Live PD: Mama Is Mad (Season 3) | A&E

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- Hey, come here, brother. You all right? Why you smell like alcohol? You smell like alcohol. You sitting on the ground and I come up. You're throwing up, probably because you're drunk, right? Birthday? Hold old that make you? - Huh? - How old that make you? - Well, we got to talk to somebody in here because you under age. Where the alcohol at? Where the alcohol at? - I'm going to get to searching. - All right, all we're going to do is take it. We ain't trying to lock nobody up. All right? But we need to know where it's at because everybody in here is underage. - Where the weed at? Y'all smoked it all? - Y'all smoked it? Y'all got any weapons in here? Ain't no guns? I don't got to turn these mattresses over and all that? OK. [police radio chatter] - Whose gun is this? All right, everybody-- - Everybody stand up, turn around. - Turn around. Everybody turn around. Put your hands on that wall. Everybody turn around and put their hands on that wall. All right. You right here. You squeeze in right there. If somebody don't tell me whose gun that is, everybody in this room got to go to jail. - Bro, you fixing to go to jail. - Michelle. - I'm going to jail-- - Yeah? OK. What else in here? Anybody want to tell me what else is in this room? - All right, we got a second gun. Who take ownership of the second gun? [police radio chatter] That's yours? All right. Right now we've got a bunch of kids in here. Nobody is old enough to be doing any of this stuff. They're drinking. They've got drugs. They've got a bunch of guns. And that's just not acceptable. - Hey, y'all do so much lying, man. Oh my goodness. Whose weed? Whose weed was in the toilet bowl? Whose weed was in the toilet bowl? All right. - You got somebody you can call? - Yeah. - All right. Call them. If you need to, lend him your phone. You're so drunk, you falling over. Sit down in that chair. - Right now we have some possession of marijuana, we have some gun charges. And we're going to have everybody that's not going to jail call their parents to come pick them up. So that's where we're at now. - All right Mom, had a gun on him. - Shut the [bleep] up. What? - He had a gun. So going to-- [bleep] --for that. - --serious? - Yeah. - Oh my [bleep] God. What [bleep] - All right. I'll let you talk to him real quick before you go. - You know where the [bleep] you going? You going to [bleep] jail. Oh, you think this is a game. You think you going there with the [bleep] boy, stupid. This is big boy [bleep]. Where the [bleep] you get a gun from? You found it? And you think it was right to hold it and put your [bleep] hands on it? You don't know who the [bleep] had it and what the [bleep] was done with it. That could have been used in a [bleep] robbery or [bleep] or any [bleep] thing. And y'all putting your hands on that [bleep].. - I can tell you don't put up with this. I can tell this is new. - [bleep] - Yeah, I can tell this is new. - It's kind of nice to know that the parents actually care enough to kind of get up in them and let them know they did wrong because some parents just really don't care. - You know, they go down for 24 hours, they might see that it ain't nothing to play with. They might need that. The younger female, she got a ticket for her simple possession of marijuana. Both the young gentlemen, they're going to be going down to jail tonight for possession of those firearms. Now we're just going to get the room secured and we'll be out of here shortly.
Channel: A&E
Views: 12,457,458
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, live pd, cops, live cops, live cop show, police, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, police car, police ridealong, live pd weird, live pd drunk, live pd domestic, live pd knife, Live PD Season 3 Episode 06, Live PD s03 e06, A&E full episodes, live pd season 3, live pd full episode season 3, a&e live pd, live pd full episodes, ae live pd show, ae live pd season 3, livd pd Season 3 clips, live pd 3x6, Mama Is Mad
Id: o3szAu3D_7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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