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hello friend welcome back we are out in the growroom and I've got a fun project we're going to do today today we are going to plant some wheat these are wheat berries or wheat seeds I just went down into my pantry and grabbed some wheat berries and we are going to plant these and I'm going to plant one entire bed and we're going to see how much we're going to be able to harvest it could be a total flop it could be a total waste of time or it could just be a really fun experiment time will tell these are just soft white wheat berries that I had in my pantry tree and we're going to plant these out now this was not my original idea I have seen three gardeners do this Garden answers and epic gardening they both have grown wheat themselves which I thought was pretty cool and then Rachel from that 1870 Homestead this year is doing it and I thought hey I think I want to give it a try too so we're going to get this in the ground today I also want to plant out quite a few more seeds just direct sewing it's definitely time I can plant everything out in the garden I did actually start a few more starts I want to get these starts in the ground I had planted some zucchini starts in the ground they completely died I direct sewed them and I've always had a hard time direct sewing pumpkins and zucchini I think animals eat the seed I can show you I I dug up the seed cuz it had been a week and a half they didn't germinate and all I could find was the hole of the seed so the seed was eaten out of the hole so either a mouse or a bird or something got to it so the other day I came in here third times a charm we're going to get some zucchini in the ground that I oh no both of these are zucchinis but I did not label them shoot it's okay I know that I want both of these types of zucchini so it doesn't really matter once they start growing I will know which is which because I started for the third time my white zucchini and some black beauty zucchini so once those these were my labels here but I didn't transfer them onto the grow light shelf they just germinated yesterday so I'm going to get them into the ground I also started some cantaloupe that are just starting to germinate here and some more flat white pumpkins that are just starting to germinate here so I'm going to try to keep those with those tags another big goal is to get this room cleaned today and organized I want this whole grow room basically put to bed for the season I've started cleaning it but it needs to be organized all these drawers are disaster they need to be organized I did get all of my trays scrubbed and washed and stacked that is a huge accomplishment so when I start all my starts next year that project can already be done so I've got also these flowers that need to go out we had one pepper plant Dy and then I need to harvest some of these so I'm going to go ahead and do this now these are my sweet potato slips one let's see if I can get that out of there oh this one already has a good amount of roots on it so that's good to three four I think I'm gonna go ahead and harvest that one five let these ones continue to grow I'm going to get these in some water I need to get this in the ground too I bought this the other day it is a tomato plant need to get that in the ground it has rained for the past week nonstop trench downpour and that is why I have not planted my wheat yet I could have done this probably a week ago but it was too wet out here so today is the perfect day to do it it's not supposed to rain so I did do a couple things since last time you were out here with me I said I was going to do them last time we were out here but I actually did do them I got the zenas planted in the areas where the zenas died and this is the first time I've been out here in a while and these actually might be baby Zenia starts I'm not sure but I think they are let's see down here I don't see anything down here other than that's new that's a volunteer sunflower so that's encouraging to see so right here is where I'm going to be planting the wheat this year this bed right here I have direct sewed on this end lofas I don't see any that have germinated here but when I was looking over here the other day I saw one loofah that is germinated over here so I don't know I might plant something else on this Arch right here so that we can have something growing on the arch but this bed is going to be our wheat bed I'm going to smooth the top of this bed out first before I plant the irrigation needs to be kind of worked out as well I think I've thought through how I want to do this I want to add some more compost to this bed so what I want to do first is kind of work this soil a little bit and kind of level it out cuz it's got some Hills and Valleys due to me dumping some different potting mix in here and some of the starts that DED I'm just letting those compost in place I'm just going to flatten this bed out out apparently wheat likes a more compacted soil this soil is extremely light and fluffy because I've been putting some potting mix on the top normally I would never step in my beds but I do want to compact it a little bit that felt a little weird to do but I did it I also needed to make a little little room because I'm going to top dress this once I plant this seed I watched Rachel's video on how she planted hers and what she said is to plant 25 seeds per square foot and I'm not going to count that out I'm just going to sew like this so I'm sewing this pretty heavily I'm assuming birds are going to want to come eat this and some aren't going to germinate so I think that I don't know it would be better to sew a little heavier but we're just going to go with that cuz that's what I just did I'm just going to Loosely kind of mix this in with the soil [Music] I am going to cover this the seed does like to be covered according to the video I watched about with about an inch of soil so I'm going to go grab some compost here and I'm going to cover this with that but I could not find my wheelbarrow this morning so that's what I need to do next is go find my wheelbarrow you know what well that's probably enough seed I have some raised bed mix here that I'm going to use to top dress this wheat I grabbed four bags I don't