How to get Audio from a Mixer to Android or iPhone Phone for better Video Camera sound

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alright guys welcome back before we even get started about what this video is about I'm gonna go ahead and do a disclaimer right now I know you're gonna see me chewing gum I'm still on the nicorette gum because I quit smoking like eight months ago and I just can't stop and I've so far shot this video twice now because I messed it up the first time it's why I had to chew and Libby's gum so bear with me so anyhow listen I don't know if you guys seen the last video I did last video I did was about live-streaming with your phone basically taking the audio from a mixing board and sending it out and then do it great going right directly into the input of your phone and the adaptors you need with that and stuffed and but that was for live streaming so I've had a lot of people saying hey look I want to do this but I don't want a live stream I actually want to record video right in my phone I don't need it for live streaming the first question was for live streaming the second question is now for the video for the phone well Android the video cameras on the androids don't just do that for you you have to actually download a third party video app so yeah I found a really good one it's free it's called open camera you can find out in the app store just actually start recording my screen right now so I just go to the app store so open the app store it up and then type in open camera so kind of like open source because it's free and I already have it installed so I'm gonna just click open it'll open that camera before you get the camera going you're gonna need let me go over the cables with you again in case you're new and you haven't actually seen the live streaming video which will have that a link to because it's kind of the same idea it's just live streaming to Facebook instead of you know hooking it to your phone and what end so this is this is gonna give you a way better audio it's gonna give you audio from right out of your mixing board you know with your fix and all that kind of stuff a nice clean audio that you see a lot of these these bigger youtubers and live streamers use then those come by the mixing board right into your phone and you can record into that but let me so let me just back up here a little bit first off if you have an iPhone or a Android which I have a oneplus the your microphone the input you know for your for your earbuds right here these are actually a let me go over here at my camera too so these are a see the three rings on the earbuds that's called trrs so what you need to get in order to make it with a mixing board because you basically need two inputs so you know I mixer back in focus here and then so that's a trrs the three the three rings on that and what you need to do is convert that to a two ring TR s so the TR TR RS has three rings the TRS has a two rings all right so this is your phone and you take that down to a TRS so this is a little $12 adaptor it takes it from the trrs which is the three rings and then and then lets you plug in a TRS which is a which is the input right here so and then what you need is you basically need a cable like this again and I'll have this in the link in the description like the only last video so this is a TRS cable and then it goes to a it goes to quarter-inch well mine goes to RCA but you really want to go to quarter-inch but the link I'll have in the description takes you from a TRS to quarter-inch and then we're going to do is you go to your mixing board and this is any mixing board I have a little Mackie USB mixer and there's a whole nother video I can do on hook and a USB right to your phone that'll work too as well but I'm a Mackie USB make sure this isn't a mixer that we use to play live this is a mixture that we use for acoustic gigs but most people have two small mixers like this so basically what it is you have your main outs this is for XLR main outs then you have your quarter-inch main outs we're gonna be using the quarter-inch so if your mixture doesn't have quarter-inch then you'll have to get a conversion or a go from TRS to except XLR but most pictures usually have the quarter inch and the XLR or just a quarter-inch so we're gonna be using just a quarter-inch so you want you know the main ounce and I know I'm kind of going over this for people who know it may now sorry I'd be like dude why you keep saying it over and over again because I have a lot of people in the comments who are trying to go out the effects ends and the headphone jack if headphone jack would work but you want to go out the main outs then you take your two quarter inches plug them in your main outs alright and then it's really important when you like on this mixture my my gains right here these are your mic preamp gains so your mic preamp gains are what's really gonna drive that signal in to your phone we're gonna give that to Sega's you want to watch that signal citizen go over the little yellow line and we'll get that when we get back to the phone and then so yeah so we're gonna watch these gains I just turn them down to like maybe what what is that like 11 o'clock or 10 o'clock and you're probably be good gonna be good there and then coming out with my headphones right now this is my headphone amp this is for me to hear myself I have my little headphone adapter plugged into my headphones and I have my earbuds in there you can use headphones now one thing you don't want to do is you don't want to when you're doing this kind of thing you don't want to come out of your mixer into big speakers