How To Get Your First Website Design & SEO Client [LIVE]

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all right uh just checking in some things here to make sure that we are live uh give me one second guys i think i have to change this really quick okay all right can you guys let me know if you can hear me um we've got some exciting things that we're going to talk about today uh and that is going to be how to get clients i know that that's a topic that a lot of people want to know and uh i'm pretty prepared to give you that answer so i'm just trying to see if i'm actually live right now because i scheduled it um and see if we're good to go all right awesome so it looks like we're live alright everyone um welcome back to my youtube channel um i finally figured out a way that works for me that allows me to live stream and i actually look good in terms of the video and the audio quality a lot of times i would just be trying to record videos and it would never work out well and so i'm excited to pronounce or announce that i'm actually going to be doing a lot more live streams because i bought this really neat camera and it gives me somewhat decent quality uh you would think if you spend five thousand dollars on a computer it would give you that good webcam quality but this one is just way better if i can figure out how to get some live streaming on this actual camera that i have which is uh my sony a7r iii then i definitely would do live streams almost all day uh so i have getting your first client is gonna be the topic of conversation tonight and i can't wait to talk about this because this is one of those things that a lot of people want to know and they kind of go about it wrong and if you're in digital marketing or if you just started digital marketing you've probably getting frustrated you've probably tried to get customers and it didn't work out well and so this video i'm going to break down exactly how i got customers when i started developmark and how we're getting customers today and really understanding the different types of clients that work with you your types of businesses and how to tailor your services to that customer's specific type of energy so i appreciate you guys being on this video make sure you put any comments down in the live questions and i'll answer some of those at the end of the call um so i can kind of go through that stuff so um yeah getting your first client uh you know what we're going to cover on this video i'm going to talk a little bit about some of the services to sell how to price your services uh to different types of clients and how to deliver those services and then if you're delivering them well how to market those services very well now the reason why i say how to market those services after you deliver your services is the marketplace really you can't really market your business if you're not offering a good product or service people in this industry catch on they'll leave you bad reviews they'll complain about your business and it'll be very hard for you to attract good clients if you haven't gotten results for existing businesses and so that's why we're going to talk more about the marketing step after we talk about how to deliver those services to the existing clients that you're working with now so if you guys don't know you probably follow my channel which is great um developmark we started in 2017 we've worked and helped a lot of businesses we're google certified partners located in southington connecticut but you probably already know this basically our business really focuses on offering local services to businesses that are looking to get more leads online and that is exactly what development development delivers now one thing that i did want to let you guys know of too is developmark also you know just to show you numbers very very transparently um this year developmark is going to uh come in at right around the 1 million dollar mark probably 1.1 million in total income for the year that's been collected um and you can see there's really a large range of types of clients that pay us on a monthly basis or just a one-time basis there's some clients where we've collected lots of money throughout the year and then there's some clients where we haven't collected a lot of money throughout the year so really this video is going to show you exactly how we get to this revenue point and how you can tailor your services to target the different types of clients not just the high paying clients like everybody else kind of expects right i mean there's a lot of clients that you can do that are highly profitable you don't need to make a lot of money on you don't need to guarantee results but you're more so approaching it in a way that's a maintenance or a hosting contract so back to the actual slides right um development questions um i will answer every single message privately on our instagram page if you just go to at developmark you can check out our instagram page i message back to everybody privately even though my team manages this page i will send you back either text response or video responses of some of the questions that i may not be able to get to on this call today and so i recommend you guys follow us on instagram so we can start that connection through there so into this meat of the content you know there's really a few services to sell when you're doing any type of digital marketing there's the website there's the local seo there's the content marketing and then there's the tren uh the tracking and the analytics now tracking and analytics is very important because if you're doing all of this stuff none of it matters if you can't tell your customer how much results it's generating so let's start with kind of the website design and what you really need to sell when it comes to that website design so what are you actually selling to these customers we're going to talk about that then we're going to talk about what are you actually selling to customers when it comes to local seo and how are you writing content that's effective even though you may not be a native english or a content writer there's tools that use ai out there that allow you to write some content for your client sites that don't require you to be a writer but you should always do grammar editing and things like that and i'm going to show you how to package all this information into a really small and short and sweet package that you can offer to business owners and you can add any guarantee that you want based on the type of clients that i'm going to show you on today's call so there's really three different types of clients and i want to get this very clear there are something called a self-managed client this would be a customer that you sell on a low monthly ticket there is engaged clients these are customers looking to grow but don't necessarily have large advertising spends and then there are marketing clients which is the third type of customer that i see and these are customers where you kind of go all in on the services that you deliver for them so a self-managed client just to show you an example a self-managed client might be somebody that looks like this this is one of our self-managed clients i'm going to show you as an example this is a bathroom remodeling company where we set up the website for this customer and then the customer manages the website on their own and this a monthly fee for this type of service can range anywhere from 99 to 500 on a monthly basis so once again we build the customer's website in a platform called duda and then we give them access to it and allow them to edit their own website