know how many bags it's going to take one I have a feeling birds are going to enjoy this so I want to try to protect it from the birds I do feed the birds I I have bird feeders so I want them to eat that seed not this seed that felt intimidating to do that that was extremely easy Now is it going to be easy to get it to grow without the birds eating it is it going to be easy to harvest it and am I going to get the exact amount of wheat berries that I planted that is I guess the name of the game but that's where gardening can just be for fun I planted almost a quart of wheat berries let's see if we can Harvest more than a quart of wheat berries and if we can't we had fun trying so there we go this bed is planted I'm going to water this in actually might rain actually today so I'm going to wait just a little bit cuz cuz now we're going to plant something well I think we're going to plant something something so let's bring this over here cuz this is the bed where I want my zucchinis in now I had put in here you can see where I kind of dug up there's a hole here and a hole here cuz that's where I planted my white zucchini and here is one of the seeds and there's nothing in it so I want at least two zucchini plants here one here and one here and then and I planted these zucchini plants that were going to go down here and it's going to be a green zucchini and I just noticed that one is germinating so here is where I dug up the seed here is the seed oh that looks like there was a root that was about to grow all right so maybe we were going to get well what I'm going to do is I'm just going to stick this here and this here cuz these are growing and they need to get used to being outside for a little bit so I'm just going to wait and in the next couple days I'll see if one more germinates over here maybe I should move that and if nothing does then I'll plant those and I'm just going to leave those there they can grow in their pots for a little bit and they'll be just fine so now what I want to do is easily I can get this checked off the list let's get this planted along this back bed I have a ton of tomatoes and I had two tomatillos that I planted in the middle here these were the ones that I started this one looks fantastic right here you can see all these side choots that it's shooting off this one got eaten by a bug right there at its root so it's still alive but I don't think it's going to do anything so that's why Josh bought me another Tomo plant so we're just going to get this planted right where I had the one that I started I hear people talking a lot about how they don't have green thumbs well no one's born with a green thumb we have to learn the skill of gardening and even if you've been doing it a long time this is my fourth year there's still mistakes that are going to be made and trials and weather conditions and things that are going to make it so that things die it's okay if things die it's okay to replant if I gave up on my zucchinis when I first planted them out and they died then I wouldn't have zucchini but I am going on my third attempt to try to have some zucchini and I think if we just keep trying if we just keep trying we'll have success and I think that's how it is in anything in life just because I have success one year doesn't mean that this year I'm going to have success in growing the same thing this is a very big big Cho plant or root ball I should say it was a big pot it was growing in all right now we officially have two Tomo plants that hopefully will produce something okay now we're going to plant something that I have had good success with over the years and that's some green beans now I'm going to plant them in a spot where I did not have success that was with my peanuts I would love to grow peanuts that is definitely on my list of things that I want to grow but this year was apparently not the year and I could have maybe replanted the peanuts that died but I didn't have any peanut seeds so green beans it is this is a bed where I have dalas and I put my peanuts on each end and I planted them out way way way too early so I planted them technically after my last frost but it was still getting too cold at night so a lot of them just died so what I'm going to plant here instead of the green beans I mean instead of the peanuts is just some tried and true jade green beans I love jade green beans they're my favorite green bean out of the ones I have planted I have grown tons of different varieties I've grown Blue Lake bush beans Contender there's probably three or four other ones that I've planted and these are my favorite just going to put some seed out here and I can put about 9 to 12 green bean plants per square foot I didn't even get out my square foot garden guide all I'm going to do is run some trenches in this bed just like this I'm going to try green be or peanuts again next year I'm going to try peanuts again next year but I just know that I'm not going to plant them out until Mother's Day weekend when I plant out my tomatoes and my peppers that was my green bean tag I'm going to leave this one peanut plant in here and we'll see what happens with that I do have right here A Little Cucumber plant and I'm going to let that cucumber grow out this bed there's one in that corner too I did that last year and cucumbers they did really well that way I didn't trellis them or anything is green beans are in the ground now I'm going to do that exact same thing well see over here they don't look as bad H these are my peanut Virginia peanuts over here I could rip them up or leave them the problem is I think that they could be stunted I have no experience growing peanuts looks like this cucumber plant got just munched on the top so we lost another cucumber plant but that's okay I have two more over there so let me think about this I think I'm just going to plant some green beans around the peanuts maybe I should go maybe they'll be okay so it took me minutes to decide what to do here and I think I'm going to pull these up maybe I should leave them in I don't know I just know that I can have more probable success with green beans than I can with these sad little peanuts so we're going to go with green beans here and then I had an idea because I think in this bed randomly this was my