How To Do SEO On A Brand New Website in 2021

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in this video you're going to learn exactly how to do seo on a brand new website without any domain authority or without any past experience on how to do it if you're setting up a brand new website this video is for you now i recently did this with one of our clients websites a power washing website and generally speaking keywords take a few months or even a few years to even start showing up in the search results and the way we set this website up which is the way we're going to teach you how to set it up the keyword started appearing relatively quickly inside of the search results so what you're going to get out of this video are my best tips on exactly how to set up that website so you can go out there and start setting up your own brand new website and be confident that it's going to rank on the google search results and that you're doing the right thing so without further ado let's get into the first step which is picking the right domain name so to give you some general guidelines of choosing a good domain name for your business probably the best thing for your new website probably the best thing to do is consider what your goal is if you want a website specifically for lead generation you're going to want to pick a keyword domain that has your phrase inside of that domain if you're going to want to create a branded website which is all about your brand and your name you're going to want to use your branded keyword phrase in your actual domain name and so to do this consider google's emd algorithm which is exact match domain they still work very well if you're creating a website just for lead generation but consider that shorter names often perform better in the search results and especially if you're going for something that's very branded for example apple is not they just use apple and since they're branded they rank higher in the search results but if that's not an option for you you've really got to start considering keyword research we use a tool called semrush and we're going to show you right now exactly how to find some of the keywords that you should include in your domain because you're going to want to pick the right keyword depending on how many people are searching for that keyword so without further ado let's get into sem rush and show you exactly how to compile some of these great ideas okay everyone so now we are inside of sem rush and the first thing that we're gonna do is we are going to inside of our dashboard visit the keyword overview tool that semrush offers and this is a really good tool because you can actually enter several keywords separated by commas if you want to see several different types of phrases that they're going to offer you so for this example we're working with a pressure washing website so i'm going to click prep pressure washing and then i'm going to go ahead and click analyze and what this is going to do is it's going to show me a lot of data on who types in pressure washing and actually what people are searching when they do type it in so you can best determine your domain so for this example too there's also courses that sem rush teaches as well which i highly recommend you go through if you want to really take this seriously educating yourself always helps and you can see that if you click on the actual keyword variations report scm rush will tell you every single keyword phrase that people type in how much it gets typed in the difficulty to rank that keyword the cost per click the competition of that keyword and how many serp results search features they have and ultimately you're going to look for the keyword phrases that have the most search results possible so as you can see pressure washer clearly has the most search results possible but you've really got to be careful here because if somebody's looking at pressure washer they may be looking up to buy a pressure washing machine rather than getting somebody to pressure wash their home so doing your research you could come through here and you could find several different keywords that people are typing in and so you can start to really see that pressure washing near me seems to be what's the most accurate keyword phrase here with 18 000 monthly searches a decent keyword difficulty a high cost per click meaning it's a very good intent keyword phrases for google advertisers and there's local snippets which means people are this is showing up inside of the local results it's important to use this serp features function right here to determine your website keywords based on your goals if this is a local website you should go for keywords that have the local map section next to it because that means it's a local intent keyword phrase so if i search pressure washing near me in my area i'm going to get local search results and goku map results meaning local businesses are advertising as well as the google maps and as well as the organic section this is a good way of determining if you should pick this keyword phrase because usually if your goal is to get local you'll want to show up inside of the google maps and it's pretty important that your domain reflects that as an example this is a website called sparkle pressure washer llc and you can see that their domain is actually called sparkle pressure wash so they've used the combination of their brand as well as the keywords that they want to show up for inside of their url now that you've done some of that keyword research and you know which phrases are important to your business we've got to check to see if it is registered on the web you can go to a website like google domains or godaddy to simply type it in and search to see if it's available the reason why i use godaddy and google domains is because it is extremely safe and when i say safe i mean google and godaddy are not going to go anywhere they're billion dollar companies so your domain is always going to be safe with them as an agency we work with a lot of people that try to take our clients domains away from their actual godaddy and google accounts and if you're if you're if you're a customer of an agency don't let agencies do that generally speaking it's best if you just have it in your own google domains or your own godaddy account because you truly own it at that point and at the last step if you really have difficulty deciding what the domain name is going to be you can simply hold a contest or some type of survey with your friends with your family with your colleagues with your business professionals or you can join a facebook group like chase reiner's seo group and simply post in there and i'm sure several people will give you their opinions as to why you should pick the best one and you can do a poll and then ultimately decide from there but with