inside of the platform allowing for them to make changes add images add content and do really any change that an agency normally would do if they would like to do it on their own now the second type of client is what i like to call engaged clients and so these customers generally were doing some sort of ongoing seo package for or some sort of ongoing content for and these customers to give you an example is this client here in which we've been working with for almost two years now and this is not a marketing client because they are not doing aggressive advertising but this would be an example of an engaged client that wants to grow their business and sends us information and is okay with the retainer that we have set forth to invest more time and resources into their website and guys remember all of the pricing for this stuff all of the pricing for these three different types of clients all depend and change your managed clients where it's kind of just they're self-managing those clients obviously you have the lowest amount of retainer you're engaged clients you have a medium to high kind of retainer and then your marketing clients which we're going to talk about right now have the highest amount of retainer and i found that these are often to be the highest profitable customers because you get into that realm of value-based pricing where you can charge more because you're delivering more inside of their business so let's go back to this really quick and look at an example of a marketing client which is a goal of ours to get more of of course because these customers help us with several different things so this is an example of a marketing client this is a ct moving and storage a moving company that we're working with locally and they have an extraordinary amount of local seo google ads facebook ads and all types of traffic going to their website converting visitors into leads and so this is a client that we've been working with for some time now you guys have probably seen me cover this client in a video before and so developmark really covers everything about this website from the headlines to the images on the background the live website chat the text the buttons the navigation everything entailed inside of this design and the other websites that we showed you before are part of the package that we sell to the customer you can see our tag is at the bottom of this customer's website so when somebody wants to know who made their website we can tell them confidently that it was us now there's really not much of a difference in terms of the design and the setup of the website from self-managed client to middle tier client to marketing client right those websites that i showed you before they look great if i showed you this domain once again even though they're a different range of customer you can see that the website in itself is designed very well now the reason why they're different is not because of necessarily the design but more so the level of engagement and how much time we're spending optimizing this client's website to get them a result and so what you guys have really got to start to think about is the marketing clients that you're going to work with are generally the businesses that have been around for 20 to 30 years and have really locked in their service offerings and are looking to scale that service offering and not try new different things on a monthly or yearly basis and trying to figure out what works these marketing clients or key clients that i like to call our customers who have really found their service offering and are looking to scale that and don't want to do any of the work themselves so often when i have a sales call with a customer and i'm talking with a customer i ask them a very simple discovery question one is in your ideal situation working with a company like ours are you looking to hand off the responsibility of getting leads online or are you looking to be involved in the responsibility of getting leads online now if you try to sell a customer a huge package and they're looking to get involved you may not have a good sense of what that person's actually trying to accomplish with their goals that's why i've added that inside of my sales process if you are somebody who wants to be more involved you may be in an engaged or self-managed package that we would offer you if you want to be not involved you want to hand this thing off entirely then we can present to you our entire product line at developmark and you don't have to be involved at all we'll take care of the website we'll take care of the branding we'll take care of the text we'll take care of the leads we'll take care of the ads and we'll be proactive in recommending you new and exciting advertising methodologies for you to use and new sources that you can potentially invest in uh so my life just fell off my computer so this is um this is obviously a lot different than a client that's looking to uh manage their own website because they really want somebody else to just handle it and they're willing to pay for that fee ultimately raising the value of how much you can actually charge that customer right because we're going to talk a little bit about value-based pricing here in just a sec and so one of the things that we would do for a customer like this is if i were to go to google search and i were to type in southington uh moving companies per se uh you know you can see here that they have uh the local service ads we're running for them we're running their google my businesses we're doing several and then we have their organic map listing here they're also showing up on yelp and other platforms like that so we can do this marketing for them right now in terms of google ads just to show you an example of what's going on in this marketing client uh their their actual ad campaign this is an example of somebody that would be considered marketing client they're spending a considerable amount of money on a monthly basis on a google ads campaign as you can see here just in this year this is year to date numbers on this year the customer has spent 59 000 on google ads uh and they've gotten you know roughly 770 conversions through google ads this is an example of a customer that would fall within that marketing bracket and the other customers while they may not have budgets to spend or they don't want to spend these budgets on google ads you can do so by putting them in different packages that you set up within your agency to kind of tailor these different types of customers once again guys you've got to remember you really can't sell a self-managed client that wants to self-manage an entire marketing package they're just not going to buy it so it's really important that you understand the psychology of a customer when they come to work with you so with that being said let's move on to some of the tools that i use at developmark uh for the website design part we use a tool called duda duda is a website editor that you can use and it's really great for agencies because it allows you to put your logo on it or if you're a freelancer you can completely customize uh you know what your customers see with white label uh through duda we use duda for every website build we've ever made all of the website examples that you are seeing inside of this video are built on duna and then there are jarvis jarvis is a uh ai content writer if you're not a copywriter or if you're looking to save time you can use that tool to write a lot of the text information for you and then for local seo reporting and analytics we use something called callrail and google my business