corn bed last year I have a bunch of colula flowers coming up I'm pretty sure that's what this is and I've got a couple coming up over there few back there a few back there the reason I think that is one it looks like Cula and two when I was pulling a weed down here I found some colula seeds on this walkway cul seeds Cula seeds are very distinct they look almost like dinosaur fossil rib bones or something that's what I think are like Teeth they're very unique looking so I was thinking maybe in here I might throw in some Cula seeds between the dalas just to fill that area in I don't know maybe that's crazy maybe I won't do that there's this trend that's going around on Instagram called chaos gardening and where you basically just take seeds throw them into a garden bed and one of you messaged me and said I should do a Bed of Chaos gardening when it comes to flowers so basically just taking a bunch of different flow seeds mixing them together or at least this is how I interpreted what would be kind of cool and just throwing them in a bed like I did the like I did the wheat where I just scatter the seed on the top and then cover it so I was thinking I can't do that this year with any of the beds that I have left because I just planted out the last bed that doesn't have anything in it but I could come back through and throw in some Cula seeds I'm not sure how big those dalas are going to get I think I planted those too early too and I may have stunted the growth on them a little bit I planted them after our last frost date but I think it was getting too cold at night so they don't look fantastic I probably should give them some liquid fertilizer I should probably give most of my things a good dousing of liquid fertilizer I haven't fer ized or supplemented feed any of the plants yet that I've planted just the initial when I planted them I think this will be pretty we'll have green beans on the edge or both ends of the Dalia bed and I have had very good luck growing green beans every year I've gotten a green bean Harvest I've grown green beans which I think I've I'm pretty sure I've had green beans in every one of my Gardens these are a bush bean variety which means they'll probably only get about 12 to 18 in tall and you can get a lot of green beans so I'm only planting maybe 1 2 3 4 5 6 maybe maybe it's 12 squ ft of green beans and honestly this is probably going to be a Year's worth the green beans for Josh and I we don't eat a ton of green beans out of season but in season we do eat a ton and you can get a lot of green beans in a small space okay green beans are planted I do have rattlesnake beans planted which you can eat green but I'm kind of planning on eating those as a dried Bean so almost was like I don't need to plant green beans cuz I've got all those beans planted and I could just Harvest those as green beans but I love jade green beans they're tender they're delicious it makes for an easy summer dinner so I kind of wanted to get them in the ground okay so these are planted these will probably d terminate in about a week if I had gotten them planted before that crazy rain that would have been good but I didn't so that's okay all right that feels good out at the corner of my eye I noticed something pretty cool you can kind of see it if you know what you're looking for here but let me bring you in close I have not been out here in probably 5 days and you can see the black beans are starting to germinate like crazy all throughout this bed and my anies are just absolutely beautiful I was able to make a bouquet of an enemies and Snap Dragons as a gift over this last weekend someone very special in my life had something very special happened to them and I got an enmies and you can see the little pink up there I got a huge bouquet well huge for me it was a humble siiz bouquet but I got a bouquet of snapd dragons and an enemies from the garden I was able to give that to a very special person in my life for something very special that happened to them and that felt very special to me to be able to harvest it out of my garden all right let's go get that grow room cleaned when we're up there I'm going to see what kind of flower seeds I can just throw in this bed to make this bed even more beautiful than hopefully it will be when those dalas start to bloom we are back in the grow room and it is time to tackle some projects first I'm going to tackle the sweet potatoes get those Jarred up cleaned and then I need to tackle the mess that is this room what I want to do is do my future self a favor so last fall I did most of it by myself but I showed a few beds of me putting the garden to bed is I removed all the plants from last year's Garden in the fall I put compost manure soil amendments down and then I covered everything with landscape fabric what that did is it allowed me this year when I went to plant stuff out to just hit the ground running and I could just plant so I kind of want to do the same thing with this room is I want to put the seed room to bed now I will be you know getting into my seeds and direct sewing stuff throughout the growing season I might start a fall Garden I haven't decided yet how life is going to go and whether I'm going to do that or not but what I want to do is not leave this area just kind of messy and depressing I want it to be fun and exciting to come in here and one way I can do that favor to myself is by actually cleaning it and having it be a nice clean fun environment to beat in you saw probably how dirty the water was that I had my sweet potato slips in and so what I did is I just dumped that out I rinsed these off I'm going to get some fresh water in these I'm not going to plant these in the garden for probably another 2 weeks these slips have been a little neglected but hopefully they will bounce back take some of those lower leaves off so those don't just rot in the water that already looks a lot better there we go so I'm putting these on this tray these are the ones I just plucked off the potatoes today because I'm going to start cleaning up the window seals I probably should have had these on a tray this whole time but I didn't now that the sweet potatoes are taken care of let's take care of this window seal and this is not going to be a sweet potato window seal