and have them blowing through your microphone because otherwise you're going to get a weird little audio loop so whatever goes in your mixer you don't want to have speakers out in your room to hear yourself you want to use headphones or in ears because if you're using you know main speakers you're going to have the room noise and all of the you can have a weird loop because you're gonna be hearing the audio from the speaker's through your microphones back through the mixing board into your camera so so no speakers you can go like alessia's vocal mics here i'm gonna be singing through that and my acoustic is here and you know you can plug in them whatever else you want but no speakers you got to use headphones for this to really sound good all right so now we're going to go over to our phone and on my phone which is the Macomb echo here my phone which is the Android I need this little adapter that came with my phone which is au USBC and they should have came with your phone if not I'll leave a link in the description for the same thing it's your SBC 3-2 trrs which that's only way phones going to work if you have a headphone jack in your phone don't worry about it you already have the trrs sticking a new phone so my my phone requires this I'm gonna plug this into here now we're to take the cable that we just convert we're gonna take it out a little conversion cable first okay so this is our conversion cable little twelve dollar conversion cable that converts it from a trrs which goes to your phone to a TRS which goes to the mixer when you take that we're gonna plug it into the headphone jack of the phone regardless if you need to make adapter or not like the iPhone when I get that doesn't need an adapter we'll plug it right into the phone so all right so I got my TRS adapter plugged in now I have TRS coming out of here and I can plug the mixing board right into that so now my mixing board is coming out of the main outs through this cord into my phone alright now we got to go back to this phone setting so we have the open camera from the Android store and we are going to go over the settings which is the settings is this little wheel icon at the top because we want to we want to tell the camera to be using the audio from an external source so we're gonna go to settings now there's a bunch of cool settings in here for for camera options you know like face detection and that kind of stuff and ISO we're not going to do that we're only gonna worry about audio you can look up just editing on manual or whatever you want as far as that goes so there's tons of tutorials that shows you about ISO and that kind of stuff but we're gonna scroll down to we get to video settings I'm going to click on video settings I'm going to scroll down the video settings all the way down until we get to audio recording if that audio recording is off which it shouldn't be just turn it on so it's green I'm going to leave mine on and then here's the important probably when I go to audio source this is what the regular Android video cameras or iPhone video cameras don't have the audio source we're going to go to external microphone boom now it's telling us that there's an external microphone but you want to be able to see your audio on the front of your phone so we're gonna we're gonna go back out of the video settings and then we're going to scroll up to camera preview and they're going to scroll down on camera preview and there's a couple things that you want one thing you know Madhu this is just on the show on the show grid I usually leave that on on 3 x 3 that would gives you a nice square grid and it just kind of make it get you lined up easier and I'll kind of explain that to you - is it actual added bonus but right here where it says show audio level meter on the front you want to click on that you want to have that explained all right so now when we go back here and go back to the front of the camera as soon as I start recording hey hey hey see the audio meeting meteor is right there we don't have that we don't have any adjustment you can see the audio coming in if I grab a lease here's my K hey hey hey so you can see the audio meeting comes to the board and to Alicia's mic alright so now our our phone is set up with the with the audio in there coming right directly from the mixing board when you give it a little test drive we're going to put our ears in so we can hear we can kind of monitor how it sounds make sure it'll have too much reverb because right now I'm not hearing from the phone alright we're gonna get a little clamp over here I got this little cheap little clamp that goes on any tripod it's a little phone clamp you didn't give actually I got this is a dollar store the phone clamp so it's just clamped your phone in like this imma turn this around put up here so I can see myself one thing that's weird about seeing yourself though and I'm sure there's a setting in this app but I'm gonna leave that up to you guys to figure it out is is I'm backwards just a mirror image so I even though I'm a right-handed guitar player it's gonna look like I'm a left-handed guitar player so I'm sure there's a function in there but just look up how to change it so it's not a long so it's no longer a mirrored image so now we're just going to adjust this okay you can go in there and set up the ISO and all that kind of stuff which is a really cool camera app I haven't played at that right now I'm only concerned about getting your guys's audio to sound good you can play with the camera settings and make yourself look pretty as much as you want sorry that my camera just went dark had a shuttle light off because