Race 2 | ADAC 24h Nürburgring Qualifiers

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[Music] [Music] [Music] a very good a very good afternoon to you if you are just joining us good to have you company peter snowden and john hindhoff with you for the second of the two six uh two three hours that makes up the six hours of our qualifying weekend a bit of a change of a format this year celebrating 50 runnings of the ndsc total energy 24 hours of the nurburgring what's it's all for is what people have been asking on at rsl studio n24h sorry rsl n24 q for qualifying well there are places up for grabs in the top qualifying in a couple of weekends time three week ends time 26 isn't it for the main race there's manufacturer points as well and there's the opportunity to get uh some running on the track configuration that is only used at the 24 hours so it's this weekend and the 24 hours that's the only time that we use the configuration of the grand prix circuits as it is for the 24 the only other time it's this weekend yes of course there's plenty of opportunity during the nls the nurburgring lane striker series to get out onto the nordschleife but this is the only time where you can actually use the same weekends at the same track as the as the one for the big weekends i would say don't worry about what's going on here we've had qualifying we've had a top 40 qualifying for yesterday's race we've had a full top qualifying for everybody who's taking part in this race so potentially that could have been 91 we didn't get quite that far through but that is uh that was just a bit of experience for everybody that set the grid for the race that we're about to see when we get to the main race we'll have all the lists and we'll be able to tell you who is and more importantly who isn't pre-qualified in the top qualifying for the big race itself and therefore who we've got to watch in qualifying when we get into the main race week this is a unique event on a unique circuit and the opportunity to come here and get some more time nick tandy was at spa yesterday came down and took part in the warm-up this morning and top qualifying uh later in the morning manti aren't here they were at spa they're owned by porsche now of course and we're running cars for porsche in the wec upward spot yesterday now in fairness they're just around the corner could they have probably cobbled the team together and sent the car out i'm sure they could did they need to would they have learned much more than they know um all that not as involved now but the combined knowledge of this place is extraordinary from a guy from noise path the guys from voice path which is just around the corner just up at the dotted hall and uh on drivers left there so yes there's plenty going on yes there's some pride there's definitely manufacturers points up for grabs this weekend but the main thing is that you get a bit of time on the circuit and i as i say enjoy this race for what it is three hours which was extremely strategic yesterday if you weren't with us it's won by the bmw junior team in the new bmw uh m4 gt3 they've locked out the front row again after top qualifying but they were beaten to the punch peter snowden uh in terms of pool position although the junior team still very much on the front row absolutely but the falcon horse team uh got to the bragging rights today haven't they they've gone and got the ones got the brownie points for putting it on p1 qualifying records with a new qualifying record if you're going to do it that's the way to do it because so far it's been we've said they've got these three teams entering these new cars but it's always been the bmw junior team and rover racing have been uh dicing duking down at the front yesterday it was a reverse finish we're saying oddly because we're talking about the last nls round nls3 uh where it was agusafas in the rover one and max hesse in the bmw junior card that was second by one tenth of a second come to yesterday they managed to reverse that round today newport position you asked me before what i thought it would be i said hard to not put money on uh being one of the new m4s but it's there and second but it's a different team this time falcon horse right up at the front there great great job by christian crones in qualifying as you say if you're gonna put it on pole at the nurburgring why don't you do it with a new lap record as well i know it's not official but we know we count the clock says we've we've broken it twice actually in the last two days because the top 40 qualifying we had on uh friday that's eclipsed lawrence fanture's qualifying record from when did i say that was from from 17 wasn't it 17 or 18 years yeah yeah um and then that's gone again by another tenth this this morning at the end of that full failed session that we had great watch uh those cars being pushed to the very limit so we're down to an 808.4 now which is uh extraordinary we're also we're also going to be 8.566 sorry sorry john we're also down the clicking house as well that's pulled out it's been withdrawn from this with this ongoing steering stroke wheel bearing issue they're not quite sure what we're saying so not the gearbox now now we saw this issue that yesterday didn't we with uh rest book being interviewed taking the steering wheel off that's where they started with there's something something they're not comfortable with with that car in from from the driver's driver's hands on the steering wheel to the bits on the road at the front that steer it and there's something in between that's not quite behaving the way it should do so perhaps going around this circuit is not something you want to do with that we did see drive by wire technology proven here in an emg correct darren turner last year yeah with the space spacex spacex drivex cars yeah um um spacex is rocket science um the the um although interesting daryl take that uh interesting uh a lot of guys who used to run the factory porsches in imsa went to work for spacex in the u.s yeah the driving system very interesting proving that it can work uh would require a change of legislation in the uk i remember many many years ago driving a a renault tractor unit uh with a big you know a 40-foot long trailer on the back with a joystick only a joystick no pedals but no connection to the wheels um is he at that stage wasn't legal um so i talked to darren about that last year i said you know how do you feel you know psychologically practically logistically and psychologically about driving you know a a we've had fly-by-wire throttle for a year yes you know a steer by wire rick by the way and he and he's he typical race driver he just said if i had any doubts about it i wouldn't be doing it he said so it's fine he said the only only bit of finessing left is is that it's so close and bear in mind this has been developed for for mobility disability for vehicles on the road um is that it's the the fight the final level of graining on a tire it hasn't quite got the feedback to read that it's that close wow i was like what did you say well that's that's cuts now have electrically assisted steering i mean even going back to our little run around the beta that used to be my dad's the little 1.2 that's got electrically assisted steering and you hear that so it hasn't got um hydraulically uh assisted steering and that's why you can have things like self parked cars because it's all done through that so it's it's not a million miles away from what we've already got very interesting technology being proven here on the nurburgring norjlifer if you'd like to get in touch with with us at rsl underscore studio rsl 24 rsl n24q german national anthem playing at the moment are on the front straight [Music] [Music] full international coverage for you for this the second of the two three hour events and also with extended coverage in race week itself culminating in the start the race on the 26th hello to fair use is over in washington in the district of columbia washington dc rather than washington cd the original washington county durham um uh he is everybody over there in the states i've got a lot of people uh tweeting in failures good to know you are tuned in presumably in sound and vision no blocks or breaks uh stay with us on the international feed and uh we've got full world fake tv for you in race week as well with the rsl audio on it bringing it all back together again as well as radial coverage for you if you are banned with challenge today or during the full race as well uh hello to droid andy he said great to hear that that you guys on the n24q do you think we'll have uh 24 hours of running at this year's race at the end of the month having at least last year made a huge difference to the weather shortest race in terms of race laps ever last year with the the bad weather and the the gap in the race for that overnight well we can cross our fingers but it's the eiffel and you never know you really never know what it's going to be like it could just as easily have fog rain hill even snow when we come to the end of the month as we did when we moved it back later in the year we the the authorities here and the the race authorities and organizers here are very very good at forecasting ahead a few days nls 2 was postponed on the i think the tuesday on the wednesday yeah the wednesday for this week where frankly looking at the webcams around the circuit it was beautiful i'd have been there and a shortened t-shirt by the time we got friday afternoon there was an inch and a half of snow and ice around the place and it didn't clear up at all until after we would have been there on sunday chase car the audi a6 estate having a bit of fun i i i would say that that is uh spirited yeah and also rear wheel uh bias the rear wheel drive biased actually just going on the grand prix circuit actually at the end of the first group two groups today because uh we had 91 entries originally for this we've lost a few cars there was a couple of gt3 cars snowy that went awry yesterday the number 15 and the number 22 wasn't it that we lost yesterday when they came together we didn't yeah the two out is yet we've lost those of course we've lost the um glickenhaus i've just mentioned normally nls has three starting groups he's quite right today john just two for this first group is sp9 spx sp 8t 7 cup x and cup 2 and rather than reading out all the rest of the classes group 2 is all the others nice love it not full entries in all of those classes with a reduced number of cars here 91 reduced number of cars what are you talking about hanged off well we i think the max number now is the absolute max number it's 180. we haven't been close to that for a couple of years we've run in the 3130s 140s for a couple of years this year with the travel restrictions lifted uh we should get somewhere nearer to that i would hope over 150 cars for the main race we'll get the full empty list for that in a week or 10 days time uh sometimes grouchy happily tuned in from virginia happily uh happily being in virginia beautiful part of the world and coming up of course we've got uh the imsa series the weathertech series with the gt festival vir and kerrigan smith and the team there being very busy place looks an absolute picture looking at some photographs from there the other day that green and pleasant land there natural terrain road circuit that is just so picturesque it's like racing through somebody's backyard just myself a slight correction just to make sure i'm quite clear enough we lost we lost two audi's yesterday one of those did return we did one of them of course okay the 22 car the lion speed uh came as back out that's on track today so don't be don't be alarmed if you thought we said it isn't it's number 15 they were involved in that incident yesterday one survived one didn't it's the 15 phoenix entry that didn't uh take part with calvin vanderlinder andres van tor and frederic vervish in starting driver's front row is a matter of interest it's the pole man that's in the bmw the falcon horse it's uh christian crones is going to take the start of this race but alongside him the junior team the 72 they're keeping to their their standard format of course they're going to change this now but the first driver out is neil verhagen yeah and they have started very well yesterday exactly what they did they did it yesterday and they've done this uh all throughout the season so far they've got this set order that seems to work for them neil for hogan starts uh daniel harper goes in second and then max house goes in at the end now of course they're going to change that round now but the first driver is correct on that one now they won yesterday and they're one with a strategy that had us for a little while at the end of the first hour scratching our heads they only did six laps six eight seven six eight seven was how they brought up the three hours yesterday so just two pit stops for the winning cars in fact the top three cars all did six laps eight laps seven laps there is a set pit stop time depending a mandatory time depending on how many laps you have done how much time you turn out on the circuit um which comes into play for that and so there's some very careful balancing and calculations goes on but it looked to us and certainly to me um yesterday that they were going to struggle to make it on one more stop after this stop what i thought was a little bit early but dan harper in that middle stint did eight laps um it lapse was the most we saw of anybody doing stints yesterday there was a number of cars in sp9 the gt3 class that did it dan harper did a brilliant middle stint and actually took the lead in the middle stint but due to the fact he'd done owing to the fact that he'd done those eight laps and because of the pace so he wasn't soft pedaling at all and then it was a seven lap stint for max hesse at the end who brought the car home to a 10 second victory as it was yesterday i don't see much need to change that unless things are exceptionally different in terms of code 60s or yellow flags we will not see if you are unfamiliar with this we don't see safety cars the cars leading the two groups around now will get parked up uh if they go out it will be to inspect things but the tenant use of the vehicles than the audi r8 that are leading them around we cover the track with slow zones double waved yellows cord 120s and cord 60s those are kilometers an hour by the way um and it's very rare to see a neutralization of the full track and those speed restrictions and yellow flag areas absolutely 100 policed and as the cars have all got gps tracking then the penalties will come quickly and there will be punitive up to and including the exclusion of a driver the exclusion from the event of a car or indeed the removal of the driver's permit to race on the nurburgring nordschleifer there's no messing about here if people are gonna if you are gonna do quick extractions if you are going to do barrier repairs with cars going by then 60 kilometers an hour is the absolute maximum and anybody who disregards that the authorities and i think rightly saw peter exactly the words i was going to use right they said they come down like like a ton of bricks on them but in fairness the it happens so rarely that it sticks out like the sore thumb because it's the respect here that everybody has for their competitors the marshals the workers and the track itself precisely and the whole point is that the discipline in which they they do this the respect the drivers then give it allows us to continue racing on this extraordinary circuit that you you couldn't propose now in any any any modern world so and it is always good clean fair racing you yes there are incidents and that's nearly always driver error uh racing incidents whatever but it's never ever yet have i seen anything where it's been people being ridiculous or taking risks it's all just been racing it's port of it i think it's brilliant we'll run through the front of the grid again for you if you didn't get it uh earlier on 170 cards it is by the way that's 170 now 1797 yeah okay uh hello to david edwards he said if carlsberg made perfect afternoons this is it i've had a fry up late breakfast not moving for three hours not sure where you are in the world sir david thank you for that it is peter snowden and john hindov this is the skeleton crew actually couldn't call neither of us skeletons i'm afraid um it is the cut down no it's not it's just us this weekend uh we'll pull the full team in when we're back for the race uh the full 24 hours we're looking forward to bringing the whole team back down to this area of germany the eiffel mountains lovely road trip for us and hopefully you will join us for that we'll start our coverage with the midweek motorsport and rs1 on wednesday and then roll straight into the thursday friday saturday and sunday with extended coverage of practice qualifying top qualifying warm-up and the whole race live of course so settle back for the next three hours and a bit that was uh one of the caymans in the pit lane i think that was one of the front-running caymans actually as well the league group are adverse siphon which is coming down towards the lowest part of the track at the bridge down at the right side motorsports [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] rock and roll [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign under box and no glitten house either problems with a wheel bearing and that car will not take to the track today mantai were up at spot yesterday for the wac they're on the works gt porsches now uh owned by porsche still from moist path just around the corner to the right sad to see the glingan house not here and jim clinton house um sure came down from a very good run for them in the wac got the pool position in the spa six hours and a decent run during the the race as well i'm sure jim's here uh he loves this event and this was the first time we really started finding finding out about clicking house was at this race with that beautiful p45 that he brought down here extraordinary um surely set up the whole thing i mean extraordinary man in the first place is no wonder that he's built cars quite the way he has just going back to the races over the years johnny this is a few firsts in there the first winner was han stuck in 1970 he didn't win it again for another 28 years in the days in the diesel correct if you're going to come back and do it 28 years later do it in a diesel and what a thing to come back what a way to do it i missed the first win of course in nuts as i was skipping through for you you weren't born in 1970 johnson and you wouldn't have known about it for in 1996 for sabine as she was there we know her much better as sabina schmitz uh the first victory for a female race driver she's won it again she won it again since then of course last year to honor her and remind us all every time we come here that sabina was the queen of this place the first proper corner on the nordschleife are going downhill before you head down on the hats and back the left hander that curves the way down with that high curb on the left-hand side was renamed sapping schmitt's curve i had the good fortune to work a couple of times with sabina on various uh top gear live shows where we worked directly together and she was as much fun when we were work together as she was afterwards she loved to relax afterwards and all i remember is laughing and her smile and how uh she didn't mind the self-deprecation that went on with all of those things when we were all having the uh you know what taken out of us by of our presenter colleagues just brilliant fabulous roundtable and she'll forever be i'm just totally totally alongside this place totally infectious smile and nature wasn't cheering oh absolutely well you didn't win the 24 hour easily she didn't won that one she also won the vln title twice in the two years preceding it so she's a i think she's quite useful safe pair of hands understatement yeah we honor her memory and her memory is a blessing much missed in paddocks and more sport all around the world clocked up 20 million laps or something around here three times to the sun and back probably could have driven it blindfolded with one hand tied behind our back driving in reverse the story she used to tell about her sister who also was a very very tidy driver in the family bmw and lived just around the corner how that car got gradually modified shall we see it to become much more of a a ring weapon with uh race tires a cage etc etc the absolute horror of uh sabina when she told me one day she got a phone call from my mother who was at the hairdressers she said i listen i'm down at the hairdressers i've taken the bmw there's something wrong with it didn't drive very well it was pouring of rain and it was on pretty much slick tyres and full race and sabina said don't drive a trip back i'll come and get you mom i'll come and get you brilliant brilliant that that that subbina all over much mystery just summarizes it lived and braved for this place and it's uh that she's commemorated here there's also a very lovely tradition here of planting trees just outside the paddock and uh one or two name plates on the trees around there of uh journalists and people that we've worked with in the past and i do think that's a very lovely living lasting tradition 27 porsche starting