next year I have learned my lesson I probably well let's clean it I might have to oh actually it might clean up nice I might have to repaint this window sill so I'm going to sweep this room really well so I think what I'm going to do I just got some cleaning supplies is I'm just going to put all this on the ground and then we will clean up from there I don't know what that's from let that soap for a second oh there's a wasp in here all right there you go I probably should not save that but I'm just going to let that sit there got a new rag from watering there's a ton of dirt over here so I'm glad I painted even though what I painted is gotten dirty because this was if you remember just drywall and so that would have soaked up the water a lot more at least a little bit of paint on the walls would help protect the walls from moisture when when I was watering there's always this kind of quiet before the storm when it comes to gardening there's the busyness of starting seeds indoors you're taking care of the seedlings inside and it is kind of a lot of work and then you get everything planted out which is a lot of work and then there's like this like breathe calm everything's planted out things tend to take care of themselves a little bit better once they're planted out and so it kind of leaves this like quiet space to focus on other things and I have been spring cleaning I have never been into spring cleaning before but I organized my kitchen the day before I did this and did a deep clean on it and that motivated me to want to do this deep cleaning day while we've got this kind of quiet before harvest the windows are both clean have any of you seen those videos where people have those mini Steamers where they can get in the crevices of things and they they're like a little hand steamer I feel like sometimes when I'm doing projects like this that would be really nice so if any of you guys have that steamer and you know what I'm talking about and you like it let me know but now that I got the walls cleaned and the windows cleaned what I want to do is sweep this area cuz I think this is where the shelves are going to go back so I just pushed all the shelves this way so it's looking really disorganized over there but it always looks worse before it looks better on this day that we're doing this project it is Friday and at this point on on this week I have deep cleaned my pantry my kitchen couple of my kitchen drawers I organize them and then today we're doing the seed room and then over the weekend I do my car which I hadn't deep cleaned uh probably since last summer I mean I've cleaned it but not you know scrubbed the depths of the car if you know what I mean and so it's just felt really good because I know that in a few months Harvest is going to be here and there's going to be no time for deep cleaning and so I guess this year spring cleaning is on my list of things that I feel motivated to do normally I tend to do big cleaning projects in the winter and I I feel like I did some but I don't know I was busy this winter we were you know having parties and cooking lots of yummy food and starting a bunch of these seed linges and so this just felt like there was like this Gap in time where you know most of the garden was planted out now I said that I had the garden planted out at this point but I go out there all the time and I'll just sprinkle seeds here and there that's one thing that I have been so enjoying this Garden season is not having the landscape fabric because I go out there all the time and I can just sprinkle seeds wherever I want to and not have to move landscape fabric and so far during this growing season I haven't noticed a huge weed problem I mean we're so early in the growing season that that could become a problem later on but as of now I haven't noticed a big problem I've been able to just stay on top of it I go out there when it's not raining almost every day usually when I have my coffee or after a big long work day me and my family will go down to the garden we'll just spend time out there and so I I've said that I have like the bulk of the planting done but throughout the whole entire growing season there will be more direct sewing when it comes to like lettuce radishes carrots cuz I can plant those every two to three weeks and other types of things so that I can have a continual Harvest of that cilantro I just planted a ton more cilantro and so I can have a hopeful hopefully a continual Harvest of that same with lettuce and radishes so now I've got the shelves all cleaned off I even kind of dusted off the tops of the grow lights cuz those got a bunch of dirt on them from watering and just dirt falling on them from having trays on top of them you know on the Shelf but there was grow lights in between each shelf so I was able to get those shelves cleaned and I've got that area swept under the grow shelves so that I could put the shelves back and now I'm focusing on the other part of the gr room so this is just an all-purpose granulated fertilizer and I used up all my blood meal so I'm just using that same bucket and I went ahead and I filled this one up with this granular fertilizer and then I can use that as I need it and a lot of this is just picking up and throwing away things putting things away I even wiped down these box fans a little a little bit cuz they were pretty dirty I'm trying to work from top to bottom and not only organize this room but I want a deep clean everything as well just so that because everything kind of has a layer of dirt on it so right now I'm just removing all of the actual dirt from my workbench here and I'm going to give those heat mats a good scrub as well today we make great progress we're almost there but before I actually like clean this counter I want to get all of these seeds organized I have a huge pile here and I want to get all the seeds that I've been collecting up here into that pile I want to get all the containers into the containers the big containers so that those can be organized I did not really do an inventory on my seeds last year before I ordered my seeds and I definitely need to do do that this year because I know that I have too many of certain varieties and I know that I used up a bunch of varieties that I didn't purchase