LIVE: SEO, Digital Marketing, Agency, My Busy Life

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all right you okay let me know if you guys can hear me for some reason i can't see that i'm live but uh it's probably some technical difficulties as i always have with this computer and with going live just in general so um let me know if you guys can hear me loud and clear um okay cool chris looks like he says yes can you see me as well i should be in my beautiful brand new office uh okay cool guys yeah welcome to this live video um i haven't been on youtube in such a long time and i think it's because i have been working so hard on my business and my team and my clients and all of that other stuff that's been fun so listen i've got a lot of new lessons that i want to talk about here today just in business and just in everything that i've been doing i've got a lot of lessons that i've learned and just a lot of things that i've been doing for such a long time so um chris how are you doing uh love the language uh definitely something that i'd like to see on my channel uh see go web design how are you doing austin what's going on uh michael martinez i've been working very hard so unfortunately i haven't been making any videos um but i'm looking to address that here tonight on this live channel uh wade said he's alive yes i'm alive and well um i've been working really diligently on developmark and we're going to talk a little bit about that today um because it is definitely one of those things where i've been putting a lot of my focus on i've been taking my focus away from things like youtube i've been taking my focus away from other business ventures that i was doing in the past to specifically focus on development because that is my bread and butter are you releasing more content in the underground secrets the answer is yes uh pivot growth management has been thinking about you seeing you scale to a hundred thousand dollars a month yes well that is definitely going to be a topic of conversation that we are going to have here on today's call uh 100 000 a month doesn't mean you're necessarily super profitable so that's one of the issues that i'm starting to see now paul said cam went via mia what's going on paul uh israel said can you upload the pricing ways on the underground secrets chase what's going on chase how are you doing um let me know if you're still in the commons chase been watching your videos definitely been learning a lot from your tic tac automation that you've been doing which is so cool uh rez reloaded said wow it's been so long thank you guys so much for the warm welcome um and i have definitely been uh hiding and i have been hiding because not necessarily i've been scared to make a youtube video i just haven't had time and i know that that's just an excuse and i hope to change that because a lot of my business a lot of what i've done has come from youtube and my willingness to share the information that we we teach inside of developmark so you know guys in the last couple months you've probably watched a few of my live videos if you've watched them before and you've probably seen that it becomes more and more difficult to share some of the things that i initially started sharing when i started my business now because it's almost like proprietary information and once i share that stuff on youtube it becomes almost like it can be used against me and so i've got to be really careful with the information that i talk about here on the channel especially going in the depths with different types of clients stuff like that so um but lawyers andrew good to see you thank you for having me at my messenger no you've helped me a lot more than i've helped you and you know that implant center of miami don't know if it's neil or dr herzog but what's going on i love you guys uh and yeah i'm gonna get right into it so what i want you guys to do is if you have any questions about anything i'd love for you to put it inside of the comments section here and i'll go through it in depth last time i was doing live videos i was answering questions pretty in depth anything that has to do with um the agency model anything that has to do with a pbn network model anything that has to do with getting clients results for clients and stuff like that um and so yeah and and this is very true um a lot of the different things that i've been doing have been solely focused on development able to upload videos i'm trying to find better ways to make videos um that involves not just myself it's true value so we're gonna get into that so the first question i have here is best way to overcome skepticism with clients and i think that that's not necessarily something that you can ultimately overcome unfortunately that's just the reality of clients especially in an industry that's been around for 20 years where they've been burned countless times from other businesses like yourself so i would say if you're if you have clients that are skeptical just try to not make that a a a proposition for yourself to get discouraged in fact what i would do in that situation is i would make that something that you kind of expect with customers a lot of them are skeptical because of your companies like yourself that have delivered crappy services before and that's where getting the right clients definitely comes to uh comes down to getting the right customers and to getting rid of those results it's very difficult to work with clients that have skepticism and generally speaking it's just hard to avoid and so you just can't avoid it a lot of these customers when you're proposing to them they've heard the same old song and dance over and over and over again from companies like yourself that say look i'm going to help you generate this many leads i'm going to help you do this i'm going to help you do that we're going to rank number one when reality that's really really hard to do especially if you don't have previous results so skepticism really really really the best way to get away from skeptic clients is to get referred by customers to other customers that is by far the number one way you're going to get customers that aren't skeptical about your service because what happens is if you get a business owner that refers you to another business owner and that business owner trusts that referral network what's going to happen is they're not going to be skeptical because they know that that business wouldn't lie to them in fact earlier today when i was running our profit and loss statement for each client that we have on our development service most of our clients that have been the least skeptical are the ones that have been professional recommendations from either friends or colleagues of these services so i would say to get clients that are less skeptic is the goal and to do that you have to get references and recommendations rather than full focusing on cold outreach if you send out cold emails if you send out cold facebook messages if you run ads you're going to get clients that are just skeptical about your service and therefore are going to pay less for the services that you're providing and this goes back to value driven pricing and this goes back to um you know what does the customer think you're worth and that's ultimately predetermined by the type of lead that it is so stop trying to focus on leads that having going through some of the different things like uh businesses that want to pay a little bit for the service because they don't value it as much as another business owner you should watch chris doe who's a youtuber that talks about this a lot um and he talks a little bit about how buying a coca-cola can at a vending machine is a lot less expensive than buying a coca-cola can at a movie theater because when we're at the movie theater we we it's more expensive based on the experience so therefore we value it more so therefore coca-cola charges more for it and that's exactly what you got to do you got to get the clients that value the service and are going to get a value out of the service this is why development rarely work with brand new businesses that are just like up and running tomorrow you know yesterday and they have a brand new domain and it's very difficult with those clients because we set the expectation with them you're not going to get fantastic results right away there's a lot of predetermined things that you need to do to get those results up and one of those things is increasing that domain authority and that domain rating so if you have a client that comes up to you and they're skeptic and they have a brand new domain depending on how you want to handle your business in my situation we would politely decline that client or let them know and set the right expectation the first time because you don't want somebody that's skeptical that ends up turning out to be a bad client because you'd set some crazy expectation which is one of the different things that i've gone through a lot inside of my career my only my little four-year career here but it's one of those things that you definitely want to just make sure that you look out for um so muhammad asked how to create a pbn blog network and i will tell you right now that pbm blog networks are very outdated nowadays and i wouldn't be necessarily putting your focus on creating a pbn blog network um instead what i would be doing is i would be creating an actual website that's going to deliver value for users in your niche and so a great example of this is which is a legal directory site that basically answers legal questions for most people and they use attorneys to answer those questions that is a really good sense in terms of what a pbn network should be you should not use the pbn network just to go ahead and try to increase rankings because over time that is not going to be effective for you and your client and in fact that can end up damaging a lot of your different things so pbl