew and because drew wasn't know how to get better audio so you guys watching you get to see me sing every rose has its thorn here we go ready drew see the reverb check check check reverb's going into the phone i have the headphones on you don't have to have the headphones on i use we use in-ears when we're actually playing hey guys here we go this is this is the tutorial video for drew by the way the video is going to be on youtube after we're done with this so here we go night as it's done just like every cowboy has its own yeah it does anyhow we're going to test that audio now drew and see if this worked so anyhow if it did work and the whole tutorial on how i did it will be on youtube after i get done with this and i want to i really appreciate all of you guys who are watching me make a fool of myself for drew anthony so when drew anthony watches this please everyone instead i wave at him flip him off all right so you guys know listen hey we have a fatality coming up in like two weeks gonna be live we have a bunch of cool guests and it's gonna be more music so check it out all right all right we'll see you guys later all right guys so i just finished my live test live stream on youtube and now we're going to uh on facebook my test life amongst facebook so we're going to check out the audio and see how it sounds you won't be able to hear it but i'll leave a link in the description so you can check it out remember i didn't spend that much time if you're gonna when you do this you want to go through and just private your live stream and get your audio dialed in because no way of really monitoring it this way but it took me like two times to get it dialed in and good enough to make sure that the gain wasn't too loud or it wasn't stored if it's distorting just bring your gain down on your on your channels you know your on your mic channel and your guitar channel until it doesn't distort anymore on facebook and then you'll know you're good and you start live streaming all right thank you guys for watching hope that helps hey guys it's victor and it's alicia from fans of jimmy century can you guys do us a mondo favor and go over and subscribe to our youtube channel at forward slash fojc tv we'll tell you why later you
Channel: Fans of Jimmy Century
Views: 428,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Android to mixer, iPhone to Mixer, TRS to TRRS Adapter, live stream audio, live video streaming, live streaming, video streaming, Facebook Live, BoxCaster, BoxCasting, Encoder, Video Encoder, live video encoder, hardware streaming, audio, ipad audio, iphone audio, mixer audio, microphone cable, how to live stream, Headset Buddy Cable, live stream audio setup
Id: Au30jJpyWzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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