that being said let's move on to the next step search engine bots need to crawl your website and that's why i recommend making a page rich website now what exactly does that mean basically what that means is you want to create a website that is so descriptive so informative so rich in content formatted the right way that i'm going to show you how to plan out inside of this video that answers all of your customers questions and gets searched for for any potential keyword phrase to do this you're going to want to make what's called a website framework skeleton or what we call it a website site map that addresses the pages that you're going to want to build on that website website sitemaps generally contain five core pages the home page the service page the about page the contact page and if you're going to be doing consistent content marketing the blog page each page should be designed to its own formality and should serve the purpose of the user as google's algorithm is going more towards user experience okay everyone so this is an example of what a website site map should look like if you're doing the strategies we're telling you inside of this video so i'm gonna go ahead and go to um our actual clients uh pressure washing website this is our client's website um maintain it all the one i was mentioning before and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to look at the site map and kind of determine some of the things that we should add now you can see how this is a template that we've already made for specific pressure washing type sites but if you wanted to you can go into sem rush and start to find the keywords that are important to your actual website sitemap so what i'm going to do is i'm going to look at these some of these keywords and see if any of them are missing from the sitemap and add them as we go on as you can see we've already done some work here in adding the home page which is just going to be the the about page which would just be about the team page residential page so this pressure washing company as an example only wants to do presidential and then not only just creating a page for residential but making sure that we identify what parts of residential that they do and this is so important because if somebody types in apartment pressure wash this page is going to be the one that shows up inside of the google search results i was explaining this to a client today when we typed in manchester ct uh dental implants and you know why this is why page death is depth is so important you can see that our client signature smiles is ranking number one for the google ads but we want them to be at the top for the dental implants page and you can see how it's ranking that actual dental implants page so it's critical that you actually add page depth to and and use a site map to your strategy so for this website as an example we still have some somewhere to go although we have a soft washing page we have a power washing page there are two completely different pages we're still need to get to work on some of the other places that they do the power washing for and we have the url structure that we're going to use to follow this generally speaking your url structure should follow something very similar to this to where it uses your initial domain the the the category that it's in in this case scenario it's in residential and then the keyword phrase that you're targeting so when you go to the google search engines and you type in something like manchester ct single tooth replacement and that's the page that's gonna show up tooth replacement dentist in manchester and we just have so many more opportunities to actually rank keyword phrases inside of google search now this is why semrush is nice for this because i can go in here and already see i can i should be adding a commercial section to this actual template and the reason why i should be doing that is because if i'm adding this i should be able to um i should be able to uh you know add add certain things to this right here and unfortunately this is a view-only google sheet so i can't edit it but if i could i would add commercial in there if they do that because that gets searched 260 times pressure pressure wash repair another 260. prices another 260 costs another 210 uh town another 210 near me 170. concrete 140. that means by just adding a concrete section to this actual drop down we're going to be able to add 140 more potential searches to our clients websites or your website if you're building your own and that's what you want to do that's the goal with creating page depth because now that you've done this you can truly determine your seo content from your actual sitemap now that you've laid out your website sitemap you can kind of determine how much content is going to be needed from there and that's where you can decide what content what text and what pictures and information that you're going to need to plan out your brand new website with seo in mind and now you're doing so great and you're following along and now we're going to talk about the website builder that you're going to use to take your skeleton and put it into fruition now there's a lot of different website builders that you can use some of the most popular include wordpress wix squarespace a lot of these different website builders that have already been around for such a long time but that's not our recommendation if you're looking for a website builder that is has a lot of usability and you can quickly produce websites at scale and quickly produce produce pages at scale you're going to want to use a little-known platform called duda and while i say it's a little-known it has millions of websites that it's managing it's a very popular platform generally retail don't know about it mostly agencies know about it but i'm telling you because in this video i'm going to give you a tutorial on how to actually make these pages come to life inside of the duda editor so with that being said let's hop into the due to editor and see exactly what it's about with this power washing website as an example so this is the platform that i was talking about it's called duda and it's pretty easy to use and you can really start with a free trial to get started to test out a website but for this example i'm just going to show you exactly how we would dive in and get this started so the inside of duda when you start making a website there's several different templates that you can choose from and these templates are all going to be very helpful to you because you're going to be basically making a new website so if we're making a power washing website using this map that we're building generally speaking we're going to want to use the new one that they actually just released called renovation and construction and so with that being said i can build the