networks are definitely definitely outdated i would focus on building something a little more profitable than that something a little more long term uh james halligan asked do you use chat bots for your clients and the answer is yes the answer is yes we use chatbots for almost every single one of our customers now these are live chats these aren't chat bots per se so these aren't uh chats on the website that are completely automated these are automation probably like 20 of the time and then when a real person needs to talk to somebody boom then it turns on and it's a real person answering some of these information um if you want to see an example of one of these chat bots um you can go to implant center of there's a chat bot on there that you can see that we've gotten set up and we've scaled with this chat and it's wonderful so you know check them out go to and look at the chat software that's what we use so it's a live chat software to generate more leads for these clients and it's actually really really nice it's actually very very enjoyable for this chatbot software to run because basically what it does is when a visitor comes to the website it immediately communicates with that customer and it actually gets their information um from that actual service so for example like in here i'm gonna show you just an example of how this chatbot works so um like if you were to go to implant center of miami which is the client that i just i'm talking about right now and they're actually in the live chat which is the reason why i'm using them as an example here um you can see their websites here and on the bottom left side you can see that there is a chat software that says online now and so what happens is when a visitor engages with the site the chat software talks to the customer based on how we've trained it to and based on the different types of things that we've told it to say and it gathers that lead information and it sends that lead information to our clients giving them uh full peace of mind that leads are generated through this chat now what's really cool about this too is when it does come in when these chats do come in basically what it does is it gives you the transcript of what these people want so you know visitors said i'm closing on an occupied owner and need help with that new haven name information and this gets sent out to our clients and they get one single single use email and all of these leads go to their email box now of course with a lot of the digital marketing that we do it's not just a chatbot software it's the contact us section of the site it's the phone number on the site it's the contact us button on the site so there's a lot of different things that we definitely do but chat bots is one of the key selling propositions that developer has and we don't charge a fee for our customers to use it because it's all inclusive in our marketing service which is really nice because if you're running paid traffic if you're doing any sorts of google ads for your customers you want to make sure that there is an option for people to get that chat running because that's an additional way for people to talk to the actual chat software in fact studies are showing that millennials are looking to schedule us appointments and they're looking to talk with a live chat function rather than call in because we know the dreaded call-in process of waiting hours on hold to talk to somebody so we want to get information like that and that's why chat software is becoming very profitable if you need a chat solution if you would like to learn more about our chat solution for your sites you can send me an email at rouen and i can introduce you to our team that actually gets that set up so um yeah that's that uh chase reiner said you're on track to beat scorpion absolutely not we already we're not even trying to do that we're staying in our own lane scorpion's like 500 million a year we're like a million a year so long ways to go uh danilo said great to see you doing well brother was wondering if you're still using seo reseller and if it's still worth it um so i stopped using seo reseller probably in like 2019 and since i've built an internal team at developmark which you can see this is our office space here where we all work um since i built an internal team i haven't been offshoring any percentage of our seo work it's all done pretty much by one person as crazy as that sounds uh and myself of course but most of it is done by one person a team of two people myself and parker but there's also a large content team that we have that writes all the textual information for our clients and that in turn gives us leverage for ranking for a lot of these high volume keywords and so what that really looks like i mean just so you guys know um as you guys really really understand you know to rank for high volume keywords you have to write a lot of key uh content so like recently on an seo project that we're working on right now it's called a company called oceanside restoration and so this company as you can see on my screen they have a a flew of different services i mean a lieu of different services they have and you can see on the top navigation here they have mold they're doing water damage they're doing construction and so what happens is our seo team says okay look we're going to we need to rank for these different types of keyword phrases we need to show up for these types of keywords because this is what the client said is important to us and so our team will plan what is that page going to say what are the keywords that it's going to target how is the url structure going to be built and in a monthly basis we add that content to the client site internally link all the information and kind of work as a team to ensure that we're showing up for the right keyword phrases now so this client they've mentioned to us that one thing that's important to them is they want to show up for the broward county in florida so you know what we've done in that situation is we said okay our account management team talks to the client then they say here's what's important for this customer and so what happens is when we start to edit the website and we start to create the website then what we do is we start to create different pages for that actual ranking so example here you can see we have pages created on in a few days or so for the entire broward county targeting the different services that this client offers all of this is custom text all of this is custom information for that targeted location and so because of that they're going to rank for that keyword phrase in that area so you can see how there's mold or older removal broward county florida and then kind of the title tag and the page description and the url structure is set up that way we want to do this consistently by creating new content for our clients on a monthly basis to ensure that the seo progression of that site keeps going up and up and up and up and up so in terms of like seo and and what we're doing on that side um i would recommend keeping the seo in-house if you have the time but of course if you want to do some sort of reseller i'd recommend using some sort of freelancer or seo reseller is great to do that for for us we need more control and more experience for our clients results so we can't use a service like seo reseller for everything that we do now there may be little things that we outsource like graphics and social icons and stuff like that but many times all of our services are done in-house now look guys this comes with an immense cost on your business this comes with your profit margins are going to be 15 20 i've got friends that have the 80 profit margin they outsource everything and they only have 1099 contractors but when you're trying to build an organization when you're trying to build a company when you're trying to build an impact real people inside of the office domestic doing the work is what's going to get you there and that comes with teams seeing each other on a weekly basis so um yeah i would say that if you're going to do that if you're going to outsource your work just make sure that you build the team eventually because it's nice having that control for basically everything that you're doing chris said just tell us how you've been scaling so much recently and the whole making profit side of scaling um i mean scaling is really simple it's it's about just doing the right thing and becoming better at what you do and so um a lot of that has to do with education a lot of it has to do with reading a lot of that has to do with having a clear mindset of what it is that you want under the world right i recently talked to my friend jonathan henderson who has a power washing business who who a power washing agency business that helps other power washing companies grow on their presence online and he doesn't want what i want right like he doesn't want a thousand employees he doesn't want 500 million in revenue he doesn't want gigantic headquarters he doesn't want the stress he doesn't want the department of labor he doesn't want the irs he doesn't want to deal with any of that all he wants to do is get his own little customers make some profit have hundreds of sites that he's managing and that's it and have lived that peace of mind enjoy his lifestyle and potentially start multiple different ventures right whereas i'm very different i have a goal of what i want to do i understand kind of what i want to learn over time and so i've kind of had this vision already drawn out of what i want in the near future and that vision is very clear to me and so why i've been scaling is because i understand that vision very clearly and i know what i need to do to get there especially when you look at the data and you look at the fact of what you're doing inside of your business it's very easy to scale because now you've just realized hey you have 10 20 clients 30 clients 40 