LIVE: December Google Core Algorithm Update & Answering Your Questions

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all right good night everyone it is night time it is not morning i almost said good morning uh you know where my head's at um all right yeah so today we're going to be talking about google's algorithm update in december and i've been doing a lot of research i've been reading a lot of different articles i've been reading a lot about different websites that we manage and i want to get clear on some of the things that google's looking at right now that will actually have pretty big impact on your site so this is pretty pretty important video and so i just wanted to i spent like i want to say that i just spent like an hour before i actually went live on this video literally trying to adjust my camera to connect to my computer so i can actually have better quality and so in all that effort and all that time i still have bad quality so this is just something that i'm facing with youtube right now that i don't think i'm gonna be able to fix unless i hire somebody that actually knows what they're doing and so as much as i wanna think i know what i'm doing when it comes to video i actually don't know much i just turn the record camera button on so i tried setting up my camera to my youtube i tried putting it up i tried using all of these third-party softwares because mac likes to make everything really really difficult and so it's one of those things where it's just really frustrating and stuart says it looks great but stuart i have a wonderful camera and it's supposed to be working well for me but it's not showing up so i just want to know that you guys can hear me very clearly my audio doesn't sound messed up my video doesn't look too bad i know one time i came on here my video was just absolutely terrible so i hope that it looks better for you guys and so i'm looking forward to a wonderful night just chatting with you guys and going through some information that i think is very important and i've learned a lot over the last week so i've learned a lot and that's kind of the key to business is you do things on a day-to-day basis and eventually you start learning a lot and eventually stop making some of the mistakes that you made when you started so um with that being said everyone i hope all of you have had a wonderful day i hope every single one of you has had a blessed weekend and i hope every single one of you has had a blast last week um things are getting loud at development things are getting very very busy um it's a wonderful time to be in business it's a wonderful time to be in digital marketing it's a wonderful time to do this line of work it's a wonderful time to be any type of business that can utilize the internet to get more sales traffic and leads to overcome your competitor and i think it's probably now is the time to where literally every single business understands the importance of being online and that's why it's kind of nice to be positioned as develop because we're in the front line of that we're in the front face of that and we have a good strategy to actually do that so today what i wanted to do was i wanted to go through some of the december core algorithm updates um some of the things that we've been seeing some of the things that uh you know we've been looking at some of the different types of ranking fluctuations that we've been seeing and some of the industry standard stuff that we've been looking into at developmark so with that being said if you guys have any questions um please please please make sure that you ask them down below after i go through some of this information that i want to cover with you guys here today i'm going to be answering those questions one by one by one and so if you want to get your questions answered make sure you answer them in depth too please add some detail inside of there so go ahead and leave your live comments inside of the actual chat and i'll get to them one by one by one last call i wasn't able to get to every single one of them just because we were over the two hour limit that i set myself for this actual zoom and so i see some questions already starting to come in on the right side here and they're all very good questions and i have really good answers for each and every single one of them so what we're going to do here is we're going to jump right in so how do you guys how you guys doing i mean uh it's been about a week since i went live i didn't go live last month last wednesday i go live every monday and wednesday at seven o'clock at night i've been battling this camera trying to figure out how to get a better quality so make sure that you turn on the notification bell for every time i upload so you don't miss one of these lives because this is generally when i come on and just give out valuable information i made a video recently and it's doing so well but the problem is it takes me so long to make these videos it's almost like not worth it it's just stressful and we're hiring somebody that's going to be doing videos specifically so i'm going to be making more more content but it's going to be something that um we definitely get a lot better at so um with that being said i'm gonna go ahead and share my screen with you guys here and i think the first thing to really look into obviously the first one is some of these interesting statistics that we saw um over at search engine journal so as you can see this is my uh this is this is a search engine journal this is an article or search engine land i'm sorry this is an article that they recently released talking about the 2020 core update um and it was big bigger than may 2020 st data providers now look i don't believe this um i don't think that it was any smaller or any bigger than the actual may 2020 update i think it was pretty much the same and so they were saying on this tool here that um the industries that got hit the hardest were home and garden real estate and travel and so to me um yes those are important oh my god i'm so sorry there's a bunch of calendar invites coming into my computer right now so frustrating um you know this is one of those things where to us we do a lot of home services and so i don't know if that's what google means by home and garden but to us that's definitely something that we wanted to take a look into but for a lot of people that watch my channel you may be doing different types of niches like you may be doing arts and entertainment you may be doing audio autos and vehicles beauty and fitness books and literature business and industrial computer and electronics if you're doing any types of any any any one of those different types of niches you really don't have to focus on this algorithm update because this is a report over here by scm rush sharing the winners and losers of the update and one of them was home and that's important to know because as an agency that directly markets home services plumbers contractors renovation contractors power washing contractors roofing contractors hvc contractors this is something that we definitely had to get as clear as possible and start to look at some of the different types of rankings now for those of you that have are curious to know if you've gotten any decreases inside of your actual google search impression share you can actually check search console to see if your different types of things actually uh plummeted so one of the clients that we were looking at today uh pro locksmith orlando because we were doing some seo research on their actual page you can see that if i look at like the last 12 months there wasn't any any you know drastic uh impression decreases or actual click decreases that's generally a good sign that your site has been hit really hard by some type of algorithmic update and generally speaking that comes with a lot of different things in which we're going to talk about inside of this video as to why that would actually happen to your website or to your business now if you're seeing a static you know flatlined google search a search engine land i'm sorry they basically said that all of the sites felt the impact on december 4th so if you haven't seen the impact on your actual website address now you're likely not going to see that impact until another algorithm update comes out next year and to be very honest with you for this type of site right here to see these types of results i i don't think that this algorithm update was harder than the may one in fact i think that that's just the headline to get people to click over to the website now granted the website that we're working on pro locksmith um this is a client with us for over about seven months now we've been working with um you know granite their site embodies all the quality signals that google really wants to see and so with a home service site being hit you must have a really low quality site so with this site specifically you know obviously the keyword phrase is locksmith orlando and so we were expecting to see some a big decrease in this actual phrase um but we're actually still in position number three for this and on mobile on safari i believe we're like position number two position number one here and there we're doing the keyword dance as they call it but ultimately this site was not hit hard so i want to share another site with you guys that specifically talks about this actual uh core algorithm update so this is another client that we're working with inside of search console and you can see uh you know a little bit of fluctuation inside of here but ultimately on december 4th when the algorithm update hit there wasn't any significant decrease in google search console impressions or google search console clicks and you can ultimately see that this did not impact our sites almost at all i mean i haven't seen any single impact inside of our results that would show this and maybe i will see something a little bit differently when our seo sends me a year a monthly report for all of our accounts but ultimately these changes have not impacted our clients really at all in fact some of our clients they've gone up during this time and so i kind of want to get clear on some of the stuff right here because we always get the question uh you know how is the google core algorithm update gonna affect my site how can i protect myself from these rollouts how can i make sure that when another 2021 algorithm update hits i'm prepared for that and the reality is in 2021 the major algorithm update that's going to hit is going to be core web vitals and core web vitals basically um is is is a a quality guidelines of how well your site's set up so you can see right here that you know when you look at your coverage this is how well google's covering your pages and usually if you have a lot of errors that's not good because that's going to cause a lot of these different types of errors so you can see right here in terms of core web vitals you know we have 38 valid for the mobile usability zero issues with core web vitals for the debt for the actual site here but there are some sites that we need to do some work on for example um if i go back to prolocksmith orlando you're gonna see this is a little bit different so they have uh zero pages with errors valid pages but then they have 12 core web vital errors and those errors can be anything from website loading slow animations disturbing the user experience and page speed really being slow but ultimately these things are going to make a small impact inside of the seo rankings in the near future but i really wanted to make this video and really wanted to go live with you guys to talk about what you can do to protect your site or your client sites when any type of core algorithm update actually hits so that you're prepared for this and you don't see ranking decreases and guess what guys google releases this stuff right so they put this stuff out and so the last one that he put out was in august of 2019 that was a pretty big one when that came out but basically they put an entire entire guideline here of where they actually talk about what you can do to prevent these updates from drastically changing your site's performance and that's really important for you guys to know because you should have this uh pin pinned here and so um you know with that being said it's it the site is being uh what we call eat focused and so we're going to talk about that a little bit inside of this video so let's go through kind of what google's saying their content and recessing guidelines are and i'm going to show you real examples of this with our client sites right and this is important because if you're doing client sites and you're messing around with all this bullcrap black hat seo crap that you're trying to manipulate your clients results you're going to get slammed i mean there hasn't been one time that people have gotten away with doing a lot of this black cat stuff that ultimately is going to result your site into being penalized the goal guys is to create a site that is so uh quality with content user experience and backlinks unfortunately is just something that businesses need to get naturally in fact we're quoting a company right now that's very local to us and we're really really excited to work with them and their domain authority is in the 40s and they don't even they don't even do they've never done seo they're you know they're not into seo but just because they're a good business they get the actual uh results from that so let's talk about a few different things right here i mean kind of the first thing that google automatically talks about is focusing on content and obviously this is this is important and this is something that i don't want to babble on with you guys and talk about oh you know focus on content focus on content but what i really think is important here is to revisit the advice that google's offered in the past on self assessing your site to ensure that the content is good and unique and one of those ways is the content providing original information a research and analysis and it's the same thing of when you do something like a youtube video right because when you make content it has to be something that's unique that nobody else is talking about that's why in my recent lives i've recommended the book they ask you answer because it talks about how to create that type of content that your competitors are almost scared to create and this content includes pricing information this content includes breakdown information versus information reviewing products that they sell uh giving them giving their customers honest uh reporting of the different types of products that offer and those different types of things are very original and instead of just trying to stuff seo keywords on some page instead consider making realistic research analysis type