these two tools are really really good uh i'm sorry local falcon these two tools are really good for tracking how things are working inside of the actual campaigns that you're gonna be running and so with those tools there's really three different ways that you can price your services starting from the top this is the easiest way and then the bottom is the hardest way so the easiest way is to do results-based pricing and this is something that i do recommend doing if you're starting out and you can tell your customers that you they won't pay until you get them results those results can be leads those results can be website traffic those results can be rankings whatever you're doing that's results based you can get money for that as long as you are confident you're gonna deliver that result so to show you an example of a time where i made almost ten thousand dollars with a results-based customer um was one of the clients that we have in miami that does dental implants and so the client basically said if you can rank my website at the top of the google search result um for you know the keyword phrase that they were looking for once it reached to the first tab i would give you 8 500 through wire transfer and so the keyword is this the result is here and so that was a time where we were able to do results based pricing inside of google search engines and if you're confident with your seo you can do this once again this is not recommended and then the next ones we have is hourly based pricing this is really not good um especially if you're looking to scale before scaling it's really good because before you actually scale it's nice to get experience under your belt so when i started out that's how i justified how much i charged i thought i could charge 100 an hour and get x amount of results for a client but then i quickly started to realize it was difficult to take on many clients at once and it's hard to scale when you're charging hourly there's too much stuff to keep track of there's too much information to gather you're better off starting with hourly building up a healthy portfolio of customers that you've worked with and then scaling to what i call value based pricing which is very straightforward and you start to charge fees that basically you're worth and that leads us into the third one which is called value based pricing and this one is where you want to be and this is the sweet spot within any freelance or agency business model and this one is really cool because this allows you to basically tell clients i'm really busy with clients that i'm working with right now but here's my fee in the event you did want to work with me completely different than saying i'm going to work for one hour for a 125 dollars value based pricing comes in and says i'm worth this you know and i if you don't take it i have my other clients that i can work with so you really want to get to that level of value-based pricing because that's going to be the level to where you kind of determine your fee and if the customer says no they just say no and they can work with another provider but when you're at that beginning level when you're first getting your clients you may want to look at results-based pricing as well as hourly pricing to get case studies and to get working examples of websites that you have worked on that you can generate results for and that you can build up a portfolio and start to get different types of customers under your belt i'm gonna go to the development website really quickly and kind of show you guys what this would look like right so um this is the develo mark website and uh inside of the website you can actually navigate over to our work page and when we do some of the research about the agency websites basically everybody goes to these work pages right they all just want to see what work you've done uh previously for other clients so this is our work page and really the goal of this page is to instill confidence in potential website visitors that we are busy and we are working with clients that are desirable for us to work with and using this a lot of these clients have been with me since i started my agency and of course a lot of clients has fallen off since i've started my agency but basically you want to demonstrate to your potential customer that you are working with other businesses and that you are not desperate for business they will not choose you right uh and so that's why starting off with hourly charging low amounts per hour and just getting by is okay there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're working and progressing towards being able to do value-based pricing that conversation is a lot different than i'm gonna punch in and punch out of your project why would you have to be penalized make less money to know the same amount or get the same result for a customer when you start getting busier and you get busier and you get busier you can then inflate your prices because you can now fall into that value-based pricing now for a lot of the self-managed clients they're not going to be able to do value-based pricing because they don't value what you are selling and therefore they look at it as a service or a commodity or value-based pricing they're looking at it as they're happy they're working with you and they value what you know and what you do so um going back to that inside of here there's a couple ways that we're going to deliver the service website design about six to eight weeks an average website will take for us to launch once it's launched it has all seo optimizations we write all the website content on the website uh and then we're doing some google maps and local seo and some actual tracking so let's hop into an actual development website and what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you what customers expect from development when they get a website so you can kind of position a very similar approach for your clients so um with that being said i'm going to show this example again and i'm going to go back to cq movie and storage as an example um the reality of it is guys there are millions of website templates that you can use out there that do pretty much what we can do inside of the duda website editor there's no perfect cms per se there's no perfect content management system for you to use when it comes to building a website you can use wordpress you can use wix you can use squarespace none of the content management systems have anything to do with how well a website will perform inside of the google search results content management systems are all about the driver who takes that content management system and drives with it and takes it certain places that gets it to rank and show up on the search results there's a lot of myths and a lot of rumors about people that say you can't use a certain content management system because google doesn't like it well the reality of it is google doesn't care about the content management system that you're working in the reason for that is because google is looking for user generated content they're not looking for content management system and they're not specifically discriminating a content management system just because of its name or brand recognition they don't care google reads textual html javascript they read this information on the website they have no interest in knowing what content management system it is so generally when we start with a website we create what's called a website sitemap now for a lot of you that are a little more uh experienced here um you know what a website site map is it's usually the outline of all the pages that