clients 100 clients whatever it is which clients are making you the most money right that's the first question you need to know how are you getting these clients you need to put more money into those sources of where you're actually getting these clients how long are clients staying with you and if they're not staying with you why are they not staying with you and these are all these little data points that we look at aggressively as the team here at development to understand so we can start to steadily grow this revenue of our business and as you know it's a lot more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to keep an existing customer so retention is by far one of the most important things for any business that you're doing right it doesn't matter what type of business that it is why advertise and pay to get a new customer when you already have a profitable customer that you enjoy doing work with so it's one of those things where to scale and to make profit you really understand the data behind things that's kind of the issue that i'm having right now is we're making a lot of revenue right like revenue is through the roof but now it's come down to how do we get more out of our business expenses how do we get more profit out of the revenue that we already have and how do we keep clients upgrading services recommending us to clients and other things like that so um chris i would say that if you're trying to scale your business look at the data look at the facts you know make sure that the data is clear and make sure that you want to believe the data and the facts a lot of the times in my side of my business what i'll do is i will look at the data and i won't accept it and i'll try to lie because sometimes the data is not pretty and unfortunately sometimes it's just you got to come to the realization that it's not always going to be pretty facts shouldn't be pretty facts are facts because there's no bias and so you have to utilize those facts to grow your business a great book of doing that is called the mckinsey way the mckinsey way is a really good way of looking at facts and looking at data to execute inside of your business um because facts are your friends they're not your enemy tai la vezi said glad to see you back on youtube ty good to see you get on gideon said you motivate me thank you i appreciate that chris said oh also having a nightmare getting a client to rank for their brand name because google auto shows showing results for a much bigger brand with an almost identical brand name suggestions so basically what um what chris is saying here is google's he's having the issue with his client searching brand name and i'll kind of explain um what he's talking about here just a little bit so if i it's it's critical that you show up for brand name for several different reasons right i mean the first one is if you have a brand let's say my my brand is um the brand that i'm working with is signature smiles manchester which is a dentist that we're working with right now so this is an example of a branded search this means that when somebody searches this doctor's name this this is what shows in the google search results you have their website which is indexed correctly you have their google maps listing which is indexed correctly and this is a great example of this branded search showing up the right way now obviously to get that branded search to show up more is putting their brand inside of the title tag that is probably the easiest way to ensure that you're getting more visibility with the brand in there now another easy way of doing this is you can actually for a branded search specifically you can actually run google ads to show your brand's name you can see when i type in my brand name developmark there's four google ads that show up on top of my my name and that's because these agencies are bidding for my name which is just a bad idea because nobody if somebody's searching development they want developmark um and so another good way of doing that if you can't get your organic listing to show up is just potentially start running a cheap google adwords campaign of your branded name and this way you're guaranteed to have that number one spot that's a really good way of doing it rather than doing kind of like uh you know just the organic route like this but if you having troubles organically because google search results run google ads for the brand name and you're guaranteed to get a lot of those clicks over to your uh actual listing so hope that that's helpful the answer there is don't use seo for that use google ads it's gonna be it's gonna drive a lot of those branded searches on there um so gideon asked as a starter do you overcharge for your service work for a client work as a starter do you over charge for your service for client work um i mean i guess i guess as a starter you shouldn't be over charging as a starter you should be trying to earn your stripes per se and you should be charging less because you don't have an expected result that you're going to deliver for clients and that can be very very tricky because a lot of people are told that when they start they should charge a ridiculous amount of money when in reality when you start to get more expected expected results that's when you can charge a little bit more the name of the game when you start out is to get as many customers as possible what happens when you get as many customers as possible is as you start to gain experience reputation you start to get case studies and you start to really just start to drive more business your way and have more communications right the the key to business is cash flow if the business is alive it'll have cash flow meaning it'll be running and operating in the back end while you're running and operating and trying to fix things on the front end and so to get that cash flow gideon what you've got to do is you've got to just start taking on as many clients as possible now you're going to learn a lot of mistakes by doing that and you're going to see a lot of failures by doing that because not every single client is going to have a good result with you or they're not going to like the product you delivered initially that's why you can't charge a lot because as you start to get better and as you start to demand higher prices what starts to happen at that time is then you could charge a lot more because the risk to that client is a lot less right now when you sell a service and you're a starter that client has a lot of risk because you don't have a lot of experience working with that type of business or delivering those different types of results and so to mitigate your risk to mitigate a lawsuit and to mitigate a negative experience you want to make sure that you charge just a little bit less than your average competitor to start getting clients in the door and to start utilizing your services so you can gain that word of mouth and those client examples for you to start getting more clients so i definitely wouldn't say overcharge for your service don't ever overcharge i mean you should be charging market rate unless you're a you know world-class agency that does something different that no other agency does but you should look at your market value for your pricing and what that value is that you're offering to your clients and determine your pricing that way for us pricing is a case-by-case basis because every single customer has a different approach every single customer has a different effectiveness of what they're going to get out of our service every customer chooses different options every customer has a different advertising spend so it's almost impossible for us to have the same pricing for every single customer uh your take on sandbox in 2021 yeah just so you guys know um sandbox is not real um this is a myth in the seo industry there's no such thing as a sandbox anymore um and i know i found this to be true because one of my friends set up a website and they were on the first page for their keywords like in two weeks and it's simply because they had outside factors telling google that they were this business and so they were indexed very well in the google search results for their target keywords within two weeks now look you're not going to rank for the most competitive keywords in the world fast like that and and there is a sandbox and not necessarily a sandbox but google has an algorithm per se google has an algorithm that it's going to follow and determine the search results based on what you're seeing so that it's there's not necessarily a sandbox focus on optimization run ads ads have been proven to increase organic search results and just focus on making sure you're a good business and you're creating a unique website that addresses the issue in the marketplace as long as you do that you shouldn't have an issue of being a sandbox client you shouldn't have an issue um you know showing up that way you should you should ultimately see your keyword phrases ranking pretty well darren what's going on brother good to see you uh chris said so confused thought the first comment was you tagging slash replying to me uh i don't remember um dude where you been i know you're busy glad to see you're doing well thank you will i appreciate that um let me see what i got here okay rich said on the topic of url structure do you duplicate the same service page for each city slash location that you want to rank in this is a really good question so i don't necessarily duplicate the same service page and necessarily just so you guys know how developmark does this and i know some businesses just may be a little bit different um when you look at a website like oceanside restoration per se which is the the client that i mentioned that we're talking about right now i'm just going to turn the light on really quick guys so you guys can see me a little better okay so back to this right here um the question is do we