website and i can name it power washing example and what's cool about this is if i click on start building it's actually going to start creating the new website for me and then i'm going to be able to use a visual editor in the back end to actually edit the website so you can see that the website is built pretty much very strong already and all we have to do is make some very small changes to actually make it look nice now i'm going to keep this really a big disclosure here our websites at develo mark these ones here unfortunately the ones that you see on our companies they're none of them are templates so none of these are actually templates that you can pick inside of the due to store but you can actually use a lot of these templates to get things done the right way um so you can see that this the work is kind of already done here in terms of the different types of pages that they have but if we want to make it like our site map we're going to we're going to need to make these pages a little bit different and so here's what we're going to do so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to really clear out the guts and see what's going on here so the first thing that you should know about duda is the navigation on the top there's an editor for mobile version and then there's an editor for desktop version both are very nice the left side you can see that you can edit the design of the website here you can edit the pages of the website here you can use the different widgets of the website here and you can access the blog here any settings of the website here we're going to start with the actual pages of this website so you can see that there's a lot of different pages that are on this website i'm going to go ahead and just rename these pages because that's not what we're doing so i'm going to name this one residential and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to put all of these pages as you can see how i just drag that under there under the residential tab so we can categorize this content very similar to what's laid out inside of the website sitemap and then there is an about page a contact page and then some anchors which is that basically if you click something they'll go to those anchors so with that being said let's take a look at the home homepage and start there one important thing to know is if you're going to be doing seo on a duda website you can click the gear here and you can actually click on seo and then from here you can set the page as no index which would basically block search engines from crawling this page this would mean if somebody were to type your url into their google search or their bing search or wherever it wouldn't show and you can set the page title so for this example i'm going to go ahead and name it power washing companies or company and then i'm gonna do southington connecticut because that's where we're located and although this video is not about writing great page titles and great page descriptions you should have a good understanding of what to put inside of here generally speaking just a quick give you a quick heads up you should have your keyword inside of here and your location and the meta description should be the same thing either your keyword and your location combined so i would say something like ruan's power washing company is the best priced soft washers in southington right this is this is not great i wouldn't say that this is a group the best title tech to put in here but for times purposes that's what we're going to do and so you can see that the keyword is mentioned inside of here and we also added a variation softwash and then suddenlington connecticut we found this to be very effective because if you look at this first location page we've made and what a location page is i'm sure you guys know but a location page is basically a town a page targeting a town when you type in college bill pa and you type that inside of the google search results and you type in softwashing um it actually shows up and that's exactly what we want to do with our brand new domain because this is an absolute brand new domain so you can see it's actually ranking third organic there so with that being said now that the page description is all set you can now start designing the home page so the builder is very dynamic meaning you can basically click on anything and change it so as an example what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and use some of the basic text con the basic contents from this website here so i i strongly don't recommend i'm only doing this because this is our client so you know i would strongly never recommend taking anything from an existing website but because it's our client we can take pretty much all of this stuff so what we're going to do is we're going to change this right here this header 1 to the actual keyword and you can see black should never go over black so we can make that white and so now we have the keywords that we're targeting inside of our h1 tag and for basic on-page seo this this video is not about on-page seo but it is about just setting up the website the right way and including the keyword inside of your h1 tag is very important then some of the text right here that i'm going to take i'm just going to put this text in this section right here and now that that text is there we're going to do some small changes to the actual header of this actual site so you can see that when i hover into the header section there's actually an orange header tag that says right here so that's to let you know that you're editing a a section of the site that's going to be on every single page of the website so what i'm going to do with this is i'm actually going to make this row right here black and the reason why i'm going to do that is because i'm going to change the logo here with the copy of the logo that the client has provided us with so with duda you can upload all your media files pretty easily very similar to other editors and i'll upload my logos and my contents inside of here and then once those images are uploaded i'll replace them on the actual website and then we'll be good to go one thing that i really like about duda is it compresses the images to make them smaller so they're faster so now i can choose this logo and you can see how good this logo actually looks here already now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to make this a little bit bigger like that and now you can see that that logo looks great and this menu doesn't look great because it's black still with black text so you can click on this menu and instead of having it be black you can design and actually change the navigation to make it white so you can actually make the link text here all white and so using this is going to take a little bit of learning and and due to has some