content that's going to be different inside of the search engine and that's why i love creating cost-based content and i'm going to show you an example of what this looks like so i showed this example several times but basically if you type in dental implant costs manchester this is an example of cost based content and so this right here shows to me that google's going to prioritize content that's unique that's not the same and that's going to ultimately give that visitor a lot of experience and by the way guys going after cost related keywords are such is such a good seo strategy because generally that person that's searching cost ultimately is at the bottom of that sales funnel and they're going to choose a business to work with when it comes to this type of stuff so this is unique right most people don't want to talk about cost most people don't want to compare their website with their competitors most people don't want to consider the actual cost inside of their area and i'll show you another example that we did this year and this is with a plumbing website that we tested um you know dallas tx leak detection cost a very similar thing to where the top 11 pages are the top 11 cost breakdowns inside of that actual area this is the type of content that google's going to want to see is unique well-researched content that actually helps the visitor and to do that you have to do research and then the second thing here is does the content provide a substantial complete or comprehensive description of the topic and this is a good this is a good point because a lot of the times as creators as content creators as website marketers as seo search engine optimization experts we almost like to start things and then not complete them and that's one of the things that it's like you're better off just not uploading that page at all because you put all of this half-assed work into creating a page on your website that's talking about a topic and you're trying to get very comprehensive with that topic but ultimately you end up publishing a page that gets no impressions inside of the google search results ultimately just wasting your time you know if you think about seo this way it's almost like having a gym routine to where if you're working on an article that you think is going to target a keyword that gets a lot of search volume put the time into actually creating something that's worthy and comprehensive on the topic so if you're going for cost related keywords if you're going for anything as to where you're actually trying to rank for cost related phrases you're definitely going to want to make sure that you do research inside of that local market for cost and you can see guys that this works with pretty much anything so i can do miami which is a much a much bigger area than uh manchester connecticut and uh you can see um you know we have this second second second ranking here but sometimes we actually have the featured snippet very similar to what you just saw inside of the actual uh inside of the actual manchester search phrase very similar to this one we actually had this ranking in miami as well i think we still do on some phrases and some searches i'd have to pull that up for you but this takes research to actually write and to actually get done and that's why and they ask you answer you know it's so critical to talk about pricing on your website because it's what people want to see and it's what shows up on that page now to take that a step further when you actually visit the landing page google's also looking at your click through and then the experience of that click through so let me show you an example so if i go over to signature smiles which is this client here and i look at their search console performance here and i look at kind of some of uh some of the pages that they're uh you know their performance over here one of the things that we're going to be able to do inside of search console that you should definitely take a look into is actually going in and filtering and you just basically want to do clicks and you can see some of the keyword phrases that people are typing in uh and and their click-through rates associated with that um and so with that being said it's important that yes you get the click and you actually get the people to come to the website because that's an algorithmic signal the click-through rate is very important but what else is important well we know right now that google's prioritizing this yellow text on this website they found it's the most valuable way to show this and i want people to guess how google actually determines this text can anybody in the comment section guess how google actually determines this text i'd love to hear your recommendations i'd love to hear your ideas i have my theory and it's not proven but i can probably guess as to why they can actually think of this page as or this section right here as why they're they're showing that in the future snippet now guys keep that in mind if somebody sees your organic search result and it says dental implant costs and they come to this page and you know they want they come to this page here and this price says something that's completely different from the organic search results what do you think is going to happen well you're going to signal off to google that big that customer's having a negative page experience they're just coming onto the website they're hopping off they're not spending time they're not completing the form they're not calling in google can see these user experience signals very similar to how a youtube video works a youtube video if you use click bait and somebody clicks on your video and they don't watch the entire thing and i've done that before and if you're on my channel you've probably seen me do that before and it never worked out when they do that youtube says i'm going to stop promoting this video google's search engines are exactly the same so if this information is on the actual page if on the google organic search results they're showing this featured snippet the price is 2.997 okay now that i've gotten the click i need to leverage that user's experience on that actual page to keep this keyword phrase from ranking at the top of the search results now if i go to google and i also just type in uh dental implants manchester right so no cost related keyword phrase um this also helps my page rank organically as well because of all of those user user experience signals we're trying to tell google look if somebody types in dental implants this is the company that people want to see how do we do that how do we tell google to do that well we write content that's substantial complete comprehensive researched and reporting and it's got good information and it's accurate and it's something that your competitors are not writing about on their website and i'm going to make this recommendation for you guys uh one more time so this book they ask you answer goes a lot more into into discussion of this strategy of actually using your pricing comparing your pricing to your competitors on your website and it's really smart because it's something that's directly within google's december core algorithm update to where they're stressing look we have way too many uh we have way too many websites inside of our search engines we really need to prioritize the websites that are providing the actual substantial and related content and this goes into the does the content provide insightful analysis as well i mean obviously if you're talking about price on a search result page if you're talking about price and somebody's searching price then you're already giving thoughtful analysis of this actual uh keyword intent and and that really guys goes back to just understanding what your keyword intent actually is when somebody makes a search and you can pull up a basic report inside of your search console when somebody makes a search inside of here and they type in dental implants manchester ct and you can see that you know this is the keyword phrase that people are typing in what is their intent when they're searching that keyword phrase and leveraging your organic pages to match that intent is absolutely critical because if they click on this dental implants manchester ct page and it's a page that has nothing to do about implants maybe it does maybe there's very little information the user doesn't stay long the bounce rates skyrocket on the website what's going to happen is google is going to see those page experience they're going to lower your actual impressions and lower your actual reach inside of the organic search results and guys you've got to think about it this way right so if we look at like let's say um let me just pull up like bioclean let's say if we pull up a site like this and i look at like the last 12 months right if this site is not providing useful information to the visitor about mold removal about all of this different type of stuff well they're not going to promote this website as much as they used to so if you see algorithm updates and you see your google search console impressions and clicks tank what that ultimately means is google doesn't want to show your site anymore they don't think it's popular they don't think it's a good result it is not specifically just some algorithm thing and some seo secret magic thing that you're thinking of that's not what it is in fact what it is is because google doesn't feel comfortable promoting your site to the people that are searching inside of their search engines and that's where really understanding your user intent comes into play and so if this trajectory was down and i actually had a negative result here well what would happen is is that means that that this site is not what people are looking for when they type into the google search results now you can see what does mold smell like this is the keyword phrase that has 52 000 impressions and if i type this keyword phrase into google i can probably guess that's gonna be a featured snippet and um you can see it's a featured snippet and so this page genuinely describes what homeowners should be looking for when they're actually attempting to discover mold inside of their home and this is something that's critical because to them they want to get this problem solved and we write content about this and so using frequently asked questions inside of your actual um you know content and making them pages and not just bundling them all up into one faq page is actually going to help you with search result rankings now guys this is also very important because you also want to consider voice search and as voice search becomes more popular in the near future people are going to be asking the search engines questions and as you can see um you know if you ask google right now what does mold smell like this is the result that they're going to show or they may actually show this result here what does toxic mold smell like etc um i think i am frozen okay all right sorry about that guys i was frozen i hope i wasn't just sitting there um but yeah what up back to what i was saying this this keyword phrase this is what the user is looking for if we lose that user when they click on that search result that page is not going to continue to rank higher um and so this is one of the things that we we really want to get clear on this is another topic right if the content draws on other sources does it avoid just copying or rewriting those sources or instead provide additional value and originality and so that's where creating review type content where you say we're reviewing the 10 best plumbing companies in dallas and we add a descriptive review of all of their information and we use a little bit of their information we copy a little bit of their information but we're not copying it all that's something that's going to create originality within your content does the headline or page title just provide a descriptive helpful summary of the content this is really important guys because i know that a lot of different companies we actually use um uh title tags that are longer than google actually permits and this is going to become a problem in the near future because you're trying to stuff title tags with keyword information generally speaking that title tag should be about 70 characters long and it should have the keyword phrase and the description of what you're actually trying to talk about same thing with the headline you know you don't want it to be exaggerating or shocking in nature google's literally telling you to not use clickbait or to not try to get people to just click through to your site and then have a terrible experience you want that page title to accurately describe exactly what your page is about this is elementary seo but i've got to talk about it just because it has to do with this core algorithm update um is this the sort of page you want to bookmark that is the key right there guys is the page that you're creating something that somebody would want to bookmark share with a friend or recommend there is no better signal to google about how popular your website is than them bookmarking it sharing the url with a friend because they can see social shares or recommending and this is other businesses recommending your content in the form of backlinks right and then would you expect to see this content in or referenced by a printed magazine encyclopedia or a book before google there were magazines there were encyclopedias there were even books and those books were well thought out and well researched before they were actually sold and your content needs to be as accurate as possible inside of this stuff and this is why when we take on a client at developmark we have a content team of people literally a content team of people that focuses on writing textual content that makes sense for that business or brand so that it is referenced the right way it's something people would want to bookmark it's something people would want to share with friends and it is something that google would want to recommend if you're seeing these large search engine fluctuations going in the downward nature that basically means your site is not resonating with the users and now you have some work to do and guys this is why developmark does not do any black hat link building any type of link building that's going to potentially harm a client's site there's several reasons as to why we don't do it and primarily the reason is is because when you get that downward spiral a it's very difficult to explain to a client why that's happening and b it's just not i'm not in for doing work just to do it over again and so that's what the new algorithm is basically trying to get us to do is to say how can we create expertise right and and that's one of the ways that you can leverage yourself and your sites to actually