How To Connect A Mixer To PC Using Line In

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there are many ways to get audio from your mixer into your computer and in this video I'm going to show you how to seen online out of your mixer to go directly into a line input on your computer check it out what's up my name is Matthew Stratton helping you create music and record audio on this channel I do setup videos tutorials and overviews just like this one if you're new here consider subscribing so I've got a question from somebody who had been recording their church band using their mixer and putting the line out of their mixer into their computer but the computer had RCA jacks and when they upgraded their computer it didn't have those jacks so in this video I'm going to show you how you can actually send a line out of your mixer using the direct line in on your computer and I want to show you a couple ways to do that so in front of me I had the behringer cue 1202 now this is the USB model so that means you can send a line directly out USB into your computer but let's pretend that this isn't the USB model and it's just a straight mixer so there's a couple of ways to get a line out of here so one of the ways to do it is to use your RCA outs here so this is a two-track out this might also be called record out or tape out depending on your mixer now this is how these people who are using their mixer they were sending a line out of here and putting it into their computer so I'm going to show you how to do that using this cable here so I also want to show you how to use your main out as well because you may not have the tape out so let's go ahead and get into this now before we get into it completely I do want to set up the microphone with the mixer and everything like that so this is the microphone I want to use this is the shure beta 57 i'm gonna leave a link to whatever i'm using here in the description so if you want to do more research about your situation you could check out the description i'll leave some links for this stuff but let's go ahead and plug our microphone into the mixer but before i do that i want to turn the game down on all the channels here so this is going to be turned down here and then i want to make sure the compressors turn down all the EQs are at zero the effects are turned down and then the pans as thinner here and then the level i do want to put level at zero right here on here now your mixer might have a level like this all right so it's the same difference as long as it's set on zero you're good it might have a u and u stands for unity that's good as well so my channel is at zero and my main mix is at zero as well the next thing I want to do is plug the mic cable into the mic and then plug the other end into the mixer so now that everything's plugged in I'm going to go ahead and power on the mixer by connecting the power cable this particular mixer does not have a power switch so as soon as I plug in the cable it's going to power on the next thing I want to do is plug this cable into the tape out in this case it's called two-track out so I'm going to plug this into the to track out now you can see there's two instance cable there's a white in and a red in I'm gonna put the white in into right here where it's white and in the red in right here to where it's red so the white one is going to be left and the red one is going to be right then I'm gonna take the other end of this cable and plug it directly into the computer now your computer might have a couple different options my computer specifically has a blue port and the blue port is lying in your computer might have a microphone in and the microphone in can also double as a line in as well and usually when that is the case when you plug it into that port you're going to have to select a line in when you plug it in now in my case I'm going to use the blue input now in my case when I plug that into the blue input it says which device did you plug in line in our side speaker out I did plug a line in so I'm gonna select line in press ok before I move forward I do want to show you the window settings now down here there's going to be a speaker it says speaker slash headphone if you right click that it says open sounds settings so I am using Windows 10 and then whenever I open that sound settings it says sound and you get your outputs and then down here it says input and then you can choose your input now it already chosen line in for me which is good because that is what I have now you can go into your device properties here and then there's also a sound control panel here I am going to click that sound control panel just to show you what that is as well because you might get access to this now up here it says playback and it says recording so I'm gonna click on recording and right here it says lying-in so this is going to be the line in that I plugged my mixer into so everything's plugged in in that regard I do want to set the level of this microphone so at this point I am going to turn up the gain of the microphone and I want to speak in to the microphone now as I speak in the microphone I'm going to turn to gain up and then you're gonna see this light start to light up over on this side now you can see it says 2020s lighting up eventually it's going to go into zero once it hits into zero we're exactly where we want to be alright so notice when I'm talking into the microphone we're about zero now every once in a while if I get loud it might touch 6 a little bit but for the most part we're right here in 0 and that's going to be a good level and you'll notice on the screen we are actually getting something in this area where it says test your microphone there's a blue line that starts showing