uh a little bit late now that car did we we lost that car this morning i don't think it took part did it in the um it's the dbo entry isn't it yeah correct julian and uh so that car was missing uh on parade match yeah yeah that was the machu gemini was listed to go out in top qualifying and it did not and i wondered if they were saving themselves or whether there was something they were still working on but that's the black number 27 it's a heck of a lineup in sp9 for julian and matt campbell the australian now living in germany and matthew jamini and now living in luxembourg at least he's luxembourg license jam jam as he's known julian and laura the frenchman as well that is a very good lineup indeed still that came in in the garage as well trying to tell you in a moment how that is temperature's gone up to a slightly warmer 16 degrees celsius and that's uh more what we had yesterday during the late afternoon we went into the darkness last night which was really interesting first time we've seen that on air qualifying cayman is the 252 kramer entry um yeah i'll buy that the kia cream it yeah i'll i'll buy that for a dollar that's the same goes sold to the man with the microphone [Applause] and let's go to that one so three hours to come two groups to start and what we will have is the leaders forming up two by two now behind the leading audi safety car as i said very unlikely we'll see that one again and if we do something's gone very much awry because it's uh it's not the normal thing here for that to happen [Music] i think jonathan hershey is starting the uh ferrari in third place here's the quicker very quick car and it's uh it's known to be very quick at the beginning of the race here but it does we have seen it in the past haven't we saw a little bit yesterday john having to get into pretty massive fuel saving but did manage it it did yeah it lapsed in the middle of the race it came in after only i think three laps from memphis punch it was three laps you're right left hand side picture with contact with another car they thought it might have been a porsche and lost some time limping into the pits all right everybody we said settle back but for the moment inch forward and get ready for action as the top sp9 gt3 cars are coming to the line there's three hours on the clock the weather has played its part it's fine and a couple of spits and spots yesterday in the last hour that's not forecast for today 20 22 the total energy edc 24 hours of the nurburgring qualifying race two goes green and we are racing down towards the first corner everybody heading towards the pit wall very early indeed pulling the drivers right that's big big defending by the falcon horse car that was on pole position out of the slip stream for the bmw junior team in the shell colors tries to squeeze up the left hand side into the second corner which is the left hander it's still the first it's still the 2pmws first and second but the ferrari has indeed as peter snowden suggested had a cracking couple of first two corners a little bit of a look down the inside of the bmw but that was repelled all downhill towards the dunlop curve at the southern end of the grand prix circuit pity breaking spots well everybody's gone through christian crunch then it's neil for hagen who has started the w junior team from hershey from vitsman philippeng jordan pepper started the conrad car he qualified that car earlier on was fastest for a while then it's lying speed and vaulting horse second car then christian mensah for an incremental rather for uh herba motorsport then alessio piccarello for fault with motorsports the 44 car makes up the top 10 and then everybody else is 11. jordan pepper also hanging on the back there in that uh uh lamborghini on the conrad run car the two bmw is the rover bmw's in fourth and fifth with uh whitman and anger at the wheel they are side by side all over the back of the ferrari but jonathan hershey was over for hagen's bmw junior car like a like a cheap suit wasn't those first corners just trying to get through literally left right everywhere trying to find a way but not quite doing it and i thought you would get it done to be honest on the grand prix circuit so the works could have a little bit harder for him now to try and get that job done uh down onto the north side they just all started down there through hatson back now john this is where it starts to get serious the grommet circuit isn't isn't casual but now it's big big bug boy stuff now and and much harder to overtake in this first third of the lap my first maybe eighth of a lap because it is a bit full of my lead around here for cars in the same category it's all this is a rhythm section uh and i don't mean a bloke on a base a drummer uh add somebody on a cello but you know what i mean it's all about getting through there already contact for one of the uh emg gt 55 car four car actually and that is the uh the car of the minecraft to the land graph car yes patrick assembler and uh lucas android traffic luke casandra qualified in the in the single qualifying earlier on so they'll be disappointed with that and the worst thing for them is that they're not going to get out i don't think in front of the second starting group no manti here uh they will still have the chance to get into the top qualifying at the race itself the big race itself they won the first race of course of the nls so they've got points for that clicking house another opportunity for them as well when we come to the qualifying and the top qualifying of the race itself but no shortcuts for them so they will have work to do when we come back here for the main race or the land graph card just gets out in front of the aston who's had a really good start again they had a good battle over the first quarter of the lap yesterday with the leading man without driven 8 30 lantra electra tcr from hyundai that was yesterday though on the hundreds a little bit further back uh a great swede of cup three porsche caymans in the middle of this grid and used to suit everybody peter and i in the top qualifying this morning were going through our options for going back to racing and uh we decided that a 60 000 pound bmw m240 ready to go was pretty good move up from that to maybe 120 000 for a tcr and then a 992 carrera cup car and about 180 thousand thousand we i think we even if we drop the big millions i'm not sure the uh 500 000 bmw m4 gt3 was going to make our list peter i don't think so no at the moment i've enjoyed watching a green aston at the front of the field it's been a while since i've seen that leading its own group absolutely uh what a sight to see i'm sure sarah rigby would be loving that yeah now that then is going to be yeah that's not the gt3 car is it no no this is the second group the gt4 yeah so that's one of the uh that's a pro sport car isn't it so that'll be the sp 10 leader and that is the number 60 ii number 82 sorry i can't read my own writing and that then is the and who started that uh the 82 i think that was mick class bourne who started that for pro sport racing he's with christoph bryant alex meese and mike david ortman who didn't qualify to top qualifying in that car yeah started it yeah now did that landcraft amg come out of pit lane whilst there was a red light at the end of pit lane that's that is a question that we can't answer from here but it must have been close because they were on the front straight mean time let's get into the action on the nordschleife for itself with auntie birdie in the 831 hyundai i30 ntcr two liters three hundred and plenty horsepower driving the front wheel one two did we get five across the track at one stage i think we did both the ktm is getting checked up right at the back you can't miss the orange crossbars there that was the start of the main group and where did the mercedes get the bash that's what we're looking at the land graph car there and what they've done there is instead of going on to the nordschleife with damage to the front end they've short-cutted through the v-doll chicane and back into the pit lane now they don't get a penalty for that but obviously they don't get credit at that lap so they'll restart that lap again when they go back out the pit the they've got some very clever um timing loops around the robbery circuit in the pit lane but it's the perfect solution isn't it oh yeah nobody's trying to get an advantage no you don't get you don't get that taken away from you you don't get it either so you're just about to start again start reset perfect perfectly common sense typically uh efficient of the organizers here at nurburgring edac that everything involved in this uh the two leading bmws have pulled away quite a bit now they are super quick at the straight line we saw that yesterday but they didn't move a lot of their good 10 car lengths to third place to jonathan hershey in the ferrari i reckon we have started 81 cars uh in this event i was hoping to see which cars had gone missing um but they haven't listed the cars uh that didn't start on the timing screen so i reckon 81 cars have gone through the first sector at least and gone through we'll get the proper gaps as to come through but it has been a bit of a bid for freedom that has been put out there by the two bmws falcon horses d white black and red car then the shell livery car next up is the junior team two rover racing cars working together there and now they'll get a huge draft on the ferrari it will be like they are have turbo power extra turbo boost and look at the lamborghini coming up as well also using the driver getting into the draft he knows what it's like he's seen what happened what's happened yesterday and those bmw m4s move a huge amount of air and if you can get in there we saw the porsches the kcmg porsche come from 10 or 12 cars lengths back tracking two bmws jonathan hurty under increasing pressure now in that ferrari uh although i thought they got a bit more done down there jordan pepper sneaking at the heels of the second of those two that's whitman in the rover racing bmw the second of the two there had him anger right in front of him hershey a little bit of a gap there that looked like they did pull up down the dotting how he said they just got that straight line speed those m4 gt4 cars and new ones for 2022 just missile quick in a straight line straight line and a 488 ferrari is not exactly slow in a straight line but the bmw might punch a big hole through the air but it punches it through it very very quickly took his teammate with him and jordan pepper said thank you very much i'll have a bit of that as well and put the lamborghini in there as well porsche on porsche action as the second of the falcon cars which is the 22 car it is uh the 33 car rather is having a wee bit of a battle and that is mark was sea freed and he's got nick tandy right up his tail pipes and that's just saying that is enough to strike fear into the heart of most drivers hello to the tandy family to the westbrook family although maybe you've been stood down now as the clinton house will not be racing so we'll not see richard this afternoon if we catch an earlier flight back home in time for the grand prix if they knew that earlier on beautiful afternoon sun shining temperature around about 17 celsius and back out onto the nurburgring nordschleife for the second time i've asked asking falcon horse more the sport from bmw junior team the two bmws now with nearly five seconds on jonathan hershey in the opt-in 126 ferrari the dark colored car the red stripe one and that's the 26 philippe end sniffing around the back end of that car then rover racing's second car so they are 99 from 98. then jordan pepper in the lamborghini vacant horse number 102 is next up that's another bfw we had first second fifth eighth and tenth or fifth ninth and tenth i think for the bmw's and again i'm working from memory there so christian crunch leading out from neil fart for hagen jonathan hershey but the two bmws still with clear track they're not going to catch and peter you're looking at the tracker they're not going to catch traffic until probably the start of the next lap possible the lead cars are now coming all through charleston chan's going to get the golden cop onto the dotting hoe and the back of that pack that's slow it's just oh there's one at here garden but the red yeah but the back of the pack is at the end of the gp circuit so i reckon they could catch them by um well so the latest company yeah all right reckon about that okay interesting john you mentioned two you mentioned uh 81 cars made the start and we should have 91 yeah i can do my maths here i'm good at this because it's only 10 it's easy there are 91 cars on track just 10 haven't got gps working ah i'm not going to name and train them but i've got them all listed here but i won't name and shame them oh really but that's why do we know any uh is there any list there of of ones that aren't therefore haven't actually taken the start because we knew there was going to be some no i'll leave you to look at that thank you waiting for the second group to come through was the lead group uh already heading down through kalinhard towards the siphon so on the drop down sitting in the battle for the lead those two bmws have pulled well away [Music] yunkatana engel and goonon sharing the number four team get speed copying used to see those cars in red and white colors in the phone company colors they're now named bwt the water company colors and that number four sitting rather further back from our angle than he would like down in 23rd position you were right john it is 81 on track those 10 haven't started okay it's exactly 10. okay thank you not on the gps not got gps on ah got you i see you may if i read the right way around and then none say it correctly then i can actually understand it myself when i can understand it explain it well when you can understand it explain it to me uh we have got three six nine twelve fifteen about 1920 classes here we'll run you through the class leaders once we get into the meat of the race just a little bit coming up to a quarter past two in the afternoon here in the eiffel beautiful weather as we've mentioned here comes the second group across the line the second group of the second group actually as the two schnitzel bmws are going through and yes we did have schnitzel uh for lunch with bill sauce of course nice uh chopped salad as well you know when in the eiffel drop of the uh local crisp white stuff very nice indeed crony is still leading out then then for hagen those two six and a half seconds well actually four and a half seconds between them and hershey hershey is uh six and a half seconds off the lead he's being pressured through by philly phillip eng and jonathan hershey those three absolutely together two schnitzel bmws two four five and two four four further down the field and but not running in the right order again no indeed and they cut three cars and that's first and second in cup three and right in front of them that is [Music] no that's not right is it for those cars because they were bmws not cup three cars i'll get i'll get back to you on that other schnitzel on cars well the two five four two five five yeah they're cut three cars yeah well they've that chairman's and and there's those uh but they're running right behind the hyundai tcr car 830. yeah the stitching down casper pfw is on there they're not they're not cautious so that those numbers that i gave you must have been wrong it must have been two i'm with you 245 and two it's 245 and 240 their first second in the 240i class they're a bit further back so ahead of them was the team matho racing porsche cayman uh in in 54th position the 2-4 at the 261 and that's got um argent mini behind the wheel of that car that you know from here exploits with aston martin peter kate will be driving again for team mathol and extraordinary finishing and winning record peter has got in whatever class he took part in down through the years there's one for muffle i think two years in a row now so he might be going for a triple i got introduced to them a couple of three years ago and immediately fine found his feet with the camera that they were running and was invited back and he's back again this year came up with a thing called the dinner plate challenge where you have to be blindfolded and drive a lap of a circuit to time uh using it did a place of steering wheel he chose the nurburgring nordschleifer we put it next to a video he did it brilliantly ended the challenge immediately because nobody could i couldn't have done brad zach indy as well as he did the notch lifer this tells you something doesn't it just talked his way around it first two bmws are across the line then it's the battles behind them really fighting for scraps at the moment from the bmw m4 table and the scraps at the moment are being contested by a new third place car it's now one two three for bmws is the octane 126 ferrari has been pushed down to fourth hang had philippe eggs gone past jonathan hershey but still right in there the who's the blue yeah he's under pressure the left-hander dropping down the hill on the grand prix circuits it falls away much deeper than you think down there yeah hugely so watch out for the access road on the left-hand side that's your breaking point just before the start of that gravel trap for the dunlop hairpin at the bottom of the hill now climbing back up the hill again really committed into the schumacher s then over the brow of the hill to what i think is a much more difficult corner the left-hander before you sweep right down to the veto chicane very easy to go wide there and you approach it at such a high speed right over the top of the brow your brick just on the brow of the hill and then you've got to have a car that's really pointy at the front end to get it in there peter yeah just as it goes nice and light and we've got no turning we've got a light front end positive camber on the right-hander dropping down this kink is flat out they come to next you want to put as little block in as possible don't let the card drift too far to the left because she's going to drag it back to the right for the shakira but this time of course instead of going through the chicane and back round to the cooler curve you're on to the uh the nurburgring nordschleifer so it's effectively a big hairpin the roller coaster of hats and back yeah just when you think you've got yourself sorted on the grand prix circuit hello i'm the hatson pack somebody's taking the centinet away there's no runoff all of a sudden it's just barriers and a strip of green grass which is ever so much a strip problem for an early problem [Applause] for the number five just dropped down the order uh and that is the phoenix area the phoenix that's the french diplomacy uh technical defect um however that car has continued uh that is the bright side area post 119 so over down by the bridge that goes off the road at the bottom of the valley at now now here comes jordan pepper on the fourth place ferrari moving around oh that's a bit naughty from jonathan hershey he'd probably get away with that because there was a left-hander coming so you could see he was taking the racing line that was uh going through at the top of the hill at trading crates and now down through aaron bergen into the foxhole the foxhole even in a street car even in a road car is absolutely petrifying you you cannot hit any of the curbs down there at all it just totally unsettles the car and you break into that first left hander at the in the adenauer forest down one gear down another for the second bit and then depending on what car you're racing down a third gear for the right-hander lovely section but it's so quick as many many of these combinations of corners are around here if ever there's a part of the trap that deserve the name green hell the most that's probably it yeah you know what i think you're right there i think you're right because it is so quick as you're plunging downhill bottoming the car out at the end of the down through the the arenberg through the left-hander before you go down towards kellen uh kellen hart and then it's downhill dropping down all the way down through the gearbox six cars in a train here being headed by jonathan hershey's ferrari and i'm not suggesting he's holding anybody up but i think if those bmw to get out of there i think i think that jordan pepper's lamborghini probably quicker as well certainly the second of the rover uh bmw is the falcon porsche that's in there as well and uh i think they'd have a i think they'd have the pace of this this ferrari it's holding on he's doing a great job he's doing nothing wrong but i think some of the cars behind have got a better pace at this early stage of the race the other bit i like is to climb up they're on it now they climb up the hill from berg through one two three left-handers and heading up to a moot's curve and then close to tyler the style striker that is a great bit that's just flat out and you're climbing all the time so any mistake there really costs you the star striker is at the bottom of the run up to the karachiola carousel side by side there's a touch there's a touch there between the falcon porsche the first of the falcon porsches and the seven let's go piccarelli yeah picarelli piccarello and i was just about to say to you jonathan when that little