get more organic search impressions through the thing so next one is expertise questions and so these are some of the things that you've really really got to get to take into consideration and this is why i use offshore copywriting services for technical topics like electrical legal anything that has to do with some sort of licensing i'm not going to write that content if it's for a business that doesn't have specific licensing requirements you know these may be some home services these may be some small businesses maybe some retail shops whatever that is we're comfortable enough to get the information from the client using a business information doc and then writing that text for the client but if we're talking about content that is expert based like legal medical etc which is down to that eat guideline which we're going to talk about the content needs to be presented in a way that makes sure that you trust it and the visitor trusts it and so this is really the evidence of the exp expertise being involved background about the author that publish it such as links to an author page or a site about us page and i'll kind of show you why this is important right because when we do blogging for our clients we want to make sure especially in the medical and and the other fields we want to make sure that all the content that's coming from the website itself is actually from the person that should be writing it and has the experience and the expertise to actually do this and i'm sorry guys my computer is so freaking slow today you can see it's not even loading the site um but you can see right here meet the doctor pages like this where we're actually showing off the background of that person we're adding a short biography and every time content is written on the client's site it links back to their author links back to their about page and adds that expertise adds that guidance to the doctor's actual name so that they can on they can continuously grow inside of the google search results but also add experience and authority to their actual domain and this is why creating videos for your own business for your clients on youtube vimeo whatever it is on the expertise of your topic is going to make the authority inside of your industry because it's going to come from right outside of mouth and you can use that for your website to actually grow inside of authority google doesn't want people that aren't dentists talking about dental google doesn't want people that aren't lawyers to talk about legal they want people with physical licenses and expertise researching and writing the content because ultimately that's how google is going to remain a well-trusted or widely recognized search engine if they're putting out not verified factual and not factual information just random information from somebody that's not even a dentist that's going to ultimately hurt your site and that's where you'll start to see those negative trajectories inside of your actual google search performance uh over here so if i saw a big tank if i saw a big negative spike going downwards i would immediately know that something's not going right with the site maybe it's the click-through rate further than the click-through rate maybe people are enjoying the experience of the site and on and on so that's one of the things that i definitely thought was really really cool and that they talk about that is this content written by an expert enthusiast who demonstrably knows the topic well and google's going to be able to know if somebody knows the topic well well how are they going to know that if somebody goes to the website page and they leave immediately the information was not correct especially after they make a search for a keyword they go to your website and then everything kind of turns off so that's one of the things that you've really really really got to make sure that uh you're going in there and then presentation presentations can be coming more and more important inside of the google search algorithms now sometimes when i tell people that you you have to be a designer to actually do seo you have to have you have to know how to make a basic website to actually do seo there's nothing worse than doing seo for a site you've been invited to and the reason why i say that is because you really need the control of everything working together to actually get this website to rank well and so let's talk about a few of these different things right so i mean the first one is the content free from spelling or stylistic issues yes people spelling or stylistic issues when we have clients come to us and text is misspelled on their website clients don't think that it's a factor but it is why is it a factor well if somebody goes to your website if somebody sees grammar mistakes they're going to immediately assume unprofessionalism with your website and they're going to bounce and find another result now lucky for you there's a lot of easy ways to actually tackle this one of the easiest ways is grammarly you can sign up for a basic free grammarly account and actually go in and start to check your grammar and just make sure that the website contents that you're adding to the pages are accurate the next thing that you can do is you can use a tool that we like to use called triple checker and triple checker is a website and grammar error what that catches things automatically so we use this for a lot of our different client sites the the moment before they go live and these actual client sites they give us a report and that report tells us everything that's spelt wrong and everything that's spelt right and so luckily we have very talented people at developmark that have english degrees and have college degrees in journalism and they know how to write and so it's very clear that studies show 59 of users will not trust the website with obvious spelling or grammatical errors and that's why with every single website that we publish inside of the developmark ecosystem we don't have any sites that are have anything misspelled and if we do we run monthly checks on our website pages to make sure nothing is felt right this is the benefit of having an in-house internal team for your company for your agency if you have if there's any agency owners inside of this video and and because of that we can thoroughly know that nothing is felt wrong and yes that matters it's a question that we get asked a lot does grammar actually matter well it does and let's talk about stylistic issues right stylistic issues is one of those things to where the website has to have a similar format ongoing you know there's so many times we see customers with websites and they have like this one home page and then they have like this one page for internal pages and they have separate designs and separate fonts and separate graphics through each and every single page that's one thing that the velmark does very well so you know you can see right here if i were to go to the home page the stylistic setup of the page you know is set up pretty well it looks great and then inside of the services if i were to go to let's say dental implants since we've been talking about dental implants so much you know the formatting of the page is the right way that's actually going to get the visitor to read it the right way and if i move over to implant dentures it's very similar so the format actually doesn't change just the text contents of the actual page change and that's important because you've really got to have a good stylistic presentation of your website or when somebody goes to it and they see different fonts they see different colors they see random colors that's not even in your branding guidelines they're going to leave your website next one was the content produced well or does it appear sloppy or hastily produced that's the key word guys if the content is something that was rushed and added to the website it's generally going to get no impressions inside of the search results and you're going to have to you've wasted your time actually creating that content is the content mass-produced or outsourced to a large number of creators or spread across a large network of sites so that individual pages or sites don't get as much attention or care this should be something that you're not doing anyways we don't have to talk about that um you should be ordering content for your website if you don't have the time if you if you do have the time and you don't have the money you should be writing the content if you have the money and don't have the time you should be ordering the content especially if you're in a vertical that is very expertise focused for your clients and we can talk about content management much further down the line uh does the content have an excessive amount of ads or distract from or interfere with the main content and guys you've got to be careful with this too recently we presented a site to one of our clients and they told us that the site had too many call to actions and so to to a normal person like myself right like i'm like whoa like too many call to actions like we're a marketing agency of course there's too many call to actions but that person it was right there shouldn't be an over absurd amount of call to actions on your website that's hurting the user from actually experiencing the website and so a lot of the times when we do our websites we generally have a form to the right side call to actions in the middle call to action in boxes uh forms at the bottom of the actual web page but using call to actions only where they're actually not going to interfere with the site's main content is critical because that's going to tell google that people enjoy reading your content and they're not overly absurdly distracted from ads or call to actions or specials on the website now it's okay to have occasional pop-ups it's okay to have a website chat it's okay to have your phone number uh popping up but it should not interfere with the main content on your website does the content display well for mobile devices when viewed on them right this is very easy to detect on a site if you just go to your actual performance tab inside of google search console and i recommend you doing this for pretty much everything every single thing that you do or every site that you manage or if you're just on your own site check your mobile usability report inside of google search console this is automatically going to tell you if you have any errors inside of mobile usability now you can see for core web vitals this site does not pass the 2021 guidelines that google's looking for and so obviously when that when this site's time to redesign which should be before the algorithm update we'll take those things into consideration and this is why it's so important that you have some sort of strategy with your website not just the content not just the directory links not just the backlinks not just the social signals not just the google my business the website it matters because every single year google makes these changes in the search algorithm and if you don't have control or if you're not paying an agency to have control of your website that knows what they're doing this stuff's going to hurt you later on and when these search results start to tank inside of the search console report when these search results start to go down your agency is going to have to explain as to why it went down and it's because you're not managing the site correctly and so that's one of the things that you've really got to make sure that all the sites are accessible on mobile devices when viewed and they're fast and then i kind of love this one right here comparative questions these are questions that you should be asking yourself does the content provide substantial value when compared to other pages in the search results and check this out so it just happens to be that we are ranking number one for dental implants manchester ct right so this is a keyword phrase that we're showing up well inside of the google search results we were in the maps maybe if we're closer now we're number two like two seconds ago we were number one but there's literally no pages on this actual search result that talks about price so there's one right here that says dental pricing and offers manchester ct and this is a page that could have some competition to the type of content that we created because you can see they actually do list out pricing and i love the way that they do this i love the way that they list out the pricing on side of these pages right and so this is a really good reason as to why these pages rank well from s pen dental now they're they're very big right they're very big companies so they have the ability to you know fluctuate on price and offer affordable rates but ultimately it is no surprise that this page is ranking at the top because nobody talks about price and so when you think about comparative content if i were entering into a market and let's say the keyword that i was trying to rank for was dallas uh texas roofing right let's say the keyword phrase i was trying to rank is roofing right well the first thing i would look at is the google ads of course because that's where people are looking then i would see a google ad inside of here the google map listings but the organic search results there's one thing that is ranking here that's different from the other websites and can anybody tell me what it is there's one organic search result here that's vastly different from the other search results offers that comparative information that we were looking for is unique and that's the better business bureau you know they're they're they're they're kind of going against what google tells us right they put the keyword roofers you can trust dallas texas i typed in roofing so you can see how the lsi synonym keywords work inside of here but this is a page that's not just a roofing company this is a page that lists out all of the different roofing companies gives reviews gives value gives an accreditation and you can actually use this to contact these roofers and because this organic search result is different because this organic search result is not just saying number one roofing company because it's not just saying that and it's actually offering a unique piece of content for that area so when somebody searches in that area they're going to find this unique article because of that their better business bureau is hitting the nail on the actual substantial value when compared to another page and then the other one does the content seem to be serving the general interest of visitors or does it seem to exist solely by someone attempting to guess what might rank well inside of the search engines and guys this is directly from google this is not from search engine journal this is not from myself this is not from