great universities that you can actually do but you can see that this is this site is already coming along pretty well and if i move this here i can actually make this logo a little bigger if i wanted to or i can make it smaller but i recommend making the logo a decent size just like that and over here you can make this number phone number section bigger and to do this you can either edit the phone number directly here so this case scenario we would actually take the phone number of our client which is right here and we would add it inside of here and you can change that right there in this little phone number widget that they have and then that would update to that but you can also make it bigger by actually editing the design and making the font bigger so that phone number is more of a display on that actual website there you can see that now another thing that's really cool about duda is you can actually go into uh content and inside of business info you can add your business name so let's say this business name is maintain it all you can add the location eagle view pa this is the phone number right and you can actually label this phone number the main phone number you can add an email inside of here so main email and i'm just gonna put info maintain it all com and then you can also preset your social media links and your business hours and your business address what that's going to do is anytime that you use a widget inside of the due to website builder it's going to automatically populate all of that information so for this example i'm going to put in the business address there so if i ever use a maps widget it's going to have that automatically populated business hours that's fine i'm just going to do that and then you can also see that you can change the business text if you want to have that you can add your images etc and so that that being said i'm going to go ahead and change this image here back to working on the site to this nice picture that we took for the client when we visited them a long time ago probably not that long ago this little green thing right here so this is an actual uh uh graphic so i mean you can keep that if green is within your customers branding uh guidelines but you can see how this is starting to come across right so you know instead of these being called residential bathroom etc we're going to want to call them what our site map calls them so houses is one of them then we're going to do apartments apartments aren't really a good target for this type of business but that's okay alrighty so now you can see that we've changed that and if you've noticed that these highlight in in green if that's not within your branded guidelines which means the colors that you're going to be using for your branding on any duda element you can right click and simply hit on edit design and then what you can do is you can go ahead and just basically change the link text on hover so right now the link text is white which is fine because over gray it should be white but on hover it should be a different color so for this link text we're going to go ahead and do hover and now when you hover over this text you can see it's the branded colors and it gets the branded guidelines which is nice for several reasons because that's going to make it so people can hover over that better now one thing that also you should probably know as well is this this actual uh content here um this navigation that you're seeing right here is custom and it's not the site's pages if it's the site's pages it's going to show every page that's actually on your website unless you do the hidden feature inside of duda's platform so what you can do is you can hide pages so in our work i can go ahead and click on height show and navigation and that's going to be able to hide that inside of the navigation there and so with that being said let's go to scroll and now we have this about us section um you know already that's yeah that's important you need an about a section already if you're going to be making a website so very similar you know we have some of the text here that we've already written for our clients for the about us section and you can just go ahead and copy and paste that in there and you can see one problem that i'm already seeing is this is why it's important that you uh set your branded guidelines uh early because the green here shouldn't be that way so in the design you can change global settings as they call it and you can actually change the link to be orange or the customer's branded color and it will all change into orange you could do the same with the h tags with the h2 tags with the h3 tags with h4 tags so when we get a client generally speaking this is the first thing that we'll take care of is the actual branded guidelines because then when we start making the site it gets a lot easier you could do the same with buttons so you can change the buttons to actually be those different colors as well uh images backgrounds etc you can change the site layouts to to dictate where the menus go and we built a lot of custom widgets to have our make our jobs easier inside of the platform but this is a brand new account this is not nothing special so you can actually do the same thing that i'm building here now you may have noticed that the logo actually changed to re-room as i scrolled and that's not good so what we want to do is in the header section when you click here you can actually click edit design and what you can do is is you can actually go in and click on shrinking header and you can have something that changes logo on scroll and just make sure it's the white one so when you scroll the white one stays there or you can just have the header completely go away on scroll if you would like so now that's that's said you have a nice little about us here and this will actually go to the about us page then let's take a look at this information here you know i can go ahead take this picture and i can replace this picture with work that they've done and luckily we take pictures for our clients if you don't have pictures for your business or your clients business i highly recommend you use some type of photography to get it because it's going to make the site look a lot better so for this case scenario what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and upload a lot of different pictures that our clients already done so this is a folder with a few images that they have and i'm going to go ahead and upload these images into the actual editor now if we were working with a client in a real situation here we would have had these pictures already uploaded into the in the system so we can already use them so for this example i'm going to go ahead and use this awesome one that they have of the actual concrete here and so now you can see how beautiful that looks and you