touch happened that alessio picarella had a very very close inspection of that bmw in front of him uh that's whitman's rover entry uh river racing one and uh he was really really close with there so it got even closer then didn't think he'd get close without touching it to be honest i think you're right there's a bit of a touch there but i wonder if the ferrari has a little bit of an issue it appears to have picked up again that it's almost as if it doesn't happen in modern day racing but you'd say years ago exactly it doesn't really happen these days because you know it can there can be a glitch but it's so so unlikely but it did seem to suddenly drop drop back there and jordan pepper was was he didn't need a second invite did he so i think mark whitman did get a little tap there the worry will be is there being tire damage there yeah heading up to moot curve that is so quick look curve is a little bit of lift maybe even a downshift for the gt3 cars but the rest of it from burglar all the way through castles you're absolutely flat out there it's only the third of the left-handers you don't really have to nail the first two perhaps it's not wise to try and get to the inside there scrub speed off but the third one actually tightens on you and i remember the first time i went through there in the 993 the car bouncing around a bit funny enough talk to us i've been schmidt about that and asked her if i needed my suspension looking at she said what were you doing 135 maybe and she said kids i went no miles an hour in a road karcher yesterday yeah they'll all do that at that speed in a 9-3 yes i said it didn't slide it just hopped she went yeah they all do that [Music] could i could have talked to sabina all day about this place absolutely all day she knew every blade of grass on it whitman just trying to use some of the mark a bit they're trying to use some of the traffic uh to get a little run on the ferrari they're not quite able to do it that time and then onto the dodging hoe and out the yes they are on the dotting hoe so the bmw supersonic quick in a straight line here we've seen this but it punches this big hole in the air consists behind somebody other traffic can he get a toe off the ferrari ferrari's going to poach a smaller hole in the air but it's the falcon motorsport porsche of piccarelli that's going to sit right behind the bmw he looks to the jigs to the right he can't there's a back marker there and it's all been held at the bend to be shot between the pair of them and a complete legit whole set of changes jordan peppers just lost two places gained one back again falcon mods what picarelli didn't quite get past peppa's conrad lamborghini but the winner in all of that drafting down the dottinger however john is of course the new bmw m4 as we've said with that incredible straight line speed somebody's put a whale on the grass a bit more than that maybe and there's a slow moving all pc astra but in all of that dust is there something off the track there's a green flag so i think there must be somebody in there on the hats and back towards the end of the hats and back that's a lot more than a wheel on the grass isn't yeah yes so the leaders have just gone through there though yeah exactly exactly that tier garden yeah absolutely so yellow flags out there and now nick tandy in the white portion with the red stripe he's having a look trying to make up some ground and trying to join on to the back of that is mark was seafried now seaford's right there actually so it's all changed around as pete we've you and bruce have seen this that type of drafting at full speed on the dotted gahor in both of the nls's it's one of the key things one was about to say it's a true racing ktm uh crossbow and that's had a heavy front end impact as we said the is out level of dust could not be just from putting in yeah it's fairly stuck by the helmet out of the car of his own on his own power standing and looking at so that's that's the best part of the music report straight away he's okay but uh the car facing back the opposite way so whether they've had a touch side by side or something or something's failed or just got some wheel on the grass and spun it round who knows but 117 true racing car is out and that's that's not going to take part again sp spx category category car it's the gtx version [Music] and the slaw zone then at the end of the lap and we've got an audi moving slowly and that's through the slaw zone and that's the five car so we had problems with that we heard that that card had problems early on didn't we uh for the chair of teams phoenix car the frank stigler car and that car has limped into the pit lane so that car must be all the way down at the back of the field uh with frank stipley yeah so that had a problem on its second lap and has taken that amount of time to come back around technical defect that was right on the far side of the track wasn't it a bright side i seem to remember we mentioned that well stippy has got it back well done to him but a big shunt for 39 stuck as frank stipler noses the car in towards the garage looks like a right rear suspension problem they put it on the dolly's the wheel is off straight away yeah that's going back into the pit garage but just to confirm the 117 ktm crossbow gtx in the spx category third and starting driver out of that car after a big accident at the end of the dodge at tigar and despite a few drops of rain yesterday the amount of dust that was there tells you that it's been very dry around here we've got another car stopped that had now forced as well uh well off the road to drive us right now where there was a yellow flag there so snow is going to try and pick that car off on the tracker yeah found it it is i think i don't want to even say it what what why would i want to say it it's a duster correct it's pro sport number 81 car yeah in the sp 10 category i i i it was the great you just forced me to do that didn't you because the green and uh it was the green and orange on that car i could see it even from the overhead that's again to marry alexander walker and jeff gaine and so that car has stopped at the end of the foxhole up at and are forced but he's on drivers right where the the circuit curves to the left and just that right-handed hairpin he's all the way over to the right as if he'd just gone straight on there which is a shortcut you can't take it some simulation it's the only car involved at the moment so it may not be anything else it might be mechanical you never know it's a long time to go back at the front john just wanted to say we've mentioned about these bmws already having the m4s one two three four and eight yeah it's a bit of a lockout at the moment isn't it but it's very early days about two hours 30 minutes to go we're only half an hour in john half an hour gone i'll do the cast ladies in a moment but we still got battling up towards mood curve and there was another touch on the back of the whitman beat mw that's twice he's had a touch now for marvel fitment they've got slower cars there this time it's jordan pepper who wipes the back end of the bmw with his conrad lamborghini weaves to the right then back to the left again and here comes the falcon porsche as well to play in amongst that and that must be the mark c fleet so that bmw losing touch just a little bit from christian cronus and neil verhagen and tom and uh philippine and then four seconds further back is whitman pepper and everyone else the falcon car is the alessio peace 44 uh rather than mark with c3 but he's not far off the back of this no doubt fourth place battle and there's more joining the back of that a lot of people joining us going right what are we qualifying here for what was yesterday all about well the qualifying race is normally six hours you gather manufacturer points and also potentially get into the top shootout for the main race on the 26th uh it doesn't mean you can't take part if you don't do well here but it is an opportunity to do some more laps a little bit of bump drafting down the street and that's a replay this was earlier on i saw him getting excited about replays not headline news i'm afraid so as i say you still have the opportunity to qualify up at the top uh in the top qualifying via your performance in race week but basically this gives you an opportunity to put that to bed and then potentially do other things in the qualifying time you just don't get enough time on the circuit here even if you've done both the nls races that have happened so far that's eight hours and yes you use the nordschleifer as it is but the grand prix circuit is completely different the the hog hook and then all the way down to the bottom of the hill and all the way back up again so in terms of your data for fuel consumption etc etc that is not the same so the opportunity to come here and do some more running is whilst it's not mandatory most of the top teams even if you've already qualified through will do it the exception here this weekend is manti who didn't have the resources to run the cars in the wec and here clicking house will not take part in this race although they did get some running yesterday before their gearbox gremlins took took hold although it's wheel bearing and steering today now here comes jordan pepper on whitman and he gets a good run and then the moment that he pulls out it's like the lava zone for the ktm anyway yeah hit a brick wall and then a slow zone from just where the tourist lap entrance is so they come down to it's called is it slows down as it cools 60. code 16 right we've got claude 16 and now forced as well for that aston martin now let's see the chord 60 flags are out let's see who gets back on the throttle quicker whitman or jordan pepper behind them it's a lesser peak jonathan hirsch in the in the ferrari is the first of the darker cars there in behind the fault in tires blue and green car now they're back up to speed looks like the ktm is just about cleared from there so across the start finish line and the battle for fourth continues the pro sport number 81 aston is now running again very slowly it is returning to the pits under its own power while looking i think might not be under its own power but it is being oh around the edge sorry around the outside for jordan pepper he'll get the inside for turn two and i think he's got that nailed now he has that was very good indeed by the way that crash for thirty stuck fed night stuck was uh not too far in front of mario engel uh in the number four mercedes martin pelton among others saying uh if you go on to the onboard feed for that car you can see it clearly so as i said at the start of the race yes there are things to be racing for here but for the moment put that to one side we'll go through what it all means when we get back on site for race week and tell you how many of the top qualifying positions have already been taken and therefore what there is to go for in the qualifying sessions and who needs to put a timing for the moment let's enjoy this battle in the sunshine in the eiffel tower a three-hour sprint with strategy as well as speed to play out [Music] so peyton snowden and john hindof hello nice to have you company [Music] very impressed with jordan pepper not sure what changes they've made snowy to the conrad racing lamborghini erdogan they were all right in the top 20 yesterday but pretty anonymous they were it's a it's an old odd mix with that car it's we've mentioned before did you say it had it's had a pole position earlier this year and then finished in the just in the top ten i think it was tenth um and then yes they just didn't really figure it is a problem car though yeah so jordan prepper is the pro and he's got axel jeffries um i'd be interested to see how the organizers see a rate here because he's a very very good driver and then mckay di martino as well in that car so at the moment that is the lead proam car in uh sp9 and there's no reason that there's no difference in the cars so when you've got your pro driver in there's no reason that your sp9 pro car shouldn't be as quick as an sp9 pro cars peter takes a huge intake of breath is that one of the uh that was the zork rents one of the zorg rensport uh bmws from further down the field was uh basically had a flyby from two gt3 cars nick handy was part of that it was jonathan hershey leaving that bent but jonathan hershey in the ferrari ben tuck uh just behind then nick tandy they're also in touch with that anders uh who's right behind nick's handy as well uh taking a different yeah in the shearer sport audi right behind that so um people often ask you what what's exciting this what's what's different to what the mainstream layman watch formula one why'd you watch gt racing this this is why you watch it this is gt racing gt3 race in the top country and now in the world these guys at its absolute best uh and the best campers in the world as well that's i i think that's the other thing this playing field by no means level in terms of its geography but this place you're racing the place as well as you are everybody around you now christopher hart in the 22. i know it's not it's a patrick nederhauser excuse me in the 22. he started the race plunging downhill now towards uh versiphen down through the right-hander lots of blue flags being thrown and he'll head down towards the bottom of the hill again you pick up all the little places for breaking points the access forward from the right-hand side there but a huge gaggle of cars very steep uphill after the bridge spent tuck's chance to get past the front i've been held up by one of the caymans there can he do anything of course now god is that nick tandy right behind him as well then it is isn't it so three of them get into line nick tandy that's brief yeah that's brave for ben took up the hill there you don't need to use your break we've got three wide he comes tandy on the outside of drivers right he drops his right hand tires onto the dirt the pass on the grass has been completed by nick tandy two for the price of one pass one get one free another shame round of applause for me there which you've probably heard i apologize but as you said just as you said ben tuck that's brave he got alongside jonathan hershey they had to do it so what happens nick tandy says i love a bit down the other side thank you very much he's obviously watched mr kevin estrella the master of pass on the grass and thinks well if he can do it i've got the porsche the same i can do it and he's just proven he can nick tandy two in one thank you very much oh brilliant stuff and there'll be a small portion i hope felix heard that yeah small portion of uh bedfordshire that's just gone fairly bonkers there tandy wasn't even here yesterday oh the crash right in front of that battle that's on the run up to mud curve that is i've got a feeling that is the falcon motorsport 33 porsche no no wrong color it is no it's over there it is oh yes sorry there's two cars involved sorry peter i was looking at yeah i was looking at the intervention vehicle thing and that's audi colors you're right it is the 33 car so that is patrick pele who started that car no heavy damage to it obviously john from the aerial shot we can see from our helicon but there's no no corners and wheels and bits missing so it's just facing the wrong way so that's a very strange it's a very plain strange place to be facing that way without any well serious damage was uh no it's pig caviar or who piccarello was not who was bumping into the beam i was going to see it a throwback to something that happened earlier on patrick paler makes very few mistakes i do like the idea of having the numbers on the roof teams thank you very much for the overheads official official you've got approval yeah let's do it let's do it uh so was that a cluster tile or was that further around from that yes it's clotted you're right so i i thought it was just after the moot curve i mean that's insanely quick there cluster tells just a little right king very high curb on the right hand side mute curve is a lift possibly a change down for these cars the left-hander before it but it's all climbing and you you want to keep your foot out i've seen some big big big crashes down there down through the years and in the world touring car support races as well that we've had around here still double waved yellows at the end of the dolly get her ex mueller approach is clear now that was yellow flags for a moment or two falcon t clearly have heard from patrick paley and there's heading hands there and it looks like the 44 will take no further part in what's going on uh it's now a code 60 at close to top [Music] i'm still intrigued john as to what uh what's the cause of that car to be facing the opposite way there's no obvious damage to the car we can see tandy's pass was absolutely outstanding in the qc mg porsche as he went through that's an opportunist maneuver that is tandy saying yeah i'm not going to lift here there's enough room the track's dry i saw it this morning the grass is dry i'm there i'm there two for the price of one as you said and that wasn't that far away from what was going on with that 33 car so what has happened there answer we know not everything looks straight on the car it's just facing the opposite way correct there's no time marks on the track to indicate that say that let's just say a transmission is locked up and spun it round white's facing the opposite way to this there's nothing nothing no real evidence as to why it is we might hear from that from the pits right now though i'm not sure we might not we're gonna hear that but we'll we'll try and find out and see what's happened there that's the ktm being put on the on the flatbed it is literally just at the beginning of tier garden isn't it it's starting to rise up it is yeah that's that's just attached here garden that's where the yeah the ktm that's causing the the double wave yellows there people on the planet they're just picking up now going through tiergarten yeah not the 33 falcon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely sorry i [Music] and all of this christian connie is by the way has pulled out three seconds uh on the rest of the field which is led by neil verhagen in the bmw 123 with philippe eng now uh five seconds further back and third about 15 minutes ago i was going to give you a rundown of all the class leaders cronus leads and leads overall in sp9 in the 101 vulcan horse bmw true racing's crossbow number 116 has just come into the pit out of the lead of spx in 17th position in 26th is where we'll find the 127 cup two that's the porsche 991 gt3 cup class that's the crit kick cream a racing car we had an 8-0 we had an 8 31 7 um earlier on the day in top qualifying from a cupcake sp 18 door motorsport as the pit stops are starting that's an aston martin leading sp 18 number 69 cup x is the type of ktm crossbow gtx 161 sb10 gt4 category that's an aston martin the pro sport racing number 82 man with loud leads uh hyundai motorsport to charge the tcr category with the 830 in 36th position 37th is the irma family outing the two five four kiermann that's all came and cup three class for the gt4 caymans two four five bmw 240i leads that's the schnitzel arm racing a bmw m two four four uh two forty i the adrenaline motorsport came in s leads in v6 it won that class yesterday the three nine six and fifty seconds in fifty third it is the two two four that is saw greensport the bmw the rear wheel part rear wheel drive partner feed t2 114 in 57th place is sp3's leader that's the van damme subaru technical international technical international wrx come let agar is in the pits but was scored in the lead of the alternative fuel category that's where the mustang is as well the 109 the 633 gt4 came in 8 7 4 cup 5 bmw club sport that's their class that is the adrenaline motorsport 871 v5 is led by the triple four adrenaline motorsports cayenne 981 volta that vaulter alina strike are at the weight of the augusta or pc which leads the front wheel drive section of vt2 um ben lyons is uh at the wheel of the three two three bmw 325i which leaves leads f b four with uh 45 minutes down two hours and a quarter still to go two to eight is under investigation with chord sixties comes investigations for not following the rules and two to eight is the teams or gren sport kmns that's the xavier la madrid carol feach and fabrice reicher when they are barrier repairs going on two drivers left coming into tiergarten so i think they caught 60s as much for that so that was a big old here [Music] so whether that was a touch or not we can't tell you falcon horse then still leading the opc opel astra class coming across the line now good little battle there the 110 and the uh 87 and they're running a little bit further down but as ever having a cracking scrap between themselves and that's the strike check car which leads the track and right in behind it is the young motorsports car and it is one of the us in that that's 68th overall but the battle for the lead in the front wheel drive part of the class so the red green and white is the strike check card not sure it's vault or alina in that car behind them the uh eight seven is i think the remaining young car because they didn't have a look yesterday one of their cars didn't make it back to the start this morning that was the 89 john philippe predator and francois valles john philippe