up and it is showing up correctly so you were good there now we can actually fine-tune this if we go into either device properties here in the sound settings we can test it and then we can you know set our gain right here so if you want to put it a little lower we can and then the other way to do that let's back out of that area the other way to do that is to go into your line in properties right here and then you can go to your levels and you can set your level right here as well I'm going to close out at that so there's how you adjust your levels inside of Windows so I'm going to actually close out of that because the program that I'm going to use is called audacity so at this point I'm going to open up audacity so while dazzly has a few settings that we can use the first thing we want to do is actually set our inputs so right here it's already set to line for us so we're good to go in that regard we can record mono or stereo and then we can choose our output here now you'll notice a few things on the top here we can monitor our inputs so if I click that I want to be able to monitor and you can see we're coming in hot that's way too hot so if I start recording now it's going to be clipping now over here this is actually the playback level we're not playing back anything so that's why this meter is not doing anything now to the right of that we have our recording volume so what we got to do is really ramp this down to make the recording volume not clip so now we're looking pretty good so if you look now I'm bringing this down pretty far and we are actually around negative 18 when I talk into the microphone somewhere around there now the thing with audacity or any kind of recording software is you can increase the volume level if you're not happy with the volume level you can do other different post-processing things but that's beyond the scope of this tutorial but the important thing to remember is you don't want this green to go into the red if it's going up into the red up here that means you're going to start to cliff and it's going to be distorted we do not want Distortion so now that we have the level set in audacity let's do a test recording this is a test recording inside of audacity and I'm using my behringer beta 57a and I'm going directly into my mixer and my mixer is going directly into my computer using line-in alright so let's go ahead and listen back to that this is a test recording inside of audacity and I'm using my behringer beta 57 eight and I'm going directly into my mixer and my mixers going directly into my computer using line in as you can hear that didn't sound too bad so let's go ahead and use an example of going out of the main outs on this mixer and going directly into the computer I went ahead and I unplugged the mixer okay so I took this cable out now what some people might try to do is use these little adapters with this cable and I suppose you could do that alright and you just plug those into the main out now what I'm gonna show you is that there's actually cables specifically designed for this purpose okay so all right so this cable is basically going to come out of your mixer using the quarter inch here so these are quarter inch and it's going to go into an eighth inch and what this cable does is it combines these two into this one tip now this tip is going to go directly into the computer just like the other one did and let's go ahead and do that so I want to put this into the main out left and then I'll put the red one into the main out right and I'm gonna take the 3.5 millimeter jack is also called eighth inch and I want to put that into the computer again I'm gonna select the line in now everything is already set up an audacity for us so if we click to monitor what we can do is monitor our inputs and you can see our inputs are already set up I'm already hitting about negative 18 we want to be average around negative 18 so at this point what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna push record and do a test recording and see how well this comes out compared to the tape line out this is a test recording of the main outputs that are going to right click into the computer I'm talking into the shure beta 57 power let's go ahead and listen to this back alright so I'm going to put my headphones on so I can hear this this is a test recording of the main outputs that are going to brightly into the computer I'm talking into the betta 58a and this is a dynamic microphone and we do not need the 48 volt phantom power let's go ahead and listen to this back so that works very good as well we got nice clear audio using this mixer here now I'm using this mixer because this is what I have available to me you might be using something different and that might work for you but if you want to figure out how to connect your mixer into a USB interface I'll do a video about that next so go ahead and click or tap the screen over here I'll put that video there whenever I do record and come out with that video my name is matthew continue creating music and we'll talk soon
Channel: Matthew Stratton
Views: 408,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MatthewStratton, MatthewCreating, how to connect an audio mixer to your computer for recording, how to connect a mixer to a laptop, connect a mixer to a computer, connect mixer to pc, connect mixer to pc for recording, connect mixer to laptop, connect analog mixer to pc, how to connect mixer to computer for recording, analog mixer, sound mixer, usb mixer, home recording, home studio, behringer xenyx, audacity, how to connect mixer to pc, how to connect a mixer to a computer
Id: RzD0B3LgDvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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