Live Stream Set Up using Mixer to iPhone/Android - Background Music from Laptop/iPad/Tablet

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[Music] in this video i am going to show you the setup if you're going to use the mixer plus the condenser microphone for live streaming for example we will be using a live streaming from this phone over here while the backer music is coming from the laptop or a different device it could be a tablet or an ipad or another phone without further ado let's get started and now let me show you the cords or cables we will need in this setup and where to connect them so first of all let me show you this headphone on here or earphone so just to give you a heads up these earphone that i will be using this one has no built-in microphone on it for some reason it is not good to use the one that has built-in microphone the audio is is not that clear so i suggest you should use the earphone or headphone that does not have a built-in microphone i do not know yet what is the reasoning behind it maybe the expert ones can tell you but this is only as per experience so again i suggest use the headphone or earphone that do not have built-in microphone so this one we will be connecting to this mixer to monitor the audio and because there is no 3.5 port on here we will need this adapter this is 6.35 male to 3.5 mm so we will connect this one to here to the one that says phones and then we will connect this earphone to that okay and next let's connect this xlr cord or cable to connect our condenser microphone so of course here is our condenser microphone let's connect one end to here and then of course the other end to here let's just use number one on here okay there it is this three cords or cables on here you do not need to have all of them let's say for example if your purpose is just to go on live streaming without a background music then this chord should be good and this is the trrs the one that has the three lines and the rca we will not be using this one we're only using we'll be using only this one so again please take note this is the one you will be needing to go on live streaming using a phone so trrs the one that has three lines to rca and for the background music you can use either one of this one so this is 3.5 trs to rca or you can also use this one this is the ts mo note 2 3.5 trs so the one that has two lines if your purpose is to go live streaming with a background music then the two of this should be good or or this one so whichever you have then the two of them should be good so again but make sure you have to have this one the one that has the three lines on it because this is the one you will need to connect to your phone for live streaming [Music] let me show you this cord on here so as you notice it has for video also but we will not be using the yellow one we will be only using this white and red so this is rca to 3.5 mm trrs okay so the one that has three lines on it let's connect first to this one the rca to 3.5 trrs okay so we will connect this one to here so we will need this lightning audio adapter because we will be connecting this onto this phone which we will be using for live streaming and that is because there is no audio port on this phone so we will need this if you're using an android phone you do not need this audio adapter you simply just connect this one here to there okay so let's connect this one here and then the other end let's connect to this mixer on here we will be connecting it to the one that says wreck out simply white to white and red to red now let's try to connect this laptop as a source of our background music and for that we will use this other cord so again rca to trs this time has two lines on it we will connect this one this time to the one that says seven slash eight or you can also connect this one to the next to this one here the one that says two trn so it's up to you if you want to connect it here or there i just wanted it to connect to the seven slash eight because it has its own volume control over here simply red to red white to white and this other end we will connect to the headphone port of this laptop which is over here okay and this one here again you do not need to have this one if you don't have one but if you have one should be good because you can connect another source of background music if you want so it is 6.35 ts so we will connect this one this time to the one that says five slash six so from here so we just connect one there and one here and then the other end we will connect to this ipad so again because we will be using this as our other source for background music so let's just locate the headphone port of this ipad say if you want to use another phone just connect the other end to the headphone port of that other device so it could be a tablet it could be another phone it could be like this it could be an ipad and now let me show you my settings on this mixer so and let me show you again what chords i connected so far so mic one here again this is connected to this condenser microphone over there and this five slash six is connected to this ipad over here which i will be using later for my background music and then this one here seven slash eight is connected to this laptop again for the source of my background music and of course this one here the rec one is connected to this device on here for for live streaming so this phone here and this one here is for the headset or earphone or headphone that doesn't have a built-in microphone and for the settings on here my gain is just over there and compressor is just right there maybe at one o'clock and this one is at nine o'clock the gain normally on here i would just put them in the middle the high the mid and the low and the effect here i'm just setting it as maybe at one o'clock and then pan is in the middle and then this is the volume for the microphone and the main volume of the microphone also can be controlled from here okay and the volume for the ipad later uh for the background music so five slash six is gonna be over here and the volume from the music coming from the laptop would be from here so seven slash eight so from here okay and now let's go live on facebook right away of course when you open your account you should see live on there tap that and you should see this one because this is just sample i'm just gonna change this one to only me so only me can see this one and i'm gonna hit start live now [Music] okay and sound check testing one two so what i will be doing is when i edit this video i am going to sync the audio coming out from that live streaming to the video i am taking right now so you can hear as well whatever the the output audio output from this live streaming and now you will notice that the the vocals has no effects yet because i turn the effects return here at zero but when i am going to turn it up so something like that sound check so you will notice there is that reverb or or echo okay so as i mentioned earlier uh the first we will be doing a sample from this laptop as our source of background music okay so let's do a sample from let's say you want to sing or you want to sing while doing live streaming so you will hear the output okay let's uh try this song right now by the way as i mentioned earlier the volume of the audio coming out from this laptop would be from here the one that says seven slash eight so this one because this one is connected to this laptop okay so it's right there we can play this one now just to check how loud it is okay so something like that if you want it louder you can just turn it to the right okay so let's do a sample maybe let's do a sample song or singing while you are on live streaming [Music] and gave me [Music] okay so let's pause it right there and now let's do a sample this time the background music is coming from this ipad so again as i showed you earlier the volume of the audio coming out from this ipad is from here the one that says 5 slashes 6. so let's give it a try first let's check how loud it is okay so we can hardly hear it that is because if you see over here it's still at zero so let's turn it up and let's play it again so again the volume is from here or sometimes if if you notice that the volume is not allowed yet maybe because the source itself of your audio or music is is not that loud yet so to check we just turn the volume from here okay so it's almost at the max so it should be good okay so let's play it again okay and now let's give it a little sample also singing and because we will be singing let's turn this effect on here so there is effect sound check testing one two okay there it is maybe let's move it up somewhere there for our background music okay so again let's do a little sample [Music] stop it from there and again if you want to let's say for example you want to you have two songs you wanted to sing and then all of a sudden you don't want to use this one and you want to use the one on your laptop for sure you can do that so let's switch it okay let's play this one here and let's not forget to turn the volume from here there it is [Music] [Music] okay so let's stop it from there and again if you want to sing on here on using the ipad then just turn it on okay there it is so what i'm trying to point is let's say for example there are two of you singing uh for sure because you have more microphone ports here so it depends what kind of uh of a mixer do you have if you can put two microphone on here then that means you can use the two condenser microphone or maybe one is a dynamic microphone and now if you want to use a sound effects let's say laugh or chair i suggest just prepare that sound effects from your laptop let's say you are using the background music from the laptop so you should open already let's say open another window there so something like that and then it's already prepared and if you want to use it just simply play it no no no no no no no no hear that or your viewers or listeners should be able to hear that background music and again if you let's say prepare another background music or sound effects let's say a plus and then it's already prepared right there and then just press it [Applause] effect it's like those supportable or live sound cards from v8 or v9 or other type of sound cards and that's all i can share for today thanks again guys for watching if you like this type of video please give it a like and if you want more of this video please consider subscribing and hit the notification bell so you are always updated for all the upcoming videos i will be posting keep safe and until next time
Channel: Jenudsstuff
Views: 72,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mixer, Condenser mic, Fb Live, Mixer to Phone for Live Stream, Mixer to Phone for fb Live, Phone live stream and background music from Laptop, Background Music from Ipad
Id: a7yx1SdM4hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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