do duplicate the same service page so if you look at the molds removal page on this website you know you have your url structure here at the top and you can see that it reads the core domain slash home removal or home mode mold removal and so this page is specifically targeted towards mold in hallandale beach which is their greater probably their organic search location right so hallandale beach is where they are located now if you look at the remediation page you can see that the page follows the same template per se so it's not that we replace not that we duplicate the same page but we duplicate the same template and replace the content for that actual page there and the way that we do this is we follow a very simple process when we're doing a market analysis of the market basically what we do is when we go to google and we type in mold removal or remediation let's say and we do holland dale beach pallindale florida what we'll do is is we'll we'll kind of look at the ad section we'll look at the organic section and we'll look at the uh the organic sections here so you can see that our client is number one for that keyword phrase maybe i'm cached i'm not sure regardless i know that they're at the top there and then we're competing against sites like yelp uh homeadvisor and then this is the real small business that's there so just doing a quick inspection of this site and kind of looking at this right here you know which page is the user probably going to have a better experience with is it going to be the page where it's kind of just like this red and black text here that looks like this very difficult to read looks like a lot of spam at the bottom or is it going to be the page that's nicely designed nicely formatted nicely functioned speaks to the problems of mold and has text content to follow with a lot of internal linking and a lot of this has to do with the user page experience of how we get these different keyword rankings now a lot of our pages look exactly the same when it comes to the internal pages of the website so our design team what they do is they design one page one time we get the client to approve it and then that's our page that we use for services going forward or any different types of content that we're going to add and we call this an inner page template service page template too and this is different than the home page though right because the home page is this custom page that is designed formatted wireframe a certain way to meet the site's goals whereas the internal page is more focused on making sure that we can duplicate that page as much as we can so this page you can see it's a little different a little more custom but then when you go to water damage let's say this water damage page um you have what we call a navigation page here and then you have your different services and then in these services you'll see that same inner page layout that we're using before and so what we're doing here is we're not definitely we're not technically duplicating everything but what we are doing is we are duplicating the template replacing the content that's going to beat the first result on the google search results and then kind of doing it that way as a methodological approach hope that answers your question let me know if that was helpful i'm not sure if that's what you were asking i got this like bug bite on my back so i apologize i keep itching it um so danilo said i'm doing seo solo and impression slash clicks are rising i am ranking number one for certain smaller cities do you think it's best to keep pushing and allow clients to find me organically that depends on the type of business that you are and that depends on the search keywords that you're ranking for because sometimes what will happen is you're ranking for keywords that don't match the visitor's intent that's going to make you money so it definitely depends on your industry danielle i'd be able to answer that a lot better if you put in your industry that you're in and the keyword that you're ranking for because then i can give you a better determination if it's best to find you organically most businesses as a best practice i will tell you run ads it's probably going to help your efforts a lot more you can make an investment it's a business write-off you're going to get more clicks it's going to help your organic search results which is the primary reason we run ads for some clients and that's going to get you there so if your question is should you run ads for your business absolutely you should tj said do you still do social media management for clients if so how do you go about pricing that minimum balances um so yeah we do social media for customers um we do different things like just ads we do organic posts we do messenger ads we do different types of things like that so uh basically how social media works with us is it's based on your budget so depending on how much money you're looking to spend spend on facebook advertising or google advertising or something like that i'll kind of walk you through what this looks like with a real client because i feel like that's the direct value that i give a lot of my channel is is actual uh examples of different things that we're doing in the field so you're not just looking at some random uh you know uh stuff talking about here because we have a lot of clients so i'll kind of show you what this looks like so the the way that we price the ad the social media is generally it's a thousand dollars per month so we'll charge a thousand dollars per month to do consistent billing or consistent posting as well as consistent advertising so what we'll do here is um since our team is in house it's very very easy for this for us to do this too basically what we have is an ads campaign that you can see here um in inside for signature smiles which is the client that we're kind of covering during this video um and so signature smiles is doing a few things with us they're doing uh they're doing seo they're doing google ads they're doing uh facebook ads they're doing a lot of these different things with us because they're getting results right and so when a client's getting results they're going to want to use your services more and so to kind of show you how we go about this is um this is a client where we're just doing ads and so what we have is a facebook campaign set up here we have an ad set set up here for just their location and then we have several ads for this example one ad running for this campaign which is getting a pretty good result uh 47.47 per click um getting leads and spending about 228 so what our facebook advertising service generally looks like is we'll build the ad for the customer so the ad will generally be an offer that that customer is looking to implement and then we'll build a landing page for that customer too that will generally look like this and so this is the landing page for that facebook ad that you can see here and this is really good because this allows us to track everything that's going on with that landing page and the leads the leads for that ad using a facebook pixel so when a client gets a lead they get an email that looks like this and it basically says hey here's a lead from the facebook ads campaign here's the phone number they want to get this and then here's the landing page that they visited and here's the name of the customer so generally speaking we'll offer um posting advertising and just management of social media for a thousand dollars per month on all platforms this would be instagram facebook linkedin google my business or anywhere that we can potentially publish information uh and so we use a tool called semrush which you guys are probably familiar with i've talked about this a lot on my channel we use a lot scmrush to do the scheduling of those posts on all of those different platforms to ensure that we're hitting every single different types of things and so semrush is a great tool to use for that specific reason because it does allow you to schedule posts for your clients automatically and while you're in semrush you can also do a lot of your daily seo management that you're going to need for your customers to do so social media is a really good way to manage customers it's a really good way to get more seo results because those outside signals really matter when it comes to getting more impactful results for seo clients so i would say facebook advertising is very important because it allows customers to see you outside of your website bringing people to your website and then that allows you to get more seo rankings in the organic search results uh i just showed you signature smiles once again this is a client that's been working out for some time now um they're very happy they're running different several different types of things and so if i type in their main keyword which is dental implants manchester connecticut which is their primary focus phrase you can see that they're number one they're number two and these pages are well optimized and we send a lot of facebook and google ppc traffic to these pages and because of that i firmly believe there's another reason why they're ranking number one on the search results so i hope that that answers your questions tai let me know if you have any uh further questions about that i would recommend also price shopping your competitors and seeing what they're doing if you're if you're really worried about pricing um and then you know go kind of go from there become the middle guy don't be the cheapest but don't be the most expensive uh danielle said because cold calling emailing has never worked for me i've done hundreds three since three years ago yep don't do any cold calling don't do any cold email that does not work uh marco said do you see agencies run facebook ads to attract new clients if so who um i think almost every agency that's a reasonable size those facebook ads to attract clients patient