anybody that's making seo videos this is directly from google if your page solely exists to try to manipulate search engine results if your page solely exists to try to sell if your page solely exists to try to advertise that's like you going into business solely to make money never works those type of people always go out of business they either go to jail they go out of business they don't do well nobody likes working for them and google search engines is a very similar thing if your content is literally for the genuine interest of the visitors like on this live video i haven't promoted basically anything although yes i'm talking about development which naturally is gonna happen i'm in it for this genuine interest of yourselves and also i know the value of actually talking about this information because it gets rea you know it gets reached so obviously there's a win-win but ultimately but beyond asking yourself these questions you've really got to consider if your site is affiliated or if it's just an honest assessment and that's what you really need to look into and so the next thing that we want to talk about is eat and this is something that i just saw inside of the comment section um you know in terms of our search quality raider guidelines and this is something that you can take a look into just by clicking on that developers tab that i showed you inside of the actual live chat and reading up on the stuff so you know what the search engine quality guidelines are and a lot of these different things i'm not going to go through this entire outline because as you can see it's a gigantic thing but just looking into a few of these things right you know let's take a look right so so if i just look at some of these different types of things what is the purpose of a web page right and if if google is telling us what the purpose of a web page is and we design our websites we design our content we design our user experience based off of that do you think you're going to have a better off chance ranking well of course you are and this is something that every seo needs to read because it's going to tell you the nitty gritty of what google actually wants you to know and so if i go to understanding web page content and it basically says all of the content on a web page can be classified as main content supplementary content or monetization of ads in order to understand the purpose of a web page or do page quality rating you will need to able to distinguish among these different types of pages web page design can be complicated so make sure to click around the explore page see what type of content behind the tabs blah blah blah blah blah this is all the different types of stuff that you should be reading and looking into because look you need to do this you need to understand the query right well let's look at it if the query is population of paris likely user intent is find the current population of paris or france so what do you think this search result is going to look like well if you search it i guarantee you it's going to be wikipedia or some type of site that act does that okay so google's using um you know their own tool inside of here you can see that automatically people want to see a chart people want to see the chart being compared to other things and so if we wanted to rank for this different types of keyword phrase we would have to come up with something that's a little bit better than what google is currently showing here which is very difficult to do because they're heavily invested in these types of keyword phrases and google's actually taking away website traffic to websites by using a lot of these featured snippets and so you've got to rank in those future snippets but let's look at it right starbucks near me okay find the nearest starbucks location this is going to have location heavily involved guys i've got to make this very clear if you're in new york city and you're asking to find the nearest starbucks location do you think it's possible to rank a starbucks from connecticut for that keyword search phrase absolutely not and we get that question a lot how can i get my google my business to show up in different places and a lot of that has to do with your website strategy because your website has to indicate to google that it's in multiple locations and you do that by creating a consistent location page content schedule but ultimately weather find the weather and if i type this keyword phrase in here if i type in starbucks near me right what are you probably going to see for this you're probably going to see the actual google maps because it is a local phrase search and then obviously google's smart enough to say this is a store like locator page how do we know that it's a store like locator page because likely when you access this page it's going to ask to find your location okay automatically you can see that starbucks wants to know your location that's immediately how google knows this is a location type page and if i click allow it'll bring me right to the page and i have this turned off so i'm not going to actually do that but if i were to go ahead and type in subington right i can search that and then google maps data is going to show me the locations inside of connecticut there are so many it's crazy i can't believe how big starbucks is it's so overly expensive i just drink coffee at home because i'm cheap uh but you can see this is something that's critical and so using that search intent is just very important now what if you go into your phone and you say call mom well your phone's gonna be smart enough to call the contact in your phone mom right it's not going to go to google search it's not going to you know type in call mom and it's not going to show google maps that's not going to happen and this is why you need to read all this information because you really got to understand if the queries in the uk and you type in football it's going to show a soccer ball if the query is in the united states and you type in football it's going to show a football this is the type of stuff that you've really got to make sure that you understand because as you're creating content as you're creating more websites for your clients it's really going to be made clear exactly what is going to happen after somebody makes that search once they visit the website and they start actually playing around with the user experience of the site how is the website set up to make sure that it is matching their actual search if somebody types in dentist redbird tx let's say if somebody types this in i need to as an seo understand if somebody clicks either my organic search result or my google maps search result that this web page accurately reflects somebody looking for a dentist near them and guess what y'all based on the google search results inside of here that is actually happening with this actual search result and we can predictably say this is how we set up our websites somebody that's looking for a dentist a local search phrase like this is looking for location so we've got to make sure we market that location well they're looking for pricing they're looking for specials they're looking for different services they're looking for pictures of patients that have been there before and that's all the different types of things that we make sure we set up our clients with and so you know with that being said e really goes and it really goes into exactly the guidelines of creating this type of content that stands for expertise authoritativeness trustworthiness and the content is discussed in great details right so you really really want to get expertise authorities and trustworthiness how can you do that how can you create content that's within each guidelines number one ask your client for the content or yourself write the content that's number one i mean there's there's no way of beating that your client's smarter than you your clients a hundred times smarter than you at your topic and so if you were a smart agency or if you were a smart seo you would create a system that allows your clients to send you content on a daily basis which we do at developmark and you would be able to basically get the content from them so you don't have to come up with it on your own and then authoritativeness right what makes content authority what makes it authoritative well what makes content authoritative is something different something that's you know people want to see something that people want to share something that people want to bookmark if you don't have that in your content it's not going to rank well and then trustworthiness are you trying to just sell on that page right yes this website has a ton of actual selling points right we're talking about patient testimonials we're talking about about us we're talking about the different services that they offer we're talking about why patients love them we're talking about reviews we're talking about different blogs we're talking about the contact but is this website have massive pop-ups that asks people to pay money on the website all the time no you've got to demonstrate your trustworthiness by making sure that you're not just doing this you're not just in business to get people to send you money you're not just in business to get people to actually um you know you're not in business to get people to just buy stuff from you you're actually writing this content to discuss things in a great detail and that's why you need to follow the eat method and a lot of this goes into actually going in and writing content that makes sense for e and the amount of expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness is really important especially for your money your life websites and so that's why when i was looking at some of my search results here uh you know and specifically like let's just say my wow dental because this is a site that i haven't seen a lot you can see there's not a lot of progression inside of the actual um seo pages but there's also not something that obviously i don't want which is the negative trend actually going down so you can see some days it absolutely fluctuates but ultimately we want to make sure that this site's not seeing large decreases in the actual google search results a lot of this stuff is paid traffic as well but we want to make sure that that's not going down especially on these medical websites where you're talking about someone's money or their actual life and it's one of the things that you definitely should take a look at but you should also do the research and read the entire google uh the actual search quality evaluator guidelines to actually get a better understanding of how you should go about your seo campaigns how you should go about digital marketing and ultimately how you should set up your website and your business this just goes further than your business right these are all insights that you can use inside of your business understanding what your customer is looking for understanding the questions that your customers ask addressing those questions on your website so that when they do call you there's less friction understanding all this other stuff is going to make you stand out inside of this actual stuff and so google actually says it right here uh in march 2020 they said since they originally posted this they were occasionally asked if eat is a ranking factor and their automated systems use a mix of many different signals to rank great content but they tried to mix this and align it with what humans would agree is great content as they would assess it according to each criteria giving this assessment our own content eat our own terms of e criteria may help it online basically what they're saying is it's a ranking factor okay you don't need all this technical text for google to tell you that it's a ranking factor it is a ranking factor they want authoritative and expert content because that's what keeps the value of their search engines if people start writing expert content on brave or if they start i'm sorry not brave they start writing expert content specifically for bing or specifically for yahoo or specifically for duckduckgo um they're going to take people away from google which is going to lower google's market share making them a non-monopoly and so recovering is one of the things i think is important too if you are seeing large fluctuations and and absolute decreases in organic search results um you know getting a you know recovering is really really important and so you know one of the things that you really really got to look in for is you really got to keep notes the changes that you make to your website and to your seo strategy on a monthly daily or quarterly basis and the reason why this is important is because when you see these large fluctuations going down or going up um you know ultimately what's going to happen is if i go to the last 16 months you know i want to know what are the changes that i made uh inside of here right what are the changes and they weren't a client at this time so i don't know what happened here but if i made changes let's say uh in in february and the changes resulted into these lower decreased pages here and lower decreased uh analytics what did i do at that time to actually do that and keep note of that and see if you can undo those different types of things but what i'll tell you is i'm going to log in and see when this site actually went live um what i'm going to tell you is ultimately if you're looking at this type of stuff here and you're you're trying to see exactly what you did during that time that's why it's important to keep a log and so that's why using the web editor that you're using is really important because you're going to be able to keep a log of what you actually made in terms of changes so you can see that this website was created in august most likely went live in september or october and so you can see that from here in terms of august let's say june july august once the site started working on we published it and now you can see it's starting to see more positive results inside of google search console because we set up the website according to those guidelines according to our seo team reading that entire manual that tells us exactly what google's looking for what else do you want guys what else do you need to see that's what you need to see you need to see google telling you this and then you need to come to my channel for me to show you actual examples that have to do with local because google's not going to show you that they're going to show you starbucks as an example right like anybody any one of you can relate to starbucks right great example google um so no yeah so no improvement we make in search is perfect but that's why they keep updating and they keep doing feedback and they keep doing testing guys that's