we're gonna include on that website for example we have moving and in moving you have senior moving now this is one of those things where i was talking about yesterday if i were to type in senior moving this page would show up inside of the google search results you want to do something very similar for your website sitemaps you want to make them as beefy as possible because that's going to allow you to rank for a lot of the organic keywords that the website is supposed to rank for at launch right basically what this looks like is you talk to your client and you say what are all of the services that you offer once they tell you those services you do some keyword research and then you create a website sitemap that is full and compact and has all of the information that a client could potentially rank for inside of google search results now how does that work with your budget and how does that work with how you price things we found that the average pricing of about three thousand five hundred dollars for a website that is fully optimized with seo for a basic business that has one or two services is usually a good profit margin for you to keep on when delivering this product and then once the site's live then you start charging a monthly fee for the time you're going to spend optimizing that website on a monthly basis now developmark's approach is a little bit different because they're not just paying for our time they're paying for an approach and the difference between time and an actual approach is that we have built intellectual property and we have worked diligently to create an approach that they cannot just get on they cannot just get with a freelancer they cannot just get with somebody in house when you hire developmark the benefit of becoming an agency getting into that value-based pricing is that when you hire an agency like developmark you are hiring a team of people that have gone through massive amounts of struggles that have learned through thousands of different sites and thousands of different articles and thousands of different paid programs you pay one small monthly fee and that's the value that they are buying they are buying chief marketing officers and a team below them to run the digital for them and paying a fraction of the cost that it would cost to hire a team in-house they don't have to worry about training they don't have to worry about taxes they don't have to worry about uh results and performance they don't have to worry about experience payroll none of this stuff they hire us it's a tax write-off and they cut the check on a monthly basis that's where you need to get to when it comes to that and that really starts with being able to deliver a highly effective website with a lot of content on it so that your customer can rank and they can get more desired business results um and so pre-launch seo right once the website is in progress pre-launch seo we're gonna go in through the website we're gonna optimize the website's pages keyword phrases uh user experience and anything that comes along with that along with the website content and we're going to link it to their google maps and local and track the conversions that are coming through that website for example when you go to this website and you can see that there's content right so you have the page is called senior moving you know you have a headline you have some text you have some quick navigation on the right side to go to different pages you have another headline frequently asked questions about the service uh some tips that people can use for moving call to action reviews what sets them apart another call to action a footer section and several different ways that the visitor can contact this company they can get online a free estimate or they can call and guys this is the benefit of using a content management system that you are comfortable with you will be able to track all of the stuff that's going on on their website rather than trying to guess what's working through something like google analytics if you have the website you get the comfort and you get the luxuries of being able to do this stuff and controlling this experience one secret thing that i'm going to tell you is your customer does not want to go out and talk to several different people they want to talk to one agency they want to talk to one person who can do it all they don't want to talk to all these people and if you're a freelancer that specializes in one thing like motion graphics or something like that that's great right there's no you know there's design agencies they cost a lot of money but generally speaking digital marketing customers your clients that are out there are looking for somebody that can handle the full scope and the full solution and when we break it down into a few key components it's the website the seo the ads and the reporting is really what your customers are looking for based on hundreds of sales conversations that we have had and so being able to actively track this stuff inside of the website is going to allow you to do reporting to show them that your service is working and of course you know with these web pages we have some standard images but i wanted to give you guys a quick secret these pages on the internal side are just web templates that our team create for scale for example if i go to another website uh for example roofer and ct and i go to residential and i click on roof repair you can see that the formatting of this page is very similar to the one you saw previously now why would that be well because you don't necessarily need an extremely custom website to get satisfactory results inside of the google search in fact this website which has almost a similar design as the previous website ranks number one on google for roofer in ct and roofing companies in ct and vice versa and so what you want to do is you want to create a template or a process remember an approach that is going to resonate with your client and that's going to allow them to get the result that you're giving them if you can get a roofing company one qualified lead and get them one qualified sale they will pay you three thousand dollars per month if you can get them one qualified sale that is probably five leads and so why would you be focusing on the clients that make lower return on investment aren't doing any marketing you've really got to focus on these customers now in terms of website content all of the text on the websites that we work with are actually written by in-house team of professionals at developmer but this wasn't always necessarily the case a lot of the texts on these websites can be spun using a tool called jarvis and if you guys are familiar with jarvis i highly recommend you check it out basically what it does is it allows you to start writing marketing copy using ai artificial intelligence and this uses the open ai framework which allows you to start writing and then continue sentences so you can write effective website copy now for me i'm not a writer but i have some pretty good language skills for me this is a huge breakthrough because when i'm not working on projects at developmark i'm working on projects on my own these projects are my own websites that i co-host that are basically private blog networks these are called pbns you can spin up some really fast content using jarvis and i'm going to show you kind of an example right now the content doesn't have to be critically insane for it to rank on google especially if you're doing local yesterday i talked about the importance of having pricing information on your website this is very similar you can use