pop is a really good example of this they run facebook ads for their medical industry and so they do like targeted ebooks and they do like targeted webinars to podiatrists dentists inside of the medical community so i would check out patientpop's facebook page and you guys know that on a facebook page inside of page transparency you can go in and see every single facebook ad that any company's ever running and so i would recommend that you do that with companies like patientpop to see what they're doing basically what they're doing is driving traffic to their website getting somebody to download an ebook or a webinar or something along those lines and then remarketing those people through direct mail or facebook advertising or they schedule meetings um plumbing seo is another really good company that does this plumbing seo which is uh josh nelson's agency he does a lot of plumbing facebook ads i get retargeted with them all the time because i like to look at his what he's doing on a general basis so definitely companies do it i would check those out yogesh said any good digital marketing course on udemy or any course you would like to suggest um i've i've honestly been more into books recently um than courses i've been i'm just finding out that uh books have been giving me a lot more information than uh courses have been but by far the most the most valuable course that i've ever gone through in my life was larry janesky's school of entrepreneurship this is a super impactful course a very expensive course um it's not for the week it's not for the fragile and it's dripped so that means you can't just access everything at once and this course is exceptional i'm going to put that in the comments here it's larry janeski uh soe course and this is a true business leader with true results companies are doing hundreds of millions of dollars and he teaches you exactly how to start your business from scratch so that's one of the courses that's completely changed my life i just wanted to share that but other than that i've found a lot more value in books recently i'm just sitting down reading taking notes paraphrasing books has gotten me a much better roi than trying to find the next big course here's the reality a lot of the people that have these profitable and really nice courses aren't self-promoting themselves they're too busy in their businesses and their book their courses kind of they hire people to promote them or they're kind of self-running themselves if you're looking for agency i would also check out joshua nelson's seven-figure agency if you're looking for seo results i would check out nathan gotcha's seo academy those are all really good courses that i've been through and i would recommend for them all the time akash good to see you man thank you uh tupac says do you stop billing your seo customers ever what do you do when after the contract ends start a new seo campaign um that's a really good question um so you know the goal is to never stop billing because you're continuously delivering more results and you're focusing on different things as time goes on because businesses change that's one thing that's really important about your industry is you're working with clients and their businesses are changing they're introducing new services they're introducing new team members they're introducing new service areas they're introducing new ventures and because of that you've got to be that support system for them to give them the best technical advice on how to proceed with those different things so technically your billing should never stop as long as you have clients that are actively changing their businesses and actively moving forward with everything that they're doing now if you have clients that are not doing that and clients that are kind of just stagnant and their business have been saying for years then you've got to really restructure your pricing amount and you've really got to consider how you're going to price those different types of customers that's why i like working with industries where there's a lot of things going on these are generally the medical fields these could be the home services fields anything where there's something always going on is always really important to do that so no the answer is no you don't stop billing your customers ever as long as they're going to go ahead and do that so i would recommend that you just keep going on and just keep making sure that you have ways of redoing things the best way of doing it is contracts and renewals and then lowering your price making sure that your pricing based on their businesses etc love your content thank you so much uh i just lost my place sorry guys hold on just lost my place here uh okay rich said thank you round so if your client wants to target orlando florida tampa florida and jacksonville florida with the key word molds removal how would you write new content per page or change the url and h1 well to be very honest with you i think that you have to just look at any site structure that we have um inside of developmark so i'm gonna put oceanside restorations website in the link here so you guys can check it out so this is a client we're working on right now um and this is a client that's been a client with us for about a year or two um and this will kind of answer your question rich basically what you want to do is you want to do exactly what you just said you want to create different pages for each of those target areas you want to create a county page as like the navigation page and then pages under that for that to rank and internally link all of those and send backlinks to the county page so the link juice starts to get spread out to your different areas because you don't want to all have that all on one page because orlando tampa and jacksonville are all different locations when you're doing seo targeting so google's going to want to see that you have different pages set up for all of this stuff just like i can't target miami and i can't target tampa with the same page google's search bots are going to crawl of this different types of stuff so i would say yes you have the point on point there you should write new content per page you should change the url and you should change the h1 and you should follow a similar structure from when you're doing all of your pages for your seo that's why when we build clients we redo their websites because often times they're just these gigantic messes and it's just better if we just take an overall look rebuild all of these pages with the proper expectations and proper seo guidelines and proper best practices and nail it all at once instead of trying to optimize page by page by page which is honestly just gonna cost the client more um so that's why we do the website website redevelopment and then the ongoing seo and the advertising my industry is web design development okay so right off the bat you're not going to get a lot of clients from organic search if you're in web design business most of your clients are going to come from uh referral or networking or reference i can tell you that right now especially when it comes to website and mobile app development um they're not gonna come from organic search it would be nice to think that they would but the reality is they won't and so if i were you what i would do is i would find a way to network with more people and doing some really really good uh information uh or doing some really good work so you can get some references how do you manage your clients gmb which points are you focusing on um i mean there's a really cool tool that you guys should check out it's called plepper and plepper basically allows you to see the top ranking google my businesses in your area and everything that they're categorized under that they're ranking for and that they just you know are appearing for so to show you an example we recently got a client to the second position on google search results using clap room um and this was in the raleigh market for a company called count junkilla that we're working on this is a junk removal company that does junk removal and dumpster rentals and so inside of the google maps you can see that they're number two here um and so what we do with this is basically a really big key focus here is google my business reviews of course but also just making sure that it's the correct category so when we were running count juncula's uh um face or google or organic seo campaign we didn't have garban collection service as the category instead we had something that had to do with junk or something else or waste management service right when we changed the category right when we change the title right when we change the directory listings on yex to match this we basically were able to see it go from position 30 to position number two inside of the raleigh area and that's the same thing with the organic listings too once that moved up our organic listings ended up hitting the first page but more importantly the map section hit the first page as well now this is really important for you guys to realize too because there's a lot of factors affecting this as well right there's a lot of different things that you can do with yext y x y e x t like uploading images to yx and it gets sporadically distributed to all of the google maps listings and all of the yelp listings for example if i type in count juncula here and i look at their um yelp page per se you can see that because we get consistent content from the client because we get consistent information we're able to update all of their directory listings with all of their media that they send us and because we're doing this we're we're able to add more tags our profiles are filled out more effectively the urls are going to the right places this specifically is a a franchise client so it can become very very very cumbersome to try to do this strategy but in overall it's going to work same thing