that was too blown out so I'm gonna grab my acoustic now you are going to hear some buzzing because my my guitar has a short in the cord so sorry about the buzzing let's go over here and start recording my phone all right so we're recording hey hey check I'm gonna put my in ears in remember you do not want to have speakers on because you're gonna get a weird little feedback loop going on so I'm gonna plug my in ears in or headphones whichever you prefer these little engines right here are amazing they're eight driver ear in ears and there were 50 bucks then you get a little extension to go further so if you hear that buzzing that if you hear that buzzing okay so now we're gonna switch to audio to the phone right now so the phone what you hear is actually coming from the mixing board is right there I'm gonna turn the if I hit mute on my guitar that buzzing you went away it's cuz my my chord is bad putting here the reverb check check check check one two all right so I'm gonna bring the buzzing back by unbeaten my guitar so I'm not gonna really get a fiction gonna play around this make sure you mix is good in your phone sorry about the camera is overexposed but we're not worried about that were worried about audio so alright something of a pick all right so again same song as last video here we go already [Music] [Music] just laugh [Music] yeah to say say so [Music] hey chick chick chick chick okay so yeah what's nice about this mixer is if you go and they actually can hook a foot pedal up to it - I believe but you can go over here and hit mute effects and I believe you can hook a foot pedal up to that that way you were talking to the audience you can be like hey guys and just use a foot pedal and right here it says foot twitch you get one of those little on-off switches you know look them up on these arson or whatever and you can plug a foot pedal in there and then I like to turn this off friggin just manually hit the switch the mute effects check check check and it's back so you can go back to singing alright guys so I checked up the audio it sounds great I mean for you know I mean I'm an amazing amazing singer obviously that's you know so it's my gift no I'm joking any out but yeah the audio sounds great it sounds perfectly good use but getting in the buzzing was not from the mixer of the buzzing was from my bad guitar cord but I didn't have time to find a new one and so now I switch over to iPhone and check out that new app is downloaded from the iPhone and we know I can't do a screen capture I probably can on the iPhone but I don't know how so I'm just gonna show you the app and then take it from there alright so now I'm gonna show you how the app on the iPhone alright so on the iPhone I actually did get screen record enable and know nothing about I phones anymore I'm a Mac user exclusively but I don't like iPhone OS since Jobs died so I switch to Android any on the iPhone they let me III regress on the iPhone go to App Store and you're gonna look up pro movie recorder and it's $2.99 and then I already bought it install there's a free version too but you don't want that you have to pay the dealers and I nine cents to get the audio what you do you get the kind of audio you need alright so you hit open now again the video settings you'll have to look up tutorials on that about setting your ISO and that kind of stuff there's tons of tutorials over there one thing I will tell you though is if you're recording go over here to 1080p I mean your resolution and still recording my screen and you can hit and just put the resolution on 1080p at 30 frames per second because you really don't wanna do 60 and then just hit OK alright so screen record is not gonna let me so we're gonna switch over to this camera see if I can't do it this way you might finger off here alright so I don't know if you can see this or not and through but yeah basically all you want to do is you want to hit your a little microphone right there hit microphone and then you can see right now it just says iPhone microphone so we got to do is you got to take your now on my on this iPhone this is an iPhone 6 plus it actually has a mic input right there or a headphone input you know for a regular you know earbuds for iPhone right you might have to have an adapter if you have an adapter plug adapter in but this one just has the the microphone input or the headphone input and so we're going to take our trrs adapter and this is the adapter from trrs to TRS we're going to take the trrs and we're going to plug it into there and now when we plug it in you can see we disappeared on the screen is headphone head headset microphone or iphone microphone we want to click on headset microphone and then it'll take it 276 I'd back that off little ways and maybe taking like 65 you can test it when you go that when you go to the next screen alright now up at the very top I don't know if you can see that or not but at the very top you'll see a level so we're going to plug our mixer in I'm going to mute my guitar because we all know it buzzes and we are going to take from that the main out plug our other cable in our quarter inch to TRS and then we're going to plug it into our adapter now I grab Alicia is a microphone hey-hey-hey-hey-hey check you can see the meter right here up top and I'll if you can see that or not yeah it looks like you can see it okay cool and so you definitely don't want that meter to be in the red you want oh yeah yeah I'm hitting the red you want to keep that meter in the yellow so we just go back over here we're going to back that off a little more input hey hey check check alright hey he's still kind of