seed from last year so not I'm not going to do that today or tomorrow or probably anytime during this growing season but I want to do it probably this coming winter and some of these I know I can just put away because let's see this is my warm weather one so I have a warm weather one a cold weather one a flowers and a direct sew one I think the way I want to organize these in the future maybe that will be a winter project is actually organize them based on starting indoors and when they need to start but I know that I don't need my tomatoes my Tomos or my Peppers until next year so I'm going to get those put away my Snapdragon seeds can get put away which is this container just some of them that I'm not going to need I'm I don't think I'm going to start as many seeds indoors next year I don't think I say that now but come January February when the garden season has been done for a very long time I might want to start some seeds but right now I'm thinking I'm not going to start quite as many I want to be a little bit more focused I'm still trying to wrap my brain around that but hot peppers sweet peppers some of these pumpkins and squash and things I might direct sew again we are on the final kind of push get this room put together and ready to go for the next growing season and so I'm just finishing organizing all my seeds so all my seeds are put away and where they need to go I still like I said I'll be pulling from these to direct sew but as of now unless I start a fall Garden indoors in like July I won't need to touch the majority of those seeds until next year which is crazy I can't believe we're already at this point so again then I'm trying to not only organize but I also want a deep clean I did paint this shelf which makes it a lot easier to go ahead and wipe it down cuz there is dirt on it so I'm going to get this clean before I end up putting my seed organizers back on the Shelf so I'm going to talk a little bit right before we end today about what I mean by starting less things indoors I don't mean I'm going to start less quantity I might even start more quantity but I want to be a little bit more focused on what I start indoors and focus on what I'm good at and what I've had relatively good success with I'm going to show you some things that I tried starting indoors and I've tried starting indoors quite a few times and had either pretty poor or a dismal result so I'll go into that a little bit more but for now we're just going to get these heat mats nice and scrubbed I can't say it enough that having the Garden ready for me to go ahead and plant into was a huge gift to myself I have so enjoyed just being able to hit the ground Runing I mean there were a couple beds that I did need to add some compost to that I didn't do last year because I had some fall crops in them but for the majority out I think out of the 20 beds I had 17 or 18 that I could just hit the ground running and that was so incredibly nice and something that I just so enjoyed that I'm trying to do that same thing when it comes to this room that when we come out here to start some things indoors the room will be ready for us we accomplished the goal we set out to this area feels fantastic it's clean the only things I have in here are the sweet potatoes a slips and the a couple melons but for the most part everything is out of here which means a lot less work on my part once things are in the garden they take care of the m a little bit better we've got all the seeds organized I emptied the seed starting mix because I don't want to keep that in here with I just figured i' would go empty it where the wheat is planted we've got our vinegar for uh killing weeds all of our seeds organized all the seed starting equipment trays and all those types of things are put where they need to be I do have a couple more flowers over here that are hardening off we have Rebeca here we have some of our white and pink EA or cone flower I have some different random flowers I still need get that tomato in the ground and a little bit more of cone flour in Rebecca here these never did very well perennial flowers are something that I don't think I'm going to be trying to grow myself because for a few dollars I still need to plant those ones I can pick up a perennial flower these starts right here I think were $2.99 or I think around $3 and they should last for years and years to come and they're very difficult and very timeconsuming to start indoors so when I was telling you earlier that I don't think I'm going to start as many things indoors as I have this year is I'm going to focus on the things that I know that I've been able to be successful at I could keep practicing and practicing but I don't know if I have it in me next year to do that so I know I will probably always be starting my tomatoes and peppers I think probably snapdragons even though you have to start those indoors for so long I want so many of them I think I have like 200 or 300 plants in the garden that would be a lot to have to purchase way more than I would want to purchase so these prenal because they're going to last year after year I don't mind spending $3 on them because I'll enjoy them for years to come versus my snapdragons I enjoy them one year a seed packet for 200 seeds is $3 so anyway I have a lot more thinking I'm going to do on that over winter but we got things direct SED I'm excited to see what the wheat is going to do I'm going to go ahead and just turn the irrigation on and let the sprinkler system go ahead and get those seeds watered in for me I am happy that we have set out our goal to clean this room and we accomplished it it feels so good in here and we'll be able to start seeds next year now what I need to do now is go get clean CLE up and I've got some computer work I need to get done before the Weekend begins and I can enjoy the weekend so friend thank you so much for being here if you want to watch a couple of my other videos I'll pop them here you can go enjoy between now and my next upload I hope you're having a fantastic day and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 104,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aqrynw924KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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