with facebook right if you're getting your clients updated as much as you can on facebook ultimately over time what's going to happen is they're going to get more results in both the maps but as well as the organic site listings now you can see that our team does this with sem rush we published this with sem rush the client sent us a before and after and then we basically published a page on their website to target that local local seo area for this keyword phrase so this was published today using a technology called dynamic data inside of our web editor now of course if i search this on google this is going to probably not show up yet oh it does look at that it's showing up organically on the first page for this page that was added and so somebody clicks this in organic search results we may get another lead so the ultimate goal with this is to get the client to submit as much information as possible and what that's going to do is it's going to allow us to rank more here rank more on facebook and show up more inside of google map listings so i would recommend downloading a chrome plugin called plepper which will actually tell you what the what the top leader in that market is ranking for the most and that's going to allow you to make your google my business changes effectively rather than randomly let me know if that answers your question i feel like that was a really good answer but once again um you know take it take it how you want uh every said what is your opinion about commission only sales reps we have a commission only sales rep and he's doing a great job so the the the issue there is you have to have the leads for a commission only sales rep to want to stay with your company you know a commission only sales rep is not going to want to stay with your company if they're consistently just doing cold outreach and never getting customers and i think that it was uh a very big decision for me because i don't have time to talk to every potential new customer and so we have a commission only sales rep that gets paid twelve and a half percent on monthly recurring revenue and he enjoys it he enjoys doing it because he takes a few calls a day um he works a full-time job and he gets to make extra two three thousand four thousand dollars per month depending on his sales month all automated and that's that's great right that's what he wants so i would say before you do that i would hire somebody when you have enough um revenue coming in and enough leads coming in to keep them busy so you don't have churn ty said do you manage company crm and was that last landing page for signature smiles built in duda so ty to answer your question everything that we do is built in duda um so most likely yes i would have to check in with our development team on that um but i could probably tell you it was um or was built on wordpress because of some other reasons maybe we set up some automations that dude it couldn't handle at the time um but we do not manage crm i know that a lot of people use a tool called go high level which will allow you to actually manage crms um for clients we just don't do that at this time we're building a reporting dashboard that's going to allow our clients to actually see crm data inside of their tools from all the leads that we generate for them so that's going to be a really really cool way of us introducing to our clients reporting and analytics all automated and this is something that we've been working on for quite some time now and should be ready within a few months or so but we're not rushing it we want to make sure that we have the proper solution so it's going to be one of those things where it's not public on the market and that tool is going to allow our customers to basically crm brandon said boy ain't nobody want to listen to you okay nick what's going on good to see you dennis how do you scale your agency business without hiring new a lot of people um that's a really difficult question because agency is a lot of manpower unfortunately it is one of those things where you just need the manpower until you can afford the technology that can replace the manpower but unfortunately you're just going to have to hire the right people i would say the first hire that you should make as a customer service person somebody that can manage your account management somebody that can talk to your customers that is going to be the easiest way you're going to free up most of your time because what's gonna happen is you're gonna start to grow your business you're gonna start to have more accounts and all of a sudden you're on the phone all the time you're on zoom calls all the time that's gonna be very difficult for you to do unless you have a customer service person so i wouldn't even say i would say for yourself to keep doing the work and then if you want hire somebody to manage the customer service like for me i try to do as much customer service as i can but ultimately i need to be focused on the work and i need to be focusing on the business development such as the culture the business development the employees and those different types of things that have more impact than me responding to an email that somebody else can do a lot better than me right and so that's the key to scaling your business is knowing that there are people that can do things a lot better than you and putting those people in position to do much better than you there's somebody called isaac newton you've probably heard of him he's a famous scientist invented plenty of things philosopher and basically when he was in school his professor saw what he was working on and his professor quit his job to work for mr isaac newton when he was 16 years old right and so that is something that i consider humility and that's how you grow your business is hiring people that are better than you smarter than you that can implement the work better than you and you get to save the time of actually responding to all of the dms the feedback the responses the emails all of that other stuff so my next hire in my business um will be people to keep doing the work because right now i'm doing a great job managing the business and i need people that are just really good at what they do so the clients end up seeing a result brandon said how do you build your business strategy according to percentage of success um i don't understand that question he said you ain't answering i'm gone on sub okay reuben said to everyone who's on here information he's handing out is on point thank you so much reuben i appreciate that marco said thoughts on seven-figure agency by josh i think it's great i think that uh second figure agency has a really good strategy um everything that josh says makes sense um josh is a person who started an agency prior like me and it was very generalist and he closed it to start a very specialized one uh so what he did was josh's story is interesting so he started an agency and failed and then worked at a big agency and then quit and then started plumbing seo which is the company that he's doing now and is very successful doing three million a year seven million a year whatever he's doing now which is just like absurdly amazing so i would say he's definitely a good person to listen to i would buy into his program if i were you if you have the capital to do so um and i would definitely i would definitely uh look at it awesome stuff thanks for the transparency i appreciate it areas um you mentioned no cold calls or cold emails how are you able to get your first few clients my first few clients i got doing what you're watching right now which was through youtube and it was wonderful because i was teaching people kind of like what i was doing uh over the shoulder and just doing tutorial style videos and then suddenly people started emailing me and started reaching out to me you know youtube has this weird influencer actor famous person effect where it's like you're watching somebody on video so they're instantly authoritative to you they're instantly somebody that you can relate to they're instantly somebody that you can trust because you've watched so much of them so it warms your your prospect up so much when you do this that they've watched hours of your content so then when they reach out to you they're more likely to believe you because they know you're telling the truth granted you're telling the truth but they know that you're more likely to take care of them because they've watched so much of you they're so warmed up to the fact of you doing your service and so what i would say is to get your first client i would definitely focus on youtube if you can start doing tutorials of your videos start doing a lot of your different stuff i know one of my friends chris palmer um you know he gets a lot of inquiries from youtube i've actually heard clients that have come to us from youtube say that they watch people like chris palmer on youtube and chris palmer started very simply he just started basically talking about seo and google my business and creating keyword related videos and so um it's one of those things where you definitely want to get out there even if you are scared of making the videos just do it over the shoulder don't even put your face in it if you don't want to put your face in it just get started somehow because that's what's going to get you to get more leads especially in a business where a lot of people are trying to figure it out for themselves a lot of people are trying to learn what to do by themselves they're trying to do these things by themselves and if you can become the person that bridges that gap to show them exactly what to do then you're going to have success and they're going to want to reach out to you dude our cwv impacting digital web assets since being announced by google have any idea for lead generation business by industry and automating the distribution so that is a interesting question i don't know what cwv is i