Live Streaming for Musicians - Get better Audio & Video at Home

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hey it's JP we're living in really weird times right now a lot of people have been asked to stay at home that's okay if you work from home and you can do that with a laptop or for a lot of my friends who are musicians who perform live they're panicking and they need to know how they're gonna survive I've had quite a lot of people contact me about how to stream online now it's very simple you can just press record but from a musician's standpoint that's not good enough you need to know how to record the audio in really good quality so this video is going to be a little bit different and I'm going to break down a couple of different ways we can record live we can stream live and the tech that we need to use for that from a musician's point of view I'm going to try and keep this as simple as possible because I don't want you to instantly run out and buy a load of tech that you don't need and also it's difficult to buy stuff at the moment stuff is on delay for deliveries so I want you to be able to use the stuff that's maybe in your house and also get you up and running straight away so the first example is just using your phone and pointing the camera at you I'm using my iPhone I use my iPhone for all my filming I haven't got a digital SLR or anything like that don't run out and get one of them if you don't need it and this is an iPhone 10 I'm using the FaceTime camera it's good enough to actually get a better footage if you're using an external microphone that has a mini jack then what you're going to need certainly for using with iPhone is you're going to need the 3.5 ml two lightning connector if you're plugging it into something like an iPad pro you're gonna need the three point five mil to USBC connector I'm using the app which is called filmic Pro you can use the normal camera app but I would highly recommend that you invest in an app that can unlock a couple of things I use filmic Pro because I can set the exposure as you can see here in it right now and also I can set the focus so the focus is on my face right now and then if I was to move my hand really close you can see that it stays in focus it doesn't try and refocus onto my hand that way if you're performing and you're moving around you could set the focus on to you and you only and then if you're doing this in a live environment say if you're doing this in the garden or anything like that something flies in front of the camera it won't try and refocus now cameras love light so if you've got say lights that you use for a show I would put them up and use that as you normally would if you haven't and you can just get like your normal lights from your room if you've got any like bedside lamps take the shades off and put them here and sort of like either side of the camera and then you've got a lot of light going on you now for ease of use if you want to go into streaming I can't use filmic Pro filmic Pro is for recording and for streaming the simplest thing in the world is to go to say Facebook for example on your mobile phone and then what you can do is you can actually just go live video and then hit go live and that's it you just live and that'll pick up and it'll use the microphone from the camera now you could plug in straight into your speaker if you've got a speaker but then all you're going to be doing is using the iPhone microphone as the pickup and it's not going to sound that great what you need is you need something that goes directly in and I'm going to show you how to do that right now so this is my gigging setup I've got my TC Helicon there the headrush there the expression pedal this is in the flight case and this is how I normally gig I've got my guitars here I've got my microphone all set up as if I'm doing a live gig and these black cables with the white heads on that would normally go out to the PA so what we do is we follow this over and this is going into a practice amp this is a rollin KC 110 amp it's actually a keyboard amp but also it's battery-powered and it's going in on channel 2 as a stereo in this keyboard amp has a line out and that's the really important part because we've got a left and a right if we follow that that is going into the focus right so the line out left and right goes into the channel 1 and channel 2 of the focus right and then the output of that is USB and of course the USB goes into the camera connection kit and then this bit we keep plugged in so it we keep it all Howard and that just goes into the iPhone so now I've got everything set up the way I want it I've got my normal system plugged into the speakers it normally would be the output of the speaker going into the audio interface and then the audio interface going into the phone the great thing about this is you can hear that microphone you can hear my effects you can hear the guitar because everything's going through the system is it normally would now the great thing as well what I've got indication from the Focusrite that there's audio going and I can see the lights lighting up green and on the phone it's doing the same as well on filmic Pro now this is if I'm going to record and then post it later on but then also the phone can double up for streaming so here we are on the phone on the Facebook I'm going to start a live stream you won't hear the audio for this now because the audio went out to the live stream via the audio interface but I just wanted to show you that it does work and once you've finished doing a live stream if you then click the word finish the great thing is it will end