jarvis to actually write this content for example i'm going to use a long form writing assistant inside of the tool and inside of here i'm going to type in roof replacement and then i'm going to type in write an article about replacing a roof i'm going to make the voice professional and then keywords i'm going to do roof repair roof replacement and roofing and so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a little bit of text from the website that i just showed you and this text is something that could be you could write and what i'm going to do is i'm going to paste it and when i do that now i'm going to be able to compose more information based on the result that i already typed in and i can do this by selecting the output length let's say long and then i can click on compose which is command j and what's going to happen is this tool is going to start composing more text for you that you can use on your website and have content at scale instead of hiring expensive content writers that are going to want to charge you 35 to 45 to 65 dollars per article when you can just get this information up front from the client input it into a tool like jarvis and then automatically start writing this text information and copy editing it one of my favorite reasons to use jarvis 2 is it has a grammarly plugin so if you have a grammarly account you'll actually be able to do quick spell checks you can check for plagiarism and of course you can rephrase things if i don't like the way something sounds i can click here and i can click rephrase and it's going to recommend a different way of saying that exact sentence once that's done i can then go into the other websites that i was working on and start to write that text and that's how you start to come up with your service page content for a lot of the stuff that you're going to be doing and this service page content ranks well when you go in and actually write the text a lot of this text that you can see is at the same level of the text that was written inside of jarvis and now keep in mind with a team like ours i don't have to worry about this our team writes this information for the client custom because we want the customer long term but if you're not if you're in a time crunch and you're trying to deliver value consider the use of offshoring that content to a tool like jarvis and start to get results for your clients and focus on what's important now google maps and local um you know google maps and local is is important obviously you want to rank as much as possible in the organic search results and you want customers to find your company your clients business by searching in the google search results one of the biggest things that's working right now in the search results is local service ads i mean this is one of the biggest reasons why our clients are continuously crushing it in all angles of their digital marketing is local service ads what this is i've made a video about it a few weeks ago you should definitely go watch it and go to do the right way of setting one up but basically google guaranteed is a program that allows your businesses to verify their license and their business insurance and actually get listed as a google guarantee partner now google guaranteed has been shown to show in the google maps several times after doing some basic research of different keywords that we were looking for what does that mean well that means in a short period of time what's going to be listed here inside of google maps are only going to be google guaranteed businesses what that means is all of the other companies that may not be google guaranteed are going to see a significant drop inside of the google search engines when it comes to the google my business listings so getting local service ads what we found works best is to get that local service ad to bid highest and go for the most amount of leads just to show you in scope of what this looks like in the past month for this client i'm gonna go ahead and stop recording there and change my screen a little bit uh just to show you how well these local service ads work for a specific client i'm going to show you ct moving in storage's local service ads account and you can kind of uh you can kind of see exactly how well they're doing so local service ads you don't pay per click instead you pay per lead so your client doesn't even have to worry about the actual per lead amount right or the per click so this is an example so in here you have uh you know this is the google ads account showing you before and i did this last 30 days so you guys can see that's the last 30 days and you can see 3 800 bucks was spent on google ads for 74 conversions and 1700 bucks was spent on local service ads for 37 conversions at a 20 conversion ratio guys you cannot afford to not make this part of your arrangement with the client that you're working with that means what that number means is every single time somebody searches southington moving or moving companies near us that company that result that i showed you before is getting a 20 conversion rate now inside of that local service ads account we are doing call tracking so we can see how well that result is working for this client specifically as an example if i click on this result this google guaranteed result it's pulling the google my business reviews it's getting a tracking number and it's allowing me to put in a lot of this business information from that customer if that is not something that you guys think you can't sell to your existing customers it is one of those things where this can move you closer and closer to that value-based pricing this alone could be its own business model for the types of clients that you want to work with and this is not available for everybody else i'm going to show you something that's going to be really cool that you're going to be able to use to actually price out some of the services if you are doing this for clients so local service ads has a website of course and they have a really cool stay in control of your spending tab where you can input how many leads you want per month right so if i was a uh if i was selling right uh you know if i was selling this information or if i was selling to a client and i needed to know how much to budget for them and i needed to know how much i can charge i could use this tool to get accurate pricing information i'm going to show you an example so let's say i went into this tool and i typed in i want on a monthly basis i want 30 leads so i would type in my zip code i want 30 leads and then uh i would choose my industry so let's say i did moving company right because that's exactly what we're talking about so um i don't see moving company in here let's just say i did i don't know uh pest control that could be an example so then i would estimate budget and this is not available in my area yet let's take a look at something else oh let me try this really quick okay so the tool the tool is not working uh usually oh usually it does um enter new leads and um usually this tool does work uh but right now it's not but basically what it would do is it would show you um how much you should budget for those types of leads and it would give you a good amount and a range that you can expect to pay with local service ads and what this is going to do is it's going to allow you to basically tell your customer how much they can expect to pay with local service ads on top of all the other things that you're doing and it's guaranteeing them leads they don't pay per click they only pay per lead if that was a program that was invested or it was introduced 10 years ago