the ceo of alfa romeo racing here this weekend it's tobias young in the 87 there michael icon john mark fino daniel daniel yenichin and those two cars very evenly batched indeed although the strike car is a slightly younger version of that a bit more rounded around the edges third by the way in that class is the vw golf number two two three that won yesterday uh that car the gt tire motorsport by ws racing and that's a little bit further back down the road at the moment uh in fact it's well back down the road these two are setting a cracking pace uh let's go back to nick tandy who's caught the bmw target acquired so nick now as he chases through the field is looking at well that's interesting who is he is that the hoover motorsport car yes that's the huber motorsport car looking at the back of uh marco vitterman so was that i think we may have given the pass on the grass to the wrong driver there oh i think that was uh i think that was the huber motorsport car the 25. i did wonder when you said kcmg as in the colors guy wasn't yeah not i thought the color scheme was wrong with the red roof because the um kcmg cars are predominantly white blue and black yeah you're right so that's nicole mensel in that car my apologies for that one and in fact fabian behind the car collection christian colby's in the audi at the moment in 12th yeah uh fabian zimmerman spotted that the extra wheel kcmg carpet further back sorry about that and maybe a faulty driver id because patrick paley was in the pit when mark was seaford was at where so we think it was c3 that was at the wheel of the 33. so i did say it was unusual for payload to [Music] [Music] if contention now of course having been stopped up just beyond the moot curve now interesting it just says safe raid on my screen now although the tv graphics did definitely appeal it coming down to the end of the first hour nine minutes to go one more lap track is clear everywhere by the tier garden i think at the moment so this battle for position between uh vietman and mensah will have to be put on hold for a moment behind them all right we've got the uh the cause of the ktm crash it's on the dotting of a kink on the left yeah full chat best part of 300 k's he's just got two wheels on the grass on the right hand side and spun across the left what you'd call a tank slapper as a motorcyclist and just uh just gone the other way so so another wonder they're still fixing the uh they're still fixing the pit wall oh pit stopper that's rover racing that's [Music] and the bmw junior team so that has left jordan pepper i think in the lead all right now i'm awfully confused or my timing screen isn't updating because uh [Music] well that is at the end of six laps which is exactly what they did yesterday but that came up very very late indeed so jordan pepper leads for conrad but now the top six cars down the nick tandy and i really do mean nick tandy in the 18 this time so conrad number seven the 44 faulting the 98 rover racing the 25 huber motorsport mental the vulcan horse with ben took one or two tandy in the kcmg number 18 tf sports aston martin and schnitzel in their gt3 car that's the top eight who have not stopped at the moment [Music] it is that jordan pepper is in the lead in that lamborghini we talked about it not being there it is of course by dint of uh effectively now 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th shall i continue yes 17th are all in the pits but that's not the point it is there at the moment here's the lamborghini at the front of the field jordan pepper that now leads on track because with conrad motorsport lamborghini along behind him is alessia picarella in the falcon motorsports who's had he's had a punchy little race so far i would say uh this time out bittman it is in the bmw m4 gt for rover racing in third place menzel in uh porsche 911 gt3 r from hoover motorsport that extraordinary pass on the grass uh little bit on ben tuck falcon horse motorsport bmw m4 nick tandy in the kcmg porsche is in sixth the mettler in the schnitzel realm mercedes amg in 7tf sport with hassa klot at the wheel of that vanson and the aston martin in eighth place of galax dynamic motorsports engelhardt is in ninth and mata campbell uh rounds out the top 10 in the top sport porsche 911 gt3 that's all core subject to pit stops changing uh of course as of anywhere else because it's uh not the shortest circuit in the world shall we say you don't get a reset again for quite a while as the cars come around because it takes another 10 minutes roughly with a pit stop by the time you slow down pick up speed again before they come out and trigger the transponders once again it was uh i think nick yelley that came out first there in the rover racing number ninety-nine ahead of sammy matty talking in the vulcan horse bmw and then dan harper in the 16 car so that was a very rapid turn round so long as it was legal just to note by the way i talked earlier on about the ceo of alfa romeo who should have been racing today but he thought well wasn't uh wasn't able to run at the head of stalantis motorsport is here as well also in a front-wheel drive or astra or pc one of the young motorsport cars number 88 the tobias young is uh disputing the lead with at the moment jean-marc fino is behind that and i have to say i had missed that so thank you to jan peters for spotting that for me stalantis now the biggest automotive group in the world uh everything that used to be fiat chrysler automobiles or fiat uh all the us brands plus everything else and then they gobbled up all of the other brands uh including um psa and that sort of added that to jeep and fiat and chrysler and and uh and that uh means that of course they have got opel and vauxhall now haven't they so that makes sense that they were racing in that because opel although that not that car was prior to those guys taking over huge conglomerate that really interesting thought from the guys in the states that uh persian's new lmh prototype car that will be racing in the f iawac and at le monde come 2024 could be re-badged as a dodge to run in the states and indeed there is and there has been some moves made by peugeot to a number of teams in the states to ask them if they want to run that car a slight problem is they want 30 million dollars over three years that was a problem but for you that's not even a million a month is it come on yeah for you sort of sort of money you leave in the center console isn't it must be fair oh we've entered into narnia yeah absolutely so we'll wait to see if anybody takes that offer up i think pershore might have to sharpen the pencil just a little bit there you do get the car at the end of it though [Music] so that you do you have actually bought the car is there a balloon payment i don't think so no balloons involved um and you would have a car obviously that'd be worth some money because it would have some very good racing provenance at probably three rolex daytona 24s women want 12 hours to savouring et cetera et cetera more tool petty lemon still in six hours of the clay just for the long races so you would have a car that had some provenance and probably some reasonable value [Applause] now you mentioned earlier john about the strategy employed yesterday don't forget we were also slightly weather affected yesterday we had haven't had that yet so far and i'm guessing that may not be the case bright and sunny it is at the nurburgring 687 was the strategy that was the winning one yesterday second place did a 786. yeah it sounded like a football pundit here don't know what this all i think the top three did uh six eight seven well no it was it was six eight seven seven eight six and six eight seven oh okay right to rotate and you said the match at the time sorry first and third did exactly the same yeah it was the mid one that was slightly different the people who did the sevens to start with that didn't work for them now because they have a slightly longer first pit stop because of the sliding skill love the rhythmic table of contents type algorithm which is it beautifully described if you want to look at it it is in the extensive supplementary regulations which are all downloadable from the uh edac taught the energy's 24 website uh in english and in german [Applause] and i mean this everything is accessible that absolutely everything yeah basically what you're alluding to is that this system where you if you stay out longer different time in the pits afterwards yeah sliding scale over down towards the end of the race which is an interesting table morning in florida at jerry z he's listing it in and giannis quickly johannes comes up with uh possibly one of the understatements of the weekend it's not ktm's weekend uh yeah not wrong there jj you hope you're fitting well mate hoping to well are you coming to the big race are we going to be graced with your presence also i mean far too long since we've seen you in person so jordan pepper then coming around to complete his seventh lap [Music] now they have had a formation lap here which i'm pretty certain will prevent anybody even considering an earplug stint yeah here comes that pep is in oh tandy's gone round tandy's gone round and i do mean tandy that's interesting he's gone on to an eighth lap oh has he come in there no yes no yes yes well my timing screen was going green and red green and red green and red so peppa piccarello whitman mensah took tandy all in still waiting for the hassle tf sport aston to come in the number 90 seventh last time around so full service for all of these cars that'll be a new set of whatever tires there are whichever manufactured tires this uh yokohama on the vulcan horse bmw 102 michelin dunlop also represented falcon of course in there it is uh an open tyre formula in gt3 i think last year we counted 11 different tire manufacturers across all the classes we'll do the same again when we get the big race this year oh countdown timer on the side of the vulcan horse bmw for how long it is in seconds it's in the detail isn't it now is that to dropping it or is that to the end of the pit lane well they'll know how many seconds it is to the end of the pit lane jordan pepper i think has got out of the conrad lamborghini so the top 11 who hadn't stopped now have saw waiting for the mercedes mg team get speed number three to come around which did pit now fabian schiller came in at the end of five laps so that was a very early stop mario engel did the same actually so the two get speed cars pitted early that would make their first pit stop very short and they put in adam christodoulou and daniel young cadella and their goal the two pink cars they're now first and second adam christodoulou leads because he's been out there longer than the cars that were battling for the lead that was a shorter first pit stop on the algorithm and we've got three bmws on track here at the moment all five for this session that's third fourth and fifth exactly unbelievable three different teams were running those cars there so we've got rover bmw junior and vulcan horse all battling out three different teams the same product yeah uh true racing's xpx crossbow has gone through in an overall third position ahead of dan harper for bmw junior team down the inside that was a super move for him he was actually ahead of the line and yellow league's had to give way and yellow lee might get mugged again sammy matty trogan for vulcan horse right there as well he's the one who's dropping back side by side the rover and the vulcan horse car and saw dan harper who did that brilliant middle stint yesterday of eight laps which effectively took them to the lead who did yeah well this time he's gonna have to do that again they started from the front good opening stint christodoulou leads by three and a half seconds from his teammate so the two mercedes three from four the two get speed cars but yet i have made their first stop excuse me but they did it at the end of lap five right so i reckon that has to be [Music] so how we're gonna split that five five eight and eight that's a that's a big ask that is a big ask for 20 we're going to do somewhere in the region of 21 laps if we go to 22 laps all bets are off that's going to be really interesting and we we've had a few slow zones already we've done the first hour i saw people oh now there's a bmw coming in off the grand prix circuit yeah that's one of the i think is that one of the rovers i think it is it is nick yellowley who's just taken over that car and was battling at the front of the field has gone into the pits and that is the number 99 rover racing car he's taking the shortcut back with the pit saw he's his lap has been taken away the dolly jacks are coming out now they may just be squaring this up did they not get the fuel in or is it something more sinister don't like the look of this i think this is going into the garage going into the garage on your right now that's the first time i think i've seen one of these new m4s worked on during race and here's the other one here the boar thing what is going on here both of the rover cars a little witness mark on the side of the 98 where there's been side-by-side contact so 99 and 98 so nikki katzberg is in as well as nick yeller and both cars well it's going to be tight in there are they just retiring the cars have they done enough do they think they've done enough oh no you see i would say by the body language of the driver so we're looking at that with hands very much on hips and the fact that they are going to work the bonnet is coming off the engine cover's coming off and the other drivers standing around look to have some concern this is not planned not planned at all snowy is it well just as i went and said i've never seen one of these m4s coming to the pitch during a race yet both from the same team come in in tandem unbelievable john edwards looking american [Music] that's they're in the pit in the uh right we've got some penalties so that's awful news there news of some penalties here uh not at the very sharp end of the field but numbers are recognized which means i've been reading them out at the front of classes team matal racing uh with a 32 second penalty uh they blew their pit stop time and 228 they can serve these the next time through 228 is zorg rensport in their came in s that's the xavier madrid we said that they were being looked at under court 60 earlier on uh and that's a chord 60 time penalty of four minutes and 10 seconds and crucially for the driver two dm sb points on his license but we talked about it being punitive early on and that was clearly very much over speeding for that car they take that very very seriously yeah so speeding running yeah you've got it around here we've got a code 60 john up at uh meccanfeld for the 255 the kramer racing uh cayman from the cup 3 class that's just given us another code 60 that stopped on the right hand side towards the latter part of almost at almost heading up towards kangahard saw christodoulou surely coming in no sorry he's made his pit stop so crystal tulum has see that gets big guys have really thrown the technical dice here haven't they coming in after five laps so did true racing with their ktm crossbow by the way everybody else has stopped on lap six or more likely seven uh the number six mercedes our minty fresh car the team bilstein car in 12th position they had a problem early on and stopped very early they stopped after just three laps so they have to do a long middle section [Music] i i really that this is going to be interesting for me i'm not going to see it that the get speed guys i've done anything wrong because what they've done is they've got adam christodoulou who is a real expert around here and daniel young cadella who is fast everywhere they've got them in clear air and what's happening at the moment is they are putting in very good lap times adam christa dealer put his best lap time in last time around and eight thirteen four and eight sixteen four for his teammate behind him so is this effectively them getting the performance advantage filling the car up taking the slightly shorter pit stop coefficient time absolutely flat through that left-handed kink you don't even really turn the wheel consciously for that do you peter you just look around the corner and the car follows your eyes at that point if it's clear traffic yes yeah we've seen quite a bit of drafting going on there the last couple of days and uh notice that carl seemed to get almost alongside even if a little bit past it and then there's a sort of side draft effect after that as they go into that dip before the sudden rise to the the tier garden and if ever there was a piece of racetrack in the world that you could describe as a roller coaster you've got that bit and you suddenly drop down a as you're saying call it best part of throwing decays down there roughly yeah you've got this fight you're still on the throttle at the bottom because of the uphill you're breaking soul into a maximum arrow yeah and also the car bottoms and then it comes up and it goes light and you've got to go right left right and onto the pit straight and then on the on the last bit the left-hander onto the pitch trade they just put the back do they give you a run-off no is there any grass no it's a barrier we actually don't get it wrong you've got one you've got one job there there is an orange end to the barrier on the left-hand side there because there's a gap behind it and you it seems to me always when we've got the onboards during the 24 that the drivers just aim at that and the natural drift of the car takes them out by about six or eight inches but they actually seem to be pointing straight at it for a very long amount of time which almost scares the life out of me that's what we talk about about re recalibrating our brains when we're watching the nurburgring that's part of the recalibration that's required so christopher's gone through and on to his ninth lap which will be his fourth at the end of it the [Music] battles continue further down the field including with the schnitzel mercedes now that is down in 17th position and right behind it is charlie eastwood in the tf sport aston so they're disputing a position well inside the top 20. just behind them is a lot aston which i think is the sp leader i think that's the dual motorsport number 69 car [Music] as in gt4 correct yes i thought yes and one of the versions of gt4 sp8t and sp10 so it's peter snowden and john hindorf with you we have had an hour and a quarter so plenty of running still to go here the battle comes out of the door oh huge black rubber marks left by the emg there that's an opportunity for charlie eastwood and he takes it round the outside into the michael schumacher s [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful afternoon in the eiffel region of germany welcome to the second of two three hour contests plenty of track time this weekend much in uh much increased track time with uh practice qualifying top qualifying for some of the cars on friday and then top qualifying for everybody eleven hours i think they get a total yeah a lot of very positive comments well no uh a lot of very positive comments from the teams about making this into a really meaningful weekend of testing and and racing prior to the big events which i think is it's logical progression if you think about it john i think it's very forward thinking of the organizers because we we say you know it's it's in the netherlands around we try and get i think you said only earlier today that you got in in that qualifying to try and get three four nls rounds and before the n24 because the n24 isn't an ls round it isn't part of the championship but it is the big one it's the big draw everybody wants to go into this and people use this series as qualifiers not this up against the terms of using to get data information etc for the 24 hour race so why not make it a bit more part of it make it look more suitable and the thing is also splitting into two races we tune it with the the phoenix audi not the phoenix the line speed outing 22 incident in the first race but they're able to repair it get it back out again and still get information ready for the 24 hour technical defect for the number 50 255 which is one of the k kramer racing cars porsche club sports it's the alexander crook carl frederick cole holger schnauz and matthias beck vermette and that is out at kesselsheit correction for the pit stop penalty non-respecting the pit stop time i think i said it was the 261 uh was going to get 32 seconds that's been recalculated by race control and mathew now will get at 37 seconds so an extra five seconds there but they can't take that because they've got another pit stop they can't take that next time they come in they will stop at the pretty much underneath the podium actually is where the penalty box is it's before the the pit boxes start themselves so getting word on the ticket of a problem with the six seven car well you're saying that is it the six sevens i've got tim's you john i've got slightly confusing information there 87 car is the young motorsport opel astra that's stopped at kessel show i don't have a 67 well they can't be that nice the ticker rights at 87. well um i've got two five five with a problem out there as well i've got 87 with a problem out there as well okay so where's two five five stopped then i've posted one