the live stream and then you can post it all in HD but you can also save it directly to your phone now you can use Facebook live on the phone it's really simple and the great thing about that is it's really mobile we could actually stream in the garden or we could stream basically downstairs or upstairs wherever you want to be the other option you can do is you can take it a stage further by streaming through your computer and I'm going to show you a package that is completely free there is a little bit of a learning curve to it but once you've got it up and running it's really really good so working off a computer I'm going to show you a piece of software which is a broadcasting software it's called OBS you can google it or if you just go to OBS project comm it's a free and open source software for video recording and live streaming now right now I'm recording my screen but I'm gonna boot up OBS and show you how it works so bringing over yourself you will actually see when I've actually got it all preset up now I've got a couple of titles and main scene and iPhone scenes so if I click on these there's my main scene hello you can see me and then have even got an iPhone plugged in which is the same iPhone we can use before if I plug that in over here hello and that's like a secondary screen so I can see that straight away okay so we're going to show you how all of this works it does take a little bit of setting up but let me go through it so we're gonna go through two scene selection and we're gonna create a new one and I've created a brand new one here just called 2020 and you're not gonna see me now but we're gonna move this over now with OBS what you have this is the latest version it does run on Catalina for a Mac and it does run the latest versions for Windows you've got a big wide-open space here and you'll have it scenes sources an audio mixer if you don't see these three what you need to do is you need to go to view and Docs and make sure they're ticked which are here scenes are a scene of a show and then a sources are inside each scene so this scene what we're gonna do is I'm gonna rename this scene just do a right click or a two-finger click on the trackpad and go to rename only making a call that main camera inside main camera we need a source so if we add a source in I'm gonna add in a video capture device and I can call it whatever I want so this one I'm just gonna call it the IMAP camera and then it's asking me where is it what's what sauce are using so it can see my phone but we can see the FaceTime camera so I'll just use that and then it's set 7 xx maximum for the FaceTime camera and click OK and there we go so it gives you a red box on what we're gonna do is I'm gonna resize that box to the size of the screen it kind of snaps in which is quite nice so the great thing about this is I can now start using different devices and what I mean by that is I could use the microphone of the iMac if I wanted to but I can also use the audio interface so I've plugged the 2i2 back into the computer and I'm gonna add it as an audio input capture so if I do that lets just call it to i2 and go okay and then it should be there there it is come to our 2 USB so if I click ok and add that in then the 2 i2 that actually comes up here and you can actually see the audio going in you can if I pick up the microphone and 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 there it is so I've got the microphone plugged in on input number 1 I can even go into here and actually go into advanced audio properties and make this mono so it's coming out of both channels the same so this is a really simple way now the great thing about this is this is just a real simple setup where we've got a camera and an audio interface here on the microphone but what we can do is we can set up a second scene so what them do is uncertain at the scene up I'm gonna call this iPhone scene now the same doesn't have anything on it again so we're gonna add in the audio input capture we're going to basically get existing so we're going to add in the to i2 so that's back but then what going to do is we're gonna add another video capture device so if I go video capture and I go on your phone I can add the existing I'm a camera I'm not going to do that and what I can do now is I can pick my phone so there's my phone click ok if you give that a second there it is now on the phone what I'm using is that I'm using FileMaker Pro and thermic Pro has a feature where you can tap and get rid of the user interface so I'm just using that as a secondary device so I'm gonna have resize this how I want it I can move it wherever I want so I can put it to one side maybe I'm doing a presentation and I'm talking about things over that side or I'm just basically moving like that now I've got it in this format which is portrait if I literally turn the phone it tells the computer basically to put it into landscape mode automatically which is fantastic so I'll go to always prop this up someone leave it like this and then I can put it wherever I want I'm not limited to the camera on the iMac now which is fantastic so we've now got these now the great thing is over here you can see on fade we can actually fade out so if we then go fade and I change this to 500 milliseconds and I can now go main camera when it goes back over to the camera put the phone here and then if I then go to iPhone it changes over to the iPhone so if you are doing say a live stream and you wanted to livestream you playing guitar you one place around you know someone else in the room you could actually have someone going between the scenes automatically and it