can change these little green bars to match your branding by changing the color of them this is what i love about this platform everything is very searchable everything is very clickable everything is very usable it's not proprietary meaning agencies don't own this platform so their customers can use them freely as well our customers do and you can see right here that you can actually put in the information inside of here maintain it all has about 10 years actually probably 20 years they have i don't know zero that they have that they definitely have you know thousands of completed projects and they have one office in pa um so with that being said now you can continue your scroll and i will say the thing i like about this template is this little background graphic that they have it looks nice with the image over it and that's advanced photoshop stuff that i can't talk about in this video because i'm not a designer as i scroll you can see the different types of services that they have this is what's called a widget and this is a photo gallery widget so you would just have to change this information and to do that you can go ahead and put houses here and you can just put a picture of a house so the good thing about duda's image library is you can actually search using um most most tools that actually offer uh website pictures like unsplash and you can see how that's changed this one's not going to be bathrooms it's going to be apartments and then i can change this image and i can search apartment inside of here and it's going to show me actual apartments and then the third one is going to say um uh oops i'm sorry about that this one should say residential actually no that's fine this can say houses and then this one can say apartments that's fine so this one right here the outdoors is going to say roofs and i'm going to change this to a picture of a roof and you get the idea here you're basically just making everything match up if you want to right so now you have apartments you have this and what's cool about these is they're already linking so you don't have to do a lot of work um so then inside of here there is you can change the picture once again i'm going to go ahead and do that so i'm going to go ahead and change this picture to let's say this one right here because it's longer you want to make sure you consider how long the image should actually be i wonder if there's one that's longer you can see that one's not long enough this one was really good that one works very well and so how it works is you can actually take in the the steps here send a request i'm going to say because there's really no measurements approve budget start project finish on schedule and you can change all of the accordion stuff inside of here once again this is just a widget you can see right here that it says accordion which means it's a widget due to pre-loaded comes with dozens of widgets on the left side here but if you click this button it's going to give you all of the different types of widgets that you can use and you can go ahead and just pick from these and we've built custom ones for our agency to make our jobs a lot easier you would but dude it comes with a lot of great widgets to start with and then you have our latest project so you can upload the clients latest projects inside of here i'm not going to do that uh testimonials you can upload testimonials i'm not gonna do that partners you can keep this this is basically who they work with and then some type of call to action at the footer section and you can see that that's already made so now we have a pretty nice website already made and it took me about 10 minutes to make this website on here now keep in mind this is something that has a lot of work to do because all of these pages like residential this page needs pictures text it needs service content text like all of this needs text right here and we're going to show you exactly how to get that text because if you have pages with the exact same text on it you're going to get hit with google's duplicate content penalty and those pages aren't going to show up in the search results as i'm showing you inside of here so this page specifically has all of the text information that this page needs and all this text is completely unique so this text right here is unique h is unique this text is unique the bullet points are unique this text is unique etc and this one it's not unique but i'm going to show you exactly how i get the content to do that there you have it you should know now how to build that website inside of duda very effectively using one of the pre-built templates that they offer but we're not done now seo is an ongoing effort and now we're going to talk about how to create a content plan and a content calendar using my favorite tool verblio pretty cool right the duda editor is by far the best for these different types of local websites but now how are we going to get the content well that's exactly what we're going to talk about right now to where you don't even have to write the content now if you have the budget ordering content can be extremely effective for several reasons number one if you're not an expert in the field you should order the content from people that know what they're talking about number two if you've completed your core pages your homepage your service page your about page your contact page all of your textual content for your other pages should have a heavy seo approach to do this i'm going to bring you through a few steps on ordering content using a platform called verblio but before we get there i really quickly wanted to address your content should frequently change on a month to month basis the more you update your website the more google is going to take the time to crawl your website and register your pages faster than they would register your competitors pages since google took away the manual indexing inside of google search console aka webmaster tools you're going to want to make sure that you have a content calendar so google frequently visits your website and crawls your website this is why it's a highly recommended that you use semrush's keyword magic tool and that tool is going to show you exactly how to find related keywords frequently asked keywords and other phrases that you can have to write about so the keyword magic tool is very similar to the keyword overview tool except this provides you with keywords that will make you have the most profitable seo or qpbc campaigns so what i'm going to do is i'm going to enter home power washing into this actual keyword phrase and i'm going to make sure that the place i'm searching in is united states and once i click search inside of the keyword magic tool for some rush i'm going to see all of the different types of keywords that are being searched inside of this actual breakdown