people would lose you know they're cool and now it's in it's introduced now so it's definitely one of those things where you desperately want to focus on and then tracking those conversions i talked about this before using call around google analytics and tracking some of the forms is critical and so marketing your service right there's a lot of different ways that you can market your service to get more customers one of the best ways is to actually specifically work on certain customer types and for me when i started this was restaurants i worked a lot with restaurants and i delivered facebook ad results for restaurants and i went viral on several of the ads that i posted for the restaurants keep in mind i wasn't making any money when i started working with restaurants and if i really wanted to scale that i would have joined an association i would have collaborated with those associations by creating educational content for the niche and delivering results to existing clients to create a word of mouth with those clients initially now this is really important because if you don't know where to get started you may want to think about getting into a niche if you're thinking about learning more about digital agency course and you want to learn about niche you should look at josh nelson's severe figure agency where he specifically talks about how to pick the right niche how to deliver results for that niche and how to scale that niche me i'm not necessarily interested in creating a program to teach you everything about the business model i'd rather come live on here youtube and just kind of talk it out so i would definitely check out josh nelson on picking that niche but you really want to focus on working with the same type of customer over and over and over again because that's going to allow you to show better examples of really working good cases with that client for example if you have a meeting with a painting company and you want to learn or you want to teach um and you want to show that painting company that you've worked with other painting companies you may want to show them an example if i had a meeting with a painting company and i showed them this website they would probably trust me a little bit more simply for the reason that i work with other painting companies right it's just how the scale works and when you're ready you can join an association that has more of these types of clients and in that association you can sponsor content you can write content for them you can get engaged with them and you can really start to see if you can get more customers through that association it's all about building that relationship with those associations to get more clients that are going to deliver more revenue into your pocket and a lot of this is really difficult to do if you're not doing analytics and tracking this is for the main reason why when we work with clients we use callrail and the reason for that is if somebody is skeptical of using our service we will show them call recordings form leads chat leads results rankings anything that's going to get that customer to trust us for example if i were to be in a sales pitch you need to have a working example and if you don't have a working example you may want to consider going towards the type of client where you're going to deliver on uh you know results based pricing instead of hourly or a big proposal you want to get customers that you can work with on a monthly basis so when you have a potential client and you show them that if they type in the google search result on new haven painters that the gmb shows up the organic listing shows up and more importantly if they are really curious you can show them some of the leads that come in through the website of the client that you're working with and that's going to instill confidence that they're going to work with you and analytics and tracking is one of the most important things when it comes to that i need to know what phone calls are coming in through my clients sites i need to know what the leads are coming through my client sites what those leads are saying so i can better prepare myself to sell and make better content for that client as well as other clients alike and that's it so i'm gonna answer some questions now um if you have a client deliver services don't focus on getting new clients until you can deliver services for that client it is somewhat one of the biggest lessons i've ever had is it's a lot easier to scale your business when your existing customers are happy need a client go find them you know who have you worked with before think about the people that you've worked with before go find those similar people and deliver services to them and their friends and everybody else and then ready to scale start marketing yourself get join an association niche down on that type of service or whatever association you're looking for and then just advertise if your product or service is already working and you're at the level where you have several clients in the same vertical or the same niche or the same results start marketing start advertising start doing google ads start doing website seo but if you're trying to get your first client might be unrealistic to start doing that right away that's why i always recommend doing more case studies getting more projects under your belt so then you can start to scale so let's get some of the questions pulled up um i'm gonna go ahead and change this so um so mike and asks i can work with local clients in the united states while living outside of the united states yeah i mean millions millions of people do that every single day um you would do something like fiverr or upwork to do that um really not a difficult process very hard to get to the retail customer right and what i mean by that is this diet coke can i purchased not through uh or this is pepsi i'm sorry this diet pepsi can i purchase through costco i didn't buy it directly from pepsi so therefore pepsi took a l loss of margin they're not going to make as much money because they could have sold it to me at a much higher rate because it would have been retail but instead i bought it from costco who buys bulk of it cheaper and therefore pepsi gives costco a discount very similar to if you go to upwork and somebody finds you upwork's going to charge that person and you a fee for the dollars collected to keep their platform alive if you're international i highly recommend you focus on a niche something like on-page seo google my business optimization press releases backlinks creating design logo design and get on fiverr get on upwork do the cheapest rate possible and start cranking out different projects that you can do to get more results and to get more case studies and examples because i'm pretty sure one of the terms of those things is you could use those pieces for your portfolio so if i was international what i would do is i would create a gig on fiverr or upwork i would make something that's a hundred or fifty dollars logo design and then i would fill up a website with all of the logos that i've made and then when clients are considering using me they can see that i've created tons and tons and tons of logo and of course you want to read the terms and conditions of a lot of these platforms and you should also check out legit um that's l e g i i t and that is another platform that's up and coming that you should check out for freelance uh so carlos said when getting paying seo clients what is more important adding content to the existing website or adding in service pages coupled with child pages in other words child slash