one nines quite a long way around two five fives at uh on the exit of x muller all right okay well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so fourth place now for dan harper in the bmw junior team he's got two seconds well he had two seconds across the line to the kia tm he's now looking right at the back of it as he comes towards the end of the uh gnarly part of the nordschleife coming down into bergverk now into brunswick now excuse me and through with mike good to stick with through punching over the top of the brow up towards the ice curve no ice this morning thanks very much this afternoon should i see it [Music] 20 minutes past three in the eiffel now running down flats garden down through the stefan bella s's off the ground through flan's garden oh my goodness this is so quick through here the sound of the bmw engine changed up there as he went in over the proud towards the stefan bellowface he used to block paving on the left-hand side then set the car up to turn right at in to the left double left-handers one at schwalbe trance and then the klein as carousel kessel should one has now been upgraded to a chord 60 but we are clear down the topic here's the two get speed cars adam christodoulou will complete his fourth fourth lap this time around so he's about halfway through a stint now bmw versus ktm on the donnie get her that's a rather uneven fight the bmw will go through into third position dan hart has gone through at the last split got a little bit of a draft from the ktm then pulled out the drivers left the ktm tried to follow him through i done a good job with that ktm that ktm again has been out for uh actually only stopped yeah stopped on lap five i was right so that's uh end of the fourth lap for them falcon porsche has got some company and that's the mercedes amg tim bildstein right up its tailpipes 44 and sixth and 10th and 11th position more drafting going on there [Music] christopher has stretched his lead to 6.1 seconds as into the pits for that uh funky livery amg tim bilstein number six [Music] and that means that car has done three laps and six laps how did uh started the car and came in early and then so that i can't believe is all good so who would have and then um phil ellis that says philip he's like one of those footballers he just has one name on his back isn't he just philip uh phil ellis has only done i reckon [Music] another four laps another five laps he's now dropped off the screen because he stopped yeah five laps possibly six depending on where his pit is give you that when that car goes out but that to me sounds like they had a few problems so christodoulou for at least a couple more laps at the head of the field from yucatella from dan harper harper with stopped the lap later than the two emgs ahead good battle on the grand prix circuit for interesting john what the end of the junior team 72 card the winning card from yesterday is following exactly the same pattern today six laps for hogan yeah ben harper in it now dan harper my apologies uh sorry sorry ben i think ben took from in there dan harper in it now uh he's done three left why would you change it well yesterday exactly exactly it ain't broke don't fix it yeah so i'm guessing now if the question is dan harper gonna gonna issue eight laps out of this car because they did six eight seven yesterday good battle for position on the hats and back three cars scrapping for seventh eighth and ninth simon trimmer in the octane one two six ferrari axel jeffries is now aboard the conrad motorsport lamborghini huracan and the number 16 has who behind the wheel kim luis schramm for share of sport according to the timing screen as they dragged past the alternatively fueled ford mustang well the fraud didn't before i got caught up right behind that mustang that's going to bring everybody into touch now is that going to give the lamborghini the chance to go around the outside it looks like it didn't quite manage to pull it off there but he was seriously held up by that mustang for a minute there no fault of the mustang john just the way just the way it falls and as as we say so often the nurburgring it gives and it takes and it just did yeah the traffic really did take it the way there but good fighting by the uh ferrari driver simon trimmer if that was just coming up to uh spade and croix the down through arnberg and the foxhole now heading towards adenauer forest which is now clear lots more crowds here today than yesterday as we thought they might be they're lining the side of the track there great access around the forest section the nordschleifer section some you have to walk to go on a day like this you can drive to a lot of it pitch up get your cooler out get sat next to the side of the truck and the german commentary it's on the fm transmitter around here they take over the local radio station for the duration of the big events oh now this is important this is very important indeed unsafe release so that's the accident in the pit lane for the 98 car now i have either of those come back out again since they went in so that that looks like it's going to be a penalty if they do come back out onto the track haven't seen them but then again they would have dropped a very very long way 98 is out and he's currently at uh just coming up to fact he's just going just just gone on to the north side we're just gonna go through the hats and back right 99 has not yet rejoined nick nick yellow this car he's the two rover racing cars accident in the pit uh who else have we got in strife at the moment did we mention the 87 we did yes right okay oh yes that's the uh the opal the opel yeah so nothing else since that so this battle continues ferrari lamborghini and audi the numbers 26 7 for the ferrari in the lamborghini as they're in behind one of the cayman it's one of the gt tyres cars i think you're sitting in the code 60 aren't they at the moment orbit of overlap yes that is allowed so battle for seventh position is at the moment sort of on hold this must be awful i tell you what though who's close right well quite clearly the cars ahead of that battle aren't doing 60k because behind that battle for seven released the bmw of schubert motorsport has caught them right up and behind that it's welcome the other porsche uh yes it is yeah it's last kirk yeah yeah and nick tandy's another 20 seconds further back from that last kern notice he's way around here pretty well sets all the production car lap records for porsche as well as being a a very good race driver hello to ollie he's tweeted us here at rsl underscore studio says just the bmw m4 gt3 have a v6 engine i think it sounds like an acura or a honda no straight six straight six three liter with a very clever turbo system twin power turbo system not a twin turbo twin power system which is being painted by bmw online road cars for a long time now uh replaces the m6 of course which was a v8 but it's six under certainly only but it's just a not a v6 but a straight six classic bmw they do sound great as well [Music] now this yellow flag running on chord 60 does this help or hinder the get speed cars at the front of the field that probably means there'll be fewer laps in the race we did 21 yesterday and they would need to do to get to 21 they would need to do two eight lap stints to get them to the end after their first pit stop track clear green flag all the way around now john right one of the things that i find amazing and maybe you can explain how the how good drivers like yourself do this you're sitting at chord 60 you can't afford to turn up because if that chord 60 is withdrawn or when you throw it you straight back on it and when you're back on it again it's not like when i go to work i might have a cup of coffee sit down and read something you straight back to work straight away you have to be on it 100 from the moment that you're out of that slow it's as you said it's a phrase you've used a lot over this weekend john is calibrate recalibrate uh you know our colleague joe bradley said years ago a phrase i've never forgotten you can't teach a racial driver to drive slowly and that's the thing you mustn't get into that trap of oh it's a code it's a relax yes it is a time i'm gonna i'm gonna show my age here john by saying it's a time to look at the gauges because they're not gauges now they're all readouts and stuff and whatever cycle through the bridges yeah exactly through the pages i had i have done some of that but not quite as much um i turn down the rear view cameras i have nowadays it's just just they've got parking cameras on them ridiculous but yeah as you say that's exactly you've got to stay concentrated because more to the point how have we seen it in restarts somebody gets a jump on you and that's that's why you've got a main remain focused uh during that time uh another five lapsed in by the trail racing ktm crossbow and that car comes in the pit lane that means it will give up its lofty position but not expecting uh adam christodoulou in for at least another couple of laps i wouldn't have thought remember the two gets paid cars pitted at the end of lap five we've just completed lap 10 and adam christodoulou leads in sp9 his team made by seven and a half seconds let's call it that that's what it is dan harper's about another 16 seconds further back but can go probably one lap further [Music] let's just check on that gap for the two mercedes at the next split point yeah 7.2 and risk control getting a little bit anxious with one or two teams and asking the teams to check their emails regularly and send any answers as soon as possible the last question they sent through was what was the relative airspeed philosophy of swift i think it's more to the point of the not following the discipline is it the answer in there control and right because you're talking about how things change not gauges but screens well race control now sends emails switched messages they have a messaging system on the pit wall as well to keep all the teams in touch with what's going on and if they have to ask a team to make their driver do one thing or another or have a chat with them about something that they weren't happy about they can start that digitally without having to pull a team manager up to to race control haven't talked about the john cooper works mini that's out there uh became one of the cars that i said we'd find cars that we hadn't mentioned even in only a 91 car fail from yesterday this is the one one two that we're talking about the bulldog racing car they had a bit of problems yesterday and the car is still a little bit small as he goes up towards the fluke platz area with yellow flags just the two drivers there overcrown shade and danny brink in the g cw sp3t mini cooper we used to see quite a lot more minis but the smaller engine categories when we went down to 170 as a maximum for the adac total energy 24 hours of the nurburgring a lot of the small category cars like the daihatchi charades and some of the smaller engine minis uh we lost those although in fairness they did have the uh the early ones had the supercharger on and therefore oh huge crash come back to that it's the 251 uh caiman from ws motorsports yeah that's a fluke flat it's a lot on the exit of fluke onto the left-hand side and that's you say that's that's a lot of that it's a cup three category car john yeah that's all for cambered cup cars yes i'm not sure who's at the wheel that but it's uh marcus and victor schreiber or benedict frey was in that car and it is to 251 is the number 251 was the victor it was victor schreiber who was driving that car yeah all swiss drivers person from vid now they won't be taking any more for any further part in this race john and that is that is going to be that is going to be a slowest on there for quite a long time because if nothing else for the dirt on the road that needs to be cleared away yeah there's debris fluids all sorts from that the impact in that so yes you'd say that'll be there for a little while nevermind any uh associated repairs [Applause] porsche pass porsche number 44 which is being driven now by last curve dropping down through count hard all the way down through whitman now going down towards the bridge bottom of the hill now you uh cross the road used to be able to get on and off the track there as well that's all the way down at bright no chances for improving the the lap times much obviously with a lot of code sexy gone but the fastest lap of the race so far does belong to the um valkenhorst bmw at an 812 729 you could have just asked me which bmw has the fastest lap of the team do you think uh under investigation uh and this is quite important because this is the third place car dan harper chord 60 violation now after building all these drivers up about concentration levels uh another chord 60 has come out that's kitty back uh coulda back a hurt and also at uh haw eichen now to be fair that's at uh yeah marshall poster 77 at quiddlebacker all right which is it was a it was a 120 it was a yellow flag then got upgraded so you just one just have you been caught on the cusp it's difficult we don't know the exact circumstances but that would be that would be gutting for uh any car let alone that bmw unity that were successful yesterday and currently running in third place now never thought we'd say this today john on the former team this weekend but mercedes amg one and two at the moment team getspeed both their cars on strategy as well as as much as absolutely and i do like that they're cars three and four running in the correct team order we like that yeah very good very good indeed [Music] eight three one hundred is the uh tcr front wheel drive tcr plenty of power those with these cars over 300 horsepower well over 300 horsepower now uh the eight three one was started by uh auntie birdie and it's now modest ostrich who is uh driving that car and they got well up yesterday i seem to remember see how far up the field they've got today remember looking for them yesterday to see if they'd change drivers yeah they're in the top 30 they're 36 at the moment second in class to their teammate car i think yeah mark basics got climbed aboard the 8 30 which was started by thomas laugh 161 t uh excuse me crossbar coming through it's the dark green car amazing how quickly you get used to seeing these cars over a couple weekends [Music] that one yeah and that was following the accident of that 2-5-1 i think hardly surprising by the look of damage we saw on the track mata debris that was going to do anything to the barriers wasn't it yeah and that's going to be like that for a little while so that would slow the lap times around give you an idea the teams at the front of the field their fastest laughs although we are seeing some fast laps coming in um round about 25 30 seconds slower depending on who you are best for the leading christa dulu car 14 8 34 so that's 20 seconds isn't it spot on [Music] of course it all depends when you've got them and when you're when they first come out whether the car that you were chasing got passed and you didn't before the code 60 came out so over half distance by the way about eight minutes ago so let's do another run down for you of the uh class leaders before we start pit stops again adam christodoulou leads we've got at least one more lap from him i'd say the next time around possibly two mercedes mgt gets me the number three leads overall spx in 19th place is true racing's crossbow the 116th car cup two kia kramer racing porsche 911 uh carrera cup car that's the one two seven in 24th and 27 sp 18 is the dormor sport number 69 aston in 28th cup x is the one six one it's just gonna cross the line laura kreiheimer for tyshman racing in the crossbow gtx mark betting i think we mentioned leads in the elantra tcr for hyundai in the tcr class that's the 8 30 in 30 seconds two places further back and 34th it is sp 10's leader pro sports aston martin vantage 35th leader is the subaru that's the sp3t uh leader 114. uh another couple of places further back 253 is the cup three leader that's the kiermann gt4 club sport that's a g tech competition first time i remember calling their name in the lead of a class 46th is where we find the bmw m240i class that's the snitch alarm racing gmbh the number 244 52 is the 633 that's the alternative fuel leader that's another porsche cayman from four mortars rear drive vt2 is in their leader it's in the position number 52. that's the 6-3 excuse me the 3-3 or adrenaline motorsport and adrenal motorsport also lead v6 in 56 with the 396 chairman four four four came in also from adrenaline is the fives leader in 60th and the cup five bmw cs racing car the 871 is also leading its class for adrenaline motorsport in 61st the strike x in the oval astra or pc class vt2 front wheel drive that's what it seems there's a golf in there as well that's the 110 car in 67 and the v4 leader is still a bmw 325i number 323 and 68th position and just going out there was the rover racing car out of the pits so was that the second car of the two out of the pit lane whilst i was doing we needed 1999. yes it was nick yellow he's gone back out onto the pit onto the track so it does look like they collected one another doesn't it i don't even want to mention that no all right you probably don't even know uh one standby caller 99 [Music] yeah it's on track i wonder if it's gone out and come back in again because it had a first sector of no no sorry that's that's the gap that's to get back to the other car don't forget that just try to see where it's uh taking car is make sure that i haven't thrown everybody someone had some it's on the house but not quite yet it's just that the chicken on the end of the grand prix lap about to go onto the hats and back is 99 so it is out there if it has well assuming it doesn't assume it turns left now and not right it will complete yes it's gone to the hats and back on to north cypher chord 16 [Music] still down at marshall 47 for that barrier repair [Music] so moving into the last 80 minutes tcr second position is now the 8 31 on the grand prairie track at the moment honda have had great success uh not just on the track but also in marketing terms here moritz ustedes driving that car at the moment took it all from auntie buddy who started the race i think it was it three seasons ago now and they had the new elantra there in what appeared it looked like um from a distance it looked like somebody had a model car in a see-through box it was actually a full-sized car it's really nicely done and they had that parked up outside with the campsites uh non-respective chord 60 here's another one uh this is again 1d msb point this time rather than two no this is for i'll get to dance in a moment uh this is the number two two zero plate uh and that therefore is the car i think we said that was being looked at earlier on once it gets looked at you don't normally get away with it it's the gt tire motorsport bmw m4 so i'm not sure which driver will get the point two minutes and ten second time penalty uh [Music] and i still we still haven't had the dan hartman investigation result yet but he was under investigation so let's hope and i i did i did say that uh hopefully in his defense as you said they don't need to make mistakes those guys would it had just been upgraded so where'd it come about so maybe just a question mark i'm i'm airing on the side of caution uh rather than throwing anybody on the bus here because it wouldn't be fair they'll be talking to the marshals but they'll have the gps data as well my god those mercedes are so well balanced down through stefan fell off that's planted aren't they flansgard in particular and flansgaard then the stefan belfast absolutely flat through that now do down through the clan of carousel and hannah heading to the gallows hill corner galcon cough and now get your tablet out read a chapter of your book down the dolly get her actually can't do that nowadays can you because there's so much going on there in the spades 300 kilometers an hour close at 90 mile an hour plus john an interesting point of the race to be on there when we talk about this strategy yesterday 687 and et cetera yes leading cars we said the mercedes schiller did five laps correct angle in the mercedes the other second did five laps yeah yeah and that's why i think for hogan did six if if those two car if we go to 21 laps that means those two cars to make it on just one more stop i've got two two eight lap stints here's christopher coming through he's not coming into the pitch this time around his six laps completed that's his seventh lap correct now so he is going to do eight laps on this stint and he stays out as well but they've got to do that in the next in as well i know if they're going to if they're going to get the 21 laps which is where i think we are it's roughly speaking [Music] um we're talking roughly speaking about seven laps an hour it's probably about seven and a half [Music] so dan harper now if they're going to follow this is the drive for the bmw number 72 bmw junior team uh entry they did they won yesterday on six eight seven so and they've so far they've hold it neil for hargen started in that car exactly as they did yesterday they followed the same discipline six laps dan harper has completed seven so my apologies has completed six laps and will complete his seventh lap if he crosses the line now without