here now what i really like about this is i can go over to questions and i can quickly find all of the questions that people are asking about power washing now you can see a lot of these keywords are automatically going to be disqualified because we we really don't want to actually you know rank these keywords how to power wash your home generally has it do it yourself and so we're going to look at for some of the different types of keywords that people are actually doing so this might be a good one what is a good power washer for home use um although that may be towards the rental of power washing market this is also good for homeowners that want people to that want a contractor to use a specific one you can talk about on your website why it's a bad idea to rent instead of just hiring somebody professionally how to power wash the log home this is good to target log homes if that's what you're into how to power wash can you rent a power washer once again a lot of the content is going to come down to renting different keyword phrases now this is another really nice thing about keyword research is that it tells you what people can what people are typing in so you can see that can a lot of people want to know if they can power wash a home how much it costs to power wash a home if they can rent a power wash at home how to use a power washer what the best ones are can they do mobile what's good and then these are kind of the irrelevant ones that really just come down to random inside of there with this data it should allow you to structure your content on your website to target the keywords that would make the most sense for you so for example i would write something like can you power wash a log home and then i would introduce soft washing and soft washing wouldn't break the wood for that home and this is just an example of how you can do that you can talk about price how much does power washing cost in pa and then you can create an article about that and average those things and quickly rank on the google search results for that why why renting a power wash is a bad idea right you may want to talk about why renting is a bad idea because this right here shows that there's a lot of different people searching for rent how to use a power wash or more specifically how our company uses a power wash you want to use this keyword magic tool to create your list of keywords you want to target and make articles around those keywords to put on your website to rank and then get into a backlinking strategy which we'll talk about in another video but ultimately this is a great start for you to start getting some content so to get on a content calendar after looking at these keywords in keyword magic tool i'm going to show you exactly how we do this with verblio with our existing clients and if we are not lawyers we're not chiropractors we're not dentists unfortunately we shouldn't be writing about it we're going to pay the experts at verblio that's going to match you with one writer that's going to handle all your content needs so let me show you a back end of our verbal account and i'll kind of show you how we plan out a content calendar for a client at develo market alrighty so before we can even use verb leo we've really got to determine from that keyword magic tool which keywords we're going to target so what you're looking at right now is an example content calendar for one of our great clients raise automotive and basically what we have here is all of the titles of the different blogs we're going to be posting so you can see that this what may have been something that was used a lot when we did our research types of damage benefits of using insurance reputable shop industry certifications skilled appraiser what happens to your vehicle when you ask a shop to save off money different types of keyword phrases that our seos thought were important when we did our research now when we go into verblio which is the tool that i'm recommending for you to order content from for websites specifically you probably are wondering what their pricing is and so verbio has a really intuitive pricing structure on their website that allows you to actually calculate your own plan so what happens is i like how they did welcome to rti82 what you can do here is you can basically build a monthly plan so for this example let's say we wanted 300 words of text and four articles on a monthly basis our total would be a hundred and thirty nine dollars per month for this actual articles to be delivered to us they also add additional services and these services include they will optimize it and they will even upload to your website if they want to do that so for the optimize for 20 per article they'll actually upload it to your actual website making your price 219. personally i go ahead and just do basic and basic's going to put you at basically the price that was initially there i mean you can save 279 by actually going annually with this and you can start your subscription plan and get this going now so why is why is this incredible right why verbally over any other content tool out there that offers so many different content tools well first and foremost we've tested pretty much every single content tool you can ever think of and with verb leo we're able to create accounts for our clients but also we're able to basically uh have really good white label options so just to get an example this is how much money we spend on verbally on a monthly basis i mean it's a lot and what i'll tell you is we don't mind spending the money because the service works very well and here's exactly how it works so let's say that we had bennett plastics which is one of our other clients so we have four different articles that are that the verb leo writers have written benefits of using bio-derived plastics right keyword bio-derived plastics three surprising facts about plastic components etc and so what happens is we can actually click on white label here and we can actually go ahead and click hidden from client and we can actually see this and send it to the client and they can approve it if you're working with clients this is going to be probably the most effective thing that you do because if you go into the white label section here you can actually go to let's say bennett plastics and you can click here and then on this link it's going to have the article you can see the article here and the client can read with your logo set up on it and they can click the screen check mark to make tell you that it's a good article the other thing that you can do that i really like about verbio is if you go back to the actual article and you read it you can actually go ahead and decline this article or request edits generally speaking we favorite the writers that we see doing well and we never decline them unless they're actually really