parent page so curls that's a really good question and it's good for several reasons the first reason is when we work with a client we generally take their entire website so we're not optimizing any pages we're taking a look at what they're doing and we're reforming and formatting it in a way that's going to generate them results so we're really not doing page by page optimizations the reason why we don't do page by page optimizations is because when we were doing that it takes just about the same amount of time to just make an entirely new website we control the phone calls we control the form to control the user experience the page speed all that stuff is within our control when we were trying to do uh these different types of page by page optimizations it was very difficult and it was very difficult to understand what to work on first which seems like is what you're going through if you don't have clarity of what to work on first it can be very difficult to even start because you're going to get uh analysis by paralysis or paralysis analysis whatever the saying is so in terms of your question you could do multiple things the most important thing to do especially when you're doing seo when starting with a client is focusing on the home page because the home page usually has the highest amount of domain authority and that domain authority is going to likely make that page rank for more keywords so really the easy wins are on the home page the secondary wins that i would do is i would put the domain into something like semrush i would then take a look at the top pages in scm rush of that type of content and focus on optimizing those pages you might not necessarily need to create new pages to get results you may want to focus on optimizing existing pages so i hope that that's helpful um can you please share your strategy for parent child pages um yeah so really how parent child pages work is an example here um i have new haven painters and so we have services right this is a a folder and in there we have commercial painting so this is an example of what carlos is talking about um this basically is uh commercial right so you have the commercial and then further than that you have a child page which is called office building painting so this child page as an example uh you know if you search this keyword phrase these child pages should rank for the keywords that you're typing in to the google search result and i showed a really good example of this yesterday with a dental website that we're working on but really your navigation pages like residential painting commercial painting these navigation pages should have child pages for the other types of services that could be offered under that category alternatively you can put every type of building painting that they do on this page because it might be able to rank for that further seo research would determine if you should add them all onto one page or if you should do several hub pages rather than just one big page all in all if you're doing those pages regardless you should be able to get satisfactory results for your clients but i've seen several situations like the example that i showed yesterday where i went to i searched invisalign altodena and our client which is um you know showing up in the organic search results they show up twice because of the content that we wrote and when you do things like cost you can get really fancy with the way these child pages index in the organic search results once again right on top of each other and i showed an example yesterday too on duckduckgo of where we typed in i think it was invisalign cost in that customers area um and on duckduckgo because of the child pages and because of the indexing of those child pages we have the first top three spots here because we're creating several subpages under a specific category of content and that allows google to do this really cool thing where it indexes several different websites big fan of that um you know this is a child page strategy that could work for you i always recommend before doing that going into sem rush and just making sure you're not doing any keyword cannibalization uh and so really good question carlos happy to answer more just drop them below um who else is this transparent i appreciate that al dadino i really don't have anything to lie about jarvis is gray so bazel asked how do you best implement inbound marketing as a beginner and i did this uh i did inbound marketing when i was a beginner and really it's about documenting what you're learning and what you're doing when i started developmark i was making videos not necessarily acting as an expert but i was documenting some of the results that i was getting actually starting out and so as long as you change your mindset from going i need to create this amazing compelling content to just i need to document what i'm doing the whole conversation becomes different and you feel more comfortable as a creator actually making content that's the hardest part about inbound marketing is actually making the content and i'll show you guys a really good example about this so when i was starting out i have a youtube channel of course right i mean i have youtube um you know this is something that i've done for quite some time now and i made a video on youtube about creating a facebook ad and so this these facebook ad videos hey everyone you know they were ranking for a lot of different things so for an example this one facebook ad strategy no one tells you about what i was doing is i was basically just documenting exactly what i was doing for the customer that i was working with initially as long as you do it this route and you document instead of trying to create amazing compelling content you're going to have a high success rate because you're going to attract people that trust you and want to actually work with you it's not about creating this perfect motion graphics crazy disney world movie type of content it's more about um it's more about documenting what you're doing what's working and i can promise you that true transparent approach is going to be what gets people to come to your website and actually contact you chris said do you still do results-based pricing if so monthly pricing after results um i mean at this point we don't do any results-based pricing i would i gladly would but you've got to work with the right type of customer the customer that you can do results based pricing with has a high amount of reviews online has a good domain authority and they have a lot of branded search traffic because any client that doesn't have that and you're trying to rank a difficult keyword phrase in this google search results is going to be nearly impossible to rank because they don't have those factors so i will gladly work out a contract with a customer and say look i don't get paid until this is achieved as long as it's a brand if it's not a brand and by definition of brand i mean people are looking for that business specifically and not a competitor then i would never do results-based pricing because you're almost guaranteed to fail regardless of how hard you push how do you go about white labeling seo um alex we don't white label any seo at this point and we don't do it for a few reasons one of the reasons is it doesn't allow us to get to the client and that creates an extreme amount of difficulty for our team we used to do it with quite a bit of customers but we found that we're not getting the rate that we want just like the example before pepsi could make more money if they sold directly to me because they didn't have to make these discounts and it's