the thing that you've really got to take into consideration if you think you've been impacted by the algorithm update log into your google search console see if that you've seen any of negative inc decreases down inside of your actual uh down lower inside of google search console now i'm gonna be answering questions for you guys um i hope you guys have liked that make sure you make sure you ask your questions i'm gonna be going through them i know that this is the exciting part of the live this is the part of the live that people definitely want to uh you know talk about so um with that being said i want to go through this information with you guys really really quickly so um uh one little feature that i don't know if you guys have seen inside of google search console that i really like is the actual ability to see your messages and email them so like this is november search report for this website and you can actually click this little email and it sends the email out which i really really like that i like that for you know several reasons and oh this is for red i'm sorry i thought this was to actually send out an email um but i like this because it actually tells our clients where they are on a monthly basis but ultimately i'm going to start going through some of this stuff here dale said it's dale the jewelry store owner i was waiting to a foe an email from you yeah dale sorry man we were very very slammed um i'll i'll send you some contact tomorrow morning uh i have landed my first client dr sang said i've landed my first client dental practice how do i start ranking his biz and what is the best keyword for local dentists um so doctor is asking what are some of the best keyword phrases for local dentists um so it depends what the dentist is looking for so remember everything that you do falls back into goals right if you have goals then you can basically have a strategy to start putting into play and then you start doing the tactics that actually break down that strategy into into actionable things so what's the goal of the dentist right so some dentists come to us and they literally say we need more customers um we don't care we don't care what type of customers we don't care how much they're paying we just need more patients to come into the door and some dentists come to us and say we need a very specific type of customer and that's generally when ppc becomes a very strong additive to that actual service and so what's the goal if the goal is to just get more customers well you need to start ranking keywords like 89 dentist free checkup free x-ray free exam etc we accept insurance policies you're going to want to go for that type stuff if you're trying to rank cosmetic procedures like let's say veneers let's say implants let's say dentures let's say anything that has to do with cosmetic invisalign i have invisalign on right now go for price i mean people want to see price people want a good dentist of course but we shouldn't even be talking about that we shouldn't even be talking about how good you are that that's just a given if you're if you're a bad dentist you should be in jail you know what i mean like you shouldn't be operating your practice granted you're working with a good dentist now you've got to target price keywords so two thousand dollar veneer special buy three get one free whatever it is go for price inside of your keyword rankings it's going to drastically increase the amount of actual keyword rankings that you get and i know a lot of the big dentists actually do this because it works it works for patient acquisition as cheesy as some of these marketing tactics sound people who don't know marketing need to be convinced as to why they should choose a website and that's going to affect your click-through rates it's going to affect your organic search results it's going to affect your lead quality it's going to affect your lead flow your clients going to be happier with that um and so that's the type of stuff that you've really got to start looking into uh hafid said hey ron what is up my customer is losing ranking lately he owns home decoration store what should i do to boost his ranking um you know there there's so many different things that you can do to boost your clients rankings i guess i think i guess the first thing i would want to know is like what did you do um because if they're losing ranking and you didn't do anything that's completely fine and that's normal because if you're not doing anything if you're not keeping the activity of that site fresh they're going to lose ranking because naturally google's one of these things where it'll phase out your entire website if it's not doing anything different than other websites because it doesn't want to show uh a user all these freaking websites right and so you really got to look into what you did before you can kind of start to think about what you can do to boost his rankings there's so many different ways to boost somebody's ranking you know if you have an email database that's a really good way to start and when you say ranking you know start to look at traffic overall because if you already have an email database for the client you might be able to do some email marketing posts that are going to increase the social signals to that actual website if it's a lead problem you should probably turn on some sort of google ads and then ultimately you have to i have to understand what you did to or what's happened to that website that actually involved the lower increase in the rankings or else i can't really do that what is the best salary for seo tech and wed designer if i hire locals um i mean in the united states i would probably say the average is like fifty thousand um that's like the average i would say uh in different countries this can be different and if you're looking for like engineers or you know developers um they range from like 80 to 120 000 um but those things are usually good to uh either do yourself when you're starting out or completely outsource man you look good what is the best strategy to show up on google maps thank you thank you i appreciate the comment um you know showing up on google maps really really comes down to uh the proximity of the actual search that you're going for uh the primary category of your actual business so if your primary category uh is your target service don't stuff the categories i've seen businesses do that i've seen businesses stuff the category i've seen them stuff the service areas i've seen them stuff all of this stuff it's not a good practice to do that google needs to get clear you need to get your roi and generally your google maps is going to show for very local type terms it's not going to show for like these towns that are 50 miles away from you it's just going to show mostly your local terms so make sure that when you're doing that your best strategy on google maps feed it a bunch of images make sure you're adding images in the correct categories feed it the categories that it needs feed it the the different types of media that it needs the optimizations that it needs and then we're still yet to know if posts google posts actually help the seo rankings of that website we don't know if it does some people say it does some people say it doesn't i would say it probably doesn't hurt to test it out if you have the time to do that um for us right now we're looking at the primary categories that have been known to deliver a significant ranking increase inside of the actual google maps section uh google said hey rwand what's going on gujara thanks for joining us tonight frank said hi ron can you get backlinks from directories or is this just citations also really enjoying the ask you answer we'll try and base the sites i do on his philosophy yeah guys i mean like you know i wouldn't recommend they ask you answer to you guys if i thought that it wasn't a good book and i thought that it wouldn't help you guys because i'm not really one for recommending things to make money i could really really give a about the money that i make from the different types of affiliates that i work with or any type of different type of product in fact my entire career i haven't done anything that's been affiliate except for um some seo tools and uh you know i do the seo tools obviously because it's significant cost savings for my agency and so with that being said i also use that seo tool but i think that backlinks from directories are absolutely fine and they they work most most client sites you'll get the ranking number one just by having the client directory set up the right way and the name address and phone number actually set up the right way and if you're doing that you know i recommend you use yx because yex is kind of annoying because it's like a it's a software as a service so the moment that you cancel yx your directories will actually go away which is kind of annoying um or you can manually publish them spend hours doing that that's just annoying because you've got to upload business information you've got to create accounts you've got to remember passwords we don't have time for that at developmark so what we do is we use yex and it actually builds our clients several directory links and it allows us to manage their online portfolios using yak so anytime they tell us that there's holiday hours that have to be changed which we just sent out an email today asking our clients if they're doing holiday hours if there's any specials if there's any categories any images that we have to add we have somebody specifically focused on directories and they actually manage all of that stuff for our clients so that we can actually get the directories and the citations ranking well but yes they work i mean they absolutely work are you going to get competitive number one keyword phrases ranking just because of directories that's hard to tell probably not but ultimately they should be some sort of part of your actual seo strategy because it is one of the things that google looks for and they've said this several times that the name address and phone number of your website is one of the things that are very important now a lot of you guys have had questions about call tracking and how call tracking actually affects name address and phone number for a lot of you that are using the tool call rail which is actually how you track phone calls coming into your site or a client site and they use a google my business tracking system as long as your phone number is the secondary phone number for your google my business meaning it's not the primary as long as it's the secondary name nap search results can actually see that secondary phone number so make sure that that number's there so you don't damage your name address and phone uh guja said quick question about sales outsourcing what do you think about it is it a good practice to outsource sales and hire a specialist if the weakest part of your seo process is sales yeah i mean like you know that question is one of those things that every single person wants more of we all want more sales we all want more customers we all want more leads we all want more opportunities but consider do you deserve those opportunities i mean if you think that you you definitely deserve those opportunities if you're providing a service that is so damn good if you're providing a service that people feel like they would be stupid to do business with somebody else then yes hiring a salesperson is an absolute good idea but if you're still perfecting your product if you're still perfecting your processes if you're still perfecting your customer experience which we still are at development that's why we don't have all these crazy sales people we have one sales person um then you should not look into a salesperson you should look into your best salesperson which is actually the service and the deliverables that you actually provide to your client if that's the weakest part of your seo process and you already have existing clients consider setting up a referral system that's going to motivate and actually um sell your clients this and then basically you can then look into sales there's there's no better way of growing your business than building a community with your existing clientele gall said what's good what's up jake good to see you man i mean a person who would manage the whole phone process yeah so that's a lot different um if you need somebody to manage the whole phone process i would check out jill's office uh it's a voice answering service that charges you per minute it's a very good tool and and we use it a lot at development for our clients um but ultimately if you if you don't want to set up the discovery calls if you don't want to set up the sales interviews if you don't want to set up the proposal and you want to pitch that's kind of what we have here at developmark and it works very well so we have a sales person that takes a new inquiries they talk to that new inquiry they set up all the presentations and then on the pitch i'm on that call because i have the seo expertise to actually do them and so with that being said um you know it's it's certainly smart to have somebody that's going to manage that whole phone process the way that we have it structured is every new account there's an upfront payment and then there's a monthly residual for each account that stays on board with development the captain and he said now have you seen changes on rankings not many man captain he said my client rankings changed a bit but now they are back on top positions just kept doing good content and good usability and that's what it is it's one of those things where you've really got to stay up to date with everything that's going on you've really got to make sure that everything that the client is you told the client you're going to do is being delivered on uh stewart said tell me about it we can't keep up with all the work yeah development's uh busiest we've ever been which is good but at the same time i kind of miss the days where i could spend all day making youtube videos uh you just need a fitter flitter on your light you're a little washed out thank you training weight loss said you mentioned that we should sell ppc and sell the ppc more than the seo but to package everything together how do you sell ppc when it's so expensive especially for home services um does anybody in the comments have an answer to that um so training training weight loss is basically saying why would a business invest in google ads if it's so expensive um for a lot of businesses you're going to see companies that you're going to see cost per clicks ranging to 20 per click and so people wonder how is that even profitable to run google ads and the reality of it is you're running google ads the wrong way if you're getting a cost per click that high you should start your