bad and because the more you keep declining the more the algorithm is going to kind of work against you because you want to make sure that you you get writers that are good and we haven't really found writers that we have to decline for simply maybe we have to do some edits but that's the beauty of the white label the client will actually give feedback inside of here and write their comments on each and every single one of the articles completely taking this off of your process if you're at agency you can use a freelancer to take care of this for you this entire process if you are a business owner this is going to be good because then you can leave direct business uh feedback directly on here so with verblio generally speaking with our clients let's say if they're on a blogging plan that's four blogs per month or whatever that blogging cost is per month they get the research they get the content they get the publishing and we we pay 139 for the written text but then we also do all of this other stuff inside of here that's not included inside of here because if we did verbal complete which is what developmark does for our clients this would cost 3.99 400 bucks a month you can probably get away with basic if you're just going to be doing it yourself but ultimately this is the place that i recommend you using and the reason for that is we've seen the text quality just become so nice so when you go to a site like raise auto inc which is our client's website you know you can see that there's a lot of information on this website and that's because we're practicing what we preach so if you go on this website and you go to the blog section everything inside of this blog section was written by verblio and our and our in-house writers as well some of them but most of them was written by verubio and all of the text content is accurate and the client has approved them and they are exactly what they want to see on their website so it's one of those things where for us yeah it's a little more pricey because yes you can go on places like and buy an article for twelve dollars to fifteen dollars twelve to ten dollars but what you're gonna get back is nothing close to what verb though is gonna give you because they really pride themselves on making sure that it is written effectively so now we're going to talk about prioritizing your on-page seo content on-page seo is critical because now that you have textual content to add to your website you're going to want to make sure that each of your pages target just one keyword phrase and to do that i'm going to show you some very basic on-page seo tips that should get the job done relatively quickly now you're also going to want to make sure that all of your content is internally linked inside of your pages the reason for this is because google enjoys websites that have a better page experience but also sites with higher average session durations to increase your average session duration you're going to want to make sure that users are navigating throughout your website to accomplish this we use something called internal linking to relevant pages on our existing website to get the job done there's also one last tip i want to give you before we jump into the tutorial section of this part is you put your most valuable information of the page at the top of your page google reads your page from top to bottom which means if you want to get featured in the big snippets that google has been promoting you're going to want to make sure that your information is valuable but it's also found at the beginning of the page i'm going to show you how to accomplish this and i'm also going to show you how to optimize for on-page seo with an example article that we've recently ordered from verblio so let's get into the tutorial section and then we'll wrap up this video by talking about conversion tracking google analytics and next steps to make sure your website ranks high as a brand new website using seo okay everyone so as you can see for a keyword search of dental implants cost manchester ct you can actually see that one of our clients signature smile ct has the featured snippet and the featured snippet is just basically a box that actually identifies the information and delivers it very quickly now the importance of doing this is because this page is targeting the cost of dental implants in that location and so google's rewarding this phrase with an actual search snippet now to do this let's go into the actual editor and then go in and see how i've got that set up so you can kind of understand how to get these similar results with your own website so this is we're inside of the editor and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to the cost page so this is that page that's ranking well inside of the google search results and i'm going to go ahead and just click on this page so you can see that the result is very similar now you can also see that google is highlighting the text inside of here in orange or in yellow i should say as if it was a piece of paper kind of just talking about how this is the featured result because it is very accurate and it's very very informative so you can see how that text is kind of to the top and it definitely talks about the cost very very nicely formatted inside of this page so inside of the editor what you want to do is you want to take your text content and you want to start planning out your on-page seo now the first thing that you should check is and would you ever want to analyze a page if you're using google chrome you can right click and click on page source and by doing this you can search title and so inside of that title what you want to do is you want to make sure that the keyword is inside of what they call a title tag which is a very basic word of just basically saying what the page is about your keywords should be inside of the title tag for the page that you're writing the content in your keywords should also be inside of the actual um it's meta description of that page and remember to edit that meta description all you have to do is head over to pages navigate to the page that you want to edit tap the seo button and you can change the title tag you can change the meta description and you can also change the url path you're inside of your url path should also be the keywords that you've identified in your sitemap before you even started working on the website so with that being said once you set these then you can go in and start placing your content your content should include the keyword inside of an h1 or h2 tag you should also have rich media on the page to supplement the user's experience and you should have friendly text that you should have ordered from verblio or another website that allows you to get content now you can also see inside of this page we're internally linking a lot of