really difficult for us to get stuff from the customer if you're going to white label seo services to a vendor just make sure it's profitable for you and you're not just filling up your time with revenue that's not going to actually have helped the bottom line it's very difficult to send reports it's very difficult to manage your business as is so managing someone else's business can also be very difficult to do especially when you're just starting out so my recommendation to you would be focus on getting the retail customers if there's a good white label opportunity for you make it clear with that person that you're not handling the reporting you're not handling the analytics they have to send that stuff over to the customer they have to do the customer communication with that customer you cannot be somebody that's communicating with that customer under a different person's brand because it creates so many different complexities you're not even thinking about like creating your own email having a phone line dedicated to that account so unless it's a really good account and you really want to make that part of your business model like seo reseller or the hoth or different types of services like that online it's really not worth it for somebody that's going for their agency approach but if it's your first couple of dollars like until i got to like thirty thousand dollars a month i was doing a lot of white label and eventually that white label was cut out and therefore as a result i had to find my own clients and change and shift my business from there so um i would recommend that uh viral video channel asked what does it cost for you to employ your team is it under 200k okay so uh let's do some quick math so two hundred thousand dollars the question is how much does it cost to employ my team so two hundred thousand dollars would mean that my employees get paid sixteen thousand dollars per year so that is definitely not the case um they get paid a lot more than that um and so i would probably say the cost to employ uh development employees is probably anywhere from 600 to 800 000 depending on you know how many employees i have and and and some of the other incentives that we do at the company um so a lot of my expenses come to payroll of course right that's a lot of people's expenses and so i'm okay with payroll and the reason why i'm okay with payroll the reason why i'm okay with payroll instead of contracting or hiring someone that's gonna do white label is because although yes i'm paying 60 of my profits to payroll they're creating everybody on my team is creating intellectual property for my business what does that mean well every time they work on a process a template a guide or something that creates policy inside of developmark your contractors are not going to do that your white label seo companies are not going to do that you are paying them for their intellectual property and how they do things you are not paying them to teach you or to give you their intellectual property hiring employees working with a team of people on a consistent basis is very good because you all figure out ways of becoming more efficient now the beautiful part is when that member leaves your team if they ever leave your team or if they start their own business or if they do anything all of the work that they've done inside of your business remains the processes they've set up the people they've met the templates they've created the different types of policies that we strategize over all of that stuff remains whereas if you're deploying contractors it is not the same case scenario when they leave they take everything they know they take all of the clients they work with they take a lot of the information that you should know as intellectual property when you're starting out as a freelancer use contractors when you start scaling the first person you should hire should be a person to either do the work or manage the accounts you should be managing your finances your accounting your payroll your taxes all of that stuff is stuff that i still manage it's that important for my business i have account in person i have somebody doing hr a lot of this stuff is being taken care of i still look at the money and i know businesses that are still looking at the money that are in the millions hundreds of millions and so that is really critical so that's why i still do it so to hire people you've really got to look at the value of actually having people creating intellectual property inside of your business rather than just taking what they know and leaving once you guys don't agree over some contract that's why i believe in investing money into employees because i can grow and develop with them they create intellectual property in developmark and they're not just some fly-by-night contractor i'm thinking if i should go to the office route since i get one for about 1500 bucks per month yeah i mean if you don't have to go the office right like you don't need an office to do what we do right you don't need it it's free you can freelance you can agency you can be completely remote i know website design businesses are very successful never go to the office but the reality of it is if you want to build a true connection with the people you're working with there's really no way of doing that now right now i'm aggressively studying the metaverse i'm aggressively studying blockchain i'm aggressively studying ways of how to interact with your team where you're not actually in person but you're in 3d and it feels like you're in person there's a lot of tools that are accomplishing this very well and so things like facebook horizon things like uh microsoft teams a lot of these 3d virtual reality tools for business that are coming out could be a great way for you to save money on the office space and instead just hang out in 3d people like me i need to be in person i need to talk to my employees i need to see what's going on i get to feel kind of how they're feeling that day i get to kind of communicate with them a little bit better that's something that is critical when you're growing your business and it really makes it feel real instead of just feeling like some zoom relationship i always tell people you would never ever date a girl on zoom right you would never you can't build a proper romantic relationship a business relationship a professional relationship through zoom it doesn't work that way that's why billionaires millionaires anybody that makes money invests in jets or helicopters because they need to do business in person business in person is not recorded a lot of people having cyber security issues right now business uh business in person is authentic it's one you know it's one and done you feel that person's energy all of that stuff is hard to replicate with zoom zoom does a good job at it but i think the next step metaverse will do an even better job at it and so for you at 1500 bucks a month i don't know your revenue but if it's more than 10 or 20 percent of your revenue don't do it save the money invest in your existing clients continue to grow um but guys i appreciate you coming on it's uh about an hour now and uh you guys have comments like i said before go on instagram and send me a message other than that i'll see you guys in the next video i appreciate everybody for watching
Channel: Ruan M. Marinho
Views: 1,793
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Id: PH8J7cjiAMA
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Length: 59min 36sec (3576 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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