campaigns with something called manual bidding and manual bidding is going to allow you to control your cost per click and one of my really good friends austin's going to come onto the channel really shortly to demonstrate google ads builds because he does a really good job and i was offshoring a lot of google ad stuff to him when i was doing offshoring um and now he actually doesn't do any type of google ads et cetera but i'm gonna show you uh signature smiles since we already talked about that dentist their ad account right and so there's there's a few there's a few different ways that you can bid for google ads and this is really important for anybody on this call that's considering running google ads or is running google ads so this is a google ad campaign and so this is for uh dental implants and you can see that we have the actual uh mac the default max cost per click set at four dollars this means that i am not willing to pay more than four dollars for an average click that this client is going to get now how does this work right so you're in a bidding system compared to other competitors and so your bid is going to determine where you show up in those actual google search results and so you can see 173 clicks uh click-through rate of 11 and then an average cost per click of four dollars and nine cents instead of spending twenty dollars cost per click i'm spending four dollars and getting a higher click-through rate for these actual ads that i'm running what does this allow me to do well when you have manual bidding set up google always wants you to do something called target cpa which is basically target cost per acquisition the problem with that the issue with target cost per acquisition is you're going to pay a lot of money for keyword clicks that you could pay less for if you just did some sort of manual bidding and so with that being said you can see how high the click-through rates are even though they're not showing up high on the organic search or the actual search results but also let's look at some of the search terms right dental implant prices so if i were to type this into actual that where where they're located inside of manchester dental implant prices their google ad should show up inside of this ad here i have it turned off overnight because that wouldn't make much sense oh nope there it is um this is actually not their dental implant ad this is their emergency dentist ad because they have a 24 7 line but you can see this ad may show here but when you do manual bidding it could show up at the bottom of the search results i'll give you i'll give you a quick tip a lot of people don't choose these large companies so a lot of the times that people see trademarks you know they see a lot of these large companies a lot of times they want to work with somebody that's actually local and that's where your google ads like this one can come into play but do not start a campaign with manual cpa guys i'm telling you it is the most destructive way to overpay for clicks when you could be avoiding that just by using manual bidding and so i want to give you a really good example of this right so you should be doing until your campaign has enough actual data to do manual cpc or um automated cpc for example so this is an example of a a client that we're working with right now and so you have um you know if i were to look at let's say all time you know you have um you have seven conversions coming from the brand movers in ct six conversions this cost per conversion is 50 and it's a 37.50 conversion rate percentage this means that for every 50 we get a qualified lead from google ads look how high the cost per click is though the cost per click here guys is 19 now am i okay to pay a 19 cost per click if it's gonna take me three clicks to get a lead sure am i okay to pay a 20 cost per click if it's going to take me 20 clicks to get a lead probably not how did we get this ad campaign running this effectively well we started with manual bidding once the system saw 50 or so conversions we changed it to man or uh to target cpc and we said we want to get 50 cost per lead and now google's algorithm is changing for 50 cost per lead so really you can sell google ads you can do that and see a lower cost per click but you've got to get it set up to manual bidding and once that ad campaign is generating enough conversions then you want to change that over to target cpa which is probably how your ad accounts are set up right now which is most likely why you're paying that much per click let me know if that makes sense uh check out local service ads yeah that that's another thing i mean so we use local service ads for every single one of our clients that are that are that are qualified for them um if you guys aren't familiar with what local service ads are they're basically the ads that show up in the three big boxes at the top and they definitely cost a little less but i wouldn't say they cost less and and the reason why i say that is because google introduced a new bidding feature that allows people to actually bid for this so for example this is our client here bbb attorneys they're inside of the local service ads and these are the ads all the way at the top here and they're also most likely not here yet but they're basically inside of those local service ads so uh if you were to type in uh property attorney connecticut or let's say whatever that keyword phrase is as long as the actual um as long as the the the business type qualifies for these local service type ads you're going to be able to show up inside of these boxes and these boxes guys i'm going to tell you right now dramatic increase in qualified contacts and you do have to pay for it so if i click this the major difference of this is if i just click this they're not going to pay for this they're only going to pay for this if they're going to call in and ask for more information if they're just going to look at this listing and not call in they're actually not going to be billed for the local service ad and this is really important because when we do our marketing campaigns for our clients we want to make sure that we're putting them up in as many visibility locations that could be done and so a lot of different businesses already qualify for this and if you're interested in learning more about local service ads i highly recommend you check them out and you actually give it a go because it's going to get your brand shown for a lot of these different types of keywords and ultimately i'm just going to show you inside of this specific attorney's account for local service ads so you can kind of see how it works but you can see like on this one right here um if i share my screen with you guys and i go to this lead in box right so this is just an example so um you know this is a uh you know there there's nine new contacts and i can listen to this contact um you can see that it was a missed call so the lead was actually not charged which means the customers have to pay for that if it's a missed call but all the calls that we're actually able to connect like let's say this one right here um you can see that this was also a missed call so they weren't billed for that um anything that's not connected you can actually dispute inside of google local service ads for you or your client and what that's going to allow you to do is it's going to allow you to basically make sure that you're only paying for qualified leads you can see that this client right here called in two times i can listen to this recording because google records all of these phone calls and i can basically see if it was a good contact if it wasn't i can go to the top right over here and i can click on dispute and our client actually won't pay for this qualified lead that came in they'll actually get a statement credit so there's there's a lot of different ways that you can go about google local service ads but i think that it's a really good start to actually do manual bidding for your google ad campaigns instead of just going into target cpa because if you go into target cpa you're basically telling the google ad system hey i want leads for this much but it has no idea about your market and that's why setting a low bid and then slowly going into actually asking the system to do the work for you is always the best bet with google ads that's how we get more budget out of our clients existing budgets inside of google ads uh daniel asked how does development effectively manage employees remotely i have three and i feel like i'm losing their motivation and culture just being virtual yeah i mean that is one of the things that is extremely difficult to maintain um so i'm going to give you some quick tips on how to actually do that any team that's virtual any company that's virtual even if you're working with vendors that are virtual i mean i think one of the main things there daniel is understanding that communication is still just as important even though you're virtual now obviously when you're in the office and you're working side by side by people it's really easy to actually go in and obviously meet with these people on a daily basis but you've got to create a consistent schedule and so what that looks like for me is every monday at nine wednesday at nine and friday at nine in the morning we have our team calls that we do and so for these actual team calls um i'm not taking any client calls at those times so and that's really important because i really dedicate my time towards these team calls and it's this is critical because if you're gonna do this um sorry my exposure is absolutely crazy um but basically setting up these calendar invites with these with your employees and or your team and making sure that you're consistently communicating with them on a daily basis and giving them something to look forward to and so what i like doing and this is why activity is really important inside of your business i always have something to report i always have a new client that we're potentially working with i always have a new update that we're working with i always have you know status updates that we're going to be doing and this is really important because that's going to give them motivation to actually stay in tune with your business if you don't have these very basic calendar meetings set up with your actual existing team it's easy for them to just feel like they're going to take the day work when they want do what they want and then go forward instead you've got to create something that's going to keep them motivated keep them engaged with your business and that comes and starts with you daniel if you can say to them on a daily basis hey i have this uh you know this is what we're doing this is a new client that we're talking to we have a lot of exciting things going on the energy starts with you and so if you don't have that energy it's going to be very difficult to motivate your team especially if you guys are remote now with that being said um it's it's important that you're not just running random meetings right like you're not just running absolutely random meetings this is a book that i highly recommend you taking a look at and highly recommend that you read it's the harvard guide to making every single meeting matter once you've read this book and you've actually gone through the in-depth details and this this can go for your clients this can go for home service businesses this can go for dental it doesn't matter what type of business you are as long as you have this information jam-packed inside of your brain you're going to be able to host more meetings more effectively get more out of your people and deliver a better result for everybody so um i i'm a big fan of meetings i'm a big fan of short meetings i don't like having very long meetings i think that they're uh they're not productive one fun fact about this book jeff bezos does not enter a meeting unless he gets a written memo from the person that wants to hold the meeting explaining what the meeting is about if it can be explained in a memo they will not have a meeting but in this case you are not jeff bezos you are nowhere near jeff bezos you may never be jeff bezos but that doesn't mean you can't have effective meetings have more of them have more exciting things to report to your your your employees and you'll ultimately deliver a good remote experience use slack we use slack on a daily basis um slack is amazing for several different things and just keep the communication flowing that's kind of hard to do when you have three people right now we're at about 15 so we have a lot of communication going at all times and that creates more motivation inside of the actual boat captain said i think medical got some changes too to me it's just google trying different things testing out other sites and seeing how they behave definitely what's up uh uh what's up roger thank you so much darren what's going on brother thank you uh shout out to darren thanks for watching the channel darren i've seen you been watching it a little more recently i'm i'm happy about that uh roger said love the channel a question regarding website page speed affecting seo do they matter i checked the speed at develo mark and it scored 22 for mobile and 76 on desktop yeah so unless your website has absolutely nothing on it mobile's always just gonna be like a complete show to be very honest with you just because it has so much to do with the clients internet that's visiting the site or the visitors internet that's visiting the site and if they don't have good internet it's generally not going to show up high desktop is usually we score high on desktop for every single client that we make we never score like ridiculously high for mobile only because our clients enjoy having media on their website and they enjoy having pictures and other types of content on their actual website so you know in general it's like the more media you continuously add to your website the more you're actually going to lower inside of google page speed results now does this have any impact on the ranking of your actual search results and to answer that question to you i don't think so google says it does uh you know uh speed is definitely important for user experience if anything has to do with the actual ranking it's your user experience and speed directly affects your user experience now if you have bad user experience you're going to rank lower but i don't think google is looking at something that basically says hey your website's really slow you know you should definitely speed it up or we're going to rank you lower i think it's the consequences of the actual slow speed that's going to get you to those things so like for example i just checked one of our client sites bbb attorneys which has a ton i'm talking about a ton of media on their website i mean they