would be more than interested in learning more about what it is i just searched on google and can't find anything about it um will renter can you please expand uh daniel said thank you so much last thing all my seo results is on my dog water wordpress site and i hate it can i keep my ranking with wordpress and simply make the switch on webflow when i'm ready without losing rankings yes the answer is yes that is one of those things where we are experts at moving sites over without losing any organic rankings so i want to bring everybody through that before we kind of move on here and talk a little bit about how to do this right so this is a site that we started working on count jungle as i've mentioned before um a little while ago probably like um a couple months ago probably two or three months ago and so this website that you're seeing here we completely redeveloped this site from scratch and so before this they had a site and the site wasn't ranking very well for a lot of its keyword phrases it was you know not showing up very well so uh inside of the domain overview i kind of wanted to show you what is critical about going in and actually moving a site over because you don't want to lose any rankings and this is really important for you guys to understand because if you move a site over if you rebuild this a site for a client um oh will i see core web vitals i'll talk about that in a second if you rebuild a site for a client there's really just a few things that you've really got to focus on here that's going to make your process way easier right number one is keep all all ranking urls the exact same right this is really important so like when we started countdruncula you can see that we're already on a great trend for organic growth here um but when we started conjunction their their keywords weren't ranking for basically anything right now they're ranking for 505 different keyword phrases which is awesome but if you're going to move a site over and i'll show you a site that we're actually working on right now that we're going to move over which is go green so this site for example has uh uh uh you know it's a great structure already but what i do is i put this site into a tool called semrush and from there what i do is i just look at the pages that are already ranking high in the organic search results so for example if i go to their keyword phrases and i find their top ranking urls i want to make sure that i keep those urls exactly the same now why would i want to do that why would i want to keep the urls exactly the same well because if i see that something's ranking well inside of the google search results i want to make sure that when we redevelop the site that site does not change and that's why you need to work with a cms like webflow or wordpress or duda to be able to implement that so for example this page right here molds removal madison this page is ranking on go green restoration orange so if i were to go to this page right here and i set up the new site and this is a page that's ranking well which it's not hence why they're hiring development to manage the services for them i want to make sure that i keep that url exactly the same number two if you're going to change urls if you're going to change a url you want to make sure that you do a redirect to your new url now why is this important well if i go into google and i type in raleigh nc residential home junk removal and i have a page from the old website that's ranking inside of the organic search results and i changed the url i don't want to see a 404 page if i see a 404 page that's going to lower the site's user experience and it's going to lower all of the traffic that's going to that site number three three rules to live by when you transfer a site number three is make sure that you transfer all pages with uh referring domains okay referring domains is a backlink you want to make sure that when you transfer your site over if you're building a new site transfer all of the pages with the referring domains prioritize this and redirect if you're not keeping those pages make sure that you redirect you don't want link juice being lost you don't want pages that have a lot of referring domains showing up as 404 pages you want them redirected redirect them to the home page or redirect them somewhere where that link juice is not going to get lost right that's another critical function that you're going to want to do and then number four once this is done submit the sitemap inside of google search console because that's going to allow google to register your brand new sitemap and all of those rankings are going to change in the organic search results these are some of the different things that you've really really got to focus on when you're doing the actual transfers of any website inside of the organic search results there and you've really got to be careful to not damage a client's seo ratings simply because you didn't know how to transfer the site so following these four steps keep all ranking urls the same if you're going to change url redirect it to a new one transfer all pages with referring domains and once this is done submit your sitemap once you do that you should see a site that sees no penalty when you when you redo it to show you an example a really good way to tell that when you read when you when you switch the site and it didn't do well is when you look inside of uh google search cons or sem russia tool like this and just look at the trend of that site before you do anything right if you look at a site organic search volume using the domain overview you know if you look at this type of stuff and you see that when the site was read when the site was redone and you see all of a sudden dip in traffic for example if we redid this site here where it says october 2020 and we saw the different traffic here that would mean that we didn't do things the right way now i know because our team is really good at what they do that when this site was done when this site was published and i'm going to show you here inside of the editor just to make sure that we're both on the same page when this site was published this site actually keep kept its rankings and it even ranked higher for a lot of the keywords that was done when this site was reoptimized so this is a dentist that we're working with in sterling virginia and you can see that when we published the site westlake dental we started it in november 2020 i think the first time it was published was probably in uh the first time it was published was probably in let's take a look first time this site was published was um site publish let's take a look first time the site was published was march 2nd 2021 so now inside of sem rush you can see that when this site was published it was about here march and you can see that nothing happened to its search traffic over time that is always a gauge that we look at when we get a client that says they're not ranking well for their keywords anymore the first thing we ask is was your site recently published and once again guys what we did was is not only did we build a bunch of new pages for the client but we also made sure that any high ranking pages that they had we followed those simple four steps that i shared with you on the whiteboard and that was able to get them to keep their rankings over time so i hope that answers your question let me know if that did uh danielle said i paid for one-on-one consultation with you months ago and our company is up 200 a year in revenue made the extensive hire you suggested it and been grateful for your help thank you so much daniel i hope you're doing well i got your gift in the mail so i appreciate that of course and i'm glad to see that things are going well with you digital group x we want to change my bit strategy my adword campaign at least two times during its lifetime do you think i should start another one from scratch um i mean is it converting if it's converting then don't start one from scratch um you can always split test your campaigns um one day i'm gonna have my my google ads consultant austin pena come on the channel and talk a little bit about his strategies uh because he's got a wicked strategy on google ads um so i wouldn't be able to answer that question without taking a deeper look inside of your actual uh product there jack said we're in a scenario where we can't rebuild a client site using an seo strategy uh oh we can't rebuild the site around an seo strategy strictly limited to modifying their blog content with these limitations do you have thoughts on strategy options now one one thing that i would say there is pretty important to do is look at the blogs that they're already ranking high for and re-optimize those blogs i would say that that's a really good way of going about that jack to start off and just making sure that you're getting more traffic for what's already out there don't try to reinvent the wheel just focus on what's already working i would say the next thing to do is consider running google ppc traffic to the blogs that you already have written because what that's going to do is it's going to potentially get people to link to your blogs because people are going to be doing their research and they're going to be seeing a ppc ad for that blog and that's going to potentially get them to link so that's going to grow the seo of that sites organically over time and then the third recommendation that i would do is create blog content where you're interviewing other people tell them that you interviewed them on their blog and if they can link to your interview and that's going to allow your blinks to grow so very hard to do this for their primary service keywords but if you're going to use the blog as a primary method of growing that site's organic visitors then i would definitely recommend to using those three different strategies which is running ppc optimizing the existing blogs and then also