going into the pits at this point he's gonna do another lap as well which is exactly the same as they did yesterday leaving seven at the end for what max has to do and i and i don't i don't really don't see any reason it work for them for the bmw with the fuel consumption etc etc not all cars are the same balance and performance comes into it as well and how you drive it as well uh two cars in problems at hedwig's hurt it's the 88 i think i've called that number before and uh that is the young motorsport car the tobias young car john mark fino the one at the head of stalin stalin's motorsport and also the one zero one that is one of the leading bmws that's sami that's sammy mighty talking isn't it the volcano so if that's right they have come together and in fact that's going to court 60. so that sounds like they may be at the side of the road there they are there to her act with the the bmw at the back of the two of them by the look of it at the moment we open a little bit further on so you just wonder quite what's happened there [Music] well one thing you just need to go back to the strategy john i'm talking about the eight laps don't forget yesterday it was a little bit different because it was wet as well yes we did have a little bit of wet but virtually no code 60s yeah so probably going to balance out at least on this one we've got a lot more code 60s this race than yesterday but drive running the point being is fuel consumption because we're stretching into eight laps is pushing it well well clearly the mercedes feel they do do it because they're on the eighth now i can't imagine they'll try to go for nine um even with all of the uh all of the slow zones we've had although i suppose if you're gonna try it try it meanwhile here the pit lane work continues on the share of sport team phoenix that had its problems earlier on it looks like they're going to try and get that car back out and running again and get some more laps under its wales the car went missing uh very early on and has dropped down there's only completed uh seven laps so that's been coming back that's the one that's now moved on is it not now which one is it because we had it was the eighty-seven that was in trouble earlier on with to pius that was then that was then then it was the eighth year well the 87 john was put behind one of the barriers behind the barriers to one of the gaps had the monitor we had footage of that sitting there with it being worked on is it that one that's returning because 88 has moved on according to gps from where 101 stopped the vulcan horse car is still stationary at her act where it was whereas the 88 has moved a little bit further on down towards viperman so i'm just wondering what's happened there why the what the vulcan horse car has gone out usually when we never want to speculate but when two cars stop at the same time there's usually a reason for it i'm not sure the two are connected yet so it was post 164 where the i'm going back through i'll come back to that in a moment because i've got some news on that uh share it with 164's brunching right well that that's where the number five audi had its problem into the pit lane for conrad and axel jefferies having run very well early on that car is dropped down through the standings it is 87 it's on the dotting her not 88 okay thank you uh and axel out of 19th position in that number seven uh so that has completed well it can't be that hard to find john because it's a single number there we are uh that's early for that car that's only five laps for axel jordan pepper did seven axles only done five so i think that cars may be in a bit of strife they'd have to do an eight from here to get it home excellent did you see the 101 the um bmw hasn't moved no not at all right okay horse car oh dear in terms of moving right the 102 is still going that's the team car in 13th position uh that car with uh what's going to happen good luck for that one in three [Music] henry in the falcon horse car but i think this has been uh a movable feast the entries this weekend they've been swapping between 10 cars to make sure everybody [Music] gets a goal [Music] coming to the line now the number 79 bmw threw it onto another lap they're very pretty red white and torns of blue bmw i'm gonna report sorry john sorry i was getting reports at the um the conrad lamborghini he's got a bearing issue right thank you do you want would you apologize come in a bit early jj motorsports with their bmw m4g a gt4 that's uh hakken and recep sadie and urzin ukraine and that car is second in sp t10 to the aston martin the pro sport car and right about 17 seconds ahead of the black fault and team tech star not mentioned the black fault with porsche cayman number 85 again start to talk about them when they come into contention marco mueller behind the wheel at the moment carsten palath and tobias val the other two drivers in the car that's chasing down that bmw yeah and that's just been confirmed on the ticker that the uh 101 falcon horse bmw and the 87 young astra uh did have a coming together uh at uh hedwig's horror it it was uh sammy matty trogan um who was behind the wheel of the 101 yep and the 87 uh i think it was to buy his young depression okay that's kept going that's managed to recover and get itself moving again i think i'll just double check that for you well it's not been a good few minutes for the one zero one because they came out of the pits early anyway they would have had a minute penalty then they had the accident uh under investigation for chord sixties uh another couple of cars which is we did you know this we said yesterday this is good practice 241 adrenaline motorsport that's the 2-4 240i racing cupcake and also the 253 and that's gtech competition in the porsche cayman into the pit lane for the leaders and they're in together now does this hurt them because there's only one fuel horse there that they're using at the moment for the lead car the christodoulou car adam is out you put the cars on the dolly's don't worry about that they're just turning them to around about 35 degrees so they can pull out easier i thought they were putting one in the box to let the other one fuel as you were saying exactly saying the same thing jon so uh as usual ahead of me i thought they were getting one out the way there i wouldn't have thought putting the two in side by side or lioness turn was possibly the best just a it's a tight pit lane he could we just saw a little bit of footage there with the camera that they they turn them to say 35 degrees and and then there's to get the the mechanics walking away with tires having to hold them above the head because there's just no physical room between the two cars there so that's not not helping an awful lot the after by the way that did continue a little bit after being involved with that 101 vulcan horse bmw has now stopped on the dotting of her uh they need to do an eight lap stint to the end for those cars um they're scored at seven laps at the moment but i think that'll change to eight when they move out um five and seven uh maybe they didn't get away um sorry they've they have done an eight laps didn't they they'll have to do a seven or maybe an eight lap stint at the end so they can do next lap around expect to see the leading cars come in so this is going to be absolutely crucial for the finish of the race so dan harper has assumed the lead for bmw junior team by 22 seconds from christopher harza from the 22 car collection team then look at droody for lying speed the number 24 it's another audi then bmw shubert more to support jessie kron in fourth position and i reckon all of those cars will be in in fact you can add to share a spot sport car as well into that which is in fifth then nick tandy where's he on his fuel he can go at least one further lap so tandy might actually be scored as a leader here just depends how far back he is [Music] and it's maxie gertz by the way he's got into the number three gets big car shields going on into the number four as they head out of the pit lane prevention record 60 now as well for ferrari it's for the number the octagon oh obtained ferrari no there were ever the shouting you know certainly a podium well it stopped on the left-hand side of the track according to the gps track which i know isn't a complete visual and 100 percent reliable as and i haven't got eyes on the physical car but it is it is stopped at the moment it says just after marshall post 169 on the left-hand side which is uh just come out of brunch and heading down to flansgarden and who was at the whale of that car that i think was stefan trimmer yes it was adrenaline takes the dynamic porsche out [Music] i will take it out when it goes back into it his tandy he's gone through now lars kern charlie eastwood hoover motorsports gone through so the question now is how quick can maxie go to jules goonan get those emg team get speed emgs up to speed on this lap because pretty much all the cars bartandi are going to stop in front of them at the end of this lap and then when they've done their fueling how does that reset because effectively then we've got a race to the chequered flag so the mercedes guys it gets they think they've done their last stop now so they're they're now saying right we're going to the end um and that they've got to get we are 13 laps away i reckon they've got to get to lap the end of lap 21 well they couldn't be more appropriately named team could they get speed exactly that's what exactly what they need to do now just coming up with 30 seconds to go into the final hour so there's the ferrari which has got a heavy front-end damage there so he has gone off but somewhere i watched fluids been off and bounced back on and then got hit by being collected yeah that does look remarkably like that john maybe not actually maybe he's just hit and that was where he ended up and everything leaked out he's been pulled back by one of the uh i said he's hold off yeah yeah that that i mean the left-hand front chassis member of that car has been ripped off and there's some concern down in the octane racing ferrari racing pit there who do we say was at the wheel of at the time these gt3 cars we should see it are very very well built yes they're based on a road car but they are purpose-built race cars they didn't start life as a road car let's put it that way no in fact some of them didn't even start life as a monocoque because building uh street-based cars like touring cars rally cars and gt cars around the royal cage which normally you would call a tube frame car is not beyond the bounds of possibility no no it depends depends what you do is it do you take a road car and fit a roll cage into it or do you take a space frame sorry a roll cage and fit a car around it yeah performance wise you know which we want well it means you the panel replacement's a lot easier because they're not they're not long-term economics yeah they're not they're not stressed members are there that's the thing chris harza coming past the scene of the falcon horse bmw facing in the wrong direction and that car looked damaged to the right hand side so not without incident and accident here now does that help or hurt the mercedes in their quest to go to the end and bother the top end of the field here if you're watching on timing watch out the three and the four maxi gertz and shields goon on they're currently in 10th and 11th but the cars ahead will be stopping soon that has been a significant impact decidedly second hand ferrari that isn't it that might be done that car with the amount of damage there was to the left front uh chassis reel now there's nothing much in the front of that ferrari fair dudes but even so when you say that there's always a golf club when you say there's a whole chassis rail missing you know it's had a decent uh decent clout new penalties coming up for a couple of cars including the ah sorry no new penalties anything that is now coming up now but will be added on at the end of the race is what i think they're seeing now that we're inside the last hour of the race and it's one two six that's under investigation car number one two six all of these recent ones have been for issues around the multitude of chord sixties that's the rpm racing that's tracy cron and nick johnson who are in trouble as coming back towards i think a pit stop the leader of the race dan harper this would be an eight-lap stint if he can make it under the pit lane this time around [Music] in about another 10 seconds harper gets to east there's new michelin tires going on that car the number 397 the sixth porsche alan pierce as the bmw junior team got to work here comes the audi of chris harza into the pit lane as well and trudy right behind as well in the other audience so those are three of the cars and that should cycle round then to nick tandy maybe he comes in after seven me maybe they make a two seven lap stinks for nick and then an eight to the end actually might be at the two three seven tomorrow three seven to twenty one yeah yeah he's done it yeah he's doing a seven and a six so far yeah he'll be seven when he comes in this time around piccarello it would be the next car through sram in yeah makes sense and tandy in did the 44 car come in no last kern no well i think kern's gone through the lead so he's doing he's in that lap now you're absolutely right john yeah wow they might be able to do this on a six lap stint at the end then that would be massive for them that would be massive for them because they need to take less fuel if they can do that [Music] effectively i think the falcons just yeah no so the falcons went to yeah second three to seventh year in the pit so that was the top seven yes um as they came in so what we should see in a moment is the tf sport aston martin come through yeah number 90 uh charlie eastwood would be going onto his lap if he goes through and he has done yeah right so that's important the bmw junior team has got through before maxi goats comes through maxie just going down so this is relatively cool tires on the 72 and this is a battle to the finish now between the 72 which is just out of the pits and in behind is the hoover motorsport porsche uh the huber motorsport porsche is going [Music] and they just come out as well they must have so they're just out of the pits and then watch out for the pink mercedes number three pig mercedes number three is maxi goods he cannot be that far behind and this is a proper battle to the finish from these cars last kerny s leeds uh and he's got some minutes he's got about a minute on max hesse i don't think he can get in and out the pits even if he short fuels at that point but he's gonna be only having something like 50 5 00 minutes to go when he comes out of the pits and then right there well that isn't five seconds anymore the first of the get speed emgs maxi goods he's got eight seconds on his teammates all right everybody edgier seed stuff kern and tf sport falcon and tf sport have got the pit next time around but they can do short pit stops so the outlap for these guys and the in lap for the 44 porsche and the 90 aston martin this is going to be massive to see where they come out might not challenge for the lead but maybe just maybe they've got half a chance of a podium just for a quick update uh john we admitted to say on the uh detailed the one two six ferrari entry that uh simon trump was actually out of the car and fine standing next to it heavy front end damage reporter but driver is absolutely okay for anybody listening connected with simon trummer hob sweets that's my much missed mother-in-law would make sure said that every opportunity or at least once a race broadcast where there were swiss competitors or teams involved so kern now really needs a super uh a super inlap the 126 was under investigation for record 60 anyway that's interesting uh following numbers and oh here's another car this is the 72 under investigation again for record 60. well i didn't see anything before for the 72 nothing came with a down half one by the look of it no that was uh where was that that was at 13 minutes to the hour uh this new one is eight minutes past the hour so wow two minutes ago yeah exactly so so the battle for third is the battle for the effective lead of the race because the leading two have to go in and even though they've got the best part of a minute on this battle they can't get in and out the pits there down through the foxhole really really interesting to see how this goes hesse for bmw junior team max in third position in the 72 it is hoover's porsche the 25 that pulled off that brilliant overtake earlier on and i got so excited about i gave it to nick tandy my apologies for that [Music] because it was um in fact the number 25 portion of the kc mg car uh identical strategy for these front two the mental wasn't it yeah yeah picarella did seven laps kerns and seven laps in the falcon 44 car and tf sports are done seven with uh hazard lot and and uh uh charlie's done seven laps as well yeah and the kcmg porsche doing uh dude seven seven and seven i think as well has tandy done the whole race here yes yeah that's interesting because he wasn't here for the early part of the week so he didn't get any practice of qualifying on friday didn't get any um racing yesterday and he's done seven two stints of seven as well so he'll go seven at the end so that's basically when people say what's the point of this race if it doesn't set the grid for the main race it's not about setting the grid but it is about getting people up to speed there will be people who buy their results here get the coveted blue light and get into the top qualifying and we'll give you all the details on that when we're back here for the race which is the weekend of the 26th ascension deering end now where are the chord 60s and who's the winners and losers here i'm waiting to see lars kern appear we've got one going into flute plats but they've passed that they're coming up the mood curve now in the bottom of the canacciola carousel so first two remember that's one power act as well which is before whipperman right so the chasing group are coming to that now yeah the cars that will become the leaders the number 72 max hesse and he's in the 25 that's joking tyson behind the wheel of that and the huber motorsport car klaus raider i think did the middle no it's only mental and tyson have been in that car so is tyson doing a double to the end then into the chord 60. don't think you can steal a little bit here and a little bit there because that's what the gps trackers are for it's like the average cameras that's for the falcon horse 101 car which is now on the back of the flatbed so that might be gone the next time around 46 minutes to go last kern coming in at the end of this lap for falcon porsche tf sport aston martin charlie eastwood he'll come in at the end of this lap as well the acceleration of these cars when you get out of the slow zones they'll be sitting on down in first gear on on the pit lane speed limiter and really ready just to release it and go probably probably even in second actually you think yeah i've done a 60k yeah probably well this isn't interesting because uh that's eastwood right ahead now of hassan and another guy and that's where the ferrari is where the ferrari is he's still so that's not gonna be taken for a while i i think has hesse court and aston martin and is it the aston martin he's racing because if that's the case he's taken 50 seconds out of him since the start line can't be surely it must be a and other aston martin [Music] but that means that you know what it is you know it is it is eastwood's lost a lot of time on that lap i wonder if going for the eighth lap hasn't worked for them in terms of their fuel that is charlie eastwood in the number 90 car so they've dropped [Music] back into the clutches of [Music] bmw junior team last kern is 50 seconds up the road so he'll be coming in next time the aston will peel off at the end of the gahor in tiergarten lots of traffic as they're coming down onto that long straight now [Music] can't call this can't call it pete not at this stage now it's closer even than yesterday we've got a bit more news uh charlie eastwood indicates right he's not fighting that car he knows that that is not the battle against the bmw junior team and hess is already at the next split scored in second place eastwood will peel off this time where's maxie gertz three seconds further back gertz has got past the hoover motorsport number 25 car i i think that car is [Music] now i'm going to check that to see if they've actually brought that car in there'll be a slew of pit stops here i think the huber car was struggling for fuel as well yes it was and tyson they were on their eighth laps and i don't think that's worked for them in the middle of the race here they didn't get the fuel mileage that the mercedes did so first second and third have gone through there's 11 seconds between them we wait for and first being bmw second and third being the two amg get speed there goes chris harza he's another 11 seconds further back and these cars are all going to the end from now all going to the end from now so this is a proper race now the top five pete is separated by 23 seconds and fourth and fifth chris harter and chris meese were half a second between them as they went across the line three seconds between maxi