have you know dozens of pages they have scrolling animations they have video backgrounds they have video testimonials embedded into the site you know they have all these testimonials all these different types of things that they're doing all of their pages actually have videos inside of them so you know is it something that's severely impacting the seo result of the sites i don't think so but i do think it's important for you remember click rate plus page experience plus good content always a number one ranking and so if you're getting a good click-through rate and they're seeing good content the site's loading fast you're going to rank higher i don't think it google looks at the score but i do think that they look at the user experience and speed has a lot to do with that i've shown that it's eat focused yes it is darren uh it's very focused uh planeta del futuro planet of the future i know spanish guys i know a lot of spanish uh said hello from spain if you have a website that's already applied all the technical and content improvements that you can how can you improve your position only with link building and how important is the freshness google google has a caffeine algorithm update and the caffeine algorithm update is basically uh a italian how often you update your website and it's important because if you're in business you should be updating your website with everything you do and so you know with that being said it's it's it's definitely important to keep the site fresh and consistent just like it's important to keep a youtube channel fresh and consistent just like it's important to keep a relationship fresh and consistent just like it's important to keep your friends close and you're consistent you want to build that relationship with them so google's the same way and so yes if you have the technical if you have the content improvements then you should look at link building what type of link building should you look at you should look at the link building that's going to increase your expertise you should be looking at the link building that's going to increase your authority and your trustworthiness how can you do that youtube is a great start podcasts are a great start creating your own podcast is a great start creating this social signal type environment within your seo strategy that's going to get people talking about you instead of talking about your competitor and and i was actually talking to my friend earlier today and we were talking about how do i gauge the success of developmark's internet presence and many people would assume that i gauge the success of development internet presence by looking at our organic traffic and that's actually not the case you would assume that if you look at the velomark inside of a tool like semrush or ahrefs we're sucking but when it comes to actual organic search presence and like ironically we're an seo company but you know as you can see you know our organic search traffic has been going down and down and down because we've been deleting a lot of these irrelevant actual pages but when you look at our referring domains we have 554 and i've done zero zero zero zero backlinking to this actual website and we actually have an authority score of 30. now you guys be wondering how the hell is that possible ruan focus on your organic seo strategy rule on write content on your website guys we are getting to that following the they ask you answer formula we are getting to that strategy now with that being said um if you take a look at some things like this right so one of the ways that i gauge success of development is not actually the organic search traffic and this is actually qualifier to work with development too we actually take a look into this stuff um but how many people on a monthly basis are searching for my brand right my brand develop not searching for connecticut seo company not searching for connecticut digital marketing agency de velo mark why is this important because when somebody is searching developmark this means that we are known outside of the search engines and they are searching for my name guys this is critical and you can see a global volume we have 1 500 brand searches brand searches they're not looking for a plumber they're not looking for a licensed contractor they're looking for texas green plumbing they're looking for develo mark they're looking for signature smiles they're looking for renaissance renovations they're looking for all of these different types of brands and that is ultimately how i gauge the success of my company's marketing now obviously if i look at some of our competitors i'll give you an example competitor that we have locally inside of our uh actual uh uh town here in southington is rebel interactive group right 500 branded searches i know that just being in business a little shorter and i already have more branded searches this is a good gauge for me to see in the near future that i am going to have consistent lead flow within my business because people are searching for my name specifically now it's okay if they search for a connecticut seo company those contacts are much colder generally people search our name they click our website they convert it's a much easier sales process that's how you've got to start looking at your relationship management with link building that's what's going to increase your branded search volume which is ultimately going to increase your sales let me know if that was helpful uh stewart said we have a strict policy at holistic no crap where i like that i'd like to know what you mean more about that stuart for sure freshness is very important in my opinion i've followed what rwanda does on local businesses and have gotten exceptional results uh i did not pay him to say that i promise that's awesome man i'm glad to hear that you're getting some results it definitely does work uh training weight loss said if you were to start if you were starting from zero dollars how would you go about getting clients um i mean the money i still so so just so you know i still have zero dollars i still have no money and and it's okay i don't need money um i need money obviously to pay for this nice camera this microphone the computer the laptop the actual the lighting whatever i need all that stuff but i still don't have a lot of money i don't spend money on getting clients believe it or not guys i really don't you know we we use an inbound strategy with my name and we use branding and we use local networking to actually get clients but if i were to start with zero dollars again i would work my butt off creating some sort of proven rank and rent website that actually generates leads and i would forward those leads to a business and then contact them to actually um get on the phone with us to talk about doing more leads i've tried that with people it's worked it's worked well is it what i would do now now that i have some sort of established business probably not but if i was to start with zero dollars over again i would build a website in a local niche like roofing i would make sure that there's call tracking set up i would send call tracking to a local roofing company a qualified good one not some crappy company that's offshoring everything that they do and not some crappy company that's just like starting out i would probably go towards some sort of authority company that is buying a lot of leads and will hear you out you want the companies that are investing in homeadvisor you want the companies are investing in angie's list you want those companies to work with because they see the value in marketing you don't want to go to somebody that doesn't have a website doesn't do any marketing doesn't have any trucks doesn't believe in themselves doesn't believe in their brand we don't work with those types of people and so with that being said that's how i would get started so you can you can prove they bold it yeah they do bold it they do bold it whatever answer is the fastest everybody's answering some of the stuff you can get snippets easy if you bowled the answer and used an h2 to h3 with the question before that's a good strategy did you know marcus sheridan has a new book wait i did not know that i'm so interested in learning more about that and one day i'll ask him to get on the chat the channel dan said grab a warm cup of cocoa my boy i will i will we can still hear you we can hear you there we go okay you have the worst luck with cameras oh my god i know uh ted del toro said i developed websites from scratch with google seo recommendations in mind they state that using 16 pixels it vital to ranking yet a lot of designers and developers i see don't do this what are your thoughts um so every j just so you know ted um every single website that we build we use uh 16 pixels and the reason why we do that is because and i'm going to show you kind of inside of here the reason why we do that is because we want to avoid a lot of the search console errors that come in through our actual website so just so you guys know what what ted is talking about here is you can change the font size of your actual text right text not your h tags he's talking about your text this is an example right here of the text and you can see that this text is in 18 so it is a little bigger than 16. um let's take a look at some of the other texts on the actual website you can see that this text is 17 so anywhere i would say along the lines of like 16 to 18 for your basic text is vital now i do believe on the mobile version of our sites um we actually do do 16 inside of here um let's take a look this is still 17. let's take a look at some of this other stuff here this is definitely bigger than 16 17. uh 17 and so we don't get the dental uh dental sorry i'm thinking of something completely different right now um 17. so if i were to log into google search console right now and i were to take a look at this actual website from my while dental and now we're to go to overview as long as i don't see any search console errors inside of here that says that the actual text is too small to read or it's too big to read you can use whatever font size you want you're going to want to play within the actual uh until google says something to you and until it says search console text you know text issue detected let's say uh you know this is some of the things that you want to avoid clickable elements text too small content wider than screen generally speaking you want to make sure your text is not too small or too big and google search console will tell you that and as long as you stay within those guidelines and as long as you don't get this notification you can use whatever text you want but the general format of website text for desktop and mobile is 16 pixels and that's why they do that ted great question how much should i fear the new google update rule on um i mean so so chase the thing about the thing about your content is um you're really good at that comparative uh uh section of where you're creating content that nobody else is um so i wouldn't worry about the search the the results at all i would be curious to see what's happened in your search console for your personal site for the last couple of days but i would imagine it's only going up because you're producing content that people actually uh care about chase bet your cat out of my driveway how dare you she's a nice lady for author information we link to the client's linkedin personal page thoughts on this that's effective as long as their linkedin personal page is linked to their website author page because google wants to see those internal links they want to see that that information that link juice is flowing throughout their actual algorithm and so as long as things are linked the right way on their actual linkedin personal profile i think that you could get some seo authority about that uh stuart said knowing your topic well this is why digital marketing firms need to specialize that is why we specialize in multi-service providers um bond said can you speak slowly i'm sorry i'm just a fast speaker i'm sorry you can watch my normal videos for slow speaking that kind of like take you through things but the reality of it is when you have live people they're here for quick information so i've got to speed it up a little bit paul said hey what's going on paul glad to see you here thoughts on the huge google crash this morning um i don't know what you mean about that aspen dental is huge good morning jail yes jail oh yeah lots of seos and orange jumpsuits how could i forget i really hope not i really hope not josh it's worse seo jail has 80 dresses with shoulder pads okay any questions guys uh stewart said what do you think about story brand by donald miller um i've read that book a couple of years ago i haven't read it recently i know that it was a way that one of my friends luke adams set up his video business using the story brand concept and it's working very well for him um i've got to reread that i've got to really get into uh understanding on how we can create developmark into a better brand as you know stuart we've been so focused on existing clients it's very difficult to really start to think about some of this over stuff i'm glad you've been implementing they ask you answer marcus sheridan is a very good trainer maria said i'd like to be an employee maria pena um okay you can you can get a job uh alan said good to see you thoughts on uber suggest have you tried it how does it compare to sem rush so you know this is kind of hard because i don't really i don't use ubersuggest as much as i use scm rush and scm rush has tools that are definitely rock solid and i i'm not sure i haven't used the paid version of ubersuggest to really put a lot of this you know different types of thought into it but i will tell you that for agency customers semrush is a lot better for businesses uber suggests is probably a lot better and the reason why i say that is if you're a business and you're looking to look up your stats use ubersuggest and i know a lot of my friends and clients that do that if you're an agency offering services for your clients use scm rush because there's a lot more agency tools inside of there and that's not to say that ubersuggest doesn't come out with these agency tools later on in the future they can but right now i'm gonna stick to where is working for us which is sem rush but if you're a business you know if you're a if you're a business and you want to research your own stuff then i would recommend saying use ubersuggest because of the cost and it's a lot more tactical and toolkit semrush you might get absolutely confused i actually remember the first time i logged into semrush and i was like what is going on and there's just a lot right like this is so much stuff going on inside of sem rush or uber suggests you're actually