instantly looks a little bit more professional now we've got nothing else on the screen other than the camera so what we can do is we can add some text so I'm gonna go in here and we can add text and then text we can call it whatever you like such as called hello and we go okay event brings up the text so we're gonna go and call it hello we can chill change the font so I'm gonna go let's go with impact so we go with impacts make it nice and big let's go one and it's fine so there it is up there and I'm just gonna change a couple of things so let's go with a new color for the top half so the bottom half is white that's fine and we can again call that whatever you want and put it wherever you like so you could change that over to say live stream so let's say live stream from JP okay of course we need to reshape it and resize it so we could put that maybe down there and make that a little bit smaller and there we go now these bits here have little locks on so the little locks you can lock them in place and therefore you can't move them or change them but you still got a little I so I can turn that off and turn that on I can even make that into a ticker and make it move across by going into filters and add in a scroller so if I add scroll we start the scroll at about there you can already see it's doing it so we can stream across from one side to another and it's just doing a live stream from jqu live shrimp and JP this is where you start messing around with it what I would do is put a couple of space bars and so you can start seeing a little bit of a gap and go and also let's untuck it so what we can do is we can make that a little bit go a little bit further you could even make it go all the way across but of course it's much bigger now there we go this is just a really really quick way now the final thing is once this is all set up and ready to go it saves itself and then what we need to do is we need to start streaming so you can start streaming and start recording so you can record to your manga for later on if you have to start streaming it automatically starts recording so you can go into it later and then post it later on if you want to but make sure you go into the settings go into the settings and then go to stream and then you can log in to whichever stream you want and then you need a stream key so if you then go over to Facebook or YouTube you can pick a stream key you copy and paste that in the settings just there and that key basically tells say Facebook for example don't use the normal camera use the stream key and then when you hit start streaming it will go and fetch that for you make sure your output is okay for your broadband you've got obviously a video bitrate I flip mine at 2500 KPS which is fine and then you've got the audio bitrate now most people leave this at 160 I would really recommend go to one later too if you can or even go higher because you want the audio quality to be really really good and that's pretty much it so OBS has an amazing way of doing lots of different things you can have keystrokes with each different bit but this is all free so you could set it up plug in your audio interface plug in your equipment into the audio interface and away you go now if like me you've been making some music whilst you've been stuck at home and you want to get that music out there in the world then have a look at our sponsor distro kit district kid is a distribution company that can get your music out to places like Spotify iTunes and Apple music when you create a track to get that out there you need to send your music to a distributor so distro kid is the easiest way for musicians to get into Spotify iTunes Apple music tidal Tech Talk YouTube and loads more the great thing is you keep a hundred percent of your royalties and they get paid monthly your music is in the store between 10 and 20 times faster than any other distributor at a fraction of the price and you pay $19.99 to upload unlimited albums and songs for the whole year now I've set up a special link with disco kid if you use it it gives you up to seven percent off your first annual membership no matter which tier you use there are different tiers so if you're sending out music for different bands or if you want to become a label you can do that with them as well and get seven percent off that membership I hope you found this content useful if you have please give this a thumbs up it really helps the channel grow and if you've got any comments regarding live-streaming either through your phone or through your computer please drop me a comment and I will try and answer it as quickly as I can in the description box below I'm going to put a list of equipment and a list of things that I've been using today to show you how to use this and how to get this up and running as fast as humanly possible if you haven't yet already please consider subscribing to the channel as well and click the bell so you don't miss anything [Music]
Channel: JohnPaul Music UK
Views: 183,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Live Streaming For Musicians, Live Streaming, facebook live, live streamers, stay home, stay home music, Covid-19, live stream music, how to setup a live stream, how to record a performance, set up live streaming, how to live stream, live stream setup, how to get started with live streaming, how to play music on facebook live, facebook streaming 2020, facebook live tutorial, how to live stream youtube, how to live stream on pc, how to livestream on facebook, filmic pro
Id: VQMouXOlXpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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