doing expert interviews expert roundups and just making sure that you're creating this content that's unique uh pie charts data statistics and analytics facts that's unique to your brand and then publish and share that information to get more backlinks coding phase what's going on brother good to see you again let me know when you're back i'm good in connecticut we can connect paul said can't wait for the dashboard you and i both paul actually works at developmark policy tomorrow uh are you sem rushmen now or still ahrefs loyalist um you know i'm an sem rush guy now uh uh and and i think the reason why is because semrush has a lot more agency tools that are client-friendly to look at and it's just better for an agency where afghrefs is very seo intensive and it's very just about seo side of the business and we do a lot more than that so i think for me the reporting function in in semrush is very important to me the uh the seo research is important the social media functioning is important the facebook advertising function is important the online directory listings are important the branded search is important there's a lot of these different things that semrush compiles the data just a lot cleaner and if you're just an seo agency if you just do seo then you could use a tool like ahrefs in in comparison but for me i found much better results using sem rush because it allows me to do much better things for the client like sharing things with them or sharing things with my team and the pricing strategy is just a lot more effective on semrush now look they're both really expensive tools um they are you know they're they're not they're not necessarily the cheapest tools um you know because they are very nice tools and you kind of need them if you're gonna be running an seo agency especially if you are um you know especially if you're gonna be doing this stuff for clients you need a tool like that we want to listen to you thank you why did you stop doing over the shoulder tutorials is it because of the business um mika the answer is no i think primarily it's because of time and i don't have a clear youtube strategy and i think that that really discourages me from making more content where i'm focused now on my business development and understanding my business and the facts around my business and how i can grow my business but ultimately i didn't stop making videos because of the client and the business and stuff like that we ask every customer if they're okay with being shared on my youtube channel and most of them say yes some say no and we respect that um but there are a lot of things too that i just don't want to show on youtube sometimes so that has a little bit to do with it but ultimately it's just time and uh uh doing doing it it's just doing it i want to get back into it though because i think it's going to be very important but once again i need the content so it's going to be one of those things where i have to come up with content and then record it and then publish it and then monetize it and then edit it and it's just a lot of work it probably requires me to hire somebody full-time at development just as video which once again comes with an extensive cost and then there's the opportunity cost of i could just hire somebody to do more more services for us and get more clients and at that rate it's like which one's worth more time more so definitely things that we are looking into though uh you're the man too thank you uh mental astronaut said ron thank you for the blueprint i've started my business based on what you've taught look forward to learning more from you in the future awesome i appreciate that um will ruiner says core web vitals for those of you that aren't familiar with core web vitals i made a video on them quite a bit ago and that video covered what you should look out for in core web vitals really the key things are speed um time to the site is responsive and formatting and function of your website and making sure things are dynamic and making sure things are usable and making sure there's just less clutter on your website giving it a simpler uh read to use so there is a lighthouse test that you can perform on your websites where you can use google chrome you can right click and you can do an actual core web vital score for your website i'll kind of show you an example of that and what you guys really need to look out for so for those of you that aren't familiar with query web vitals i would definitely take a look at them by looking at this link here the google web developers tools which is going to actually tell you a little bit about core web vitals um and it's basically going to uh do a report where it's going to tell you how how your site stacks up for web vitals and it's going to teach you everything you need to know really really the keys here are a few different things one is largest contentful paint which is loading how fast does your site load how fast is your site until it's interactive and how visible how visual is your site if you can nail the head on these different types of things you're going to rank higher in the google search results now a lot of this can actually be done inside of google page speed insights google pagespeed insights will actually tell you most of the times if your website is responsive and if it actually is going to pass this core web vital test tool so what you can do is you can throw in a domain in here and you can actually go in and take a look now what's going to stop you from passing some of these tests right well i think the first one is your loading is your image sizes different types of elements that you decide to use on your website the external javascript snippets that you're going to add to your website interactivity right how fast is it loading how fast is everything on the first page showing up this is why things like lazy loading do definitely well and then visual stability accessibility are the font sizes correct are you using best practices with your font sizes are you using best practices with your design are you using best practices with your layout and that's why development follows a very simple layout with all of our client sites that are basically proven to work so for example we like blocks we like different things that are one two three things that are just easy for the user to read and for easy for the user to see without them having to do too much research and too much zooming in so this is an example of the google page speed insights tool and this is going to give you a score of how much your site performs inside of the google search results giving you a lot of these key results right so the lab data here is going to tell us that first contentful paint which is this tool here it should be 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading this site in an example is one second which is good largest contentful paint which is this here or that's what this is llcp 2.5 seconds so we're actually there which is great and then you can go ahead and look at your different types of uh metrics here total blocking times time to interactive 2.2 seconds where this says time to interactive um you know should be 100 milliseconds or whatever this is do your research on this and just make sure that your sites are set up the right way to actually do this guys this is another key reason as to why we redevelop our client sites instead of actually just formatting an existing site because a lot of the times there's so many things affecting the speed there's so many things affecting the page insights the seo tags the links the redirect strategy that it has then it becomes very difficult to do that just by going in and optimizing on a platform that we're not familiar with um so that's really been helpful for us to do that we've been so strong on just making sure that um uh we kind of just redo some of that stuff there um javier said we've been talking on instagram cool up here nice to see you here uh denise said how do you promote a software product for local business owners i would say associations are probably the best way to do that um development's kind of a software where web software and seo software analytics software so i have a little bit of experience with that i think the best way is local associations chamber of commerce's business networking internationals different places like that where um you know you can actually go in and and meet people that probably need your product that's probably the best way to actually do that and so um yeah and and guys we're coming on probably a little more than an hour now i think um and so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna cut the video off uh i encourage you guys to send me an email so we can connect through uh email here i'm gonna put my email down below and if you guys have any questions or things that you want me to cover in the next video feel free to send me an email uh you can also follow me on instagram i'm very active on instagram and responding to messages but also just communicating with people um we've got my brother roger wakefield on here just wanted to give him a quick shout out he came in last minute roger wakefield is the owner of texas green plumbing uh beautiful plumbing business beautiful youtube channel very helpful with everything that we're doing so thank you everyone for watching today's video and once again if you want to connect with me feel free to email me and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Ruan M. Marinho
Views: 3,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ruan marinho, jordan steen, ruan marinho seo, social media marketing agency, social media marketing, cereal entrepreneur, search engine optimization, marketing agency, digital marketing manager, social media marketing agency business plan
Id: eXO_cqKx_Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 12sec (4212 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.