getting kind of a cleaner interface and you're getting a more direct interface as to what people are actually looking for like a free keyword tool that makes and creates suggestions and it brings you right to their actual core tool which is their domain and keyword research so if i type in developmark inside of here and i click search this is something that business owners should be using a lot more agencies should use something more advanced like sem rush um but ultimately you can see um that you know it's pretty similar to what we just saw so i actually just saw um you know inside of our branded search that said 590 in the us this is very similar so i'm sure that this is being this is using some sort of data that has to do with scm russia as well um and so they're very both very similar so i would test both of them out but i think it was just a lot more user-friendly for the business semrush is a lot better for the agency uh alan said what does your client intake look like what's the process um alan i covered that in our last live um i don't want to go too far into that just because um i know that some people have already listened to my client intake process um but really there's a process set up from sales introducing them to accounts management accounts management handling the design and then the designers making the design and then the accounts management team coordinating with the client things that we need so there's really a team of people that goes into the onboarding process and the client intake process and that's the right way to do it because there's so many different roles going on when you untick a new client if you have one client you can do the entire process yourself if you have 50 clients 100 clients you cannot possibly do everything yourself if you want that client to get good results and so what i would recommend for you alan is consider the few different things one what are the roles involved with ensuring that your client has a good process have job descriptions ready to go so people can clearly understand what their role is when we get a new client and then start to delegate those tasks every time that we get a new client and ultimately you should be your ultimate goal inside of your business with anybody that's listening even if you're not an agency is to step away from the daily stuff and focus on the bigger picture stuff like client experience uh dressing ryan said what videos do you feel contributed to the gross of your channel the most um i think that that's a really good question uh uh dreshon um you know i think that obviously like my first video my facebook advertising video did very well um anything that's like straightforward there's a video that i have that just came out that's performing pretty well right now and i think it's because i've been listening to a lot of video influencers or think academy if you guys are familiar with sean cannell and i've been treating youtube almost as a a job and like a career and so before i didn't really treat it that way and i kind of just came on here and just said random things and like i've really got to understand my audience a little bit more and just by watching sean cannell's stuff go to think media check out think media the the content that they post about youtube is impeccable and these little strategies we're getting ready to implement into 2021 because there's absolutely no way i'm gonna get all of our clients to succeed i'm gonna grow our staff i'm gonna train these people i'm gonna edit and record videos i'm not benjamin franklin i can't do all of this stuff at once like i need help and so um we're taking our youtube strategy a lot more serious inside of the next uh uh uh coming coming weeks or so but like i'll just show you an example you've really got to be in tune with your audience youtube gives you amazing analytics for you to look at so like if you if you have a youtube channel you can check out youtube studio and this is actually going to show you all of your analytics and everything that's going on inside of your videos but i'll show you it's all about just making sure that you create a consistent posting schedule and the content resonates with your audience like my live videos like this one that you're watching right now it actually doesn't get a lot of views over time but my content specific videos like this one that i made actually has 5.1 k in one week but then you can see that i made a video talking about um how to get ripped off by an agency and this one had 1k views so what makes the difference between this one 5.1 k views in a week compared to this one 1k views in one week well the difference is that my audience doesn't want to watch this and so that's where youtube studio comes into effect and you get to really learn about what audience and analytics your actual clients or your your viewers are actually looking at and if you go into audience inside of youtube studio you can quickly see a the times people are publishing so you can make better publishing decisions on youtube and also the other videos that some of these people are reading and so this is one that from income school and a lot of a lot of people watch income school for my channel and this is a video that they made about the actual google core algorithm update and it's doing very well and so i know that they're making these types of videos i might want to make something similar to it etc but i think that ultimately what allowed my youtube channel to succeed compared to hundreds of other seo channels out there was i'm always transparent i always show people what's actually working today i don't hide anything i don't push a course and guys what does that sound like that literally sounds like google's guidelines for this update it's literally hey don't be so promotional make value what are people asking what are people searching for what do people want to know put that on a silver platter and deliver that information to people in an easy to understand way and you're always going to have success no matter the platform that you're using so i can't stand when i watch a youtube video and the first thing they do is promote stuff and it's like you haven't even gotten into you have to really earn the right you literally have to earn the right to uh promote something because if you haven't deliver any value and you immediately start promoting your channel is not going to grow kim said i'm currently studying for the facebook blueprint media buying certification program uh we had somebody in the office do that what's the best way to prepare for it apart from the blueprint course and the study guide um so that that program is a little difficult because it's one of those things where um you know you actually can't use like a web camera and you have to like they watch you on a web camera it's it's super ridiculous um so i would say probably the best way for that is run a test campaign and really ensure that you know your stuff so you don't fail and you have to pay another hundred dollars to retake it um set up a campaign and really see if you understand the material that's being delivered inside a facebook blueprint um the other option that you can do is obviously use the study guide but for me someone like me i actually like getting in there and doing the actual work um so that that's one that's one recommendation that i would have uh is there any possibility to get clients to be a cold email while residing in pakistan i would highly appreciate your response big fans since 2018. cool abdul uh thank you for uh being on the channel for such a long time i'm gonna tell you right now that is extremely difficult to do it is realistic it can be done is it going to be very hard to do yes your first look should be at a platform like fiverr upwork or somewhere that's going to deliver you the clients you want to go to where the clients are searching and that's going to be on these platforms where you can do commissioned work and create a living that way while you start to build your brand but for you to think that somebody's just going to trust you from a cold email when you're hundreds of miles is it thousands hundreds of miles away from the united states is going to be really hard to do and that's why fiverr upwork all of these places creates that perfect medium for like hey this is this client that this vendor is we're watching them they're doing the job or you're getting your money back clients feel much safer doing that working with people overseas so i would recommend doing that while you're growing and building your brand thank you daniel as a green hand do i need to get google certificate to do like google ads or seo uh rosemary i'm not sure what you mean by green hand if you can if you can explain that uh that would be amazing so i can actually take a look into that because i actually don't know what you mean by that roger said thank you for answering my question you are welcome kim i'd like to meet you too bb good information no crop where it means to stop writing useless content that every other copywriter writes about example five reasons you need an msp and more the cost of managed i.t services yup yup yeah that's exactly it and you guys you know what we're going to have i'm going to reach out to impact and try to get marcus sheridan here to do an actual interview to kind of talk about his new tactics because i want to know but that's a really good way do you build your sites with ada compliance in mind absolutely we do so i actually had the team go back to a lot of the different websites that we've made recently but one of them is like my wild bento this website launched a little while ago and so for those of you that don't know what the american disability act is is it's basically a policy in a law that actually requires people to or it doesn't require i'm not going to say that it requires but it certainly tries to get website administration or administrators website publishers website masters to make sure that the site is very readable clickable and is very user experience friendly and that's kind of why like i'm not a big fan of this menu because it's very small you know some of those links can be a lot bigger so it's very easy to read but the easiest way to make sure that you're compliant with website ada compliance is actually going and making sure that you have the ada tool installed on your actual website and that's that blue little thing on the right side um that i showed you i think it's on the develo mark site i thought we added it to all of our sites i'm pretty sure we did maybe it doesn't show up this little thing right here um this will actually allow you to do a lot of the website accessibility things that you want to do on the website and this is a tool called userway that's focused on actually creating a better accessibility platform for website publishers so i would definitely check that out but yeah absolutely i mean google is going to be one of those places where you literally have to uh you know you literally have to have all those things set up so thomas said your favorite contractor is here yes tom good to hear from you uh terry said how do i do things you just do them uber suggests is it really good to pay for i for keyword research i would probably say yes for basic keyword research for project management rank tracking automating reports automating site audits i would probably say no any book suggestions other than they ask you answer um alan i would need to know what type of book uh you're talking about um depending on the type of book they ask you answer is a very tactical content marketing related book um for the best mindset related book i would highly recommend uh think and grow rich and i think that that is awesome uh greetings from max awesome uh yes i agree media is very good they also have a new channel called think marketing yes think think marketing is awesome and guys we are coming up on two hours here i'm gonna answer zachary ryder's question when creating multiple area pages for a website for different towns is it okay to copy and paste the content from one page to another or will that that be duplicated as duplicate content so your second answer is correct it will be duplicate content but this is a video that i made on location page seo that you should certainly check out zach and this actually is about um that question that you just asked so in this video that i just linked towards the video i made a couple days ago it actually shows you exactly how we create these local seo pages without using duplicate content and without having to write bullcrap crapware as stuart coined it i'm probably gonna steal that store i'm sorry about that and that crapware is just generalized local pages that are not going to rank and uh jason smith said is it essential to get external backlinks to help new websites yeah internal links are definitely not enough you definitely want to get all of your social signals set up your websites like facebook linkedin you want to get those set up because they are high authority you want to get your directory listing set up the right way you want to get some of your web 2.0 set up the right way these different social websites and there's a lot of good tools about writing a blog article and syndicating it to all these different places and linking back to your website you can search on google website content syndicator to actually do that and then you can actually do all that stuff very very seamlessly and so that's what i recommend for that rosemary said what kind of a live app do you use very impressive this is called stream yard it has completely saved my life i am still struggling to try to figure out how i can actually set up stream yard with my camera once i figure that out you guys are gonna have an exceptional live experience and then i'll start doing interviews and i'll start bringing people onto the channel but it's very difficult so y'all if you found value inside of this video make sure that you like make sure that you hit the notification bell so you're notified when i go live on wednesday at 7 00 pm and when i make new videos and i thank every single one of you for watching today and i'll see y'all in the next one
Channel: Ruan M. Marinho
Views: 2,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google update, google algorithm update 2020, google algorithm, google core update, search engine optimization, core update 2020, digital marketing, december 2020 core update, google update news, search engine optimisation, google ranking, google page one, seo online, seo news, core update, google december, december update, neil patel ubersuggest, search console training
Id: ceOX7BVW1kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 30sec (6450 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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