curtains second and max hesse who are in the lead thank you very much indeed i'll just leave the rest to you i'm just gonna sit back and enjoy somebody thank you nurburgring marvelous stuff um that last lap for the cars who were on that with 9 31. so that lets you know that's round about a minute and 15 seconds longer than it should be so with 40 two minutes to go it's going to be five or six laps depending on the chord 60s where is [Music] where's the falcon car going to come out the 44. klaus bakler he's a minute back from the leader but perhaps i mean he won't need full fuel in that car so that would have been a quick stop because he really only needs enough fuel for five laps so that'll be a light car it'll be quick keep an eye on clouds backless time in the number 44 let's see start at last kern in the middle did the eight laps did [Music] this is really building up nicely for the main event on the weekend of the 26th we'll be back at the nurburgring for you from early in that race week and the plan is to present midweek motorsport on wednesday night nine o'clock central european time eight o'clock uk from the nurburgring from our commentary area our new commentary area because we're in the tv boxes another code sexy john for the uh land graph mercedes again they had the problem the absolute beginning of the race oh it's all right the rover racing cars with further pin 32 seconds added at the end of the race for an unsafe release on the 98 remember i told you the number 82 car was being looked up for a potential penalty of nf aid that's no further action on that one that was the uh pro sport racing aston martin uh but we have got the six and the 98 under investigation again for chord 60 violations so that would be the mercedes team bilstein car which is just going out of the pit lane with philip ellis behind the wheel and the rover racing number 98 just rejoining fulfilled been rather a lot of chord 60 violations or investigations yeah yes i mean which is not it's not the first race the season is it no exactly it's not normal it's a very high incident i i would agree because equally on that we had virtually no code 60s yesterday pretty clean race the weather had a bit of an impact on it today we've had quite a few of them but you say violations it's a a higher average than that i've seen in many a race to be honest of the violations of those the leader is under investigation for code 60. so we still haven't had a result a resolution to that that's twice the pain under investigation is it two different drivers though yeah it is yeah eight minutes past the hour for this one and that's still not being resolved i was just going back to see if there was anything there now at this stage of course any penalty and it will be the if the penalty does come if it is assessed it will be as a multiple of how many kilometers per hour they were over the speed and for how long and that will be assessed at the end of the race so we need to keep an eye on that because at the moment 2.7 seconds between first and second well chris harrison might not actually have that in the 72 uh max hess excuse me in that car might not actually have that [Music] ian mccarthy and i totally agree with this on at rs underscore studio says more than a racing festival than a qualifying week and i really hope this build up the end 24 won't be a one-off very important the teams drivers and fans at any racing on the ring is worthwhile totally agree i think this is starting to get its own atmosphere and character this event i think you're right there john yeah yeah well i'm with you in there started on friday more running than ever before as you mentioned pete and you know it's the weather's played a big part but there's been a good crowd here a little bit a little bit sparse yesterday but the weather wasn't great and the weather forecast wasn't good and there was other things for people to do including an fia world endurance race what an hour and a bit up the road at spa so i can understand if you were you know perhaps you had to do stuff with the family yesterday so the opportunity to come on sunday we don't always have a lot of racing here on sunday the the vlns tend to be saturday sometimes single single day events oh yeah challenges saturday isn't it yeah track uh class leader the 330 bmw that's that uh very fetching color the dark gray and bright orange with the orange wheels black pearl supporting johnny palmer um would love that his team play in tangerine it is the adrenaline motorsport alternate automotive car and was that it was oscar sandberg i think who started that car philip lyson behind the wheel at the moment syndra sets us listed against that car as well another virtual to reality racing we've had a few of them sami matty trogan amongst them gonna see more of it as well yeah you will you will totally agree oh my goodness this is more 72 under investigation for a third time now peter at 22 minutes past the hour for another chord 60 violation that's the lead car and almost points to something being slightly wrong yeah also adrian delaney in the no not adventuring here sorry uh the schubert motorsport eighth place bmw for cord 60 the 241 the 21 as well which is one of the leading class cars that's charles putman who's just pitted they're under investigation the 28 these are all cars at the sharp end of the field so it is dynamic dynamic we're in there and the 2-2-7 as well this is extraordinary have they got their chord 60 buttons set at the wrong slightly the wrong speed that's team saw grensport again the other one of their cars [Music] they've already had one for the two to eight haven't they [Music] it's just seems a bit odd how many or suddenly said there's such amount of transgressions well that was a whole group of them at 22 minutes and three seconds 23 seconds 33 seconds 43 seconds and 24.98 so they went through as a group problem for the 55 car out on the circuit don't get much more detail other than to say that it is a technical defect for land graph they haven't had a clean run today in the pro arm section that's why they had the interest at the very beginning wasn't it without the front end damage on on the warm-up lap yeah absolutely i wonder if they did a radiator there that's finally caught up with them so the battle at the front of the field has stretched from 2.7 seconds to 7.3 seconds between max hesser and maxi goats just a further eight seconds behind seven and a half seconds at the line and the top three within 12 seconds then hassa and meese are having a great battle in the two audis this is not over yet is it this far from it far from it particularly not if there's a penalty on the bmw junior team i'm just i'm i'm just surprised john at those penalties you just read out all being i mean four different class cards all four four teams all within a matter of seconds one another it just there's a pattern there that indicates to me that it's unlikely all drivers were wrong in that situation it's just almost like it's a timing glitch or something yeah it just seems more electronic to me than one of them i get but wow the audi sport team car collection fourth place number 22 christopher haaser ahead of chris meets by six tenths of a second as they went across the line in the battle for fourth just one spot off the podium at the moment and they're 20 seconds behind the last step on the box the pwt the team gets paid mechanics getting animated down in their pit area as they're watching their two drivers maxi court and shields goon on on full attack mode 32 minutes to go [Music] so probably four laps wikiboo has tweeted that rsl underscore studio using the hashtag rsln 24q said uh and this might be a bit spinal tap but did somebody get chord 60 k ph mixed up with chord 60 mph see you're on the right you're on the right theme yeah absolutely right it just doesn't add up to me or all all those at the same time being wrong there is a there was a little bit of uh given [Music] charles esplana down charles with a busy couple of weekends actually had their cheating you were talking about how flexible gt3 cars they were up in the preventing series for the double six hours for the 12 hours of spot finished second overall got a bit of clear track ahead of him at aaron bergs he drops down into the foxhole i think three laps to go at the end of this one um actually that is something that can have a crucial experience shall we do the class leaders as we're coming into the last half an hour let's do that v4 is the bmw 325i the number three two three just coming into the pitch for the lead of v2 front-wheel drive the 2-2-3 gt tyres motorsport vw golf they won yesterday that's the golf mark seven v5 is the adrenaline motorsport porsche kiermann the triple four 396 is another adrenaline carton of the class leader during 55th position and they lead v6 with that came in s 871 is the 5 leader for bmw m2 club sports that's another adrenaline motorsport team there in 51st inside the top 50 for the vt2 riot drive car the 330i the g20 ship guys another adrenaline motorsport class leader that's the number 330 in the 47th position schnitzel are leading with the two number two four four in the bmw 240i class they're in 45th alternative fuel is the porsche kiermann number six three three in 44th position the sp3t leader is still the wrx subaru the number one one four cup three four porsche cayman seven eighteen gt four club sports is the g tech competition car the two five three just outside the top 30 and 31 one place ahead of them is the sp 10 leader the aston martin vantage at amr that's the number 82 into the 20s now 27 is the tcr leader mark bessing for hyundai motorsport in the 8 30. teichmann racing has tim sandler behind the wheel of the cup s leader the 161 ktm crossboard just outside the top 20 at 23. and he is just behind another aston martin class leader pete would be happy about that sp 8t it's number 69 for door motorsports and into the top 20 class leader of cup two for gt for porsche 992 cup cars basically they can create a racing car uh and chris brooke who did that amazing lap this morning of an eight thirty one seven two seven is in the one two seven finishing that car's stint off true racing has the ktm crossbow gt two leading ex spx just outside the top ten at 12 and of course max hesse is leading overall by seven make that 6.7 seconds at the front of the field and there's just under half an hour ago if your prediction's right on laps to go john that will take us to nine maybe 20 laps completed not quite the 21 we thought yeah quick update on the uh 99 rover entry bmw that is back in the pits again so i think that that was a the two that had a we believe had a coming together in the pit lane but we can't believe we know there was a pit lane incident we think it was these two cars together they certainly came in together went into the boxes together and that one and the 99 got an unsafe release penalty correct yeah so the 98 continued but the 99 appears to have a bit more damage to it so that is back in the box again sadly so not a good day for rover racing uh replacement penalties coming in for some of the chord 60 violations that happened at the same time as our leader so this could be significant snoy non-respective chord 16 40 seconds for the 2-4-1 that's one of the adrenaline cars the ferrari uh that was it from a bit earlier on um it's kind of irrelevant now is it out yes but that was similar time to the first um 72 the first one for the 72 so they're catching up at the moment uh that's 40 seconds and 253 also 40 seconds the nine uh speed limit 30 seconds now when did that get assessed that might have been a pit lane speed limit actually just for this might not be over we we could be deciding this in the stewards room because the 72 still has two penalties hanging over it that were being investigated but there was a lot going on including clearly quite a serious incident with the 126 which may well have put risk control just behind a little bit and they're doing things in order now and we're seeing them coming through so let me scroll back through [Music] uh there were three three investigations on the 72 the first one i i have now seen no further action the second and third i've not seen anything leader in vt2 or one of the front running cars in vt2 front front wheel drive it's just lena and volker the strike chicks here that's uh volker getting into the car for the final stint that's father strike robin possibly joining them uh for the big race itself it's the one one zero opel astra all pc coupe pretty little car last 25 minutes across the line the 72 25 minutes on the money so 3 8 to 24 but last time it was an 840 yeah three more laps i reckon i'm just interested to see what pace these cars have got left the two get speed cars snowing have closed right up so it's chills going on he's got the hurry up at the moment and that means the top three that were 12 13 15 seconds between each other now just down to 10 seconds between the top three i keep looking back at the screen you do it you're making me nervous doing it the last one i've got is a 40 second penalty for no respect accord 60 for the number 20 that was it 22 minutes at 7 37 seconds past the hour of the alleged incident 22 minutes and 43 past the hour is the 72. what was the what was the 30 second penalty for john who was that too 40 seconds to the number 20. you mentioned the 30 second one as well uh 30 seconds was um the one zero nine that was a speed limit violation yes i knew there's something else in there still no word about the chord 60 investigation on the lead car at eight minutes and eight seconds past the hour and had hasn't come up no further yeah yeah [Music] well it could affect it but all you can do what max hassan can do is just keep his head down and keep the get the job done whatever happens it's been a cracking race and again we've seen several different answers to the question of how to get to three hours uh with your fuel and tires because the bmw junior team have done the same as they did uh yesterday which is six eight uh that's the start of the race it'll probably only be 686 whether it was 687 yesterday because of the amount of of court 60 that we've had in particular um it'll be 587 for the two get speed mercedes 686 for the 22 audi and the line speed car will be 686 as well by the way obama has been plugged in to the number 18 kcmg porsche he's half a minute behind the two audis that are battling for fourth and fifth and he's actually only a minute away from the leaders so if anything goes wrong here and any pen any 40 seconds penalty by the way if if maxes had got a 40-second penalty one it would push him down to fifth place [Music] from the lead if he gets two then he's going to be dropping down out of the top seven possibly even under the top eight as it stands at the moment [Music] i have no doubt that there are some discussions going on at the moment sp ten of eighty-one in an amazon hearts racing in the uh junior team garage as well have we now got a completely clear track peter yeah i'm starting to see some lap times speeding up a bit so the two the two amg's are heading down towards the bridge at the bottom of the hill it's uh right side father oh off the track for that was the shields goon on he's hit the wall i think into the exit at bright side now has he got away with that he's he'll be lucky if he has he got offline under the dirt and then slides perilously close to the right hand arm core there is a an entry there and there are some track vehicles that can come back off they used to be an entry for tourist yeah he's in trouble he's done a tire shield's goon on out to third this is third place disappearing for emg team get speed they have run a brilliant race he's pulling the car up it's not even going to finish there goes chris haaser car collection up in the third there goes chris meese i mean the fourth and it won't be long before bamba comes through as well that's gonna be a right rear puncture or even a suspension damage there if it's a clutch of the wall more like suspension damage so here we go he was catching his team mid he went wide and run down the barrier and cl oh he was so close to having an even bigger second he went over the bridge there wow he just got the right hand tires hooked over the curb there there is just a little bit of block paving and as you come down through x miller to the bride side of the the entrance and exit there and there's there's not even so one bullet in the gun has disappeared for team get speed now the two audis are just two seconds apart battling for third position and that means that alba's closed in a bit al bamba's closing up on everybody at the moment there's a habit doing that doesn't it yeah he's very good very good indeed in from the lead of tcr the number 831 i30 which means mark bassing will go back through to the lead in the elantra this is exactly what happened yesterday they were on different pit strategies so now martin ragging it right with right ragging he's catching ragging in the falcon porsche is catching the porsche kcmg porsche of bamba uh he was two seconds quicker than the kiwi last lap around so earl will be getting the hurry up from the team this is the fifth and sixth and best porsche honors [Applause] [Music] bergford yellow flag somebody's off back on again i think number 80 under investigation for guess what yeah caught 60 yeah that's the pro sport racing aston and that is a car that is second in its class at the moment simon balcan behind the wheel [Music] oh this is all going to be very tense at the end it would not be it will not be [Music] unheard of for penalties after the checkered flag does race control take that time to get it right and they are not afraid some series once you've gone across the line they tend to leave it alone yeah but that's not the case here certainly not and we've seen it before as you said earlier about the octane 126 ferrari that last year won a race on the track and then unfortunately it was decided after they've got a compound tyre wrong leader of the race 40 seconds that has been obsessed uh so is the 98 rover racing car saw max hesser across the line is now in sixth position he's behind martin raginger he's only four seconds ahead of the schubert motorsport car that's there's still one more i think to be assessed for that cut for that car that we haven't seen yet they had three investigations of code 60 violations the first one in the middle stint for dan harper was nfed no further action [Music] now whether this is the second or the third i can't tell you but i need i'm hoping i'm going to see something that says nfa but it what it's coming in order as i said before peter so 40 seconds would put that car just ahead of earl bamba as they've gone across the line now so that's going to drop him down behind the line speed car collection machine drama right at the end well well the bmws which have been so good have not had it all their own way this could be and how is jill gunnon gonna feel now knowing that they could have had a one-two for team gets beat yeah absolutely and there's a there's a code 60 for that car actually at bergberg yeah which car number four the mercedes yes yeah yeah they haven't they i don't think jules has moved very far that was the car that hit the wall and stopped yeah but i thought it got cleared there's a nail code 64 just ahead of it [Music] and there's lots of yellow around the circuit at the moment flansgarden as well one one four under investigation this this is bad discipline guys your team managers are not gonna be happy that's the subaru sp3t leaner and these penalties now they just go under your race time so these are absolute so maxi gertz is the effective leader of the race with just under 14 minutes to go [Applause] mercedes leads audi in second place chris harr's chris meese is actually 40 seconds behind max hesse so chris peace and max hesse are battling for the third step of the poor gym but they're 40 seconds apart we're 38 seconds apart now so mises ahead [Music] wow and there will be at the end of this lap two laps to go [Applause] actually depends when he comes across the line i've just said that so would it be too might be one more one more i think yeah because he's only halfway around non-respective chord 60 read it and wait i'm afraid for bmw junior team 48 seconds for the number 72 well the nurburgring keeps giving us drama and this is chris meese's chance to put two audis on the podium they are catching actually how far back is bamba another 30 seconds however if that second penalty gets assessed they'll go further back could have been a perfect weekend for bmw junior team they were immaculate yesterday weren't absolutely exactly the same same strategy this one today she said why change it they didn't and uh it just just hasn't worked out for them but infringement is an infringement i'm i'm stunned i mean 40 seconds is a it's a lot but you said it's a multiplier of how much speed you were doing for how long in that time it was the wheel of the car for the last two the first one which was dan harper's was uh discounted yeah nfa that was yeah it was investigated but so he's often required yes he crawls past the lookless chills going on and it slows on that shield's going on nailed on for a podium finish which has turned into what would have been a one-two yes exactly let's get speed so they did it a different