on the red it hits a little bit of red it's alright but you just want to back it off until you can get it out of the red hey hey hey check one two hey hey that's dope not quite enough we still want to in the yellow just got to kind of play at that for a second hey right there that's not bad it still it's in the red a little bit but it is still in the yellow all right so there we go now we have our phone hooked up to an iPhone using that $2.99 app so let's go over and put it in the camera mount and then we will be hearing every rose has its thorn again all right so on this app though if you want to have the camera facing you like you can see on here I'll let me see on here not but there's no flip but you have to go over here and hit the little Settings icon and it brings this pulldown up and then you can actually flip it so now it's going to be in selfie mode so now it's in selfie mode so it's looking back at my beautiful mug alright alright we're recording unmute the buzzing guitar and unmute here I'm gonna unmute the buzzing guitar I'm also going to unmute the effects you can hear reverb hey hey hey there's reverb I'm back on the camera audio now so this is the iPhone audio and there is no speakers in this room so if I take my earbuds out I'm not here in reverb unmute my buzzing guitar there we go and the nice buzz back alright everyone actually hold on let's do something different back to the 80s again [Music] as a friend who's been a good friend of mine well it feels so dirty start chucking gi1 and the point is probably I can't play that riff and do that at the same time so we liked it still just like [Music] cuz it's dawn the cowboy [Music] said so [Music] you know what here we go I know any metalheads back there yeah all right so now we recorded in the iPhone with the $2.99 app and let's go back out of there and I'll figure out what I'm gonna say next okay so my particular iPhone if your iPhone is different my camera on this side only lets me shoot in seven seven and 720p so you can always I could always turn the camera around and not see myself but you guys probably have better iPhones and you would shoot no better you don't really want to shoot in 720p you want at least shoot in 1080p so if that's the case I'd turned around but 720 piece is fine it's actually well if you look at our livestream videos those are all 720p I hope that helped you out that's how you that's a third-party app for the Android and also the iPhone that you can get audio from your mixing board any mixing board into your phone and have good sounding audio so I know it's kind of a weird time right now we're just kind of getting out of this hole you know stay-at-home type of venture but but we still need to making content get it out there because it's probably gonna still take a little while before all totally in the clear and we can actually go back and do exactly what we want to do so in the meantime just keep creating content you know get it out there you know cuz so you can get a cheap if you don't wanna make sure like this you can get a cheap make sure like this just going to offer up and look up behringer for channel mixer or small mixer you know there's a I just looked on there there's a Yamaha mixer on in Vegas right now it's like a six channel mixer that has you know all of them have stereo outs and all of them have you know XLR ends for your for your microphones and you know the quarter-inch ins for your for your tars or whatever so you can pick these up these mixers up really cheap if you don't have one off offer up used and you know 50 bucks you know and you've got a twelve dollar adapter that plugs into your phone you're good to go so just keep creating and anyhow if you have any questions if I know I'm babble a lot you know just leave a comment in the description and at least you'll get back to you and then she'll tell me and I'll answer it through Elysia cuz she don't let me type because I spell everything wrong you know but I hope that helps and please make sure you like comment subscribe share this video you know check out some of my other videos on this channel you know we have a lot of fun doing different stuff and especially this being a lockdown we've been doing a bunch of like hour-and-a-half two-hour live streams they're still over in the livestream area on our channel check them out and put a lot of work into them and they're they're pretty fun and also I'm amazing at least here's she's all right but I'm amazing anyhow so hope that helps again leave a comment like subscribe share and if you have any questions at all hit me up and I'll try to answer them as well as I can all right we will see you guys next time [Music] from television city in Las Vegas its fans of Jimmy's century's Baytown original variety our [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys it's Victor and it's Alesia from fans of Jimmy's century can you guys do us a mondo favor and go over and subscribe to our YouTube channel at forward slash fo JC TV will tell you why later you
Channel: Fans of Jimmy Century
Views: 394,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audio from a Mixer to iPhone, audio from a Mixer to Android, Connecting Audio interface to android, Mixing Board to Your Phone, TRS to TRRS Adapter, external microphones with Android, external microphones with iPhone, video app, Live Stream audio setup, mixer to phone, better audio for video, headset buddy cable, iPhone, Android, external audi, external Mixer, external microphones, phone mixer, phone video audio
Id: 9K7aXhEgHmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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