that content because we want people to navigate throughout the website somebody that lands on this page may not know who this is and internally linking this information is ultimately going to help them navigate through the website and get more page experience and more visitors so what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you google analytics so inside of google analytics you can see that once we publish this website using the strategies that we're teaching you inside of this video these sessions went up and they're gradually increasing on a day-to-day basis and compared to the last 180 days on this blue chart here the sessions have drastically decreased 100 or so and the reason for this is because we've implemented this strategy on a lot of the different pages on the website to actually submit that and actually rank for these different types of keywords so if somebody were to do something very similar if they were to go to google and they were to type in dental implants versus dentures inside of that area you're gonna be you're gonna see that there's also probably a featured snippet ranking for that page because that page we wrote in unique content about it so you can see that that page is ranking here as well now you may be wondering do people actually search this stuff and the answer is they do and the less people that search it oftentimes means the easier to rank that keyword phrase but if one patient comes from this website for our client for example they make a significant amount of money just because of that page that we've set up when we were setting up their website google analytics is going to show you a lot of this data that you should have set up the moment you set up your website and to do so it's very easy inside of the dashboard in duda you can actually visit the settings section and place in your google analytics id inside of the actual account information to start tracking visitors through google analytics this is really important to do because it's going to give you key data as to what you should be doing to actually track these visitors and it's going to give you reports on how well they're doing on a month-to-month basis it's also going to show you the pages that people visit the most inside of those days so you can see last seven days the implants page seems to be the page with the most value and this is going to give you really really key details in terms of how the page is performing as well as how many different sessions people are having so as you can see shortly after the site's launched bounce rate decreased a little bit session duration is decreasing only because we're running google ads to the site and usually those sessions are short but you can determine a lot of this stuff inside of google analytics another highly recommended tool to add to your website for brand new seo is google search console this website is going to give you a lot of data in terms of seo reporting specifically analytics can give you a lot of the data overall and you can filter this data to just see organic results but google search console is going to give you a lot of just the specific seo results things like if your pages have good coverage and if there's any pages with errors and things like actually looking at enhancements you can see that we don't have any enhancements that we have to do because we follow the steps that we showed you inside of this video one critical thing that you're going to want to do is submit a website site map to google search console the moment you publish your website on your domain doing so is going to allow google to start crawling your urls on almost a monthly basis or a daily basis depending on how much you publish giving your pages more visibility inside of the google search engine if you're an agency like myself you may want to consider using a tool like splash dash that will allow you to actually put in your clients inside of this tool and integrate all of their data inside of one beautiful dashboard that you can actually send to them on a monthly basis so they can quickly see and log in and see all of the important metrics that you want to show them on a monthly basis weekly basis or any of those basis for example if a client wanted to change if a client wanted to see how their performance was over the last year they can tap that just by logging in and they'll be able to see their analytics over a year instead of just looking at analytics for the last month or so this is a really good way of actually streamlining your reporting for your clients if you're doing the agency model if you're doing website design and seo and this is ultimately going to lead to higher retention rates so if you have these two basic tools set up google analytics google search console and any other tracking and conversion tool you should be implementing that data inside of splashdash to actually get that data very nicely and very cleanly reported to your client and there you guys have it those are some of the basic steps that you can do to get your local website ranking in the search results relatively fast now for me i like to stay up to date with things as much as possible and staying up to date can really really make the difference in keeping cutting edge strategies happening for your website there's a few ways to do that my favorite way is following the sem rush blog they always write some really good content from thought leadership inside of that blog that actually talks about seo my second favorite is search engine journal i like reading the search engine journal because generally it always has great seo updates that you can follow and my third best practice is setting up a google alert for the keyword seo and search engine optimization so you can actually get emailed every time something happens and is in the news about seo and generally when google releases an update you're gonna be the first one to know and you're gonna have to make sure that you're implementing it on your own site if you have an agency that's doing your work right now you can make sure they're implementing on your site or if you are an agency you can make sure that you're doing it for your clients so with that being said leave some comments down below let me know any questions that you may have about this video i'd love to clarify them if you haven't done so yet make sure you like and subscribe to this channel for more content like this and i thank you all for watching today's video
Channel: Ruan M. Marinho
Views: 23,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ruan, Ruan Marinho, Develomark, Ruan Manprin Marinho, Develomark SEO Agency, SEO website, seo for beginners, seo for new websites, new websites seo, new website seo marketing, marketing for seo websites, seo marketing, seo
Id: xBUsjA9xlac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.