way they were putting the pressure on the gap between first and second first second and third was only 12 seconds so maxesser has got to be given the hurry up by the team he cannot afford to take it easy there's still the chance of a podium here but he's got an overhaul chris he's got to put 40 seconds between himself and chris mace and at the moment it's 38 seconds there's only three seconds by the way between the two audis yeah so a bad lap by hazar and a good lap by essa it could swing we're going to be looking at the times here get the popcorn out and the abacus uh non-respective chord 60 for the 2-2-7 another 40-second penalty and the 2-2-7 is a significant number because that is the zorg rensport porsche cayman s that's been well up in the v6 category uh in fact it might even be leading that category v6 that's a 396 that's leading up that's not doing them any good is it wow so nine and a half minutes to go and the conrad lamborghini currently coming down the dolly get hurt slightly flat to deceive today but did well in the first two stints i've dropped weird down now for that car it's 27th now yep [Music] i think that might be yet another battle another significant penalty to come here [Music] i do i can tell the way you're hopping from one foot to the other are agitated by it i am i don't like uncertainty the this has been a great race i'm already very excited i always get excited about the nurburgring 24. all the 24-hour races that go who have different characters and different personalities whether it's the rolex 24 daytona the le mans 24 hours the nurburgring 24 hours they all have slightly different personalities dubai 24 hours barcelona 24 hours portimao 24 hours this year lamborghini yes off for the lamborghini got i think di martino there got slightly distracted by the bmw car in front of it while he was coming down into the dudlop hairpin at the bottom of the hill targets uh sort of target uh fixation there do you think peter possibly so yeah certain thing happened very strange there which we saw to unfold in front of us just didn't see he's about to catch up with that car now he's now drinking left and right and getting all the grappler to the various uh on the front of that lamborghini and probably whilst wearing it but he just didn't see the bmw what he did see the bender but that was the point but it was in the middle of the track and i rather dived down the inside and collected he went left which put it into the gravel so the bmw continues to live another day but the lamborghinis uh just uh added to its uh woeful weekend a couple of more chord 60 investigations of one penalty and it's a significant one for a team that we know very well first of all under investigation the one two five which is third in cup two the hoover motorsport porsche sitting in 24th position non-respective claude 60 for the number 21 two penalties here the first one for two minutes and 10 seconds the second one for four minutes and 10 seconds and respectively one and two dm sb license points uh and that the 21 of course is cp racing six minutes 20 yes on for two different penalties there they're still working through these and that that the second one of that for the chord 60 that was a 21 minutes and 51 seconds past the hour there's still another 72 penalty after that under investigation about a minute after that and they're working through these i i see logic in what's going on on the risk control feed and by the way thanks very much to uh nurburgring tv for uh giving us access directly to the risk control message board that the teams get something that we uh haven't always easily had before got that up in a screen here in the broadcast booth and that's been a great help here a great help here so i can't tell you which drivers have got the points there whether it's the same driver uh 1621 57 logo for that one and where's their second one the number 21 further back i think so this race as i said it could be decided afterwards the good news for max hesse is he's got his foot down the two audis are really close together and now he's in with a chance of holding on to second place maxi gertz is going to take the vic the victory as long as he stays on the track with five minutes to go but can chris harter and chris meese work together and not trip each other up passer 39 seconds behind the leader who has a 40-second penalty and chris meese 14. seconds behind the leader saw effectively 0.3 seconds behind the leader at the moment but can't see him of course and the two audi's together is to head up to the fluke plates on what will be their last lap so the leaders are on their last lap now time will expire on this lap and we will have done only 20 laps so that is a measure of you know good conditions yes but how much full course excuse me uh chord 60 and slow zones we've had quite a serious act accident for the 126 as well all clear now though john right oh it's another one this time it's the i mean i keep having to scroll back up and down to see these on the um on the race control screen just to try and keep up the date with what's going on the dynamic motorsport porsche the number 28 that's now under investigation that's the second time they've been under investigation in the last half an hour as well i've never i've never known it i have to say it's unprecedented yeah the the amount of infringement so it just just makes me from top teams and drivers as well story exactly my point and i'm not doubting the officials and the governing body etc i'm just the amount of them just surprises me gets paid car of maxi goats getting caught up behind class limits because that's that's where your teammate went off ultra careful through there classic laning golf there's a barrier there with a big magnet on it for pink mercedes yeah class leading golf in the um vt2 front-wheel drive the gt tyres car just gone past that saw a helicopter pilot understanding absolutely that the pink car is the leader as he passes his stricken teammate gets a little weird from jill goonam or he'll be sick as a pirate won't he that i mean all for losing a podium place it was looking like second maybe a challenge for the lead but it it would have been it looked like third rather maybe a challenge for second but now it would have been a challenge for the lead and what a great picture it would have been to have the two new liveries for this year on get speed coming to the line um no further action for the one two five okay so we've skipped down a little bit there two minutes to go max hesse will come across the line and 41 seconds now the gap so he's back in the second so max hesse for bmw junior team with a couple of really good laps third no second he's ahead of harter if it's 40 if the gap between first and third is his first so he's back in the second gertz leads hass is 41 seconds behind the leader uh so this is going to be very tight but the two audis are separated by half a second and somebody surely somebody's got to be on the hook the phone to the two chris's and say guys stop fighting get your foot down and yeah and and make some time up in this last half a laugh what they can't have now is any slow zones for them because of course although max hesse is is very close to them in time he's much further ahead of them on the track in fact hessel will be coming through any second now i would have thought he's 14 seconds ahead of maxie gertz so we might be seeing the lead car there will be a change in the end after the cars have crossed the line [Music] austraich for the bmw number 831 that he shares with auntie bernie that car oh that car back in the lead again mark basic oh yes of course we swapped them over at the pit stop didn't they i said that they did that yesterday the other way around they clock's about to stop john yeah it's literally seconds 20 seconds to go on your ticket where on your tracker where is uh hessa i answered my own question he's just on the dotting of her right now so this is definitely the last lap five four three two one get the man with the checkered flag ready for max hesse who will see it first but what position will he be first no second maybe third possibly fourth but it's in the mid it's equally he could be second third or fourth here and we won't know for about another 44 seconds so start counting when he goes across the line in terms of your stopwatch to the line second win on the road in two days the bmw junior team stops the clock now as he goes across the line in about 13 seconds time maxi goals will be the winner oh in fact he's even closer than that yeah so oh did did hessel lift off towards the end 15 seconds all right no he pushed on that last lap was at 8 15 to hesis 8 20 the two audis are battling but are they battling for second and third or third and fourth coming down to the last part of the circuit now the time is ticking away this is going to be very very close indeed need to be closer than 40 seconds here they come to the line and it is an 8 17. faster lap of the race for chris beast but he's not got it 41 seconds for him he will drop to third in fact he will stay in third and chris harter will stay in fourth position so by one and a half seconds courtesy of a storming last lap by mark hesse yes made the mistake but an 8 15 his last lap to an 8 20 for second and an 8 17 for third place so chris meese gets through on the last lap over chris harsa and the change happened that was that a lift by the leading audi audio was a stutter in the fuel because that was a change coming up to the kink from the two chris's so mace for lying speed is on the podium that's the two car collection cars i they swap rounds coming to the line definitely but maybe in doing that they've cost themselves a better position the result has already been adjusted on the screen and shaw's mercedes get speed winning by 24 seconds from the penalized bmw junior team oh i've just seen another penalty coming no it's the 2-4-1 that's 40 seconds stop it i know it could still happen oh my heart rate the two the two audi separated by half a second at the line the advantage of the third place on the podium going to lying speed then over audi sport tinker election kcmg 38 seconds further back nick tandy doing two stood till baba finishing it off martin finishing it off for the 44 faltman car a lot of big teams only getting one car home today after incidents then it was sheriff sport and the number 16 now the all of the legal athletes aston martin up to eighth position has it claw bring it home for tf sport two minutes away at the end uh ninth position for the number 20 sherbet motorsport bmw and rounding off the top ten the schnitzel racing emg two and a half minutes away everybody else was ear lap all more down spx winner the true racing ktm crossbow cup two winner in iraq and 19th overall there's christopher brooke he put in that stunning time this morning in the kickr mou racing ug cup car just ahead of nicholas johnson by well actually the vagaries of that i think nicholas was a lap down cup x was tim sandler bringing that tiger racing crossbow 161 home in the lead from the tcr leader uh the two ktms were just uh charlie the two hunters actually only about second and a half between them at the end of the race cup three for the kiermanns uh won by g-tech competition the 2-5-3 team well done to them pro sport aston martin number 82 takes sp 10 in 29th position sp3t subaru wins that one in 33rd in bmw 240i cutland it was the schnitzel racing teams or two wins for them 244 in 42nd alternative fuel was the four mortars porsche cayman 633 and 46th position the vt2 rear drive was a great battle all the way through between adrenaline number 330 in the 230 privately ended bmws the 330 in the 328 it went to adrenaline [Music] and third actually wasn't that far back either table rogue vent sport 16 seconds between the leading two in vt2 in 48th 49th at 50th position for the third cup five for bmw club sports the two the m2s that was won by adrenaline motorsports number eight seven one v six adrenaline motorsport porsche cayman v5 adrenaline motorsport porsche kiermann the 4-4-4 car pt two front drive 223 gt tyres that's a double for them with their golf mark seven the 325 eye up in the 60s today that was uh a good run for them they had the puncture yesterday and the other winners was that the last of the winners there v4 i think it was yeah so that's the last of the class winners there's still investigations going on and still decisions coming through on the screen snowy but as we stand at the moment provisionally it is the number three mercedes team get speed i think we can say that that is fine there's still a little bit of a sword of damocles hanging over the junior team with one more chord 60 violation to be either penalized or uh discounted no further action chris mason third for the rest of uh car collection third and fourth for car collection and kcmg coming home in fifth position top six mirador by another porsche fortman motorsports mercedes bmw audi audi porsche porsche well not quite the uh the bmw domination we expected or had seen yes they would have done it had they not had the penalty they would have gone through to that and taken taken that win but equally how close might have been though if uh if maxie goetz he lifted he was five seconds slower than the leader yeah on the last lap and i i don't think he was taking any chances no exactly it was going to be sort of sub 10 seconds um between the top two and he could have had jill schoon on in that as well of course yeah i mean the point is that the junior team have been possibly the most outstanding whole weekend they based it they've got the pace they've won both races on pace they haven't won it today on a penalty which is quite right so no disrespect to you know mercedes get speed team they deserve that what's interesting is then that we've seen at the top we've said haven't me too many times one two three and four one five and seven this that in the other it isn't we've got mercedes at the top bmw audi audi porsche's back in there again more audis and aston in the top eight always gonna say that the next m4 gt3 is the schubert car run down in their ninth place and then we've got audi's uh sorry mercedes again so it's uh it hasn't hasn't quite gone the way of uh bmw today uh late penalty coming in for pro sport in sp 8t the number 80 car uh two minutes 10 seconds and a license point demerit as well for that car so when i say this is not over i am by no means exaggerating here and where was that that was the penalty before the second 72 penalty so that's the next one that's going to be assessed i reckon but here's how it stands for the moment it was uh the mercedes team get speed with a different strategy remember there went uh long in the middle uh six eight six they went didn't they yeah um for for their run through and uh got them to the line ahead of bmw junior team and lion speed the top three making the top four actually within half a minute with the penalty applied to the pmg junior team i think true racing in the crossbow will be delighted with another um just outside the top 10 were the 12th yesterday they were 13th today the porsche cup winner craig kramer racing inside the top 20 fact two porsche cup cars inside the top 20 for the new 992 and three within the top 25. so all of the top seven and 11 of the top 12 are german cars tim grier says peter do you still want to believe that a non-german manufacturer can win the 24 hours your boyish enthusiasm said it's possible doesn't it yeah i'm going to stay i'm using the opposite word being it can win it thank you tim yeah you know no it's a very valid question it can do the again what you know the ferrari it was it was right up there that was a big accident we were really getting to the bottom no no no i didn't do that it looked like there might have been some other issues at the side of the track there but we've heard nothing from the organizers so the conrad's the conrad lamborghini you said the phrase yourself almost flattered to deceive yeah it's got the pace it's certainly got the pace with jordan pepper in it the point is that you did say it's a pro-am lineup so there's always going to be such a variation in that car's pace but it just doesn't seem to to to get there does it so who was the best of the pro arms was it the twin bush by the king for test the timing screen doesn't uh tell me about the pro-ams 11 is a pro-am uh 28 is a pro but they have problems they drop back didn't they well 28 was ahead of the pro arms okay 25 is that a pro-am no that's not a pro-am oh yes it is hoover motorsport i think it might be a huber motorsport that uh one pro it's uh that's the schnitzel arm car is a pro yes it is all right so i'm working my way up so 34 20 90. the tf sport car is that a pro no i don't think so no okay uh so i think the schnitzel car might have won that let me have a look at the 20 and see if that is in there it doesn't show up on the timing screen no i'm unofficially the schnitzel number 34 mercedes mg gt3 is the best of the pro arms i've got no further penalties uh yet but there are still penalties to be assessed i think um don't quite have the same system as we have in other series where it shows them being assessed and served and then you can go back oh changes changes what's happened there uh nothing at the top three no no it's all right kcmg's just been put in twice yeah i think it's just on screen updating yeah uh my heart did flutter when the screen flickered yes i will say that yes um i'm going to quickly i'm going to directly refresh my timing screen and see what it what it comes up like yeah so nothing has changed at the moment well we shall reconvene in a couple of weeks time when our coverage will start with a special midweek motorsport on the wednesday of race week race weekend the 26th of this month rinse and repeat for the coverage uh we're not getting the podium right now which suggests to me that something else is happening and they won't put the podium out until they've looked at all the the penalties here peter saw my summation and it was only that that there was still at least one penalty to look at for a podium finish in the overall i i think there's still one penalty for the 72 that needs looking at and that hasn't been confirmed one way or two yet so we're on our tenter hooks again i've stood up again i'm pacing again peter has raised an eyebrow no okay uh there's another refresh these are these are a lot of changes going on let's head down for the podium at least so third position [Applause] i'm so scared to say anything bmw team saw third position then onto the podium for car collection audi second the bmw trinity and it will be team get speed it will be the first win for the mercedes cmg team get speed in their news colours and sponsorship and it's the number three car so congratulations to fabi schiller maxie goetz who brought the car home and adam christodoulou who did the middle stint and here is the national anthem for the national league of the winning team team gets beat two four one those were the two flashes of the screen at the end which has changed everything the one one four was the leader in sp3t and that hasn't taken them out of it and the two four one that car being the uh the adrenaline motorsport machine i don't think that's cost them any significant position before the timing screen disappears as we're getting the presentations [Music] 241 was fourth position in the 240 class and third was uh well away from them so not a problem the winners they've got theirs first second slightly disappointed for them after a very very good weekend they do look very junior that tree as well don't they good job this race didn't go on too late because they have to be back to school tomorrow timing screams updated and it doesn't show junior bmw in second place anymore it's saying uh line speed car collection is in second place no i've just updated and it's gone back it's gone back to 72. i think when they're doing some of the updates they're not necessarily coming through 20 laps completed the margin of victory 24 seconds from mercedes team get speed there would have been one two if uh hadn't gone into the wall not sure why cart election swap chris meese for chris harrison maybe meese thought he could make up the second and a half or so to get him further up the field and drag the other team with them well hope you've enjoyed what we have been presented with this weekend i do hope i know this was a bit of a difference because of the 50th anniversary running of this race i do hope they consider keeping it because it's been a real festival of mortar racing uh no champagne spread there at the end the guys saving that for later my thanks to all of our technical support from nurburgring tv [Music] thanks and bye [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] defense foreign [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] rock and roll [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign under box you
Channel: Nürburgring
Views: 179,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nürburgring, Nordschleife, Racecar, race car, race track, Rennstrecke, circuit, Touristenfahrten, tourist drives, unbelievable, unglaublich, wahnsinn
Id: FHobEewLB_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 25sec (14305 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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